Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker - Meteion concludes her report

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it's over hermes in the name of the convocation i hereby and setting aside the matter of your nomination you will come with us too we require your knowledge to assess and resolve the situation meteon i am so sorry but that i could have listened to your report in full reflected upon its meaning and conveyed it to others that they might reconsider their chosen course [Music] but i have failed and that wish will never be realized however there our fates become the province of others i bid you tell me just one thing was there happiness in those distant stars was there a reason for living [Music] we conducted our search as per your instructions we scoured historical records communed with the spirits of the deceased heard the final testaments of the dying welcomed their shadowed hearts into our own one race had striven to create a world bereft of animosity they renounced relationships to avoid interpersonal strife and in so doing brought about societal collapse one race had renounced war and devoted itself to the enrichment of its people they were conquered though they destroyed the enemy in reprisal they could not regain their former glory [Music] one race had concluded that finite time was the root of all woes aspiring to shatter its shackles they went in search of infinity they discovered nothing is infinite and that neither time or death can be cheated disillusioned they gave up on the future and themselves one race had discarded all things that gave rise to sorrow hoping to have only joy they found joy lost its savour in the absence of sorrow and lost their will to live the worlds apart these people shared a belief the belief that they had tried their best that they had tried to fulfill their potential with every step and success in the course of which they learned the truth that they would never be friend of fear and sorrow anger and despair of loneliness so long as they yet lived even now their souls cry out for oblivion and to this song of anguish i lend my voice we lend our voice oh beloved mankind shimmering jewels of beautiful affairs rejoice for we will free you from the cruel yoke of existence there is no need to struggle in vain foreign awaits salvation you will know peace and serenity [Music] and it will be beautiful [Applause] we will make our nest at the edge of the universe and there in the dark of dead worlds hold sorrow and suffering [Music] there we will sing our chorus ever louder and ever clearer that our song may reach even this if the shrouded star [Music] such is the answer we have found in the stars such is the gift we now offer to the ferris [Music] who were you to decide our fate to decree we live or die [Music] have you lost your mind you heard what she said she means to destroy us all yet you'd still take her side [Music] we have discarded those creations that we deemed if we ourselves are floored does not stand to reason that we too should be discarded that is sophistry and you know it perhaps it is perhaps i am wrong but who is to say that you are let us settle this with a determination [Music] in my authority as chief overseer of elpis i will make a judgment on man's fitness to exist if he can learn to value all life and retain his will to live even should his end be justified he will surely find a way to avert his demise if not he will perish and starve as with all determinations provisions must be made to ensure fairness kairos awaken [Music] memory reconfiguration system kairos activated awaiting instruction command universal memory alteration target area katissa's hyperborea starting point arrival of emmett's selk the convocation at properly [Music] raise the memories of all events and replace with a vague recollection [Music] i was here preparing to demonstrate the functionality of kaios to em itself and hit the decks meteon's shared consciousness became unstable she and her sisters could not sustain their existence the lord dissipated the burst the resultant shockwave accidentally triggered kairos which erased several days of memories from all present execute command acknowledged initializing three processes remaining to execution bravo i dare say one would be hard pressed to make it fairer everything that you told us everything that has happened the fact we've even met it will all be gone won't you come with me if you were to shed your flesh i should be able to carry you [Music] i will remain as a man i will oppose the oblivion you bring silly fool had you said yes i would have granted you the gentlest end [Music] this ends here fly meteor that is far enough hermes [Music] argos to me first process complete two remaining two execution of memory reconfiguration as if we needed more pressure [Music] no matter what you cannot forget what happened today for it is the key to saving your future your world this fight is powerful what comes after our problem to contend with not yours no your own struggle awaits and no one else can take your place you must flee this place and i will see that you do now then where is it there you are my little confluence almost you may elude us this day but not forever meteon's gotten away second process complete one remaining to execution no time for brooding listen well beyond lies a spatial confluence that connects the interior sections of this building i will destroy the confluence and force outside when i do you must jump through [Music] i cannot tell you how sorry i am but neither can i let you escape [Music] too brave by half exemplary work as always emmett selk what but how i thought the confluence was over over there yes we were rather hoping you would it was never anywhere but where it is now the instant those two began making their way towards nothing it was clear the plan was a diversion i'm quite incapable of destroying a confluence i must confess a gambit brazen beyond words though we've grown accustomed to reckless improvision due to the antics of an incorrigible associate though in the case of certain present company incorrigible is an understatement honestly i'm beginning to suspect it's a requirement for every asset [Music] there's no time quickly even now i do not believe your tale i would not suffer us to walk such a wretched path still if it must be said do not squander it the legacy i leave you final process complete executing universal memory alteration go our boss i'm fine just a little tired can it be true are we the only ones left you see beauty in the world in life are the stars above no more than husks of fallen civilizations and yet i feel her [Music] though she is unimaginably distant i feel meteon's presence and the place where too we must go as she made good her escape i placed an enchantment upon her one which allows us to follow her trail she has already left the outermost bounds of a theorist and continues on her way given the vastness of the universe it will still be no easy feat to track her down but thanks to emmett selk and his ladies all is not lost we remember so long as we remember our fates remain ours to shape [Music] what indeed let us begin by ascertaining the situation at catissus hyperbaria where the others should still be [Music] given the likely state of their memories however it would be imprudent for us to approach them directly in which case [Music] i am sorry my friend i've asked much of you this day but may i trouble you one last time [Music] [Music] argos will investigate in our stead we will share in his consciousness and see and hear as if we were with him now close your eyes and open your mind [Music] [Music] thank goodness you are unharmed unharmed there is a gaping hole in my memories i can scarcely remember arriving here in elvis forgive me i was preparing to demonstrate the functionality of kairos to our guests but meteon her shared consciousness became unstable and she [Music] she so that's what prompted the state of alert [Music] and when you went to investigate you were caught in cairo's accidental operation so it would seem it's all a blur to me [Music] such an unfortunate accident oh and what a vanilla and your other companion you went inside together as i recall we did [Music] if fanart was with us i have no recollection of it but that there is her familia is it not the fellow seems happy enough so i think it's safe to assume his mistress is well i haven't the slightest notion who this other companion might be however ah well that individual struck me as a bit different for want of a better word perhaps it wasn't actually a person but some manner of creation curious i must ask vanara about it when next we meet [Music] yes yes you do that now if we may tend to hermes whatever this meteon did it seems he bore the brunt of it once you are fit to travel you will return with us to amarot we need to make certain there are no other ill effects also i am here on business of the 14. we've already had the conversation like as not but since your toy wiped my memory we'll have to have it again [Music] yes of course as you see fit this kairos it manipulates memories through the emission of etheric waves correct there is a theory which holds that memories scoured by blasts of ether are restored when the soul is cleansed in the underworld [Music] if true then perhaps when our time comes to return to the star we shall remember these few days we have lost i doubt ought of interest occurred look forward to the revelation if you like but i should prefer to reminisce on more meaningful moments [Music] let us rest if only for a while after all you and i oh we still have a long long way to go [Music] you
Channel: SemigoHb
Views: 134,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ffxiv endwalker, meteion, emet-selch, final days, endwalker, hermes, fandaniel, final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, yoshi-p
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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