March 26, 2019 "Don't Be Crazy, He Still Makes Things Better", Rev. Dr. John R. Adolph

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[Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelu hallelu [Applause] and all of God's people who love the Lord Jesus Christ said a man and they may and one more time and they men like you're glad to be in the house of the Lord all tonight in obedience to him who is king of kings and Lord of lords whose name is above every name let the mentioning of his name the Bible says every knee shall bow every tongue will indeed confess that he is Lord to the glory of God the Father just in case there be one here tonight who was unfamiliar with our Redeemers name let me share it in my opening salutations his name is Jesus son of the Living God - this illimitable incredible outstanding pastor that you have that is my friend and a brother for my love of mother hey Alfred Street you have one of the greatest casters in this nation in this country believe it you come oh man let my friend here dr. Howard John Wesley I love him I thank God for him to know him is to make all of us the better to other Reverend clergy who are assembled here with us tonight in the pew with you who share with us the tempestuous task of telling the world that the cross is still vacant the tomb is still empty to all of you who are in leadership at the Alfred Street Church who partner with the pastor in kingdom building endeavors who have learned to bill arks when there is no rain that walked by faith and not by sight to this melodious music ministry all my goodness you just have to love this choir - these musicians who could be playing anywhere but they are playing in church - the ushers who stands so dutifully into all of you my father's children grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ good evening let me rush to say I am pcap proud and honeymoon happy to be back at the Alpha Street Baptist Church in Alexandria Virginia last year wasn't able to come and I want y'all know I missed y'all good god oh my I've missed being around dr. Wesley just to be near him is always my benefit and blessing and I want to say this you all know dr. Howard John Worcester could have any preacher the width and breadth of the country come to Alfred Street but y'all faintly and always fair is it Amen I'm happy he lets me come I'm happy I've been waiting to get here till I could give you what God gave me but to also say thank you so much to my friend dr. Wesley my dad always told me you'll never know who your real friends are until you really need one hurricane Harvey really did a lot of damage in my area I was telling dr. Wesley in the office we're still healing from the ruins and wreckage of hurricane Harvey and when we were going through when the water was fifty seven feet high and then after that when the water quit running man the Alfred Street Baptist Church in conjunction in concert with those from lot Kerry blessed our region tremendously and I would be remiss if you all didn't help me thank God for them thank God for them when we will first hit by the by the flooding waters and we knew we couldn't get out dr. Howard John Wesley and his church sent us some 10,000 dollars and that was really resources we could convert into debit cards for people who were homeless and trying to peace life back together again and so and not only that but other gifts soon followed and then other resources soon follow to the point that we now have a full time hurricane recovery long-term recovery ministry at our church and I am happy to let you know that thank you let's get to the Bible Matthew chapter number 9 Matthew chapter number 9 reading from the King James version of the Bible verses 27 through 31 of chapter 9 think with my mind Oh God talk with my tongue go Lord stand in my body oh God Lord forgive my sins known and unknown but anoint me afresh in the new he'll save deliver renew revive refresh restore God have your way on tonight in the name of Jesus I petition heaven amen and when Jesus departed thence two blind men followed him crying and saying thou son of David have mercy on us and when he was come into the house the blind men came to him and jesus saith unto them believe he that I am able to do this they say it unto Him yay Lord then touched he their eyes saying according to your faith be it unto you and their eyes were open and Jesus straightened charged them saying see that no man know it but they when they were departed spread aboard his fame in all that country say a man grab a neighbor by the hand hopefully somebody you love and you like by now you should have met him it makes no sense to be on top of folk all this time and not know you sit but go on and just tell them say neighbor I'm supposed to be here tonight telling the preacher needs your prayers all of your a man's tonight sermons subject don't be crazy he still makes things better a man a man and a man the grass withers the flower thereof fades the word of our God shall last and stand forever thank you us as you may take your seats it's October 2011 and in my mind God has to have a sense of humor God flies me to Oxford England to Exeter College for an Oxford round table Here I am sitting at a table with 40 scholars from around America different genres different academic pedagogy and pedigree as I sit there with my thank you Lord if I'm graduating high school self I'm amazed at what God can do for those of you who love the King James Version of the Bible then you know that the first King James Bible was printed in 1611 so here I said in Austin the place where this book came from in terms of its printed pages four hundred years later and scholars both Christian and non-christian believer at Gnostic and atheists are grappling with whether we want to believe the Bible anymore or not I expected atheists to have their views that they didn't believe but a Presbyterian pastor from Los Angeles stood and said this book is nothing but myth and fable especially about those miracles that gee ladies and gentlemen while you're participating in the roundtable discussions you're supposed to keep silent until you recognize this is not some argumentative debacle debate and heated discussion it's organized as academic but when God has done something for you you don't have time to raise your hand and wait til the time is right an African sister from the motherland from Ghana from the township of Kufa Rydia about 230 pounds 5:8 Mingo gray afro earrings dangling straight up sister just raised her head in the midst of the silence and she said have you lost your mind she said when I lay sick on my baby I had no doctor no physician and no one but God she said they had given me up to die but God began healing my body she said I would call for the preacher to come and read the scriptures over me and the more he read the better I felt she said I am here today because God still makes things better she said don't be crazy he still makes things better I stand before you tonight Alfred Street to declare something to you and over you and I'm glad your pastor has given me permission to do it because I am of the faithful persuasion that to know Jesus Christ is to make life better I wish I had 10 of y'all in here who could say a man just heard that ladies and gentlemen friends in the faith I welcome you to the Gospel according to st. Matthew chapter number 9 and I argue dr. Howard John Wesley that the thematic discourse of chapter 9 is one word better you see when you open up chapter 9 of the modeun text Jesus is in the city of Bethany in this house and they bring this guy to Jesus on this cot because brother has the palsy we don't know his name we don't know their name we don't know how much he weighed all we know is that he had some friends and brought him to Jesus when they got to Capernaum where Jesus was located the Bible says they couldn't get to Jesus because it was too many folks around him but you know what you're desperate know is not good for an answer so they go up on the roof and tear the roof off of the house and let this man down to Jesus and the text says when he saw their faith he said it took the one on the mat I'm gonna forgive your sins and I'm gonna heal you ladies and gentlemen I don't know what you call it if you're brought to Jesus on a cot and leave walking but in my mind stuff just got better come in there there are these men fishing Peter and his brother and the Bible says Jesus passes by the Sea of Galilee and speaks two words dr. Howard John Wesley follow me and the Bible says they dropped their nets they forsook their families and followed Jesus I don't know if this is true for everybody but maybe for about one out of ten of y'all who've been following Jesus faithfully you ought to be able to argue similarly life for you has gotten better ladies and gentlemen there was a woman who hears he's passing through town and she's been sick 12 long years and the Bible in your hand says sister girl had a talk with her favorite three people me myself and I she said if I could just touch the hem of this garment I'll be made whole you did go to Sunday school did you read it and the Bible says that she pressed her way through the crowd touched the hem of His garment and fell healing come to her body Jesus turns around him depressed and says who touched me his disciples never catch on they're always in the black ladies and gentlemen they say it's a whole bunch of people touching you but Jesus says no somebody touched me he turned around and there she was on her knees and the Bible says she told him all that happened can I say this right quick while I'm making my roof of this gumbo can I tell you something right quick whenever a woman says they told everything sister-girl told everything it went down like this oh Jesus I've been so sick I went to one doctor all he did was take my money I went to this other doctor he was too high his lies was too long I was in the market minding my own business but I heard you was coming to town and I decide if I could just touch you everything would get better I tried to get to you but though disciple of yours are so mean sometimes so I just pressed my way and when I touched the hem of your garment I got better I need about ten of y'all in here who knows if you can just get to him you end up giving better ladies and gentlemen the Bible says he's on his way to ji RZA's house because his twelve-year-old daughter has died the text says dr. Howard John Wesley when he walks in he asked him why you're making all of this noise weeping and wailing and they give their report they say hey listen the girl is dead that's why you can't believe every report you receive not even the Mueller report you you can't believe every report some reports are to make you say hmm nevertheless ladies and gentlemen the Bible says that Jesus said to her the damsel is not dead she's taken a nap another report they begin laughing at Jesus and I love this view of the Christoph's in my heart Jesus does something folk that need miracles and healing order do every once in a while he put all of those non-believing rascals out he said y'all ain't gotta go home but you gotta get out of here ladies and gentlemen he took that girl by the hand and say Attalla takumi and a dead girl came to life I don't know what that says to you but if you did when he shows up and you alive when he leave that says stop just got better ladies and gentlemen here it is two blind men are following Jesus and I love the story because after he leaves J Iris's house he goes to another house and two blind men follow him the Bible is informing us of the episodic narratology here because the structure of the story is wonderful Jesus is walking but he's not talking to blind dudes are following him he has said nothing to these guys at all they are walking Jesus is walking conversation is mute but I love what I see in this text ladies and gentlemen because as they walk they get to a house and Jesus poses and interrogative do you believe that I am able to do this and they say it yes Lord oh yo this blesses me so much because Jesus takes his hand and he touches them and then says by your faith you're made whole wait this is for people who can think right quick what's one who heals this man these two men does his touch heal them does his talk kill them which one doesn't okay when you do a categorical study here's what you'll discover some blind man he touches and John chapter 9 he spits on the ground make some mud and then puts it on this man's face I argue dr. Howard John Wesley that any time God touches dirt he's about to create something that didn't exist before so I argued that these bit that the man in John 9 was born without eyes and the Lord made him some right quick we can talk about that later he says go wash him the pool man comes back seeing another brother on the outskirts of town he can't see either Jesus touches his eyes spits on his eyes and say tell me what you see he says I see men like trees wait a minute ladies and gentlemen if you go from blind to seeing even if them Joker's are big you still got better but the Lord says hold on nobody shout they wait listen but the Lord says hold on because if you see people too big you'll always see God too small so he touched him one more time ladies and gentlemen but this time he touches them and they get well the ontological interrogative is is which one heals him to touch all the talking can let's go ahead and get the first shout out a night it's an either/or listen ladies and gentlemen he doesn't have to touch you to heal you and he ain't got a top to get to hear you he just has to be nearby god help me ladies and gentlemen just the presence of the Lord was enough to fix it ladies and gentlemen I don't know what you called it when you come to Jesus blind and leave seeing but I say that you stuff just got ladies and gentlemen God flew me all the way from Texas to stand here with a black Bible black shirt black tie black suit and black boots all black man 100% to stand here and tell y'all that life is about to get better and I don't even know who this is for maybe you have everything you need got everything you want you good you chitlin but I came to please to some people that says I need God like right now I did not come to church tonight - Fletcher I leave for some stuff to get better there ought to be two groups of people in here those that lead him and those that know what he can do and if you have seen God make some stuff better for you hold on don't play with me if you've seen God make some stuff better then I want you to encourage the people and tell your neighbor don't be crazy he still makes things better he'll give you a better prayer life better worship he'll give you a better walk better talk better financing I wish you'd high-five somebody say neighbor it's about to get better hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelu hallelu must be crazy he still makes things better what does this text offer us that shows us what better looks like I want to show you several things if I can have time I'll cover cover them all number one you know it's getting better when you realize you are exactly where you are by divine design [Applause] look at your neighbor and say neighbor God's got you right where he wants you it's important that you know that faith is getting better because if you don't you could become discouraged and want to quit when healing deliverance and breakthrough are right around the corner pastor eight off what's why the telltale signs it's about to get better y'all ready for this when you discover following Jesus can be frustrating about to run away I promise to God wait if you are a new believer and you have not run into the frustrating factors of Christianity I say that you keep your Bible close and keep on going there are some of y'all who say oh I love Jesus with all of my heart but there are times I am just frustrated ladies and gentlemen watch the frustration of these two men number one they are close enough to hear the facts you see ladies and gentlemen they're blind but they can hear ain't nothing wrong with their hearing so they heard about the man that had palsy they heard about the woman with the issue of blood they heard about the Iris's daughter and I don't care what you say to me it's great to shout for other people every now and then in fact I think we oughta practice right way tell your neighbor say neighbor this shout is for everything God has done for you I'm or imma imma tell God thank you for stuff he's done for you then that this one is for y'all [Applause] but my brothers and sisters every now and then you can get frustrated and say hey God what about me I don't care what you say to me it's frustrating when you say everybody else got well everybody else has seen a miracle wait they're also frustrated watch this path - how would you on Wesley because they have found enough care to find a flawed friend come in how do two blind men find each other [Applause] I need some were just common sense now how would you on Wesley I argue that they find each other because people with similar flaws always hang out cancer survivors find cancer survivors leukemia survivors find leukemia survivors whiskey drinkers find whiskey drinkers we smokers sit by weed smokers cook that clubs hurt my foot in fact you sitting by your friends right now does have for y'all share the same flower I need about 25 of y'all in here that just looked after myself thank God we can only share that hey [Applause] watch the frustration is frustrating because if your friend is messed up and you messed up ain't nobody get in well [Applause] god help me preach tonight hello watch this third frustration their courageous enough to follow Jesus I've always wondered how do blind men follow Jesus if they can't see I can see how they can find each other they both got the same defect but how do you follow Jesus if you can't see ladies and gentlemen I've discovered how they follow him and I hope this blesses you you see God gives us five empirical senses see touch taste smell and what's the other one I know you'd know that you're saying that we have fire and I have discovered that when one of those diminishes or is deleted the other ones are heightened so ladies and Jimin when they lost their sight their hearing was enhanced and I argue doctor Hubble John Wesley that they were walking close enough to Jesus to hear his footsteps and if they walked close enough to hear he is he was God enough to order theirs ladies and gentlemen hear this announcement be careful who you let order your steps you want to let the law I need about twenty who needed to get better to just wave like you're in a parade you better be careful who you let order your steps the psalmist says in 119 133 order your steps in the law you ought to let God order your steps order your steps and second chronicles 7 and 14 if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven forgive their sin and here you are to order your step in Psalms 30 verse 5 weeping may and - or for one night but if you can just be crazy enough to hold on to the night time you'll discover joy will come in the morning you oughta order your steps to Psalms 27 the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear somebody been to Sunday School the law hey he is my everything touch your neighbor say neighbor let God order your steps friends I met a man years ago at the st. Lucy Episcopal Church downtown Atlanta whose name was Richard Jefferson Jackson and he he was homeless and he was on drugs we were sitting out with AAA meetings and I've always been just overwhelmed with them because they have such brute honesty okay so some of y'all have been to one let me tell you how you go you sit in this circle right and then they say hi I'm Susan I'm a no-good crackhead they say hi Susan y'all chill holy let me talk to y'all to tell you so and so Halloween is a meeting and Richard Jefferson Jackson alias Rallo is in there and so we're going around room asking about how they're doing and dr. Howard John Weston when we got to him he said oh I'm doing so much better he said I'm still broke I ain't got no money and every nine and I want to get high but the Lord is leading me in a new direction just knowing that I took step one yesterday makes me where everything is better today ladies and gentlemen I need 50 Yahoo took a good step this morning say god it's getting better already just because I am headed in the right dog own direction friends can I ask y'all who's in the right spot can I see those hands hold on watch this here's how you know what's getting better number two when you recognize that God is going to do it but not like you thought that he would I've got good news let me hurry up cuz I believe it 22 miles let me get y'all some good new God is going to meet your needs he does it every single time did you hear what I just told you god it's going to meet your needs with hope I'm gonna say it one more time god it's gonna meet your need well I'm gonna say it one more time just cuz I got to my god it's gonna meet your needs i'ma try the third time fourth time fifth time car it's gonna meet your need I need telling y'all who've seen God fix some stuff before to just lean over and tell a neighboring city man God it's gonna fix your knees but he ain't gonna do it like you thought he was gonna do can I give you all the third Schauder tonight when God fix his stuff he doesn't have to do it your way in fact if he does it's your way you will take the credit for that when God is about to be the giant he doesn't recruit a bigger giant he gets a little boy with a slingshot when God is about to cross a Red Sea he doesn't call in a Corps of Engineers he'll take the stuttering man with an attitude and a stick when God is about to feed five thousand he doesn't need a fish for everybody he just needs to fishing five only love God is about to meet your needs but he's not gonna do it like you think he's gonna do it pastor a thou how was it gonna go down watch this text he is going to make you wait while you keep moving for I don't know who this is fun but some of y'all been waiting a while God sent me to tell you be not dismayed what happy time God will take care of you watch this number to watch did that under you wait but you have to walk with no word hey yeah into the trip how you can be in church like right now and your neighbor just can hear God talking they'd you're getting it happy shouting clapping and you ain't heard nothing God than see if the entity it's like when you really need God to preach it sounds like he's from the peanuts walking over the walk well you know what I mean is there anybody beside me who says sometimes I need to hear from God and God don't talk to me and I need to hear from him ladies and gentlemen watch it I struggle with this text in fact I skip reading his text for years because I believe in a christ of compassion so I have a problem with Jesus in this text because he doesn't say anything to these men at least he could have turned around and say it betta encourage hang in there he doesn't say anything to them so y'all I skipped this story but dr. Howard John Wesley I was in my study and the Holy Ghost showed up and showed me why Jesus ain't talking ladies and gentlemen come here you see he doesn't talk to them because there's a difference between heaven the spoken word talking and the eternal word walking the what he is doing ladies and gentlemen is he's not talking to him because he's walking by them ladies and gentlemen there were times when you feel like God has nothing to say to you and I got good news don't give up just because he is not talking does not mean he is not walking holding your dog on hand I need about a humble y'all in here who've been waiting on God to say something to tell your neighbor it's because he's been walking with me that I've been able to not lose my whole mind in fact if you love the person you submit to reach over and grab them by the hand don't say nothing yet you grab there because I want him to know God still cares he put on you right by them just so they wouldn't know even though he may not say it when you want it as long as he didn't leave you you gonna be all right here is how it happens dr. Halperin John Wester two facets and functions of the text here it is right here they don't get in way all into two things happen they see him for who he is and they receive what he has watch this ladies and gentlemen these two blind men called Jesus thou son of David isn't it amazing the real emphasis of this text is not how blind men see him is why folk what eyes miss it these men cannot see God I'm preaching so good I'll buy your CD myself ladies and gentlemen these men look at Jesus and they don't see him as Jesus of Nazareth they don't see him as Jesus of Galilee they call him son of David ladies and gentlemen the son of David is a messianic title that connects Jesus all the way through David to be the seed of Abraham which lets us know in this text in everybody's eye sight Jesus is not really all about some folks see Jesus as some ordinary guy but I am so grateful to God for the Alfred Street Baptist Church because y'all got some crazy folk up in here who see Jesus as Lord of lords and King of Kings and cries of the cross and god of the galaxy you see Jesus as a doctor in the sick rule a lawyer in the courtroom breathe when you're hungry a breeze when you're hot and a check what you ain't got a dime in your pocket who am i preaching to I need about 50 of y'all in here who can say he's just not my lily in the valley he's not just my bright and Morning Star he is my everything you gotta see him who he is and watched it you got to get what he has everybody shout mercy I argue that they did heal when this happens the manifestation didn't come until later on but the healing that they lead happens in this verse they say Jesus hold on watch me thou son of David here's the request you ready how Marciano's see that Baptist don't know when the shell we need help from our Apostolic friends on this you know Lutheran's never Shout catholics only weep the little tears you know every now and then but baptist sometimes need lessons he watch they are not silent about this cry they cried aloud megaphone I love how my wait why okay wait hold on from Genesis to Malachi the word mercy means to withhold judgment for everybody in here including the man in the black suit behind the pulpit we ought to thank God for that kind of mercy why because if God gave us what we really deserve so hold on one shout right quick for the mercy he has extended for every sin he's forgiven for every thought he's a raped hold on folk in the balcony and clapping yeah y'all better thank the Lord for the mercy that suits your case right here but watch this doctor Howard John Wesley and y'all I need eight more minutes Weston ladies and gentlemen they don't ask Jesus to heal their eyes ladies and gentlemen they ask him for mercy y'all don't know where to get help they do not say fix my eyesight they say give us mercy why because in the Greek New Testament mercy is not withholding of judgment it's giving from God but only God can fix ladies and gentlemen I need some people in here that's got at least one thing broken if you ain't got nothing broke stay seated you can be silent you can wait till I get hit midship the Lord let me come back but if you got some stuff you need God to help you with fix repair restore I dare you to lift up your hands open up your mouth and cry out Jesus have mercy on my family have mercy on my mind have mercy on my health and my strength [Applause] that's a be seated pastor hopper John Wesley young lady at the church lost everything after her divorce end up in a battered women's shelter with three children sleeping on a year and stained mattress year and a half later sister girl graduates from school with a nursing degree wait that ain't a shout goes back gets her RN degree Cass says the state test gets Haggard at st. Elizabeth Hospital they pick her ten thousand as a signing bonus sister girl cuz man is a national budget she saved her 10 grand put seven on a house both are first half crown molding jacuzzi tub flat-screen TVs anybody made by the devil I'm gonna do the house blessing dr. Wesley and I asked her what really happened she said I hit rock bottom she said it's the best thing that's ever happened to me she said because when I hit rock bottom I realized that was a rock at the bottom and the rock had a name Wow his name is Jesus I need it by 50 y'all cuz I'd like to pull my hair out tell your neighbor neighbor it's coming but it might not be like you think it is I'm done I'm finished you gotta realize he's gonna do it you gotta recognize sometimes you just gotta hold on took a knee but sometimes you just gotta hold on button lastly you gotta internalize the fact that if you believe that God can do it I'm through I gotta quit but I got an announcement I gotta make God sent me all the way from Texas to make it can I make it right quick God is able you heard what I just said I need some folk with great had to help me God is enable God I need to a Yahoo know what I'm talking about the high five some others a neighbor he is able three elements in the last part of the periphery the first part is personal can I go ahead and give you all this right quick for some folks it ain't gonna ever get better you know why because your personal perception of you and God is all ejected at some point you gotta realize how you see you and God if that's what you see every single day ladies and gentlemen here the question god asked him do you believe touch your neighbors say do you believe hold on I don't want you to be all silent asked him do you really believe do you believe that he hung bleed and die do you believe that he gather three days later do you really believe he has all power in Israel do you really believe he's an eye-opener to my shrink a life changer I need some folks who just believe God to high-fibre neighbor's a neighbor I believe ladies and gentlemen he said do you believe that I am hold on ladies and gentlemen this thing ought to make you shout because the I am of this text is the same I am of Exodus chapter number 12 ladies and gentlemen if you haven't gone to Sunday school this ain't the first I am we've ever seen Moses is on Mount Horeb the Mount of God and the Bible said that a bush is burning and unconsumed the Bible says ladies and gentlemen that this bush talked with Moses and say it take off your shoes but the ground your own is holy ground he told Moses I'm gonna deliver my people from Egypt and I'm sending you to go get a Moses says hey hold up Who am I gonna tell Pharaoh that's it Leo this makes me happy God told them I am that I am wait hold on ladies and gentlemen there is no I in the Hebrew vernacular the Hebrew vernacular in its original sense is all consonants and no vowels it is Outlook but get moved I'll let hey whiles I get hit techie old cat Lamech Memnon's I may take it quite Russian and talk there is no I when you hear I am that I am it's a yah I share a yaw which means he will be what you need to be every time you need it I mean 50 of y'all in I'm about to pull my hair out and shout about myself tell your neighbor he will be my friend he will be my help he will be my doctor he will be my lawyer he will I gotta stop the kind of stop hello y'all and I got a close cuz I'll keep going ladies and gentleman he says do you believe that I am able you heard that to do this past hobble John Wesley I argue every Christian has a dis in fact if you love God look at your neighbor say neighbor what's your this what do you need for God to do for you that only God can do hold on if you not listen if you here tonight and don't have but this you might not be one of us because all of us have at least one this one this that God allows to exist that's bigger than you are deeper than you can touch the bottom wider that you can get around God gives us at this for one reason and that is so that when you get through looking at this you can look back at that and know that if God could handle that God can fix this I'm done but I need about 25 people with a testimony who can tell your neighbors say neighbor every time I look at this my mind looks back at the Lord take care of he can take care of this Amy all right check your neighbor by the hand pull your neighbors hand I said fine your neighbors hand Oh your neighbor by the hand and say neighbor he has taken care of that more than one time when I was broke he took care of that when I was sick he took care of that when I was down he took care of it when I didn't have a job you took care of that with my enemies were all around me he took pillows laughter so I'm not gonna worry about this lift up my hand and say God if you could handle that you can handle this your daughter Hannah if you leave in libel right now if you came for the miracle like to light wave your doggone heads take that same pain your neighbor around in it and say neighbor it's about to get better but you've gotta believe in God [Music] my secret but I gotta tell you one more thing ladies and gentlemen hurricane Harvey left some homes for bin half a time in their pocket er but the Lord made away somehow touch your neighbor and say neighbor gotta make away somehow I wish I had a pray in church if there is a man nah who's our ocean at our church er his home was destroyed and pulled off to Texas he had 14 feet of water in one house he had bad credit and no money he came to my office and said pastor I want to show you the house God showed me he drove me to the West End a pole vaulter I'll tell what the highfalutin saw cleaver I was driving past the highway John was saying I thought he said the Lord showed him this it looked crazy to me he pulled up in a driveway red brick and beautiful shrubs everywhere he said pastor Adolfo this is the house that the Lord showed me I said have you got me alone he said now my credit score is a full eighty touch your neighbor I quit and save for waiting I looked at him like y'all looking at me I said you might want to try to get a condom he said I just need some money to believe God with me that's why when you really need you might wanna be with me here is what happened ladies and gentlemen he started cutting the grass and trimming the hedges you not praying in here I said the man started cutting the doggone garage trimming the dog on the hedges every time the grass grew he would cut that grass one day a white Lexus pulled up in the driveway and euro-american man got out to call him on his lawnmower and said are you the one who's been cutting my grass and trimming my hedges he said yes sir he said but do you wanna buy this house he said yes sir but my credit is bad and I don't have any money he said well I tell you what thank you for keeping my glass cut got back at his car and drove over but I found your neighbor and say but God made it better hallelujah to the lamb Oh God he came right back doctor whistling and said I'm a doctor here in Beaumont and we're moving to another city this house has been for sale two years and we gotta get it off of the books he said so I tell you Walter I'm gonna finance it for you he put the keys in his hand and told me is he your house you can go ahead and move your stuff y'all don't know when to get happy he said yo Stefani but you will - out of the doctor he got off of the lawnmower touch your neighbor I quick and say neighbor for the lawnmower and told the man my stuff is already in the garage it was my counter I just right now huh trust in God and this now this for me right here leaving caca my heels even better yeah sigh sorry like it's trust in Jesus is somebody to put your arms around [Music] Trustin got some better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] anybody anybody over here believe this ever monitor [Music] you're just an employee [Music] I want you to shout like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Alfred Street Baptist Church
Views: 81,678
Rating: 4.781312 out of 5
Keywords: March Gladness, 2019, Rev. Dr. John R Adolph, Adolph, #hussle, #marchgladness, #marchmadness, #asbc, #thestreet
Id: ngt0FEPA46U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 31sec (3511 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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