The ULTIMATE RTX 4090 Gaming PC Build - Ryzen 7800X3D, Lian Li Vision

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one and we are live we are here to build ourselves a pretty epic RTX 4090 gaming PC I mean look at the size of this thing it's bigger than my head actually is bigger than my head and that really is saying something because I've got a big head uh then we also have a brand new case I'm really excited and I know you guys are really excited as well for us to build on this this is the Leon Lee o vision which surprisingly is actually the cheapest one in the 01 range despite the fact that some people say actually looks the most premium because you actually have glass on the top as well how is this going to affect things well obviously you can't Mount any fans there but visually uh your case might look a little bit nicer we have editor Carl joining us thank you for having me back I enjoy these live streams it's always good to get involved how does it sound do you look worried no no I'm just yeah I'm just checking the preview making sure everything's okay there we go we did actually have some technical problems so sorry for the slight delay um but we are pretty much ready to rock and roll now which is good um yeah as as always thank you so much for tuning in whether you're watching this live or on the archive if you are watching live in the archive hello uh we will leave product links to everything uh listed down in the description below if you want to check them out but the way this is going to work is we will be putting this together from start to finish no edits so you will see everything sometimes that's good sometimes um I think KL agree that's probably not so good and we're also very very pleased to say that today this live stream has been proudly sponsored by the lovely guys over at LG and if you do want to grab a brand new gaming monitor there are some insane deals available that we have also linked down below this is the 32in GQ 950 that we've used quite a few times on the channel before but if I have set this up correctly we should now be able to cut to yeah there we go shot number four where we have uh the OLED monitor that we tested earlier earlier in the year and this is currently available on sale as well so my main well I I absolutely loved this monitor when it came out it was fantastic but at the RP I thought that there were some other options you know from LG um that offered better value for money but the discount you can get on this is insane I would highly advise you go check it out have a look down in the description below because this truly is one of if not the best gaming monitors you can get a hold of Cu it is OLED 240 HZ 1440p Fant fantastic we loved it on the channel go and check that out as I say link is down below and I think we have one other one as well I mean there's loads of LG monitors on sale at the moment um what's the one it's the gr65 and um this is a 45 in monitor um that is is so wide it's ridiculous if you're after one of these sort of more super ultra wide things 45 in in terms of size um this is uh this is going to be a lot of monitor again this one's on discount I have have written these down cuz I knew uh I wouldn't be very good with numbers you can currently get $200 off um the gr 95 OLED and you can get $150 off uh the gr65 as well so go check those out massive thank you to LG for sponsoring this stream and if you interested in loads of other Black Friday deals we've got those linked down below but yeah let us um start our build over over to you Carl thank you for thank you for passing over yeah I think um hopefully we should have a pretty good live stream today or should go to plan yeah well we were saying this earlier because we have actually built not in this case before but obviously the O 11 quite a few times in different sort of stages um different stages different cases we've seen like the normal one we've seen the XL we've seen the original uh then we've seen the Evo and now obviously uh we've got the vision so we should be quite familiar with it and we are confident uh that the live stream will go without a hitch isn't that right Carl yeah that's always the plan sometimes it doesn't go to plan but it today is not going to be that day no but and why would you like to tell the audience why today is not going to go that way CU I have to leave at 5: I has to leave at 5 so uh yeah uh there we go and as always by the way um donations are appreciated but absolutely not necessary but editor Carl will be getting half of the donations which I realized earlier I think Google take a cut so actually you're basically getting more almost all of it but that's all good that's all good uh so yeah always want to put that out there as well so yes we're going for Le and Lee we've got their LCD cooler here today as well should be easier to install than some others because you have the SL infinite fans if you go for that variant preone on the coer and then obviously you don't need loads of cables you can stick that in and then we've got some extra fans as well because you don't get any with this chassis at all which is a benefit really if you going to buy your own fans as I say anyway whereas obviously if you want the best value you're going to have to look at a chassis that does have fans pre-installed because they will give you better value for money right uh What I Hear laughter is this at my expense no just to confirm yeah this is live this is oh we've got the classic is this pre-record live and and we're really smart about the way we do this as well because this is this is not live this is all like a front but we say like 10 minutes in don't we we say oh this is there's a question in the chat is this live yeah it is live obviously it's live there's no way this could work if this wasn't live so yes yeah uh we're going oh that's the LG sponsored by LG if you want to check out their gaming monitors they are linked down below that was really seamless um that was just CU I pressed the wrong button I'll be honest with you there uh motherboard that we have here is the tough gaming x670 plus Wi-Fi Now X 670e it depends what you need really right because you do get PCI Gen 5 which is going to be very useful for longevity but when these boards first came out they were so expensive that they weren't necessarily worth buying but especially this tough one actually I'm I'm pretty impressed when we looked at the price of this because it's come down a lot and has loads of features is obviously very future proof and of course supports am5 which is what we are going to be using today for our CPU does also come with ddr5 memory support as well and tough gaming boards are pretty solid despite the uh mild controversy we had in the Year and sorry loud noises we're getting there right despite the slight controversy that we had early in the year I've not really had issues with Asus boards at all pretty much all of my personal rigs have used them I'm always a big big fan but to be honest with you gigabyte MSI ASRock they're all really good it will depend on the exact board that you're going for as to how good or bad that particular model is but uh pretty uh pretty happy with this one to be honest is quite an easy one to recommend I I feel like we need a poll poll we we usually have a poll okay what what what should we poll I don't know what what's the Hot Topic at the moment H that's a good question Hot Topic is still I don't know okay now here's one for you right because the RX 460 at the moment there's some there's been some really good deals I've seen them for as cheap as what like $265 $270 I think which is pretty good and then the 7600 from AMD hasn't really dropped down in price so suddenly the RTX 46 is actually a pretty good buy um but I haven't seen any 40 60 TI that are I don't know blowing my socks off so the question we're going to put in the poll is how cheap should the RTX 460 be in order for it to be worth money worth money worth money worth your money um uh are we going to say eight or the 16 gig I don't know cuz it's the 16 gig is the one that would be worth buying but then that is even more expensive so I don't know mean the 460 TI how cheap should that be yeah what did I say 460 no I meant the 4060 TI let's go with this is this 8 gig or 16 gig that's what I just said which one I don't know it was a question let's go with the the cheaper one the 8 gig all right okay so we're going to grab our ryzen processor hello to everyone in the chat by the way that is watching as well as everyone in the archive uh who have we got editor car uh We've The Usual Suspects RI star's here add's here uh who else have we got riar we got a big respect to riar he's been a massive massive help to the channel I've noticed he even put some of my videos in the Discord when I forgot because I was busy out having dinner with my family so massive thank you to riar for doing that CPU by the way we're using this is the 7800x 3D this is obviously the best all around gaming CPU can get the I9 is definitely worth considering because it is a better CPU but for raw gaming performance the 7800 x3d is either neck and neck or slightly ahead um and it's a lot cheaper so it depends what you need really do you need loads more cores for a PC that will do everything and be more future proof or do you want to just go for that Ryon and save yourself the money probably put the rest of it towards the graphics card that's what I'd do but is entirely down to you there is no right or wrong answer what would you do Carl I9 79 100 x 3D I'd go for the 7800 X 3D yeah yeah unless you you know you're using it for like video you do do video editing so if you're going to have one rig though maybe the I9 actually would be better suited to you maybe maybe we' found the use case or probably just get a 7900x or 7950 X instead yeah yeah like the the performance difference isn't a lot depends what you play as well does depends what you prioritize isn't it do you prioritize work or play uh um I don't know at the moment these days I'm prioritizing work I've had a good week though it's been really fun actually but we've been so busy poor editor Carl has had loads to do and I've been keeping him topped up with even more stuff uh to do he's even been benchmarking um all of the CPUs uh for a CPU video that we've got coming out next week I think or maybe the week after where we're doing like a full full round up of everything uh so yeah good old editor car we've been working hard yeah uh we love him around here ah thank you uh we've got some ddr5 memory I also like the fact on this Asus board they do color code the slots so you're going to more instinctively put the ram in nether the gray or the black slots obviously the gray one is the one we want to use dual Channel memory you want to make sure there is separation between the sticks so it actually operates at its four rated speeds I believe this is a 6,000 MHz kit but as we were discussing I have lost the Box somehow uh for this Fury memory I think it's cuz it wasn't actually in what it's not a mess around here car this is this studio yeah no one no one needs to know you're good uh I lost the container for this so I don't know but I would recommend going for a 6,000 MHz Expo kit anyway um try and get either 32 gig or 64 or you can even buy 48 uh it's 16 gig of RAM is absolutely fine at the budget end but with a 49 you're going to want 32 gig of RAM or more so that is our motherboard mostly complete we do also need to actually install our SSD and I've realized I don't have a screwdriver car next to the PC the other side is it yeah oh Ste see this is why he's here he's he's nearby just in case you need them as well he's so good he looks after us so we're going to open up our slots go on who else we got in the chat though I want this to be as interactive as possible shouting people's names picture and picture it's me I forgot I could do that we're Rusty well haven't done this in a while uh we've got Saints are top I guess maybe that's a reference to something right um who else have we got we've got Raman Kumar marz games uh sadik is here as well Eric K Eric K maybe Eric Clapton with a K may it is a k yeah you never know claps with a C I'm afraid yeah I was going to say Eric Canton are but it's uh that's also I don't know who that is sorry is it football it was yeah yeah there go it's all all you need to tell me oh I'm knacked you know we had a massive lunch and then it was quick frantic go go go go go go actually we're not quite as set up as we thought we were which is very on brand and now I'm like out of breath Big Boy bloated but we're we're we're getting there and I'm I'm as I say I'm looking forward to this cuz I think this case is going to appeal to a lot of people and I'm still in the market for a new case so could be for me still not sold you still not found the case I've found load of cases I really like actually so it's it's good it's difficult for good reasons this time rather than bad ones yeah uh that is our motherboard complete look there you go nice and easy nice looking board no real issues it does annoy me that Asus put their bloody serial numbers like here right where you can see them I guess I guess no no no no maybe they've been smart actually maybe they know that as soon as you put your graphics card in you won't see this yeah probably especially with the size of our graphics card I think we're going to be fine yeah loads of slots by the way on for M do2 on this board as you can see so yeah pretty good that was one of the main things you just step up with motherboard you of course get more features and these days a lot of that is faster storage speeds and more storage speed slots I think we need to do the coer first do we why it's got like some brackety thing is it all righted car saying all right right forget it forget it we we come back we need uh it's only because I took it apart like an hour ago so did it's true where was it you want to tell the lovely people where you found it this is the cool been waiting for uh this is the ga uh 2 LCD I don't know why it's is that shorthand cuz it's actually called the Galahad 2 yeah I I I guess they just didn't want to print it when I Googled that yeah what could it be there yeah just looks silly yeah I googled this and I couldn't find it and then yeah it's cuz it's called the gahad 2 I think the software on does need to improve a bit until it's up to the likes of the NZXT and the corset offerings but obviously it will get there and it then means you can use what are probably I say the best fans I don't know they're tied between this and the qxs I think these are the better all round fan because they're not as expensive as course say ludicrously expensive QX but they are also on sale by the way Black Friday sale links as I say down below gone through we've got about 120 products give or take um for both UK and US links to that are down below as are the links to new eggs back Friday sale that bit's not sponsored but those are affiliate links uh but yeah really impressed actually with the sales this year I think it's because sort of over lockdown uh and then the couple of years after that we were still in that sort of backlog sort of period where for those that sort of time there weren't really many discounts was this year all the companies want to get rid of stuff it's like we need more sales we need to go we've got all this stock and so actually doing some decent discounts which is really nice to see so go check those out and as I say if you've just joined the stream this video is proudly sponsored by LG and their gaming monitors that are on Black Friday discount you can also find these listed down below what you seeing now is the OLED monitor we reviewed earli in the year really loved it go and check it out link is down below hold on can we just go back to me cuz that was actually a pretty seamless ad um the first time not quite so seamless that was quite slick wasn't it that was quite slick I completely ignored it but um other than the whole like then being proud of myself uh and and just ruining the ruining the flow of everything other than that it was great I got distracted because there's um there's somebody in the chat called PC Centric number one fan oh that's the YouTube username uh what is he QX ql s o INF who I don't know that's that's that's no oh dear a good one can't get away can't get away from that so yeah here's our caller I think we've actually pre-installed some Intel Hardware on that so we'll take that off looks complicated but it is actually just one box that should pretty much do everything all of your screws and things are here as well no there is no back plate it's just it's got those you got basically you have to change these things to other ones hold on no I'm is it are you not just thinking because it was int no you have you have to take these off and put on very similar looking ones right okay so he says I saw it in the box and I was like what is this for is this going to fall off I'm not I am just watching it wobble around I'm not liking that it needs more weight at the front they don't expect you to actually use all the ports on the device that's meant for streaming anyway uh so here's our caller we've got our fans crucially blowing into the radiator this will of course come this side it can't go there cuz there's glass there that's habit that's a force a habit so this will have to go there either we use it as an exhaust as well that's fine yeah or intake yeah we do exhaust at the back and then we have fans at the bottom yeah that'll be exhaust and I guess your fans at the bottom will be intake yeah yeah yeah yeah and that can be exhaust as well so you can put one or two fans actually at the back here which is quite nice um yeah nice and nice and slick so okay you're right force a habit we're not used to using glass tops on uh the chassis so that's new right let's have a look then so you're saying I need to do want that one I need to do something funny that's it in that bgy oh this oh okay I'll put this back on the overhead so you can actually see what I'm talking about you see look at this it's like this little plastic dudah dudah dud thing that's the technical name I realized now when I know granted this was quite a long time ago I'm going back like 15 20 years now well I'm not quite that old but yeah like 15 years or so when you're at school and the teachers would say all things like that and why why would they do that because they they have too much to do all at once and their brain doesn't work properly I Now understand their trouble and toil uh there go that's why I want want to be on the old PGM so what' you reckon we just take this off apparently and then you just screw those other ones on top and then I think there is there's two bags of these yeah oh God that looks very why tical the same as everything else I don't know but then I suppose if if you are building a gaming PC normally you don't build one or two a week uh so you just follow the instruction so it doesn't have to be like everything else does it yeah maybe we can give them that yeah if it takes 3 minutes longer than someone else's it's like it's not really a big deal well in theory like it take less right well I can work out that these need to come off I have a feeling you're going to use the same screws though yeah no I'm pretty sure we used something like this before well that goes on there nice and easily cuz it says CPU down so you just pop them over there like that and then I reckon same screws surely it's got to be the same screws I will check the instruction Manuel uh remove screws is that the same screw maybe we don't have any spares do we no there's no extra ones so I guess we just use try these that would make sense somebody said in the chat RP SATA ssds in 2023 even though I bought one I was about to say sat SSD the other day I liked how lonus mentioned in a video like well the other day like why would someone be buying SATA ssds then and then you messed to say I bought one cuz it was 8 terabytes and it was not much more expensive than a hard drive that was 8 terabytes yeah well there you go if you need big capacity there are always deals to be found exactly that was a Black Friday deal good Black Friday uh good Black Friday day I'm broken Black Friday Day deal good Black Friday deal it was I saved like nearly £100 that was a good deal on an SSD as well someone asked me as well uh on one of my posts I like why are there some pots and pans right at the bottom of your deals list and it's because those are my pans and I would plug them and promote them and say you should pick them up um because I do love them but I think the Black Friday days day oh again Black Friday day s Black Friday Black Friday Day Sale has gone I think they've sold all their stock at that discounted price so if you do want to grab yourself the best pans ever then you can't so unlucky or you just pay full price for him so yeah you missed out you could have had some pots and pans there we go check out the deals links are down below also check out the PC Centric Mouse the true story I was going to set up a Black Friday Day discount and then I forgot so full price link is down below full price full price oh I'm good at sales aren't I yeah I'm not sure the mouse mats were the best decision but I'm happy with the product that's the the main thing anyway let's not go down that road uh we've got some votes in that's in got some votes yeah got some votes got some votes in what that's I that's just some random video from ages ago with uh what's his name uh Ryan Reynolds Oh what was he pretended be Australian Australian he is oh no yeah he's pretending to be Hugh Jackman he like got to get your votes I can't do got to get your votes in got to get your votes in but yes that's what he was yeah anyway how cheap should the 46 DTI be yep I'm I'm not sure if people are being realistic oh okay they're just they're wanting bar they gone for the lowest price2 200 okay maybe that wasn't the best2 200 250 is a close second yeah maybe maybe on a sale be waiting a while for that one uh okay caller looks like we're ready to go do you think the mount is then the same yeah it uses the same bra tree right there's a load of finger changes is the screws I believe yeah that is that going to touch yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yep I can buy that okay so we'll pop this to one side for a second right and this means we can now move on to the exciting bit the bit that is completely new Anything could happen then I'll tidy up yeah I don't think we need that one either I think you need these ones to go over the top of the screen oh so he's got me edit a car where would if you go home where will I be hopefully done uh the1 Vision so how much is this car that's a good question no idea just make it up $139.99 oh I think it actually is I was about to say I'm pretty sure it's 140 quid oh I'm Google it um yeah I think about about that 125 to5 see I will say though what I'm not saying this feels cheap at all cuz it Doesn't but I I'm not sure what it is I still can't quite work out what it is when I pick this up compared to the Evo it definitely does feel still heavy but lighter and I can tell it's not exactly the same case make of that what you will but I think it is just CU you've got less metal and more glass make sense wouldn't it cuz that is still look that is pretty solid that's actually solid I was thinking maybe they used like thinner glass or something but it definitely does weigh a fair bit less but maybe it's just because I've been picking up Evo rigs that are actually assembled maybe that's uh unfair of me to comment on the weight I don't know well not captive thumb screw it's it's just such a good looking case though isn't it really really nice and if you think as well as long as you're buying components that do have a very good uh I don't know thermal regulation they can dissipate all of that heat and then you put as I said at least one but maybe two fans here at the back I don't really think you're going to have a problem especially if we do use this as an exhaust like we will today I don't think you're going to have any real issues um but do be aware because you've got this like you you can take this out but uh you can't access the back of the motherboard which is why we've done the uh back plate now so yeah it's looking pretty nice oh should we have a look at the side let's take this glass take all that glass off so it's got like little pins on it look to help you get it in the right place that is thinner on the top though that is definitely thinner glass thin the side yeah yeah yeah yeah what about the front that's the same as the side does the front come out on Bo I imagine it would um yeah yeah you've got an internal screw here oh take take it all out you want me to take it all out yeah oh you're saying speed is not the thing today well we want to see what it does it looks more like a test bench now doesn't it it's cool just take all the glass out and then good to go oh oh oh no it's not that simple maybe there's a screw in the back somewhere see we didn't need that it's fine it's fine car go over to chat I'm going to work this one out getting distracted now yeah um do we know how much this PC cost um no well technically it didn't cost anything because they just sent us all the components so there we go so if you want to know all of the parts are listed in the description so if you just want to find out how much something costs that's not even a plug that's not even a plug that's just trying to help you out cuz we don't know that bit is thinner I'm like even then that could be a Al where is the other P oh here's one I had earlier yeah here's one I had earlier yeah definitely feels a bit cheaper this not crazy but that is more solid do you want to have a a fiddle pdon you want a with my side panel see like not crazy I feel like a uh is it just a paint finish or you to be honest there's not I think it's just the material yeah okay I don't know I just I think I suppose that's there's more mesh there on the side gu more mesh means that wobbles that that wobbles they're both wobble maybe I'm holding it in a different place is this good content this is like a J's 2cent video yeah there's a little bit more wobble little bit more wobble that was no you're laughing you think I'm mugging them off that was not a uh that was not a dig I just meant more obviously Jay sort of spends 25 minutes unboxing stuff and talking about every detail which is what I started to do yeah yeah that's true anyway uh let's uh proceed shall we uh so this is where your ssds go and this also doubles as like a little cable management bar thing which is always quite cool comes out nice and easily as well pop this here and they even give you a screw box oh look they even have cable ties that say Vision on the side do they they do so they do little things and this you know this here's the thing though this Cas this this what I thought he was going to put picture and picture on no this this case is a bit of a lie as is the uh uh enex no as is the Phantom X N5 is that right nv5 or nv5 yes uh because the price of them looks fantastic on paper and then you got to remember you got to add your fans so yeah as I say if you're comparing this to something like a granted you know the fans are not great but if you compare it to something like a even a 5,000 airf flow it's going to be same sort of money but that comes with fans so you don't need to add anything else onto it whereas obviously this you need to add your fans but as I say especially at this level chances are you're going to be buying third part fans anyway so you'd rather not have fans so that the price of this is less make sense makes sense makes sense good normally I just I look at the camera I'm like make sense and no one says anything back so it's nice to have that but yeah here's our frame Let's uh get this installed shall we pop this down oh we have 580 concurrent viewers at the moment yeah boy but only 218 likes on the video that is not right that doesn't make math that doesn't make sense it does not make maths oh the problem I we shouldn't have eaten so close to the stream honestly all I want to do is burp I'm really sorry and it was thick heavy food as well is that garlic bread garlic bread he made me eat two days out a date garlic bread I didn't make you you did you you offered it to me with a contract saying this is uh I said if you eat this and you die you have acknowledged the fact it wasth two days out day there is camera evidence yeah who knows whether that camera will one day it will help me out or it'll do completely completely opposite who knows have I told you about the one time the one time that I have used so context is we have camera for the dog uh by the back door so you can see when you like wants to come back in there's one time that I've only ever used it for like that Black Mirror thing which is bad you shouldn't do it um which was when the and I not an argument not like you're the worst person in the world not one of those arguments um an argument like you know just disagreement but like funny uh she said I've never eaten a pastel daata before and I immediately knew she bling ad right and I I knew she had but she was adamant so I've not eaten one before well she wasn't getting that angry she was I haven't eaten one before honestly I haven't I'm I know we I know bloody have and I thought right when did she have it she had it when her sister and her sister's partner came over right when was that and I L went back in the calendar looked up uh what day it was went back on the camera to that day found the footage of her eating a Pasto Donata zoomed it in and was like ha and then I sort of didn't really win because I just look like a creepy idiot so I would say don't do that but that is the only time that camera has been used for evidence purposes was that a good story I guess so yeah what's going on with chat I'm also going to be careful anytime I say anything in that room now well it's only pastel denata related um we've got some questions asking us about potential 4,000 series super graphics cards heard anything about them uh do I know anything about them that's a very good question I've heard rumors of things but you know when I say rumors I mean like you know some other YouTuber said oh I reckon that they're coming yeah so you don't really know I mean I can say Han on heart I have not received any uh information under embargo about them um that I have to you know keep quiet about so I don't know yeah a lot of information or leaks to be honest usually like when the 490 and that was coming out there was a lot of leaks about it yeah I mean Nvidia usually announc something something at CES right so I don't know it's almost certainly going to be of AI stuff but I don't know gaming they kind of need to do something with a 4060 TI but then they also probably won't they want to refresh like the 4090 and 4080 sort of top tier because those have been out for a year now and context you got to remember I know it's pathetic but in terms of sales uh people often buy products that have the most recent release date if they don't know anything about them which is why they then want to have these releases that are more frequent just so that they look like they've got something new out um I mean I think if they replace the 4080 with a 4080 super that did have more performance at the same price that would be quite good because the 480 does need a little bit more grunt just to make it better value doesn't it yeah and then if it it's not a bad card if it has that sort of like Cascade effect obviously where then the 4080 then becomes cheaper for like you know if that's then under ,000 P or dollars that that makes you then it's better for everybody yeah do you recall what they did with the last time supers though cuz I do they did a straight replacement on everything other than the 2060 so they kept the 2060 brought in the 2060 super but otherwise the 2070 and 2080 replaced them replaced them so you couldn't buy them anymore once the stock had gone yeah they were straight up replaced by the supers so yeah do we need them I don't know I not I don't I don't mind having new ones it gives me something to do um but I busy is it exciting no not really is it because there's not going to be like major Le Game Changer is it I don't know what do you you're not going to get more performance out of you know a 4090 is still going to be the top card yeah so it's not going to be anything new and we're so CPU bottleneck really with the 4090 that it's not really worth buying something that was 20% more powerful than a 4090 if they were able to produce that until we've got uh 8,000 or 15th gen CPUs in my opinion yeah yeah to honest you know 4090 is great but it is held back in you know multiplayer games so yeah most people don't really need any more than that here's our little rig those looking quite nice isn't it a little rig a little rig yeah um cool I guess so yeah let's do it I I feel relaxed with this case now despite the bloat I feel quite relaxed cuz it's like a fresh of it's like a a breath of fresh air but familiar you know I tell you what it's like it's like when Thea comes home and she's got like a I wouldn't say like what be careful Marcus She has like a like solid scent like it's not like a perfume you smell you it's just like scent yeah so it's like it's familiar it's like oh she's home yeah it's just like you know it reminds you of Home reminds you of of good times you've got more of a scent than she does cuz as we've explained before in the channel uh you've got family that work in a perfume Factory so you just get it for Christmas and you have to use it up yeah get like 12 bottles a year for free so it's just like every single day might as well use it you haven't got some on today though no I didn't put any on today there you go so you let the side down those on the stream are going to miss out now yeah Vision God can you imagine well what here's a topic for you right new poll right new poll now you're dead to us kill that one uh before we do the poll by the way don't forget this is a live stream that is sponsored by the lovely guys over at LG if you want to grab yourself a new gaming monitor loads are on sale links to everything are down below I get to push my button again there we go look if you want to grab yourself an OLED monitor I believe it's $200 off at the moment uh you can go and check that out with the description down below below and as this is Black Friday all of our favorite Black Friday picks are also listed down below if you want to grab yourself a bargain loads of cool PC components and stuff don't forget to check that one out and let us know in the comments by the way uh what your favorite deals are if we've missed any let us know and we can add them to the list uh I was going to say new poll um I don't know if you have this in America but in the UK we have something called uh 4dx so this is like a c World thing where it's basically like what your seat rumbles doesn't it there's wind there's smell yeah and there's water I have some friends that went to go see Avatar we the water and they were like oh there's so much water and it's like it does not interest me at all but new poll 4dx are you interested is it good or is it a nogo ridiculous suggestion are you for 4dx or against it feel free to ask more questions if you don't have a clue what it is yeah what do you think the type of I've never done it no I suppose it's not really something you can recreate at home either is it I guess no it is you don't really want to put the fan on or you know turn on the sprinklers when um you someone Dives under water but do you really want like the bad smells you know like the fake fart smell that they will almost certainly uh pump in there you know I heart smells oh yeah no I'm serious I don't know the specifics they haven't been but I just you know just no don't want that no thank you I guess so I I think it's worth probably doing like once yeah but then I feel like I wouldn't want to waste a film if I didn't like it so I also went to go see the Batman in screen X and that was crap as well the Batman but you know just go to the the sen World IMAX is that's the way you've got three premium formats IMAX is the one you want let's be honest oh H what have you done have you got the right screws I don't know are there did the brackets come off the brackets might come off let's have a look yeah I think yeah they do cuz they're they're not stupid like I am don't know how they come off [Music] screws not maybe let's have a look no I don't think that's the one Entertain Entertain people Carl this is your your moment I was just reading a comment somebody said if you want to buy a pre-built in the UK you can either only get a 12 700k or a 14700 K 13th gen is not selectable but you can get a 12th gen 12th the difference is 12th and 13th gen are actually quite different in terms of performance so there needs to be a big price difference for it to be worth it and there are I think my favorite deal or one of the favorite deals I've seen at the moment is the 12 600k for about 150 or so that's really good that's the same St price it's 12400 much more performance but yeah in terms of per core performance 13th and 14th gen are pretty similar and they are a lot better than 12th gen yeah yeah we were saying about that earlier wasn't we before we went live yeah it's a good deal uh I don't know how this comes out I'm I'm struggling there it looks as if it should just pull out maybe that's I don't know I don't know maybe we'll do it the old fashioned way well it look it definitely comes out really nice and easily I thought I wouldn't need instructions I'm struggling I mean all right I'll try the old uh oh just a pain honestly it's a right pain not got enough hands not enough fingers it's disaster right anyway uh yeah Carl come on keep keep I'm being distracted I'm just waiting for you to start shouting about how much you love radiators I do love radiators they're my favorite uh let's talk about the cable burning 490s is that solved uh we were also talking about that earlier weren't we I've got a delivery from cable mod where I will be talking about that in more detail but um I think it kind of has been resolved but then can it ever be truly resolved because I don't know like how how many this is the point right how many failures do you need for it to be a proper failure if that Mak sense like how how many are just oneoff issues caused by user error versus how many uh would determine a proper issue and this is what this is sort of what happened at launch wasn't it yeah uh all the companies were kind of keeping a little bit quiet about it just because they didn't really know what was going on but I think generally speaking as long as you're pushing these cables in they're fine they're absolutely fine it's just that the the initial cables weren't actually that easy to guarantee they were in properly yeah so the more the revised ones that they're doing are essentially uh stopping you from having power delivery if they're not plugged in properly if they're not seated CU that's when there's a problem isn't there yeah yeah I used the original was like the four pin adapter thing on the 490 for like my editing PC yeah and you know and you know did for like the last several months you know nothing caught on fire nothing melted that is the minimum you expect from your uh RTX 490 though let's be honest yeah do not catch fire yeah but you you know I wouldn't pay a pound for something that was going to catch fire unless it was firewood or charcoal I buy those uh but you know that the the fire kind of comes with that we're not as I said we're not saying these Catch Fire I think that's the opposite what we saying we're saying they absolutely should not I I think you you would have heard about it as well from from like the news um like proper news yeah like when the Samsung batteries were catching on fire yeah if it was if it really was a widespread really bad failure that absolutely was not caused by human error you would know about it um but yeah it's still it's not something that bothers me anyway I I I use these cards I have no issues with them at all uh but yeah there we go sorry I know this bit isn't very interesting now this is the other problem with radiators just screwing it in is this level before a yeah looks level looks all right yeah so uh let's see who we've got in the chat then um got some questions coming in Marcus yep uh where is oh stop moving what how do I make it stop I don't know I'm no expert there we go um yeah that's a good point uh Nimo beggins says the issue with the 4090 whoa whoa whoa who Nemo beggins Nemo might be Namo not Nemo not Nemo there's no e okay all right fair enough uh the biggest issue with the 490 is that it's $2,000 yeah that will do it that will absolutely do it and um yeah I've seen as well like if 49 the availability is not fantastic at the moment and so if you want a strix white Edition it's like almost three grand yeah we saw that earlier didn't we crazy crazy uh money would you spend an extra thousand just to have it in white well no no no no I don't think that is necessarily Fair because the one night had linked actually turns out it was out of stock in the UK the one that's cheapest is the one that I use which is the p and Y one I have no issues with that card is it but it's black that's what I'm saying oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I know yeah ex I would I pay loads more for white no no no I would not uh where's the image is this an upside Downy coer I think it is isn't it upside down uh yeah the tubes picture in the Box doesn't show it we we've used it before yeah I'm going to go tubes down I'm going to go tubes down uh we need some thermal paste though go to the thermal paste draw yep oh you know how I said wi Earth is the thermal compound remover in the bedroom yeah you know why is it in there it shouldn't be in there I like how it's still in there didn't actually didn't bring it back no uh so let's do our cooler nice amount I think actually run oh no there's still enough in the tube okay you can't really overdo thermal paste you can underdo it though but I think a lot of people get worried about this but actually just a normal amount yeah and if you have you know if you if you're watching this thinking well what is a normal amount when you do it you're no okay but if you put a tiny bit you go put a bit more just in case whereas you can't put too much on because if you like fill the whole thing up you won't be thinking oh it needs a little bit more if you're thinking it could do with a bit more needs a bit more that sounds like terrible advice but I think editor car was someone that also builds computers would you kind of agree that actually does Mak sense yeah I always the easiest ways if you want is just to always opt on like the way of caution you know just put a little bit more on yeah you you can have you can have too little but you can't have too much it's not as temperamental as people think like I don't know if I should confess this I mean I'm making it sound more dramatic it doesn't matter but I have been a couple of times where like I built a system turned it on um needed a to rotate the co around yeah and I just take it off put a little bit more ther thermal paste on and just put it back oh yeah that's fine well you know it will sort itself out you know what going to end up is just we just get bonus thermal paste then yeah bonus thermal paste that's fine the worst was the old gen ryons where they would take the whole cooler with it when you remove them yeah I also don't like cleaning these ones yeah the ryz are bit ni the new ones because obviously there all those little like gaps where thermal paste just kind of sits it's just like oh man am I missing something here there's why are they giving you such tiny little screws that's rubbish no it is that's why normally you get big thumb screws because they're easier to handle where the the screen sort of it's big isn't it it covers up most of where the screw actually goes well this is not as easy I mean obviously you'd probably be doing this facing downwards so wouldn't be so much of an issue oh so you've been working here car well not literally here but been working with the channel now for how long a year and a half about that year time has flown how are how are you getting on yeah I'm getting on all right pretty comfortable at the moment you don't have to be nice it is fine PC Centric is the worst wait he's the worst PC company you've ever worked for that is true I guess so because it's the only one but it's also the best yeah I make that joke all the time but I've noticed don't make that joke to uh mothers or fathers if they have one child that they don't find it really funny when you're like it's the worst child you've ever had he's the only child of had yeah yeah no nothing good can come from from that joke so let's not do that right so we're just screwing this screwing this up we are literally screwing this up right now yeah we don't want to screw it up not today yeah that coer could maybe dip down slightly but what the tubes yeah we can adjust it after can't we I mean there's a lot of Rim in this case to build it that's another reason I like it I think if you are building a starter PC and you want a uh PC case that's easy to build in my advice would be to go for one that's dual chamber CU it's way quicker and easier to build on those uh cuz your components are separated whereas if you're building in traditional Tower I'm not saying it's difficult but you'll find that cable management is less forgiving should we say yeah I like being able to get I was about I was literally about to say it makes it easier that you can just reach your hand in the top don't have to worry about pre- rting any cables either this time no because there's no radiators in the way I hate radiators yeah all right now liking this case so far which is good right that's the cooler on on now the fun bit all the RGB and all the USB cables that was like that before I started up from yeah it was yeah uh RGB or fans they're they're kind of all the same aren't they H well they all need the fans are RGB yes I'm saying should I add the fans now what did I say fans fans are RGB all right like they are rgp fair enough can't argue with that one uh we need our little junction box though which is this H somebody said hello from Scotland or as a Scottish person would say happening happening I guess what's H what's happening what's happening what's happening oh Scotland is one of my favorite places ever I love Scotland on like genuinely I love the people and I absolutely love the Landscapes there there is nothing quite like it really other in Canada what about did the Scottish and the Canadians get on why did you feel like they're like similar similar Vines similar landscape Oh I thought you meant as in like you've got you've got like the country below them which everyone always talks about and then you've got like the Canada they got that similar sort of yeah I see what you've done there that makes sense uh I like the classic Simpsons where Will's talking about people that Scottish people hate and goes through like every country and then Scots and other Scots it's good just hate everyone you know I saw an advert at The Simpsons the other day and it was like Simpsons season 36 or whatever is now streaming oh G on that long it's probably time to call that one I suppose if it's still funny and it still works well is it though I don't I think it probably still is it's just not the same like original Simpsons thing is like when you watch The Simpsons as a kid I think like 80% of the joke just went straight over your head anyway yeah probably and then as you watch it as like like an adult you're like oh well there's actually a lot of like sort of older person jokes in this that you never really noticed yeah oh loads of things are like that though aren't they yeah even like Disney movies are like that I've got into Disney movies as you know recently yeah watch Beauty and the Beast for the first time orig yeah watched uh Mulan for the first time um what was it the other one I watched uh Hercules for the first time I watched that the other week with ear she'd never seen it yeah it's good it's quite good I forgot the uh oh who's in it it's um yeah Danny DeVito yeah Mulan yeah yeah yeah no hules oh yeah yeah sorry yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Ed Eddie Eddie Murphy's in Mulan he's the dragon oh he is yeah is this before they were famous uh I think they were famous before they were they don't really tend to do that some more do they sorry if you hate Disney by the way I've realized there on a tangent here oh sorry we'll talk about more py gaming oh yeah the fox has just commented Hercules is the best Disney film yeah well it's good it's good it stands up well I wasn't a massive fan of Mulan kind of like started and finished like there wasn't much battle going on was it it's like the Huns are coming yeah and then okay they've come and that's it they they're all defeated instantly with one firework it's kind of like not really sure wa yeah you know it it didn't have enough uh enough action I watch this someone just comment Chris Breen just commented saying Puss in Boots The Last Wish is quite a good film yeah I I saw puss I saw this the other day it was I think I watched it it was like in the background and then I ended up just watching it I was like this is quite fun underrated you know under underrated films these days try and be so big and clever but people actually just want to sit down and watch something that's that's good you know exactly it doesn't have to be really smart and original so this is the worst part about the uh building a PC isn't it Cable Management yeah but I mean once it's done it's done so all I'm doing now uh is just obviously getting everything through the proper channels so yeah should be fairly easy I suppose with the the Le do the Le Lee fans in the Box they just plug into that same Hub say that again do the Le Lee fans that we've got just plug into it was one hub for everything oh that's good we don't have to get out a separate Hub separate USB cable I like as well these Cable Management bars I think they pretty smart you can just put one like that oh you don't have to unscrew them that's clever it is very clever isn't it then we've got all of our cables there I like in cases have ideas like that you know it's like it's not an expensive addition yeah yeah but it's just smart well I've noticed now most new cases that come out do have the front panel connection yeah cuz like every motherboard that comes out has that standard so it makes sense but I I mean what did motherboards used to not be like that do you think you know didn't did they used to be in like different locations yeah maybe yeah maybe like 10 years ago or something maybe it's just like a standard thing now makes sense because it's just stupid to have it any other way right front pen is here so many pins it is quite intimidating when you first get a motherboard but I assure you it is very self-explanatory once you've sort of sat down with it yeah I do remember being so intimidated when I got my first box of bits yeah there's so many things on the motherboard to plug into and then realistically you only plug in about five things and this was before you know PC part picker and all of that stuff so it really was a bit more a stab in the dark compared to how it was now now didn't use YouTube or anything don't really remember how I worked it out I think just like using the Intel website and stuff just to check compatibility but I did go for not necessarily the wrong board but I went for like a z67 motherboard or whatever it was yeah instead of the newer one it'll be like the equivalent of going for a 690 rather than a 790 today yeah not a big problem at all no but this was also before you had the proper visual bios isn't it was all that blue screen gray scary stuff yeah yeah I think my first build was a Oh what was it I think it was a Core 2 quad oh yeah yeah so like before the i5s yeah cuz I had a I5 2500k yeah I had the Core 2 quad I think it was not the there was a f a popular one which was the q6600 I think I had the 8200 I believe you went big I think it wasn't I think it was just like the year later version right but the numbers didn't match up as good as they do now yeah what I mean cool so sorry I should say we've just done our USB uh we've got USB uh type c and our USB 3 there and I'm just going to do the HD audio and of course we have done the front panel nice and relaxed these uh live builds there's less pressure uh than a normal video to get perfect because you guys ask questions as and when so if I miss something you can always ask don't forget this is your perfect opportunity by the way if you are watching this uh to ask any pc pc related questions please do editor Carl will read them out and I'll be honest the uh communication with LG was very loose so I don't know how many times we need to mention uh the awesome sale that's currently on if you want to save yourself some money on a LG gaming monitor Now's the Time to do it you can check it out with the links down below here is some b-roll from earlier there it is if you want to grab the OLED gr9 95 is currently $200 off go check it out link is down below I just like putting on the big voice the big energy the big voice and like pushing the button the transition into the B- roll yeah exactly I mean if we didn't have a button for B- roll it wouldn't be as good but because we have a b-roll button suddenly it's uh very entertaining trying to work out what what best place to put this front panel connection actually um don't forget as well it is Black Friday so if you do want to check out some of the uh sales we've got our best picks uh listed down below as well both on Amazon and Newegg and there are some really good deals so seriously go check those out cuz yeah we saw that RX 6700 XT for 299 299 for a 6700 XT that's very good 6800 for was 380 or so 36 something like that around that Mark good 6800 that what was that 7700 XT no yeah the 7700 XT performance if you're rocking like a I don't know uh 1070 uh 1060 and you want to upgrade now is actually really is the perfect time to do it yeah go uh yeah go check those those deals out you know don't have to use my affilate links like like genuinely they're really good deals just like if you don't want to that's that's totally fine there are some fantastic deals uh what are we doing now fans fans what about all these things I'll do that once the fans are in I think yeah uh so it's important to note that if you're are going to use uh some of these fans or any smart fans really same with n XT or Corsair uh anything that requires a hub you can buy cheaper individual fans or you can buy a box that comes with the Hub uh that's usually a slight price premium so you might look at it and go I'm not saying these are but these might be 20 quid each and then you look at the box and then this might be 68 and you're like well hang on a minute if I'm buying three why why is the bundle more expensive because because it usually comes with a controller uh but I don't think we need it today no we've got a controller uh but we'll use what we got these were supplied by Le and Lee alongside the case everything you're seeing today is a review sample oh car what's going on over in chat I need to have some water yeah need a little break I need some lubrication um for your okay stop it there yeah uh I was about to build a 1,600 1.6k build with a 6950 XT and an i5 13600 K I'll be honest I was just thinking about water can you repeat that uh 6950 XT yeah and an i5 13600 K well that's what he's looking at or that's what he wants to buy that's what he's looking at building with I don't know how much the 6950 is it's just I remember when I tested those they were quite loud and for me personally that would put me off it depends if you're using headsets all the time it's really not not a problem at all yeah uh but it does anything that uses a lot of power puts me off like RTX 3090 true story Nvidia sent a review sample out this is a pallette specific one I put it in my system for couple weeks took it out so it was just unnecessarily loud and the performance was similar to the 30 was it 3080 TI yeah I downgraded from the 3090 uh TI to the 3080 TI just because of noise so you know bothers me but not might not buy bother everyone might not bother everyone point being do cautiously look at previous generation cards that um have come down in price because if they do consume a lot of electricity cost you money and they could be a little bit too loud if you're like me and have sensitive ears yeah I think that's the other thing worth mentioning with the 6950 XT is obviously the power draw yeah big boy Power draw Big Boy power draw how much is it out of interest can you let us know uh see on Amazon 667 um I'm not it's obviously more than the 7,800 it kind of sounds about right but I would that doesn't strike me as like a bargain does it no there's no there's no sort of deals on it either I think yeah I'm I can't quite remember like how it Stacks up in comparison but I just feel like it's I think it is good raw FPS yeah but it Al obviously is you do have to factor in that power draw the better power supply yeah I think hardware and box likes to recommend those don't they like the older generation but I have I swear I have seen it for like close to 550 and like at that sort of price then it's like a no-brainer yeah so you know you you're happy to pay a bit extra for a power supply if it's that cheap but if it isn't oh that's the other thing as well yeah of course you'd need to buy more expensive power supply yeah exactly so yeah it does cost you a bit of money I think like if you could could get a previous generation you know like RTX 3080 or something might be different because those were L lower power draw in the first place but then the AMD cards were loud and power heavy even versus that generation's competition yeah so you know the RTX 4060 build that we've literally just uploaded haven't we it's not gone live yet that's coming going live probably Sunday Monday sort of time yeah um the the thing that was so impressive about that was it was a completely silent system like you could hear the power supply that was about it and when it was idling it it was crazy it was such a good rig for noise and that is the benefit of going for like a newer generation card you do get better power efficiency yeah yeah exactly yeah but it depends what you need yeah you can go if you go like sort of highend 4090 that is you know that is not very power efficient but like the 4070 is using like less than 200 Watts or something and I think off the top of my head I think it's similar performance to the 6900 XT or something on the 4070 and it's using a third of the power so yeah it's significant but then it doesn't you know matter to everyone I mean all of these graphics cards you compare them to a gaming laptop um that is power hungry and suddenly all of them are relatively the quietest thing ever you know yeah exactly yeah so if you're coming from a gaming laptop you're probably not going to care no yeah even like my fans in my PC I'm like in um my gaming PC I'm like oh these are a bit these are a bit loud but then as soon as I try try and do a game on my laptop I'm like oh wow yeah yeah there's nothing to complain about depends on the game laptop I mean we' got a sponsored video of Lenovo coming up and I was really impressed with that laptop um that's what we're actually using to roll the LG broll there um that was really good um it was called the Lenovo slim five you know there not sponsored mention Legion 5i uh Legion 5i slim it it was really good actually for noise levels it wasn't silent but I was expecting it to make more noise than it did U but then that was an RTX 460 as well which is obviously very power efficient so yeah I don't know let us know in chat I mean how fuss are you about power efficiency for those that you know have been uh PC gaming for a while and have you know maybe used a few different cards in their time uh let us know what you what you think about sounds like a good poll to me what was the result of the last poll uh 43% of people said yes oh so most okay so more or less 50/50 then people for 4dx yeah okay interesting maybe that wasn't the best pole I've kind of long forgotten about it it just I get annoyed you know so 4dx no it's not for me I'm not a fan not a fan uh right so what's that that's one so how do these I'm confused now so you can buy these fans individually look Carl the SL infinites yeah and you could then they do come with a cable so you could use that just on your motherboard and you wouldn't need a hub at all yeah quite neat but I imagine as soon as we open up the set you telling me you don't need to pay1 122 extra for an extra c yeah there you go as soon as you open up the set you get the controller box uh where is my controller oh it is a different controller no is it yeah oh I mean it's we can work with it it's fine so just put that box in instead I'll work it out no cuz I'll work it out all right all right no no Str no stress no you could always put the RGB on a different controller so I'm making a right mess here now this is the problem with fans they just take up the room yeah it's better if if you got none yeah sorry I I'm probably supposed to speak now AR sorry oh it's knackering it's been such a busy week I don't know we've got a good question here Marcus that ties in well to yesterday's video which CPU do you recommend to pair with my 6700 XT ah 6700 depends depends depends uh anywhere really from a 12400 so if you're going for the budget option I quite like it if you grab a p Gen 5 motherboard um like a b760 motherboard you can get one cheap and then you put a 12400 in or at the time of filming get the 12 600k because it's the same price on Black Friday discounts uh because you can then upgrade that later to like a higher end like i7 14th gen CPU maybe used or one in a sale um once they end of life and then when you do upgrade your graphics card in say like two three four years time if they are PCI Gen 5 cards you'll be ready for that um if you're wanting to spend a little bit more now then probably a ryzen 7600 and a b650 motherboard I'd say depends how much you want to spend really um you know it's a bit bit tricky because everyone always say oh upgrade your CPU but obviously it's all about money if you know not everyone can afford to spend Carle what you gave me bum info well it's got a big hole in the back I think you could probably no no it does look no no but what what what is it a 140 cutout yeah uh uh no no it's a 120 H but you can but why is it so tall I don't know it definitely doesn't fit too it definitely doesn't fit too I'm just thinking could you maybe slide it down do you think you could you could potentially no hose for it to move down no this comes out this bottom bit comes out oh so you could slide the whole thing down but the expansion slots can't go down and the io shield look it up you can look it up in the background all right but for now we'll just use the one fan yeah that makes sense um yeah that is a bit odd though because it gives you loads of flexibility so you can move this fan up and down but actually if you'd been able to fit two fans here that would have the product video it has it has two there yes you can do that so you must have to move it down then the maybe the whole oh maybe you have to move the whole motherboard tray and screw that yeah that's yeah the mother yeah that's it the motherboard tray the motherboard tray can be moved so if you did want to put two fans in you can move the motherboard yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then you move the motherboard tray down like that and then this comes out goes at the top yeah and then you can fit two fans in if you want to go down that route yeah we won't do that because frankly we don't need to but yes um that that's that's the main problem you I think seven fans should be enough should be enough that's the main issue you might have with a completely glass top you obviously don't want heat to build up here so if you got two fans then obviously that would chuck out the back but because we have an exhaust here I don't think it's too much of an issue I'm not worried we've got lovely intake exhaust and exhaust so I think it should be fine yeah yeah I think the x3d with a 360 more radiator is overkill anyway so I think we're going to be I'd be amazed if we had issues with thermals yeah exactly so yeah you got three fans directly going into the 14 90 4090 love a 4090 we've gone full Overkill as Wellen we've gone big big time Overkill uh because we got the 4090 Master which is like the biggest GPU ever biggest one I've seen is there one bigger than the 490 Master you think uh I'm not sure I've not seen one bigger I think I know the the arrow is pretty big as well the gigabyte Arrow because they've got obviously like the more expensive ones but then they'll after that they'll start having radiators built into them and they're anything a little bit smaller physically because obviously you got the calling elsewhere yeah do you think that you know the Nvidia were going to launch that 600 watt GPU I think they must have done but then they probably you know what's so pathetic I reckon this is pure speculation don't Sue I reckon they realized that AMD didn't have anything close to the 4090 and uh just left the 4090 as the top one so that when they release the Next Generation it looks even better better in terms of performance if I was going to put my tin file hat on yeah they they've already done they can basically just chill for like the next two years and be like yeah we've already got the next product ready so you know well they' got potentially I mean what the rumors saying about 490 super I don't think there isn't I think it's the others I don't think there's a that's what I mean so there is no 490 super RTX 4080 super 4070 super yeah a lot of the ones are like uh everything else 490 TI will never be released apparently yeah according to rumors well if they don't need to release it and they can charge top bucks for the one they've got from a business point of view why would you yeah exactly if anything they could probably they could probably just bump up the price of the 49 don't start saying stuff like this well we don't want them to but they sounds like you do what do you do work for them I want Nvidia to charge more money yeah oh Nvidia shares was your holding 2 mil three billion uh for legal I think C doesn't have any I do not have any shares in Nidia if I did I'd be a very happy boy yeah true I I wanted um I said to my granddad like many many many years ago about Nvidia shares and he was like no I'm going to stick with my uh I don't know what he's got like you know youtil companies and I think they've just all gone down I I did a job for a guy once when I was electrician and um the the guy had shares in Greggs and they got like a Master Company Greggs or is it actually Greggs I think it's just Greggs who's Greg that's the American thinking who's Greg who's Greg he's got shares in Greg and uh he said he bought them like 10 years ago right for like a couple hundred quid and he's like he's really Northern as well he's like they're worth about 6 and a half Grand now I was like that's not bad yeah well your parents are kind of Northern aren't they yeah they're Northern as well so you you didn't quite pick up on the accent no I I was Bor I was born in the South but I was raised like it like it that was racing the Royal Navy again uh not doing much for the Americans there that's English memes English memes it's it's a bit like when you have you ever watched like um like an American Comedy and then they make references to other programs and you just you stop shaking your head uh I know what you're talking about they make references that's like funny for for everyone and you're just like huh you about I don't get it that's why I like having this channel because I feel like it's revenge for all those times that we have to watch the american uh TV programs and don't get it yeah what was it someone said the other day someone commented on yesterday's video they said look Americans like you know we're not stupid but what's a quid that's a pound what's a quid what's a quid yeah it's only 100 quid isn't it it's only 100 quid 100 quid is a lot of money a riar grilling me in the uh the subtle Grill in the chat he said you don't want to buy Sater ssds you want the mvme ones these days yeah you're getting towed off well it was was more money to buy an 8 tbte they're like £800 mhm or you could buy two 4 terabytes which was the same price as a 8 tbte SATA one yeah it's for mass storage is fine for the I mean versus a hard drive it's a lot better so oh yeah but you're being scored are you yeah I would rather have had an in vme one oh it's falling there well this isn't magnetic enough what's going on I don't think it is magnetic well yeah it's got sticky on it not magnetic enough most of the sticky came off when I peeled it off yeah oh no it's the new one I'm talking I don't think the new one has any sticky on it does it I've put some on it's just a pain anyway we'll deal with that in a second I must confess this is why I get annoyed about these on the live streams because it's so much like brain power just to put fans in like you'd be surprised like it's hard to do everything all at once and it's like oh I'm just putting some fans in it's not the most exciting thing in the world is it like when you do a build video it's just like I don't have to do anything I can just put them on I know it's going to get cut out exactly it's just silence and you just cut head just like right now screw the fans in cut all the way till all three fans are screwed in that is the best B Next Step you just need to grab your screwdriver and screw in the fans next then just plug them in doesn't do that yeah sometimes I just put like LBC Radio on as well and like just listen to like people moaning at stuff for half an hour rather than uh yeah getting angry about radiators it's that's how I chill out these days now the uh what do you call it um Jingles off by heart now yeah yeah does they be see have adverts they do like National adverts and stuff yeah you not H here downstairs they had uh oh yeah yeah we had like the designer Outlet yeah it's like I know we're in Kent but I mean come on local ads how much does this PC cost I guess we could do a rough estimate uh we looking at the moment probably I would say 3,500 well the 490 if you buy at the time film was like two grand isn't it yeah it's a lot of D it's had like a gentle oh no you can get one for 1769 yeah I mean this is going to look good though when I put that GPU in it's going to look good oh look there's a white RTX 490 here for 1799 Ah that's all right oh that oh that's uh pounds you should clarify oh yeah £1,800 p1,800 quid That's Heavy that was the worst American accent I've ever done I'm on a $1,300 budget and I need help to get see if I can get the 12700 k F and the RTX 30602 gig that's um I wouldn't recommend spending more on your CPU than your GPU no that wouldn't I was thinking about fan cables again so I didn't actually hear the question so I'll let you answer that one yeah i72 700k and an RTX 3060 I can't see I think if you're going to get an RTX 3060 you can get a much cheaper processor if you want oh yeah yeah yeah definitely that's that that was that's what the video was about yesterday yeah exactly go go watch the video yesterday I not only explain it but I literally give all of the combinations yeah watch yesterday's video Lio cat uh does this go on I'm what you down oh no cuz it does have to go this a am I going to have a cable this oh you put it on the wrong end I wouldn't say I've you're going to see it through the glass you are helping me massively aren't you no no no no because you can go under all right I don't actually know can you no that's not that's the wrong cable that's not wrong end wrong end there that'll be all right wrap it around they'll be fine'll be fine no panicking this is a 1080p Stream Car it's not if it was 4K it' be different no one's going to know no one can see you just leave the uh the peel on the glass as well keeps it a little bit more blurry got some uh what's it called on the lens Vaseline Vaseline on the lens everything sorted a bit annoyed about this cable I guess I could raise that up potentially every time I say that I'd think of the song let's be honest no not allowed to sing copy right do you do you remember the infamous one when that kid got done for doing the Halo theme that was did he YouTube at it's yeah lowest point unbelievable a who's in chat come on if leave a comment now Carl will um shout you out shout shout out you remember when James cordon when he did shout not the best song No the England song that's it RI star's here Kyle reads the chat while PC Centric builds fumbles I would say basically if your chat's not good enough then it doesn't get read out harsh but true Define good enough then what what do people need to do to be good enough to get read out I think it's to be honest there's a to be it's quite varied it's got to be beneficial to everyone doesn't it like if it's a really obscure question you know then I I feel like unless Carl really this is what they were saying on at LBC the other day right and it's so true when you think about it this is this is very odd now um I no you know what I'm not going to go there I'm not going to go basically I was just going to say you'll notice that uh when they get people to comment on stories there's always a couple of people that are like the dregs like if you can't get anyone else to comment there's like an emergency bus on the wall and it's like only call in case of emergency and then they get them on the live to comment um is is that what you're saying some of the comments are like only read out if they are uh if there's literally nothing else to read out sometimes yeah example then be of one of these comments that we should avoid there's a comment here that I'm drawn to which I just think you know it's just a polite nice thing to say yeah Manuel Meyer has literally just put nice haircut who I'm well obviously you can't see that was a genuine question I don't think he's been being genuine because I do need to go and get my hair cut is or maybe maybe it was I think that was said maybe it was sarcasm yeah in a sarcastic manner so all right redacted well I didn't know he he might might be serious but yeah I am looking to get it cut true story I would have got it cut but I had to do work so you guys had some content so you are the reason my hair looks like that that's not actually a lie it's all your fault IV from South Africa they're building their first PC thanks to your videos yeah boy that's what we like to here um what else have we got does Marcus love LBC more than his future wife is this the it might have been it's I do listen to LBC more than I do the I'm not sure whether that's in terms of quantity or attention PC Centric calls all his viewers drgs no in the sense of oh dear if you get like some comment that's got like no relevance to anything whatsoever I see them as well well we need an example now otherwise it does sound quite insulting uh I'd have to find one it's like a bad it's like a bad question yeah um just like really I'll give you an example it' be like oh so I've currently got a i I3 uh 5400 and I'm looking at getting a used um I 94680 yeah is this a good deal it's like I don't even have time to look it up I'm sorry I'm sorry we can't we can't we are limited I don't know what what you mean which CPU that sounds made up yeah uh but yeah probably shouldn't refer to people as drgs and I wasn't that wasn't referring to people I was talking about the comments as drgs like come on let's let's get this right yeah uh okay so yes you get your drags and you plug them in to your LLY unian oh controller what are your thoughts on the height 270 touch well we've done a video on it it's what's it being used for right now Carl currently it makes a great prop for putting a monitor on top of yeah it's the mon our monitor so we can see is there and the finished uh height y70 touch build is is there and it's doing a very good job yep it's got a it's got an LG monitor sat on top of it an LG monitor you say LG are actually the proud sponsors of today's stream if you want to save yourself a load of money on an LG gaming monitor then you can check them out I mean we've got one that you can see now this is an OLED gaming monitor $200 off we reviewed it earlier on the channel it was fantastic 240 htz it was yeah really really good 1440p monitor fantastic for gaming check it out with the link in the description and if you do want to check out any of the Black Friday deals we've done the work for you we've scouted out loads of Black Friday deals across a whole bunch of websites and sellers you can find them link is down below hard work taken care of for you but back to the build yeah there you go yeah learning wasn't even like that wasn't even intentional but we we got in there we don't even know how often we meant to plug this monitor or any monitor no do you know what the email has said to me and I said oh we we could basically LG reached out and said oh we've got this um deals going on the anwers uh is there a way we can work with you and I said oh we can do a live stream and the email basically said yeah that'll work all right I say end off y we'll see what happens yep we got sent those links through and here we are so I don't know maybe they're laughing maybe we needed to do like 10 seconds yeah maybe or maybe it was meant to be an entire live stream all about the monitor yeah we don't we'll never know well we will find out we'll find out when they watch this oh oh that's big boy that's not going to fit okay so these are the kind of good comments that I'd like to see uh James blessed has has written for good comments Carl is clearly the MVP of this channel so you know they're the kind of comments we like to see anything that uh so much as insults Carl no result on a fan he said I'm the MVP yeah you know what MVP stands for most valuable player no most most I'm waiting for you to work it out I don't know I don't know I'm going with this uh I I can think of something really insulting we'll just leave it at the most aable player then so I win that one yeah that's the one Colin Chang said when will kle be making his first camera appearance and TJ Adams has already replied 750 wasn't it 750 car goes on screen at 750k absolutely exactly like if it's 3:00 a.m. and he's in bed y Chuck a bucket of water on it and it's like you're on instantly live hello yeah no swearing I say uh power supply we're using is from Corsair this is an hx1 12 honestly what's wrong with me look know what I'm doing oh my word oh that would be an interesting put the cables in need to go to bed you know when you know something looks not quite right as well uh we didn't even need to take the hard drive cages out I thought we were using that shift um but we're clearly not no we decided against that one at the end yeah uh I do have access to all of the cables around this other side so that's why I'm plugging it in first now that's good that's good we like to see it I've got 27 minutes markers we be done in 27 minutes you know what it's actually possible I think like genuinely I think it's doable you reckon what's left to go the power supply all the cables and a GPU yeah that's it that's it we've done in five minutes yeah so that's our right we're we're up the anti now so if you just clap clap your hands and then there you go done all right car if you just skip ahead right okay we'll do GPU now uh because we're ready for it I think which is cool I mean this has been a really easy case to work in it's just slightly Tim consuming cuz we're using a radiator which takes time and then adding in extra fans but the process has been super slick so far really isn't it oh yeah especially just being able to have access to everything over the top is always nice it's just so much easier and better for your overall welfare uh to have fans that interlock it is uh right here is our massive GPU look at the size of it look at the size of this look overhead oh this is our ARS 490 Master if you want the most Overkill GPU I think it's fair to say this is it not just cuz it's a 490 but because it's literally the biggest thing ever I mean look at the look at the PCI slot it's so far away it's ridiculous uh yeah this should just slot in nice and easily look GPU GPU oh right that's taking up some room that's a zaggy boy yeah they does they do give you a seg bracket I think in the box but I never use it cuz still the box cuz laser you know yeah yeah this is going to be a slightly saggy boy actually soggy boy soggy boy yeah uh Netflix recommendation for people watching by the way it's only half an hour long uh what's it called like the wonderful or the incredible story of Henry sugar if you watch that oh I see this um good it was good watched that last night yeah it's like a it's a film short yeah what yeah and it's got like Benedict cber patch in yeah uh we got Dusty boy oh is Dusty boy actually is it not been using in a while I don't think there are many 490s that look like that there we go oh I'm trying to get rid of dust that's not dust it's design right okay that's our GPU in happy with that we also have a uh cable kit we're using corsair's custom cables look here they are uh you do have to be careful though because if you go for the newest Corsair power suppli so the shift uh these won't work because they've changed the cable type but we're also using a 12vt high power connection that I'm opening so swiftly so elegant elegantly that's the word I'm looking for uh but this is actually a red and black one I don't think it will really matter but obviously the cables were're using are red not red and black so I'm sure there will be some people in the comments that will go oh PC s why are you using the wrong cables because I don't think you could actually get an all red one at least at the time I got hold of this so yeah looks nice though is that 4090 got a dent in it where like the top it's like curved that no to the right like the metal where am I looking I'll take you might have to stand over here a dent you see it like the the back plate it's like curved on the right the right hand side you see it oh maybe that's probably just where I was been using it be honest where you grabbed it no whoops um I've probably used it in b-roll oh there you go and put yeah so probably in V I'll probably put another card on top of it or something it's fine it's fixed did you notice or did the comments I I noticed it yeah and then maybe the comments might next uh Cole it's time for your review and do be honest if you haven't used it tell us why do you recall we said in our top Tech video under 100 I have been using the Delta Hub carbo 2.0 to those that don't know what that is what is that it is a wrist rest for your Mouse slash wrist for your hand you use it's aist the mouse doesn't get any benefit out of your uh your nice safe wrist uh yeah and how have you got on with it then because you remember you were going to update us weren't you I did I've been using it and I find because I'm odd and I wear my watch on the right hand side right I find that it gets in the way of my watch and it's rather annoying okay but if I don't have the watch on it's quite you know it works really well it's nice and smooth it does it does slide quite easily it's not I I just think it's not the wasn't the best for gaming mice but for like productivity I was using it with like the MX Master yeah exactly I think it's quite good for that isn't it I feel like I did use it for a bit and I was like ah this feels quite nice but then I also felt like I'm going out of my way to use it as opposed to you like a normal wrist res for a keyboard it's just there it just feels normal and natural yeah they've only given you one of these um things that's really quite annoying one cable comb yeah so if you put it there which is why I normally want it it didn't bunge it up enough at the bottom it's a bit of a shame oh look daddy Daddy has joined the stream Daddy yeah yep that's that's how you get yep daddy is Cool Daddy is very cool uh Daddy can see it from here he said oh that's heavier than thought thought it was going to be it looks light I thought you dropped it no you'd know that what was it that having in the last live stream that was hilarious where something something fell off the that fell off the table oh yeah and then the live stream went black it hit the fade to black button so all you heard was like a oh no and then it did that which was quite quite amusing oh right so this I was just going to sort of whack here somewhere gravity can hold that cuz it Doesn't stick on here this is obviously where you'd want it but it doesn't stick on there is that cuz there's too many homes there that's the one yeah that's the one oh that's like a splitter look don't forget you need all these yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah don't you worry son I got it well no stop that's just for the cooler just wait I'll do it all later uh I wanted to do you got excited and put the 4090 in I did cables to put in there's enough room it's all good we're going to do our cables now look here we goes Happy Happy Days oh I've even got this is like a double kit I'm not doing these but uh they don't come with a set but you do get you can buy these cable extensions as well for to your IO which is quite nice so I've combined them together but those aren't standard as part of the kit oh Burpy marker sorry I say yeah I've only just noticed the cables are different what you got red and black ones and just all I just said that I know said it on you said it earlier I was just like what's she on about and then now I see the other one what's she on about what's on about what she talking about what you talking about is red and black yep what caller setup are you using what you mean oh this is a Galahad gahad 2D l in the description there are a few too many SKS if I'm honest uh that would be the only problem and it's not really a problem it's good actually but it just makes my life more difficult because you got to be more specific yeah this is the SL infinite uh gahad 2 360 performance yeah can you buy performance normal RGB I think and then so infinite so I mean they they' got quite a few who is this pc4 asks the jamming cat the floor the floor I'll give you I wish I need like a behind the scenes camera because there is currently don't insult my floor space what's it ever done to you I'm going to count how many PCs are in here and the bin you said there's a PC case that's got a bit too close to the bin it's covered by rubbish by the bin there is 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven seven built SL half built PCS on the floor seven but that's cuz we've been building them rather than taking them apart that is the problem that is what happens so yeah um we normally just take them apart as soon as we can but the problem is basically um oh I just haven't had time to take them apart so you know and the storage space we use for cases is full so we got a problem we just need to get rid a load of cases and they're not the easiest things to get rid of whereas the rest of the parts just sort of um uh get taken apart and then just go back into storage until we need them again it's usually quite a slick process but Christmas every year is quite good because it forces me to clear everything out this has two look this has two power connections on it does one provide Power for the fans one for the LCD I don't know that's for the uni fans that's is that not the LCD one I guess it's just to do no I guess it's just more power you know how Corsair one more power corses one is a um he a six pin doesn't it or yeah uses PC so I guess that guess that's their way around it and to be fair you are almost certainly going to have a free sat so I suppose that doesn't really matter does it oh I'm hoping there's going to be a couple that didn't sound good what was that and um does power efficiency matter for your gaming PC uh We've talking about this earlier doesn't it yeah we've got a poll running oh I was just reading out the poll title Oh I thought you were like introducing a new concept to the uh the chat no we're currently at 78 votes a lot of vot get your votes in get your votes in I want it to be 1% higher on the yes what one way or the other on on the yes yeah because it's currently at 68% oh I see and you just want like a slight gig or small yeah it' be a funny number if it's 1% higher imagine if people keep clicking yes it's going to ruin it and make it like 70% for me I you know what my well not my it's probably not my favorite but one of my favorite videos on YouTube is it's the uh future armor video where it's the neutrality uh people or Bots where it has the same always has the exact same amount of comments or likes and dislikes yeah so everything is neutral like the internet is great sometimes right that's those cables plugged in cool like to see it what's that for that's for some fans isn't it what's sync 4 I don't know what sync 4 is there's too many cables here I thought you'd be able to run them all off one I need to end the pole immediately why you gone too far you ever done it no it just went down I was just about to change it there we go end poll end poll so guess what the results are in yeah 69% wait what no it's it's changed to 68% in the time I clicked end poll that's a real no you've upset him look what you've done now and now we only have 99% of votes somehow there's a lost 1% have we had any super chats today uh no Super Chat no super don't get me wrong that's fine um it makes your pay slip easier Carl oh man no super chats plug that in yes there we go type four see if I wasn't having to kind of Rush this a little bit now I would be enjoying myself cuz it is so easy to channel everything in this case it's it's getting a big recommendation from me so far I haven't really spoken too much about it because we've been distracted by cine world 4dx and LBC but what we've uh built with so far has been pretty pretty cool would it not been easy to put those tables in before putting the P I thought that but I didn't want to look stupid on on the screen on the stream well you'd already put it in the wrong way around once yeah exactly doing a mistake once is like an honest mistake doing it multiple times is unacceptable I also shouldn't have taken the hard drive cages out cuz then these could have just uh just sat in there there that's all right it's completed done mate oh the 14 cables for the cooler all right so what's this one for this is you're saying this is the cooler that plugs into the box yeah I think it's like the bottom of it where you've strapped it down I really good job they just come off nice and easily yeah God in you go no other way maybe yeah maybe no I can't see a I can't see give me a flashlight give me a flash flashlight you got 10 minutes well 13 13 minutes uh oh there's two is that even the right one there's two places this can go which doesn't help me oh is that it no we have a super chat from Alchemist Super Chat is a two P Super Chat it says mil bar for car eat well yeah boy there you go miles bars a 2 pound I don't believe you I could get I could get no no because YouTube take their cut the Super Chat yeah yeah we've been paying you too much Carl you've been eating too well I can afford to get a whole M Bar thank you Darth Raider is also here with the Super Chat did did did Darth Raider with the Super Chat is that good I guess so uh they Don noted $4.99 and they've asked thoughts on the MSI 490 liquid cold card I think that's good unnecessary but good um it would be slightly quieter but the PNY y one I've got that's way cheaper to be honest is pretty quiet anyway so don't feel obliged to go for that one but I would certainly uh love to have a card like that myself one of my good friends had a 30 no it wasn't it was a 1080 um MSI liquid c one and he loved that he had that for ages really really big fan didn't want to get rid of it because it was so cool and quiet so yeah do like the those ones Oh no just a get a quick cough those floorboards are creaking again clearly that's the that's that's right yep uh just oh oh I I got to hear that again on the live stream in my ears I might not bother plugging in all the USB stuff cuz what we're not we're not going to control that anyway all that matters is fan speed and power that's a fan yeah that's a fan speed I think because it was wrapped up it wasn't used micro USB is a bit annoying as well got to be honest I you think it should be USBC by now there is a USBC one there where there ah what that what does that plug into the actual head of the CPU C maybe I don't know my trousers are coming apart it was in there got like your trousers uh yeah there is you're right Nuance commented saying better out than in LOL classic that would usually get cut out of the video usually he saves that part for me could have been worse could have done that during the LG ad section this playing the B- roll to cover it up sponsored by okay so that's where the I'm with the USBs right I don't know how informative this stream has been I'm really sorry guys if this hasn't been detailed enough this is extremely informative I've been doing my best right right the good news is I think this is the last cable there's another cable with this side no well two this side where yeah what not plugged in yeah what this there and another USB all right this is almost the last cable there just so much room I re I'm this is the thing if you did put two fans down the bottom you'd lose all of this room down the bottom but I like how easy it is to you f at the bottom like to get my hand through here oh what oh yeah if you moved the whole motherboard tray down yeah if you moved the motherboard tray down is going to be fine building the first time but if you're like me now and you've got your graphics card plugged in maybe should have waited for the graphics card yeah premature no one likes that nobody likes that uh perpetual motion that's a random comment this is the type of stuff there you go we've got one what was what was what did I say it durge durge DRS durge what's the durge I don't know you yeah anyway DS this is a nice comment Mike Mike is here Mike langner yeah Langer sorry hello from Indiana USA hello oh look and someone else is also from Indiana silx 96 I don't even know what Indiana is I'm not going to lie Indiana I know that off of the racing could you tell me on a map where it is Indiana I'm going to say it's on the uh West Coast not the West Coast sorry not the West Coast it's a West Side no it's east side is it yeah what state is it Indiana is Indiana aate it's hard to know isn't it we don't I imagine American people don't really care about counties in England so I don't know have you seen Matt men mat men's good they talk about English counters it's very is that on Tik Tok no well might be but it's I've seen like the shorts on or the videos on Tik Tok of them map men why is Indiana's east side it's north of Kentucky I'm in right we're in we're in that's it that actually is it oh we have a super chat s Super Chat it's from it's fmg fmg for a stream gaming build do you think the vision can handle it with a 7800 x3d or what do you mean what what do you mean can handle it can it handle it or do you think they'll have temperature problems we've got a 490 in there we've got a 7800 X 3D and a 4090 in this thing we're yeah we're happy we're good yeah yeah I don't think you have any issues no issues no issues as long as you've got enough fans on it that's the key key criteria there yeah and to be honest a lot of like the new big Bo gpus barely need much extra cooling no cuz they're so overcooled which is great to see cuz they they run quieter exactly yeah whereas the old days you'd have these thin cards and they were not always sufficient I do not like the fact though that this uh Corsair cable doesn't have two tiers on it because this is just like going all over the place underneath now it's really quite annoying right don't worry get to see this in a second I promise it's like the big reveal the big reveal they've just been staring at the back of the case for the past 20 minutes worth it oh look at that it's the hinge door oh is it magnets yeah it's good nice right oh we ready should I put the top on as well first so you get full I guess full glass effect oh you can also take oh know that is already out I was going to say you can take the side piece out WR way around yeah all right got those pegs to line it up yeah yeah yeah may do they work nice and easy y nice good stuff oh yeah oh mama only thing I will say is uh I think because you got the glass at the top and there's more light coming in you can see these cables at the top a bit more oh oh big Super Chat just come in are you guys ready wait for the reveal wait no no no no super Che got build no we got to build the hype no we you got six minutes car we get this turned on we do itom oh it's heavy again that was not very elegant no cuz it was really had got heavy now there we go looking all right isn't it yeah that cable does look a bit meth doesn't it it's just why is there not like you say it just needs like a couple more Combs yeah that's it just needs yeah I'm sure you can buy third party ones like come on maybe you do get extra combs in the back do you throw it on the floor no it doesn't look like good though it does look good you see what I mean that you can see these cables a bit more at the top yeah I suppose yeah other would cover that up looking pretty good this is looking pretty mean isn't it maybe move this down a little bit as well ever so slightly but yeah should we get it turned on yeah now is it time for the Super Chat y boys Super Chat Super Chat it's time for Super Chat it's bouchy yeah maybe it's Boi not quite sure they've they've put important question yeah what do you what cable do you recommend for the 4090 I don't want mine to melt oh um I mean I've just got hold of the new cable mod ones the main thing is that they're plugged in properly properly yeah that's the most important thing like not only you plug it in all of the way yeah and then you can't really go wrong cuz the better cables just have more tolerance for failure I believe I always forget how enormous the power cable is for that 1600 W power it's a big one isn't it big chungus big chungus right we need our HDMI feed because we don't need that camera anymore that random cable that appeared in the video yesterday it's CU I did this I'm sorry I was just like I don't know how that got there cool all right there we go here we go I mean it's more just about actually seeing it isn't it right where's the button are we ready where's the button PC Centric number one fan is back in chat oh it's here spamming oh it does work there we go that's not really a good sign what one Fan's lap one spins yeah that's all right one about the ones on the side well they're interlocked together so um three oh hold on picture on picture uh the suspense is killing me oh they're all going now yeah see it's just working it's just working out don't you worry what the fans of the bottom L up I don't forget as well this is oh this might not work because the BIOS this is an original board and this is x3d Chip or it might take forever because it's also what is that on the side of the a card we'll see yeah you have a little LCD screen on the side of that there there you go oh yeah that's nice there it is I can see on here whether it turns on or not um we'll let it think about it but I have a feeling this is going to need a bios update RAR said you guys have actually built it on time for once no because the BIOS update oh we got we got a white light and it got green light green is good oh lean Lee's on the cooler Le Lee feel in y there it is whoa there it is y uh no RGB though no RGB though which is a bit disappointing that is the the key part this case I feel although no wait we do have some RGB it actually is you can't how well can you see that yeah but it be lighting up on the side there that's that's it that's all you get they're Infinity fans and then and the sides yeah they just need the software to be installed don't they oh that's the thing uh I mean if you got five minutes I can probably do this in five minutes you actually not have five minutes uh yeah I probably have five minutes all right so that's you are leaving at five past yes that's five and a half minutes right I'll be quick I'll be quick right go go take over car what am I doing oh I'm I'm distracting stop gassing where's these drgs as you no I didn't I did uh we weit no don't make me look bad I don't need help with that where's where's the keyboard and mouse I don't know it's it's probably buried under the seven PCS in this room uh what's going on you got to press the button yeah I I need a keyboard there's a keyboard there what the Logitech one yeah yeah okay it's good and then there's I'm not seen a mouse for a while oh there's load here actually we go to one no no it's all right we go go here stick with that uh what does it say press y yeah Y is good 600 likes before the end of the video uh this is probably a great time by the way to say don't forget it's Black Friday deals day and if you are looking to pick up some new Black Friday deals then LG have you covered the sponsor of today's stream they are actually having $200 off right now on the gr 95 OLED monitor um it's in my defense Cole right in my defense their monitor used to be like the GP like 950 I could remember that and then that was the GQ yep and now they they've gone off to gr 95 it's it's a bit bit unusual but yes they are on sale at the moment links to them are down below if you want to grab yourself a new gaming monitor no better way to do it with an LG thank you LG for sponsoring this stream it is much appreciated and don't forget that it is as I say Black Friday so all of our favorite deals over on Amazon and U are also listed down below if you do want to grab yourself a bargain there are some really good things uh to find to go uh have a look right okay motherboard you see what I did there I I killed some time there we go we are set up and ready to go it's found everything uh we can say yes we're in our bios uh Expo we could turn on where's the mouse Carl razor razor for razor it was if only I was organized here it is it's behind this box of fans why would it be anywhere else okay so look we can go over here hidden in plain sight uh to Expo this is our memory profile we can turn this on so this is actually the 5600 MHz kit not the 6,000 I would go for the 6,000 we should put a little stick on it so we remember I I like this PC though it looks really slick doesn't it I mean should we put the side panel on as well really like completed I feel like it's not really complete until the fan light up and I liked how easy it was to build in as well this is the the key thing uh we can do ourselves a little peel do a full screen peel full screen peel that was actually a really good peel that a very loud peel it was risque oh there's also still some on the other side but yeah all glass it's very unusual isn't it very unusual tough gaming so there's that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go on this camera I'm going to press this button yep then I'm going to press this button and then I'm just going to carefully uh log in and install the software that's what I'm going to do getting devices oh no it's Windows 11 uh have we got internet no there's no Wi-Fi oh for why does it do this every time oh look at that guys look look at that wa this there I still it's it would be like a 10 not even1 upgrade I just need to grab an ethernet cable uh because the one we have is plugged into here so there goes my plan of uh yeah plugging in so I'm afraid what we're going to have to say is that if you do want to see this and it's for WB Glory get subscribed because I want to do like a full build on this as a normal video on the channel as well but if you're watching this thank you so much if you have have been watching this just to actually see someone build in this case um I'll give you my honest feedback which is really like it I mean obviously you do have to be aware that you have to spend a fair bit more money on the fans because this is not going to look good unless you've populated with fans you could probably avoid putting the ones down the bottom but then you've not got fantastic air flow so while the price of this chassis looks pretty good on paper by the time you've added in all all of the extra fans you're looking at what probably an extra 100 quid Plus close to 200 quid so you know yeah you're you're talking about a fair bit of money there definitely a fair bit of money man that's not the uh switcher for the camera U but yeah nice and easy to build in um don't forget as well this is a dual chamber case so obviously Cable Management could be a little bit better from me but there's plenty of room here you've also got extra space here as well if you do want to like put a pump or something on there then you've got thickness there which is nice so yeah all in all honestly I'm really impressed uh really really impressed what do you guys think though have have they enjoyed it think think they enjoyed the case what are your thoughts let us know uh in the comments you've got one minute before Carl uh presses the ejector seat and is hoisted into his car can I just say I won't obviously say the brand am I allowed to say the color of your car red well okay but he turned up today in a car that was different to his normal car but it was also red and the same brand and slightly different so I'm like is that him it looks like him but I know it's not the same car it was really weird freak me out yeah what what what do people like the vision what they what they saying yeah I think people are quite curious about the vision you know people asking what is the case turn on the PC lights we we tried but tried we can't but yeah Paul Robinson said top stream Lads good good very nice PC build I like it I said madari so you know I I think people are pretty happy it works y work first time even without a bios update which is surprising yeah we even downloaded the BIOS update in preparation for it to fail yeah so yeah there we go all right well thank you guys so much for watching this um really hope it's been uh useful as I say get subscribed to see us do another build and hopefully get all of the RGB lighting uh working this apologies we can do it in this stream but like it is just internet like here's your proof look there is no Wi-Fi see no Wi-fi so sorry about that we feel bad we'll fix it next time fix it next time thank you so much for watching don't forget as well check out all of our Black Friday deals including those from our lovely sponsor LG thank you so much for watching uh this thank you to LG for sponsoring this uh yeah let us know what deals you pick up and yeah we'll see you uh in the next one you want to say bye Carl bye are you ending it or should I I think you can push the button if you want and it should work yeah go there
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 65,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming pc, gaming pc build, live pc build, gaming pc build live, pc build live, how to build a gaming pc, pc build no edits, 7800x3d, ryzen, rtx 4090, rtx 4090 build, rtx 4090 gaming pc, rtx 4090 7800x3d, lian li, o11, o11 vision, lian li case, lian li o11 vision
Id: z6qYzupeOyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 50sec (7190 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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