The Rise And Fall Of Ali-A

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Alia has gone from averaging 7 million views per video to barely scraping 500,000 nowadays and even managed to go almost 11 months without gaining a single subscriber so what exactly caused this 98% decline in viewership on the Alia Channel well there's many different contributing factors but the main one being the fact that Alia's viewership is directly tied to the game he is playing in the early days of his ch Channel over 14 years ago his content was primarily focused on Call of Duty videos however instead of simple gameplay videos Alia would tend to lean towards update news informational videos and tips and tricks showcasing new items within the game would be interesting to people that currently play that game but to people who don't they aren't going to be interested in watching that kind of content pretty simple but over the course of 14 years it's obvious that Alia wasn't going to be able to create the same content forever it came to no surprise that the Call of Duty games would slowly die down and it was at about July of 2016 when Alia's Channel had seemingly hit a stalemate he went from anywhere of just shy of a 100 million views just a year prior to barely scraping 20 million for basically the next 12 months however after fortnite Battle Royale was released in September of 2017 Alia made a decision that would single-handedly change the rest of his life keep in mind that Alia had a community of over 9 million subscribers before making the full-time switch to fortnite so he was practically leaving behind 9 million people who were invested in watching his Call of Duty videos in the hopes that fortnite would perform better on his channel it didn't do amazing at first Ali said but you are never going to jump straight into a game and it do amazing straight away your audience needs to decide if they like the game it's an adjustment process some of the videos did okay and I started to do one every week or so then they just started doing really well they would get more views in the first hours than a Cod video would do in a day so I started investing more time in it I started to get better at it then I started to shift all my focus over to the game because it was doing so well because I was enjoying it and because the audience was enjoying it so much and with fortnite's initial success with 30 million players in the first 3 months it's no shocker that Alia's views began skyrocketing once again first 50 million views in a month then 100 million the next month then 150 million views in January 2018 stating that that was a record-breaking month for his channel and calling out fortnite for a majority of that success pulling millions of views talking about every new update and even showcasing the battle pass would gain him well over 5 million views in multiple different occasions but there was one thing that people kept in the back of their minds throughout the whole time Alia was clearly catering towards a younger audience with his fast-paced editing and talking and the comments were reflect in this the Persona shift is extremely accurate I used to watch Alia as a kid back in 11 he was always very calm and collected when he spoke and even when he was genuinely excited there was still the air of composure and professionalism like he's talking to adults and teenagers but after hearing clips of his new videos the shift is jarring he's speaking like his audience a 7 to 12 and that wasn't the only Factor Alia had clearly discovered that clickbait was working well with his younger audience on fortnite because he could simply slap on his face with an open mouth and OV exaggerate the title and sometimes even go as far to completely make up something that was never even in the game new nuke event in fortnite is crazy big secrets making it seem like the whole map was about to be blown up when in reality take a look at what actually happens that's right taking the container over as I said to the atomic test are you ready for this this literally blew my mind when I saw it get ready for what is about to happen in game in a literal nuclear bomb goes off or be it in miniature form on the fortnite map a nuke event in game are you kidding me blob but with social blade predicting he makes anywhere upwards of $9 million a year he's obviously going to continue to create these sort of videos however eventually the clickbait had caught up to him because the older audience started to realize that every video had new in the title just to try to grab as much attention as possible and therefore they began to pop up several subreddits that were hating on him and realizing he was only doing it for the money but can you even really blame him he may have just gotten lucky Trend hopping because when you look at Ninja's analytics there's practically no difference in when and how fast both of their channels exploded into virality with both creators gaining Millions of subscribers each month to furthermore talk about Alia's downfall in its simplest form it's because of the fact that he continued to create videos only for people that play the game rather than try to attract to people that don't play or used to play that game because why would someone who quit fortnite want to watch what Winterfest presence we are getting but when you look on the other hand you might still consider Watching Ninja play with iow speed or compete in the four corner challenge because it's far more entertaining than simply talking about the game fortnite is coming up on its 7year anniversary soon and people just aren't as excited to find out what is going to happen in the game anymore because they can simply check for themselves whenever they have the free time and it's already being proven to them that over the past 6 years the Alia's content is focused towards a younger audience which also makes you think that 13-year-olds at the time watching Alia videos back then would be legal adults now and as Alia didn't change his content to grow up with the audience he initially had he's never going to attract those people again which will only decrease the views he's going to get in the future but the overall slow decline of fortnite will obviously take its toll on viewership on YouTube not just on the aliia channel but many other fortnite creators as well like musel and tfue so it's not like he's the only one facing this ultimate decline however as YouTube shorts seem to be allowing creators to achieve literal billions of views on a 60c video it didn't shock anyone when Alli started posting these videos as well what's the fastest vehicle in fortnite the OG bear is reliable on all surfaces and has the exact same top speed as the quad Crasher that hasn't been seen in game for over 500 Days the drift board is just faster than them both and makes for some crazy trick shots who thought but his like to dislike ratio is telling us that people who do watch these aren't the biggest fans and when people such as Cypher PK are making fun of his shorts oh no fish Dick's family are in danger from a hungry peely can you hold your breath long enough to sa fish Dick's family get ready to hold your breath in 3 2 1 go I can see fishy's family at the end of this run we have got to save them if you're still holding your breath let me know that you're helping out by hitting that light button remember we're the only ones that can save them just keep on holding your breath we're getting closer and closer about a second are you still with me let me know by hitting that subscribe button that you're not giving up now this is where it's going to get really tough I know that you can do it so keep on holding your breath we're doing this for fish stick okay if you've made it this far let everyone know it's not a good sign for what the future for him has to bring
Channel: Indart
Views: 6,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sunnyv2, internet anarchist, drama, documentary, commentary, ali a, ali-a, ali-a downfall, the downfall of ali-a, the rise and fall of ali-a, what happened to ali-a, ali a intro, ali a fortnite, ali-a fortnite, ali-a reacts, ali-a meme, ali a downfall, fortnite ali-a
Id: HP-Tnexq52s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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