RTX 4080 vs RTX 3080: The Ultimate Comparison

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the most exciting thing about a launch of a new generation of graphics cards is almost always the increase in performance per dollar because generally the new generation comes in at similar pricing to the previous generation but offers a lot more performance at that same pricing tier now there has been a lot of inflation recently but nothing that explains a twelve hundred dollar price tag tag on an RTX 4080. now it does deliver performance better than the previous generation Flagship but it's also significantly cut down in performance compared to the RTX 4090 which is currently this generation's Flagship and if I did a price to Performance calculation based on you know the last generation Flagship and its MSRP we might get different results than if we compare it to something like well its predecessor the RTX 3080 which is currently available still above its original MSRP which is frankly kind kind of disgusting but it is what it is but we will be comparing it to that in this video I'm going to release follow-up videos where I deep dive into the performance comparison against the 3090 TI and the RTX 4090 so stay tuned to the channel if you're interested in further deep Dives in this video we're looking at its predecessor the RTX 3080 looking at the 4080 looking at what sort of performance uplift we get as well as what sort of pricing we're looking at here what sorts of new features all of that and looking at is it worth it also when you're watching my side-by-side comparisons look at the frame time graph so a lot of people sometimes judge the smoothness of the performance in side-by-side comparisons based on how the video looks but keep in mind that the frame rate of the video you're watching does not match the frame rate of the game actually being produced so sometimes you'll see stuttery footage what was not stuttery on the actual variable refresh rate screen on which it was recorded So look for spikes in the frame time graph if you want to see Act actual stutters that would be more noticeable on the actual screen when playing the game also note that I'm testing the RTX 3080 12 gigabyte version not the original 10 gigabyte version and it's the gigabyte Eagle cooler and it's out of the box settings and it's kind of a middle ground in between it's a little bit faster than the 10 gigabyte version and a bit slower than the ti model so maybe it's kind of a middle ground for the 3080 lineup and also I'm testing the 4080 Founders Edition at its out of the box settings also this is uh the test system here is my R9 5950x with 3600cl16 memory so most of the time especially at high settings and at 4K were not CPU limited but I will actually bring up a few cases where we do get a bit CPU limited which is also an interesting test bed for dlss3 frame generation which is certainly something we'll talk about today um also I do uh I did record the footage on the each gpu's internal capture which can sometimes have a one or two percent performance hit now it's it's still and Apples to Apples comparison of both of them but without recording you know frame rates could be a tiny tiny bit higher overall so something to keep in mind let's jump into the benchmarks and then we'll talk more with my final thoughts at the end let's start out by looking at Unreal Engine 5 performance because a lot of new games will be targeting Unreal Engine 5 for their next-gen implementations and this engine features an amazing lighting system Lumen as well as nanite which can allow us to get incredibly close like you're going to see some fruit here in a second and you can fly right up to these fruit models at an incredibly High detail but you can just zoom into that kind of in real time using nanite now this is at 4K and this is the market of Light which you can find on Steam and it was built using an early access of this engine now a downside here is there's no adjustable graphic settings and this isn't really a game so I can't tell you exactly how this Stacks up against the performance levels we'll see in actual games there's also no dlss or anything like that for us to play with here but we are seeing both gpus delivering below a 60 FPS experience at 4K here although the 4080 is about 38 faster in most scenes let's drop the resolution and in this video we will be looking at Ultra wide 1440p because I think that makes a lot more sense than looking at something like 1080P and in this we're seeing both gpus doing a lot better and while I understand that this resolution isn't super popular overall if you look at the steam Hardware survey I think if you narrowed it down to people purchasing an Enthusiast class GPU then the percentage of people looking at Ultra wide 1440p monitors would actually be a more relevant percentage of the market here we're seeing the 4080 again about 38 percent faster and above 60 FPS while the 3080 is below 60 FPS and if we drop down to normal 1440p 2560x1440 we are now seeing both gpus doing a lot better the RTX 3080 gigabyte is much more close you know above 60 FPS well as the 4080 is giving a higher refresh rate experience also take a look at the power draw by the way um have you been noticing that the 4080 is delivering better performance at lower Watts now I will mention this is just what MSI afterburner reports on wattage I'm not measuring it from the wall or anything like that we're seeing about 37 faster here so pretty consistent in this demo but let's switch over to an actual like next-gen game now this isn't built on Unreal Engine 5. my understanding is that this is some sort of In-House engine made by this publisher but this is one of the most beautiful games I've seen and it's one of published just on the next gen consoles there's no backwards compatibility with the older generation and those consoles are only running this game at 1440p 30 FPS although I think there might be a 40 FPS mode the point is newer games will be more demanding now I'm running this at 4K native but with dlaa this game was updated and it removed the resolution slider percentage scale and it replaced it with like an ultra quality setting or quality that kind of thing but there was no way to just turn it off so I know dla is native resolution although it's more demanding than the TAA implementation so anyway we're seeing both gpus fall below 60fps here with the 4080 about 41 faster so it's an interesting test here and again if you look at the wattages the 4080 is drawing less power now since they were below 60fps I tried turning on dlss quality on both of them and you can see now that 3080 is about 60 FPS and the 4080 is well above 60 FPS if we drop down to ultra wide 1440p in the same scene we still see the 3080 below 60fps and the 4080 well above it and about 39 faster in this particular scene and if we drop down into 1440p again look at Native well with dla as well as dlss quality we see the 3080 still below 60 FPS at 1440p but with dlss doing a better job now even at 1080p this game is pretty demanding and we see 39 faster on the 4080 at equivalent settings both of them doing a good job but I think 1080p is going to be an unlikely use case here let's hop into an older game but still one of the more demanding ones and we're going to spend a lot of time here because this game has demanding just non-ray Trace settings but it also has very demanding Ray tracing settings it has a lot of options for us to play with and also it does feature things like dlss so we can look at upscaling techniques here we're looking at the 4K Ultra settings and we see that while the 4080 can be above 60 FPS at times that doesn't mean it's always above 60 FPS but the 3080 does not give you the ability to play this game at 4K Ultra with anything like a frame rate that I think most people would be targeting when you're spending this much money on a GPU and presumably 4k monitor that kind of a thing so overall once again we can take a look at the power draw and things like that now cooling wise remember my 3080 isn't a Founder's Edition so it's not quite a fair comparison but we do see the 4080 staying around 60 degrees which is really nice to see although this is a fairly short Benchmark overall the cooler seemed to stay cool and pretty quiet throughout the duration of my testing now here we're seeing about a 38 percent faster result and an average around 62 FPS here although remember the 4080 did have minimums that were below 60 FPS so in this test I decided to actually look at what settings would you maybe play this game at if you actually wanted a higher refresh rate experience you want you bought one of these gpus you wanted to play at 4K so here we're looking at 4K high dlss quality on the left and the right but in the middle I thought it'd be interesting to look at 4K High native performance on the 4080. I'm skipping a chunk of The Benchmark here because we're going to spend a lot of time in the cyberpunk Benchmark so I don't want to waste your guys's time showing the full Benchmark run every time although we will look at the results here where we see about 39 faster at equivalent settings and we do see the 4080 doing you know almost a 70 FPS average at 4K High and the minimums were closer to that 60 FPS Mark now if we look at Ultra wide 1440p here we're gonna see both gpus doing a lot better the 3080 is having a much easier time staying above 60 FPS and if you go down to the high settings with the LSS quality you can actually get a pretty high refresh rate experience on the 3080 which I thought was interesting to compare to the RTX 4080 at just the ultra settings again we're going to skip ahead a bit in the benchmarks here but both gpus are doing a good job here although again for the high refresh rate experience the 3080 had to turn down some settings and use some upscaling we're seeing about 36 faster performance uh when we're comparing like to like uh performance at the ultra settings here now if we drop down to normal 1440p the 3080 can deliver a pretty high refresh rate not extremely high refresh rate but things will feel pretty smooth if you just play at 1440p ultra settings native resolution but if you go down to high settings with dlss quality you are able to get well over 100 FPS experience but the nice thing is on the 4080 at the ultra settings you're going to be getting that high refresh rate experience without needing dlss now I've I've looked at the dlss image quality in this game in other videos but if you look like the palm tree branches and things like that the native resolution definitely does look better in a lot of scenes than the upscaled image and again we're seeing about 36 percent faster when looking at the like to like settings compared here with the Ultra native 1440p results now but what about Ray tracing well if you want to do ray tracing at 4K it's going to be difficult for both gpus the RTX 3080 12 gigabyte if you want to use RT Ultra even dlss performance will not get you 60fps in demanding scenes whereas the 4080 on dlss performance is at least giving you a frame rate where you might be happy playing the game whereas the RTX 4080 could just go down to dlss balanced if you wanted to get a roughly 60 FPS experience and it still doesn't look as good as native you look like the palm tree branches and things like that but the main takeaway here is the 4080 actually using dlss can use heavy Ray tracing at 4K although with the compromise damage quality also here we're seeing 47 faster at like to light comparisons so it's interesting to note here that the ray tracing results are delivering better better performance increase over the previous generation than we when we weren't Ray tracing and let's keep an eye out to see if that continues but here we're looking at other rage tracing settings what if you used 4K Ultra and then just turned on RT reflections with dlss performance on the 3080 in other words if you wanted to get decent frame rates and use Ray tracing at 4K what would you have to do on the 3080 on the 4080 I'm comparing it um with those settings but only going to dlss Quality and on the 4080 I'm looking at what if you wanted to max out Ray tracing so the RT Ultra setting doesn't include psycho lighting which I've turned on here and dls's performance again to try to keep the frame rate high I'm not giving you a percentage scaling here because these are not Apples to Apples comparisons I'm looking more at if you want to Target similar frame rate what kinds of visual compromises would you have to make to use Ray tracing now we're going to go ahead and look at Ultra wide again so this is ultra wide 1440p 3440 by 1440 and we're looking at Ray tracing Ultra at its native resolution and we're seeing both gpus struggling here but we're also looking at a non-like for light comparison on what sort of DLS says setting would you have to use to get decent playable results on the 30 80 12 gigabyte going down to dlss balanced at least keeps you around 60 FPS whereas on the 4080 if we go to dlss Quality you're not only well above 60 FPS you're beating the performance that DLS has balanced on the 3080 so it's a better looking image and when we compare the RT Ultra at Native we're seeing about a 44 faster result when we're comparing the native performance there although again at the native performance neither one was delivering a very good experience now dropping down to normal 1440p this is not Ultra wide this is now normal 1440p we're looking at what if you wanted to max out the ray tracing settings and use dlss quality to get there the frame rates weren't good enough to even consider at the native resolution when you're using RT psycho if you want to use Ray tracing at the native resolution you could try out just enabling RT Reflections you could also try other combinations but they're one of the most visually noticeable things the lighting's more subtle but could even look better to some people anyway we're seeing the 3080 kind of able to get deliver around 60 FPS natively with rt Reflections whereas the 4080 with Reflections is actually delivering a high refresh rate experience at the native resolution when we compare the like to light comparisons here it was about 47 faster in both comparisons when we're looking at the average frame rates now I again don't think that 1080p is a very realistic um you know resolution choice to buy gpus is expensive unless you're on extremely high refresh rate monitor targeting Esports performance but so in other words you might also play some single player games I thought I'd highlight that the 30 80 12 gigabyte actually can't run RT psycho at 60fps even at 1080p natively whereas the RTX 4080 definitely can so once again we'll skip ahead in The Benchmark here not spend too much time dwelling on this but it is absolutely consistent at least in cyberpunk that we're seeing a bigger jump in Ray tracing performance than we are in the native performance and this is at 48 faster I should say rasterized performance uh the ray tracing performance increase on generation is different but let's look at some other games this is Forza Horizon 5 and this game was recently updated to include Ray tracing in the actual driving scenarios rather than just in the um in the forza Vista car viewer mode it was also updated to include dlss but I actually don't like the image quality of dlss in this game that's the topic for another video but the game was also updated a month or so ago a couple months ago with TAA rather than the game's msaa anyway we're looking at this at the extreme preset with TAA so native resolution and then with the RT settings turned up to extreme and even at 4K both gpus are actually delivering an excellent experience obviously the 4080 is faster with your more like your 100 FPS being a more typical result whereas the 3080 is staying well above 60 FPS and it looks very smooth when actually playing the game this is of course using the built-in Benchmark to get the the good side by side captures here we're seeing about 45 faster we've also notice that there's the GPU limited percentage and the 3080 is mostly GPU limited but the 4080 was reporting it only being GPU limited about half the time so with a faster CPU we might have seen even better results for the 4080. now dropping down to 1440p ultra wide again this is ultra wide not normal 1440p same graphic settings native resolution again this is TAA without any dlss upscaling again with the extreme preset and the RT settings turned up to extreme we're seeing both gpus do a nice job here now the power draw here is crazy because the 4080 is getting CPU limited and uh so if you look at here it's only about 33 faster but the GPU limited percentage was only 9.1 percent on the 4080 so we're heavily CPU limited but it is interesting to look at what happens to the power draw when you're getting uh CPU limit on the 4080 because then the GPU is not fully utilized um so this is 2560 by 1440 this is normal 1440p Ultra wide again same set not Ultra wide this is the normal 1440p and this is um extremely CPU limited on the right hand side you can see the GPU usage percent is nowhere near 100 and the CPU usage isn't reporting 100 because it can't use all the threads but we can see the GPU limited percentage was only 14.2 percent limited on the right so again it's 28 faster but this is limited by my CPU and so now if we drop down to um drop down the settings even further to 1080p we're now seeing the results even closer together because once again we are very very CPU limited but one thing that is kind of interesting to see here is that even though I am CPU limited the 4080 is still producing better results even when both gpus have some CPU limitations going on here so anyway let's look at another game so this is Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy and we have it at 4K native resolution at the maximum Ray tracing settings this game features Ray Trace Reflections you can also turn on raytraced Reflections on transparencies and there's various levels of Ray traced reflection I have it all maxed out here and we can see that at Native the 3080 can't stay at 60fps the 4080 is around 60 FPS a lot of the times but does it below turning on dlss quality improves the performance significantly on both whereas now the 3080 is around the 60fps mark more of the time and the 4080 is now a high refresh rate experience by using dlss quality as a side note I didn't really like dlss quality in the this game myself a lot of distant details looked a little bit more aliased and personally I played it on my 3080 and turned settings down a bit to stay at Native also notice that this section of the Benchmark is really easy to run so it inflates the overall averages when you see these average results at the end either way we saw about a 47 and 45 uplift in performance When comparing the 48 against the 3080 and again that was with Ray tracing enabled but let's look at some non-ray tracing results so the 3080 at 4K Ultra can definitely play this game extremely well I don't know why we got a little stutter right there for a second but um but the 4080 can deliver an even higher refresh rate experience it's really incredible how fast these games run at 4K Ultra native so I also tried on the 4080 what if you used Ray tracing at the very high setting instead of ultra setting and turned off the transparencies and we can see the 40 80 33 faster at 4K Ultra that's non-ray tracing and you can also see some comparisons against itself of like how much performance do you lose when you enable when you enable Ray tracing versus not Ray tracing so here we're looking at the same game and this is at 1440p and in this one I'm leaving the RT settings at the max because I think both gpus do well enough with the ray tracing settings maxed out here that I would personally just use these settings also both gpus can get CPU limited here um because if you don't have the ray tracing on just because they can produce such high frame rates and we're seeing about a 43 percent faster result on the 4080 versus the 30 80 12 gigabyte here um and again we'll look at 1080p real quick more just for science but the science is telling me that to see any meaningful difference here I would need to have a faster CPU again this is the r95950x it has a lot of threads so those extra threads don't really help out in gaming so the CPU is the limiting factor here you can see the 4080 not reporting anywhere near 100 utilization so this is really more here just to illustrate that um you know think about the rest of your system when planning an upgrade if your CPU can't keep up you're not going to actually get a meaningful performance uplift depending on resolution settings and the rest of your system so now let's go ahead and look at an older Ray tracing title now this is a game that only features raytraced Shadows you can adjust them to various settings I went ahead and turned them all the way up to the ultra setting so you could certainly turn them down and and I went to the highest preset which is just the name of the preset and then also enabled Ray tracing Ultra we can see the 3080 below 60fps here the 4080 above and then dlss quality gets a 3080 um to a much nicer frame rate to use but the 4080 is a truly High refresh rate 4K experience once you've enabled dlss quality and again think about the image quality performance hits and all that and we're seeing about a 56 uplift here which is actually bigger than what we saw in other games although I will also mention that at this point I have now switched over to games that are being tested on a slightly different driver version so important to note I try to get as much testing retested as I could for this video but at starting with this game and then moving forward my 3080 is on the normal release drivers that came out along with the 4090 that and this is footage I recorded for my comparison against the 4090 whereas the 4080 is using its its um preview Drive the drivers that you get as a reviewer in all the previous games I tested before this game I was using the same 48 80 driver on both gpus I just honestly did not have enough time to update this now non-ray traced versus raytraced again we saw a different performance uplift here but since these results are a little bit different than what I was seeing in some other games I in one in terms of percentages I did think it was worth noting the um the difference in drivers here and I don't know if that's actually causing it it could just be the game itself but again it's not like an old 3080 driver as of the time of filming it was the most up-to-date 3080 driver that is publicly available but the 4080 again gets its own review driver so anyway moving forward there is that slight discrepancy in drivers although they are both very um up to date here we're seeing both of them delivering great performance both with Ray tracing on and off 36 faster with rt off and 55 faster with rt on now if we look at Spider-Man here it's hard to get side by side comparisons actually swinging through the city because cause you actually have to manually do it there's no built-in Benchmark this is 4K very high settings so that's no Ray tracing but we can see that there is CPU limits Happening Here Again the 4080 is not being fully utilized so definitely something to consider and I won't bother with the percentage difference because of that also when you enable Ray tracing it actually becomes even more CPU limited and the 3080 is getting most of its performance out of it here if you look at the GPU utilization but the 4080 is being held back pretty heavily by the by the CPU in the scenario now dls's frame generation is an interesting solution to CPU limited scenarios but I'll explore that in a different part of the video here we're looking at the art at God of War now this is a dx11 game so I did want to fit in a dx11 game we're also looking at the 4K Ultra native performance and the performance with dlss quality enabled to see the types of settings that you could get when comparing these two kind of interesting that the 3080 with DL says quality in this game um you know gives you a very high refresh rate experience other than right here is more typical of actual gameplay um where 4K Ultra without the dlss Boost is a little over 60 FPS most of the time on the 3080 and the dlss kind of bumps it up above that over here we're looking at uh wow I spaced the name Horizon zero Dawn and we're seeing 4K ultimate but on the 3080 I also kicked on dlss quality just to see how close to catching up we could get to the 4080 although honestly even without dlss the 3080 is delivering very very good performance in this game so really I'm including some of these less demanding games and games that don't feature Ray tracing things like that in order to illustrate that you know it the types of games you play will impact which GPU actually makes the most sense we're seeing about a 31 faster result here although frame rates are high enough that we could be seeing some CPU limitation if we drop down to the ultra wide 1440p results uh we're again seeing the 4080 a lot faster than the 3080 but both of them are so fast that I'm not convinced it's a meaningful difference so once again this is to illustrate that depending on the type of game that you play this you know the upgrade might not be worth it here's 30 faster again some CPU limitations throughout the Benchmark and as we go down to normal 1440p this is no longer Ultra wide 1440p this is normal 1440p we are now seeing um even more CPU limitations happening again the 4080 especially not always near 100 utilization so we're only seeing about 26 percent faster here but both of them are so fast it doesn't matter and it's kind of CPU limited anyway let's take a look at Red Dead Redemption 2. this is 4K and I've adjusted the graphics preset slider all the way to the right and then we've also tried out the 3080 with dlss quality to see how much that can close the gap between it and the 4080 also I've I'm testing this game in Vulcan just to make sure we get a Vulcan test in this game I know some people would play it on dx12 and that's fine but um I did want to make sure we test out the performance differences in various apis make sure we get some dx12 dx11 with god of war and then here's some Vulcan testing anyway the dlss in this game can sharpen up some of the TAA but I think the TAA actually got upgraded a little bit but I don't like how the hair if you look at his hair it looks a little bit checkered when um using dlss but anyway we're seeing about 37 faster when comparing the like to like native performance here which is again pretty typical of what we're seeing for our non-ray tracing results now in this we're seeing the ultrawide 1440p native resolution here I did not bother with dlss because performance is honestly really really good on both of them obviously the 4080 is faster but I don't think anybody would be unhappy with playing this game on the 30 80 12 gigabyte and if we look at the results here we're about 38 faster which again seems pretty typical when we're not looking at Ray tracing performance so the Vulcan game didn't really seem to do much to change that here we're looking at normal 1440ps so 25 60 by 1440 and once again both of them are performing very well I don't think anybody would complain about either of these and it's completely maxed out and we're seeing about a 36 percent faster result overall I think the benchmarks have established that the RTX 4080 is a good GPU it performs really well it's more energy efficient than its predecessor it performs better but the real problem with it is its performance per dollar so here's the thing if I I hop into PC part picker right now this is live this is a website not a screenshot I'm interacting with it and I search RTX 3080 and I sort price low to high I could get a 10 gigabyte model for a little less than 750 dollars and I could get a 12 gigabyte model similar but not identical to the one I tested in this video for 790 dollars now it's honestly still frustrating that these prices are above the original MSRP but it is what it is anyway now if we jump into like a scientific calculator for example and we take the 790 dollars since I I tested a 12 gigabyte version in this and if we're generous on the rasterized performance uplift of calling it 40 even though in most games I tested it was actually below 40 and we just multiply the price by the performance uplift we actually come in at less than the MSRP of the 4080 which is concerning and then if we look at the ray tracing performance uplift which was not usually 50 it was usually less than that but again let's be generous and call it a 50 uplift and again multiplying the price to Performance comes in at close two but still below the twelve hundred dollar asking price so what is going on here well the the I think Nvidia has two problems right now the first problem is that they still need to sell their 3000 Series gpus and like I said uh 3080s are still commanding a pretty high price and Nvidia wants to keep it that way so by launching gpus that have better performance than the 3000 Series but scaling it roughly equally with the price to Performance what they're effectively doing is extending the the 3000 Series Generation by adding in new gpus on top instead of replacing them and again usually as I said in the beginning of this video the exciting thing about a new generation of gpus is that the new generation comes in at similar pricing to the previous generation but offers much better performance and Technologies and that just isn't happening here and that's what's so disappointing about this I understand there has been a lot of inflation so as much as I would hate to see like a a 900 price tag on a 4080 that would be a lot easier to swallow than a twelve hundred dollar price tag and again if we saw a nine hundred dollar price tag we might actually be seeing a small but at least their Improvement in performance per dollar but we're just not getting that here also to make matters worse we're seeing early reports this is a videocards.com article that has screenshots of Micro Center's pricing for aib partner cards of the RTX 4080. so when you actually go out to buy these many of them will cost significantly more than twelve hundred dollars we are seeing companies offering a twelve hundred dollar model but I would expect those to sell out quickly and then the majority of stock to be emphasizing the more expensive versions now some of these are just a little bit more expensive which is understandable and typical of aib Cartner partner cards and their coolers and Factory overclocks however some of these are absolutely ridiculous we're seeing the Rog strix OC listed at almost sixteen hundred dollars that is basically the price well the MSRP of the RTX 4090 which is absolutely insane we're seeing the tough OC model listed at fifteen hundred dollars zotac's amp tree amp Arrow at fourteen hundred dollars the MSI Supreme X at 1400 gigabyte RS Master at 13.50 so again these are significant price increases over the already bad price of twelve hundred dollars now how why are they doing this how are they doing this well if you tried to buy a 40 90 right now they cost over two thousand dollars because supply and demand have not really met up here so Nvidia is probably encouraged that the 4090s are selling it there at their large price tags and so they know they can get get this one slotted in there as well but then also this leaves a massive price Delta between the 4080 and the 4090 so the aib partners have room to tack on hundreds of dollars and still undercut the price of the 40 90. however the 1480 versus the 4090 itself is also a disappointing comparison because in previous generations we saw like the 3000 Series we saw the 3080 offering close to the performance of a 30 90. it was not a massive performance Delta but for a huge pricing Delta and they have not updated they have not continued that practice for the 4000 series the third the 4080 performs significantly slower than the 4090 um and is still priced kind of in line with it in other words I kind of excused the 4090 for its price to Performance because generally the top end Flagship GPU has a performance per dollar penalty like we saw with the 3090 versus the 3080 I didn't care that the 3090 was extremely expensive compared to a 3080 because people buying it just understood there was diminishing returns and the 3080s MSRP was actually good performance per dollar uplift in this generation we're just not seeing that there is a significant gap between the two in performance and the price of the 4080 is still way too high now I think Nvidia is going to try to justify this like their marketing claimed two times the performance of the previous generation where is that coming from well it's coming from their dlss 3 frame generation technology but calling that increased performance is wrong it's increased motion fluidity it has not increased performance what frame generation does is it holds back a future frame um and and another frame and inserts an AI generated frame in between this Frame does not interact with the game engine so it does not increase your or your ability to interact with the game engine in other words latency does not get better the game's performance does not get better the motion fluidity gets better at a cost to image quality and latency now this has its use cases and it is a good feature but if you are primarily looking for high refresh rate Competitive Gaming this feature is completely useless and if it's available in competitive games you should turn it off it makes latency worse not better and the whole reason you want High frame rates in competitive games is to decrease input latency however in slower paced single-player games I do think frame generation has its place I've played with it extensively on my RTX 4090 and also followed up on my 4080 in two games plaguetail Requiem and Spider-Man remastered in plaguetail Requiem I actually think the image quality looks excellent and it's such a slow paced game that the increased input latency was honestly irrelevant to my enjoyment of the game game and in the end I actually left frame generation on when I finished up the last half of plague tale Requiem I really enjoyed it and helped smooth out the experience on my 120 hertz 4k monitor however there was one issue I ran into which is frame generation currently does not support vsync or frame rate limiting and so those options are grayed out in games you cannot select them when you enable frame generation you can force it through nvidia's control panel and I did that when I used it because the screen tearing when I went over 120 hertz was noticeable and I did not like that so I forced it and I believe that can have some compatibility issues or else why are they graying it out in the game I think you might get increased latency or some frame pacing issues however in plaguetail Requiem um on a controller I'm not using a mouse that kind of thing the latency felt fine and the image quality actually looked really good however I had a completely different experience in Spider-Man remastered when I when just swinging around or running up buildings there's this weird ghosting fizzling Aura around Spider-Man himself and it's incredibly distracting and I don't like it so in Spider-Man remastered I will not use frame generation and if I need more frames I'll find some other way now it is nice that it helps in CPU limited situations which actually was helpful in a plague tale Requiem because Normal dlss does not help you out in a CPU limited situation because it's it's decreasing the GPU demand not the CPU demand whereas frame generation increases the motion fluidity of the game regardless of what the CPU is doing so that's kind of useful and interesting in other games like f122 I haven't tested that myself but watching other people's testing it has issues with the UI elements and looks quite bad so my final thoughts on frame generation is it has its place it's useful in very selective situations in single player games but is certainly at in its current format not going to be something significantly boosting your performance in most games in most situations in a lot of situations you should just turn it off although I do recommend trying it out in games where it's available in order to see what you think because I think like I said in plaguetail Requiem I actually quite liked it so this isn't all it's cracked up to be in Nvidia marketing but it's also not completely useless like you see in the comment sections from people who honestly probably haven't actually tried it themselves yet although it is completely useless in many many situations now the last thing I'll leave you guys with is so will we ever see better pricing should you buy this thing I mean I think in general like okay if you're looking for an Nvidia GPU and you're just not willing to consider AMD and you want to buy a GPU right now this is a good graphics card and if you just are okay with not getting a good deal you could certainly buy this look at the performance numbers it performs well if you're willing to consider AMD AMD is marketing their upcoming 7900 XT and xdx cards as competitors to the RTX 4080 at a lower price these will be coming out on December 13th now we don't have these out to actually review yet so we can't tell you exactly what to happen what's going to happen but according to Performance slides like these from AMD it's likely that the um that the AMD gpus will outperform a 4080 and rasterize performance although that's not guaranteed yet we do not have these in hand for side-by-side comparisons stay tuned to the channel I do plan on doing so also in Ray tracing performance well AMD is claiming a healthy uplift in Ray tracing performance it given the percentages that they're saying and these are marketing slides it is unlikely and I would say just downright just not going to happen that the 7900 series from AMD will be a meaningful competitor to the 4080 in Ray tracing performance although I would be I would love to be proved wrong about that now AMD also highlights a few other um you know advantages that they have like having a DisplayPort 2.1 connection versus 1.4 a on the RTX 4080. I I wish nvidia's 4000 series had the updated DisplayPort connection but at the resolutions and frame rates most people are actually using and monitors are actually using I don't think this is a huge deal although I do think it would have been nice to see that on an on a GPU this expensive also AMD is targeting the size of the 4080 and 4090 and the power plugs and all that um so hopefully the 4080 power plugs don't have the fire issues that the for some 40 90 power plugs are having it does run at significantly lower power so I'm hoping that doesn't end up being an issue and I didn't see any issues during testing but that's a sample size of one obviously so overall what to make of the RTX 4080 well I mean it's bad price to Performance however I think it's a really good GPU and so honestly it's probably going to sell out anyway as we've seen with the 4090. so if you want to buy it go ahead and buy it it's probably going to sell out on day one and if you already know you're not going to buy the AMD competitor maybe use productivity applications because Nvidia does have a lot of support in productivity apps that AMD simply doesn't so a lot of people who use these for work as well as gaming really just are locked into Nvidia as their option also if you're interested in Ray tracing that's something and amd's competitor to dlss3 frame generation isn't coming out until sometime next year so there are advantages here so if you want to buy one you could just don't be thinking you're getting good value you stay tuned to the channel if you're interested in detailed head-to-head comparisons against the gpus like the 3090 TI and the 4090 with the 4080 all of that is incoming I like to focus on head-to-head comparisons one at a time these should be coming out soon I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 209,697
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Id: kMI1igLbyXo
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Length: 41min 38sec (2498 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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