Is Building A Gaming PC Hard? πŸ€” A First Timer's Gaming PC! (RTX 4080, Ryzen 7950X)

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right ladies and gentlemen it is time for something a little bit different as we are joined by a firsttime PC builder in the studio that was your CU to come in don't worry here get it soon ladies and gentlemen this is my friend Rob true story we actually met in a queue we did but today you've been queuing up to build your NPC so I actually wanted to go through all of the components that you've personally chosen this is your personal rig if you drop something you break something that's it finished fenito are you feeling stressed uh yeah cuz it's a lot of money but In fairness I've already cocked up a couple things well we we get on to that into a second don't you worry you made a few mistakes but we are able to rectify them so join us what is going to be a very exciting journey into the world of Rob's very first gaming PC that he's built himself right after this link from our sponsors you could delivered it better but yeah we'll go with that msi's RTX 480 Supreme is here and man is it stunning this triple fan Behemoth packs monster calling and monster performance with enough power for 4K visuals and amazing frame rates that will leave you stunned at just how good PC games can look not only that but thanks to nvidia's dlss 3.5 frame generation and RTX R Racing you'll be cranking those settings for more than just a mere photo grab yours today with the link down below right the way that this is going to work is we're going to make ourselves some room but we'll be going through all of the components one by one and obviously I'll be offering you some assistance but if something goes wrong then it's on you cuz you're going to be building this this is your first build I don't want to take away from that no liability way were signed just so we know well yeah yeah exactly no liability so if you drop something well we've got video evidence of what happened but actually the first thing I want to talk about is your new case and this was a donation from me which is very nice walk us through this one what have we got here so this is the height y70 y touch yeah basically I was initially looking at the y60 pull there it's okay good bit force just pull there okay there you go so it just drop straight down I haven't even tried looking at this yet the question I had when I actually looked at this case properly uh in our full review find that in the top round corner of the screen was why would anyone actually need a 4k touchcreen on their case the short answer is I don't need it but visually it will look pretty cool there the hype that's that's the aim uh so essentially you've got this side I suppose you can't really see this is going to be your build area and because you've gone for what we call a dual chamber case this is actually going to be a lot easier to assemble because all of the bulks and all of the cables are going to sort of be around this side whereas all the stuff that you're going to see is going to be nicely over this side but actually to start our rig you want to put this to one side and you want to move on to your motherboard because a lot of people will traditionally think that you start your build by putting everything inside but it's harder to do that way ex exactly I mean it's a lot easier to actually sort of go off of the the desk where you got loads of light you can see what you're doing and especially if you're sort of mounting coolers and things it just means you're not having to sort of reach in as your chassis does make it a fair bit easier we're using this motherboard now I will confess I did have some input on on this one but you wanted to go for AMD that was your main sort of decision right yeah initially we're looking at the AMD CPUs uh they just seem really good for a mixture of different things from like General performance it's pretty consistently at the top and also like even just energy wise it seemed to do pretty well so we're going to put this on top of the box but I just wanted to show you that you have things like your Wi-Fi adapter inside the Box do you need Wi-Fi for this yeah okay we' take this out but otherwise you shouldn't really need anything so let's just pop this out of the box and we drop it on on top of there I realize it well at this stage that I'm taking for granted the fact that we have a motherboard in front of us on the desk and this is very normal for me but obviously this is different for you have you handled one of these before handled probably not I mean I I know where a couple of bits go so we got RAM sticks up here that's where the CPU is going to go they color code them as well cuz you need to put them in offet uh which is which is quite good uh yeah CPU goes I'm presuming it's one and three for the first one you going black or gray gray so two and four gotcha okay two and four it shouldn't make masses of difference but they they kind of optimize it if you like for two sticks and they optimize two and four and then down the bottom that's the PCI SSD this one it'll be these ones that say m.2 on do be aware though that not all of them are going to be rated for Gen 5 I don't think I mean this top one definitely is uh I think you've probably got a few more than that but if you check your motherboard manual it tell you the speed of all of them so in the future if you do buy a Gen 5 SSD make sure you're putting it in the right slot it it looks quite intimidating but actually as long as you sort of get a chance to look at it up close it is all quite clearly labeled down the bottom which is which again is another reason why it's good to handle the board and have a look at it before you actually uh get it in your rig so what's the battery for this actually is to sort of remember the basic settings of the motherboard so every time you turn it off that battery is being used just to say remember like Ram timings for example to actually enable motherboard to boot up in the first place and to get to the bile stage so if you're having issues you can either use the camos jumper with like a screwdriver uh to clear the memory and then you can try again or you could actually take the battery out and then like leave it for like 10 seconds or so pop it back and then in theory that should also clear the Seth for you so yeah remembers your settings okay cool are you a man that likes Choice yes because you'll be glad to know the next bit you actually have a choice because you could put the CPU in next or you could do the right yep or you could do that sorry this is this is a little bit patronizing Now isn't it yes you have a choice you can do this in any order it doesn't really matter I was thinking CPU first CPU then probably Ram then probably unscrew for the SSD yeah solid Choice that's what I would do this is your CPU this is a ryzen 9 I suppose we touched on it but we didn't really get into the the details why did you go for ryzen and this is a 7950 X so 16 core CPU why have you gone for that so for me personally when I was looking at it a while ago obviously watching videos for yourself and everything I know that you were saying the 7800x 3D is really really good for game in yeah but with these ones they can do a little bit extra for General performance so it's a bit more of an allrounder yeah so generally speaking very quick lesson if you go for the six core variant of this the performance isn't quite good per core as the 8 the 12 and the 16 cores whereas all of those ones they actually perform very similarly but then the more cores you have more multitasking you can do it doesn't necessarily make a huge difference for gaming at the moment as long as you have eight cores but fundamentally if you want to do of things on your system at the same time and you mentioned you want to do some game streaming or at least try and get into it then having all of those extra cores are great because you can use those Calles for streaming and then use the eight calls essentially for all of your video games so this was a a good choice you could also go for the x3d I personally would go for the eight core and I think in terms of value for money and just Simplicity optimization and this is actually better for multitasking than the x3d version of this anyway I think this is probably the way to go it's a good choice would you like to do the honors yeah very excited there you go pop it off and then just pop that down on the desk for a second and then your next step is going to be with the motherboard so you have this little lever here pin that back grip yeah it will require a bit of force it will surprise you this is where I'm just like always a bit scared break I need to pull it up you're kind of pushing it out this way and then around it's almost like a bit of a c shape there you go push that down and then very gently this is a very gentle bit um not the plastic bit just this whole thing lifts up you hold it from about there with the edges um but yeah there you go and then you rest that there and then you grab your CPU and then very gently line it up and place it down if you drop the CPU into the socket that is a Surefire way to kill the motherboard but you've done a perfect job there no such issue then you can pull that down and then you've just got to do the reverse look and you'll find that that will just pop off that plastic cover there you go and then you'll put that in your motherboard box cuz if you do do ever have any issues with the board or maybe you sell your CPU and waiting a few days or something you're going to put that back on just to protect it honestly that's that's a lot easier than I thought it was going to be that was a good experience for me that was nice and straightforward plastic popped off beautiful next on the Robert PC build list we have RAM and I know there'll be people watching this and that have already clocked what this is and that's a good Ram joke they've clocked what this is and they'd be thinking he's he's over spent a little bit on that why has he gone for something so premium so would you like to walk us through what this is and why you've gone for it please um so this is the cor dominated titanium the reason why is literally Black Friday deals it actually turned out to be roughly 20 more expensive than I think it was probably like 203 quid more yeah there wasn't too much in it I know obviously you've got different clock speeds but then there's also the CL so essentially you've got your speed and your timings so this is a 6,000 megahertz or Mega transfers kit and then if you look at the first number of the timings this this is a CL 30 kit and essentially that's all about latency and if you're going for a ryzen CPU then it quite likes a ram that has a lower latency so you think transfer speed and latency are linked but you'll find that some of the cheaper kits can be faster but they have a higher latency whereas this is this is just fast all around there we go so Dominator S one uh do I need to take plastic off first yes take the plastic off you will notice though that this is very tall so if you're going for like a big air CPU Cooler then high rank isn't always your friend because it can interfere but we're going for a water cooler today and we've got a big enough case where shouldn't be an issue so you'll see you have these little notches here on the ram you just need to line that up with the notch that's on thinking i' pull back first and then push in yes please so if you like Y Line that bit up then you line that bit up and then push down right yes if that's not quite lined up you need to flip it around ddr5 is actually really annoying because that middle Notch the Gap is kind of only slightly offset so you might think you've got it lined up but you haven't but there you go that's right so fair bit of forth on this one yep and then you need to click that bit down so you exactly so you're letting the ram essentially seat itself and you know when it's in because these notches will grab hold of it that's in so if you want to just I'm pretty sure they are but if you just give them a bit more of a forceful push each stick now that just ensures you've seated it properly then we can move on to our SSD and you've gone for a Western Digital one this is a SN 850x do you know much about it um I have basically the same version on my PlayStation 5 sorry I'll take it out at the same time with the PlayStation obviously you're going to want a little heat sink on this it's built in isn't it uh yes yeah you have heat sinks on the top of your motherboard most do the thing to be aware of is if you go for a really big SSD uh you want to make sure you've got a motherboard that has a double-sided heat sink so this does the top but if you've gone for a double stacked SSD which is High Capacity you're need calling on the bottom and a lot of motherboards don't actually have have that so that's when you might want to buy one that has a heat sink um and then you've replaced the one that comes on your motherboard when you say double stack just clarify them not two of these it's literally just like one unit I mean to be fair this one is actually double stacked as well so you have some on the bottom this one's not too bad actually CU you've only got these these two modules uh whereas your notice you can get some which have tons on both sides right yeah exactly smaller screwdriver for this you've got this bit that you need to peel off this is a protective cover do you think have interest you would have removed this yes cuz it's blue plastic okay so you think it is obvious no that's just curiosity so if you peel that off yes so that's a thermal pad and that will allow heat transfer from this into that and then the fans and your system should give it good air flow it just takes the heat away from the SSD you should be okay with the Gen 4 drive to be fair well you got a whole video based on the Gen F haven't you well if you yeah exactly if you want to see and learn about P Gen 5 and frankly why it's a bit of a nightmare at the moment again find that video on the top top right corner of your screen so this is what I'm going to ask you now is obviously this tape's coming off but that that's coming off pretty quickly as well I'm I'm obviously not want in the whole thing I'm you're good yeah no no no I can hold on to it you've actually got this like quick release here that plastic nib thing I'm pushing that down yeah so you just going to move it up and down until it's secure and then you can just pop that on top that's actually really really simple okay so we're done with the ram we're done with the CPU we're now done with the hard drive so this is the bit which I'm actually like I felt okay with everything from here is purely terrifying well you need to do a few checks so the first thing is does your motherboard have what's called an IO shield on the back yeah so if you go for a very cheap motherboard um you'll find that you won't have this plate and then you'll have to grab the plate that comes in your box and you'll put it in this hole down here but because you have this height case you now need to remove this little Riser cable for now so that is now removed which means you can grab your motherboard um and then if you line this up you'll see actually on your motherboards you've got like a little hole thing underneath there if you then line up the back of the motherboard look with the back of the case but now we do need a screw it into place screws come with the case but obviously this has been used before so we've just got those in a neat pile if we now pop this up you will now see your riger starting to come alive Next Step actually I think is going to be cables looks good to me so once again we've got our front panel all the way here the right hand side USB HD audio our two USB and if you're using some addressable RGB fans or something then they're these little white ones here at the top and the bottom but if you are going to add more stuff to this case then obviously you will just need to probably use that USB 2 down the bottom case comes apart a little bit more cuz now is the time to insert our fans uh okay right so we'll start with our basement fans and then would you like to do the honors and put this into your new rig get that screw it in yes there you go easy as that we obviously have a wire that we do need to sort out so that can just feed through into the basement do you want to see the power of editing wow well I'm happy with that are you happy with that that looks absolutely crisp I don't know how many other words I can say personal chis not the word I would use the next step Avid Watchers of the channel may already know this but I hate them and they're radiators and you've gone for one this is an all-in-one liquid caller would you like to to grab it for us this was pure down to you I had no input on this this is the h150i elite LCD XT you got a good deal on this um but it was still quite expensive wasn't it but you really wanted the LCD you were a yeah the LCD was the main part for sure I've got to admit though that I do love the look of these Corsair callers there there is a lot of attention to detail with all the cabling and all of the we especially it does look really nice and you're not going to be handling this so you're not really going to get it grimy to get this installed though we will need to do some mounting first so before you mount this you need to put something on your motherboard to receive it so it can all sit into place essentially but here is our mounting hardware if you grab our AMD mounting hardware out the bag you'll find you have these little screws here these will go into the motherboard and then this is the plate that all attached to the pump head on the cooler so we'll do that in just a second and then you will now need to remove the default am5 mounting hardware here so if you remove these four silver screws so I put that back in the back yeah if you put that stuff back in the bag I would then yeah either leave that with your cooler or I'd probably put that in your motherboard box and you need to grab these and you see these little holes that we've now like revealed those screw into straight on before app plan correct literally just manually feeding these in y so you grab one of these and you will then feed it in you use the thicker end if you notice there's two widths yeah good job those are on nice and tight that's now ready for the pump head but to make a bit easier we're now going to want to put the radiator inside the case and and then that pump head can then go on uh secondly and we'll have our cooler underneath this and then our fans will then go underneath obviously your your experience so you know to put it that way what's is it purely Cable Management reason so you want the pipes to be at this end so you can curve it round if you have it here you're going to have all this cable it doesn't doesn't really work so screw and washer screwdriver get that fitted down into position then your radiator is into position and it would be ready to go but of course we need to add our fans but once again you then want to grab one of the fans and just line this up with the board to make sure that it is blowing in the correct orientation so again blowing through the radiator and then very importantly that your cables are going to be that side cuz again once you screw it in and flip it over untight all of the cables before you slide this in you look like a strong man and yet you're you're very weak when it comes to PC so component handling then the whole thing just dropped into place feed that through the chamber and then it all hook hook into place I've never seen someone more confused I wasn't confused so that bit lower that in perfect yep so that drops into place and then as far as Cable Management goes I think there are some channels actually behind the radiator but we now need to just lift this up gently again so you grab that through so that's half of it done you'll notice as well there's actually some thermal compound and thermal paste here that Corsair apply you in a nice pretty pattern but if you're going for maybe a different caller or buying a used one then you will have to add your own you do need thermal past a lot of people do ask why I don't apply it but if I don't apply it's cuz it's already pre-applied but this just then needs to go over there's your pump head this bit as we now know is completely separate you just need to line this up with the coer have the tubes on the right hand side uh and then that will just drop on except it doesn't cuz we need to swap these brackets out the AMD ones it literally just Clips on easy as that you can do the other side it's like friendship half and half half each so if you hold that there again I'll spot you Teamwork Makes the yeah and then you have this little dummy cable here as well and then that plugs into that gray CPU header just there look well that's your cooler done do you hate radiators to be honest not too bad not too bad I think I think terms of like having to do the extra fans and stuff I mean realistically what's added like 10 minutes if that I mean we've been going for you got to bear in mind though 2 hours 23 that's completely everything with retake bits retakes I don't do retakes let's just put this out the way now for a second I know this looks ugly and hideous but we will sort that out after we've put our power supply in and actually on the topic of power supply bit of a Funny Story um we're using my one why are we using my one Rob last minute Black Friday rush into fit in baskets probably didn't get it quite right he didn't check the box before he arrived here today and I'm like where's the poers play I've got cables but no power suppli so you're going to borrow this one off me this is the HX 1500i that frankly 99.9% of people don't need the one you actually originally ordered was the 1200 I 1200 yeah yeah so you're still going pretty high end yeah so the reason for going for a bigger one is largely just it future proofs it a little bit more um my logic was even though I think an 850 is that right 850 would have been absolutely fun yeah that's what i' recommend for the future proofing in in my logic cuz it's just a bit of f to change it down the line so that is the power supply in this is a very large size one as well most of them are probably only about that but again big wattage more stuff goes inside it and then we got our cables and as I say you did remember at least to get the cables and you've gone for some custom ones which are pretty cool uh you've gone for the color white white black build that's obviously what we're going for and you've gone for the Corsair ones as well they the right sort of price to Performance performance price to aesthetic these don't just come standard with pass no so you do get cables inside the box but I mean actually I can show you an example look because we have two cables here that both do the same job but are completely different so this is a stock one which is like rubber cable still looks absolutely fine yeah but then if you upgrade you can get something like this which is more of like a corded one this is a uh PCI Gen 5 12volt high power connection I just think the white cables are really going to make your build pop I know it was extra money but I think you'll be very pleased with the end result and then you can start to connect some of these up for me if you want um so you'll need to plug into your power supply at the back here make sure the notches are on the right side as well then just feed that through to the other side right okay cables are in then we just need to feed them all around to the other side now uh so your two CPUs they will need to go up the top where we've got this controller and then you need your piee as well if you catch that for me and then remaining on this side you've got your SATA connection so again these are for your controllers we just feeding that back down to the bottom again uh we just Stow this somewhere at the bottom really outside out of mine give it spin round and then you'll find you've got well like a sea of cables and things here but don't be alarmed your two CPUs go up here again most CPUs only need one eight pin so don't be alarmed if you don't have that right there we go now you just need to feed them through the other side and just get them nice and neat then you need to do the same with this very large one which is here next to the ram Notch is on the right hand side now yeah now feed that back through the other chamber and then yeah this is the final one for the graphics card so we're actually almost there we need to put our P Riser back in our little bar so if you insert that into the graphics card slot for me yeah that's the one line that up while you're doing that I will reinsert the Bottom bar again would you like to bring in the best component of the lot then please sir the graphics card and again obviously white build had to go for something a bit more I've never shown the back of the box before is this something I should do do people want to see that I don't know but you've gone for an RTX 480 yeah if I told you that's actually not a particularly popular graphics card would you be confused not really I mean I initially planned on getting a 490 and then because I mostly play War Zone you recommending the 7900 xdx yeah price difference between them at the time of buying 10000 yeah so this was a really good deal actually um I think you got this for just over a, bear in mind this is the gigabyte Arrow card that's usually pretty expensive we both knew that the 7900 xdx was better value but I asked you would you be disappointed if you're playing the latest games and you have to turn down a few settings on rate racing and you basically said yes cyber Punk I've been looking forward to playing for years so being able to fully appreciate it I mean I've got on Playstation but it's not the same as it there we go Moment of Truth there it is I told you it was massive hold on let me remove the screws first there then you can go ahead and do the most important and most satisfying piece of any gaming PC build which is to insert your graphics card into your rig so please do this save at the moment cuz it's all downhill from here surely it will click into place or is it so heavy that it's taking that click away from you you can double check yeah no all right I'll give you that then yeah you just need to uh get that screwed in I mean obviously we do need to sort the back out cuz um it's it's got a little bit hanging up that's not going particularly well at the moment but we just need to sort of stash those cables away and to be absolutely fine but the actual rig itself the important bit that you get to see I think that's going to going to look amazing when it's lit up I mean as well the thing I love about white builds is that it's less about the lighting and it is more just about the parts themselves so I think you you've chosen some really good stuff there actually the ram was a good shout I think the Ram's looking really nice of it perfectly matches the GPU but let's get this turned on and see if it works as is always the Professional Case around here we actually ran out of storage on our SSD which was great so we' got another one but we're down a camera so look over there from that one as we uh actually look to see whether this works I mean are you feeling nervous because this is your PC as I say have you cooked it up have you made a big mistake we'll find out massive plug massive for the PC Centric mouse mat link to this is down below go grab yourself one today so turn the computer on there's a button at the front and actually cool story this y70 I'll go let you do the honors you can go walk around um this is actually a mechanical key switch on the front panel I did think it was a little bit weird so if you want to do the honors for me did you press it that's a good start it well fear not everybody I took it apart I put it back together again we've checked everything uh we had some weird stuff and I'll tell you about it assuming it works yes that's better than we had before how do you feel your first gameing DC didn't work it at least lights up now I think our bios is going to show on here yes you can't see it it says it what is it when you unplugging things in properly no it's not I thought I was dealing with someone competent not someone who can't plug a USB in oh I'm sorry that I'm not used to your fancy USB right there we go so windows that all looks good to me happy boy yeah yeah yeah well very excited to see it like properly running give us couple hours to get him logged in get some games on this and we'll be right back so it's been an eventful few hours most importantly I played badminton and I won while that was happening we got all of the games downloaded and ready to go we jump into that just a second but I do want to say Obviously now that we've got all of your RGB and everything set up your rig is now looking a lot more as it's supposed to so walk us through what do you like about it anything you would change any advice I am absolutely ecstatic with it I can't wait to like properly get on and try it out for real but aesthetically looks beautiful visually I'm going to change a couple things but I mean that's just going to be user practi in terms of RGB and like do you think you're going to go for more of a white or more of the RGB that we have here to be honest I'll probably play around with like a gif or something like that in terms of cooler and probably have something a little bit more aesthetically played it on the actual screen I think it looks great but yeah I'm I'm looking forward to getting into it all right let's get gaming I don't know where to stand this is a disaster and yeah so at the moment that's your frame frame rate bear in mind we're running this Ultra setting that's 120 4K yes we're using deal assist but I mean that's totally fine but yeah I mean 120 FPS that must look and feel phenomenal compared to what you're used to I mean PS5 is good but you're not going to get that right you're not going to get anywhere close to that now that we are outside you have lost some FPS but I mean you're still getting around about 80 frames a second or so uh this is also an Adaptive sync monitor so it should feel nice and smooth I mean how how does this compare realistically I think in terms of pure pure Aesthetics really really good you can tell like the level of detail and the textures and everything like that and the the Shadows are pretty decent we set the DSs now to Performance and we turn on the new feature that you can do with your Nvidia cards you wouldn't be able to do that with the 7900 XTX but you would have saved some money and turn frame generation on this should now yield a much higher frame rate there you go you gone from about 75 to 140 so not quite double but not that far off I mean does that that already feels a lot smoothly to me to be honest next title this is actually one of my favorites and this is a really good rate race title this is called returnal and this is currently running again 4K dealss don't go that way don't go that way that's DLC we're not ready for DLC it's not like the perfect port in the world I know there were a few issues on Playstation as well we like some micro stutter but actually generally speaking can't really say I noticed any like noticeable anyway playing this game uh all the way through really really fun would highly recommend it but again this is another title that runs really well on this rig and in terms of thermals actually as well we're currently looking at about 63Β° on our GPU and then around about 72Β° on our CPU so so CPU is pretty pretty consistent then yeah I mean obviously the one you've opted for has a bit of a higher TDP you've got 16 cores there no issues with thermals is issue with your gameplay though right should we play the game you actually want to play yeah yeah yeah that's it so this is it this is the moment you have legitimately been waiting for this is your PC this is your game let do this I mean your frame rate at the moment you're currently looking at about 150 160 frames a second at 4K with dlss set to Performance have you got the performance mode turned on your PlayStation 5 I'm pretty sure it as default yeah okay so maybe 120 but you I mean you look at 170 here so that this should be so much better and because you have that 4K resolution as well you can actually see into the in terms of yeah the the draw distance is going to be a lot better you're too busy looking at the trees too busy enjoying it well can redeem yourself no audio though it's harder without headphones yeah oh dear well then Mr Robert that is your new gaming PC and you now have a very important responsibility which is for the people watching at home that haven't built a PC before and are wondering whether it's difficult they've seen you do it for the first time with assistance but realistically how was it for the most part probably 80% something like that it's pretty simple CP Ram Etc easy as we already said overall pretty simple very happy with it makes me feel a lot more comfortable in regards to if I want to upgrade in the future yeah cuz that was actually going to be my next question really because I think that's the main difference between if you go down the you know fair enough route of going for a pre-build the disadvantage is you you sort a bit more nervous to open it up whereas you would feel comfortable maybe not just upgrading the ram but maybe swapping out the CPU or putting another hard drive around the back or you know actually unplugging some of the cables right yeah in terms of upgrading GP CPU in the future um potentially a couple years something like that it seems pretty simple obviously the CP is slightly more work than the GP it literally just swap out but not by much I would say overall you really have done a fantastic job I I really love the look of this system I'm still not 100% convinced by the 4K touchcreen but it certainly is something a little bit different and I'll be uh excited to come and visit you and see what you do with it but a massive thank you for you guys for actually watching this video tuning into Robert's journey and obviously thank you for coming and bringing us some part and some some cool content hopefully yeah thank you for making sure I built it properly well there you go any issues let me know or just you know leave a comment down below same for you guys any issues let us know down in the comment section below but thank you so much for watching smash the like button if you've enjoyed this video get yourself subscribed and of course as always if you do want to check out current pricing on anything featured in this video you can find it linked down below with our amson affiliate links and while you're down there why not bask in the glory of the MSI RTX 480 Supreme this gorgeous MSI card uses a brush Metal finish to stand out from the crowd with octagonal cutouts for the tri frozer 3s cooling system and a full metal back plate for awesome rigidity and stunning visuals not only that but with quiet double wall bearing fans quality high efficiency Caron or inductors and full MSI After Burner supports you're getting more than just another GPU grab yours today with the link down below thank you so much for watching we'll catch you in the next one he
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 290,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, how to build a gaming pc, how hard, is building a gaming pc worth it, is building a gaming pc hard, building a gaming pc, build a pc, pc build guide, pc build guide for beginners, pc centric pc build, beginners guide, step by step, gaming pc for, gaming pc build guide, gaming pc build 2023, gaming pc build 2024, pc build 2024, first pc build, first time pc build, rtx 4080, 7950x, hyte y70, y70
Id: 3PkprJyEVEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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