"The Robber, Religion and the Redeemer" with Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection Jesus is coming again and the only question is will you be ready now more than ever jinsan Franklin and kingdom connection partners around the globe are helping spread the good news that Jesus is coming again and we are believing for a revival to be sparked in the very heart of Israel through the celebration Center in Jerusalem you can be a part of helping the Jewish people receive the Messiah and open the doors of worldwide revival when you sow your best gift into the ministry this month when you send a gift of $30 or more you'll receive Jenson Franklin's latest CD series the return of Jesus in this teaching you'll discover simple keys to saving those who care about most and stand ready for Jesus as he returns if God is calling you to make a difference for his people in a greater way with a gift of $1,000 or more we will send you the return of Jesus set along with a special gift selected just for you a beautiful Jerusalem stone gift commemorating your support of Israel through the celebration Center in Jerusalem whatever you invest in the ministry today pastor Franklin will take your name and the name of your family to the Western Wall and pray for you there on the day of Pentecost God is calling you to be a part of his outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all nations call now and spark revival around the world by giving today register now for forward conference 2015 with special guests Stephen verdict Beth Redmon Reggie dabs rich Wilkerson jr. banning leisure Jensen Franklin McCray elevation worship and Jesus culture for more information and special group rates go online at forward conference to our G at Kingdom connection we're excited to launch a brand new way to help the ministry through text again it's convenient and a fast way to connect your gift support to us and it's as easy as using your mobile device to set it up simply text any amount with a keyword KC two four five eight eight eight hit Send and you'll get a link to set up a payment method with your preferred debit or credit card don't worry this won't be charged to your phone bill and after a few quick steps giving from your device is as simple as sending a text for more information on how to set up more text to give today visit our website at Jensen Franklin or flashget thank you for your generous support of Kingdom connection each gift makes it possible for us to connect people to the message of Jesus impacting lives here at home as well as around the world Luke chapter 10 beginning with verse 30 powerful scriptures check it out then jesus answered and said a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves who stripped him of his clothing wounded him and departed leaving him half dead now by chance a certain priest came down that road and when he saw him he passed by on the other side likewise a Levite when he arrived in that place came and looked and passed by on the other side but a certain Samaritan as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion so he went to him bandaged his wounds pouring on all in wine and he set him on his own animal and took him to an inn and took care of him on the next day when he departed he took out two denarii ax gave them to an inn key to the innkeeper and said unto him take care of him and whatever more you spend when I come again I will repay you so which of these three do you think was the neighbor to him who fell among the thieves verse 37 and he said he who showed mercy on him then jesus answered to him and I want everybody to say the words with me go and do likewise I want to talk about those three things the robber religion and the Redeemer for just a few moments and I want to weave into the prodigal son and make it all come together and I want you to realize today the message of the gospel afresh and anew first of all let's talk about the robber and what it represents there were robbers who attack this man beat him stripped him took everything he had and left him half dead the robbers in this story represents sin Jesus said in John 10:10 the thief the robber comes but to kill steal and destroy comes to destroy your potential destroy your relationships destroy your life we've all seen people who had amazing potential and they got addicted to some habit something began to happen and maybe they had all kinds of opportunities and things coming at them in life that their life could have turned out so differently but the enemy comes to notice that last word the thief the robber comes to destroy and here's how it works you sow a thought and if you keep sowing that thought over and over and over it always begins with a thought the Bible said in proverbs 21 and 7 as a man thinks in his mind so is he you saw a thought often enough and eventually you begin to reap a deed if you think about it long enough over and over and over it's a matter time that's what matters what you feed your mind on if you think a thought and feed it thoughts that are not right over and over and over you will reap a deed and once you begin to practice that deed you will then establish a habit and once you establish that habit you will then begin to reap bad character and once you establish bad character then it affects your destiny it goes from a thought to a deed to a habit to your character and finally to affecting and sometimes destroying a person's destiny and when it is finished it seems innocent it seems pleasurable it seems fun but listen to me sin is a robber sin is taking something from you and first of all it wants to take your character and secondly it wants to take your confidence before God so you know there are certain things in the Bible that are right and wrong and then there's those those gray areas where you don't know if it's right or wrong because you see some people doing it but it may be okay for them to do it but it's not right for you do it because that's not part of your destiny and that's where you have to learn how to walk and work out your own salvation there are things that are clear and there are things that are sort of gray and you have to have your own convictions your personal convictions and here's something that I really want you to get this morning the most important question you'll ask yourself when you're wondering should I are shouldn't I do this or go there is simply this here's the question to ask if you're wondering should I or shouldn't I how will this affect my confidence before God because if you do it and it hinders your confidence before God when you pray if it hinders your confidence before God because you were somewhere that it affects your conscience and your confidence before God that is a sign for you that that thing I don't care what other people are doing that thing needs to be let alone so that you don't affect your confidence because sin will always try to take away your confidence before God first John 3 said and if our hearts condemn us not then we have confidence toward God so I want you to see the story here this boy is lame he went down from Jerusalem on the road to Jericho he's attacked by thieves and he's laying there bleeding and wounded the robbers represent sin and then we have the next characters as he's laying there he sees two figures beginning to approach him they're in long black robes one of them is a priest and one of them is a Levite a scholar of the Old Testament Commandments in law and they're both walking on the road going to Jerusalem going to synagogue and they see the man bleeding and wounded and half dead and notice that when they see him they pass by and go the other way they they pass around him they're on their way to synagogue one scholar said that they were probably going to lecture in the synagogue that evening probably we're going to talk about how to swallow a camel because religion always scratches where nobody itches religion always asked questions that nobody cares about the answer religion will pass right by real human need and hurt and pretend to be something that's not real and here's this man bleeding and dying and here comes religion and it passes them by and he's laying there thinking if you can't get help and mercy in the house of God from the people of God then where in the world am I going to find it religion will pass you by and the Bible said in James chapter 1 that pure religion that is undefiled before God is twofold number one he said it is to visit and care for the afflicted and the hurting the poor the orphans and the widows to keep oneself unspotted from the world to things that you love people especially people who can't help themselves and secondly that you keep yourself unspotted you don't have true religion if you don't worry about keeping yourself unspotted by the world now watch this somebody said well I'm not really qualified to help those kind of people God doesn't call the qualified he qualifies the called he calls those who are willing he uses our giftings and then he puts his grace with it and it becomes enough to fulfill the assignment if you're looking for a reason to not get involved the Good Samaritan is your story because the Good Samaritan did four things wrong if you don't want to get involved the first thing he did is here comes this Good Samaritan he's walking and the religion passes by and and the man is wounded by robbers but here comes the Redeemer and he does four things that he shouldn't do if you don't want to get involved number one he was moved with compassion he got emotionally attached to hurting a person in Afghanistan the medics are taught to routinely not look into the eyes of the of the soldiers that they're treating on the battlefield the reason is they said it could impair your objectivity and diminish your productivity so just remain cold and clinical and detached because everybody there has needs and you don't want to get emotionally attached to one person but the good samaritan took the opposite approach when he saw the man bleeding he got emotionally attached he the bible said he was moved with compassion the second thing he did is he practiced medicine without a license I never read where the man was a doctor the Good Samaritan but he started pouring in all in wine like he had well maybe the guy was allergic to what you were pouring on him but he said I got to do something and I'm not gonna care and I'm gonna try the third thing that he did you know some of you are just looking for excuses we're we just we just have reasons why we don't have to get involved with hurting broken people but remember Jesus said you do this likewise go do it the third thing that he did is he he did wrong is he moved a wounded person I mean elementary medical knowledge says you never move a wounded person my goodness you could dislodge a blood clot and kill him and the family would sue you for it so don't get involved just pass by on your way to church before thing that he did wrong is he became responsible for another man's dead I mean you he could have even quoted scripture because the guy was in debt and it was gonna cost a lot of money to pay for his recovery but this man the Bible said paid his bill he could have quoted a scripture and said the Bible and the Old Testament said that we're not to take on somebody else's debt never do that the scripture said do that he could have got super spiritual with a verse and gave a spiritual reason why he didn't need to get involved but he did and watch this here it is now the Redeemer in the story the Good Samaritan came to where he was number one he had compassion upon him number two he poured in the all and the wine and he paid the bill for his restoration I want you to understand that that's a beautiful story and it goes hand in glove with the story of the prodigal son let me flip the coin just one moment the prodigal son story is one that we've heard all of our life a son leaves home in rebellion he in he just squanders his inheritance and he indulges in sinful pleasure he ends up in the Pigpen in filth and in slop a broken man a devastated man bleeding and broken he left the father's house and went down to Jericho just like Jericho was a cursed place and Jerusalem was a blessed place and whoever it was they left they went from Jerusalem to Jericho see the parallel he left the father's house ended up in the Pigpen and now the man is broken he's devastated he's lost everything and he says to himself I will arise and I'll go to my father's house I'll go back home and I don't expect him to restore me back to his son but I believe that if I could just be a hired servant status if I could just get three meals a day and a roof over my head it would be so much better than what I'm living in and so he begins to make his way home and here's what I want you to catch the Bible said while he was a gray weigh-off Luke 15 the father saw him and the father began to run toward this boy who had been in the Pigpen questioned why did the father run to the prodigal son if you'll listen to me I'm going to share something with you right now that I don't think you'll ever forget I won't he goes back to something called the COS ISA ke za za H it's a Greek word it means the ceremony of shame here's what would happen in Bible days in the Old Testament if a person messed up if a teenager or someone ran away from home and took their inheritance like this son and squandered it and remember he broke his father's heart he broke the law and he shamed the whole village if he tried to come back the elders would gather at the gate of the little village and all the people would gather around and they would take an earthen vessel in their hand and as the boy would get close to the gate and walk up to the to the village where all of them knew what he had done they would take that earthen piece of pottery and they would throw it the elder would in front of him they would throw it down to the ground and break it into pieces signifying and clearly saying to him as far as we are concerned you are cut off you have no place here you have no right here you have brought shame to this village you have broken your father's heart you have broken the laws of God and we warned you that if you come into this village we will stone you to death and he at that moment could either try to force the issue or he could walk away now I want you to get it why did the father take off running when he saw the boy afar off he pulled that robe up and he took off running because he was saying I've got to get to him with love before they get to him with long I've got to get to him with grace before they get to him with judgment and the father ran the Bible said he pulled and looked when he pulled that skirt up when he pulled that when he pulled that robe up that tunic he it was a shameful thing he was taking the shame of the son and putting it on himself and he took off running and the Bible said he fell on his son and kissed him and then he said bring the best robe and covered and I don't read where he had a bath I don't read where he just covered all of his messy covered it and then he it was a it was a hired servant status to have no shoes they would go barefooted a servant but a son would have shoes and he said bring the shoes he was saying son I am giving you the shoes of sonship I'm covering your past I'm giving you the shoes in other words I still love you you still have a place at our family table you still belong I know you messed up but you're still my son and I'm restoring you and then he put the ring on his finger he restored his gift I want to say to you because you've messed up religion will tell you God can never use you God could never do anything with you but when God restores you the gift and the calling of God is without repentance and God restores your gift and your usefulness and it gave him his gift back watch this and now when he walks up to the gate of the city and they've got a vessel ready to crush he's covered they can't see anything he's got shoes of acceptance own he's got a signet ring on and then the father says something phenomenal he said kill the fatted calf now I'm not a farmer I don't claim to be but I know one thing about fatted calves they don't get fat overnight they have to be fed over a long period of time to get fat I want you to see it what the father was saying when he said kill the fatted calf his son when you weren't thinking about me I was thinking about you when you weren't noticing me I was feeding that calf saying he's coming home he's coming home I know he's out there I know I'll wait for him I won't keep believing I'm gonna keep he's coming home and he kept feeding that cat oh what a savior hallelujah I'm not cut off because of grace I'm restored he poured in the oil and the wine and the Bible says listen to this 31 times in the New Testament do you understand 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 puts it like this he who knew no sin became sin he who knew no sin Jesus became sin one translation said from head to toe when he was hanging on the cross he was filled with every sin that you and I would ever commit from the womb to the tomb he didn't just take the sins of your past he took the sins of your future and he poured them into Jesus he became your sin hanging on the cross and now the Bible declares 31 times in the New Testament it uses this phrase you are quote in Christ in Christ 31 times that's an in Christ for every day of the month every day you get up and look in the mirror you need to remind yourself I don't care how I feel I don't care what I've done I remind myself today that God sees me in Christ my sins are covered I have the shoes of sonship I have the ring of acceptance I am forgiven I am restored he's poured in the oil in the wine and he paid the bill everybody take a praise break and thank him for paying the bill hallelujah I'm preaching myself happy do you know how saved you are do you know how redeemed you are and it's not up to you and your performance it's up to the fact that the father took your shame when he pulled that out he took your shame he became your sin so that you could become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus you know why you need a Savior because you have a past and you can't go back but he can how do you say that because the Bible said Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever he can go back and fix yesterday cover it wash it and wipe it away to remember it no more then I gave my heart to Jesus not just because I had to pass but because you should too because you need a friend but you just don't know me I'm very popular I have all kinds of friends look at me in my brown eyes right now you have never had a friend like Jesus he knows the worst about you and believes the best in you and for you it's amazing and then you know why you need Jesus because your future is uncertain without him but the moment you receive him as your Savior he's the same yesterday he takes care of your past he becomes your friend in the present and he deals with your future you become secure you become saved you become washed you have a eternal life you will never die when you die in the flesh your life will continue in the spirit because Jesus has given you eternal life that's the message of the gospel you can go straight to Jesus and when he hung on the cross when I got married I I said I do and what if I had just said I do everybody was waiting on sharise's response she had the answer that's why the Bible says if you confess with your mouth you see when Jesus was stretched on the cross his arms were opened up and he said I do to you and now he's waiting on your I do he's already said I take you I choose you I love you I forgive you I wash you i cleanse you I accept you my arms are wide open and now he's waiting on you to say I do Barun Gwinnett wherever you're watching me you may be watching me in a prison you may be watching me in a hospital you may be watching me in your home but wherever you are he can heal your past your present and secure your future through his precious blood stand to your feet all over this room and please be very reverent if you're in this room today if you're there in Gwinnett and you would say pastor Franklin I need a change I need forgiveness I need transformation maybe you've got an addiction maybe you've got a problem I promise you he can put his DNA on you and everything begins to change he'll give you step by step faith to walk through the thing until you you can get through the mess to the miracle if you will take the hand of Jesus today he's his arms are wide open and he's already said I will he's waiting on you to say I will this is your chance pray this prayer everybody pray it with them out loud this is a miracle moment say these words say Lord Jesus I give you my life forgive me of my sins I believe in you and you alone there is no other road to life eternal but through Jesus Christ the blood that He shed is washing me clean I receive it I say yes I do I will accept you as my king as my Lord as my savior and I thank you Jesus now right now give me your DNA your DNA will overcome my addiction your DNA will overcome my past your DNA will over come my my challenges your DNA will overcome my sin and I receive it right now in Jesus name this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jenson drink 'ln media ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online at Jensen Franklin dot o-r-g you
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 16,336
Rating: 4.8552632 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Free Chapel, TV, Ministry
Id: FQNz7tKFw9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2015
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