Guest Alejandro Arias - The River Church - Oct 3, 2021 10AM

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for the spirit of heaviness and i'm just saying there's a shift right now there'll be a shift in your home yes hallelujah and i just want to alex has never heard this he could probably use this around the world but i want to share this i've shared it uh once or twice pastor is the only one that calls you alex right amen well it's easier to say than aloha right we can't always like roll our tongue alejandre but uh alex are you okay with alex all right amen as long as he gets to preach he's happy but listen to me there was like this um modern ship that they spent millions and millions of dollars on and you know they wanted to see how it could handle rough waters and then there was this old wooden rig that was built like 200 years ago and it was a contest of technology and long story short you would have thought the the newer ship would have outdone the you know the older ship you're talking wood hull sails and what happened is they they put it right out into a terrible storm and the old wooden ship actually outperformed and survived the storm where the new ship almost sunk and when it got back into dock they said that is impossible these are computer programmed neither ship did good but the old wooden ship did a lot better and they said it stood up and stabilized when it when it could enough it was it's it's it's it's crazy it's impossible they said well we have a secret down deep in the hull and they're thinking ah maybe they put some computers on board or some new gears or something so they go deep down into the ship now this was christian owned this ship and as they got they started hearing the noise of clanking and and the sounds they got deeper and they opened up a hatch there was like 150 grandma intercessors down there that's why your ship is not going down your ship is not going down you're going into divine destiny come on up alex hallelujah and the holy spirit he's the best guy he's got the compass he knows north south east west he knows how to navigate you through troubled waters and get you to your safe haven you just need to cry unto the lord and he hears your distress and he hears your cry and i'm telling you the cry of god's people before the throne of heaven makes great travail and i'm telling you if you'll travail you will prevail and we're so excited that we have our brother here and do you have a word yeah it's more than work oh yeah yeah well we are just excited we want to know let you know today all of the offering for him is going to go in the thing that says guest speaker can you guys read and the other one is for the river thank you for your faithfulness and your tithes and offerings to this house and we appreciate that and we appreciate you i'm giving to our thing our our guests if you need an envelope you could raise your hand otherwise um let us know you can bring it in we'll probably pass a bucket later today but also tonight it'll be at 6 30. we want to thank everyone that's joining online we pray the favor of god on you that you'll receive the anointing through the airwaves and be set free in jesus name and we're just so blessed um next weekend i gotta let you know we're having a prophet and his wife come it's john and jennifer arkovia from texas and we had them here before it was powerful the times are wrong on that we're also doing a saturday evening so it's thursday night friday night saturday morning saturday evening i know this is a lot people sunday morning sunday night they asked for a lot of meetings but i believe god is bringing a message for us and we're preparing you for days ahead where you need to be equipped and we're thanking god for the equipment of of an evangelist the worldwide evangelist here today so also women on tuesday at 10 o'clock i'm doing a study on hannah and it's been powerful so hallelujah i just want to say if you attend this church you get london broil not just me we are schooling for ruling we are schooling for ruling we're the eternal church now we're firestones we're fire lighters we're fire starters we get to go and rule and reign in eternity well right now the devils and fire school all of them are just gonna burn ha ha ha they're in fire school i'm telling you prep school for burning baby come on amen brother alex um you want me to pray or do you want to pray all right amen let's raise your hands and aim at our brother father we thank you that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman availeth much it brings tremendous power into a situation and right now we take authority over all three realms on the earth below the earth and above the earth and we shall prevail as the sons and daughters of elohim we shall decree a thing and it shall happen we are what you said we are and we bind up that sorry old devil take your bags and just go you're a loser and let the church of god rule and rejoice in jesus mighty mighty name amen shout hallelujah [Applause] you know you guys are in revival i can tell that i mean you guys have an incredible credible atmosphere in this house i mean this is exceptional if you think this is uh normal do you think this is nominal or do you think this is the norm in a lot of churches well i preach a lot in a lot of other places and the worship is very limited and very short and very much driven by three four songs that they repeat every sunday and they have a repertoire and it's either a favorite two songs from this group or a favorite two songs from the other and they just keep doing that and let me tell you something you guys are living a revival this is revival come on this is revival come on rejoice rejoice praise the lord and that revival is going to spill out and it's going to change milwaukee west bend brownsville it's going to change upon is going to change the whole of wisconsin because the river church is a river that is going to spill and it's going to change the area it's going to change the financial landscape it's going to change the political landscape it's going to change the spiritual landscape it's going to change the church landscape it's going to change everything because that's what a river does it breaks through thank you father for this morning i can i can sense the hunger in this place so i got a message it's going to be an end times prophetic message for you four keys of a victorious believer and then i'm going to tell you the four blessings of a victorious believer before we go to the word i'm going to show you some slides for those who haven't been here the first or second day and i also have two new slides that i want to show you so if we can put on the slides and i can tell you more about it that's my family so that's my wife rebecca that's my daughter celeste the three-year-old and that's my daughter cariel and so i want to ask you to pray for our family we've been you know we're full-time and the lord has taken us uh to a lot of places and so we want to ask you to pray for our family and consider uh partnering with our ministry too uh my wife says hello she sends her love and uh yeah so pray for rebecca carrielle and celeste amen so the next slide uh for those who want to order more resources because we're out we have one book we have six books left and that's my wife's book revelation ready how many of you know that we are in the end times and so we need to get ready for what's coming and what we are already seeing and what we are witnessing in our in our generation so if you want to order more books or you want to order more t-shirts or you want to order uh we have another two titles uh the one that i didn't bring this morning friends of his presence basically is a collection of 22 years of you know sermons on the anointing the presence of god uh the fire you know having intimacy with god so you really want to get that book friends of his presence so if you don't have it today we don't have it available but you can pre-order it today by just scanning that qr code it will take you to our website and you can then proceed to buy those books online you can also visit our website to find out more about the t-shirts i believe we only have a few left but if anyone is wearing a t-shirt today please stand up we want to use you as oh there you go god bless you thank you she's evangelizing us today praise god so you can go out and you can evangelize your community your your neighborhood and even you know they're very comfy t-shirts and they will be a blessing to a lot of people especially when you talk to them they're going to be conversation starters amen and so that's the the reason why we use those uh lyrics those uh not the whole song obviously for copyright issues but you can use some part of the song some lyrics and some some words and so jesus is a miracle worker amen jesus is our healer jesus is the light in the darkness amen so those words are very powerful and then you turn around and then it has a bible verse and it has the ministry our ministry information but above all is the message the message that it carries so if you want to order more t-shirts we have all sizes for your kids and we also have sizes for adults up to extra extra large amen so we go to the next slide uh for those who want to partner with us and send us to ethiopia and send us to kenya next year i'm going to be in kenya in april we're doing uh with the african enterprise ministry which is a ministry that has been around for 60 years evangelizing africa we are doing simultaneous crusades in africa and with the gold movement we are doing something really powerful 20 000 campaigns all over africa with 20 000 evangelists this is the go movement you want to check it out what they're doing go but we're partnering with them and we're going to the nations we're going to africa because god said god gave a word to passovanki from cairo to cape town africa shall be saved amen so we believe that we are supporting that we're behind that as a ministry we're supporting the go movement and we're supporting what other ministries are doing because what god is doing is bringing other ministries and he's basically bringing us all together because we are better together amen so if we join forces if we join hands and if we join you know annoying things we can be a powerful dunamis come on we can be a powerful dynamic you know a team in the spirit so that's what we're doing and that's what we saw in malawi four evangelists you know we did a crusade together it was amazing we had over 12 000 people over the weekend in malawi and we had 600 salvations for jesus come on give the lord a mighty hand for that amen so make sure you you you go to our website and partner and sign up our youngest partner is a teenager from from actually she's from uh not poor washington but somewhere uh i've been to that church a few times monotok she she sends five dollars to the ministry in an envelope can you believe that i mean it's so sweet i mean it's unbelievable she sacrifices five dollars i guess her coffee or whatever you know and she sews that to the nations amen so you can begin with five dollars ten dollars twenty dollars whatever the lord puts in your heart why don't you scan that qr code the other one this one is more about social media but that one and just if you want to find out more about it pray about it and really ask the lord how much you should do a month so we can reach africa together for jesus amen let's let's reach the great let's reach the nations amen let's fulfill the great commission so this coming month of december we're doing a crusade in ethiopia we are hoping to reach 20 000 people in december so pray for us first week of december it's going to be powerful powerful it's going to be amazing we um actually yesterday i was talking to another evangelist who's in malawi and he was um talking to the guy who is the senior he's a pastor but he's also a singer a hip-hop artist and he is the uh spiritual mentor of um who is the famous teenager um justin bieber so he's going to be coming with us to ethiopia and we're going to be not justin bieber his mentor okay let me get that right not justin bieber okay but the mentor is going to be coming with us to ethiopia so it's going to be exciting amen so for those who want to follow us on social media you want to find out more about our ministry you can go to our facebook page and you can just hit like and just pray for us that way it's my name alejandro adias for those who don't know how to pronounce this alejandro arias or you can call me alex that's fine or you can call me you know in russian it's sasha but don't call me sasha that's not a good name that's not a cool name uh alexander you know alexandros and you know i get called different names but anyway my name is kind of like universal like many names but anyway so just go to my website or go to facebook and uh and and you know hit like and uh pray for us amen so the next le the next slide if we can go to the next slide and then we have a podcast coming up and that one is being released next week how many of you love revival how many of you are driven by the presence of god how many of you love the presence of god amen how many of you want more of god in your life so if you go to the charisma podcast network cpn uh website you can actually the next slide you can subscribe or download our podcast because we're going to be launching next week and we're hoping that many thousands of people will catch the fire because that's what we need we need an army of people that will catch the fire come on you know what i saw in the spirit and and and and while we were worshiping i saw like a like i saw a rain shower and i saw the the raindrops they were they were turning into flames and they and the flames were white and this is so amazing because the flames covered the stage and the stage was on fire but it was like liquid white fire come on that speaks of the purity and the righteousness and the glory that is resting upon this place come on somebody shout hallelujah shout hallelujah so you guys tell your neighbor you are at the right place at the right time [Applause] and you're seated next to the right person come on smile to your neighbor we're going to have fun this morning amen first peter chapter 5 verse six and seven we're going to read first peter chapter five verse six and seven thank you jesus are you able to um not play the keyboard maybe just have something in the background yeah that would be great so six and seven the bible says humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of god so that at the proper time he may exalt you casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you sober minded be watchful your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour verse 9 resist him firming your faith knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world and after you have suffered a little while the god of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in christ will himself let's read it all together restore confirm strengthen and establish you to him be the dominion forever and ever the first key is humility brokenness god will use humble and broken people people that are so thirsty and so hungry for his presence even though they've been in church for 10 20 years they are absolutely totally surrendered and they're totally sold out and nothing else matters but his presence so humility is the number one key when you want to become i'm sure you know this as a friend of god you got to have a broken heart a broken spirit the bible says blessed are those with a broken spirit and what i mean by broken spirit i don't mean brokenness in a sense of being wounded i mean brokenness in a sense of being surrendered sold out humble you know completely completely sold out for jesus so that that's one of the keys for a victorious life when you're humble you listen when you're humble you obey when you're handled you surrender when you're humble you submit when you're humble you discern the times when you're humble you just go with the flow when you're humble it's not about you when you're humble it's not about your achievements or your accomplishments it's about jesus when you're humble you lead others to christ humility is like a perfume and people are going to smell it you don't have to talk about it people are going to smell that you are filled with the presence of god that you have a humble spirit a humble heart when you're humble you're willing to learn from others when you're humble you're willing to work with others when you're humble you're willing to join hands with others when you're humble you are a cross-generational believer you don't just work with your generation but you go and work with other generations when you're humble you have the spirit of elijah when you're humble you like to empower people you like to uplift and edify and build people when you're humble you want to give your best for the kingdom for jesus and for people come on when you're humble you love people it's not about you but it's about people around you it's about the broken and the wounded it's about stopping and investing time and leading people to christ humbleness is the key if you want to win the lost sorry if you want to win the lost you want to be humble amen pride is like having bad breath nobody i mean you you won't know it but everybody around you will know it hello how many of you have had that experience where your wife or your husband just you know uh secretly uh because that's that's the power of marriage you know you can do things like that especially when you're in a conversation you're talking you're in a meeting and you're talking to someone and your wife kind of gives you you know a gum or you know a mint and you're like okay honey thank you and sometimes you can be discreet and sometimes you depending how long you're being married you're like oh do you think my breath really smells that bad hello how many of you have reacted like that before especially when you're with a friend you're hanging out with someone someone gives you a discreetly you know here you go i think it's going to help you i think it's going to make your your prayer time more effective [Applause] so pride is like bad breath pride is going to keep people away from you pride is the root of selfishness pride is the fall of many believers no matter how long you've been in the kingdom no matter how many books no matter how many degrees no matter how many pedigrees you have hello that was meant to be a joke no matter what you carry the anointing is not supposed to puff us up the anointing is not supposed to make us prideful the anointing is not supposed to make us you know to make us arrogant the anointing will make us so humble and so willing to serve because when we are anointed we yield to the holy spirit so we need a humble people people that will acknowledge the power of god people that will learn from others people that will empower others people that will invest in the church people that will invest in others people that will raise other generations people that will become mentors to others people that will stop and witness others to others amen people that will win the loss people that will actually take the time to stop and and talk to others like this morning i was you know pastor wayne was getting ready to pick me up he says you have 60 seconds so i you know rushed out of my hotel room i went down the steps in 60 seconds okay i had 60 seconds he explicitly put that in the text message in 60 seconds i will come and meet you at the lobby 60 seconds not one minute 60 seconds okay so i rushed out of my room went down the steps and i was outside waiting for him then i saw a guy sitting there from south carolina and i began to talk to him and i just began to build relationship remember evangelism is relational so i asked him about his day i asked him what he was doing he said he was a contractor you know he he came to build some things to do some jobs here in the area and i said at the end i said i just smiled and i said jesus loves you and he goes jesus loves me you know with a weird look in his face and i said yeah jesus loves you i just repeat it again and it's like and then he heard me wrong but i think it was the angel like the lord just was speaking in his ear and then he says he says do i believe that jesus loves me is that what you said but it was time for me to jump in the car but it was almost like god you know took over the conversation and then i went and i said do you and he goes oh yeah but it was like god just gave me enough time to sow that seed because he's gonna and then i looked through the window and i saw him really pensive you know i i mean he was like thinking about it he was like jesus loves me do i believe it i think i do but you know some people you're gonna have to stop and take the time you're gonna have to stop you know i love about um i love this about werner who is the founder of the go movement he loves to stop and talk to people all the time and tell him about jesus you know to the point of sometimes we have we had some divine encounters we had some divine appointments actually we were talking we were going to the green room at the airport in tanzania and we were talking to this immigration officer and we were witnessing to him it turned out he was a pastor so we were talking to our fellow you know colleague in ministry and so he was so blessed are you guys ministers of the gospel yes we are oh welcome to tanzania and then you know he expedited our you know immigration uh proceeding he stamped our passports he gave us our passports back and then off we went and then he took a picture with us and he gave us his number so next time you're in tanzania give me a call and it was a divine appointment because upon my return i called him i had nobody meeting me at the airport there was a miscommunication and nobody was there and all these taxi drivers wanted to you know take advantage they wanted to charge me like 50 to go a couple of blocks you know from the airport to the hotel so i called him and i said i'm here um would you be able to you know after saying hello would you be able to come and grab me and so he came we had dinner he he you know dropped me off at the hotel god wants to set up divine appointments for you how many of you believe in divine appointments so humility be willing to talk be willing to pray for others be willing to take time and lead others to christ you know the best investment you can invest in people is sharing the gospel come on say with me the best investment in my life is sharing the gospel amen cast your cares number two cast your cares don't be anxious don't be worried i know we're living in difficult times i know we're living in post-pandemic times i know people are afraid they're about to lose their jobs i know that many people are walking out of their jobs and they don't know where their next paid you know check is coming from they don't know where their their wages is are coming from they don't know how they're going to pay their bills they don't know how things are going to work out in the future but i have good news for you jesus is your provider the lord is your shepherd you shall not wine the lord will provide for you the lord will provide manna in the desert come on the lord will provide in supernatural ways the lord will bring water out of the rock come on the lord will part the red sea come on the lord will make fire come down from heaven if it's necessary come on the lord will provide he will feed you he will take care of you he will take care of your needs he will take care of your marriage he will take care of your family he will take care of your children he will take care of you because he's a father he loves taking care of his children above all he's a father he is the king of kings and the lord of lords but he is also a father and so he loves providing he loves blessing his children he loves blessing his people he loves surprising you he loves blessing you come and tell your neighbor you have the favor of god all over here and the blessings will follow you [Applause] come on i said the blessings will follow you you have a seal on your forehead and you know what it says it says the blessed one hallelujah come on come on you know what it says it says the blessed one so wherever you go the blessings will follow you wherever you go you will have divine appointments wherever you go you will have favor wherever you go people will be drawn to you wherever you go you will have opportunities and times to pray for people because there is a seal on your forehead you got the blood of jesus no pandemic will defeat you no virus will overcome you no virus will take you out because you have the blood of jesus you know when people are sneezing and coughing around me i just split the blood of jesus [Applause] it works [Applause] i'm not afraid if people are coughing i'm not afraid of people are sneezing you know people are paranoid nowadays they're terrified you know i ordered coffee cup the other day i ordered some coffee i went to this coffee shop and i i grabbed somebody else's coffee and the guy said you know with this mask that's my coffee sir it was kind of an awkward moment because i had to let go of my of that coffee which didn't belong to me so i'm like oh i'm so sorry here is your coffee and he's like he doesn't even want to touch the the cup you know he grabs the lid you know carefully without spilling the coffee and he didn't want to touch the um what's that thing that protects you from yeah he didn't want to touch that for some reason he thought i had coveted or something i don't know i just felt like a leper standing there because he just grabbed he carefully pulled it out it's like have a good day and he just left it there i'm like they're you know i'm thinking there is a trash can you know like you that you got to put that in trash can you can't just leave it there i'm thinking you know but then he just dropped the coin dropped it's like it just dawned on me that he didn't want to take my coffee you know he didn't want to take it because he was terrified that i had something and you know somehow that got contaminated i mean people are just so paranoid nowadays they're just so filled with fear and negativity but guess what you and i have the power of the holy spirit you and i have jesus come on you and i have the the lamb of god you and i are oozing with the power of god you and i are radiating with the light of jesus come on you and i are the light of the world you and i can shine the path you and i can be positive you and i can preach the gospel you and i can make a difference in this world you and i can restore the brokenhearted you and i can heal the wounded you and i can lead this the sinners to jesus come on you and i can do this because we are god's answer for this hour we are god's army for this hour we are god's people for this hour you believe that tell your neighbor i'm anointed for this hour i'm chosen for this hour i'm equipped for this hour i believe it with my mind and my spirit i'm going to walk in my destiny nothing is going to stop me nothing is going to slow me down nothing's going to hold me back no pandemic no virus no deadly spirit no deadly weapon shall prosper against me because i have the power of the blood of jesus so whenever i go out i just bleed the blood of jesus and those demons are gonna have to stay clear they're gonna have to stay away because i have the blood of jesus and the blood of jesus is the best repellent and it seems to it works it works come on [Applause] i was doing it all the time while i was in africa i happened to forget my malaria tablets and i told my wife i had malaria before so i've had it it's really bad it's deadly and she's you know i was on the phone and i said honey i think i forgot to take my malaria tablets and she's like you you what yeah i forgot to order to get a prescription for malaria and so she's like oh you better be careful you go and buy repellent buy something you know spray your body with something and she gave me an idea so i said well that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna spray my body with the blood of jesus every morning so every time a mosquito would come near me every time i heard and i would say the blood of jesus covers me no i'm serious the blood of jesus the blood of jesus i mean i kept i called on the blood of jesus for hundreds of times i mean i had so many times where i could have gotten sick you know but the lord protected me the lord protected me and i and you know i said god you know i was supposed to bring this but anyway now please cover me with your grace because i don't want to end up in the hospital you know i was dying in nigeria with malaria and the angel of the lord walked into the room and he grabbed my hand and he said you are going to be fine i'm gonna i'm gonna get you out of here and i saw the angel of the lord you know the angel of the lord is a mighty angel you know it's almost like like you well the angel of the lord is jesus so i believe it was like jesus walking into the room you know this amazing uh powerful angel i believe he was jesus he grabbed my hand and he said it's going to be fine and in two minutes all the symptoms the fever the chilling the body aches the the all the symptoms faded all the symptoms went away all the symptoms disappeared you know i had seven blankets on me i was shaking so bad i had fever the lives of you know like 105 something like that and there's a point where your body goes into a state of shock and your body no longer recognizes whether it's cold or hot your body just feels freezing because you know even though you have fever on the outside and you are burning hot on the outside on the inside you are freezing you are dying and guess what the angel of the lord came in he gave me a word and from that moment all the fear all that fear all that fear and the heaviness and the sickness and the pain and the fever on all the symptoms just disappeared in less than two minutes and then i was up and i didn't feel anything i took the blankets off me and i just felt like the lord healed me and the next day i was able to go to the airport and fly home come on somebody and praise the lord come on somebody and praise the lord i trust say with me the blood of jesus how many of you trust in the power of the blood of jesus there is power power come on if you are from the 90s you know that song i don't want to make you feel old but if you're from the 90s come on if you got saved in the 90s in the 80s how many of you got saved in the 80s you know that song if you got saved in the 70s you know that song there is power power hallelujah so cast your cares your fear the negativity cast your cares before the lord come before the lord and say god i don't know what's going to happen in two months from now i don't know what's going to happen next year i know the world is getting ready to do a lot of things millions of people are about to lose their job millions of people they they don't want to embrace what's going on you know i mean we are living in a difficult time the economy is on the brink of you know collapsing there is a there is an unemployment crisis in our nation people don't want to work there is an unemployment crisis then we have the national debt crisis then october 18th there is something that's going to happen on october 18th where the national debt ceiling you know the national debt is going to hit the ceiling and something is going to happen they i just heard it the other day that that could potentially you know upset the economy to the point that we could enter into another season and so they you know a lot of debt a lot of concern a lot of fear a lot of negativity out there in the world and people are hopeless and they're living in despair but if you and i as children of the most high god humble ourselves if you and i come before the presence every day and cast our cares no matter how oppressed and no matter how exhausted no matter how tired no matter how afflicted and oppressed we feel if you and i know the secret of going before the presence of god you know that's the key the key is you got to get rid of those monkeys on your back come on that is the key you got to go into the presence of god and cast your cares and say god i don't need to worry i'm not going to be anxious because your word says that you will care for me your word says that if i'm under the shadow of the almighty that you will cover me that you will protect me your word says that i can do all things through christ that strengthens me your word says that you will supply according to your riches in glory your word says that i'm more than an overcomer your word says that i'm the head and not the tail your word says that even if the enemy comes against me like hallelujah like a river the lord will rise a banner and he will find my battle that the word says that i am a victorious one that i am chosen i am anointed i am favored i am blessed come on your word says so if i'm rooted in the word no matter what happens around me no matter how many people are dying around me no matter what's going on in this world no matter if the economy is shut down no matter if businesses begin to close if the word of god is enough i'm gonna hold on to the word i said if the word of god is enough i said if the word of god is enough if the word of god is enough if the word of god is enough i'm gonna hold on to the word [Applause] you know what peter peter he didn't have issues stepping out of the boat he had issues trusting god even when he was facing jesus even when he was having a supernatural encounter can you imagine if you're standing before jesus and you're walking on water and then all of a sudden you see the stormy seas and you feel the wind and you can hear the thunder and you can see the lightning and you can see everything around you but you are looking at jesus how many of you are looking at jesus you are aware that you are standing on shallow ground you're standing on waters you're standing on the ocean you're standing you're literally walking on waters it's like the most amazing experience anyone can experience you know you are standing there but you're looking at jesus but see the problem peter in that moment he forgot that he was looking at jesus that he was standing before the supreme god and then he paid attention to the storm and the bible says he began to drown many of you are paying attention to the storm and many of you are drowning in your own fear and insecurity no matter how anointed you are no matter how many years you've been in church no matter how long you've been in this church the enemy will tempt you with fear the enemy will come at times and he will knock on your door and he'll say hey i'm back and that's when you need to use your god-given authority and remind the enemy who you are and show him the exit come on i said show him the exit [Applause] you know when our daughter celeste came to this world my wife had post labor issues i almost lost my wife they were trying different things and i was at the south lake hospital in claremont it was midnight and that's in orlando west side of orlando and i was in the waiting room and i was pacing up and down this waiting room praying i was feeling the heaviness you don't want to be in the icu waiting room at midnight you just don't want to be there and i was there alone obviously the holy spirit not alone but the holy spirit was there with me and so i began to pray but i began to feel the hopelessness i began to feel like fear was creeping into the room and the enemy was taking advantage of the situation and i began to feel overwhelmed and one doctor came in and said mr arias we're doing everything we can but we don't know what's going to happen we don't know the outcome we're doing our best we'll keep you posted he walked out of the room and i felt so hopeless even though i've been a healing preacher for 20 years you know at that point had been like 20 19 years you know my daughter's three years old now so when she was born she actually came out of the womb flying literally it took four hours for her to come out four hours she was quick and the doctors were not ready and she came out with her umbilical cord around her neck so one nurse saw that one midwife and immediately she called the doctor the doctor was having coffee downstairs what a day the doctor comes up running he's not even ready not even ready so i got drinks of water praise god i had some popcorn this morning and something is tickling my throat [Applause] you should have not given me that popcorn pastor wayne praise god so the doctor comes up running he's not ready nobody's ready she's almost out at this point the doctors managed to cut the umbilical cord and save her and the doctor said she's gonna be a runner she i mean the doctor spoke that over my three-year-old she's going to be a runner and sure enough she is the moment you speak a word that word will come to pass [Applause] she is fast i mean she is quick she's a runner she is amazing she can do things i mean in in in seconds she's so fast she can move from one room to another really fast we don't even know where she is half of the time she's exploring around the house so you gotta have eagle eyes and you gotta have this sermon like sharp discernment like where is she right now she's in another room she's exploring she's touching you know she's attracted and you know babies love power sockets and they love uh they love to play with kitchen utensils and they love to open the drawers and they love to just you know they love to test your faith and they love to play with coins and i was one of those so i put a coin in my mouth when i was two years old and they had to take me to the hospital i almost died you know so the enemy i mean i'm telling you so so i'm dealing with the situation and i'm praying and the lord spoke to me and the lord said why don't you play healing scriptures and i said well that's great that's powerful yes yes that's wonderful i should i should play healing scriptures the lord gave me an idea you know when the lord speaks to you you got to be humble number one humble number two you gotta cast your cares and number three you gotta be watchful so so so the lord is speaking to me and the lord says to me why don't you play healing scriptures stop complaining stop you know going on about this play healing scriptures like come on get over yourself preacher how many times has got that how many times has god done that to you where he gets your attention you feel like elijah you feel like you're the only one and everybody else is rejecting you and you feel like you're alone and you're fighting this battle and there's no hope and there's no answer and there is no exit hello and god comes and says get over yourself hello how many times has have you heard the lord saying that like you know almost like get out shake that fear shake that anxiety shake those bad thoughts and get over yourself get up rise up and let the enemy know who is in charge come on somebody [Applause] and so i went to youtube and i was playing some healing scriptures from uh benny hinn's uh channel and i began to listen to the word and that word begin to flood my spirit with with faith and power and positivity and that word began to open my mind and my spirit and and those you know it's like the word heals your body the word heals your spirit the word works through your body you know when the word of god is released your brain responds to the word of god did you know that your brain has a certain reaction when the word of god is released they have tested it they have seen it especially people that are spirit-filled oh their brain is something else [Music] hello [Applause] so we get an extra level of power hallelujah come on we're not nominal people we're not natural people we're supernatural we can see through the wall we we have eagle eyes come on somebody we can we can soar above the storm come on we can go through the obstacles nothing will stop us nothing will hold us back because we have the holy spirit we have jesus we have the anointing we have a powerful arsenal of weapons that are available at our disposal [Applause] so cast your cares so then i begin to pray the scriptures i begin to confess those scriptures and that's what and guess what it was like 2 a.m in the morning and the doctor came into the room and he was so joyful and you know at this point he doesn't have a mask on he's you know he's got a beautiful smile and he's like i don't know what happened but we just had to turn around we just had a breakthrough like something just happened we treated we treated her with something and it managed to stop the you know the issue that was going on it managed to stop and so she is going to be out tomorrow morning i mean it was a miracle it was a miracle come on somebody praise the lord [Applause] cast your cares be watchful don't entertain thoughts don't entertain the enemy whispering in your ears and telling you you got to do this don't compromise your your conviction don't compromise the word of god don't compromise the truth don't compromise the promises of god don't compromise your destiny and your children's destiny don't compromise tomorrow don't compromise what god is about to do in this hour don't compromise your prophetic destiny out of convenience don't compromise your conviction don't compromise that is the the plead that's coming from the throne of god god is basically saying my church my people don't compromise there will be difficult times ahead your faith will be tested many will be persecuted but when i compare the persecution that we are going through with the persecution that my brothers in china are going through or the persecution that the church in afghanistan or in other places around the middle east what they're going through i have no words i cannot even compare it i can't even match it i can't even match it what we're going through here is nothing compared to what some are some believers around the world are going through so be watchful be wise put on your prophetic glasses understand the times discern the times don't allow the enemy to fool you resist the devil resist the devil and he will flee from here that's the word for you right now clothe yourself with humility humble yourself cast your anxieties because he cares for you be watchful because the enemy is like a lion he's roaring he's you know prowling around like a roaring lion but how many of you know that we have the lion of judah so when the enemy is coming against us we can use our faith and our authority in the word of god and he's going to have to pack he's going to have to leave us he's going to have to flee you know i have seen the power of god at work one time many years ago in guatemala uh satan has came to one of our meetings he was dressed all in black he had a long pointy tail he had a sharp um knife in his back pocket and he was given an assignment and the assignment was to stab the preacher and i was a boy preacher back then it was only like well teen preacher was like 14 years old i was holding meetings in guatemala at big meetings my first crusade happened when i was 14 i preached to 20 000 people live in a stadium 2 000 people came to the lord it was amazing what the lord did in those years as a boy preacher i can only tell you about it but a lot of the stories are actually recorded in my book boy preacher so this guy was coming up to me he had a plan he had applaud he was going to do it but guess what the lord stopped him he froze he was paralyzed like a statue there for two hours he couldn't move [Music] it was weird to see him [Laughter] everybody is paying attention listening to the message they're all sitting there having a great time then during the ministry time people are getting set free and healed demons are coming out and you know people are coming to jesus they're getting saved and at the end of the service this guy's standing there like a statue but at this time i noticed that he was in tears and he was shaken by the power of god and he came down the aisle shaking trembling and he gave his life to jesus he kneeled down and he accepted jesus as his personal savior and the next day he came back he didn't have the ponytail get rid of it he was wearing a suit he put in a tie you know he put on the preacher's uniform you know what i'm saying back then i was 14 and my mom thought it would it would be a good idea for her to sew she actually no she she ordered she went to this shop and she wanted me to wear the benny hinn classic suit you know the white suit and so she ordered one for me and i was preaching at the age of 14 wearing that benny hen classic suit i look like benny jr [Applause] [Applause] so he comes into the office and the pastor tells me what's going on and the pastor says you know this guy yesterday he came to the meeting he was full of hate he wanted to he you know he then began to tell the story he really wanted to do something bad like he he was full of anger and he was sent by the enemy and and then the guy says yeah i really i wanted to stab you i wanted to kill you last night and that room just silent you know went into this silence and just everybody was silenced and nobody was saying anything and he says well when you were preaching i saw a firewall and i couldn't go through that firewall because it was so tall and so mighty and so shiny that i froze and i was trying my best with my own power to fight that and i could not overcome it and then at the end i realized that i was powerless and that the power you carried was more powerful than the power i had [Applause] so i realized that i needed to surrender my life to jesus so here i am i just want to tell you that i gave my life to jesus and i'm going to preach and i'm you know he became a preacher actually he became an evangelist resist the devil and he will flee from you don't be afraid of adversity don't be afraid of trials don't be afraid of what may come down the road don't be afraid of the enemy's challenges and threats resist the devil take a stand you know take a stand in the kingdom take a stand for your family take a stand in the kingdom and don't allow the enemy to sway you to the right or the left but be strong and be courageous come on be watchful and resist the devil and the bible says that he will flee from here because you've got the anointing of god all over here and so the enemy will acknowledge that and i'm going to give you the four keys the four blessings of uh walking as a victorious believer number one the lord will restore he will restore everything the enemy is stole from you number two the lord will confirm your identity the lord will acknowledge and he will give you power and he will give you identity he will confirm before man and before others who you are and what you're meant to do number three the lord will give you strength and number four the lord will establish you you will be rooted you will be planted you will be fruitful you will be as a strong believer when you walk in the spirit when you acknowledge and you handle yourself and you pray in the spirit casting all your anxiety casting all your worry casting all the fear you know sometimes you just gotta let the enemy know hey enemy even though you remind me of my past constantly i'm gonna remind you of your future today [Applause] you got to stand in the gap and you got to let the enemy know you're a loser i got the power of the holy spirit i got the real deal i got the annoying thing i don't have a counterfeit i don't have a copy of the anointing i have a genuine a legitimate unique anointing and that anointing is going to make room for me that anointing is going to make room for you and that anointing is going to make you flourish and that anointing is going to make you overflow and that anointing is going to make you strong and even when you feel down and you feel upset and you feel like no one is listening when you call on the name of jesus when you call on the anointing the anointing will shift the atmosphere the anointing will shift the landscape the anointing will shift your mindset the anointing will shift the circumstances around you and when you're going through a storm the anointing will make you strong even when you're going through the wilderness the anointing will carry you and before you know it you are not walking but you are flying the anointing will make you see when others are not able to see the anointing will make you see the anointing will make you really really sharp lord fill us with the anointing come on spraying the spirit [Applause] lord i i won i want humility i want to be a broken vessel before you lord god i want to cast my cares so many of you are concerned about the the facts you know what i'm saying so many of you are concerned about the future so many of you are concerned about the government's you know powerful grip so many of you are concerned about losing your job so many of you are concerned about your children and the mandates and the persecution so many of you are reading the newspaper watching the news or going through youtube and watching those videos and you are terrified of the future but i have good news for you the lord jesus is the king of kings and the lord of lords and he is coming back he is coming back but he is not coming back for a church that is walking in the feed he is walking he is coming back for a church that is walking in signs and wonders so there will be a time where the church is going to have to rely on the supernatural sources of god they're going to have to rely on provision they're going to have to rely on miracles they're going to have to rely on healing they're going to have to rely on the supernatural more so than before because now is the time where the church is going to have to shine and they're going to have to take a stand and they're going to have to be bold and courageous because they will be tested they will be pushed they will be bullied they will be persecuted when i saw this video of pastor arthur in canada the other day and he was arrested did you see it he was uh he was actually i think he was in a private plane he was flying somebody flew him from the states to back to canada and they intercepted his flight i guess or they knew that he was coming instead of welcoming and welcoming him instead of you know honoring him they arrested him on the spot and i just love what he does he he never takes the enemy you know from a place of weakness he takes the enemy from a place of strength and he knows how to knock the enemy out so instead of standing there you know he gets on his knees and they they were like you know they were shocked like what are you doing we're not asking you to get on your knees you know but he kneeled down he was kneeling down he knelt down before those before the lord as a sign of brokenness and surrender and then he was released and i'm praying i'm praying that god will give him victory a lot of churches in australia are not able to have their services because of what's going on in in this pandemic europe and many other places around the world we need to pray but the church we need to walk in the sermon we need to understand the times we need to see in the spirit we need to resist the devil we need to be watchful and we need to walk in humility father i thank you for this word but the church will prevail the church will prevail we will overcome and we will prevail so come on just begin to pray in the spirit i want to pray for those who are battling with anxiety fear panic those who are battling with thoughts of fear if you're battling with something this morning i want to pray for you [Music] i want to call the worship team to come forward oh jesus you're worthy of it all you are worthy of it all [Music] why don't you just raise your hands and begin to pray in the spirit and begin to ask the lord god show me your glory [Music] why don't you all stand up and begin to pray in the spirit come on just begin to pray in the spirit i know that some of you here are battling with anxiety i know that some of you are battling with fear i know that some of you are battling with uh worry and concern i know that some of you can't even sleep at night thinking about the future and thinking about tomorrow but i've given you four keys humility cast your cares this morning surrender before the lord be watchful be wise and resist the enemy no matter what the enemy is trying against you and your family resist the devil and he will flee from you oh you're worthy if you are battling with fear or sickness i want to pray for those who are battling with a sickness and fear anxiety or concern if you're battling those feelings and they are real don't undermine them don't downplay it ask the holy spirit to shake that off of you [Music] can i ask the holy spirit to to set you free ask the holy spirit to release your mind if you have those battles and you are battling right now why don't you please out of a place of humility just come forward and we're going to pray for you this is going to be a very specific prayer call if you're battling anxiety and you're battling fear you're battling you're battling something sickness or something in your body come forward why don't we all just raise our hands and pray in the spirit praying the spirit of come on [Music] [Music] do [Music] if you're watching online join us and we will pray for you too oh jesus let's worship together [Music] let's just break into a prophetic song into the song you're worthy of it all you're worthy of it all come on [Music] you are worthy of at all you are worthy of at all well for from you are all things and to you are all things and you deserve the glory command church you are worthy of at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on raise your hands you are worthy of oh the glory cloud is filling this place [Music] the glory cloud is filling this place fire fire fire fire fire lord i pray for those for those who are dealing with anxiety i pray that all anxiety will will be gone i pray that all anxiety will be lifted i pray that all anxiety will disappear lord i pray that all anxiety fear concern will be gone in the name of jesus i come against the spirit of fear and i come against the spirit of anxiety and i command the spirit of anxiety to leave them now in the name of jesus i pray against all sickness and all attacks of the enemy and i command with the power and the authority that you have bestowed upon me that all of them will be free that all of them will be healed that all of them will receive their breakthrough sandra bacato come and pray in the spirit you are worthy of at all now i'm gonna pray for the fired of god [Music] oh you're worthy [Music] yes [Music] come on come on come on pray in the spirit bring the spirit up you must send them out lord i pray against sickness and against pain and anxiety in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can you play that instrument [Music] thank you [Music] come on raise your hands and listen to the sound of heaven [Music] and as you're listening to the sound of heaven something is happening in your spirit god is unlocking your destiny god is setting you free all those chains are falling off you they're falling off of you they're falling the lord is healing you the lord is healing you shandra man [Music] you're worthy of at all [Music] and as you're listening to that sound from heaven the spirit of god is coming upon you and just like i saw that vision i believe there is a rain and there is a torrential rain coming and i believe in the spirit that you will be baptized with the the power and the anointing and that there is going to be fire falling from the ceiling i see it in the spirit of shandra [Music] and i see the diliquid fire is is consuming your anxiety that liquid fire is consuming your fear that liquid fire is consuming the sickness that liquid fire is consuming the worry that liquid fire is consuming consuming consuming that liquid fire is coming on you chandra now all the instruments all the instruments [Music] you are worthy you are worth that you are worth that you are worthy your worth that you are worth you are worthy come on all the instruments all the instruments you are worthy of at all oh you are worthy of [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of our own oh and anxiety in jesus name [Music] [Applause] fire fire [Music] [Applause] you are worthy worthy worthy worthy i take authority over all things [Music] in jesus name come on keep praying keep praying keep worshiping the anointing is so strong i take authority over all fear in jesus name i pray and release healing oh you are worthy worthy i take authority over all fear and anxiety and commanded to leave and i take authority over all sickness and pray for healing in jesus name come on come on pray in the spirit come on come on worship him come on just keep keep keep worshiping keep worshipping keep worshiping keep worshipping keep worshipping shandra souls [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The River Church of Waupun
Views: 46
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: SjrtHZgbAb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 43sec (4843 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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