Amir Tsarfati - Has the Tribulation Begun?

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uh the topic this morning is has the tribulation begun look at you you look like it has been i mean just cheer up a little bit it's important that we always always always put things in the right perspective that we do not lose sight of the scriptures in light of what we see all around us it is so easy to get caught up with sensationalism and misinterpret scriptures take things out of context so i thought it's time to just put things in the right order and try to analyze the time in which we live right now and what is the tribulation all about to begin with so we can easily conclude whether we are in it or not let's pray father i thank you for your word your word is true and we ask that you will sanctify us by this truth in jesus name amen good so has the tribulation begun you know look uh it all started i guess uh first cases of covet 19 in december 31st 2019 and it all i remember uh from i think pastor bob we were in israel when we heard about it in china and then it continued to spread from wuhan all the way to the asia from there to italy from italy to the rest of europe from there it arrived to the western coast united states act actually i have been to the right place in the united states where it landed in the state of washington and then from there the rest is history now we're battling different variants of that virus the latest one is the delta and it is actually hitting very hard even in israel right now as we speak global lockdowns an estimated almost four million deaths that are reported at least government overreach political weaponization division in the church we are seeing horrible things as a result of this thing the church has never been more divided than it is right now christians never been more hateful towards one another families have never been so divided um look i'm telling you the truth it's i i travel around the world it's all over the world it's the same thing same thing even in my own congregation in israel we see the same exact thing and it is something that is alarming if that's not it in the united states on may 25th 2020 after the death of george floyd riots began throughout the and other uh cities and then other countries believe it or not not just in the u.s and the demon the demon of of uh how can i say that um i would say critical race theory uh was was uh afflicting uh for the first time publicly up until then it was only in the schools and the universities but now it's it kind of bursted all around the world if that's not enough on april 14 2021 iran announces plans to enrich uranium at 60 now it is actually saying we're planning to enrich uranium 90 iran will become nuclear within few weeks just so you know and if that's not enough on may 10 2021 israel is attacked for nearly two weeks by terrorists in gaza with rockets almost 5 000 rockets for fire towards israel the good news is that 95 of them were actually shot down by iron dome 10 of those that made it outside of the god 10 of those who were fired fell on gaza just so you know it's a 10 rule um so they really hit themselves hard and if that's not enough christianity and nobody is telling you that christianity remains the most persecuted faith in the world and i can tell you that as much as people try to make hamas look like poor people they literally ended christianity in gaza there's almost no more christians left in gaza right now not to mention other countries not to mention other continents so we're watching some very bad things happening and bad news that we are getting all the time and we're asking ourselves has the tribulation begun is this what the bible told us that is going to engulf the whole world for seven years are we watching something that has been foretold 2000 years ago by jesus and then in detail by the apostle john as he was there in the island of patmos or are we misinterpreting things and taking troubles as the tribulation because trouble stands opposite the tribulations by the way even tribulations stand opposite to the great tribulation it's not the same so we have to remember that yes jesus said there will be wars and rumors of wars and we are watching that look what's going on in lebanon look what's going on in syria look what's going on in other countries look what's going on in cuba lutz what's going on in south africa countries that are on the verge of collapse in cuba they're rounding the young people out of their homes as we speak right now i mean the one by one in south africa they're trying to stop the food chain this food supply chain so people will uh if the rioters are not going to be enough now the the rest of the people will protest because there is no food as they stand in line for food for hours sometimes for days now trouble is difficulty or problem now how many of you never had troubles in your life oh no you never have wonderful later on tell me um because i want to tell you something guys troubles are there and jesus even promised he said in this world you will have those things this christianity is not a garden of roses you know in fact the moment you sign up for this you signed up for a lot of persecution a lot of troubles and and satan will always hit those that belongs not to him remember that and and you need to understand that satan wants to keep his people alive and kill those who are not his god promises his people life and he will judge those that are not choosing him you have to remember that because many times in our conspiracy afflicted mind we think that satan wants to kill everyone no he wants to keep his minions alive so they can recruit more and more and and that is exactly why we are watching christians being persecuted by him and later on israel will be persecuted by me it's not in fact in the tribulation when the people will receive the mark of the beast it is that they will not be killed and those that will be killed are those that are not going to receive it so we must remember that it's not like there is a a campaign out there to kill everyone no remember that and we have to remember in matthew 24 verses 4 to 7 jesus answered and said to his disciples take heed that no one deceives you and to to start an answer like that to their questions about the end time tells you that jesus already knew that there will be so much deception during the last days that he says take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying i am the christ and it will deceive many and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not troubled there will be troubles i promise you but see that you are not trouble in other words if you know it's going to happen if you know the truth then you don't need to be troubled by it and then he says for all these things and what is the word must say must must is must it has to happen by the way i need you to know that god has already seen what we have not seen yet he sent us a tape with everything that is going to happen not what might happen could happen he knows what already happened so when he tells us what is going to happen you can't question that he's seen it already he knows it already he knows all things so when he's sending us those amazing answers to our questions it's not up to you to decide whether it's going to happen or not it is going to happen because he has seen it happening already in his amazing way of seeing past present and future so we see that he's telling us these things must come to pass i've seen it happening i know it's going to happen they must come to pass and they say but the end what is not yet oh i thought it's the end times the end is not yet he says for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines pestilences earthquakes in various places all these things are what the beginning of sorrows let's not and so we see pestilence as pandemics we see by the way pandemics are not anything new you know you have to remind yourself a little bit what what was going on in this world in 1940s and 50s with polio you know that in in new york city social workers would break into houses and take children from their families okay so much for uh you know freedom and liberty and all of that that was in america of the 1940s we have in matthew he says also and there will be famines pestilences earthquakes various places and these are just the beginning of stars have you seen what's going on right now in europe have you seen of all the floods in germany and in the netherlands and in belgium hundreds of people died in the middle of july that most torrentious rains ever i mean houses collapse just from the rain not even from the flash floods it is crazy and just just the beginning of sorrow tribulation it's a cause of great trouble of suffering and we see that suffering is all around us people are having not only diseases and issues like that but they take drugs and their drug look people are having a hard time coping with this reality right now the number of suicide attempts has risen 10 times in the last year it's very hard to see heartbreaking i i met parents of of someone who just tried to commit suicide a few days ago they're broken there are tribulations in this world you will have tribulations jesus said but he said but be of good cheer because i have overcome this world a cause of great trouble or suffering you know when god created this world everything was great it was perfect it was wonderful he said it is good when god says it is good it means it's good we messed it up three chapters into the bible we're already destroying everything by the sixth chapter he is already he regrets for having done all these things he by the sixth chapter he said i am sorry i created man that's what he said very very very sad chapter so we must differentiate tribulations from the great tribulation from the tribulation that the bible is talking about and you must understand israel is the key to understand whether we are in the tribulation or not stop looking at pandemics stop looking at vaccines stop looking at torrential rains stop looking at earthquakes these are just the beginning but if you need to understand whether you're already in the tribulation the key is israel the bible says in daniel chapter 9 24 to 27 70 weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy says they are determined for what for your people and for your holy city daniel is saying what i'm about to say i mean the angel is telling daniel all the revelation you're about to receive is concerning your people and your holy city that's what he says and then he continues know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build jerusalem until messiah prince there are be there are going to be seven weeks excuse me there shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks in other words seven weeks and 60 weeks in the bible in daniel is a portion of seven biblical years every year has 360 days we're having the lunar calendar not the solar one like you everything is different about you guys i'm not sure and so basically what i'm trying to say is once messiah shall be cut off not for himself he didn't do anything wrong the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary jesus had to be first die after his death the temple had to be destroyed in the city of jerusalem level to the ground ground and the end of it shall be with a flood until the end of the war desolations are determined then in other words there's going to be a long period of time and then say then then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week in other words at the very end there shall be a covenant there should be a treaty that someone who is a leader will cut with israel for seven years and in the middle of that week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering that means that that seven weeks has to include a temple in jerusalem for the sacrifices to cease and there is no temple in jerusalem today and the temple was destroyed before the 70th week remember after 69 weeks the temple has been destroyed so obviously it's a different temple it's a futuristic one and then of course he talks about the very end so we understand the importance of having a temple and we know that even in the new testament we have a confirmation that the antichrist will have something to do with the temple in 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 it says brethren concerning the coming of the lord jesus christ are gathering together with him we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirit or by word of letter as if it's from us as though the day of christ has come let no one deceive you by the way pay attention he says the day of christ here then we'll hear the day of the lord elsewhere and we'll see the difference between the two and then he says let no one deceive you by any means for the day will not come unless the falling away comes first now watch this he says the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he what he sits as god in the temple of god showing himself that he is god there will be a world leader that will enter a temple in jerusalem and will demand to be worshipped as if he is god that temple is not there yet by the way and that man is not there yet by the way the antichrist the bible talks about him revelation 13 i stood on the sand of the sea and i saw a beast rising out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and on it on his horns ten crowns around his head a blasphemous name now the beast which i saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear in his mouth like the mouth of a lion the dragon gave him his power his throne and great authority he's going to be a puppet operated by satan himself who will give him his power his authority and his throne to rule the whole world okay so can you find him today not yet then the bible says there will be also someone that will be considered a false prophet the same revelation 13 says then i saw another beast another terrible person coming up now out of the earth he exists already if that one comes out of the sea appears out of nowhere we've never seen it this one comes out of the earth it's some sort of a position that has been there has been around and then he had two horns like a lamb in other words there's a religious appearance to it and then he spoke like a dragon and he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence and causes the earth and those who will dwell in it to worship the first peace so there will be a religious confirmation for the political leadership of the first one and of course that first beast whose deadly wound was healed there will be some sort of worship of the fact that he was almost dead or he died he came back to life and there will be an enhancement of that in a very demonic spiritual way there will be a world religion and we're watching the the beginning of it i've got a whole message on it by the way if you want to watch it about the rise of the one world religion believe it or not but we are watching a very great effort nowadays to empty a specific religion from christ and from christianity and to fill it in with globalism and with um a lot of uh ecumenism and it doesn't matter who you believe in it matters that you're a good person do good be good say good and all is good we will also see one world government and uh by the way what we're watching around the world today is the pathetic effort of government of governments to control their people because they're all given to the lie to begin with so they cannot control the people the world has reached its peak and now it's picking up speed spiraling down as as we speak right now and the and the people can see that their government uh is unable to to control by the way same in israel we have a new government government of change okay change for bad and it's interesting because there's no more trust people don't trust governments anymore and what happened is somehow we will be convinced that this whole old fashioned system of a government controls one country isn't working anymore and we will be convinced that a global leadership a global government will actually serve our interests much better we're watching it already happening as we speak right now in revelation 13 16 17 he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark on the or the name of the beast or the number of his name it's all about satan it's all about the worship of him and it's coming in different forms and shape and don't forget one thing scriptures are telling us that we must we must be out of here ii thessalonians 2 5 to 12 do not do you not remember that when i was still with you i told you these things now you know what is restraining that he may be revealed in his own time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work we see it lawlessness all around the world however he says only he who now restrains will do so until he is what taken out of the way and what then say that then after the restrainer is taken out of the way then the lawless one will be revealed whom the lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming the coming of that lawless one is according to the working of satan with all power signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because what they did not pass tense they did not when they had the chance when we were still here when we shared with them the gospel when churches were still operating you know there were no churches anymore well there will be some things but that might call it if you call church of satan church well i guess they will call something at church but the church of jesus won't be here and it's interesting because he says they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this reason god will send them strong delusions that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth all that jesus asked us is to believe that's all remember that believe he who believes in me will not perish but will have eternal life those are those who did not believe the truth not only they did not believe the truth but watch this they had pleasure in on unrighteousness they tell god stay out they condemn jesus they blaspheme the name of the lord they ridicule christians they take the bible and burn it they change everything that god said we should do exactly the opposite and they say that's now the new norm i must warn you we're seeing horrible things around us yet we must be careful of sensationalism it bothers me and it breaks my heart to see so many good christians that instead of studying their scriptures they're watching youtube all day long and then they fall into all of these things such as give you an example corona is crown therefore we are in the days of the first rider why because he had a crown on his head well there's also a corona beer are we in the days of i mean since by the way coronavirus is there for many years this is just a new a new shape and form of it but to take a word and to try to attach it to a certain event in the scriptures and to say that's it by the way if the first rider is already out that means the tribulation has begun so they're trying to push this narrative that it has started because corona is crowned and the first rider wears a crown hello how shallow don't fall into that please it reminds me of how the world was going to end on september 23rd 2017. remember that you don't good but it was supposed to end on september 23rd 2017 because there was a consolation of the stars that reminds people of revelation 12 thus the world is coming to an end see they take one thing out of context and that's it yes revelation 12 says there's a great sign that appeared in heaven but it speaks of the time of the middle of the tribulation it's a different story it speaks of two times the times that jesus was born and the time that israel in the future will be taken and driven to the desert those that are not received the mark of the beast we all remember y2k how many of you lived i was here i was in california i was in big bear when y2k happened i i don't know i think we had some survival kits i'm not sure look look at this uh survival kits thing that uh they used to uh advertise online for the white i don't know if we we see it can we there is a y2k personal survival guide yes they sold those you know you remember ladies and gentlemen y2k and we're still here it's been 21 years already we're still here context matters you have to remember that context matters more and more people come to me and ask me if the vaccine is the mark of the beast now i don't care what you think about the vaccine that's not what we talk about what we talk about is it the mark of the beast we just read revelation 13. it has absolutely nothing to do with any medical condition of any person on planet earth it has to do with submission to the beast not to the b system this whole system thing was added i don't know by who i try to look all over the new testament to find the system no it's the mark of the beast not of the beast system and for having that you have to have the beast and he's not here and we and i you know people who who took the vaccine they are still preaching jesus they're not preaching satan and the dragon and they're not leading people straight you have to understand whether you take it or not it's your problem it's your issue it's your personal thing but to hint that it's the mark of the beast it's to take it out of context and it's to not interpret even revelation 13. because if you say it's a mark of the beast you're actually saying we're in the tribulation because revelation 13 is deep into the tribulation he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark where on the right hand or on their foreheads last time i checked vaccine is not being injected here now how about blood moons hello things are taken out of context in revelation 6 we hear about it but it's all the way into the tribulation i looked when he opened the sixth seal we're deep into it and then behold there was a great earthquake and the sun became black a sackcloth of hair and the moon not moons became like blood we have to be a berean everything we see everything we hear we have to go to the scriptures and see if the scriptures says that that's going to happen acts 17 the berean immediately sent paul and silas away by night the brethren excuse me to berea and when they arrived they went into the synagogue of the jews and these were more fair-minded than those in thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness and searched the scriptures how often daily to find out whether these things were so they didn't check youtube they didn't check facebook they checked the scriptures unless you know what the tribulation is you'll never know when it has begun and that's the problem the tribulation ladies and gentlemen is a set of events considered to be god's judgment on both listen to this the satanic host of heaven the wicked people here on earth and also to prepare israel to accept jesus as the messiah upon his return that's what the tribulation is all about now did i mention the church in all of these absolutely no no you have to understand that the day of christ is not the day of the lord the day of christ in 2nd thessalonians 2 2 is not the day of the lord in first thessalonians 5 2 we the look ii thessalonians 2 2 not be shaken or mind troubled either by spirit or by the word by the letter as it's from us though the day of christ has come because they thought that the rapture took place already now watch this first thessalonians says for you yourself know perfectly that the day of the lord so comes as a thief in the night also now i want you to understand that there are many other names of that set of events that i just told you about it's called the great tribulation now watch this when it's called the great tribulation it speaks of planet earth look at this slide it says other names for that set of events the great tribulation it's about planet earth the wrath of god is about who the wicked the hour of trial is for the saints of that era and jacob's trouble is regarding israel do we find the church here absolutely not the day of the lord has three layers god's dealing with satan and his demons god's dealing with the nations and gods dealing with israel it's a span of seven biblical years that can be clearly seen in the scriptures once god sends two witnesses to preach to the jews when there is false peace in the land and the the false temple is standing in jerusalem and people are delusional ladies and gentlemen the mid-tribulation will have the antichrist declaring himself as god and israel will flee from the land and spend time in the desert until jesus come to save them according to daniel this is the 70th week namely seven biblical years 360 days each namely it's a span of 2520 days in the mid is 1260. why am i saying that because the bible tells us the first part was 1260 the latter part is 1260. we don't even have to guess how long the tribulation is going to be the bible tells us how many years months weeks and days you can calculate the hours if you want later the day of the lord according to the prophet isaiah we see isaiah is talking about that day in 20 verse chapter 24 it shall come to pass in that day that the lord will punish on high the host of exalted ones and on the earth the kings of the earth you see he will judge the host above and on earth the kings of the earth they will be gathered together as prisoners and gathered in the pit and will be shut up in the prison after many days they will be punished we're talking about punishment also the prophet joel spoke about the day of the lord it's very interesting joel spoke about two layers take a look at that the layer of his time and the layer of the end times what's on the right hand and what's next later on joel's time joel 1 verses 4 to 20 the day of the lord for judah speaking about alas for the day for that day of the lord is at hand it shall come as destruction from the almighty speaking of that day and then later on in in verse three he says tell your children about it let your children tell their children and their children another generation those are the last days that he speaks of in joel 2 verses 1 to 17 the day of the lord for israel for the nation of israel he speaks of blowing the trumpets in zion and sounding the alarm to my people on my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land the land tremble for the day of the lord is coming for it is at hand he speaks of that and joel by the way spoke about blood moons and sun eclipses i wanted to see this chart that i made about those things take a look watch this there will be first of all we've got the church age and now it's 2021 plus we don't know how many more years left for us here then we've got the seven years tribulation look what's going on during the tribulation look how many sun eclipses and darkenings we see in this world all of them are specified right here on your screen joel 1 2 31 revelation 5 12-17 joel 2 10 revelation 16 10 and all of them are in different time periods there's the seals there is the bulls and all of that until joel 4 15 and matthew 24 29 that is the seventh ball at the end of armageddon which is at the very end of the tribulation even jeremiah the prophet talked about that day and he says in chapter 30 for thus says the lord we have heard a voice of trembling of fear and not of peace ask now and see whether a man is ever in labor with a child can a man give birth well nowadays i guess he can now watch this look what he says so why do i see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor he says and all faces turn pale alas for the day is great so that no one is like it and it is the time of jacob's trouble but he shall be saved out of it even daniel the prophet talked about that day and the angel came to him and says he shall confirm a covenant with men in daniel 27 for one week he speaks of that one week and then revelation 11 talks about how it is going to be confirmed in revelation and let me move on to revelation 12 and isaiah 27 let's let's go all the way to isaiah 27 remember i said satanic host will be punished isaiah 27 in that day the lord with his severe sword great and strong will punish leviathan in the fleeing serpent leviathan the twisted serpent and he will slay the reptile that is in the sea we're talking about satanic creatures we're talking about hosts of demonic things that god will deal with on that day what about the nations as for the nations this is the time of judgment joel 3 says behold in those days and that time i bring back the captives of judah and jerusalem i will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of jehoshaphat and i will enter into judgment with them there on the account of my people my heritage israel whom they have scattered among the nations they've also divided up my land and what about israel for israel this is the time of jacob's trouble when man-made religion and tradition will fail their rabbis won't give them answers tradition won't give them answers mishnah and talmud won't give them an answer all their whatever they believe in will be shattered right there to pieces before their very eyes and luke hosea said i will return again to my place until they acknowledge their offense then they will seek my face how in their affliction they will earnestly seek me that's when the when the lord speaks about bringing israel through the fire and refining them it's through affliction many times we we are we are not happy that stuff happens to us but we don't understand sometimes suffering is is the only way for god to refine us and and and to get our attention this is a time of jacob's travel and eventually salvation alas for that day is great so that none is like it but it it is time for jacob's trouble but he shall be saved out of it and even daniel confirmed that and he says at the time michael shall stand up the great prince who stand watch over the sons of your people you see gabriel talks about michael he says look i'm from the u.n michael is in charge of your people he is going to come that's one that is in charge and watch over the sons of your people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation the holocaust is going to pale compares to what's going to happen to israel at that time even to that time and at that time your people shall be delivered everyone now who is going to be delivered what is daniel chapter 12 saying everyone who is found written in the book what does it mean if he accepted yeshua and his name is written in the book of life he will be saved out of it you understand there is no other way to be saved but through jesus no other way no other life no no other truth there is no way jesus said i am the way i'm the truth i'm the life no one can come to the father he said that to the jewish people so if they will be saved is not through any religious ceremony it's only if they believe in him and when you believe in him your name is now written where in the lamb's book of life i want to show something i don't know if you can see this chart but that might open your eyes to understand what this world is going to go through it's just you understand because it's so easy to say all the tribulation has begun oh we are in the tribulation how are we going to go through the tribute guys look at what's going to happen this world is going to see not just the rise of the antichrist with false peace but war and famine and death in way that we have never seen in the history we're talking about um not only first the fourth of the population of the world will die over a billion people over over two billion people will die just in the beginning not even talking about the end later on during the seven trumpets there will be a third of the trees and grass destroyed a third of the sea life and ship destroyed a third of the fresh water will be poisoned a third of the sun the moon and the stars uh darkened and and at first woe the mon demonic locus that is going to be released second woe fire and brimstone of the of the uh the people left the will be killed and second and the two prophets preached and do miracles christ rain is foreseen already and then of course in the seven bowls we see boils all sea life is destroyed all water is poison scorching sun deep darkness rebellious mankind curses god they're still not repenting euphrates river dry battle of armageddon worldwide earthquake babylon destroyed i'm talking about mystery babylon that is destroyed end huge hailstone these are catastrophic things you have you have no clue what god is going to spare us from you have no clue if you ever sit and study the book of revelation you will then bless the lord every day of your remaining life here knowing that you do not have to go through all of this thing ladies and gentlemen there is good news the judgment of god is on the wicked people here on earth and it will happen after the righteous are taken away do you understand that these are good news for god did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain what salvation through our lord jesus christ for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work we say that only he who now restrains who will do so until he is taken out of the way who restrains is the holy spirit that is in us the holy spirit is in us in a way that he's never been in any other group of people since the beginning of planet earth that's the beauty of the church we're sealed with the holy spirit it's not coming upon us and leaving us and coming upon us and we are sealed with the holy spirit where we are the holy spirit is and when the holy spirit has to be removed it's the church that has to be removed you must understand we are the reason the tribulation has not begun because you have kept my command to persevere i also will keep you not through the hour of trial which will come upon the whole world but what but from the hour of trial and look what he says to the church of philadelphia he says to that hour will come to test those who what dwell on earth why will he differentiate that because you guys are already where in heaven and that hour trial will come to test those that are where on earth you are going to be taken he will keep you from the hour you see in the first three chapters of the book of revelation but certainly in two and three he's talking about the church to the church of this to the church of death the word church is there to the angel of this church why because he is now talking about the church to the church for the church but then from chapter four and on and certainly from the beginning of the tribulation description the church is not mentioned even one time in the entire description of the tribulation he's talking now about a different group of people called the saints of the tribulation these are people who through all of what's going on by the ministry of the two witnesses by the ministry of the 144 000 jews by the ministry of the angel that will proclaim the everlasting gospel they will get saved and guess what jesus told peter that the church the gates of hell will not prevail against it remember but we know that the saints of the tribulation the antichrist will actually prevail against them you understand they will all die they will be beheaded when we are in heaven we can see their souls under the altar they're not there with us in heaven just their souls right there it's two different groups of people we have a wedding to attend we cannot be late we are the bride he needs to take us out of from he needs to take us for that man to be revealed we must be out of here because we are not destined to the wrath of god jesus is not about beating up his bride before he marries her we're not battered women here this is not the practice of the one who leaves the 99 and runs to get the last one that's not who he is yes things are not great right now i agree with you and i have bad news it's not going to get better get used to it it's not things are going to spiral even faster and faster picking up speed you think you saw everything you've seen nothing yet but hey what did jesus say in this world you will have what tribulation not the tribulation but troubles problems but be of good cheer he said i have overcome this world he said to the disciples when you see all of these things do not be troubled do not fear it has to happen how sad it is that we're so afraid today we're so fearful we're so divided we're so ah that's not what he wants to find when he comes to take us he needs to come to take a bride that is ready we need to be about our father's business we need to do his will we need to not always feed ourselves with poison and negativity and hatred and fear and and you just need to stop that go to the scriptures be a berean study the bible and understand that these things not have to happen must happen you better have them happen because that means the scriptures are right and i need you to understand let no one tell you that the church must go through the tribulation by the way it also makes no sense think about it all right the rapture is after the tribulation but what happens after the tribulation jesus is second coming so are we going to exercise bungee jump what's the story when is it that we're going to spend time in the place that he went to prepare for us what was he working on for the last 2000 years for what for a quick tour look people who tell you that we will go through the tribulation often time tell you that because they're not ready you see to know that the rapture is around the corner is also to understand that you must be ready at all time it's also to know that you must be about your father's business and not about yours it's also to give you the assurance of your salvation and give your heart for the lost because it's soon going to happen you want them to get saved that's what it's all about when you keep pushing that after the tribulation what are you actually saying we've got time i'm telling you the minute the tribulation begins people are going to be delusional that's it plus last time i checked no one knows the day in the hour so if you say it's going to happen in the middle of the tribulation you know what you know the day last time i checked god told us exactly how many days we have 2520 1560 remember that's it 1260 each you know today not biblical it's going to happen after you also know the day because now you know exactly when the only option for you to be biblically correct regarding that is when it's before so i want to encourage you we examine what that the tribulation is all about we already understand certainly nothing from what the bible says is going to happen then has already started so i'm asking you has the tribulation begun thank you father we thank you that you gave us your word to educate us but mostly to comfort us to give us not only the comfort for ourselves but for us to comfort others with the comfort by which we were comforted father we thank you that in the days of so much sensationalism of people taking things out of context people that are biblically illiterate we ask to be good bereans we ask that you will draw us back to the scriptures as they are and examine everything we hear in everything we see against the things that you already wrote in your word we want to be fair-minded just like the jews in berea because god you never gave us a spirit of fear but of love and of power and of sound mind so we thank you for your word we thank you for your promises and we thank you father that we will not be here to see the tribulation we have the bema seat to attend we've got the marriage ceremony to attend and we cannot be late because we are the bride we thank you and we bless you in the name of the holy one of israel yeshua hamashiach jesus who is our salvation we pray and all of god's people say amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel East Anaheim
Views: 318,938
Rating: 4.8592401 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel East Anaheim, Calvary Chapel,
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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