Converting the Energy of Imagination | Hello Tomorrow | Dr. Cindy Trimm

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welcome to the exclusive hello tomorrow teaching series with dr. Cindy trim are you excited to be here tonight this is part two in the series and we're learning so much we've just been dialoguing here in the room tonight and they're so so so many powerful principles that we're gonna be implementing as soon as this session is over and dr. trim is getting ready to release more of them right now you know if you've order already ordered hello tomorrow I encourage you why don't you go back online and order a couple more copies to pass out to your friends let let's spread this message of empowerment so that you can be elevated with those around you and so you can move forward together and progress together and you can have vision together let's bring our whole community with us maybe you're a pastor let's get hello tomorrow in the hands of every person in your congregation you can go to Cindy trim to purchase those are Amazon wherever books are sold are you ready for part two in the room I want you to keep that applause going let's welcome best-selling author dr. Cindy trim we're so excited to be here especially as it relates to my life group and all of the book clubs did a meeting around the world and all the life groups that are meeting all over the world in England and Africa and in Asia and in Europe and Bahamas and Bermuda all of the world there are life groups that are meeting all over the world simultaneously and I'm so glad to have an opportunity to do life with you I'm excited about my new book hello tomorrow the transformational power of vision and this book means everything because to me because it's the long-awaited sequel to commanding your morning so many people we're calling in writing in emailing asking when is the next book or the sequel to commending your morning coming and here it is your tomorrow does not have to look like your yesterday and I'm excited about it and so today we want you to be focusing on this fantastic book and you're going to be able to read from chapter to chapter to chapter and I didn't want to just go over chapters but I wanted to give you something fresh and something new and some things that are not in the book so that when you read the book you will be so charged up and the revelation will be popping off of the pages that your tomorrow will look nothing like you yesterday but let's pray our Father God will give you praise and honor and glory thank you for the time allotted in what you have called us to do it is not by I might know by our power by the Spirit by the Spirit of the Lord thank you for a fresh anointing and as we share about the wonderful mystery and the wonderful catalyst called vision we pray that lies will be changed and transformed in Jesus name Amen well let's go directly to the Word of God it's a scripture that we left off with the last time we are together we're gonna start off with that same scripture and springboard into our lessons so that you can have a better understanding of what we mean when we talk about vision and how you can be a visionary how you can get another vision for your family for your children for your community for your government for your industry and for your own personal life I believe this is a generation of visionaries people have up until this point been blinded by disappointment and anger and revenge and regret and all kinds of things are blinding us but I believe that God is going to give us open eye revelation where the eyes of our understanding will be enlightened and we will behold the wonderful things that God has prepared for us in the future by way of a vision first Corinthians 2:9 to 12 says but as it is written I have not seen nor ear heard neither has it entered into the hearts of men the things which God has prepared for them that love him how many of you loved him today so that means that God has prepared some things for you you may not have gotten it but God is a God of preparation we know without a shadow of a doubt that if God can prepare a star for the Magi to follow to find Jesus thousands of years before it was needed God can give you heads up as concerning what is needed for you to be run head-on in a head-on collision with your future success and prosperity but God has prepared these amazing things which includes the life that we would live in the things that we would live to increase the quality not only of the life of our family and the environment that we live in but that the quality of our human experience here in this earth realm the scripture said but he had revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searches all things yea the deep things of God so we know that God actually refocused the lenses of our spirit from the natural to the spiritual or through to the supernatural and he does it as he helps us to discipline ourselves to to receive the vision that he had for us before the foundation of the world so God begins to refocus our the lens of our spiritual eyes by giving us a vision of future possibilities and potentiality so turn with me to the book of Genesis eighteen seventeen to nineteen Genesis 18 17 to 19 vision starts with a revelation so therefore a vision or personal vision is a divine revelation of what your future looks like a vision divine revelation of what your future looks like and then if he gives you a revelation or if he gives you a revelation of your industry or vision of your industry then it's an indication of what future industries would look like and this is what God did to a king Nebuchadnezzar he was able to take a man that didn't even really know him as the king of kings and Lord of lords he wasn't Jewish and so he had no respect for the God that we serve but yet he was in a position to influence the future so god did was to download a vision into his mind to show him the unfolding of human progress and the vision that he showed him out of the Book of Daniel was not only about how he would be a superpower but every superpower that will precede him starting from Babylon and then it went from the Medes to the medo-persians to the Greeks and then to the Romans and then his vision even encapsulated Great Britain as a superpower in the United States of America represented as the ten toes the United States represented at the tens ten toes God showed this one man who was not a believer how the world would unfold but he was narcistic he was stuck on himself so he builds this big image of himself and he had people bowing to him but history records how Babylon came to an end and was replaced by the medo-persian Kingdom and then of course that was replaced by the Greeks and and Rome and when Jesus came the the Italians were in control of the world they were the superpower of their day and then after the Italians came Great Britain and then after Great Britain we know that the superpower of our day is the United States of America so if God could take an ungodly man and show him how humanity will unfold and who the superpowers would be can you imagine if we discipline ourselves as believers what God will reveal to us about not only the unfolding of our lives but what about the unfolding of the life of your children your nephews your nieces what about the unfolding of the plans that he has for your community what about the unfolding of the plans that he has for our nation a lot of people want to live the American Dream but what if God wants to give you a dream for America you know what is he if he wants to show you what he he wants to do through you to push even United States of America to push our corporate destiny back into alignment with this original plan and purpose but Genesis 18 17 to 19 God is a God of Revelation he's a God that wants to reveal things to you verse 17 says and the Lord said shall I hide from Abram the thing which I do sing that Abram shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him for I know him that he will command his children in his household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he's spoken of him so now we see that God has a plan for Abraham he says shall I reveal to him I know that that that Abraham is gonna command his children I know that he's a man of justice I know his character and then he decides that he's going to reveal to Abraham the unfolding of his plan his future plan for his posterity and then he goes on and he tells Abraham Abraham look sometime in the future your family's gonna be in 400 years of slavery but after that I'm gonna bring them out they're gonna be a nation of priests they're gonna be very powerful and they're gonna be a dominating nation in the earth realm now can you imagine Abraham in his restricted paradigm and is the restriction of his understanding of what God was talking about can you imagine him and just saying hmm I wonder how this is going to happen and it's interesting because God's plan is going to come to pass because nothing and no one can stop him and this is the sovereign god when we talk about God God said those who do do know their God shall be strong and do great exploits so exploits our attention attention getting results so they're JA they when it means that you are engaged in an activity that that that is jaw-dropping it's attention-getting it's newsworthy and so everything that you do should be awesome because you serve an awesome God and you should want an awesome life and God is gonna reveal how awesome your life is about to be or about to become so God said shall I reveal this thing to him God is a God of Revelation so the word revelation comes from this Greek word apopka Luke tone Apocalypto and we talk about the apocalypse things that are going to happen in the future Apocalypto which means to uncover or to lay open it it has the connotation that it's it's hidden from someone like a secret but someone lets you in on the secret it means that God would hold things until you have the capacity to unfold things to be participatory in the things that are unfolding that weren't revelation is to make known something that is hidden in obscurity but it's disclosed unto you making known something that is unknown up until that point so time sometimes we are so blinded by our natural predicaments that we missed the revelation of the Spirit sometimes that happens so let's look at 2nd Kings chapter 6 verse 5 to 17 second Kings chapter 6 5 to 17 the scripture says and when the servant of the men of God was risen early and going forth behold a host compassed the city both with horses and chariots and his servants said unto him alas my master how shall we do and he answered fear not but they that be with arts are more than they that be with them and Elijah prayed and said Lord I pray thee open his eyes that he may see and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots a fire round about Elijah and so now here we are presented with a man that couldn't see to the degree that Elijah could see Elijah prays and he has this open vision regard in the realm of the spirit and he was able to see what his eyes previously blinded him to and he was blinded because of the challenges of its current circumstances when God gives you a vision vision is a faith activator faith sees what the average person is blinded to they see what the average person is blinded to do you not know that there were some people that look at you and they cannot see you being anything than what they what you are they're blinded to the powerful person gifted person talented person that you are and some people are going to regret that they didn't pay attention to you when you were blind because now that you can see and you could see your future there's gonna be nothing that will be prohibited you from accomplishing because of vision so Genesis 13 14 to 18 faith sees what the average person is blinded to verse number 14 says and the Lord said unto Abraham after lot was separated from him so an up until that point lot was a distractor God was trying to reveal to him his future plan and give him a vision of his future plan but here you had someone that was around him that was arguing and his staff was arguing and they were talking about is not enough space for both of us and instead of being appreciative to what God was doing Lots staff was complaining somebody's gonna have to move and it was a destructive for Abraham so after there was a separation then there was revelation there are some people that you will have to separate from before God will give you the revelation the Bible said lift up now thine eyes and this is interesting it means that his perception his focus was in the wrong direction and if your focus is going in the wrong direction you're gonna move in the direction of your focus I decree that God is redirecting your focus towards your future that you will no long be focused of based on things that around you or behind you you are looking ahead and you are looking up so the Bible says that lift up now thine eyes refocus your your eyes and look from the place where thou are don't look at where you are look at where you can be look be under where you are and where thou art northward southward eastward and westward for all the land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever and then God makes him a promise I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth so I will make means that it's gonna be a process and how God gets you from point A to point B it's a process you don't just have this vision and then all of a sudden show up there within the next couple of minutes of getting the revelation it's progressive this is progressive so that means we learned in our last Bible study that what God wants to do is to give you life strategies that will keep you in perfect alignment with his original plan and purpose and we we have to trust God because vision takes you into the realm of faith and faith sees what other people don't see they see your future they see that if you do this this is this is what's gonna happen and so God it said you know I want you to look at the dust of the earth so if you can number the the dust of the earth then you shall number your seeds arise walk through the land the length of it the breadth of it and I will give it unto you so God began to change the landscape of his life by changing the landscape of his thoughts because as a man thinketh so is he your feet will never take you where your mind has never been so God gave him this excursion he said I want you to walk the length of with the breath now we understand that he was talking about giving him dominance over all the world but there were mountains there were heels there were valleys they were seas there were oceans there were rivers there were streams and many of these mountains he couldn't climb in the oceans he couldn't cross so how did he see it how did he walk the line the brand and the width he used his imagination to do it you see vision harnesses your imagination and your imagination is an ideas generator so God said I know the thoughts I know the ideas I know the plans that I think towards you thoughts of good not of evil to give you to the expected and so God wants to give you a mental excursion of your future he wants to take you there he wants to show you and he's going to use your imagination you were going to daydream you're going to night dream he's gonna give you sparks of inspiration he's gonna give you ideas and thoughts and feelings and desires and he's gonna match them together and then he's going to give you the discipline so that you can begin to commit those images to paper so that you can make those things come to pass quickly so the Bible says God told him arise and whatever you see I'm gonna give it to you verse number 18 is telling then Abraham removed his tent and came and dwelt in the plain of many more now this is very important and then the scripture says of course which is in Hebron and he built there an altar unto the Lord now this is this is important because he didn't stay where he was the victim dictated motion the vision dictated motion people are stuck because they cannot see themselves living better going further doing more they were stopped but-but-but-but your physiology will follow your psychology so if you could get your thoughts right everything else follows suit so this word was a word given to Abraham and it was an invitation for him to imagine possibilities vision requires the use of your imagination and a lot of people think that your imagination has been but it's not Genesis 11 says the Lord said Behold the people is they have all one language and this they began to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do you know I'm gonna say it again nothing will be restrained from them which they imagine to do this vision is an invitation for you to imagine future possibility so all God was saying is this how you see your life unfolding is how it will unfold when your mind flourishes with new ideas and amazing possibilities your life will flourish in an amazing way when your mind is flourishing with new ideas and amazing possibilities your life will flourish in an amazing way I decree and declare that by revelation your business is flourishing your marriage is flourishing your ministry is flourishing your bank account is flourishing your children are flourishing your health is flourishing industries are flourishing friendships are flourishing your nation is flourishing your government is flourishing because whatever you imagine will emerge when your mind is empty your future will be empty so you've got to use your imagination listen your imagination is more powerful than your memory so forget those things which are behind say goodbye to tomorrow and say goodbye to yesterday and say hello to tomorrow imagination determines possession imagination determines progression imagination determines influence imagination determines power may God carve out 30 minutes every single day so that you can imagine your future I pray that God will give you 30 minutes every day so that you can begin to write your vision down I prayed that you will become an Imagineer yes you people actually what is your profession say I'm an Imagineer what do you do imagine future possibilities cuz if I can imagine it I can accomplish it whatever you can imagine you can accomplish you know again I want to remind you how you see your future unfolding is how it unfolds how far can you imagine can you imagine yourself moving forward can you imagine your community moving forward can you see yourself amongst the best if not the best in your energy industry can you see yourself as president and CEO of your own fortune 500 or 100 company how far can you see what can you imagine imagination is about how you see things happening can you see your products branded in the number one position in the marketplace can you see your name on the cover of a New York Times bestselling list can you see all the people's live you have touched change and empowered and influenced through your nonprofit organization through your ministry can you see yourself sitting on a yacht just sailing along the Mediterranean Ocean after you invited me to sail on your private lot with you I can see myself on your yacht right now can you see your face in lights or on the side of a billboard can you see the name of your business on a large corporate building that you own can you see yourself walking across a stage with your diploma in your hand can you see yourself as the partner in a number one law of what about owning that restaurant or winning the gold medal at an olympic game can you see yourself on the top of the ladder of success or breaking the proverbial glass ceilings with your high heels can you see yourself with the spouse of your dream and a happy family celebrates that setting celebrating your 30th anniversary can you imagine people singing your songs 100 years from now what about hosting your own reality show can you see that can you see yourself making this world a better place by giving back to society society in your own unique way can you see your bank accounts field can you see yourself standing in a stadium with millions of people listening to you as you deliver one of the most compelling messages anyone has ever heard can you see yourself on Broadway can you see the crowds going wild as they are inspired by you through dance and music can you see the sparkle in the eyes of children as you teach them can you see the gratitude on the face of a patient when you tell them that they are disease free and cancer free can you see your children growing up to be successful adults can you see your vision of helping of coaching of leading of writing of healing a preaching of teaching of driving or building become a reality imagine the possibility of vision is God's invitation for you to imagine the possibility god said lift up now your eyes if you can see it from your eyes then you can seize it in your life and if you can see it from the eyes of your own mind then you can achieve it because imagination makes everything possible you can live the life of your dreams and you can succeed vision vision is a catalyst that is designed to activate your faith vision is a catalyst that is designed to activate your faith and when you live by faith amazing spectacular things that happen to shock other people don't shuck you anymore they won't be a surprise because you imagine your life that way when you understand how powerful vision is you will no longer look at facts but activate your faith to come into agreement with the awesome plans God has for your life God's vision for your life is awesome and God is about to put awesome back into your life let's look at the book of Habakkuk chapter 1 verse 5 Habakkuk chapter 1 verse 5 the scripture says behold ye among the heathen and regard the wonder marvelously for I will work a work in your day which you will not believe though it be told to you in other words what God is about to do for you is going to be awesome you're gonna have an awesome future God is gonna put awesome back into your life you're gonna have an awesome ministry you're gonna have an awesome business you're gonna have awesome business up a to denie opportunities you're gonna have awesome children you're gonna have awesome health you're gonna have an awesome body you're gonna have an awesome marriage you're gonna have an awesome career you're gonna go on awesome vacations you're gonna have awesome friends you're gonna have awesome future you're gonna have awesome experience and how is God going to do it he's gonna give you an awesome vision he's gonna do it by giving you an awesome revelation of your future vision therefore connects you to the spirit realm and the spirit realm is the cause and vision connects you to the spirit realm by peering into your future it takes a snapshot of the unlimited potentiality that awaits you then vision comes back to you in your present and reveals to you the things that God has prepared for you before the foundation of the world it then reaches back to the finished work of Christ the lamb slain before the foundation the world and introduces that to you and your presence to bring everything that is misaligned into alignment so that God's original plan and purpose comes to pass unhindered unfrosted in the exact time that God originally planned for it to come to pass and it all starts with vision vision gives you a glimpse of God's future plan for your for you and provides you with the opportunity to structure your life to garner new strategies to write your vision and to pray accordingly God said to Abraham for all the land that bounce C it to D will I give it to repeat how you see your life unfolding is how it unfolds and one of the things I love I love quantum physics and quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be there where and how we observe it I'm going to say it again is the law of observation or the law of vision so quantum physics says that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be there where and how we observe it so what does that look like I was in London I spent a lot of time in London and I was on one of my diets and I'm on a diet probably every other month so in this diet I was eating grapefruit so I had grapefruits every day and in the United Stated States of America I was eating pink grapefruits and I eat grapefruits just about every day I love grapefruits so I eat pink grapefruits red ruby red grape fruits every day just about I'm going home to have ruby red grapefruit for the dirt desert so I went downstairs and I said do you have grapefruits and she said yes right over there so I go over and I'm standing right in front of some grapefruits but I don't see it so I go back and I said you don't have grapefruits she said yes it's right over there you were standing right in front of it and I looked up and on this or you can eat buffet I did not see a grapefruit until finally she took me by my hand and the exact place that I was in guess what was there grapefruits but they were not ruby red they were white grapefruits I'm gonna say it again a lot of us cannot see for looking because our vision looks nothing like our present it looks like our future and so our mind still wants to see our future like it is today and so we end up blinded to the very thing that God is revealing to us unless he takes us by our hand and say see it right there and this is the this is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit in your life he's the one that reveals it to you the woman brought me by my hand and revealed it to me because I was blinded by a paradigm that said the grapefruits are ruby red they were different from my paradigm so I was blinded so to repeat what quantum physicists l's us they said the act of observing an object it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be there where and how we observe it see it's not important that other people understand your vision it is important that you understand it it is not important that other people embrace your vision a lot of us are wasting our time why because people do not perceive our lives from the same perspective that God dogs they're limited in how they see our lives I'm gonna give you an example I wanted to know how to write a book I never wrote a book before in my four was had written a book and I said to him can you show me how to write a book but his perception of me was you are not ready so he said to me you're not ready to write a book so his perception of me is not being an author not being able to write a book that was his perception so he never revealed to me the trade secrets so God took me by my hand and showed me the rules of engagement for spiritual warfare and through blood sweat and tears I had to figure out how to do page 1 and page 2 in page 3 in page 4 and back in the day people how trade secrets to their chests they didn't give you access to their publishers everything was off-limits they you know had their own kind of network and they network amongst them but they weren't giving trade secrets away how many of you know God knows everything you know he knows every publisher he can hook you up you could be an overnight success and so through trial and error I wrote my book the book became a book seller I sold millions of copies of that particular book and then my that particular friend came to me and said how you doing this and I told him the same thing he told me you ain't ready for because he just he didn't he just didn't see me as an author but I saw myself as an author only because God revealed it to me via a vision how you see yourself in the future not how other people see you you've got to stop giving away your personal power to people how you see yourself in the future it's how you live how you plan it's how you love today how you grow today how you succeed today how you prosper today how you act today how to pray today when you are a visionary your today does not dictate to your future but your future dictates to how you live today you see people have it backwards people allow their today to dictate to their future but visionaries only allow their future to dictate to their today your attention to something informs your intention about something and literally creates that thing you want me say it again your attention to something informs your intention about something and literally creates that thing your attention to something in forms your intention about something and literally causes that thing to manifest so if you pay attention to your vision it's just a matter of time before your life is going to look exactly like your vision exactly like your vision if that which you gaze upon causes faith and on it will be replicated and duplicated until you are living an awesome life if if however what you see creates fear and dread conversely what is replicated and duplicated in your life is a dreadful life you've got to be able to see yourself as a capable human being able to surmount anything that life throws at you so this is what Einstein said e equals mc-squared you hear me saying it over and over again energy equals mass times the speed of light that means you are created in the image and the likeness of God he spoke words based on what he saw unfolding and it was the energy that transformed the world from being void and dark and empty into a world filled with beauty and abundance so you have to determine how you will convert the energy called imagination into its equivalent you've got to be diligent to sit down and write your vision because whatever you focus on today fuels the reality of your tomorrow this speaks to the power of vision let me give you one more Scripture Genesis 13 14 to 18 we read this already but there Genesis 13 14 to 18 God said in Genesis 13 after these things the word of the Lord came unto Abraham and a vision saying fear not Abraham I'm the shield and I exceeding great reward and then the Bible goes on to share with him look this is what's gonna happen what I wanted you to do is look towards heaven change your perspective change your focus and you will have heaven bearing down on Earth until you will live in a heavenly glorious state so vision gives you the ability to see beyond your circumstances to see beyond your circumstances again Elijah prayed and the book of second Kings six and seventeen God opened up his eyes and when Elisha prayed that prayer it gave his personal assistant the ability to see beyond his circumstances and I want to end with the prayer that that that that Paul prayed for the Ephesus church I want to pray this prayer for you and then what I want to do is to give you our scripture that we're gonna be focusing on in our next Bible study in the next book review we're talking about you finding a bridge that bridges your future with your present or your present to your future getting you from point A to point B and in hello tomorrow in our outline it says your first step for living the life of your dream is to build a bridge to your future and the first chapter it's your future own it it's your future own it don't let someone else own it number two leave ordinary behind you cannot have an extraordinary life by living an ordinary life you gotta leave ordinary behind and then number three set your course towards tomorrow stop looking at your rearview mirror start gazing at your future the road that lies ahead of you the the horizon of possibility that stretches out ahead of you Ephesians 1:17 2:19 Paul prayed a simple prayer which is a prayer that I'm praying over you the scripture said that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of your calling what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance and the same and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty power and this is my prayer that you would have an eye-opening experience that you will no longer be blinded by regret and blinded by your Koren second set of circumstances that God would download a revelation by harnessing your imagination and give you a vision for your future I pray that you will be discipline they are in our founding our God will give you praise and honor and glory in it even as we learn about vision even as we understand that it is a transformational as we engage our imagination through giving the Holy Spirit permission to reveal to us the wonderful things you have prepared for us before the foundation of the world I pray father that the blessing of the Lord will make us rich while daily Lourdes would benefit and that there will be no sorrow with it father I thank you that we would take the instructions given to her back off as instructions given to us that we would write the vision and make it plain upon tables that we may run with it because we know that the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the and it won't speak and it will not lie and though it Terry as we wait patiently it will surely come it will not tarry why because the just shall live by faith god bless you I want to thank you for joining us for part two in this special teaching around the the book hello tomorrow we are excited to have you on this journey with with us if you have a testimony as to how this book is impacting your life why don't you send us an email its info at Cindy trim ministries org the information is right there on your screen we would love to hear from you and pray for you as you're on this journey towards discovering the vision that God has for your life and walking it out - we'll see you next time for part three of hello tomorrow god bless [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 64,169
Rating: 4.8678994 out of 5
Keywords: Hello Tomorrow, cindy trimm, commanding your morning,, prayer, decree and declare, decree, declare
Id: 3ZdkksVSLRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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