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i cannot believe it's finally here hey everyone it's cupcake i hope that you're feeling like a snack because we're in for a treat yandere simulator demo is out i cannot believe there is a demo actually out it's been five years since i've last played this game we even made a song about it we did a cosplay for it and i'm already laughing at how demonetized this video is gonna be so yeah leave a like if you want to see more oh this is serious we're sitting down you know it's serious when we're sitting down fair warning this game is not for children so put your headphones on put your headphones on mm-hmm that's right i don't have kids i ain't your mama i ain't trying to be i'm like your cool sister andrew something oh my gosh look how beautiful the screen is oh my god the music [Music] [Music] seriously feel like i'm gonna cry i'm gonna shed a tear the nostalgia is hitting me hard oh my gosh hopefully senpai notices me youtube algorithm you can help senpai notice me by interacting with this video and watching all the way through all right here we go oh there she oh look how clean this looks oh i love it that's my chair oh wrong oh no for as long as i can remember i've always felt empty incomplete like a part of me is missing this hollow feeling has dominated my life i've never been able to feel anything intro though my world has always been cold dark silent and then one day i found him okay i freaking love this intro my though was filled with color and light it was like i had opened my eyes for the first time i felt warm i felt complete i felt alive he is my escape from the cold gray empty world i've been trapped in he is the one i've been waiting for the person i want to spend the rest of my life with but someone is trying to take oh there she is the newest edition haha she wants girl but not in the same way that i'm so ready for this i'm gonna fight for you the way i do no one can have my man doesn't deserve him oh he belongs to me oh i have to stop her even if it means hurting her even if it means killing her oh loki i mean hi very excited for this he will be mine oh shoot oh shoot he doesn't have a choice yes get him girl go get him go get him but just want to say you don't need a man or woman to complete you but i mean go you all right week number one i mean we only got till i'm in friday room okay all right we got let's take a look at our senpai shrine i don't have anything here oh except for this picture we need more in our shrine this is the saddest shrine i've ever seen [Music] oh i forgot you can do this i don't have any other panties guess i gotta be boring oh we're here it's been so long look at all the students wow oh there they are over there huh school rooftop at lunch time stop being so difficult just be there all right oh don't keep me waiting okay dang girl i'll be there good all right the rooftop the rooftop at lunch time wait i'm gonna go see what she's gonna say let's go see what she's gonna talk to i think you were a bit harsh just a bit i know i feel so bad about it but i didn't do it on purpose it just happened every time i think he's about to realize how i feel about him i get afraid he'll reject me she's so aggressive makes me feel oh okay all right okay i wasn't listening no no i was not i was not oh hello i got a picture we're sending it who is this girl shiromi oh she's dangerous carrie's pepper spray i didn't just take a picture of you hello student council wow girl they're very suspicious of me what what did i do what did i do seriously though who authorized them to carry pepper spray at school wow i love it in here is that is that senpai oh my gosh it's so pretty there's i'm so overwhelmed oh what is that what is that can i have one of these hello why do not give me one okay i don't know what i'm supposed to do it's before class i feel like i don't have a lot of time i don't even know which class i'm supposed to go where is everyone where does everyone hang out where's this music coming from is it upstairs [Music] what oh it's her oh excuse me you bumped into me with your tights who is she you're cute we're building up our reputation oh what's this is this a hedge maze oh my gosh [Music] is there anything in here or am i just gonna get lost i'm just gonna get lost i need to leave oh my gosh look who it is look who it is i haven't seen you in so long oh here it is my desk i found it all right let's put some points what do we want to level up how about all right i'm doing psychology let's do some points in psychology and then a point in language think that's pretty good okay osana oh she's right there it's time you can do this it's lunch time what is she doing let's let's talk to them i didn't even get to talk to them oh i guess i can't talk right now oh hello hello hello where is she going what am i gonna do all right let's just go let's go follow have a little look-see shall we have a little look-see just like you asked here what's this it's a bento stupid oh girl you made me lunch don't get the wrong idea i didn't make it for you i just i'm just so much food this morning casually standing oh cool thanks a lot just shut up and eat it so one thing i like that yandere dev added is the schemes kind of guides you into explaining what steps you need to do rather than guessing uh so i need to expel osana so i'm gonna go report let's go i'm gonna go report her this is supposed to be at 12 30. i'm gonna i'm gonna be a rat let's be a rat where's the teacher teacher i'm telling the counselor's office what can i help you with panty shots what the heck [Music] panty shot how do i do that oh this is where i'm supposed to tattle on her but i don't know i don't know what panty [Music] like her panty shoe i don't know so that's why i need to go tell on her i need to talk to her we need to like be be friends maybe i already messed up i feel like i've messed up already can i talk hi you look nice yes you look nice too you can't talk right now what are you guys talking about important things my leg looks broken oh i giggled i'm just giggling can i be in your conversation do you have a task for me now that you mention it yeah there is something i need help with i lost my phone charm your phone it's in the shape of a cat huh i know that i lost it somewhere in the hedge maze but i don't want to go back in there it's scary and the hedgehog you'll get lost and be stuck in there for hours i feel bad for asking but would you be willing to go into the hedge maze and get my phone charm for me yes girl i'll get it for you really you'll do it you're a lot more brave than i am good luck thanks let me awkwardly walk away she doesn't suspect a thing we have our first mission is this the hedge i found the gardening center my friends i'll be back let me go find this ring before she leaves whoa this is so cool oh i remember the swimming pool um ring a bell wait where's the freaking hedge maze there's a map oh my gosh there's a map we've been playing for a dang hour and i didn't even know that that was the thing huh okay can i look inside the the map hedge maze maybe i gotta go in the center you can seriously use this to cheat let's go this way i'm cheating we're looking at the hedge maze map so it legitimately just shows me inside of the map i feel like such a cheater but it's okay oh oh i found it i found it we're gonna be best pals once i get out of this memes osano what's up where'd she go there she is i found it i found it can we be friends my gosh you actually found it yeah wow that's amazing thank you so much i did it accomplishment now can we talk more what's this ask for a favor i don't know what i'm gonna ask distract follow me go away oh i don't know okay sh i don't know what kind of favor to ask for but maybe our reputation is building with her no no i don't know hello friends oh look oh hello dear hi welcome to the gardening club i'm gonna get some info for more than happy to tell you a bit about us to sum it up we plant flowers create hedge artwork and grow veggies if you join us you'll have full access to our shed greenhouse and garden i'm gonna join would you like to join us yeah that would be so delightful why not carry gardening equipment anywhere without being suspicious sure oh wonderful i don't see why not the gardening club now i hope you enjoy your time with us oh do i get a snack what kind of school is this where they feed people snacks on a platter i can definitely see um this coming in handy whatever this is i can go inside of the greenhouse is there anything in here i just wanted to become a gardener what's in the shed oh okay [Music] and i can carry any of these around without getting in trouble [Music] wow i'm gonna take that we also have bleach uh i can set someone on fire with a jerry can and i won't i'm not gonna be suspicious at all don't be suspicious i'm just a gardener what i'm a gardener i'm a gardener oh my gosh a gardener guys i am sorry to interrupt this video but i had to leave so i saved the game and i came back and it didn't save it's starting all over but that's okay i was considering restarting the week because i feel like i was falling behind on stuff so we got this we got this starting fresh so while they're talking i want to join a club let's go ahead oh we're planning to reject the proposal for an occult club but the headmaster himself authorized it personally oh he said that there was no harm in allowing the students to research fictional things in their spare time someone's going to catch me eavesdropping good to know good to know i don't want to get too distracted i'm going to join the can i join the gardening hello hello hello let's join would you like to join us yes yes i love gardening thank you don't mind me i am just going to go into the shed now that i have access to hmm what do we want rat poison i'll take that i got what i needed let's go back so i don't miss any conversation i have a little flower in my hair oh look i'm in the gardening club got a flower in my hair okay wait where did the girls go where's osana oh geez we gotta find them i feel like i need a weapon of some sort is this my class oh here's my class oh look there left stuff here there is stuff here um add poison yes we are poisoning their boxes because she gave senpai she gives senpai a bento box so hopefully i don't kill him hopefully he just gets sick so our goal today is to get senpai to reject osana we poisoned the bento already on tuesday at 1 30 we have to ruin book i have no idea what these are but it's gonna take the whole week so i better not make a mistake all right i think i'm gonna fast forward to lunch so we can get the poison what's going on over here hello wow i can't talk to her okay let's talk to them hello you look great what did you just hear um oh did i get caught you've dropped why didn't they get caught eavesdropping all right so i'm gonna start class and i think i'm gonna put some points into let's put some points into language it's time it's time girl it's time let's see if this actually works let me go get a good seat i wonder what he's gonna think how's that taste how does that taste wow this is delicious what really eat really yeah it's great but i you should oh god am i gonna murder senpai i think i just murdered senpai or did i poison hers i think i poisoned hers uh [Music] she's not saying anything oh her stomach oh girl you okay you okay uh are you okay hello no one's gonna i'll follow you are you you want to talk right now okay she can't talk she's run into the bathroom i'm just gonna make sure that everything goes as planned so you can lay off my man is she throwing up or what's happening oh oh oh that sounds uh hello are you okay she just throw it all up does she just throw it all up or is there anything in the toilet okay okay i'm i'm really confused right now is she gonna be okay let's follow it sounded like she threw it all up i don't know what that sound was though sounded like a demon or a man you know i'm not here to judge people and the way that they sound when they they throw up but she's at her desk i'm so confused right now so i guess she is okay we're gonna follow her see let's see what she's up to i'm sorry osana but oh i overheard your phone call earlier today you sounded really upset is something wrong i well yeah i do have a problem but i'm not really sure if you'll be able to help me okay it's a new day this it's a very special book my sister gave it to me really what's it called what's it about if you're really interested i'd be willing to let you borrow it but you have to promise to take good care of it of course i'd take good care of it all right so now i gotta figure out how to sabotage this book how was how we gonna sabotage this how did it go asana it actually went surprisingly well he'd let me borrow something a book it was a gift from his sister wow really oh are you going to read it right away nah i'll wait until lunchtime i'll read it at the fountain in the same spot where he spends most of his time it'll make me feel closer to him at the fountain girl you don't say hopeless romantic all right make sure to be careful with it if it's a gift from a sister it's probably really important let's burn it maybe i can get water on it or something i i honestly don't know don't know how i'm gonna do this she's gonna sit there and read it there's the book can i accidentally trip let's see what's so special about this book she's done reading it that's a great time for a yeah great time for a break just stretch girl just stretch can i pick up the book or oh i'm gonna wait till they leave are you leaving the book oh we're pushing it in literally just pushed it in all right get it nice and soggy i feel so evil what's she gonna do oh no oh he's gonna be so mad oh look at you walking so defeated oh oh for you okay it's wednesday we're getting closer to the deadline and he shots how am i gonna do panty shots it's in the morning oh geez is someone doing panty shots is it the guy with the camera we need to find where to get these dang panty shots from who has the panty shots am i supposed to take panty shots and put them in her locker which locker is it which locker is it i guess i'm gonna have to take panty shots oh geez there's her locker oh oh how nice how convenient huh all right so we found her locker this one i don't know um find student locker i have no idea how to find student lockers but i know hers is this one i'm about to do a panty shot right now and i'm just gonna say don't ever do this this is just a video okay i don't know i'm gonna do this i'm so creepy okay let's try it let's try from this angle over here maybe someone's gonna stop over here and i just gotta be low did it nope nothing i'm getting close [ __ ] how do i do it oh wait oh oh so close i can't believe i'm doing this [Music] nope okay let's try it now oh she's coming back down great who would have thought this would be so hard i feel like such a creeper what is this game doing to me oh no i'm running out of time where am i gonna find these shots okay let's check out the clubs maybe the clubs outside maybe someone's gardening or something maybe i should have got them sooner i just i didn't know i don't know i don't know if there's specific places to get them i've dropped the ball i've dropped the panty ball what's on the floor over here is that a cat it's a kitty cat oh what is this oh my gosh why is there a kitten why are you here it's a photo of kitten whose cat is this i'm so sad no panty shots for me everyone there's no way for me to get lower it's already time for class i've screwed up i've ruined it i guess i can just follow her and see where she goes to plan for other things i want to see if the cat's still there oh are these what's what is that a it's not what why am i on the floor why am i on the floor i didn't know you can get on the ground i didn't know you can get on the ground oh i lost them i lost them where they go where did they go i got one day left i don't know if i'm gonna make it i didn't get panty shots good then you're gonna go see a movie with me huh you mean like a date idiot it's not a date i'm gonna go with my friend but she had to cancel you're only coming with me so that her ticket doesn't go to waste got it well it's not like i had any plans okay i think this is oh sabotage 5 30. okay if you say so he said yes it's actually happening i'm going on a date with senpai congratulations see i told you there was nothing to fear the last three times i went to a theater to watch a movie i fell asleep and woke up during the credits what if it happens again during my date i die of embarrassment ooh maybe you should take a nap before you go to the theater do you think that would help yes that's a brilliant idea mm-hmm the school rooftop is a great idea i'll take it out there after cleaning time i'll watch over you and make sure that nobody disturbs you while you're sleeping by the way are you still interested in sunbathing at the pool during lunch time oh definitely i'm looking forward to it okay all right so we got lunch time i gotta get rid of her how are we gonna get rid of her let's go to lunch i need to see what's gonna happen oh okay time to change my swimsuits this is gonna be interesting i like how this group of guys is just sitting conveniently near the pool where all the girls in their swimsuits walk by conveniently is this all that's happening we're just chilling wait where's your friend hold up what okay wait she's sleeping where's your friend what is she doing over here oh well she got stuck all right since she's not here can i take her phone or something or what can we do let's talk to these girls they look nice is there a task that i can do like oh my god have you seen hoard of purisu she's so creepy even worse whenever she's not in class she like runs off and hides somewhere what the hell is she up to i bet she's got a dirty little secret okay so these girls are definitely finding her hiding spot and snap a photo of what she's up to i'd so totally be your best friend forever so okay sure hurry up so i can spill the tea girl my goodness gracious okay she must be around here somewhere there's a closet over here oh wow outfits this is for theater oh is there someone over here this would be a good hiding spot right let's check the closet that's a very big school to search oh look at this no my physical stat is too low oh well now i know where i need to come if i want to drown her noted build up physical strength okay let's see if i can do this i don't know if i can cause her friend's gonna be there so okay sleepy time how am i gonna do this hmm can we talk to her she's sleeping please try to be quiet all right can i just talk to you for a second all right so she's guarding her stretching [Music] what if i like what if i go over here and we we giggle or something maybe she'll come and investigate it i think this is my chance okay i'm going to have to i'm gonna have to act i've been playing very nicely and you know it's now or never never all right here we go okay here's my chance here we go now we're never how do i how do i do anything i just wanna talk i just wanna i just wanna talk i can't f oh okay i got a f oh oh she woke up oh no [Music] oh i didn't know she was that strong [Music] i was just reset the day let's try this again all right we're here again she's sleeping this girl is just walking by i think we might have to come up from behind let's try coming up from behind where she least expects it i don't know if i came from behind last time but i also put some points in biology so i know how to attack people better but i don't know if it was enough we'll see she's sleeping please try to be quiet i'll be quiet okay here we go are you crazy i can't get rid of her how am i gonna get rid of her i didn't know she was she was a master in martial arts if i would have known that i would have put more points oh geez i'm never gonna be able to reach senpai this recording is going on way too long it's been four hours okay maybe i chose one of the longer ways to get senpai to love me and um i don't think i'm gonna do it so i'm gonna end this episode here see how you all like the video if you like it i will continue it i i'm this demo is huge there are so many different characters and story lines for me to follow we made it through a week but i'm gonna call this one thank you all so much for watching and i'll see you all later bye
Channel: iHasCupquake
Views: 216,523
Rating: 4.9600124 out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, yandere, sim, simulator, yandere simulator demo, demo, osana, osana ending, sabotage, poison, ihascupquake yandere simulator, ihascupquake, cupquake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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