Hacker | Full Movie | Mystery Thriller | Haylie Duff

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thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just come over here and find out come on [Music] here sometimes there's not so good people in this world and it's daddy's job to find out before they do bad things what kind of bad things you heard innocent people you know sometimes it's because they don't like other people thinking differently than they do how do you find them using a computer they're on the other side of the world honey and even though they're far away they can still do us harm but from my computer here see sometimes I get lucky and see what they plan on doing before they do it does that make sense here here you give it a try [Music] perfect hello Laura [Music] silly goose you see when they send messages it's coded [Music] but we're lucky we can get those messages and hopefully we can decode this when we get on the computer like this we can intercept their messages foreign I'm arresting you for National treason you and I both know this is bogus you get what you want Borden huh it's going to happen to my daughter oh I'm afraid there's no room for her where you going John that's what social services is for don't worry I'm sure she'll be in good hands some promise [Music] [Music] you know my mother she she always told me don't do internet dating but it's not that bad you know sure I've been on some not so great dates but everyone has you know and I got the chance to meet you I know no one is talking about marriage or anything but for nowhere this could go I mean you know I feel like we're on the same page there's just something there between us every great relationship starts with a great first date I've always said that you know what um I'm gonna run to the ladies room really fast yeah yeah sure [Music] [Music] I'm watching cause the man I dreamed who knows what this could lead to tell all great relationships start [Music] good morning Popeye hey Popeye [Music] oh man I'm happy to be home you ready for a little treat [Music] I know I was gone a long time I thought but you know you're always my main guy right I mean this was definitely not the one all he did was blob and blob about his mundane life you still my main man still man I mean who wants a guy who can't keep his mouth shut she's like a clear sign that he's only into himself and he lived at home with his mom kind of like you Popeye I have you anyway what more do I need to you and me just you and me that's right two birds in a cage huh ah [Music] seriously no payment not received come on guys you spend trillions of dollars on National Security and I do a better job from my laptop to Decay for the find now all right Popeye time to find out what the bad guys on the other side of the world are chatting about what do you think where should we start today huh you got any wisdom for me you are the older wiser one after all what is that that's strange foreign [Music] [Music] I came across something I can't seem to decrypt it infrastructure I haven't seen before how'd you find it data without that level encryption shouldn't just be and they purposefully hid it in plain sight okay send me the string yeah I don't know Laura looks at me like a random anomaly yeah and that's look like but look at the sub coating whoa right I mean that's not an anomaly and I couldn't program like that if I wanted to yeah the coating is unverified maybe go through the backbone tried that hold on got an idea okay here we go I'm getting a couple pieces are you seeing any of this [Applause] it's basically a dark web chat room three no I'm sorry four party speaking back and forth [Music] assassination August 9th 5 P.M strategically placed sniper but who is the target more importantly who is behind this let me dig into the encryption I might recognize the coding whoa whoa Laura this looks identical to NSA encryption you know you know what uh log out well it's none of our business we didn't say a thing well you think this is homegrown did you work for it no I say log out now we did not see any of this forget the payday okay how just log out someone's life is at stake here plus what does it matter anyway we're ghosts you and I who are they going to come after if we log out now we are signing someone's death certificate how are you going to live with that I don't know Laura this is wait ing footprint looks just like the NSA and if not then that's definitely where they were trained and that scares me more [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] here who are you who are you planning on killing [Music] no no no no no [Music] no no no you're getting on my terminal [Music] foreign foreign [Music] his gun caveman on us sir full blackout how much data has been compromised hard to tell sir but I only see hits on a single communication string it's did you say hits does that mean there's someone else involved appears another party may have access to data I'll dig deeper what did you get on him before blackout not much sir the level of infrastructure shows that this is a pro at work how does someone access our encrypted and supposedly private communication probably an independent contractor working for NSA they spend their whole day scouring the web looking for National Security threats anything that's encrypted or out of the ordinary and they intercept Communications that way probably how he found us during the communication I planted a Trojan on his system he comes back to life at any point the system will notify me and I'll be able to get a lock on him don't you think he'll know we're there to be seen to be seen is not good enough get it done find them at any cost someone hacked into my system last night exactly I think I've been compromised there's nothing to compromise you don't exist what do they want their data back so we're fine in a copy Chad what are you nuts I told you to stay away get rid of it right now what no no way it's the only leverage I have are you in your interface they probably planted a Trojan walk off don't you think I thought of that listen I can't just walk away from this an innocent man is gonna get killed okay we know nothing how do you know he's an innocent man we've been doing this a long time when was the last time you saw this much secrecy to kill a guilty man good point have to do something we don't know who's behind this or even who the target is you'll need more information before you can do anything that's why I need your help our s more involved because they don't know you exist this as far as they know only one person has seen this if this is as serious as it seems then let them track me okay I'll see what I can find thank you all right I gotta go I'm gonna be in touch okay okay watch your back Popeye I don't know how big these people are [Music] oh my God what do you do is that a gun [Music] what are you doing [Music] is it it's probably wipe clean but take it in anyway we just missed him sir he left us a taunting message I want you to tap into everything and anything in the vicinity every video feed store cameras ATMs damn GoPros from bicycles riding by and check if there's a satellite feed on the area at the time of ready underway foreign [Music] foreign [Music] rewind and play it back foreign language do we have any other angles on his face nothing sir it's the back alley so this is the single angle we have there zoom in on the tags and run them I've got a name and an address sir good send Porter over first mistake hey banjo hey what's cooking good looking it's been a while look I need to fly into the radar like really under the radar what do you have in mind you can hardwire IP scram I don't know what do you got got you covered foreign good morning good morning late afternoon Popeye it's late afternoon Popeye how about good afternoon more like it foreign with this being an election year more pressure has been put on the candidates to take a Firm Stance on their position congresswoman Boyle is no exception known as a strong and vocal supporter of the Telecommunications security and privacy act she is expected to become even more outspoken refined me now starting with her first press conference on August 9th at 5 PM now the congresswoman is strongly opposed the mass surveillance Society by organizations like the NSA [Music] from today her August 9th press conference we expect that congresswoman's first order of business to be exactly that as well as her stance on protecting the digital privacy rights of American citizens although she does have a lot of supporters several state legislators are opposed to her opinion claiming that such tactics are in fact necessary to ensure National Security as updates continue to happen we'll bring them to you right here congresswoman Boyle he's your target husky okay so let's cross reference you congresswoman Boyle see what comes up and there you are major Michael Borden former U.S Army Major went by the nickname the Husky transferred to the NSA promoted to Deputy head relief from Duty by congresswoman Boyle three years ago there it is why do you want to assassinate her three years later we have the wrong house [Music] [Music] witty what keyword surveillance on all media Annie one of those press leaks phones emails you name it I want it tapped and it gets into our hands before theirs as this game will beat him to it it's nice the same day we saw in the method well that doesn't mean a thing I'm sure there's a ton of stuff happening on August 9th well it makes you think it's hard that they're going after because I found the man that's behind it his name is Michael Borden he's the former head of the NSA I ran a cross-reference between their two names and guess what came up Dominique Boyle is the woman in the lobby to get him out of the NSA then we get a message from Michael Borden detailing an assassination on the woman who destroyed his life the same day she has a huge public rally I mean I don't think that's a coincidence to you why is he even doing all this I mean I think he's just a renegade who thinks he can save America single-handedly okay so you now what we still can't take it to any of the government agencies for all we know the rabbit hole goes much deeper than you realize can you trust anybody no I think that's the only way to save her no you still don't have enough you put that online and it will be treated like some asinine conspiracy theory there's no evidence all you have is a random intercept of communication and that in itself will be discredited and why are you asking me to find this Chad come on with everything I've done for you you owe me this plus I I think I have a journalist I can reach out to sure that's a good idea she's real anti-government can't be paid off I think she's safe okay sounds good I'll let you know if I find something be careful all right do you have anything else in this husky character before I write my eulogy no that's all for now Harper hey I got something for you well hi stranger what do you have for me probably the biggest yet I hope so you've been silent for a while well I've been busy now why do I have trouble believing that busy normally means that you're calling me with leads yeah other stuff usually refers to Boys you've been holding out on me not now Jane I don't have a lot of time all right let's spill the beans [Music] [Music] Target isn't it copy that maintain visual Alpha One status update no change [Music] [Music] visual female I hope this picnic in the park is worth my time isn't it always it's not ready for publication yet still need you to find out who these people are come on you know better than that don't bring it to me unless it's ready and since when do I do the digging for you you do the digging and you bring me the Intel I have my own leaves I'm working on right now not as good as this trust me this is worth your time all right what are we dealing with high profile assassination how high profile congresswoman Boyle who's behind it that's where you come in I need your resources on this it's a massive conspiracy and I can't figure out why look they cut my budgets recently how much do you want for the lead this one's free of charge since you're doing the digging here I think I was compromised already there's people after me after you the hell have you gotten me into I can't let this woman get killed we have to take this public it is the only way to save her compiled all the data you need it's decoded for you all you have to do is connect the dots how much trouble is that going to get me into I don't know wow you know what they say live by the pen die by the gun give me a couple days I'm about to lose her it's now or never five more seconds she's gone too public let her walk who closed in so it won't be long now this is the house this is the house ah this is the house this is the house this is the house this is the house ah this is the house [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] good afternoon I love you bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] we only have seconds now all right I'm leaving right now come with me or be left behind your choice okay [Music] foreign [Music] what in God's name made you think that how much of their data do you have how do you know anything about the data who are you you work with them right I just saved you didn't I trust me they're the last people I would work with I have people at my house somehow God knows how firing guns at me trying to kill me and I'm supposed to just trust you what were you doing there anyway how did you even get in my house I know what I'm about to tell you is going to be really hard for you to understand given everything that you've been through but I need you to believe me and I'm not going to beat around the bush your father sent me I have worked with him for a long time and he's explained everything to me okay and he expected that you might react this way that's why he told me he would need to speak to you himself talking about [Music] my father killed himself 20 years ago what are you doing what is this [Music] well hey it's just a phone okay look at me I will not hurt you look I have guns see here take it go ahead there's a live round in there point that if you if you makes you feel more comfortable but just please let me make this phone call it's just one phone call if you're not happy you can do whatever you want understand yeah I have her with me sir she's fine okay well you have the gun use your other hand to take the phone just listen to what he has to say I've been waiting for this day for a very long time Laura I'm sorry it had to happen this way I know this is going to be difficult I don't even know where to start you just have to believe me what that you're my dad resurrected from the dead we both know I have your data just let's stop this and tell me what you want one morning when you were eight years old you walked downstairs from your bedroom you had your favorite stuffed animal in your ass [Music] we placed him on the counter and his left ear was busy you look me Square in the eye and you said Daddy [Music] I need you to make up all of your special chicken noodle soup for cuddles do you remember why you asked me [Music] [Music] why why didn't you come get me [Music] to get away from them and not smart enough to find me [Music] how could you let me live for 20 years thinking you killed yourself you know I I never I never got married [Music] a friend my my closest friend is a parrot dad I I never let anybody in [Music] everybody who left me [Music] I didn't have a choice no I I did the best thing I could I knew if they believed me dead only then would they stop that's why I went into hiding after skate because your freedom over me no I picked you over my freedom oh God if they knew I was alive they would have come to you it got to me and no way could I live a life on the run with you deserve that that I deserved to live without a mother and father to go from foster home to foster home thinking there's no one on this Earth I can trust that's what I deserved to just be alone never alone I may not have been there in person but I watched over you from afar I always kept an eye on you baby when I discovered that you followed me in my footsteps I just can't live in the hell out of me but I also knew that the only reason you followed in my footsteps was [Music] because you were just like me trust me on this one sweet pea please the man who's with you he's a service man and he's well trained I trust him deeply and I need you to trust him he's going to bring you to me they won't be able to track you where I am at least it'll buy us some time also you make sure you stay completely off the radar the risk so I'll be disconnecting now okay I love you more I'll be seeing you soon foreign foreign [Music] [Music] you clearly know a lot about me [Music] where I live my name gonna tell me your name errands I don't think I've ever made a clearance it's very old-fashioned it was my grandfather's name sounds like it's a book or something how long have you been working for my dad about 10 years now he uh saved my life when he didn't have to I'm I'm deeply indebted to him he probably chose to do that you don't owe him anything I know he said unique man your father the way he got away from them and managed to make them believe he killed himself [Music] it's brilliant you'll understand more when you when you meet him [Music] so uh what's your story you know tell me tell me about you well I think you probably know my story right guilty is charged but um I don't know everything I don't know about your your personal life a boyfriend bye don't laugh he's a really tough guy no no no no I'm I wasn't making fun it's just it's this weird oh Popeye is a weird name it's a it's a unique name let's say okay well he's a parrot so look we all need friends right [Music] so what does my dad have planned for us when we get there not a clue I trust your father's decision so I just do as he says and right now he asked me to bring you to him so that's the job glad to know I'm the job [Music] all right uh two rooms please what you guys having a fight or something no we're not together well you should be you should make a cute couple foreign folks might have to hunker down together um what about a room with two beds nope it's just a queen you can have the bed thank you John this just in another high-profile death in West Hollywood and unfortunately very close to home fellow journalist Jane Harper thanks to an anonymous tip the lead investigative journalist of escal News 9 Jane Harper was found seized this morning sitting in her vehicle parked in her garage no foul play is suspected at this point and this is currently being deemed a suicide a few empty prescription medication bottles were found in the passenger seat beside her Jane Harper had a prominent career as a journalist with the network and she leaves behind her husband Matt Harbor and young son James where are you going she will be doing I gotta get some fresh air a vision will be held as far [Music] yes hey Chad hey it's me where the hell have you been products have gotten really out of control what are you talking about change of heart you were right it's way more dangerous than I thought I'm sorry I dragged you into this you're the only person I can trust right now you know I'm with you Popeye tell me what's happening and I'll do whatever I can try to kill me today what hell I don't know I don't know they found me this house and then minutes ago I find out Jane Harper is dead I literally gave her the data this morning and then they find her dead in her garage this afternoon so calling it a suicide I find that really hard to believe [Music] um um I I don't know how they could have found you um what are you going to do where are you now I don't have any internet access where I am I need you to send them a message tell them I'm willing to make a trade they have to leave me alone and I have floater copies out there so if anything happens to me it gets leaked okay look I gotta go thank you good job kid incoming calls sir what do you have we have a location sir roadside Pit Stop two hours from L.A afford the coordinates stun Porter this is willing to do a trade she makes she has photocopies [Music] well that could be a problem what should I do with the kid keep my life for now we might need them again you dodge the bullet do you typing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I have her are you sure yes definitely [Music] stay honored copy that [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] what do I do now [Music] you don't waste another second [Music] [Music] foreign it's really beautiful here it is isn't it how you feeling about everything scared entire Rogue agency after me [Music] firing guns in my house no not that no um I don't know trying to process it I guess let me think you were dead for 20 years [Music] this is going to take a little getting used to yeah definitely took a lot of getting used to I always doubted whether I made the right decision more but having you right here beside me it's all this happening makes it all this stuff it's unimportant what do you mean by that it means that I'd rather have you by my side even if the whole world is after us the group of people that are after you are called the agency it's the same group of people that were after me for different reasons 20 years ago how much do you know about the agency and I'd like to know that the man behind them is called Michael Borden it was backstory I know that it was 20 years ago I remember him you know I'm your daughter no no not yet let's keep it that way for as long as we can but he's sure to connect the dots eventually what about your suicide Story by that yeah but that could change anytime when I escaped had I not done that it would have never stopped coming after me I'm sorry Dad to be sorry about it it's not your fault you know that right I went under the radar to protect you for you you were the best thing for me Dad not leaving me alone for 20 years I don't think you know what that felt like what are we supposed to do now [Music] now we put an end to all this and we start a new right deal [Music] s [Music] thank you that's all I'll need so you're relieved if it's all right with you I'd like to stay and help sir no no yeah we had to do when I'm sticking to it you bring it to me you're free to go I'll take it from here I know we had a deal but this isn't just about our deal sir okay I got something to show you foreign you've definitely kept up with the ages very different than the dial-up modem I remember you having I'm built a setup that is probably beyond that of major government agencies I have access to everything and anything yet I remain completely untraceable even the board it's impressive so why are you showing me this because this is the new age front line we're going to fight this battle from here she's hold up in some remote cabin with a male subject mid 50s have you seen him before no I haven't images should be on the server now foreign [Music] facial recognition on sir no it won't be necessary foreign bus for the city you know the guy Hawking his horn all night or somebody blasting their music what's the real story with Michael Borden uh the only people that really know Michael Borden are the ones that on the receiving end of his ugly side how does somebody stop him well clearly I have not been able to do so the most efficient way to kill a snake is to cut it at the head you know what if there's a much bigger snake buried behind the smaller snake in front of you than what come on guys this is so much bigger than him I mean he's just a small piece of a bigger equation Borden has access to the most secure intelligence databases in America nobody knows he does I mean he has an unlimited budget to do as he pleases where do you think this financing comes from comes from people in higher places that in no way shape or form will allow congresswoman Boyle to get elected how can one woman have this much power don't you think it's a little extreme to assassinate her you know just by being in Congress she's severely restricted them the rest of them are set in their old ways you look she's the only one up to date the public they already know their privacy is a thing of the past their phone calls their emails their web surfing history she she is capable of exposing their practices yeah I get all that but why Borden why not hire a guy who hates your enemies more than you do congresswoman Boyle took him out of the NSA you want a gun who better than Borden so what we just roll over and let ourselves get killed in the name of fear saying is you've got to know your enemy in order to defeat him look they fear Boyle because technology to empower herself more than the people that she's up against that's the only way we're gonna fight this thing didn't you already try that with the journalist and look what happened to her they killed her the same day that you talked to her and and to top it off they made it look like a suicide that's because I didn't realize what I was up against I just have to do it better this time even if you manage to get a leak out there right they would have it deleted almost immediately okay okay and so what Clarence so what do you want to do you want to just let this woman get killed by the way neither of us are asking for you to stick around apparently you have no idea why I'm sticking around hey guys look I agree with Laura you know we've been on the run for far too long at least I have been this ends here if we can get the word out to the public they join forces take on the battle from there taking the first step the question is how I I know someone that can help us [Music] it's her find out where plans are hell that's up to you you know her figure it out hey hey were you able to send that message yeah I did but I haven't heard anything back yet though look I think I found a way to take this thing public we just have to do what Congressman Boyle's been doing look I need one more thing from you Chad all right look I understand honestly it's probably better that way okay first tell me would you consider a DNS trace on the cross browser why this doesn't even make any sense I'm sorry I betrayed you Laura they found me I was just trying to help Chad Chad Chad Chad I killed him killed who killed him wait wait what are you talking about who do they kill what are you talking about what are you talking about what's going on it's not scared [Music] you're not alone anymore we're here with you I'm I'm here with you okay [Music] [Music] I really like you more [Music] [Music] no no no no no no no no not here I like this it's gonna be okay [Music] our informant is no more information to give us why what are you talking about let's just say he's been rendered useless what did you kill him I had to he was giving us up damn it what else did you get from him she's looking to go public with the information I'm just not sure how foreign [Music] [Music] good morning it's nice to meet you finally sure are beautiful when you sleep how did you get in here years of experience quite the alarm system your father has set up though I can teach you to him where's the other one other what not what who you know the handsome chap you shocked up with at the motel the other night oh well it doesn't matter it's not him I'm here for I'm here for you so what was your plan to come up to this cabin in the middle of nowhere and hide like nothing ever happened you thought we would have find you well we've already found you quite a few times Laura O'Brien or do you prefer Popeye yeah the hacker friend of yours Chad he gave up everything gave you up Laura who can't you trust these days just when you thought he was your friend but don't you worry we made him pay for betraying you you see we're here to help you Laura [Music] contrary to what you may believe we are your friends Laura May everything we do for you and people just like you to help you keep you safe now in exchange why don't you help us out now what we want is very simple so give us what we want and you walk [Music] no if you don't give us what we want we have no choice but to take it by force and that's the last thing we want to do I know you're not letting me walk away from this come on let's go now [Applause] dad oh oh baby you okay I'm fine it's for you good to finally speak with you Laura I'm all for a digital communication but there's nothing like a good old-fashioned conversation am I right oh and uh say a lot of Papa for me will ya hugs and kisses all these years I thought he was dead oh look Laura we've been playing this game for way too long so I I really need to get down to brass tacks here changed so I see your offer and I raised you a counteroffer which is that you give us all the data as well as any copies that have been floating around out there and uh let your father live stays with us for a little while this is not a negotiation law just so we feel comfortable that there's nothing floating around out there if a year goes by and something turns up well he dies like I said Laura no longer a negotiation you have five seconds to make a decision or I'll have my associates kill the ball again well that'll be the end of it five seconds Starts Now five four three two one okay all right I'll give you what you want oh damn glad you stayed kid harder harder what the hell's going on there your man is dead and now that you've lost your leverage there's a new deal on the table I'll give you your data back but you're going to stay away from my family you understand I'll meet you at location of my choosing you need to be there in person and alone if you want your data back I'll be in touch with the time and a place are you out of your mind what on Earth do you think you're doing you sure as hell better have one [Applause] [Music] today [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we've been here before haven't we you know the drill John yeah I'm surprised you showed just for your Brian what's it been 20 years now wouldn't miss it for the world nice quaint little spot you picked please have a seat no no thanks we're fine have a seat here we are I thought the deal was to come alone do you see anyone else here guy on the bench hasn't turned a page since we got here I'm sure there's others right the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it O'Brien you didn't really expect me to come alone did you no but I thought you'd be a little more discreet discreet discretion is for those who have something to hide I on the other hand have been very transparent from day one in particular about the things I want where is it Laura or John I I'm not quite sure who's running the show here I really thought you'd do the talking you'll get what you want but first I want assurances you're alive right now that's your assurance remember Laura you stole from me you threatened me and you are about to commit murder Ed murder I know all about you Michael Borden I read the communications I know that you are planning to assassinate congresswoman Boyle on August 9th all just so you can be free to spy on every human being in America just to satisfy your desires regardless of people's freedoms the only reason you can sit in this little Park it's because of what people like me do every single day thank you people use you're so kind to yourselves in a lot of other ways you're just delusional the boards are going crazy there's activity like I've never seen before what are you seeing I'm not quite sure but all of these hacker cells are intensely active for thinking that I'm the enemy when there are hundreds thousands of people out here plotting to kill you at this very moment they don't even know you when you're watching a movie at the theater when you're Christmas shopping with your 10 year old kids when you're at the grocery store Pioneer damn organic bananas and quinoa people losing their privacy in itself is a crime oh please spare me you teacher this oh I forgot you've been uh out of commission for a while privacy is an illusion sweetheart you want your liberties let me tell you a little story about your Liberties as you so like to call them Liberties come from people like me doing anything and everything in their power to ensure that you can live in safety and we won't do it at any cost [Applause] so what if a congresswoman dies well then that's what it costs to keep you safe I don't want to kill her but I have to do it and I will do it and you know what I'm doing it for for you you and your dad and your little parrot [Applause] [Music] what is going on can we trace and disable how there's no way that we could monitor all of this guys this is way bigger than you and I don't you understand this another thing you're gonna do to stop it I will check your emails when I please I will check your social media feed when I please I'll log into your online banking and get your account balance if I need to and what can you do about it nothing and that's why you framed me 20 years ago right Borden you were trying to cover up your dirty tracks and I caught wind of it didn't I nobody gets in the way your insanity that is correct and that includes congresswoman Boyle August 9th 5 PM she will read sir we've been compromised what what do you mean we've been compromised tables have turned Borden why don't you pull out that cell phone and take a look at what we sent you thank you 've been streamed live to the entire world since you began speaking we used your resources against you Borden all the cameras that you have on us right now we tapped into your central system and transmitted it to the world oh can have this back it's not much to hide anymore I guess after all you said it privacy is an illusion sweetheart [Music] we've been compromised now you have no idea what you've done now you know better than them Borden no better than the people you think you're protecting us from but you're the criminal foreign first of all I would like to thank all of you for coming here today as I'm sure you are all aware today's outcome was supposed to be much different a group of individuals working independently from our government chose to take it upon themselves to decide what was best for our nation and its citizens this would have resulted in a very tragic outcome both for myself for all of you in the audience and for our country as a whole but today we will not be held prisoners these people will all be brought to Justice and held accountable for their heinous crimes and alongside the people of this nation in particular one woman's actions are to thank for that that woman's name is Laura O'Brien that single woman embodies all of the values that we hold dear to our hearts As Americans strength honor integrity compassion and the never-ending quest for freedom [Music] as a nation we should be proud of what we have achieved and everything we will achieve in the future and we will live freely freely foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 334,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Haylie Duff, Craig Stark, Dan Spector, hacker full movie, computer hacking movies
Id: UyzQrWHvy6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 6sec (5406 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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