The RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming PC Build! 🥰 MSI Project Zero, Ryzen 7700, Benchmarks | AD

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ladies and gentlemen I've only been away for a week but in that time everything seems to have changed and today we're doing a pretty cool build that I've never actually done before cuz this is part of msi's new project zero range which aims to have a significantly reduced amount of wise new system and of course we're also building with a brand new graphics card the RTX 470 TI super and yes you might be wondering where the video on the 4070 super was I was Ill if I cough throughout this video I'm sorry the contents of this are in the drains over the last few days it's horrible you don't want to know so why have I told you well probably because I think you're weird like me so let's get our build on and build a pretty epic little gaming PC no not right after a short word from this video sponsor cuz MSI have sponsored this already thank you MSI let's do it and I don't think we actually could kick this build off without actually talking about the new Super Range cuz obviously there are three new cards we've got the 4080 super coming next week that's not really massively different to the previous 480 other than quite a significant price drop then last week as I say the one that I was too ill to cover was the 4070 super but we will be doing plenty of builds and videos with that in the not too distant future don't worry but then actually this is probably the one that intrigues me the most because this is still going to be the same sort of price point as the original 4070 TI but crucially this actually has a bump to the vram it's gone from 12 to 16 and this isn't going to impact everybody cuz if you're a 1080 or 1440p gamer and you don't like add a load of mods and things then you're probably not really going to notice any difference for the next few years or so but critically if you are a 4K gamer I think this is going to be really beneficial to you cuz again even if it's not happening on the games you play now definitely as we step forward the vram requirements of games are going to go up and obviously the higher resolution that you're playing at then the more vram that you need so actually pretty excited to get testing this one cuz we are going to see a performance boost as well hopefully around about 10% or so but I haven't used this one as you can tell it's in the box so we'll have to wait wait till we check out the benchmarks at the end of this video but in terms of msi's project zero hold that thought someone's at the front door the project zero range is a pretty cool concept from MSI that is very much becoming a reality so this is one of the motherboards that you're going to need because of course this is a two-part solution right you need a motherboard that has a load of the ports on the back and then you need a case that actually works with one of these motherboards so you can connect all of the cables around the back if you don't have one then it's probably not going to work unless you're doing a lot of modding and I saw quite a few cases actually that are going to be coming out this year at CS which was pretty nice so there's definitely a lot of support for this going forward but obviously if you are interested in picking one of these up then you are going to have to be even more careful than usual when it comes to choosing your parts so this one is the b650 m project zero and interestingly despite the fact that this is not the smallest case in the world this is also a Micro ATX compatible motherboard doesn't support ATX so these two very much do go together but I'm interested actually to take this apart this does come in black as well if you want this is the p100 no it's the Pano cuz we've got this panoramic glass on the front M 100r pz which stands for project zero actually you can see where the name comes from from this cuz it does make sense but anyway you're probably more interested in the chassis itself so yes you can see round the side it's definitely one of these more modern chassis you've got good air flow and ventilation on the side you obviously can put your fans and radiators and things here if you want to go down that route you've got an AR argb controller here and then crucially if you look a little bit closer you find all of these extra cutouts on the motherboard and that's the real difference you just need to be able to support all of the io that's going to be facing this way so I'm hoping that we can barely use any cables whatsoever and maybe it's just going to be the one for the graphics cards but I don't know there might be like a couple of things on the motherboard that for whatever reason we do have to still access but I don't know as I say I haven't used this before so it was going to be very different how often is it that we do a PC build that is going to be completely the opposite to normal but I know what you're thinking we've been gessing far too much so let's grab our motherboard and put it under our overhead this is an AMD ryzen board b650 so obviously you are going to need to use this with an am5 compatible C for you no right or wrong answers it's going to depend how many cuse and how much you want to spend and performance all of that stuff but I would look at either a 7700 like we're going to use here today or if you do want to step it up a little bit the 7800 x3d but it is going to depend on the resolution that you're playing at and obviously the sort of games that you want to sort of play and I have a feeling that I have seen this motherboard before but I think this is the first time and I've actually held one of these project zeros before and this is a super clean looking design isn't it I mean I think silver motherboards make a lot of sense cuz they go with most color schemes and obviously you do have a lot more of this sort of PCB taken up and there is a good reason for this I know this will add a little bit of cost to the motherboards but where you've got all of these different solder points along the side now put it under the overhead so you can sort of see all of these points on the back would be visible if you didn't have one of these covers and I know MSI do sell a cheaper version of some of their project zero motherboards that don't have as much on it and then you do see all of these points some people were going to Care others aren't it was always nice to have the choice but yeah I'm I'm liking what we have here I think it's going to look really nice in this white case obviously the magic happens when we turn this thing over because here you can see all of our ports now so they're pretty much in exactly the same position I believe they're just on the reverse side and once you put it in a case like this everything should start to make sense only thing I'm thinking is is it now more risky to build on motherboard box because all of these are exposed and are going to be sort of facing downwards I mean let's find out I guess this is another classic markers take one for the team so if we do damage it at least it's my system and not yours but we'll grab our 7700 out of the box we'll open up our slot as normal cuz obviously this bit hasn't changed and then we'll drop our 7700 into place and secure this down with that latch we will also be needing some memory and we've gone for one I haven't actually used before this is some Aries ddr5 from XR and yes as you can see it's white and it also goes up to a speed of 6,400 MHz but I don't think this one is AMD Expo it's Intel XMP but it should still work open up slots two and four drop it into position till it clicks doing the same with the other and then we will need to grab our SSD here we're using a firea 530 from Seagate and interestingly it looks as if we have a very large cover on here I mean it definitely doesn't look as if you can put an SSD on the back I imagine this concept will probably go that way in a few years time I mean I keep saying concept this is a product this is a case you can buy this but I think this is something that will get worked on over time as well but for now we will need to undo this little motherboard cover but grab your SSD and then drop this down into this top slot like so there is actually one screw that we need to take out and then fit back down pick up your cover and take off the protective film would be very easy to forget that then just drop this back where you it and screw it down One Last Thing Before we put this inside our chassis though is to get our coer installed and this is one I've used twice before both with Intel CPUs and I haven't liked it because the TDP wasn't as high as we needed but as we know this is a 65 watt chip so I would be amazed if this coer from NZXT is not going to that was close fit the bill very well cuz this is a smaller more affordable coer but as you can tell it looks absolutely fantastic in this white color you can add another fan but I would like to emphasize that you can get callers that are more performant for similar money so this is partly Aesthetics partly the fact that we just don't need any more than this for this CPU let's fit the am5 mounting brackets on top of the cooler we also need to remove the default am5 mounting hardware little plastic spaces on top grab the thermal paste that comes in the Box apply to the CPU I always do like a divide sign then you can grab your cooler and then just place this on top screw it down and then just neatly reapply that fan they do give you an awful lot of cable here though so then I believe it is now time for what is definitely the most exciting bit of this video I mean the 47 TI superp is obviously up there but come on clearly the first time you grab your project zero case and put your motherboard in you're going to be pretty excited so this should be as simple as normal with the exception of please make sure you're not sort of forcing this down because you can damage some of those headers that are now on the reverse and I must ad admit I feel less confident doing this than normal but yeah as long as you're careful no issues there whatsoever everything lines up you'll be good it must like giv us a spirit level with this case what's that for why do we need a spirit level why oh maybe that's for your graphics card because they do give you this little GPU sag adjustable holder thing so maybe it's to get your GPU level that's quite cool actually but let's get this board screwed down okay then that should be our mother board inserted and you can definitely tell that these two things were designed together I'm loving the look of this white coer I really hope it performs okay cuz I think you can clearly see why we've gone down this route but yes there is quite a lot of cable bulk to move so let's put this at the top and yes I know you're thinking this is not as clean as it could have been if we'd gone for like one of these new coolers that didn't have any cables then yes that would make sense but 99% of callers do come with cables so I think this is still still going to be a reality for most people but anyway let's not dwell too long on that because now we actually get to see all of our iio and yeah it is pretty much as I expected literally everything well as far as I can tell anyway everything is on the back so we've got our usual two times 8 pins we've got some argb headers and things all of our CPU and fan headers ATX USB HD audio so actually I think for the first time ever on this channel we're going to flip the case upside down this side it's going to give you a lot more light at home isn't it though I will say that there's not actually that much clearance here from the motherboard so in particular I mean let's work this out you got about that much clearance slightly less for this ATX and that's the one I'm worried about because whatever cable you're going to use is going to have to then fit on this panel and allow it to close but then as we know ATX connections aren't always that flexible I mean same with things like the USB type c as well but they've thought about that here and they've given you this right angle connection USBC is covered up by one of their straps so let's just get rid of that again I know it is going to vary depending on different motherboards but this is an MSI Motherboard with an MSI case and then yeah do you see what I mean that is now sticking up quite a lot why was that not right angle no don't like that this is some serious feedback to MSI you're going to need to give people a right angle connection for that cuz that is just going to break your USB header I'm not saying can't work it's just not good for longevity whatsoever in fact I'm just going to unplug this elsewhere we have our HD audio CPU fan header up here at the top and then last but not least our case power LEDs reset all of that stuff is here at the bottom left and assuming that everything works we should actually be pretty close now because we were able to plug everything in all at once and actually that was easy by that USB and then yeah there we have our almost finished B build just of course the graphics card and power supply to go but you can see when it's like this the full benefits of the cabless system because it's only that at the top everything else is super clean and the benefit really of having all your fans pre-applied is that you don't really need to work for this at all you're going to get great calling in this you're going to get a fantastic looking system one that's very minimal lets the rest of your system talk but you don't really need input much which is definitely nice to see so let's head over to our floor storage syst system and grab our 4070 TI super out of the box then this is the Ventus 3x obviously there are going to be loads of different SKS you can get so if you want something that's a little bit like bigger buil maybe has slightly better coing or just a different look then obviously you can go for that but clearly this being a silver GPU I thought it would be a perfect match for the case and the build that we're doing here today so as you can tell have not actually seen this one yet and it's quite nice that it's a little bit more lightweight than most Gra graphics cards that we pick up usually they weigh an absolute ton and it is kind of unnecessary but yeah if you want something that's a bit more minimal probably going to be a lot closer to RP and pricing anyway should we waste no more time and actually get this inside our system I mean I must admit I didn't realize the back was going to be quite as black as this if this was also silver it would have been perfect but alas that's not the system here today so we're going to pretend this was black and white all along unless we get the white primer out don't think MSI be happy about that I mean we could do let's open up our top slot and pick up our 4070 TI super Ventus and drop this into position yeah there we go there you go you're almost finished system I mean I don't actually mind the look of that cuz you do still have that silver accent on the bottom but I do understand that if you are going to want to recreate this at home then maybe you do want to look at getting a white variant of a GPU that would make sense unless obviously you want to go for this look or you want to go for the black chassis in which case this would be perfect just one more component left to go then and that is the power supply and I want to use this one partly because well we need around about 850 watts and then also because I want to apologize cuz I was very stupid in a video I made a few weeks ago where I said that this doesn't actually come with a PCI Gen 5 cable for new Nvidia graphics cards I don't know how I managed that because it was right here the whole time so apologies everyone I'm an idiot but yes this is an 850 W power supply I think it's 750 is the minimum actually for this GPU edit the car am I right oh sorry but regardless you do always want to make sure that you do have a fair bit of head room just so you can make any future upgrades without having to swap out your PSU and to help the efficiency curve because if you're running your power supply at like 90 95% load it's nowhere near as efficient as if you were buying a higher wattage one and running it at like 50 60 70 curves will vary though but that's boring should we get this this inside our rig you should just be able to tuck it in the underside for real that's real re a l not like Instagram real come on Carl I know you would normally cut that from the video please can we leave that in cuz that really is the level I've stoop to now get this screwed in and then once again we can do something a little bit more unusual and plug the cables into this side we do only need one of these CPUs as It's a 65 W chip ATX goes over here and again this is the one I am slightly concerned about and then with our gen five we can just feed this through to the back chamber and up give this a spin oh and this actually comes with the right angle connection on this power supp which is quite Nifty assuming it's the right side oh you're joking it's not is it blast well that's not going to look right then is it let's just flip the cable the other way around I mean it does say that the other end should be plugged into the GPU and this should go into the power supply but I as far as I'm aware this is just a standard Gen 5 cable so I don't think it matters but please don't quote me on that I don't know 100% there we go look that just presses in right then I believe that should hopefully be that I've done some very basic cable management I will say that this does particularly look worse than normal cuz obviously there are now more cables all in one spot but as long as you do a little bit of work you can get it working quite nicely actually I mean I do like as I say that everything is all sort of pre-done for you as much as it can be it was just that USBC that I've not used of just parked down the bottom otherwise it's just is a little bit too risky I think uh personally for me to want to use but yeah I I definitely think this has got legs this system because it was actually easier to connect it was quicker to connect and obviously the end result is a whole lot cleaner I mean look at that I mean besides this cable here and obviously the one for the cooler you can't really see anything and this being like a a white case with white cables I have to admit I am very impressed it's it it looks very grown up and it makes it look as if you've put a lot of effort in when you haven't should we see if this works we grabbed ourselves a monitor keyboard mouse and of course the PC Centric mouse mat available down below PC Centric do store but time for the Moment of Truth now and I realized the io for this is actually on the side of the case which is pretty cool let's see if it works oh there we go I love blue blue and white is always a nice little combination but is that going to translate to anything on screen I mean if we press this led button there we go that's actually more like it a nice lighter blue but it can cycle through a few different colors we got rainbow and stuff but come on I want to know this actually works works oh oh HDMI1 HDMI1 yes I have faith and I have to say that I love the overall look that we've got going on here again I probably would opt for a white GPU if you wanted to complete the look but while it's not the perfect white build I still really love what we've got on offer here and you can notice the lack of cables I mean especially the ATX missing from the side I think the whole thing is just so much cleaner it is a bit of a shame that that air cooler still does have those white cables that trail down even when you're NE in them they still don't look that neat but then maybe we now only noticing these things because of the absence of all of those other cables so maybe it's like a catch 22 you're chasing Perfection and obviously gets harder and harder the closer you get but yeah I'm I'm pretty stoked actually about this I I think this is really going to take off and I think a lot of people are going to love to go down this route but we have a 4070 TI supera in here should we see what it can do and as if by Magic here we are then all set up and ready to go and I have enabled the XMP so we got the ram run running 32 gig at 6,400 no issues there whatsoever and I have also tuned this quite carefully if you do have a ryzen CPU it's worth making sure that it doesn't get too loud until you hit like 90° cuz these chips do like to clock as high as possible and just put a load of power through them and you can find compared to Intel chips that you do need to make a little bit more adjustment but the whole system we've got running here compy has Ratchet and Clank so it's going full pel and basically complete silent right this is one of the quietest cards or the quietest systems as a whole really that we've put together in ages but let's jump straight into game play as I say this is ratch and Clank now this is running with DSS this is running at 4K quality and this is set to very high without any rate tracing or frame gen and as you can see this is a really nice smooth experience we're getting over 100 FPS latency around about 26 milliseconds or so and yeah this is going to be an absolutely fantastic way to play and obviously if you do have a television or or a highr screen that you want to hook this up to you're really going to be able to get the most out of it let's go into the settings and actually see if we can turn on some Ray tracing turn everything up to high or medium and what has that done to our frame rate well it has lowered it down slightly I mean well actually to be fair fair bit of this precise second but obviously there is a lot going on screen as we're now getting M 75 FPS but actually for a game I would play with a controller anyway getting around about 75 to 90 FPS is still way more than I'd need and this is probably the way I would choose to go I mean obviously it does depend on the actual image quality and whether you can tell that much of a difference I think in a game like Ratchet and Clank then it's probably like a bit more middle of the road there were definitely bits where you will notice a big difference and there'll be others where you kind of just start playing the game and forget about it but hey it's definitely nice to have the flexibility and this being not the top end Nvidia card but obviously being one that is uh very much at the higher end of of the stack it is nice to see that you can do 4K raate tracing without any real hassle I mean we do of course also have our frame generation to turn on that can give us an even higher frame rate so at the moment we're getting about 33 milliseconds turn this on and now it has actually jumped up a fair bit to around about 60 milliseconds which I can now start to notice actually that it's not quite as nice when it comes to latency as we had before the frame rate has increased we're now getting about 100 FPS but I don't know why for some reason the DSs three implementation in ratch and Clank I do always think adds a little bit more latency than it needs to it definitely works better in my experience on some other games so that's slightly disappointing cuz yeah I wouldn't want to use frame generation at the moment in this game cuz it's just adding too much latency whilst we're waiting for our next game to go ahead and build some shaders we can actually do the peel that I realized we haven't done yet are you ready taada let us press on to our next game though shall we with some Starfield and let us Begin by actually looking at our settings so we make this Ultra we do have DSS so we'll set this to Quality frame gen will'll leave off and then let's have a look at our frame rate well at the moment it's nothing crazy we're getting around about 65 frames a second or so but again ultra settings 4K really not too shabby and if it was me personally I would be turning the dlss down to balanced probably for 4K maybe even performance but that's usually uh more worth it for lowend cards or if you are really struggling for frame rate but I mean this is still a really nice way to play it's not like you need crazy frame rate in this but obviously as it is a FPS or at least if that's the way you want to play then you are going to be a little bit more sensitive to sort of moving the camera around when it comes to aiming but yeah this is uh this is going to be a great way to play what is got a visual story orientated game let's see if the frame gen works better though we're currently getting about 3940 milliseconds turn this on and now it's jumped up to about 50 55 so do you see what I mean it's not not jumped up anywhere near as much as it did with Ratchet and Clank so once again this is definitely slightly on the high side but I mean I don't think it is as bad here and I would be willing to certainly try and use it I think I do use it actually when I play this downstairs and my own system anything around about 50 55 milliseconds or latency or below I would say is fine but once you get over the 55 60 that's when you really start to notice it so yeah if you want to play Starfield def a solid way to play around about 90 FPS with 4K frame gen but let's take this opportunity to move on to our next title one of my absolute favorites and this is one of the few rate race titles that I think if you weren't playing with rate racing enabled then you really would be missing out because it's an absolutely stunning looking game this one of course being returnal and we've got this set to Absolute Max settings across the board so this has Ray tracing and all of the quality settings set to Epic and it does indeed look pretty epic it's a stunning looking game highly recommend that you check it out if you haven't played it already and in terms of our frame rate we're currently getting around about 80 frames a second or so and in terms of our latency about 30 milliseconds so this is not bad bear in mind we're only using DSS super resolution and it's set to Quality which again is still kind of unnecessary probably turn it down to balance if you want to get an even higher frame rate but there's no frame gen enabled on this at the moment either so pretty darn cool but I do want to test this at a few different resolutions for you so let's turn this down to 40p and what has that done to the frame rate well it has increased it by quite a lot actually around about 140 FPS so clearly this is a system that if you do want to run hard with bells and whistles enabled even at the high resolutions you shouldn't have a huge problem I mean this is not a 4090 so it's not like your Hail Mary can run anything but for what most people actually going to want to use their pc4 I think this really is the card to consider if you're after the Do-it all system but without spending stupid money but let's press on to the one I know you guys have been waiting for the multiplier title n test some Call of Duty war zone and as we jump out of the plane and touch down we're currently getting around about 120 FPS at the extreme preset 4K once again with dealss sets to Quality and we say this every time I wouldn't recommend playing this game at 4K because there's just not really any point when you get a higher frame rate at a low resolution but it's still a good little test for our GPU and it's nice to see that we're not getting any bottlenecking from the CPU at the moment either I do have a feeling this might change once we lower down the resolution a little bit but still this is a really nice experience this is a 4K 120 HZ display and we're currently saturating this which is pretty nice so if you were playing on a TV or this sort of monitor then maybe you want to try it out but yeah I would lower it down for a little bit lower latency I don't want to test the game I just want to see the frame rate oh I didn't even get any of that for goodness sake a well I'm recording now and this is 1440p so we have our test did I what what happen I don't know what just happened I don't know this game anymore but yes the frame rate went up to around about 160 frames a second or so okay fine I'm not very good at this I'm so sorry but we can actually spectate at least and watch someone that's better than me and we get an idea of the frame rate and yeah 1440p we're looking anywhere really between about 160 to 200 frames a second I mean actually looking at our utilizations I can see this has been updated as well cuz our CPU is being currently used about 55% or so which I swear we would never see in the older versions of war zone so I think they've made quite a big stride actually in terms of optimization or it certainly looks like that here because we've got our system running flat out at 1440 p and it doesn't appear as if we need a 7800x 3D after all I mean it will definitely help in some games and maybe some instances for example a war zone but I think all round we've built a pretty cracking system really I mean there's not really too much I would change obviously if you want project zero then you're going to need a project zero compatible case don't have any issues with the motherboard seems to be working great we've got this tuned it's super quiet and I think it's a great looking system the only thing really as I say I would change is maybe to modify your GP to make it look a little bit more white so it fits in better or just go for a black theme or look at a potentially different GPU but I would love to hear your thoughts on this what do you make of our system what do you make of the new 70 TI super do you agree with me that actually for 4K gaming this is now like a really good card you've got the extra bit of vram and you've got plenty of performance and it's not costing you stupid money despite the fact that it's still a lot I'd love to hear from you so let us know your thoughts down in the comment section below smash the like button if you've enjoyed this get yourself subscribed and of course as always if you do want to check out current pricing on anything that was featured in this build you can find it listed down below with our Amazon links and on new links thank you so much for watching we'll catch you in the next [Music] one
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 51,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, rtx 4070 ti super, rtx 4070 ti super pc, rtx 4070 ti super build, nvidia, graphics card, gaming pc 2024, gaming pc build guide 2024, gaming pc build guide, how to build a pc, rtx 4070 ti super gaming pc, ryzen, 7700, 7800x3d
Id: fdmgiStJ8xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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