The River Sunday Morning - Pride Plague & Numbers - September 12, 2021

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[Applause] we're [Applause] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus the enemies the enemies we're gonna make your praises loud jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus oh jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus is there is no one like you lord you love [Music] there is no one like you lord you love [Music] there [Music] there is no one and there is and there is and there is no one like you and there is is there is no oh is and there is and there is no one like you love you lord let's just worship and let's just all sing that there is no one like our god and there is no one lie come on and there is and there is no one like you lord there is no one like you lord and there is no one like you lord and there is no one like you and there is no one like jesus is no one like you lord no one like you no one like you lord there's none like you lord you stand alone you stand alone you stand alone you alone you stand alone you stand alone you alone you stand alone you alone you stand alone you stand alone you stand alone lord you stand alone you ran on the throne you stand alone you rain on the throne you stand alone you ran on the throne you stand alone you rain on the throne you rain on the throne you stand low you rain you rain you rain on the throne you stand alone you rain on the throne you stand you rain on the throne you stand alone there is all honor and praise there's no other name there is is is you is alone is is there's no other name worthy there is none is no other name there is enough just sing it out there is none there is there you is you are worthy there's no other name who's worthy of praise no other name worthy of praise there's no other name there's no other name worthy of place is is worthy of praise worthy of praise of praise is is is is no other name there's no other name worthy of praise there's no other name there's no other name worthy of praise i'll stand in all of you jesus yes i'll stand up jesus i am so in love with you jesus jesus i am so in jesus i am so in jesus i am so in love jesus i am so in love jesus i am so in jesus jesus i am with you i'm in love with lord you we love you we love you lord you are our first love and you will always be jesus i am so in love jesus i am so in love jesus i am so in love jesus i am sorry in love with you so in love with you so in with you are standing on us standing on are standing up on you are standing on i'm standing up i'm standing out of you of you i stand in heart i'm standing up i stand in our you i stand in arms i'm standing up i'm standing of you of you there is no one like you there's no one like you jesus we're here for you lord there's none like you there is no one like you jesus there is and there is jesus you reign you ain't supreme there's none like you and there is no there is there is the voices let's just take it out and there is and there is and there is you lord is and there is no one like you and there is no one like and there is you lord you lord and there is jesus we give you the highest praise in here tonight today none like you not like you majestic holy righteous true el shaddai holy one holy one holy one and there is and there is and there is no one like you and there is no one like you love you you he's wonderful counselor he's prince of peace everlasting father who reigns rules and reigns throughout eternity oh we have an everlasting god an everlasting covenant everlasting eternal one magnificent beyond description to marvelous for words too wonderful for comprehension like nothing we've ever seen or heard who could grasp his infinite wisdom and the very depths of his love oh how great is his love he is love and we just honor you today in this house and we joined with all of the angels singing and heavenly choirs and we say god you deserve all the glory all the honor all power my dominion is yours jesus is lord jesus is lord jesus is lord oh holy holy holy holy holy holy you gotta get ready to be around that throne 24 7. joining the elders they don't get tired of it once you see one one glass glimpse of him then you see another and another another fast and in another fashion and another facet of beauty and glory and it goes on and on and on and on and on the god of the whole universe is reaching out with love to you today oh what great depth of love the father has bestowed upon us that we might be called his sons and his daughters through the blood and the sacrifice of jesus that blood was powerful one drop for you for your sin for your bondage for your healing for whatever you have need of jesus paid the ultimate price oh unto the lamb that spotless lamb oh from the throne we say glory is the lamb of god glory is the lamb of god glory glory glory glory glory oh king of glory you are and the king is here among us today with eyes of fire and feet of clay welcome amidst his people the shepherd of the house is jesus the chief shepherd the great teacher our deliverer our savior you just need to lift up the name of jesus this morning jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh it's all about you jesus jesus jesus what a wonderful name let's just sing that jesus jesus can you tell and say that name cry out to that name there's no other name that men can be saved jesus jesus just linger in this place he loves to hear his people tell today foreign foreign is such an awesome is wonderful yes oh oh sing that an awesome god holy awesome wow jesus you're so awesome what an honor and the privilege that we are gathered together in this place oh hallelujah may be seated we just want to greet everyone that's watching online and all of you will be watching the future welcome to the river we believe that there's a river of living water on the inside of you and we're really really excited because out of your belly will flow these rivers hallelujah we're not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ it's the power of salvation to all that believe we're not ashamed of speaking in tongues and the flowing in the holy ghost really excited my husband has a powerful message and i'm just gonna quickly give you an update we are having a deliverance conference this coming weekend next weekend and it's all day it's friday night all day saturday and then it's going to be on sunday night i'll give you the times for saturday i think it's saturday morning saturday afternoon saturday evening but it'll be out online on monday we'll know for sure but just be prepared because we have sharon park's coming apostle prophet sharon parks coming from christian international and they run a they're over a network of of deliverance and healing centers so we're so excited about them coming how many of you know that you need to go to the next level how many of you had some resistance all right i would love for you guys to do some type of fasting before this next weekend it'll start on friday night at 6 30 tell your friends it's going to be a powerful weekend it's one of those weekends that you kind of go um deliverance yeah that's what you need and if you're resistant you need it all the more okay and i'm saying this because god really wants to set you free set your families free and we're excited about that and then in the beginning of october the first weekend of october we got alexandra adrias coming he was the boy preacher from south america and where is that right honey and he's coming and we're very excited about that and then the following weekend we have prophets john and jennifer akovia coming so we got a lineup coming up and we're really excited i just wanted to thank all the women that are coming out on tuesdays i lead a a bible study kind of more like a combat training gearing you up for everything that god wants to be warrior women but we're studying hannah and we've got a lot of ladies coming and so we just want to invite you as well at 10 o'clock and thank you for your tithes and offerings you can give online on the planning center if you're watching online thank you so much we partner with you we'd love to hear from you if you're joining our us as a internet church family we'd love to hear from you please call the church office 920-324-9500 we'd love to hear from you and also thank you for your faithfulness and tides and offerings there's a bucket outside in the um hallway you can do a dropbox or up here and we just want to pray over your offerings this morning and that god will bless you abundantly as my husband comes up can you just lift your hands up to heaven father you see these people you see the needs and lord you know everyone that's even watching by internet right now and lord we know that you are the god that provides you are jehovah jireh and lord we ask that god there would be unexpected income come to these people here lord checks in the mail rebates refunds gifts lord inheritance his job increases favor on the job we disrebuke the devourer right now we just bind up spirited spirited spirit of poverty lack and want how's that i'm trying to get all that out in once lord we thank you for prosperity and wholeness and health and healing that covers this house right now and bless everyone lord a hundred fold in jesus name because it's good seed hallelujah and thank you for pastor wayne for a powerful word this morning guys are you ready because you'll get what you pull on the anointing i'm telling you get ready to rumble is that the word honey i don't know i didn't look at that well i guess with that kind of a title pride plague in numbers i guess you're gonna rumble hallelujah god bless you wow okay evelina just so you know you're sitting in the coldest spot in the church so my wife just said so if you guys want a cold spot it kind of comes right there you want a warm spot anywhere else how is everyone this morning wow you know we are really growing at the seams but this is always going to be god's living room like i'm going to treat you like we're at one big ginormous home church because we are family i've got my brothers and sisters amen i'm serious we never stopped being family amen i really didn't care much for the village gang or crew or whatever it was thank god disco ended that's all i can say glory to god but there's a um there's two people i'm really proud of they shot me some pictures and they're like pw we're evangelizing and i was like man they were evangelizing lily and emily could you come up here quick all right i talked to um wow could you if possible share in like 45 seconds just what was going on it was it all right a minute a minute all right see a woman needs a little more time how long do you need remember remember in the bible they bargained would you pretend destroy this city would you all right what's your number five well i don't think we have five well i'll tell you what let's do like about two minutes okay okay go ahead so me and lily is this on yep okay so me and lily i actually have some born-again christian friends online and all of a sudden out of nowhere well they right now they're actually going around each state to preach the gospel right and yeah also out of nowhere um one of my friends texted me i'm nowhere no they actually call me he's like um i'm gonna be in milwaukee tomorrow do you want to come to preach the gospel i was like yeah and yeah and all of a sudden i i called lily i'm like um can you like drive me there we have to together and then all of a sudden i the next day i felt like really sick and that was the devil trying to get me not to go and i was like mom i don't know if i should go and then she's like that's the devil hello and i'm like i rebuke you so then i felt completely better and then all of a sudden we went there and i also want to um say my mom what oh yeah no we went to summerfest actually it was summerfest the entrance of summerfest and there there's so many like hundreds of people so all of a sudden we meet them there and oh my goodness there were so many people and we reached so many people and all of a sudden there's this one it was like in the corner this we reached like there's so many people come past right and all of a sudden out of nowhere this guy comes and he's like i'm selling tickets to summerfest and then i'm like oh okay so i went over there and i'm like i'm selling tickets to heaven come on it was so fun but um and then there's this also also this other woman she's like she came up to me and i'm like jesus loves you guys she came up to me and she's like i have something for you i was like oh do you and she gave me like a little car that said really bad stuff on it so do you know what i did with it i threw it on the floor and i was like no and i'm like bless you jesus loves you and then yeah and then all of a sudden lily she was a head singer we all of a sudden started playing wave maker yeah wait way maker yeah and it was like the most a wonderful experience i was like so scared to do it but on the microphone then all of a sudden like i went into like i wasn't scared anymore because you know people on the east side of milwaukee can be very like scary but then i started not to be mean but very scary but it was amazing experience and then i started singing people were looking at me like why is that girl singing and then i was like i'm singing i'm like singing for god and then i started praying and for people that really needed it they had nicotine addictions i never saw that before in my life and i've only prayed on my mom and then all of a sudden i started praying on those people and it was just amazing and um we gotta do what jesus said we gotta do what jesus did amen wow i think they're taken after their mother a little bit amen don't believe that a woman can't preach the gospel there's neither male nor female in christ jesus amen if women were to be silent in the church they shouldn't sing they shouldn't teach sunday school they should all just come wrapped in duct tape okay and then you really couldn't have church amen glory to god wow oh father just anoint these words as fresh poured out oil father i thank you that your angels are released right now lord i thank you father that the fire of god is among us and that the truth divides and adds and separates and multiplies thank you father amen all right everyone say pride plague and numbers i woke up um not many days ago and i heard uh the lord give a chapter and a verse which sometimes when your spirit is like you know you've been asleep all night you wake up you're fresh you're sensitized and i went over and you know opened it up and it was second samuel 24 1-4 now i want to start by saying hebrew is an ancient language greek is a complete language hebrew has an advantage where there's numeric values and pictures and makes it special but the hebrew language was re-engineered within the last hundred years it was the hebrew language was actually a dead language that they had to add vowels they had to modernize it so when you translate it into english which is literally one of the hardest to translate into you sometimes have to go into the original especially in the old testament now greek being written in the new testament is a lot clearer like you know for you know love there's like four or five different definitions you know we just have love okay so let's read this second samuel 24 1-4 again the anger of the lord burned against israel and he incited david against them saying go and take a census of israel and judah now don't we know that scripture interprets scripture okay maybe like newspapers uh will take things out of context in modern day you know advertising to get a sale you're at the supermarket you see something like whoa how many have ever been tempted at the supermarket you know i've been tempted and i'm like no i'm not going to do that he said that just that's just the carrot you know what i mean that's how they make money but let's look at first chronicles 21 1. satan now a young boy said why is it spelled s-a-t-a-n because he's going to get an eternal sun tan in hell that's why satan rose up against israel and incited david to take a census of israel two opposing scriptures now there's a thing called apologetics where the young generation tries to argue you know about the bible it can you know it contradicts a lot of people were like i don't understand this could you just raise your hand if you've ever wondered about these these these are these kind of hang hang people up i have an um anthony fiore who worked under me i recommended it so he got it the young's greek and hebrew literal translation it's a little broken up but it's literal how many like it straight give it to me straight hey man you know me i shoot from the hip i shoot and ask questions later hey man there's the joke you know the guy told the cowboy to shoot and ask questions later so the cowboy shot him and asked him why but i like it right from the hip if we look at young's literal greek hebrew which is a translation and then we're going to go into the actual hebrew this is actually how it reads now this is not even something that you know different denominations or different theologians would like say no this is they all agree that this is actually um what it says i'll start with a new american standard and it said it said if he incited david it said it remember cousinette boy he needed to go to supercuts remember cousin cousin hit you know and thing oh gosh you know you watch those demonic things from the 70s then you wonder why you need deliverance genie yes master remember bewitched i mean come on man all that that was introducing all the witchcraft and stuff and now it's just like harry potter it just it just grew it just grew they were trying to desensitize us okay in the original language there is no subject for the verb incited okay we are never told who moved david to take the census now this is um the actual translation let me give you young's okay this is young's it's right in my office and the anger of jehovah i said of the lord and the anger of jehovah addeth to burn against and an adversary moveth david about them saying go and number israel and judah i noticed that brother kevin shared that when he was in heaven they didn't they were not allowed to use the word satan or hellel they said he's our enemy or our adversary when you're dethroned you lose your title isn't that good oh come on folks that's good that's good i like what anna said you know she just likes to hear the devil's crunch on her feet amen so let's just look at what it actually says it says there was who moved against them or one moved against them folks when you know the word you're dangerous don't we know that james said let no man say that i am tempted by god god tempteth no man except that he's drawn away basically from his own flesh let no one say when he's tempted i am tempted by god for god cannot be tempted by evil nor does he himself tempt anyone god put in another scripture that it was the devil that did this so we're first establishing something that i shouldn't even have to do and that's that god is a good god he doesn't tempt any man nor can he be tempted he is good 24 7. god is a good god a good god and a bad bad devil we derek prince i believe he went to over in england cambridge got reborn filled with a holy ghost and when he went over to the pentecostals they said you came out of cambridge you can't be born again i said he had that nice accent you know guess i'm born again you can't come out of cambridge and be born again he goes well i pray in tongues too they didn't believe them can we hear you pray in tongues so he had that beautiful accent he just prayed in tongues and they're like wow we're going to keep an eye on you you can be educated and in the kingdom of god paul was highly educated a pharisee of a high order now we are going to be looking into a little bit of a teaching here maybe a different flow but we're going to be looking into why king david numbered his troops now in that day you weren't considered a fighting man until you were 20. everyone say 20. before you were 20 the only fight and maybe was in your family you know what i mean over over whatever they had back then but david let's just read the passage and then we're going to go there let's start with um ii samuel 24 verse 1. again the anger of the lord kindled against israel let's go to two for the king said to joab and he is the captain of the host the captain of the host who was with them go now through all the tribes of israel from dan even to beersheba and count the people that i may know their number see in that time you only took a census if it was pre-war you only counted the people for a specific reason and god said in second chronicles 20 20. i will do nothing unless i first reveal it to my servants the prophets god is the seer can i just tell you something every church needs a guide every church needs a job wise counsel spiritual insight so the prophet or the seer doesn't initiate this the king does and there's no reason except for we have grown big and we've grown strong and we are powerful probably more powerful than many nations let me get a little idea of how many numbers we have because then i can come out to my podium when they clear the throat watch out we have this many people i've built the kingdom up so strong yeah that's that could be a song oh i'm telling you you know let me just stop there this just popped into my spirit we're to be like pop tarts hard on the outside but soft and gooey on the impliable onion hey man those are like type 2 diabetes uh breakfast desserts i don't advocate pop-tarts i like to eat clean amen but pastor jerry had shared that he had gotten this church and i had a school and the numbers started growing and everything was flourishing and uh he was very humble and transparent but see when you're humble and transparent you lay down in humility and you create a bridge for your brothers and sisters not to repeat the same thing he shared this with me i never i never forgot this he said i went to my board and he was getting a pretty good pretty good salary and he sat down with his board and this is what he said are you ready i'm adding that but you know effects don't hurt you know i have been here for so many years and i have built this church and i have built this christian academy and i need a big raise and i and i and i ai so the board the board says you know you have you're that good and we're gonna give you a big raise pastor jerry said as soon as he did that everything started falling apart the worship team fell apart the sound people went crazy sheep were just like you know they're they're orderly and they're nice and all of a sudden they're like kung fu you know everything's going crazy everyone's bucking and and and and so he fast if you're smart you'll seek the lord he went a little place and he fasted he got on his knees and he didn't eat food he said god what's the matter and the lord brought up the conversation remember when you said i and i and i remember hallel says i will ascend above the stars of heaven i will be like the most high god i this five eyes in ezekiel and that dude's butt went flinging down to earth like lightning come on folks let's keep it real the lord said do you remember all those eyes and that big rays that you started and it's like uh-huh yeah now i'm asking you to resign and he didn't and he went and it got worse and finally he had to resign and learned a lesson i want to stand on the shoulders of giants and learn things that i don't have to repeat bad history for the king verse 2 said to job the captain of the host who was with them go now through all the tribes of israel from dan even to beersheba and count the people that i may know their number listen to this number three verse three and joab this is his life line joab is this lifeline and joab said to the king may the lord your god add a hundred times as many people as there are and let the eyes of my lord the king see it but why does the lord the king delight in this thing in plain english he's saying why are we doing this we all need a joab and a god david took joab as a bad jab like i wouldn't do that we take correction many times as rejection proud people if you're taking notes you can write this down proud people cannot be corrected without getting inwardly or outwardly angry perturbed on being attacked no one's with me ah you and then you start doing the victim card my dog's against me my parakeet doesn't look at me it goes and turns around when i come in the room oh i had a rabbit and it ran away i mean you just started going through all the you know all of that i put an apple on the teacher's desk there were three worms in it i mean you start replaying your life and your failures you know what i mean that's called the victim mentality so david goes ahead with the census and then the kingdom of israel starts having serious say serious trouble let me read on here i didn't give samantha all the scriptures because some of this is fresh out of the oven let's go to um we're in second samuel chapter 24 let's go down to verse 8. so when they had gone through all the land taking the census they came to jerusalem at the end of nine months and 20 days nine and joab gave the sum of number and of the people to the king there were in israel hundred thousand valiant men who drew the sword and the men of judah were five hundred thousand i just want to stop there since we're teaching a little bit if you notice all the numbers say all the numbers in the bible always are even they always round it off do you know when we take a census well one point two three and a half children you know like you know because we're doing it you know we're more modern but god rounds up or rounds down the numbers just just for the sake of listing them okay let's go to 10. but david's heart that's the inner spirit where god functions but david's heart smote him after he had numbered the people david said to the lord i have sinned greatly in what i have done i beseech you oh lord take away my iniquity of your servant for i have done foolishly i'm impressed with king david every time he misses it he doesn't go to spin school he doesn't do what communist news network does he doesn't twist he doesn't embellish he doesn't say well i said this but i meant that and perhaps you know the moon was full and the gravitational pulls just you know i mean you could go into all these excuses david even uh when he falls into murder and adultery he's very contrite and humble and under their own laws he was supposed to be stoned and he had such a heart after god god's like you know what i'm gonna let you live john paul jackson said when it comes time for you to make a mistake have such a walk of excellence that even god has to take your side that's good this day of adversity or failure will come you'll make i like to make an emotional bank with people and kind of put in genuine compliments i mean if your hair looks like you know what gerbil was running around it i'm not going to say oh sister your hair looks so wonderful today i'm going to say your teeth are nice i mean i'm going to look for something genuine to say i don't like fake but when you have an emotional bank with people when you mess up because i do mess up my wife will tell you when i mess up people know my heart i have a rapport with people i have a relation see david had a relationship with god and he messed up big and he says that is a man after my own heart you will not throw a stone at him he shall not die but live and declare the works of god now i put that a little out of context but that's still scripture oh this is really good here 11. when david arose in the morning the word of the lord came to the prophet god now if you don't like the prophetic the prophet god would be like the prophet hag you know i don't like that wait wait i've heard people say every time i get around prophetic people i'm getting corrected maybe you need to be corrected can i give an example somebody made you know in one of these college professors you know if you look at the old testament it seems that god was always just a little his feathers were ruffled and he's always upset with the children of israel so therefore he's not a kind god because he's always angry and burning and judging let's let's put it plainly if you have a son and he's rebellious as h double matchsticks and there was a family book written about the acts of the father and the son if the son is perpetually messing up you'd read and the father grounded him and the father took his bike away and took his keys away he took his car away he took his playstation away he he put duct tape around his mouth and he bungee cord him to his i mean it's in accordance with the behavior of the person the bible is simply a book of truth the israelites were famous for being stiff-necked prideful stubborn and rebellious amen smile a lot like today's church you know smile just left okay 12. go and say to david this is gad the prophet thus says the lord i hold over you three choices select one of them so i may bring it upon you thank god we've got a better covenant built on better hope and better promise pw would not have done well as a teenager under the law i would have probably do it in a stone wall over me hey nice big stone wall no pw's under there all right 13 so god came to david and told him and said shall seven this is uh amplified i'm reading out of shall seven years of famine come to your land question mark or will you flee three months before you pursue an enemies question mark these are the choices or do you prefer three days of pestilence in your land consider and see what the answer shall be 14 and david said to god i am in great distress hello i understand let us fall into the hands of the lord for his mercies our many it says his mercies endorse forever taste and see that god is good he's a good god for his mercies are many and great but let me fall into the hands let me not fall into the hands of man david was a smart cookie i rather fall into the hands of my loving tender heavenly father than have somebody that's got a bad attitude you know and burlap pants come and judge me 15. so the lord sent a pestilence upon israel from morning even to the time appointed and there died of the people from dan even to be shiva 70 000 men we're going to stop right there david counts his troops and 70 000 people die there's got to be more to the story how many would like to know that there's got to be more okay please write this down all forms of pride and rebellion come from hell and lead to hell derek prince was doing deliverance and i might not get the story 100 i'll get the gist of it because i know like a million stories people say how can you remember so many stories i don't know but derek was doing deliverance on someone and they were a very educated and proud person and they realized that they were dealing with pride so he said in the name of jesus pride come out and it starts coughing burping yawning that's how they come out how many understand we're doing deliverance soon with our conference and we do regular deliverance anyway and all of a sudden it's like no comment that's my mother-in-law of course but all of a sudden they come to an impasse and he said pride have you come out and it said yes but they realize something's wrong they said well then what's left you know it's doesn't wanna what's come out whatever is left and identify you see jesus said identify yourself and how many are there that's the most david he didn't go showboating talking interviewing that's fried baloney when you spend 30 minutes listening on what the devil says jesus never went past what is your name how many are there and come out i better watch that stomp last time the whole system went out but it's coming up what's left and it goes little pride because everyone needs just a little bit of pride derek prince is okay little pride come out no okay and it yawned it out everyone needs just a little bit of pride you might need a little bit of fat on your steak especially the ribeye but you don't need a little bit of pride pride cost 70 000 people their lives this folks this is serious what pastor jerry shared the eye the eye the eye custom his ministry you never say i anything i do i do through grace i do through obedience i do by the direction of the lord one of my friends who's very prophetic i'm not going to say who pumped me up a little bit and goes you know pastor wayne i think god's going to use your church as like a model of what a kingdom church prophetic remnant church should be it's going to be a model to the whole middle of like the whole middle of the country the way you do things that wasn't like you know you can start pumping up the guy i wasn't really you know because i know it's the lord then he jabbed me or gave me a liver punch and he goes and i want you to know that you have nothing at all compared to these big boys out there that god would even use you i'm like ouch but i said to him you know what i do have i have obedience that's all you need he doesn't want golden vessels he doesn't want silver vessels he wants yielded vessels on my best day i'm a flawed vessel but i say all the time i'm a yielded vessel you can blab on me you can go in your little rundai shandai groups and talk about all my weaknesses but all you do is you go down a level down a level every time bob jones says you talk about a minister you go down a notch yeah that's why some people like walk in like hey how are you doing i'm just saying psalms 20 uh verse 7 let's just put that up basically it's saying you know some may trust in horses some may trust in chariots but i trust in the name of my god some trust in chariots and some trusted horses but we will remember the name of the lord our god that is where we put our faith in so let's ask a question why does this cost 70 000 people their lives if you're taking notes please write this down okay the old testament the bible says are types and shadows for us to learn in the new and better covenant you know you're a covenant person there's a blood covenant on your behalf when the devil comes after me even if i've lost my faith even if i don't feel on my a-game i say i'm part of a covenant and in a covenant in the old testament the lesser one partners or marries up to the greater one and you have all that you need so the atonement and ransom that this is uh it mentions the atonement and the ransom see this is the this is what it was set up as he said the the word of god says if you're going to take a census each person must come with an offering before the lord and that will protect israel and if you read in other parts of the bible david's chief advisor say number one i wouldn't do this and if you do do this we need to do an offering a half a shekel i think it was what does king david say we don't need to do that we're fine see can i tell you something if they had taken the census with a half a shekel it says the poor don't need to give any more than the rich and the rich don't need to give any more than the poor it's equal but if they had followed the prototype or the word of god seventy thousand people wouldn't have died that is also a type and a shadow of malachi 310 where the tithe protects us i love when i listen to people that don't believe in the tithe they're usually in a broken down trailer they don't have teeth wow brave from the tithe yeah the tithe doesn't believe in you i'm not going to argue about something that works well i don't think you're wrong why don't you tithe and get some teeth i'm telling you the truth poverty comes upon those that don't tithe if you don't tithe you'll never arrive he says i'll protect you from the devourer the devourer is a demonic entity jesse de plentis is you know he's a little nuts he says the tithe is the protection money so when the mob comes after you spiritually you put out covenant i'm all paid up you can't touch me amen i'm telling you folks don't ever get away from the bible you know people are like you say something like oh i don't believe that that's just old testament that's when they don't want to believe something but then when something's in there they don't want to you know you can't have it both ways you can't have a the all 66 books are yea and amen to those that believe there's one page that that separates the old from the new come on folks god change is not on the same yesterday today and forever homosexuality and all these sins were wrong and the old the wrong and the new covetousness and idolatry was wrong in the old it's wrong in the new murder was wrong on the old it's wrong in the new i change not kevin told a wonderful story isn't jesus wonderful i'm just so many churches make him look like weak anemic walking around like he had to steal like you know bed sheets off of some camel line and walk around whoa i'm just he had a treasurer and enough money in there that embezzlement took place he wasn't poor he was middle class he was from a carpenter he was from a working family he wasn't like section eight if they well they really didn't have that back then you know what i mean but he wasn't like wealthy you know driving a cambolini well campbell like lamborghini cambodia i'm just saying he was legitimately from a middle class family and he was a hard worker okay but brother kevin told this wonderful story that there was a man that was amongst all these other farmers that really didn't believe in the tithe but he said i believe in the tithe so much as soon as i harvest my crops i immediately go into town and i put my tithe with the pastor at the church pastor comes first because he represents the house of god he's the under shepherd they keep an eye out for your soul it says all those under a shepherd should submit to the under shepherd for he gives an account in hebrews for your soul okay rebellion comes straight from hell pride comes straight from hell and it leads straight to hell and you can't be corrected without getting your knickers all tangled up you need to repent because we all which are sons get corrected all daughters get corrected well brother kevin said there's this wonderful you know farm and the frost came the snow came at an ab normal time and all the farmers are saying we're going to lose our crops they mocked him you literally harvest and then you run to that little church and drop your tithe off well the snow or the frost whatever came and everyone crops had snow and ice and failure but they took one of those crop dusters up they took an aerial picture kevin blew it up and in the middle is this perfect square of not one bit of snow no ice perfect crops and all the molarian curlies around them had frostbite all their crops their beans were like ah frozen corn's like his crops were dancing i tithe i tithe i time the tithe works tithe never went away it's mentioned four times in the new testament i said that to one lady it was intelligent oh it is i said yes it is i see my problem now she was broke folks god is a good god he wants you over the circumstances he wants you to prosper he wants you to be the head and not the tail above and not beneath blessed in the city and blessed in the field blessed in your coming and blessed and you're going dancing in the city dancing in the streets my bread and my basket baby they'd be full that was for the younger ones david you can't get this anywhere else david didn't sin with this king david didn't transgress with this in the hebrew homebrew and the king james it says that iniquity was found with this numbering now what is iniquity sin in the greek means to miss the mark like an archer okay transgression is a little bit different it's it's a greater like implication of of of wanting your own way iniquity which is usually linked to generational curses is i know it's wrong i've been told it's wrong but i'm going to do what i want to do it says that with this with david joab the captain of the host is like dude in today's english why do you want to do this the word his manual says don't do it if you do it have a shekel to protect the people just like your money protects you hello so this is why 70 000 people died and besides that the lord uses two terms please write these down he uses atonement and ransom oh the old testament is jesus concealed the new testament is jesus revealed this was a type and a shadow of the atonement and the ransom of the master pastor that walked the earth raised the ted and healed the sick that's why you couldn't touch that principle see god protects his types and shadows because they are a picture of jesus yeshua so david put his skinny jeans on with a pair of pliers and they got their little smoke machine up and they said well you know we really don't need to follow the word we're just going to have love the camels are going to dance we're going to entertain you we just need love we don't we don't need seers anymore dad sit down joab we don't we don't need a board we're free oh we're free hallelujah we're free see that's like today's secret sensitive oh we don't need to follow the word we just need love love love love love love oh you're a thief and a robber and a homosexual god just loves you the way you are no he doesn't for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ my lord he loves saved and sinner but he demands grace demands a changed life grace demands repentance grace demands repentance repentance is a change of mind a change of heart and you turn that crazy camel around oh i've repented but i'm just you know i cry on sunday morning but i just go back to my path and my friends repentance please write this down it changes the group of friends it says i am not hanging out with spiritual molarity and curlies anymore because your friends are your future i love homeschooling i'm sorry but why i mean i'm i'm i look maybe god sends people into public i get that don't i get that but i'm like if they were my precious jewels why send them out there and they come home with a picture of an ape hey we came from there mommy no we didn't no we maybe some people in washington did but you didn't come from no chimp oh my wife liked that one we're going into deliverance soon with with sharon from christian international and i was thinking about schambach i'm going to remember r.w schambach he had that big old in your face 18 wheeler like jesus saves heals and delivers and he comes up to a toll booth and you know schambach he's always on his a game they look at the side of that truck they they see r.w schambach and the toll person goes i don't like you r.w schambach he looked at that woman in the toes and goes i don't like you either come out of her devil put his money in and drove away that's how you got to treat the devil crunch crunch crunch so god gives three choices and he says you know what it's wise to go into the hands of god i knew a joke one time it was kind of humorous where this man had gone to hell and he just didn't want to live for the lord and the devil's like you've got three choices you can slide into a bowl of acid for eternity slide into a bowl of fire forever or have the third option and he saw a guy with manure up to his neck and he was smoking he was drinking coffee and he loved his coffee and his cigarettes and he said well i'm not going to the asset i'm not going fire i'm going to go to the manure up my neck and at least i'll have a cigarette and some coffee so he's there for about 15 minutes hell's not that bad and he's drinking his coffee all of a sudden a big demon comes and goes coffee breaks over stand on your head it doesn't pay to serve the devil is all i'm trying to say there's a saying that says figures don't lie but liars figure folks can we bring it down to today's terminology it's just plain plum dangerous to say i have this many people i did this numbers numbers numbers numbers we accomplish this i in my business produce this p r i d e when we have the i all the time it is dangerous very now derek prince who was one of the people that i love he was very successful he's world renowned he's at the top of his a-game and the lord says you're going on a sabbatical it's like why would i want to go no sabbatical he goes because you're full of pride and you don't even know it and he had to take time to fast and to pray and he got into you know how we got into pride how many would like to know because you don't want to do it when somebody would come up to him and compliment him he'd acknowledge it not aggressively you know when people start clapping here for me i do this i didn't do anything i qualify because i don't qualify paul qualified because he was a murderer he rounded up christians and killed them he's a pharisee of a high order trained by the best in his day so instead of sending him to the jews which would have been a breeze paul you're so good now i'm going to send you to the gentiles boyfay whatever you're good at goes on the altar up in smoke i will can i just be real with you i was like the world's worst pastor good god a few of you originals remember me i was the smoking evangelist catch the fish throw it on stage the pastor take your love offering and run and everyone's like oh what a great evangelist but when i first became a pastor i'm like i just don't repent you know john the baptist repent for the kingdom of god so when i first did a few of my sermons it was like the 12-gauge what are you struggling with repent what do you struggle repent come out in jesus name and the lord's like oh no it's not that simple you got to live with these people you got to love these people you got to listen to these people you have to have a relationship you have to go over the house and hear about all these things that happen and i'm like oh my god are you kidding me really see brother hagin said this he said you could be a world renowned prophet apostle or evangelist but if you haven't pastored at least one or two years you're missing the greatest growth of your life he said to every rhema graduate at least pastor one or two years it will round you out it will humble you it will make you rely more on god because you just don't know what to do with all the sheep some sheep be crazy he's talking somebody on the phone they're like they're in the tribulation they're in i mean they're in every dispensation in the book and i'm like how can i help you oh i don't want help i just want you to listen okay all right you're done tribulating okay love you bye i want to fix things i'm a guy sometimes my wife is just i just want you to listen to me don't try to fix me just listen to me please and i just listen i say okay about 15 minutes later i mean she was tribulating the bull's eraser coming out 15 minutes later oh everything's fine how do you do that one from the book of revelation of genesis in like 15 minutes she's happy i'm happy all i want you to do is remember this let's go to isaiah 57 12. i know this by memory because when god commissioned me and gave me one of my early visions he rebuked me with isaiah 57 12 and it basically says i will in the king james i think it says i will declare your righteousness and your works like worthless he'll not profit you and then he gave me that cup of those cups with the marbles that are on the tray i don't have time to go into it and there was a lot of marbles you know in my cup and he said that has nothing to do with anything you ever did you didn't call yourself i called you i put a lot of marbles in you for ministry and he said if you ever think it's about you your ministry one day will end in pride and failure because i saw a cup with a lot of like they looked like those uh crystal marbles and they were up overflowed and flown over and there was all there's three quarter half you know and he goes it's nothing to do with you i called you i wouldn't have called me can i just be real i wouldn't have called me i mean you should have seen me in high school army pants bandana two-stroke i remember those i had like a cr125 on a yz one two those two stuff doing wheelies six-speed transmission running away from the police i was the last contestant for a pastor are you kidding me i was like the furthest away harley-davidson shirt with the sleeves cut off with pink and shears just to have an edge about me my mom would say why pink and shears because i'm edgy that's why and then i come into christ and i'm like i don't want to be a pastor i don't want to be an evangelist i just want to not go to hell and i'll never forget pastor mugford was our pastor in the assemblies of god and he never cried he just wasn't like that but i came in right after i got saved and he gave me that look and i'm thinking oh boy he's upset that i'm late and it wasn't that he came over to me with tears and he pointed at me said when you came in late the spirit of the lord said to me that boy is called into ministry and to preach and you tell him that and the tears are going down his face now that got me going that got me going he doesn't cry god takes the least likely and he puts him in a place of favor that he gets the glory it's never about us it's never about us i'm the class rebel class clown and i end up marrying the girl that put the apple every morning on the teacher's desk that never did anything wrong i mean it's like the odd couple remember that felix uh what was it felix and oscar you know i mean we were complete opposites but when you put it on paper it's wonderful all her strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa it's like absolutely except for hot and cold she's always cold and i'm always hot but it's okay we'll figure that out in heaven maybe i don't know but if you haven't received anything today i want you to receive this we have to number one go buy the logos please write this down number two listen to prophetic warnings number three listen to wise counsel when everyone's three times your age sin you might not want to do that listen we have two ears and one because we're supposed to listen twice what we say come on folks come on folks if god wanted your opinion he would ask you coming under sub mission makes our mission able to be completed submarine come under the waters to be safe to be stealth to be hidden in christ it's the mystery of christ it's the mystery of the church things are a mystery we look through a glass darkly the sacred things belong unto the lord but the things for us are revealed the secret of the lord is with those that fear him do you really fear him are you hanging out with people that shouldn't you shouldn't be are you cheating on your taxes do you owe people money and you've never paid them do you borrow with no intention of ever repenting see that's where it starts to get real folks and i'm telling you about the spirit of god he wanted this message brought forward today he or she that has an ear listen to what the spirit is saying today today if you hear his voice do not harden your heart could we have the levites come forward i would like the lights down if we could i want everyone to stand and we're going to pray did this minister to you you need a god and you need a joab in your life father i thank you for words that have spirit and life words that gather lord we thank you that we are numbered in your book father i thank you that the only thing we're really supposed to count is our trials counted on joy that's what we're to count lord we don't trust in horses we don't trust in chariots but we trust in the lord our god father we thank you today that we're taking lord father god an inventory of ourself we're doing a self-audit we're making lord father god corrections where they need to be you said a smoking flax i will not despise lord we thank you that the whisper of the weakest repentance is like a loud speaker in the halls of heaven your good and your mercy endures forever lord we just rebuke right now the spirit of pride we rebuke right now pride in our lives that we're here to serve one another not to compete with one another but to complete one another father your words are tried and true they're eternal father god their joy to those that receive them and lord i just ask right now for the convictor to come amongst us because true conviction brings eviction and lord we ask right now that all pride selfishness wrong motives name dropping numbers driven striving trying to prove ourselves we put that at the feet of yeshua hamashiach lord we love you and we ask right now that as we come to your altar that you would alter us that you would be the master tailor that patterns and pins and snips and cuts and then sews a wonderful garment called salvation oh this is what i feel in my spirit i'm not gonna lay hands on anyone today i'm not gonna ask my wife or any of our prayer people i'm gonna ask everyone to make their own little personal booth at their seat or around the altar and just marinate in the afterglow and do a self audit we've just come into this jewish new year rosh hashanah the head of the new year the feast of trumpets and i thank you that we are all trumpeters in the earth we all are mouthpieces in the earth with a unique sound and signature that we can raise the dead kill the sick and cast out devils we've been given the keys to the kingdom you've commissioned your church so i'm just going to ask everyone to find a place in this sanctuary to kneel before the lord get quiet listen to the whisper to your spirit one word from the lord can change a nation oh father we're just gonna go into receiving mode we're just gonna realize it's your goodness that allows us to walk in your promises and if you've never made jesus the lord of your life and you're listening online or here in this room or never receive the baptism in the holy spirit this is your day as well just say yes to god yes to his word yes to his promises yes to the work that he's doing on the inside out he's going in and he's breaking the stubbornness and the pride and the will so that the breakthrough will come through you the breaker is in the house today and we just release that right now we thank you for the oil of heaven the anointing oil that breaks every bondage the bondage of pride the bondage of stubbornness the bondage of idolatry the things that lord we don't even see because of the blinders we thank you for lord just your just your love because you love us so much god you discipline us you bring us into the next level so lord we ask that god every blinder be removed right now by your power by your love that the breaker is in the house breaking through through you and in you and lord we thank you that as we make these personal assessments as we make these personal audits that god it's a a two-way thing our communication with you and then receiving from heaven i just see it god lord you're you're just as we give it up the glory is coming down oh the glory's coming on you the glory's coming on you and he's gonna set you free all the cares all the worries all the shame all the guilt all the bondage he says i'll do a faith exchange with you right now just receive them if you've never made jesus lord say lord jesus i need you come in my heart forgive me my sins i need you god i need a turnaround if you've walked away from god this is the day i'm coming back to you if you've been self-condemned and and fear and torment is on you you god says i got more than enough to set you free just receive it right now all right if you've never received the baptism in the holy spirit just receive that just right out of your belly will flow rivers of living water oh whatever you have need of right now just go into that secret place you say jesus anything and everything i have need of today do what it means i receive your love i receive your correction i receive your protection there it is i just see i just see as you're lifting it up i see as you go up your prayers are going up as your heart is going up to heaven i see glory coming down on this place glory hallelujah team just take us into some worship and we invite you to make your own little altar you changed at the altar you're altered at the altar of god have you gone to the altar lately your altar is right there make it your little own place right where you're at where you're sitted or come up front if you need to come up but just let you and god you and god you and god alone he knows you he knows your heart you can't run from him you can't hide from him you can't pretend it's not happening he already sees it you might as well admit it say i need help that's me jesus i need your help our help cometh from the lord the maker of heaven and earth and he's reaching out with great love great love the father is bestowing today on you i feel shifts in the spirit god is dealing with his children with the deepest compassion oh don't some of you be upset at god for the hard things you've gone through it's not god that brings you into these things the devil has opposed you so father i pray that every false idea every wrong ideology will melt in the fire of your truth that you're a good god and that above everything else you wish that we prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers you are a good good papa let's just go to prayer from evil things you
Channel: The River Church of Waupun
Views: 99
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: fziNBjnNgu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 10sec (6970 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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