Airrack's 30 Day Challenge Is Completely Fake

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ARX 30-day challenge is completely fake and this is going to debunk every single video so far throughout the series with the sole purpose to travel around the world in 30 days and upload a video during each of those days it may come to surprise that these videos are actually months old and it's the way that arak plays it off as if it's day after day that tricks you so well the first six days were combined with the theme of Crossing Europe in a perfectly straight line and day one being Ireland literally not even 3 minutes into the whole 30-day series arak already exposes himself as the reason to dubling being so busy on this one particular day is the parade that he mentions there's some kind of parade happening all the roads around here closed down this is not something I anticipated but we might have to jump out the streets are absolutely packed with people but this isn't any parade it's in fact the Dublin National Services parade that rang from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on September 2nd on episode 2 crossing the UK arak claims that this has been months in the making which couldn't be further from the truth oh this is been months in the making to make this entire thing possible it is such a crazy payoff to actually do it episode 3 arak wakes up in Brighton and when naming the countries he still has to go to at exactly a minute 4 before into the video he accidentally shows his watch a bit too clearly to the camera and when you zoom in you can read that the date is September 12th which means that there's already been 10 days that have passed since the first upload which bust these two videos for being filmed accurately within the 30-day challenge the same can be said about Crossing Switzerland on day four when his three goals of the video we're going to collect food we're going to bring it to this campsite and I'm going to take a bite of Swiss cheese in Switzerland and whilst cooking dinner either the packaging happened to be wrong on the meat or it actually expired on the 18th of September and I'm no genius but I'm pretty certain that eating 3month old meat wouldn't be the most appetizing either now seeing that arak wasn't in the hospital for eating 3month old meat in episode 5 or 6 it's pretty safe to assume that this was filmed back in September as [Music] well day seven I survived overnight in Shrek swamp was the first video that didn't worry about being filmed in a straight line and I think this is because of the fact that this was filmed alongside with Ryan treand greetings from your favorite donkey I met Shrek swamp keeping an eye on things while my ogre besti is away interesting sounds like donkey somewhere around here donkey donkey so they didn't have the capabilities to continue the straight line series however after realizing that Ryan posted his version of the video too you notice that his video was posted back in October and as they're both wearing the exact same clothes it's safe to assume that this was the same footage confirming this video was filmed prior now to give credit where credit is due at the very start of the video he mentions that he nearly missed today's upload so he had an emergency backup video that he filmed just in case he couldn't get one out on the day what's up guys I cannot tell you where I am right now I just wanted to update you guys I just finished a 13-hour flight we almost missed our upload window and I have a few videos in this series saved for moments like this obviously some of the videos in the series are not filmed completely live these videos take so much time and effort to pre-produce so luckily I shot this video right before we shot the series in case of a moment like this but after stating that only a few aren't filmed live so he has more spare videos only bringing this up on day seven makes us believe that every video so far has been legit when that just isn't the case now seeing that day seven was a backup we have to connect day six to day 8 which is I bought the most expensive plane ticket after finishing Crossing Italy in day six we can presume that day 8 would start at the end of Italy but after filming the insides of the plane AR accidentally shows where the flight is going and it says from Houston to Dubai single seat is like it's own now it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Houston is in fact not in Italy so this bust episode 8 as well as it can't be in chronological order with episode 6 I survived the world's largest water park gets busted within 2 seconds of the video even starting we have traveled 3,900 miles and on episode 10 after testing the world's most expensive hotel once he followed the private Butler to their $3,000 perite hotel room then after ordering a PlayStation and a Jacuzzi a shows the TV which unluckily for him is playing a Breaking News segment which when looked up the first result is back in November 22nd confirming this video to be pre-recorded as well so far arak is onethird of the way through the 30-day challenge and literally every single video has been pre-recorded which kind of defeats the purpose when at the very start he said this starting December 1st I'm going to be traveling around the entire Globe uploading 30 videos in 30 days to make the most of every second that we have left I'm going to be circling the globe over the next 30 days ending in New York City on New Year's Eve you guys are invited but if I miss a day in my channel and all of my videos get deleted forever and wanted to make that very clear too jumping on to episodes 11 and 12 when arak is now in Australia at the very start of the video he States I just traveled 6,400 Mi three flights over 30 hours of flying all to get to this exact location we're in a town called Cooper pey in Australia and yeah 30 hours of flying doesn't specifically work within a 24hour time frame to post that video which already busts the first Australia video and then when you go to episode 12 where arak is in Kangaroo Island whilst Tyler is simultaneously spending the night in a 1 million RV when you go over to Tyler's Instagram page and check the photos he's been taged adding this exact one with the same RV appears which has the post date of November 27th then after bringing 50 competitive eaters to a buffet with a quick glimp in the description arach makes the mistake of tagging a good chunk of the eers and it wasn't long before one of them would post a video about their experience and that just happened to be on the 19th of November still 11 days before the challenge was even meant to start So Not only was this recorded before Australia but before even episode 10 which means AR is basically uploading videos at random at this point with no correlation between the days of filming episode 13 was filmed in his hwn now I might live here in Los Angeles but the journey is not over yet we have to make it all the way to New York City which defeats the purpose of traveling across the world in 30 days and on day 15 after stealing America's Got Talent one contestant stood out to me from the rest and that was MC Dey and on his community tab he uploaded a picture with ar over a month ago which yet again means it was most likely filmed before the previous ones on I tried the most dangerous alarm clocks at the start of the video he shows a thread he found showing the designs and I managed to actually find the exact same one with the same commenters and what surprised me is that I assumed the date of these would have been photoshopped to look recent however that is how long ago they were actually posted and they're not also throwaway accounts these are real people commenting which means this video could have been filmed on the proper date which is about time because we are over halfway through the challenge and this is the first video that has actually been filmed in the 30-day December challenge to finish things off with the most recent video as of recording is the worst Uber driver prank and this is the intro to that video if you are seeing this video something bad happened let me clarify I'm doing a series where I'm going around the world in 30 days making a brand new video on this channel every single day now to stack to Y is my favorite before we started the series I pre-recorded some videos like last week I uploaded this video that was never going to be seen by the world of me going to Shrek swamp and today I'm going to show you one of my favorite videos that I did not post which is the fake Uber prank on my fellow YouTubers and with well over 30 days 120 days to be exact to get all of these videos out only time will tell what the rest of the uploads will be
Channel: Indart
Views: 47,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sunnyv2, internet anarchist, drama, documentary, commentary, airrack, airrack fake travel, airrack fake, airrack exposed, airrack challenge, airrack 30 days, airrack straight line, straight line airrack, fake travel airrack, fake airrack, airrack travel, Airrack's 30 Day Challenge Is Completely Fake
Id: -a20O89Hp6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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