The Diplomat Part 1 | Thriller Movies | Dougray Scott | The Midnight Screening

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so so meetings in the warehouse done we got no back up at all not here intel told us hq isn't stains those bloody russians always changing their bloody mind all right what time is our ring leader in a through fry out [Music] terry rings here went on get three units here all right keep the rest over stains right guff oh those kids down there hq come get some backup here [ __ ] we're going in [Music] okay all right i'm chief inspector hales from scotland yard now we have secured the building so put your weapons down put your weapons down we have surrounded the building just let let the kids go there's no need for this to escalate just let the boys go you don't need them just put your weapons down [Music] go [Music] oh out [Music] oh [Music] hmm thanks very much awesome mr porthead i'm julie hales chief inspector of scotland yard would you come with me please just escort you [Music] [Music] so we've recovered 23 kilos of heroin from the warehouse it was all packed in those little guitar things that your colleagues took out of a diplomatic container that was sealed and signed for by you and your response to this somebody must have broken into my office in du chamber tajik stan unlocked the safe taken the diplomatic seal arranged to conceal the drugs in my souvenirs use the seal to verify their papers broken back into my office reopen the safe and return the seal without me realising i mean is that crap the best you can do it's ten years you know that's what you'll get you know maybe 12. they ought to bring back capital punishment for you mate one of my team is in icu she has second and third degree burns to eighty percent of her body now she's going to be lucky to live oh i call my lawyer i want to cut your balls off winston field please winston we have a hiccup stumbled across the goods yeah what quantity 20 kilos well it had to be a credible amount kakapo conspiracy bad luck often to customs send a sniffer dog into diplomatic cargo you promised me no hiccups you can still salvage this a word in the right ear the yard wouldn't work not in this situation we've got an officer in live sport and the press are calling for blood it could be done with the nod and wink charles not now they'd want to ask too many questions and even then it'd be a long shot you may have to pull the plug unless you can think of something else congratulations on your promotion done great place right time i don't know about that i'm sure you're the man to watch our club can always use a good man you are british yes porter british embassy what you are doing out here in the badlands mr porter the fo double check with the embassy in tajikistan it was first secretary ian porter you signed off on that shipment of guitar things that's you you knew what was in it this is your chance to make a full statement while it still counts i don't smuggle any drugs i don't like drugs i don't like what they do to people i don't need the money i am not you know we're going to find your fingerprints all over that gear don't he jewelry's just love to your name you're gone you're sunk you're finished if you tell us a full story the who's the house the wise just forget it neil it's obviously too greedy and stupid to see scents hi charleston course free and porter right like to see my client outside the interview okay are you holding up you're getting me out of this yes that's the idea the yards digging their heels in you heard about police officers why are they so afraid of being in the head telling each other secrets why am i still here charlie couldn't you've had a quiet world with someone the more people who know the greater the chance that crucial will find out something and if he does we're [ __ ] we've gone this far because less than a handful of us know what's really in play don't blow it now i was doing what i was asked to do charlie now these flat heads are telling me i'm looking at 10 to 12 but that won't happen what's that will it you'll get bail ian you're not a flight risk just hold tight when they let you go we'll figure out our next step yeah no sorry i have the key back the key stays where it is you're not gonna throw away all our work how's porter i'm toughing it out you'd be lost where i was i told him he had to stay home for an hour or something some trade spending plumbers happy birthday lauren [Music] porter hasn't said anything he's not happy though look we could just tell him what he's doing i mean in general since no mention of crucial are you mad we tell him what he's doing they'll take over the operation we haven't worked on this all year to have those muppets still all the credit have we i mean if they could have let him go without asking questions maybe but is every other little thing on track yeah and when he's on on bail and we'll be fine tajikistan has become the most important corridor for drugs mostly heroin produced in afghanistan intended for markets in europe the bottom line is that 90 of all heroin hitting european veins comes via tajikistan these are men players well a major profit taker is a russian called sergey krusov his cossack ex-russian army deals in anything that will turn a profit weapons pharmaceuticals organs you should be on interpol's list for years where'd you get this stuff i've got a palancha chesky towers friend of a friend mi6 jesus what were you dealing with here all right look if porter is mid-level in the khrushchev empire means we cannot convict him in isolation all that's going to do is give someone like khrushchev in-service training on how to avoid our detection and from all reports krusov is looking at making britain a major market right okay well let's roll porter work with the target police and uh see if we can break porter's empire before that happens okay um have we established any links between khrushchev and porter yet no why not what's the holdout you know for a moment there i thought i might have earned myself a pattern here excuse me ah 100 times worse i'm sorry about your colleague but it's got nothing to do with me right yes and it couldn't happen to a nicer person you know i'm innocent and i take exception to being treated like a criminal well you'd better get used to it okay just tell me who you're working for give me a name the right name this nightmare it could all be over [Music] sometimes good ops go bad yeah i know just just think about porter you know right [Music] [Applause] a routine search that's what the guardian website i don't give [ __ ] about ian what about my key yes where is he now scotland helping police with their inquiries sergey he won't talk it what is the cutting deal give us sergey krusov you can walk out the door mr porter no so we do what we contact his wife little bear he always spoke very fondly of her although you have to bear in mind that they were the minority of the minority okay so um think ken livingston taking complete power after a series of crippling tube strikes i have a feeling some of you would probably support that [Laughter] well unlike the former mayor they were highly organized motivated and very lucky [Music] oh [Music] me goodbye [Music] he's never done anything illegal in his life well most people keep something secret well i can assure you i'm not blinded by love we've been divorced three years right well you don't want to see him go to prison do you so look just see if you can get me to talk to me peppa they say that you're trafficking drugs it's a mess my mess what happened to your face uh car accident someone someone ran into me i'm sorry to hear that i just came here to tell you to be careful so be careful yeah okay [Music] okay [Music] what the [ __ ] was that all about your mate chachesky towers come up with any other little nuggets apparently porter has a free membership to tajikistan's hottest night spot cafe moscow and have a guess what the name of the owner is sergey i'm very silent i can't help you i don't even know him anymore yeah but you came to visit him why old habits look i think i it's just i think i think he knows that the only chance he's got of a light sentence is to make a full statement but i think he's terrified of the people's mixed happiness well i can't make him change his mind i never could okay well you know the smart thing to do would be to um get him out of london you know get him somewhere safe i mean what do you know about the witness protection scheme i'm sorry but why are you telling me all of this because there is no point in putting him in quarantine while you are still in london catching a bus going to work just you know when you're just doing the things that you do you're saying that you want me to go to dude look we are talking about a very high level of organized criminals who will stop at nothing to protect their interests up to and including murder how'd you get this bruce if ian keeps his mouth shut he will go to jail for over a decade so if guys like him they don't survive peppa is that your son he's got a beautiful smile [Music] oh he died are we finished [Music] [Music] who volunteers to go into witness protection you gotta be more than angry you've gotta be dead frightened [Music] uh hello hello oh god [Music] so [Music] oh you are a lucky bastard aren't you no jail for you just yet you're gonna go a little holiday first and we're bringing your wife and you are going to tell us everything you want to know do you like it or not [Music] my understanding was he'd be bailed as a matter of routine we'd have a clear 12-month operational window before he went to court good news he obviously hasn't given up crucial this friend of a friend of a friend say where us overseas somewhere [ __ ] australia oh fancy holiday in the sunday no it's just it's as far away from tajikistan and london as we can get and they haven't lost a protective witness in years so that's true although i think the australians might balk a bit at hiding a man who's wanted by the russian mafia we have to tell him that he's wanted by the russian mafia well we've got to tell him something mr porn he looks like an official from the world bank do you think yeah but believe it see an accountant who might have some information about corruption in african aid apparently i think we could sell that keep them all happy we let the situation play itself out we let porter go overseas it doesn't matter in the long run he won't turn queen's evidence if he spills his guts about khrushchev he'll be signing his own death warrant he knows that so he'll say nothing scotland yard won't get anything on khrushchev and in a few months time when the spotlight of public outrage is shining on something else we can convince the art to quietly drop the charges operation back on track we sent him back to tajikistan with his credibility enhanced as a police officer in intensive care something i find extremely regrettable all the more reason to shut khrushchev down before he gets involved in anything bigger we have to find out where he is but quietly keep bill out of it my new staff mike four more i don't know you i do don't i think i don't think so mate cross foreign office your neil trench i am but i still don't think we've had a pleasure well we can remedy that and i'll buy you a drink get two beers we have a friend in common ian porter they tell me you've squirreled him away into witness protection he's quite the talking point he's aryan we're running a book i'm going for south africa am i warm buy you two drinks if you give me the big tip oh you had to fear be better than that old son neil pack a bag before i follow porter to australia you and i have a date into sunday sally hi hi charles how's your grandmother is she is she any better ah afraid not she passed away my daughter says look sorry i won't beat around the bush i've gone a bit of a problem and i think you might be the one person in the world who can help me out i need to locate an agent of mine doesn't sound too difficult the only people who know where he is scotland yard and they're not telling i need someone very clever to have a sniff around the yard and see if they can pick up the scent you're asking me to hack into the scotland yard school database it is a matter of national security that's why i've come to you because i know your loyalties unquestioned who else would i turn to so it was a forensic pathologist who killed all the prostitutes initially it was just to cover up a murder that his brother committed but then he got tested ah refill thanks sue why don't you just ask for the whole bottle or better yet save yourself some time and ask for the crate have you met my ex-wife women's temperance leak your first time done under sir oh yeah i'm looking forward to immensely um [Music] ugh if i was him i'd throw that key in the ocean right now it's the only thing in his life that means anything that's probably what's keeping him alive to australia 24 hours from everywhere i've got cousin in melbourne he's in women's fashion designs it doesn't wear it as far as i know 24 hours by plane maybe but the bomb has to travel by sea shells charles do you mind giving me a hand please certainly my love what if it takes too long for them whines to always look for the negatives to counterbalance your ridiculous optimism how does porter notify khrushchev where he is well if i were porter for the moment i will be porter i'd do what everyone else does i'd send khrushchev a text why don't you help your husband with a dinner translation please it's from potter they put him in witness protection in austria austria australia attention to detail little bear wars are won and lost on the detail hmm [Music] how long have you been here over there be all in all six years yeah i love it just love it my favorite posting how long has ian been here a year or two easter before last saturday who do you think is close to no one really but if i liked him it's one of the most decent people i've ever met certainly we've worked for it's very popular here on several young humanitarian programs sounds like a site now let's say a word against him you won't find anyone here does it work against him this drug trafficking nonsense is just it's nonsense that's not ian well we'll be taking statements from all of you you know [Music] okay sherlock holmes they love the sweeney they think the bills are beezies why are you here well to ask for your help from the tajik police in order to build our case against drug trafficker ian porter um we need your help investigating his movements here in the last few months and in return we will well we'll happily share with you any information that we learned foreign once you leave your contact details with the secretary it's possible especially do you think krusov calls a tune i remember the british embassy didn't hear that please we all know the country runs on drug money right oh that i'm sure they'll have a very close look at mr porter's movements and report nothing in consequence well not for now waste of [ __ ] time in this trip i don't really i mean we still got to hammer out a relationship and well besides we have got an expense account so the best restaurant in temples to go to a minute oh you wouldn't like it it's owned by you know who perfect the drugs had to be planted who boy oh somebody wants to frame him and who throw away a million quids worth of drugs just to frame somebody well the police obviously because then they can confiscate it and sell it straight back onto the street again the target police i think you said everyone liked him they do he's a gentleman which is why he rarely came here squish off here actually you don't see him down on the floor much this is but one little corner of the empire look all i'm saying ian porter is incapable of a devious act a scorpion will always be a scorpion you know the story of the scorpion and the frog marco taking his sights he could have been anything he could have had washington you fancy no god don't be tough yes i do if things have been different if i'd been a little more clear and nightly a bit less bridget turns but then if things have been different he wouldn't have ended up here minou lost his son yeah that's when a marriage fell apart yeah what happened though no i'm not so anyone asks is it oh it is my job i'm not sure got the impression ian blamed himself but you have to understand he's not interested in money screwjob's brother nick nicholai hey you're asking questions about my brother yeah what would like to meet you uh chief inspector i think it's a bit late please follow me [Music] okay wait okay okay just wait don't ask questions about mr khushov forget about him go back home stay healthier tony morelli mark wilson australian federal police how's your flight bloody long well you're here now and we're here to look after you just the two of you welcome sydney do you like our airport very nice where did you get that from my bag sorry mr supporter no calls i have to call my sister you make a call you're advertising where you are well if i don't call her she'll get frantic we speak every day give me the phone please i'll let her for her sister for god's sake no calls someone from the met will visit your sister mrs porter they'll give her a plausible explanation got a plausible explanation of the brits just look at the test team phone please don't be a smart ass porter or can we make a deal or at least mr porter if there's a law against first names did you hear that mr morelia's mr porter let's sleep loud and clear mr wilson are we on a budget or something were you expecting a stretch limo with tinted windows yeah we've got one of those it's got a bull's-eye painted on the roof you want to hide a tree put it in a [Music] forest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i'm bill murray the policeman not the comedian [Music] now i know you two are probably rooted and dying to put your heads down but there's one or two things you need to know first our international witness protection program has never been breached in 35 years and i'm not about to have it happen now i'll get it yeah could you just step out here a minute please me sir would you mind stepping out here for a minute please now we've done police checks on your neighbours and all the property owners in the area and you are totally secure honor your bank mates within kui now look i know that you don't want to be here but i'm asking for your cooperation you help us to help keep you secure and we'll all have a much better time of it deal yep looks like we've got a deal i'll take you through to your bedroom mr porter this has bought us through there and you're in here there's a door lock no locks if your door's shut we'll just knock why would you want to lock the door make yourself at home oh it's okay it's okay stop acting like with strangers oh i'm sorry i got you into all this not as much as i am how long do you think we'll be here till i tell them what i want to hear so why don't you it's a mess like i said i'll explain it some other lifetime are you um you um seeing anyone none of your business sorry no no no no i'm i'm not seeing what i'm not seeing really no just having frequent sex with there's never been anyone except you anyone who mattered can we can we please be kind to each other please oh [Music] people hey [ __ ] hey [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah i'm in sydney sydney still on a mission still got the key good man i knew you would i've got to go charlie got it tell christoph that the handover can happen here you know i need an address 42 bay road newport [Applause] do you think you're doing hey listen i can't go in for a walk i can't go to a restaurant i can't [ __ ] breathe i just need some space just for 20 minutes please it's driving me [ __ ] crazy yeah you listen to me you pull another stunt like this i'll post your whereabouts on the bloody internet myself now get in the bloody car [ __ ] this i'm damn it's going to be a good one too i have an audition at nine i just forgot oh of course no it's very important i'm nice and relaxed it's the only way i can do it unless you want me to take drugs no i don't take charge don't take drugs just told me will in a minute [Music] what is in the middle of australia nothing great sunday desert just said simpson does it it's perfect for opium poppy little sandy desert a little boom no one knows no one cares i want you to go now we have a dress porto will be free soon no ian has the key he is done we so you will do the deal i've got to get back to manchester for the term you hear what you learn at university how to grow hydroponic ganja i'm not going to australia with a bomb in my bag this is [ __ ] family business this is not [ __ ] mickey mouse club this is what pay for the food you eat the car you drive the shirt on your back so this is what we do yeah songs are down there you up before sparrows that's robinson yeah things are looking up she's uh out of the burns unit and breathing on her own good uh you just um you just give him my best all right chill we'll do chin chin i am i don't understand what's going on in your mind when do you want to get yourself killed i remember when you were a normal human being well i gave that up on october the 3rd 2003. you dare dare use louie as an excuse you [ __ ] yourself up take fire [Music] jesus christ yeah he's smashed how'd you manage to let him escape you drinking as well i didn't realize he was a bolter he won't do it again you've got my personal guarantee what's your name mark mark who mark wilson well for your sake mark wilson i really hope not according to my briefing notes he's some sort of accountant and now he's action man all right i know you're not a criminal i mean you haven't got a criminal record well until now but you haven't even got any serious traffic offences have you i've got more form than you have but then what happened did you just go off the rails why boredom an overwhelming sense of we on we right speaking of which i know about your son look what are these people got over you because i can help i can help you deal with it you know and in return you could help me destroy their organization just tell me what's going on so oh it's okay you still love him don't you help me take the truth out of it i've already told you i have absolutely no influence jesus you'd better work on it then because if you don't he is going to get himself killed and it'll be your fault my fault yeah why my fault it takes tutu to wreck a marriage doesn't it jesus isn't that why you're here [Music] [Music] [Music] sleep better if we're in direct control of the orb well that's not gonna happen is it just don't trust the russians they're ruthlessly efficient exactly my point to probably kill everybody even five miles including porter if beale finds out we'll let it happen and then if you ask what else we haven't told him our job is to protect british interests abroad shannon everything we do is the greater good i sleep very well at night morning how's the hangover would you um would you like to join me think sex is the answer to everything well beats drinking yourself to death and it's not about sex about [Music] intimacy [Music] so mum never wanted me to be a copper what was her idea ask for that no podiatrist jacob's a good podiatrist is like a miracle worker she's only thinking of herself oh that's a peach check it out hey how about doing your perving in your own time she's advertising i'm telling me she's interested yeah everybody said you got tickets on yourself oh yeah give me knives listen dig i didn't ask for this babysitting job but i'm used to working at the sharp bin so whatever perks come my way happy days yeah well don't get your hopes up i got eyes for old man [ __ ] they can't stand each other you don't know a thing about women do you wilson that's why you're still single at 42. all right i'm 36 right and i'm single because that's the way i like it you see i play the field and i just pick the winners hey i got no problem if you're gay just so long as you got the guts to come out and say it okay [Music] i don't care who you kill but you keep porter alive this guy has to be protected at all times passes around [Music] security 320. back up now uh [Music] [Music] ugh come on [Applause] drop your weapons all right all right get out get out come on put the weapon down get your [ __ ] weapon off me i'm a cop you want a job yeah of course i'm on the job and get after him come on thanks for saving my ass then i'm a giraffe so i would let him shoot [Music] [Music] my they'll be good news [Music] security's been breached let's go well let's go [Music] you're bloody lucky we didn't lose an officer today he's supposed to be a low-risk job nobody mentioned the russian mafia since when have they been involved in african aid fraud well we're working on a revised threat assessment i mean scotland yard and it should be on your desk just explain to me right here right now why the russian mob are interested in a bean counter from brussels well what happened today was a well it was a complete shock to all of us you know so please i know [ __ ] when i hear it and i hear a lot of it whenever your mob come knocking with a witness protection request i don't like putting my officers lives at risk unless i know why so if you've got anything to tell me tell me it's a miracle the australians didn't lose an officer any way we can calm everyone down now is to offer a mayor cooper tell him exactly what port has been up to and why we're calling it off if we call it off now what do you imagine is going to happen we'll save some sort of face with the yard and the aussies and khrushchev will still be khrushchev free to import shiploads of heroin into britain and tanks and rockets into afghanistan all with us having lost our best chance of stopping him you seriously believe we can retrieve this shambles yeah we have to i don't think we should be worried about upsetting the aussies a little bit yeah a few blanks in mr porter's story we hadn't picked him as one of yours the drugs thing was uh an attempt to establish his benefit is nothing wrong deplorable business since when has six been permitted to operate on british soil i mean there's five no shame on you winston oliver you've investigated khrushchev you know how vital it is we stop criminals like him before they get a foothold in the uk i'm asking you to look at the bigger picture release porter even if i thought you had a case he's under australian federal police watch now can't you bring it back home as far as the yard is concerned he's a drug trafficker in witness protection and that's the way he'll stay until he testifies against his masters [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] aren't you scared god i am yesterday what happened in london you're quite sick yeah laurel and hardy over there looking after us they could be out there right now it's my fault isn't it what are you talking about i shut you out i did when we needed each other the most nothing nothing is your fault pippa ian i want to help you please let me i keep telling you i do not want you involved in my mess it's my mess well do you want me to go no because i'm sure they can find me another place no i'd prefer it if you were nearby with you with god with me yes with me peppa okay then i'll be here i do wish you del hills whatever it is she wants to know you're a secret weapon are you [Music] why didn't i take that bloody key when the man offered it to me porter's the only one who can put himself in a position to pull this thing off now we're gonna have to find a way to extract it we don't have a field team in australia in any way howard crusher of reactive portal was freed by someone else he's like us he just wants porter free charles if we pull out now we can still limit the damage we've concealed the truth from the head of intelligence we've lied about a threat to national security if we pull out now and call us traitors if we hold our nerve get the result we'll be heroes at what cost one did so far one dying officer doing a job in a russian criminal he doesn't count obviously how many more charles [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll solve 50 miles [Music] my [Music] if anybody comes snooping around we're just a bunch of bush walkers on holiday you try anything smart i'll shoot you this time not to kill just to incapacitate are we clear on that [Music] you see look if khrushchev's in jail he won't be able to hunt you and pippa down i can't believe that you're so naive i mean why put pippa through this you're the one who invited her here yes because she was being threatened this up at the house banjo patterson have you heard of him i mean what would pippa want you to do what does she feel about this australia's poet laureate by all accounts it's strangely compelling riveting stuff what's she think about you ian there was movement at the station for the world had passed around that the cult from old regret has got away and had joined the wild bush horses he was worth a thousand pounds just stop it so all the cracks had gathered to the phrase very good yes all the tried and noted riders from the stations near and far had mustered at the homestead overnight for the bushman love hard riding where the wild bush horses are and the stockhorse snuffs the battle with delight no what's that it's when you rub up against someone on public transport for reasons of sexual gratification yeah i can't say i actually do that myself do you we're only on thursdays after t look who's here a nice day dear [Music] hello [Music] foreign one yeah go on [Music] no thanks we're on duty i'll be happy to share a joint with you though it's a joke morelli [Music] [Music] okay [Music] lovely lady your wife ex-wife [Music] you asleep don't samara wilson turn you down i'm not interested in him not anyone except you and i'm trying to work out what happened to you how have you ended up doing such stupid things tried to atone for my sins so you're still claiming all the blame for yourself oh god pippa you know he'd still be here if it wasn't for me i brought the dogs home it was me me it's the truth ian i never did i just hated you for ignoring me i didn't really know you paper i didn't [ __ ] ignore you yes you did i was breathing i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i wanted to grieve with you i wish that we could have done that i miss him i miss him every day every moment all the time i know i miss him every day i miss you i miss you so much [Music] so [Music] the buyers have the hundred million no nikki you must take it down there and meet them 450 counts per second is okay if it hits 700 then go boom it's absolutely stable but don't get too close not if you want to make babies and you will sleep with her every night she is your new girlfriend will believe her boy [Music] ian will call me again it will be fine [Music] oh yeah [Music] wilson [Music] turn the sound up i need your help to get away from here to get out of this so you won't have to go to jail no it's not about trucks it was never about drugs i'm not a drug smuggler they were just a smoke screen aside thing but you did know about them yes the problem is what it's really about is kind of out there what you know after the last couple weeks i think i'm ready for out there i'm only telling you this so you'll understand why i have to go away it's not because i don't want to be with you because i do i really do okay it's about nuclear suitcase bombs from the old soviet arsenal what so it's [ __ ] insane it's [ __ ] insane but there is a suitcase on its way to australia now and morning we're looking everywhere for you you've found us yes okay so how many of these things since they're out there i don't know i mean it sounded like a lot if they can fit in a suitcase but what's ian's got to do with it exactly i'm not sure i think he's trying to help sell them or something what did he say where they are one's on its way here right so who's got them has he seen them i no i don't know okay all right so told you this this morning yes okay it was after you started to feel close to him again and it was before he said he needed your help you said that you would get him a lighter sentence if i got him to tell the truth well i think that i've done that right so what you do with it is up to you had you been drinking what this morning no no i don't think so and you believe him dude yes yes i do [Music] [Music] [Music] did she uh reveal anything useful and he uh juicy tidbits reed kruzov no i didn't even think she knows about khrushchev but um one thing she did want to talk about so it sounds absolutely mad but have you heard anything about um about some suitcase bombs give me your hand charlie no thanks i'm fine what's wrong what are you saying out there was it true it wasn't was it no it is true i've um i've been working on it with um a friend charlie francois charlie yes charlie as it turns out is mi6 we've been working on it for quite some time but everything that we've done all the grime work everything and all be for nothing unless i can get out of here i need to get out of here so i need you to create some sort of i don't know a depression can you do that can you help me hmm why are you and why you why me well why me indeed i don't well because i want to do one thing one tiny little thing to make some difference some minuscule difference in this [ __ ] awful world it's an awful world pepper every night when i close my eyes and i try to sleep i can his face he's looking at me he's staring at me he's watching me and he's asking me to do something so this is forever and for you uh oh [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hora [Music] porn [Music] [Music] come and see the real thing come and see the real thing come and [Music] is i am the real thing [Music] trying hard to understand it trying hard to make things [Music] see the real thing come and see the real thing come and see i am the real thing [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Midnight Screening
Views: 3,387,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, film, hollywood movies, the midnight screening, free movies, movies 2021, best movies 2021, thriller movies, thriller movies 2020, best thriller movies, thriller movies full length english, english thriller movies, thriller films, action movies, best action movies 2021, film action, action movies 2021, english action movies 2021, hollywood action movies, new action movies 2021, action films, dougray scott, dougray scott movies, Claire Forlani, part 1, bbc drama, bbc
Id: wsq48J1uT2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 15sec (5655 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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