Eyes of a Witness | FULL MOVIE | Mystery, Crime | Jennifer Grey

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but I ain't selling you Roy I'm telling you my trucks are in Prime shape I know that Marty that's why I want to buy you out yeah but this is 18 million that's way below market value market value is what someone's willing to pay what are you kicking around 26 dream on Doyle no no look that includes my Lear jet she's a regular flying Penthouse well of course it's included it's a company asset isn't it you could fly to Africa and visit your daughter how is she by the way I understand they're having some trouble over there yeah well Chris is a little like you Marty out of touch with reality you a four Mill in the red last year no no no no see that's that's just on paper money is paper come on Roy now you know if you picked up my stock it would make you the biggest operator on the west coast unless the uh Lewis Brothers beat you to it Lewis Brothers couldn't beat a dead horse out of the gate they're finally for chapter 11 tomorrow they're doing what um you think you could go to 24 why don't I just have George here draw off the acquisition p papers will get them Over You by this afternoon this afternoon sure yeah sure that' be fine terrific done all right I'll see you later George nice seeing you Marty this afternoon you heard me make it for $18 million what if he passes he won't he has no place else to go okay top heavy with fat old geezers like Doyle sharpen your shears Elkin we're going to do some pruning standard 60-day notices 60 I want things buttoned up by the end of the month and lose the Lear we're not Playboy check sorry to interrupt Mr Baxter but it's your call to Kenya hello Chris you there D are you okay me I'm fine what about you been trying to get through all week nothing works over there Chris when are you coming home I'm in the middle of my research we're a very critical stage honey I can hardly hear you everything's fine fine what about these poaching gangs they're right in your area there's a big story in today's paper some tourists got killed you know very well I can take care of myself I'm a big girl Chris it's not safe I want you back here by Friday I'll make all the arrangements finish your research here Dad we've been over this so many times I can only do my work here in Act is really hello Chris Chris Chris are you there damn it [Music] welcome [Music] to enj your St Mr Boer I'm not here to have a good time ladies and gentlemen flight number 009 is now ready for depart all passengers please report to gate number 19 gentlemen flight number 52 I was expected to arrive at 6:00 will be delayed for 15 [Music] minutes excuse me do you mind just get out of my way would youf [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon just a sec we miss done hey angalia Simba [Music] hakia Roy Baxter photos and do you justice old boy Alan Nicholson caribo Keno welcome to Keno yeah thanks Nicholson you must be the bush Pilot Flying doctor service well old Chrissy will be quite blown away as she'd say where is Old Chrissy anyway dad oh my God what are you doing here it's great to see you oh it's good to see you sweetie is everything okay yeah yeah everything's fine I just missed you that's all well come on I'll give you a tour do you do you want anything can I get you I'm just thirstday I'd love a PA of you I'm sorry I've been living in the bush so long I've completely forgotten my matters Dr Kenneth and goo this is my father Roy Baxter Mr Baxter it's truly a pleasure to meet you after all Christina has told us I'm sure and you've met Alan oh yes I don't worry most the creepy crawlies died in the boiling come on I'll show you the lab I think I've got a beer stashed away good I'm afraid you've flown 10,000 miles hear the same thing I told you over the phone Cina enlighten me what are you doing here that you can't do someplace else only my life's work go this is why you work so hard at medical school so you could come all this way and play Florence Nightingale do a bunch of people who punch holes in their ears and carry Spears they're Messi dad they're one of the last truly traditional tribes left on Earth what's wrong with them anyway they're all nodding off out there like a bunch of dope addicts or something don't you read my letters they've got sleeping sickness I'm working on a vaccine well pass out the party favors what are these Messiah going to do for you if one of these poaching gangs hits this place Spears don't fare too well against machine guns please more people are murdered in New York and LA on a weekend than in a year in Kenya yeah yeah I checked out these gangs they shoot elephants for their tusks and Wildlife for the meat and then they raid Villages and kidnap hostages to carry everything over the border and they kill anyone who gets in the way he you're going to swear I me at least do it in English I just said that I've lived here for three years but you're the expert on Africa Chris be reasonable you're the only daughter I'm ever going to have I raised you to be independent to think for yourself yeah but when I do the veins in your neck pop out it's hard enough losing your mother you can't expect me just to stand around and wait for you to get hurt by a bunch of savages well what are you going to do Colonel Baxter order me to return to base [Music] [Music] [Music] more Franklin no thanks it's good though I thought you'd like it all white meat around here good thing Alan's such a good cook if we're up to me we'd be eating peanut butter and jelly right so Al you you get over here a lot it's Allan actually twice a week or so tend the malaria plug the odd spear hole spear hole M Cora just the old scrap who pinched who goat you know the sort of thing more wine Alan also helps with the game when we're doing the blooding I know you already told me honey but run it by me again well um we take blood samples sleeping sicknesses caused by tropanes which are parasites passed on by TI flies humans have no resistance to trips so the disease can be fatal but while game has a built-in resistance yes particularly wilderbeast that's how they survive and fly infested areas you're trying to find out how they resist the disease and see if maybe there's a way to transfer that to people exactly the secret is in the genetic pattern of the chromosomes if I can crack the code then a vaccine would be possible yes thousands of lives would be saved sort of thing they hand out Nobel prizes for so how long you think this might take weeks months decades I don't know maybe years whatever it takes well makes much difference between the disease and the poers you you'll be lucky to last long enough I'm sorry I didn't mean that I should hope not after all really isn't your decision is it Roy hey why don't you just butt out bana this is a Family Matter oh steady AR old boy W old boy me I didn't raise a daughter to be sacrificed not even for a Nobel Prize we just knock it off both of you hell with all of you I'm leaving in the morning [Music] [Music] [Music] you just can't let him get to you that's all yes I noticed how you had him eating out of the palm of your hand today oh I'm sorry darling well I guess you can pick your fiance just come pick your father-in-law I promise I will tell him about our plans if press I might just tell him how much I love [Laughter] you how about now dad what do you think you're doing trying to get his Ruddy head blown off that's what hardly Al I just think such wonderful news calls for immediate celebration I see you've already started splurging what's this the honeymoon sweet very plush get out of here backer you want to talk business let's get right down to it Hummer you net plugging spear holes okay gross then Dad stop acting like a child you just said the magic word how many children you going to have kids can be expensive of course here you don't have to clothe them or educate them or even feed them just send them out into the bush with a snare stop it Dad get out now Christy Alan morning Dr Angolo get that right yes morning not in quite a mission for a few blood samples what's this tranquilizer gun for the wilderbeast Chris I got to thinking last night about what the fact that you've done nothing but act like a jerk since you got here if you just let me finish I was about to say I was way out of line I know it I apologize I'm sorry that was wrong think about your work too your lab in fact a whole new lab state-of-the-art equipment annual operating budget freedom to pick and choose your own projects oh and exactly where would this scientific Eden be located you name it San Francisco Hawaii the Bahamas are ni how about right here in Kenya right all right let's go want to come along or you afraid you'll find out my work's actually worthwhile after all [Music] this is all Messi land the mara plane we'll nip along the river and slip up over the escarment you'll get a royal view of what we call mmba what mmba miles miles and miles of blood bloody Africa wilderbeast 3:00 it's near bar SE edge of the fly belt Here Comes Joe on time for once Dr Joseph kaboya runs the World Health Organization grants committee he's the only one who had faith in me from day one without him my funding would have dried up like the aete river your man's got an armed escort apparently he's more concerned about these coaching gangs than you are it isn't that the soldiers discourage the Messiah and the career from having a go at each other all right flight attendant prepare for arrival [Music] on Missi Sant Missi Sant when I introduce to the headman give this CL and say you can't be serious [Music] [Music] bab jumo jumo Ro they rounded up some wilderbeast for us why did you give him my Silver Star without go help my work would be virtually impossible that was for you deam near cost me my life I know it was important to you now you know that he's important to [Music] me God the way these people live well we're not in Kansas anymore Toto there's kaboya now come on I'll do the honors Alan my dear CH good to see you and who might I have the pleasure of meeting Joe this is Roy Baxter Christina's father Roy this is Dr gaboya see other guy's got my daughter out here risking her neck if it weren't for you she might be back home when she belongs throughout history Mr B all great scientific discoveries have involved risk how would you know sitting back in your air conditioned office polishing your speech for the Nobel committee now just a minute minut it when you do muster the gusts of his at the front you bring along your own Army now this Army is not for me it's there to prevent war between the criers and the Messi why the hell isn't my daughter rate protection cuz she's American cuz she's white or both is he always like this till you get to know him better and he's much worse [Music] he [Music] [Music] hey what what [Music] [Music] come here go stay down down get time just St there [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you did not actually see the killings Dr bter No but I'm sure my father told you exactly is there any mention of a witness as the prisoner cleaned in his statement The Prisoner is my father and I'll thank you to refer to him as Mr Baxter and if he said that there was a witness you ought to be out there looking for him pleas please don't tell me how to do my job doctor everything and I mean everything will be checked he's innocent I don't know why you're wasting all of our time with this you should be out there looking for the real killer I'm afraid the evidence indicates otherwise what evidence I really can't discuss it as a professional surely you can appreciate my position he needs medical attention I'd like Dr Nicholson to examine his wound well it's not infected stitches have held you're lucky exactly what I was thinking boy am I lucky right I'll push on I'll wait to outside Chris well he's a good medic I'll give him that does Police Commissioner say why can't I get the hell out of here hasn't meu told you took my statement that's it that clown didn't even question me what Chris they're going to charge you dad with the murder of Dr kaboya that's the most fascinating thing I've ever heard yeah I know what are we going to do about it I don't know we got to take the initiative right I'll go to the Embassy I'll talk to the Ambassador good have him swing his clout get me out of this rat motel uh what else uh the boy the kid we got to find him F the cap is the key uh to say Buccaneers okay Allan will fly back to the village and track him down Dad I can't do everything myself fine okay well I better get going Chris e [Music] [Music] Mr Ambassador are you saying that you can't help my father or you won't now just a minute let me provide a little perspective on what he's up against a few years back one of our Navy men stationed here killed a prostitute with a broken bottle if tried died he'd have been found guilty he'd have hanged the state department leaned all over the Kenyan government to have him released to US military authorities now they gave in but there was a major and I mean major public outcry the president is not going to let that happen again my father is not a murderer I believe you Dr Baxter but that's irrelevant a World Health official has been gunned down now rightly or wrongly they have a suspect Kenya will be under an international microscope at this they'll have to go to trial well what kind of trial will he get under these conditions I'll recommend the best Kenyon attorney I can find to represent him dad's got a lawyer George Lidle he's on a plane right now yes I know Mr Len can serve his co-counsel but he can't argue before the court he's not a member of the Kenyon bar and besides he's white well what about Bale at least we we can get him out of that cess pool I'm sorry Dr Baxter but in this country there is no bail for murder [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] hi well I must have seen 50 kids they all said the same thing as soon as the shooting started they all ran up and hid in the bush should have gone up there myself oh yeah yes oh yes that's the back to way isn't it oh damn it Alan all I'm trying if I could find the kid they wouldn't let him come forward and Testify the tribe is terrified of reprisals from Shen's gang and with bloody good reason dad I should have listened to him but I was too busy trying to be right oh come on come on you're hardly being fair to yourself Fair how can you look at the situ and even say the word don't worry we'll get through it I promise all of us talker [Music] [Music] [Music] you sit down no I'm not going to sit down I'm not going back to that cell either I want my release papers I want my passport and I want out of here now Mr Dexter I will conduct this inquiry you will answer my questions do you understand this is a receipt listing your property that was confiscated upon your arrest and which we will hold until your case is decided sign at the bottom there's a problem here the cash is some missing not at all it's just not my money 1,900 us a man could live well in Kenya for several years under amount see normally I would add attempted bribery to the pending charges but as you're a wealthy American I realize it's a natural reflex can't blame it for trying I thought it was a national reflex in the third world Mr bexter as much as I enjoy your repar I'm afraid I must hereby forly charge you with the murder of Dr Joseph kuoa you have the right to remain silent anything you say will be used against you come on you know who I am what possible reason could I have to kill a man I never even set eyes on before well Colonel I'll tell you your wife died recently you're lonely a widower you came to Kenya to bring your only child home as a successful businessman you're used to having your way but your daughter refused to leave Kenya her work came first you thought about it we have witnesses do kuoa was responsible for her research project the only obstacle preventing you from taking Christina home you clashed with him we have witnesses you were angry frustrated the poacher's Ambush provided you the opportunity to solve your problem as a decorated combat veteran killing was not Unthinkable in the confusion you obtained a weapon and murdered Dr kubuya no jury will buy that there is no jury Mr bexter no pre-trial hearings no continuances no invest appeals this is not America trials and sentencing are carried out swiftly in Kenya hey the poachers did it A white guy probably the leader of the gang sheni is what they call him Wild Man a former Belgian Congo mercenary that's the guy who shot me sheni led the Ambush but you murdered Dr kuoa and if you hadn't been caught with the gun in your hands you might very well have gotten away with it there was a witness a little native boy about seven wearing a c tribal scars on his face do you realize how many young boys fit that description they're as common as will Beast what about evidence or that slow down your Speedy judicial process too much in addition to the testimony of the ascaris who arrested you at the scene and your fingerprints on the murder weapon we found blood stains on Dr kya's body left there by his killer a positive blood stains your type Mr bter your blood are you aware of the maximum penalty for murder in Kenya death by hanging now there is a way to avoid such unpleasantness confess and the court may show leniency whose payroll are you on chenis it's your choice bexter confess or hang [Music] what [Music] [Music] guard hey guard guard hey guard hey [Music] I Need a Doctor understand doctor uh Dr me look [Music] out here see the stitches are bad easy take it easy hey [Music] hey yo yo yo [Music] [Music] come [Music] Mr Right no it's it's Lial L YT l e George he should have checked in last night I cannot hear you wait wait hold on a second hello hi okay I'd like to leave a message please hello hello hello told you nothing works right over here I had to do it Chris I'm not going to let myself be sacrificed on any alter of political expediency I didn't say a word no but you had that look the same one your mother used to get listen maybe you should try to get out of the country I thought about it but I just spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder not to mention what might happen to you no we got to get the kid Alan tried we'll try harder you know if this backfires we both hang don't you think after 30 years we might try trusting each other Maybe just let me handle this I know these people in their Customs let's be patient not easy to be patient with a noose hanging around your neck try P honey beard just drink it Bottom's Up bottom's up he wants to know how many wives and cattle you have um my wife died a year ago may she rest in peace uh no cattle either but plenty of tractors and offers his condolences and says that because I've helped his people with the sleeping sickness he will give you 20 cows to buy a new wife that's a fortune here Dad he just offered you half his wealth I you say thank you aan aan Zea mhm I'm still mourning my wife but if I ever decide to take another I'll certainly consider your kind offer very seriously but admires your courage and cleverness at escaping the police not so clever but thanks s Bottoms Up the hell's going on now we're going to ask him about the boy or what he wants to show us something [Music] there the cap hey hold it wait [Music] please please stop I won't hurt you I won't hurt you don't worry ask him where he got the C says he found it in the bush belonged to The Boy The Boy Who Saw what happened can you get them all together so I can take a look at them if the boy is found and speaks against shenzi then Shen's gang will seek revenge you disappoint me backa proving the cliche by returning to the scene of your crime if I were guilty wouldn't I be trying to get out of the country instead of coming back here the border is only 12 miles away so you came for your witness good let's find him Mr bexter his name is m leopa his father was killed by shenzi his brother taken hostage [Music] is this the bo let's go you've kept the magistrate waiting long enough how did you know where to find [Music] me these are good for checking all kinds of [Music] animals it's okay [Music] [Music] it is therefore on the basis of the evidence presented in this court and under the authority of the criminal procedure code that I remand the accused Roy Francis buer for trial before the high court on a charge of murder BFF take charge of the prison [Applause] you know back in the States I know millionaires who scream if they have to part with a buck put and his people have nothing they barely survive day to day but he offered me half his herd because he respects you he respects you too Dad for what you did just be Losing My Edge letting the kid off the hook probably saved my hi I was never more proud to be your daughter yeah well to Mulo my Escape is just more proof that I'm guilty you're not going to give up Dad you never did all the years mom was sick boy whoever said Time Heals all wounds is a horse's ass I Miss B more now than I did the day she died but I suppose mulu was right about one thing what's that he said I wanted to bring you home just to ease my own loneliness dad wait but kicking me out there's something I want to try I don't know if it'll work but I need a sample of your blood give me your hand why just do it you and the murderer both have type A blood but there is a way that we might be able to differentiate between the two [Music] is it my After Shave or are you just in a work mode sorry honey all I can think about right now is clearing dad why what do you want to well that's Dad's blood a major part of the case against him is that his type matches The Killers right that's right well it's the same group a positive but millions of people have a positive blood but what's unique to each person is the genetic makeup of the cells like they're fingerprints right it's called genetic fingerprinting and it's a different application of the same principles that I use in my work and they've been using it in court cases the past few years in England in the states Kenya well there's a first time for everything right let me show you okay you see these blips yeah they look like Mor curd every person's blood has its own abs absolutely unique genetic DNA pattern bloody amazing pardon the pun think you can do it if I have enough time well the field Marshall isn't exactly my ideal golf partner but I am a great fan of his daughter how can I help I need a sample of Shen's blood from Cabo's clothing you don't ask much do you even if I can get to it it'll have both kaboa and Shen's blood on it how can I tell them apart well you can't so just bring me lots of samples and I'll sort them out For Heaven's Sake Chrissy it is State evidence I'll have it locked up tight the at Archer Laboratories where the handsome and Charming Dr Alan Nicholson has many friends [Music] [Music] [Music] don't give me that smile Dr Nicholson I know all about your wedding plans I can never keep anything from you kabou my love shall I take care of that no no this is some fresh wilderbeast blood up from naab Basi had a devil of a time getting it if I let this spoil Chris is going to shame on you not even married and already afraid of the wife look I better pop it in the fridge be love and buzz me in will you I'll buzz you in any day [Music] hello Roy hi yes well you're looking remarkably well considering this this is um this is Adam Mumbo now I'll work with him of course but uh he'll be out front it is my pleasure to represent you Mr buer there has been much attention surrounding your case but we'll win I'm said why are you so sure you're right Mr buxer nothing in this world is certain wait a minute are you certain or uncertain well it is said which means to believe with certainty we must begin with Doty [Music] [Music] [Music] how's it going see you in a minute I'm just running a standard grouping test for type let's see what we've got okay that's type B Cabo's blood be again are you sure you cut every blood stain quite my hands so cramp B damn it okay they're all Cabo's blood you missed one [Music] type A shenzi gotcha [Music] is the American government going [Music] to my client pleads not guilty please noted the court will remind the visiting Advocate that his role is confined to cor counsel he may not address the bench at any time Mr lle understands my Lord these gentlemen are assessors they will offer their opinions on the case but the final decision will rest with the high court alone proceed my Lord the state will satisfy the court that on September 7th of this year in the the Kura Village of Nasi on the mara plane Dr Joseph kuya grants committee director for the World Health Organization and one of Kenya's leading citizens was murdered murdered with great malice and terrible violence murdered by this man Roy Baxter [Music] and this proves irrefutably that the defendant's blood type matches that found both on the victim's clothing and on the murder weapon itself in this report my Lord state exhibit number seven this contains the result result of the paraffin test Dawn on the defendant's clothing proving that he fired the weapon that was found in his hands at the time of his arrest objection the prosecution is pray do not jeopardize your client with American courtroom theatrics there's no jury to impress your honor my Lord Mr Li apologizes for his outbursts and assures the court it shall not happen again thank you Mr mumo proceed Mr prosecutor my Lord if it please the court objection being made that prosecution is drawing his own conclusions from the evidence so noted you may continue [Music] [Music] so you could come all the way over here and play Florence Nightingale for people who punch holes in their ears and carry Spears and this my Lord you can't expect me to just stand by and watch you get hurt by a bunch of savages do you deny say those words no but thank you my Lord the state contends that this Clinic staff testimony clearly establishes the defendant's vehement opposition to his daughter's work here in Kenya as well as his obvious racism but also his intent to take action sufficient motives for a soldier with extensive combat experience to exploit the poacher's Ambush and shoot Dr kaboya thereby terminating his daughter's work here so he can take her home I am certain the court will share the state's view that giving the compelling nature of the evidence the defendant is guilty as charged and even the the most ask for his life and most likely just 30 years fully justif ified in seeking the ultimate penalty death by hanging the state rest [Music] [Music] for [Music] in Nairobi yesterday at the high court the state prosecutor asked for the death penalty in the murder trial of the American Roy Baxter was charged with the killing of Dr Jose kuoa a prominent official of the World Health Organization who was murdered in the Kura Village of nyasi on September the 7th today the lawyer for the defense [Music] Mr God Alan can't believe this is happening do you really do you really think that they could hang him [Music] I have to see him I have to see him get the the plane readyy think there is nothing you can do in Nairobi the only way to help him is to finish the tests here you said you were close how close how close and my Lord to wait identical blood groups do not prove the defendant's cability it merely implies the possibility mere possession of the murder Weapon by the defendant at the time of his arrest does not prove that he fired it one may only suppose that he did and since none of the witnesses whose depositions the prosecution has read at this trial not one even claims to have actually seen the defendant shoot the victim and finally as to what the offended staff claims to have overheard their testimony is totally insufficient to establish an intent to commit murder implication supposition conjecture that is the extent of the case against my client and as such my Lord it warrants but one verdict not guilty I think this is it we've got to get these some ULU now I'll get the plane ready Alan I love you I love [Music] you and you can see clearly the difference in the patterns here here here and here how do I know that this is the Killer's blood came from this any forensic lab will be able to match it up with Dr Cabo's suit I could have you both arrested for tempering with State's evidence but you won't why not because this proves my father's innocence and you know it I am hardly an expert on genetic fingerprinting you don't have to be I am it's my work here also fact copies of the auto Reds to 60 Minutes in the New York Times if you ignore this evidence and an innocent American is executed what do you think that'll do to Kenya's International reputation and who do you think your government will hold responsible are you really interested in Justice or do you just want to hang my father Dr bexter I can assure you that I have no desire to see an innocent man unjustly punished but the high court of this country is not going to decide a case of this magnitude on the basis of little dots as for your threats not even a blockade by the US Navy would arrive in time to help your father in order to persuade the Chief Justice we need more than your science we need that [Music] witness Mr buer you are entitled to address the court before judgment is rendered I assume you'd like to exercise that privilege yes sir my Lord ever since this nightmare began been so many things I wanted to say now I had the chance I don't know where to be take your time I came here to take my daughter away from a dangerous situation bring her back home where should be safe instead I I almost get killed in the bush and wind up here on trial for my life my Lord I'm innocent I didn't shoot Dr caboa the man who did this poacher shenzi is still out there and he'll do it again for God's sake don't confuse past mistakes with my situation cuz no matter what happens s in his courtroom the truth will be known by you and by the world I have to believe that I have [Music] to for [Music] [Music] by the power invested in me as Chief Justice of the high court and under Section 10 of the penal code of the Republic of Kenya I will render the verdict in the case of Roy Francis bter charged with murder in the first degree now this brutal Mur is one of the most Savage and colous acts this country has ever witnessed Dr Joseph kuoa was one of the most outstanding Kenya citizens viciously shut down in Cold Blood his body left rot in the scorching sun and why simply because you thought he stood in the way of bringing your daughter home as a wealthy American businessman you must have thought you could escape the justice [Music] [Applause] of ordering Court believe sergeants tell those people to keep quiet what's the meaning of this intrusion the Lord I am commissioner Thomas mulu narok District commissioner mulu you simply cannot Storm Into The High caught like a rogue elephant I am in the process of delivering the verdict and have you my Lord delivered your verdict not yet commissioner because you then I have made it in time in time for what to present a material witness who will testify to the innocence of I object I object This is highly irregular this boy saw what happened commissioner as you very well know Witnesses before before the high court testify in depositions not in person and now is hardly the time to introduce new evidence this case has been decided surely you do not expect the high court to alter its ruling on the testimony of a mere child no my Lord not without corroborating evidence what's this scientific proof that Roy bter did not murder Dr kuoa I do expect the high court of my country to alter its ruling in the interest of Justice a terrible mistake has been made now is the time to correct it before it is too late Mr buer do you swear that this is the child you claim was witness to the killing of Dr kboa yes my Lord very well please step into the witness box tell the call who you are and what you saw SA [Music] [Music] beautiful isn't it more than that something about it are kind of magic know you go through life every day responsibilities duties they seem important but they're not you forget what really matters when something like this happens in you remember the irony I come to Africa to to save you you end up saving me well it wasn't just me dad I couldn't have done it without Alan quite a [Music] guy thank you thank you to freedom to Freedom official letters of apology from the Chief Justice and the president accepted Mr vter I hope you will accept my personal apology for everything that has happened well commissioner you came late but you brought a lot to the party you taking heed for that one survives that is the way of Africa commissioner headquarters is on the radio excuse exuse me right I'm on my way the village of Nasi has been attacked shenzi because Muki testified Mr bexter The Village headman made the decision he knew the risk I must go and master my men we'll take care of this sheni once and for all I want in on this I owe them and you owe me Mr bexter you are lucky to survive survive one encounter with sheni this is not your concern have a safe flight back to [Music] America mambula won't even get back to Naro till after dark then he has to round up and equip his guys B and his people need help now still got to play Commando huh she's right you know you got no weapons you don't know the bush you wouldn't stand a chance out there maybe I won't be alone wait a minute you may be insane but Allan isn't I wasn't talking about Allan that's up to him but I bet both and his boys are like a crack of shenzi on equal terms all I have to do is get some guns well shotguns handy in the bush will take mine Alan can't bloody well let him go off with a courier alone can I anyway swah is atrocious I'll fill the plane with extra abgas cans extend our range need radios and Maps yeah and extra fire power I'll make a few calls knock it off both of you I don't believe this sweetheart when I was in Vietnam I was 10,000 Mi away from home fighting in a war my country didn't care enough to even declare to this day I'm not sure what I was fighting for this time I am [Music] Santa Christina boom okay a Sant [Music] s ah [Music] Shen's Camp is somewhere this side of the Border we have to catch him him napping because if he slips across into Tanzania we can't touch him well we'll pin it down bwack within Striking Distance and hit him at dawn right I'll do an aerial recky well I'll see you at the border we'll keep in touch by radio it's a funny Place Africa generally I use that plane for saving people you are saving people I wait for you in the plane you should be on a plane right now going home and you should be with me you know since your mother died I've just been going through the motions doing a lot of things that don't really matter this is something that has to be done maybe it'll turn out that coming to Africa was good for both of us [Music] [Music] if we slow down the dust wouldn't be so [Music] bad anything unusual tire tracks cooking fires anything that's this Cliff right all right then it's this way I don't think so let's just go this way we'll [Music] see B here one back to zero okay backer backer this is Alan you read over copy Alan where are you over 8 mil Due West nothing so far and we're losing the light going to have to set down for the night over Roger will bwack up and Dawn over this is commissioner mulu hold Alan we're getting interference uh I'll talk to from camp out B you are supposed to be on an airplane answer me damn you back come in interference is right until now you haven't been driving at all I suggest you start h Huh ah looks good chakula aaoo oh good it's my favorite good boms up you bet Silver Star batia they gave this to me for heroism and gallon above and beyond the Call of Duty Silver Star Silva star that's right tomorrow we'll see whether we really deserve [Music] it there tire tracks in a [Music] campfire damn he's gone looks like they're heading straight to the Border Roy Look Alive copy Alan over we spotted Shen's Camp he's already on the Move tracks are heading 202 South Southwest right for Tanzania you got to reach him before he crosses the Border Roger that [Music] my God shenzi right come a shenzi Roy come here over yeah Allan we're at Shen's Camp it's a slaughter house got the bastard in sight heading is 210 from you approximately 8 m South Roger 210 we're on our way I'll call you when I have you on visual out Roy beer Roy bter this is commissioner mulu come in bter I can see you so I know that you can hear me acknowledge 20 [Music] Roy backa Roy backa this is commissioner Mambu acknowledge Boxster I order you to cease Pursuit immediately the same goes for Alan Nicholson shenzi is my responsibility uh commissioner uh say again you're you're breaking up backer I warn you if you continue to interfere you will be prosecuted and this time you won't like what I bring to the party transmission garbled try again later bster Alan you copy loud and clear Roy you heard mulu what do you say mulu is that who that was could understand the bloody word of his transmission we see you stay on top of them so I know where they are we'll do but they're almost to the Border if they get across the game's up I understand out Roy that's the match shenzi will be across before you reach him how's your fuel Alan switching to reserve tanks and 5 minutes more than enough more than enough for [Music] what here love take it with you now when I tell you Bank hard left and hold [Music] on now [Music] you [Music] [Music] I to just shoot you save everybody a lot of paperwor foree fore speee move it he's all yours Mr be you have rather consistently violated both my orders and a variety of national laws however under the circumstances my offici official report will focus instead on the remarkable service you have rendered Kenya in helping to bring sheni to Justice thank you here work your magic for the commissioner it's pleasure nice flying Alan thanks Colonel I am standing here in the Pres of God and before this man and this woman who intend their voice in this holy matrion service do you Alan Nicholson take Christina bster to be their wed wife in sickness and in health to love and to cherish to death do you part I do do you Christina Baker take Alan Nicholson to be thy worded husband in sickness and in health to love and to cherish to your death do you part I do with this ring I see word in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost amen you may kiss the bride there is a little unfinished business right price how many cars are we talking oh I don't know let's see um 100 better make it 150 I'll throw in a couple of dozen goats daughters up [Music]
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 84,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, jennifer grey, aidan quinn, patrick swayze, full movie english, full movies horror, full movies 2024, Daniel J. Travanti, Jennifer Grey, Carl Lumbly, Daniel Gerroll, Reg E. Cathey, Eriq La Salle, Alan North, eyes of a witness, eyes of a witness movie, eyes of a witness free movie, jennifer grey movies, 90s movies, 90s tv movies, africa movies, movies set in africa, courtroom dramas, crime movies, daniel travanti
Id: paIAWYmmRb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 41sec (5681 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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