The River Guest Speaker Sharon Parkes Morning Service

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wow she carries the fire amen even on her head amen praise the lord tongs of fire she's the intergalactic apostolic prophetic yeah she likes that yeah she's uh she flows in the prophetic she flows in the apostolic she flows and teach and i mean just you know she's she's a five folder and we honor her can we just we can we just raise our hands forward um and just say i'm going to receive from one that was sent from the father let's say that i will receive from one from one that said that's from the from the father and just say i'm hungry hungry hungry i'm hungry i'm very hungry hungry hey man be as hungry as a blind dog in a meat factory and you'll receive amen and just a little housekeeping we're going to be taking a love offering for for our sister sharon she comes all the way from delaware but she's part of christian international and so there's a couple of buckets here that say guest minister make it out to the river everything goes today we'll go to her you know for and then there's a normal big bucket are for the river tithe and offerings thank you for your faithfulness and that and tonight uh sharon's going to be here at 6 30 it's going to be a healing service she can tell you more about that so you need to invite your friends but we're honored to have you here miss um beautiful sharon parks thank you so much i got the you got the wrong mic honey where's the other mic [Applause] yeah here you go there you go is it on all right i'm not so good with this kind of stuff right i just i it's like make it work okay i'm going to start off with um could i need to prophesy over those two just need to okay last night he was like oh no not you know but afterwards i left my glasses in my purse there's a little magnifying one dollar at the dollar store glasses it helps especially i've been crying a lot so my eyes are just like and so there wasn't worship awesome i was just like oh so that's why yeah i was like i'm quiet because the presence of god is [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] i love it you know cuz you know religion would be all serious you know well extend your hands towards the man or woman of god you might want to sit i don't know how strong the anointing is going to be pretty strong probably somebody uh behind them please okay actually face me there's somebody behind them please okay ready almost every song was confirming what god was saying to me even last night and even today for the lord would say son and daughter i've called you as ones that will restore lives the lord says yes it is the river but it's a river of life says the lord your god and i saw people come in and and their hearts were like you know you've seen those uh commercials for hearts and they're in two pieces and the lord says many are gonna come and not just in two pieces some in four pieces some their hearts have been shattered and they've been so disappointed and the lord says even in churches that said they know me but there was no evidence of me says the lord your god but the father says i've called you in this season when there has been such devastation destruction in people's lives to restore and many are coming from the north south and east and west and the lord said there is going to be an expansion the lord says this is like an intermediate place there's the next place but the lord says i've called you as one that not just brings the healing and the restoration and the restitution but the lord says to equip my saints for this last day says the lord your god and the father says i'm bringing in even that anointing that's a breaker anointing that breaks off even the things that have been in this region says the lord your god and the father said you've stood and you've cleared some territory and you've cleared some atmosphere but the lord says there's even more the lord says we're not only pushing it back the lord says we're taking back what was mine and and and i just saw in the spirit that there was something years ago she got about maybe 100 25 maybe 25 years i don't know but there was a deposit in this soil and the lord says you're going to re-dig the well you're going to re-dig the wells whoa and the lord says uh that he kept it hidden for such a time as this the esther thing for such a time as this and the lord says that apostolic prophetic anointing is increasing on both of you the lord says even the abundance the lord says he's blessing you uh just so much you know it was like king david you know he had so much they had to give it away right and the lord says that's what you're gonna do and the lord says that there's many that's going to come out of this house that will be world changers nation-changers [Applause] and the lord says even the anointing that this house carries is growing stronger and i see that like during worship many are just being just restored and healed it's not even about the ministry and set time to minister to them says the lord but it's the anointing that's released that is on this property and the lord says see there's even an increase increase of the angelic visitation the lord says even the angels are going to be ministering to people during the worship that's what i saw and i as i was sitting back there i just said i'm gonna cry i just felt the presence of the lord so strong and it's such a love and we know that love heals so we know that and so it's just that that i i saw that lesson when i was praying for y'all that warm oil that warm gilead oil the bomb of gilead that people are going to begin to say wow i feel this warm oil it's like what people do when they do massages i guess that warm oil and the lord says it's my anointing oil that's be and it's fresh oil you know one time i had this oil and it was all sticking because it was old but the lord said it's my fresh anointing that i'm releasing my fresh oil says the lord your god and there's more revelation coming says the lord your god the father says he's peeling back into the spirit realm like never before and you had to seem to toil to get there but the lord says no more uh there used to be something called the easy button at uh [Applause] okay at staples they had the easy button and i see you're gonna hit the easy button and you're gonna be transformed into that next place says the lord your god hallelujah hallelujah so i bless your son and daughter with that new with the refreshing lord god with the new with that mantle he's mantling you fresh and anew today says the lord your god glory glory glory glory yes oh whoa i see people coming in sometimes and they can't stand they'll just be slain in the spirit god's it's like god's operating room you know god's just gonna go in and just remove some things whoa yes [Music] i see some hooked up to iv's a love [Applause] yep what else father yes the miracles i saw that last night when i prayed for you okay put your hands out yeah there we go you talk about fire oh you can that's what i saw just like fire coming out of your hands it was like whoa like one of those cartoon super evils you know there's a fire coming out and it's a healing healing healing we talked today about my lava earrings and the lava does cover and burns up and the lord says it's gonna burn up even the territorial things but the even the demonic that's in people once again let's go back to that easy button it's not gonna be you know it's gonna be i can't get away from the easy button [Applause] and and i just saw you're just going to be going that was easy that was easy [Applause] that was easy glory anyway and that's what you're going to say says the lord um the deliverance the healing the miracles transitioning into the new even the finances coming in for the new and for the next says the lord you're going to be able to say that was easy and as the revival comes down that was easy as the miracles come down that was easy as transformation comes down that was easy [Laughter] glory glory bless him father god i thank you father god they are equipped to carry the mantle for the next season father in jesus name amen [Applause] okay wow i like what pastor lisa says you can't make this stuff up [Applause] even as a prophets it's great to have some confirmation okay amen amen i i said this on friday or maybe i said it to pastor wayne and lisa but you know i believe that 2020 with the covet and all the stuff we've went through prepared us for 2021 now we're ending the year of uh 2021. now we're in the hebraic here okay uh going into that 57-82 and god is great things okay and one thing we say at christian international what god says in the light he does not change his mind in the darkness so many of you have had prophetic words we've not seen the fulfillment of those but wait for it you know you hear people go way for it because god will surely bring it to past you know a lot of us have words that that from years ago i'm still standing on the words for my family right and it's not like god says oh wow you know i don't know why that didn't work but maybe you know but i hold on to if god said it it surely will happen amen all right so um i prayed for somebody recently i see a later leader he was you know just they've been facing a lot of infirmity lately you know i think they had coveted and then he had had some kind of infection and this and that and and i said that's enough you need to cease and desist um enemy and i prayed that and so i felt for today to say that again okay y'all listen to this this is so cool a cease and desist letter is a document sent to an individual or business to stop illegal activity that means to cease and not to re restart that activity that means to desist the letter may warn that if the recipient does not discontinue specified contact or takes certain actions by deadlines said in the letter that party may be sued a system desist letter also known as a demand letter is a written communication that demands that the recipient cease and desist from actions that interfere with the sender's legal rights guess what we have a cease and desist letter it's called the word of god your bible is a cease and desist letter to the enemy amen some of us we kind of go with the flow oh well that's just life it is not just life we need to get a revelation of who we are and the authority that god has placed within us one time when i was ministered in england i i lived in different but not lived but stayed with different people and different hotels and stuff but i was with a young lady and i was near uh the parliament and um and the abbey and all that and i was walking down and just cause because i like to walk around you know and and um i was telling pastor lisa one time when i ministered in belfast ireland they had another a guest minister and i had never met him before he was from the states and we walked in and my husband and i sat on the front row um i think he was ministering that night we were in minister the next night man we sat down and he came over to prophesy over and he goes i don't know who you are but i saw who came in with you he said two nine-foot angels and i have never that's probably been about 15 years ago that service and i've never forgot that so when i go out of a hotel i go in any nation i go to i say everywhere my foot trods i take dominion and i say come on guys let's go for a walk amen and uh so i'm um i'm in london there and i'm walking around you know and um and i was just uh looking at people you know there's a lot of oppression um you know everybody's in a hurry and you know there's all the congestion and everybody just looked really uh you know and i really take it to heart about that i can rule and reign and shift atmospheres and so i was being like you know what ah i'm going to shift this thing and i started you know i didn't go around going sugar but anyway i was just walking around and and i just look at people and just the presence of god do we not carry the lord in us do we not carry the spirit of the living god inside of us so guess what i saw people's faces start to change instead of they'd be like okay you know smiling back at me you know and then i walked by the parliament there and i never saw that before and they had a door and the door said sovereigns enter here and i know it's for the queen and the royals but i said wow lord they have a door for you [Applause] and i begin to prophesy into that i remember just recently tori marcel a young man who has a global prayer center in times square in new york city so uh tori about two years ago he has been every couple times a year uh to minister to his staff and leadership and and um anyway so i remember i talked about a.b simpson the other night well ab simpson in um who had the first restorative truth about divine healing he um when he finished uh bible school like a seven year program in a couple years he's really anointed his first church in toronto canada was like a thousand or two thousand mega church right but then they sent a b to the states they sent him to louisville kentucky and most people don't know who a b is but anybody know who a.w tozer is that that was his spiritual son all right so uh a.b was sent to to um kentucky and uh it was just after the civil war 1865 and he was sent there because they thought a canadian could help unite the black and the whites in church and all that and so he was there but abe just you know he just was out of the box preacher he did not um he loved worship and all that they didn't like all that stuff he he would he was so evangelistic he moved in all five gifts he truly was an apostle um and he you know would get people to come in the church and and so he was always butting head with the board you know and uh so he was what he had it was he kept being called on the carpet and he was going to be called in again had another meeting and where they were going to reprimand him again and he was walking and talking to the lord he goes lord where can i go that i can reach the nations of the world the lord said new york city so he said okay and that night they had him come in they go hey b you've been here a little bit and you know we just have a difference of opinion this is all in the book called wing spread that tozer wrote about a b and he s they said uh you know we find out that you're no good for us we're no good for you so we're gonna send you to another church one of our churches wait for it in new york city so the devil paid the ticket so he goes to new york city and once again he it in the book wing spread by tozer it says that a b would walk on the dock and get a hundred italian dock workers saved try to bring him in the church and the powers that be would stand at the door we don't want those down and outers in our church so abe said to the lord where can i go you know what can i do what kind of church can i have where i can not just you know go to the nations his heart was to send missionaries to the nations they want that's why they call it christian missionary alliance but he said i have to have a place for these people when we evangelize to be discipled and trained right and that's how he started he goes i don't want to start another denomination but the lord said start christian and missionary alliance and that's actually my husband's ancestry there were missionaries some of his cousins were born in africa and everything okay so it's kind of cool that when god took us to canada 14 years ago that we bought the land that was a.b simpson's family's land and we had the healing center on it so it's kind of all cool it's a long story i won't go into it but what i'm saying is i believe you know that we need um to really expect in this next season you know sometimes we just need to dust our knees off and get back up and get in there amen and i understand disappointment i understand fear i understand all those things but as i said i refuse to stay back there amen all right so we have covenant with the lord and that covenant includes health and healing so tonight we're going to do miracles all right i'm going to share some scriptures share some testimony because it's going to build your faith i shared that yesterday i believe that um bosworth who was a faith healer i think he was from the 40s uh ff bosworth but he said more people were healed when he taught on healing than he actually laid hands on so when you bring the word it brings faith amen so okay back to worship and that's why i was crying so much the last song oh how he loves us okay so i don't know when it was two weeks ago maybe uh it popped up on my facebook um a famous singer okay and i knew about justin bieber's mom i knew and that she was a born-again spirit-filled christian she actually goes to the toronto airport or toronto vineyard under the arnotts and um that she you know i found a little clip of her and she was talking about casting out devils and everything i'm like wow so this mom prayed for her son and so then a clip popped up and it was justin bieber beaver i said bieber bieber b-i-e-b-r singing oh how he loves us with with some other uh other yes and i just cried and cried and because if god could get his heart because of a praying mom i just felt to tell the that those parents out there that are waiting for the prodigals to come home that we are in a season for the prodigals to come home so we call forth the prodigals to come boom in the mighty name of jesus we break up the deception we break off the abuse we break off even the drugs and the alcohol we right now break off even the heartbreak that they have walked in father and the disappointment lord god and the disillusionment because they haven't seen you manifest in the churches they've only seen religion so i thank you father god for healing their hearts and father we begin to release the dreams father god when they lay down their head hits that pillow begin to speak into their ears father in jesus name heal them father god instantly father god we know we got different rehab centers but you're the greatest in you're the greatest rehab center father god you don't even do a 30-step program it's instill so father i thank you that as they have been faithful in all areas lord god you're going to be faithful because of family covenants and father we claim that today if you could take somebody that doesn't need anything the rich and famous like justin bieber because of a praying mom and bring him into your kingdom you can do the same for our sons and daughters brothers sisters nieces nephews grandchildren in jesus mighty name amen and amen thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord recently i live in delaware and before covet i was traveling almost every weekend and international and places and so we didn't have time to see any of these sites and one of the things i'd heard about was in pennsylvania they have a place called sight and sound and they do wonderful plays christian plays they have hundreds of people they even have like the horses you know that the roman soldiers ride come down to the audience and they have all these live animals it is so cool and so i'd always i wanted to go but we hadn't had the time and so our anniversary was august 3rd but i was minister in new york city at the time so i told my husband we need to go celebrate sometime so i think it was two weeks ago um the play esther was going on yeah i'm telling you because i've always loved the book of esther and and i know that pastor lisa has taught the ladies on that but you know a lot of times when i teach uh do a woman's conference i'll bring a bester because you know deborah you're the prophetess and all that yes that's all cool but esther when you look at her life okay this encouraged me because you know here i am this little quaker farm girl and look where i go now the nations of the world you know i'd be standing in italy and milan i got to minister the milan in milan italy my husband to the mayor of milan in italy only god right so it's not about oh look how anointed i am but i am but but it's just like the doors that god opens that you you just couldn't possibly it's not like i sit around praying okay i'm going to go here we're going to go there god just sends me like i told you about lithuania didn't even know where that country was but but i love it because i love to see people set free and restored okay so anyways let me read you some facts about esther okay everything in her life seemed impossible okay and um but what god what nothing is impossible right matthew 19 26 but jesus beheld them and said unto them with men this is impossible but with god all things are possible okay so the story about esther okay is she was an orphan her parents died when she was young and her uncle raised her you know i mean i knew that but it didn't hit me until one day i was studying it and i went my gosh she was an orphan she had nothing right she didn't have a mom and dad you know they were jewish you know they they loved the lord i don't you know know what happened to her parents but her parents died and there she is left in norman uh an orphan and she's um raised by this uncle you know and uh who is a jewish scholar right a priest and um so but we talking about sovereign god's sovereign plan was he positioned her for what such a time as this amen matthew 19 26 said looking straight into their eyes jesus replied again this is from the passion translation humanly speaking no one because no one can save himself but what seems impossible to you is never impossible to god so god chose her right from birth right to bring freedom to his people she had to advocate for her people and she faced a death sentence right when she went before the king she wasn't called but just think how god changed and positioned her an orphan to be in the palace to be the queen this guy this king he just didn't have a little kingdom he had i think it was 100 either 120 729 provinces or countries that she became queen over but we know it was not just for a position uh to have a position but it was a position a power and authority so when you look at your life and say oh you know i don't make enough money i'm never gonna whatever you need to read the book of esther because it will encourage you men and women you have to understand god is positioning us back to that italy thing i just been thinking about that the last couple weeks i'm like god some of the things you've done and you've opened doors to speak into people's lives that are very influential but let me tell you the story about italy okay so we first timed italy my husband was with me on that first trip uh so we ministered milan in two different churches and um so i think we minister like nine days and it was really back and forth back forth you know pretty tired and uh never got to go like sight scenes and do all that i mean we had maybe an hour to see real quick you know some things um downtown you know where like i go oh that's a nice jacket gucci how much twenty thousand dollars pastor lisa i'd be like that is no bargain shopping okay and i'd be like oh look at that louis vuitton shop let me walk in 10 000 20 oh yeah i'm just winner shopping thank you but anyways and um anyway because it's the fashion capital of the world and we had models and everything staying at the hotel we were at but anyway so between the two churches we were very tired and we were leaving to take a train to go to florence italy to minister and um so they said hey you know we're gonna anytime anybody tells you they're gonna take you and let you have a little rest you know and see some sites that's not always true okay that's like i said they took and they said okay you got a little bit of time go ahead and go to these stores and look and i did you know and then came back out because you know i could buy a house for what they charge right or at least a car you know and so i come out and they said okay they said oh we have some place you have to stop and i said okay and they go um we want you to come because you're going to minister the mayor of milan i'm going what i don't even think i could say one plus one is two i am so tired so i text apostle jane hammond i go we're ministering to mayor milan can you pray really fast you know she goes you got this [Laughter] i'm like i don't think so so we go in and uh apparently he was a spiritual christian and so we're ministering to him but he also had a lady with him and she was head of the socialist party and she's sitting there and she's doing one of these and i thought we're going to have a runner i better hurry up and get done prophesying to the mayor here and get her all right so anyways i mean she really wasn't doing one of these you know like she did not want to be there but this is what this is how cool god is right so we're ministering to the marriage you're going to buy a prophet saying and then i go and the lord would say to you daughter and she's like you know and i said i see when you were five years old i mean god was so specific god doesn't always have me do that you know specific ages and all that i said when you're five years old i see the abuse and she starts to cry she goes don't make me cry i said i'm not trying to make you cry i'm just going to continue on what god has to say to you and just start talking about the abuse and stuff and she you know on to you know how she had been abused by men and this and that and had to fight so hard being a woman in politics and and stuff but i knew it was so important for to shape a nation you know i knew whatever she was doing was very important to god and so you know started you know she's crying and she's sobbing and god is just pointing out and touching and healing and then it was over and she kissed our hands oh thank you there's so much and then she got cigarazzi you know she didn't speak in english and so anyways but they said oh and now we have some businessmen for you to prophesy too so anyway squeeze that washcloth okay get it dry so she goes out and she's you know i thought they left her in the mayor and stuff but every time they opened the door to bring more people and she was sitting at their [Applause] gun twice i went to italy that was the best part that lady that i mean i if anybody's watching from florence and all that yeah that was great but what happened with her was worth it all i believe god sent us there for her amen and uh yes pastor susannah and neil i love you too and they do a tremendous work they have a lot of young people that goes to the street and worships and gets people saved and that's all good but what i'm saying is who am i to to be able to minister to people like that you know only god only gods right but i but the whole thing for that lady the head of the socialist party was because of the abuse and i could recognize it and deliver of it is it so cool all right so the devil thinks he's trying to beat me up and literally and kill me all those years and yet god said okay let's send her to minister to this kind of backfired on him didn't it [Applause] all right exodus 1 6-19 i titled this the enemy has a plan oh by the way wait a minute ministered to the milan italy guy that was easy okay all right exodus 1 6-19 and joseph died and all his brothers and all that generation but the children of israel were fruitful and increased oh let's do it this way but the children of the river church in upon wisconsin were fruitful and increased abundantly multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty and the land was filled with them now there arose a new king over a pawn who did not know joseph and he said to his people look the people of the children of israel and upon at the river church are more and mightier than we come let us deal surely with them least they multiply and it happened in the event of war that they also join our enemies and fight against us and so go out of the land everybody say therefore they set taskmasters right over them to afflict them with the burdens and they built for pharaoh supply cities pit on them and ramses but the more they afflicted them say the more he afflicts me the more i'm going to multiply and grow [Applause] and and they were enjoyed of the children of israel so the egyptians made the children of israel serve with rigor and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage and mortar and brick and all manner of service in the field all their service in which they made them serve was with rigor the word rigor is the word perek and it means cruelty great oppression being ferocious with them amen so let me tell you this the more the enemy tries to kill steal and destroy the more he tries to oppress the more he tries to make you serve with that rigor the more god is going to bless you and give back i prophesy over you today that you are walking into the restitution that god has promised that there is attorney this day you are walking in and you're leaving that stuff behind and it's like you're walking into a spring season where the flowers begin to bloom again many of you have felt like and i know you're in wisconsin and i'm sure you have cold winters but everything seems cold around you even in the summertime because everything is so hard and you have to struggle and you have to persevere and you're getting a little bit weary but the lord says he's breaking that off today says the lord of god and the father says i'm launching you into 2022 into destiny says the lord your god into fulfillment into those promises i promised and the prophetic words that have went over you and your family says the lord your god the father says even tonight there's that healing anointing and i see that it's not just for just colds there's some miracles going to happen tonight there's some miracles thank you father thank you father grace grace grace exodus 33 16 for wherein shall it be known that i and i people have found grace in thy sight amen god is pouring out supernatural grace you know there's a sugar by kid but there's teachings on on this grace you know that you can sin all week and it's okay god's got this grace i won't say who does that but anyway there's some well-known ministries that teach that there's a consequence to sin amen i'm not talking about the spirit of religion you know where you have to you know it's about all that you do the works you do it's not about a works mentality it's about a holy mentality it's about a holiness god is calling us to step away from some things god is saying this is the open door for the attack the lord is saying close those doors and um pastor wayne already said that he talked about some of you uh being unequally yoked whether it's on the internet uh that he was speaking to somebody and prophesying or somebody that's here but you really need to re-examine your life i know i've been doing that god if there's anything you know that i need to let go anything that i shouldn't be involved in anything i shouldn't be doing whatever please show me and like i said it's not like touched by an angel where you just glow you know what i mean but it's about walking in his holiness and carrying his presence amen carrying his presence and releasing that anointing amen okay back to tori marcel you know i believe you know the tongues you know are so important and a lot of churches spiritual churches don't even speak in tongues they don't even talk about salvation heaven and hell i remember when i was growing up i was raised a quaker but we would go to baptist tent meetings in the summer and i remember you know the going to hell fiery messages and i remember my nephew he was only three years younger me we'd go home and we'd be fighting the devil you know just crazy stuff i don't know where i learned that you know anyway but i praise god for understanding there is a heaven and hell amen and because so many people don't understand there's a consequence to your sin okay one time i was on a plane and i think i was flying to pittsburgh or someplace anyways um and and i run into really famous people what is that guy's name on chips eric estrada yeah i ran in him airport in panama city you know i just used the first anyway i ran into these people but anyway so this guy so i got upgraded to first class because uh i got a lot of miles so it came up because i fly i used to fly like a hundred thousand miles a year but not so much during code now okay um so i was in first class and um here comes some people when they go by and i'm i could tell they're musicians because they have like a guitar case and and different stuff so they go by you know and then this guy comes and goes excuse me excuse me i was on an aisle seat and he was sitting in and he had gold chains you know and his pants were down to here you know and he goes excuse me ma'am excuse me step beside me and so you know we're sitting there waiting for the plane to take off and he's gone and you know i kept doing this i said you okay and he said yes he goes uh i did a gig last night my throat's a little raw and i'm doing a gig in pittsburgh and i said oh what do you do and he goes i'm a musician he goes i'm a rap singer i go my son's a musician you know what's your name now does anybody know who you two is i never heard of them i'm in london and this lady in this group i was ministering to that call my yuppie group another group in london because i i minister all over london it's kind of all different flows and categories you know from up here to down here okay so um she goes i work for me brother and i said you do what's your brother do she goes his name is edge from you too and i go how do you spell that my son's a musician ask him if he knows who they are she goes seriously i said honestly so i text daniel later have you ever heard of a group he goes mom only the most but see i don't know these people right so that was funny so back to this guy anyway so i said what's your name and he goes shantilo and i go oh shanti you know and i said so your voice is i said i didn't say i was a minister i said you know i could pray for your for you you know and he goes yes ma'am and he grabbed my hands and bowed his head and i prayed for his throat and all that and so we started talking and i said so how'd you get involved in in you know being a rap artist and they guess well he goes my mom died when i was four a drug overdose and i said oh and he goes yeah and my grandma raised me and um and so then he goes and then when i got a little bit older i went to the gangs and went to the street and then i became a rap singer and all that and i said oh and um so he said but my grandma was a praying grandma and i said of course she was you know and i said i believe that's why i'm sitting beside you right now you know and uh so i can pray for you and and he goes yeah i've got so much stress and i said why you have so much stress shaun t you know we're strong shanti so why you have so much stress you know and it goes well he goes i'm supposed to be doing this show on mtv it's called baby mamas and i go he goes yeah cause i got 10 baby mamas and i go what's a baby mama he goes well i have 10 different children from 10 different women and so they want to do this reality show and he and i said i could see why that would be stressful anyway so i got to pray for him and he said i'm really he was really thinking about changing his life this is why i've told this story decisions y'all need to hear this and i'm gonna cry again three weeks later he signed a big record contract was out with two women a sports car and they wrecked and he got killed so it always stood with me that god i was sitting there not anybody could have been sitting there any christian letting you know prayed for him but he had a choice you know and he decided to go back into that that atmosphere of the partying the drugs and all that stuff i think the one lady lived one of the girls but him and her were killed but what i'm saying is we all have a destiny we all have a calling and we all have a choice i believe like never before the choices are becoming clearer and clearer it's either black or white you choose this and it's death or you choose life god's not playing any games in this last season okay am i saying god's coming tomorrow i'm i'm not into when god's coming back i just want to be ready and if he doesn't come back it's after i'm gone praise god that's fine but and i'm not a globe and doom prophet either i'm a i'm just going to tell it like it is i don't play games i you know i i'm not worried i've been delivered of rejection so if you like me fine if you don't i don't care [Laughter] so i'm going to shoot straight from the hip you know i can't believe it i'm 68 i go oh my gosh i'll be 70 in two years what i think the birth certificate was wrong i don't know but anyways but i believe that god you know i know i have a lot of gifting so one of them is joy and one of them is to give life and and i just i have a great gift of discernment okay and uh just like what i prophesy that's how i cast it out okay and set people free of long-standing things um but it's not just that it's also the word that i bring it always you talked about the sandwich at christian national we're taught to sandwich things in like oh you're doing a great job you know but you need to adjust this but that's really good how you're trying it's called sandwiching it in and that's kind of how you know i'm talking about restoration and i'm talking about cease and desist but now i'm doing correction right now because there's i just sense in the spirit some of you are at that place to make that decision and you need to walk away from some things amen okay now let's go to the other part of the sandwich that's really good okay so and i got off on this because i felt like god that's not even in my notes but god was speaking to a couple of you and i see that he's you've had the checks in your heart but and your spirit but you've still continued on okay because of grace and once again there's people that's you know that extreme grace and that's not from god because god is actually the originator of the curse god is their originator of correction because he says if you love your children your correct them so it's not that he's being mean to us but he loves us and he knows sometimes we take no as god's punishing us especially if you've been raised in a religion to i told you how my mom was very religious and like if people broke the sabbath or anything you know and she said those guys weren't going to be killed because they worked on the sabbath and i was watching out the window waiting for god to kill them and that's who i thought god was but it wasn't until my second surgery for cancer well we didn't end up being cancer because god miraculously healed me but i remember in that bedroom on hammond avenue god speaking to me and saying you know my whole perception of him was wrong and i was a deliverance minister but there was still it was so deep in me because i'd had the 17 years of abuse and all that stuff and so it was always like you know and you know just thinking i deserved what i got which is so untrue amen i think a guy called evie hill uh years ago on tbn he said i would not have changed my life at all because it's made me who i am today so all the things i've walked through and walking through i wouldn't change anything because that's what made me who i am today that's what made me have this passion and you know to travel the nations you think it's all glamorous and it is pretty cool but but it's hard sometimes you go to korea that's a 14-hour flight you know and you go there and you know and you're pouring out and pouring out but i've never i've never not loved seeing people set free i every person i minister to and i said this friday night is like the first person i just praised god and i've been doing this for 20 some years deliverance you know 30 some years with ci but i've never gone tired and i know because of the thing i've been trained really well in the enemy's camp i have i i guess i got a a phd and a doctorate in the boot camp i'm like a general [Applause] [Laughter] hallelujah so but i am going to say about grace there is grace because sometimes we make choices out of our hurts you know but god's trying that's why we need to be set free so we can choose the right things okay i also sense that we are in a time a supernatural grace okay to cover our mistakes that does not mean god says it's okay stay where you are but it kind of means he's hitting the delete button on some choices you know what it used to be i don't know if it does it now but on the computer you want to delete this you hit the delete button it comes up wire no y'all need to hit y yes amen a lot of times the lord when i'm ministering somebody he'll have me i'll say do you know what etch the sketch is yes take the edges sketch and go ahead and look and what does what does the devil say about you okay i just sketch it amen now what does god say about you i don't know look in the word what does god say about you thank you lord we need to get i spoke about that this weekend we have something from the brain in the hippocampus and on top of the brain too long and shaped things called the amygdala that stores the emotion of things that enter into our memory so you know there's healing with that but sometimes what god showed me about the hippocampus one time when i was ministering my husband when we lived on hammond avenue we had this furnace downstairs on the first level and my husband would change the filter and we'd take it out it was all dusty and i remember if he hit it stuff would fall everywhere you know so i said take this big old filter out you know and uh so the lord says my children need to change their filter change the filter you know how you do that you renew your mind in the word of god amen change our filter restitution and restoration and we talked about that i took with pastor lisa she's mentioned rest she said it's better than restoration i said yeah it's restitution it's the three r's restoration means putting something back in original form restitution means payback for what you lost you get back more and we used to have a word at ci called repleven that means getting back things that were illegally stolen and that's an illegal term a legal term that the courts use today so we need restoration restitution and replend and i believe we have walked into that season i can feel it in the atmosphere can you i mean when i got up this morning you know i had a little bit of froggy throat because i've been talking all weekend i was up in in the bathroom getting my shirt going waymaker mirror oh i gotta save my throat when my son youngest son struggled and tried to commit suicide in february 2019. um he was in the icu and now and then you know i'd take a break and go get uh something in the cafeteria it was on the same floor there in that big old hospital in baltimore and um so i went in and and i got something and i went up to pay for it and uh the girl she had an accident i go are you nigerian she said yes and i said ah all right i've never met her before and i go way maker she goes miracle worker promise key so every time every time i took a break went in there to get a drink or something to eat and stuff i'd go way maker we'd be singing and then people in the back are singing and is it like the coolest thing ever when my son was on that life support for the six days when my middle son had sudden death cardiac arrest uh in 2017. there's different types of warning i talked with pastor wayne at least about that the other night we were talking about some things they've been through and how they you know the warfare and how they wore it and stuff but from my son daniel it was it was aggressive warfare so like i stood outside that icu room when he uh when his heart stopped the second time and i said i'm calling you back to life i was like you know i'm just violently you know declaring but for my son kevin i'd anoint his head and anoint his feet and i just lean and say jesus loves you and i filled the room with waymaker a glorious day by christine stanfield that says you call my name lord and i ran out of the grave and i lean in and say we're calling your name kevin run out of the grave and then uh just just you know songs the worship the atmosphere of the lord was so strong and then i see you room people here's how the nurses and doctors walk in they go and they come in god is so good so in the midst of all that i got ministered to i get in the car and i want you know this guy says um then where you go and i said uh the whatever hotel and he goes okay because i would take with certain hours i'd have to make me leave not the first six days but after that he was in another part of the hospital we won't say what part maybe they had hours so i had to leave so i get in the back you know and this guy you know what hotel and i go are you nigerian he said yes ma'am i come this country i i'm called be pastor you know i said really he goes yeah and nothing happened and it's been so hard and then they're done you know trying to get my car this day and then once this i go you know what i said let me pray for you so i prayed and prophesied over him on the way back to them and then i get back to my room and everyone they had given me a hallmark card every employee in the in the hotel and gave me a little tray and a snickers bar and some fruit and everything and all saying we're praying for you and giving scriptures and even the maids the uh housekeepers would leave you know god's got this i'm praying for you or whatever see how god is his that's grace is that not grace everywhere but it just built my faith that god sees everything and he's always there and he's a personal god and that's what the worship was all about today right i'm going to end with this one god brings restitution to the schumannite woman right second kings 8 1-6 then speak elijah unto the woman whose son he had restored to life saying arise and go thou and thine household and sojourn wheresoever thou can sojourn for the lord hath called for a famine and it shall also come upon the land seven years verse two and the woman arose and did after the saying of the man of god and she went into her household and sojourned into the land of the philistines seven years and it came to pass at the seven years in that the woman returned out of the land of the philistines and she went forth to cry unto the king for her house and for her land and the king talked with gehaza the servant to the man of god saying tell me i pray thee all the great things that elijah have done and it came to pass us he was telling the king how he had restored a dead body to life that behold the woman whose son he had restored to life cried to the king for her house and for her land and gahasa said o lord my king this is the woman and this is her son whom elijah restored to life and when the king asked the woman she told him so the king appointed unto her a certain officer saying restore a little bit of it is that what i said restore all that was hers and all the fruits of the field since the day that she left the land until now i am going to go a little bit further and i'm going to prophesy her a few people i just feel you know i just feel it you know if we are in do you understand that those things you thought were gone those things some of you laid down 20 years ago i see seeds 20 30 years ago and you didn't see that seed come forth and you know barefoot but god says in this we you know i don't like cliche words i don't like this is the words we're all using now okay but i am telling you i feel it this morning when i woke up and as we're on the way here i even told pastor lisa i was in the kitchen she made me some oatmeal i was in the kitchen i said i feel happy i feel it i feel it but it's kind of like coming down the stairs on christmas morning and you you want to see what what's there right and you need to begin to expect to get you begin need to begin i'm going to take this drink okay all right that's water with lemon all right we need to let our faith arise we know this scripture in hebrews without faith it's impossible to please god right philippians 3 9 and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is the law but that which is through faith of christ the righteousness which is of god by faith you have to stand in faith no matter what it looks like you know why i love that song waymaker all the other you know wig maker miracle worker that's all cool god is a miracle worker but my favorite part of that song even when i don't see it he's working even when i don't feel it he's working because he never stops he never stops working the lord is saying that to you today sons and daughters even though you don't feel it even though you don't see it are you gonna have faith to believe like elijah and the servant you know wow we're really surrounded you know we need to go home or we're going to get killed you know and elijah prayed lord open the eyes of my servant to see that there is more with us than is against us so i am telling you the devil is nothing but a bully and you need to stand up to him [Applause] amen you need to stand up and say no more no more and you need we used to sing this song uh let's see i take it back in the name of the lord all that the devil has stolen i'm taken back in the name of the lord change your filter get a revelation of who you are amen oh but you don't understand stop with the pity now now it's i'm back to the sandwich again we're in the middle again okay stop with the oh poor me i told you about me laying in bed when i lost my eyesight and i was thinking nobody knows the trouble i've been you know cause pity is the spirit i i don't know how you get here but where i'm at no matter what happens even if i can't see it it's working even though i don't feel it he's working he's not going to stop until it happens not going to stop till it comes forth but you have to cooperate you all know he's sitting at the right hand of the father and he left us here to rule and reign and to take dominion [Music] rule reign take dominion [Applause] i have a friend linda herbert and she just retired i think two years ago from the army but then she's working as civilian but colonel linda and i we used to have this joke uh because she would she's deployed to iraq and everything and um she gave me this little backpack i don't use it anymore but it was that army fatigue and stuff she said i'm she'd be headed for the airport because i'm going so and so being deployed here and i said oh really colonel linda i said yeah i'm being deployed to ireland this week you know because i really have a militant view of who i am i really really believe the word of the lord you don't like your atmosphere shifted i've been in some pretty dark places ministering like i said when i went to cuba two years ago my husband goes i don't know about this it's a communist country and is at the same time bishop was trying to get in singapore i was in customs um at the border in cuba and they held me for like an hour and a half i'm like okay father in jesus name here's my header number in the name of jesus don't kill me okay really i'll run and go home [Laughter] or don't let them throw me one of them jails you know but anyways but i also know that i have faith that it's gonna be okay that i i would get in and i was able to minister these pastors who have nothing they would be on their face crying because they're so humble and you know and i don't know what all's happening over there now but those pastors are incredible they love the lord they have nothing they make 10 us a month they have like brick churches with just curtains hanging nothing i i've traveled in different places jamaican different stuff through the years um you know and i've seen the poverty and things like that but nothing like this because it's different there's an oppression because of being under communism where they can actually be killed right and they don't have freedom they don't have freedom and you never know what's going to happen where they're going to be dragged out and killed and stuff like that so when i went in it was like the us army has arrived not once again not not this you know but jesus has come to encourage you right because when that joy i have this church in laredo texas that she took fifth pastora her brother tito from new york city he came um and her husband he's a medical doctor dr lude and they took 15 people from the church they had them each take two suitcases each they filled them with clothes and and toiletries for the pastors and their wives and they also gave each pastor there was probably 50. they paid two months salary for them and they brought them chocolates and rice crispy treats and we would have meetings and they would all come and um when they the very last day before we left when they brought the suitcases and she told everybody the 15 ladies from the church you can carry a backpack that'll be your clothes we're taking two full suitcases each for the pastors you know we'll take the clothes out and give it to him the pastors begin to weep and wail at the goodness of god and i will forever be transformed by the love of god that i saw god just and these people you know who have really counted the cost for real you know just like iran and all these places you know and see the love of god and you know when you know god loves you you can you can press through a lot of stuff but if you are double-minded and you don't believe what the word says that about god and his true identity and your true identity who he's called you to be you will never make the right choices and that's why some of you i sense not a lot and i won't look at anybody it's like this revolving door you get up here and then spiral down and so many of you don't understand it's your choices not gods amen okay threw that in okay thank you jesus i didn't get any yays on that one okay [Applause] thank you lord the courts of heaven god's judgment on the enemy i also believe that this is a season where the injustices of the enemy that god is judging that he's releasing that decree against our enemy amen thank you father raba tata thank you father thank you for your word father thank you father that the word goes forth like that two-edged sword and cuts through the stuff of the enemy father thank you lord god that you love them so much amen i thank you lord god that you're transforming each and every one that's here today transforming their lives transforming even in their hearts father god removing the rubbish thank you that they're gonna have that strength to hit the delete on some things in jesus name in jesus name amen amen okay i'm going to prophesy over some people okay it's recorded right okay jana and oh come on help me out is it greg there you go i knew that no names not so much okay they says yay okay extend your hands towards them i just saw that the heart you have for the broken and i saw some things that you walked through even as a child and into early adulthood and some things that the enemy brought on you and and the lord says but daughter i used to work that compassion for others and the lord says that's why you go the extra mile and the lord says even those things i see some family situations god says he's touching some things that have brought a grief to your heart and the lord says he's got this he's taken care of it and uh for son uh sugar bashing about god's um there's some more things he's doing in you so he could do through you that's uh she got a bike and so i don't know i just saw this instrument you know and uh sugar it's like god's fine-tuning you know like my son's a musician my middle son professional musician and he has to fine-tune his guitar and his instruments and stuff and god says son i'm fine-tuning some things in you because of what i'm where i'm taking you some things i have for you and the lord says we're going down in and we're just fine tuning some things and so father i thank you for the man and woman of god all that you're doing in and through them and i thank you for this promises when i said 20 years i that you guys have planted some seed that's what i hear there was something that you uh sowed into i don't know whether this person's life a ministry or whatever but the fruit is coming forth in this next season says the lord your god i hear three months says the lord your god amen and amen and there's this nice lady right here what's your name jerry jerry extend your hands toward jerry and the lord says you've always felt like you were the least then and the lord says you have had a hard time receiving my love and thinking that i cared for you but the lord says i do love you there's a call upon your life even and i see even the the gift of intercession there's uh i should have a next level of intercession and the lord says even the things that the enemy has tried to use through the years to break you and i see the betrayal i see the hurt i see i see the families things too that have been agreed for your heart also and the lord says you've always felt like you were on the outside and couldn't enter in but the lord says you're coming in the lord says you're coming into even the fulfillment that i've had for you says the lord your god and i see that god it's like just going in i talked about that i just this whole weekend i just felt so much of that sweet oil that bomb of gilead and that's what i see over you and i just release that into your heart and it's a healing it's a healing bomb and the lord says but you have a heart for others too and the lord says i'm going to use you to minister to others even the broken ones says the lord your god because the father says that you have even that acceptance an unconditional love that so many need and the lord says stop looking at what you have but look what i put in you says the lord your god amen and amen hello nice couple okay what's your name gene and pastor rex pastor rex rex okay all right cake extend your hands towards him first of all for your physical body pastor rex i'm just going to release healing into your body in jesus name even the things in the generations that have tried to come down i break it off now in jesus name and i lose that healing power of god to flow flow in jesus same healing healing now we curse every prognosis and diagnosis in jesus name in the name of jesus in the name of jesus okay pastor rex said jane okay okay there's more there's more you know a ci we have this little saying no retiring just retiring so i released that fire of god now in jesus name that passion again again and again in jesus name in the name of jesus in the name of jesus there you go thank you lord thank you lord shakira shikoh sherry and sherry and gary so extend your hands oh it's funny i saw a ladder and and you're going up it's almost like an escalator ladder you know you know anyway it's a ladder but then it was like it operated like an escalator that's what i see and it's like you get so far i mean then it seems to go back down again it goes up and then it comes back down again and the lord says he's shifting that right now he's breaking off that assignment off of you now in jesus name and i heard that philippians 3 13 forgetting the things that are behind you and the lord says even some things that come in the night season and the sleeplessness the god says he's healing that he's restoring that and i just see just uh it's almost like megaphones on your ears you know magnifying my voice as the lord your god you're going to hear my voice clear because you've cried out for that and you've asked the lord what's next and the lord says he's going to reveal that he's going to show you so that you know you know that you know because especially you son you you need to know it's from me before you step out and the lord says but he's breaking off even the hesitancy because the lord says you do hear my voice he's confirming it now you shake it up there's some choices you made in the past it didn't work out so good and you thought wow i don't want to make this mistake again so i break out that hesitancy off of you in jesus name amen [Applause] you know we teach this at ci when you hear a word you can say that's for me right i'm going pop style this sweet couple [Applause] okay names again kim charlie extend your hand towards kim and charlie charlie god's just going to release the miracle into your body right now [Music] going down deep to every cell every organ in the cardiovascular system sugar liver begin to detox there's been some weariness so i break off the weariness you just feel extra tired now so it's almost like your batteries run low and i saw the lord put it on a generator a super generator i saw this this picture of a generator and whoa charging me up charging up charging up i saw that little thing that little red thing go whoop yes charging you up in jesus name in jesus and can there's more to you than meets the eye [Applause] i think pastors said about you guys are a treasure you truly are for the lord says daughter even those things have placed in both of you you have a lot of wisdom the lord says you don't say a lot but you discern a lot and the lord says there's been a desire in your heart and you've not spoken out to other people and sometimes you say oh that's just selfish why would i even think about that but the lord says i put that desire in your heart and the lord says is yes and amen he's given it to you so father i thank you for that and you know it's the word the latter years greater than the former years and the lord says you're it's almost like i saw you guys and you had this wicker basket and it was empty and you were walking down this pathway and you're kind of skipping you guys are kind of skipping you go oh okay oh yes god says i'm gonna fill your basket i'm gonna fill your basket it isn't about monetary things but it's about fruits and it's about peace and it's about joy and it's about strength and it's about family says the lord your god amen and amen yay [Applause] i gotta get my drink though that was easy we're thinking the same thing how many remember uh pastor jerry shurstead he left this and he said well bless god i have a feeling you might need this when when it gets rough people leave that was easy amen wow we have a service tonight um 6 30 amen uh we'll probably let you in um probably around 5 30 if you want to pray um just kind of be respectful if you come in they might be like running through some worship practice and stuff so you can just kind of soak and journal and stuff and pray but we are officially starting at 6 30. it is labeled a um really a healing service but i mean come on man at the river you never know from moment to moment oh you know that's the river goes we go you don't know you don't know so just come how many are able um to come just just raise your hands awesome bring someone tell someone else about it you know can we have the worship team yes if we could have the levites come um if you're not able to come tonight just raise your hand we have sackcloth and ashes to hang on you um no i'm joking i'm joking i'm joking you know he's restoring he's healing he's taking you to the next level amen and the lord gave me a picture while i was sitting over there listening to uh apostle sharon preach and it was a picture i made a picture of a wing of an airplane and god says spring spread your wings for i'm taking and giving you much territory so you need to see from that different perspective from the background you can't see it but when you get up from a different elevation and you get from god's elevation all of a sudden you see something you've never seen before and problems look small and god wants you to know that he's a big god and he said to lift your wings spread your wings get an acceleration for i'm giving you new territory for you to take and so we're so excited because the lord he's up to something he's doing something in this hour and he's just looking for vessels that he said i might show myself strong and mighty and do exploits through and that vessel [Applause] wonders and miracles yes hallelujah we want you to know also that there's a love offering for our sister here yes natasha the ones that say guest minister all right if you're giving your normal tithe and offer and it goes into the big buckets that are metal but otherwise there's an offering thing on that way on the outside for the thing so thank you for doing that and having never left the inner heart of a youth pastor because that's what we were when we first came out here i just wanted to share with some of the older and the younger because there's a point that prophetically ties the number one selling song or album was um you know led zeppelin and how many have heard of stairway to heaven [Music] it's evil it's very evil there's a backward masking on that that even with the super computers they can't explain how it got on there this is something that is not this is a fact when you play it forward you don't hear it but if you play it in a digital machine backwards you'll hear it while i'm going to repeat it because what we were talking earlier about those are some people that have that wrong relationship okay you could have a wrong relationship with electronics with with people and with brick and mortar amen so i'm saying let's consider where we go and what we do because our body is not ours we're bought with a price you know we are the stewards down here on earth you don't even own yesterday oh i'm just like you don't even oh good i like that you don't even own you don't even own your own body amen and and where it says on the forward on that that album that one platinum there are two roads you can go remember that's famous there are two roads you can go by but in the long run there's still time to change the road you're on that exact place when you flip it it says there are two roads you can go on this is the backward mapkin there are two roads you can go on but in the long road there's no time to change the road draw and then it says oh sweet satan whose paths make me sad oh sweet saint whose paths make me sad i want to sleep i want to announce something to you he'll make a deal with you he'll give you maybe young people pre-marital sex but you'll end up with an std the rest of your life you'll end up paying on a child you'll end up in shame [Music] his paths are dirty and disgraceful and they cause death and there's a there's there's something that needs to be said today and i'm bold enough to say it i'm not i am not a yellow belly jelly back pastor i pull out my frito bandito guns and i shoot them well so i'm just saying some people under the sound of my voice this is a day to get it right to get on your a-game and to start walking with the lord and your paths won't be said see your promise tomorrow your think but it says you fool your life will be required of you today folks you do not have the future promise so get on the right path the path is in romans it's the path of life in the spirit of christ jesus and we've been redeemed or freed from that law of sin and death that path of sin and death so there's a good call going out to everyone and i'm going to tell you the enemy is not sweet he's evil he comes to kill steal and destroy but jesus is the sweetest and the fairest of ten thousands he's the lily of the valley jesus is king of kings and lord of lords he's wonderful he's your wonderful counselor today he's your deliverer he's your healer he's your resurrection he's your provider would you stand up this morning jesus is the sweetest name we know and to follow him and to obey him [Music] is so worth it [Music] he's so worth it he's so worth it if you're here today or you're listening by the internet and you've never made jesus the lord of your life this is your day yes he's so wonderful he's so sweet no one loves you like jesus yes no one can pay the price like but like he did he paid the ultimate price for your sin for your sickness your diseases all of your debts nothing but that precious holy wonderful blood can redeem you yes and right now in the sound of my voice if you're listening and you've never made jesus lord just say lord i want you i need you and i want you to make way and come to the altar today and have one of the altar teams we have the altar teams come up and people that pray if you've ever made jesus lord just say this lord jesus come into my heart forgive me of my sins lord forgive me i want you i need you wash me redeem me with your blood fill me with the power of the holy spirit you've never been filled with the holy spirit speak in tongues this is your day as well you need the resurrection power just receive him right now get washed get cleansed if you walked away or you've been in disobedience and sin one can wash away my sin and your sin nothing but his blood cleansed and redeemed yes and there's one individual you know i i could hear it there you're you're disappointed you feel like god literally let you down and the spirit of the lord would would say expressly to you i never let you down your your whole understanding needs to shift god is a good good good good father and to be father birthed is one of the greatest opportunities where your human spirit is reborn from above with the life and the nature of god if you need to reaffirm conform first time ever you don't even know what you're doing but there's a tug on your shirt saying get up to that altar then the altars are all open right now for you to be altered we're gonna go we do a little bit different here we go into afterglow we love you we're gonna see it tonight we'll see you tonight come early bring someone but there's time to linger here you don't if you don't have to run out you don't have to go yet just let god minister you sometimes you just need to sit in his presence sometimes you know just receive the word of the lord he cares for you um take us in willie yes power in the mighty name of jesus [Music] that every war he wages he will win
Channel: The River Church of Waupun
Views: 119
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BLYm4LeJqXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 48sec (5448 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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