081919 630pm Day 1 REVIVAL Sermon Pastor Phillip Pointer

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amen it is my honor and privilege to introduce our evangelist for the first two nights of our revival if you were here last year on Thursday night he introduced himself but he is a very accomplished man of God God has blessed them with a unique gift to impart the gospel in a way that's understandable that pierces the heart and pierces the soul pastor Barnes and I had the pleasure and opportunity of hearing him at the Hampton ministers conference to preach at that conference and that's a conference where preachers from and pastors from all of the country gathered together and he had the audacity to preach Psalms 23 at a preachers conference and toward a place of I've taught it many times but I learned a lot when he preached it on that day that's the gift that God has given him to have insight into the Word of God and we have the pleasure of having him here he's the senior pastor of the st. mark Baptist Church in Little Rock Arkansas one of the largest churches in Arkansas he's been pastoring as a senior pastor for 15 years and he's also the son of a pastor and he's grown in his word he's married and has three children and he's a wonderful man of God that is ready to preach the gospel to us on tonight and tomorrow I'm glad you're in the place you will be blessed and when you come back tomorrow bring somebody else the next voice you will hear after the choir sings will be that of our Evangelist for Monday and Tuesday dr. Philip pointer senior amen [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] would you whisper words of prayer with me tonight as we ask the Lord to bless our time in the word together God thank you for being dependable we are here tonight as evidence of your trustworthiness because every time we turn around you've made a way you've been consistent in your care for us faithful in your love for us and the reason we're so grateful is because we haven't treated you the same way you've been good when we weren't good and you've come through when we we're falling apart and we thank you tonight because you've been good to us and we approach an Aldi opening of your truth it's reading and it's explanation and we ask you Lord simply to speak because your servants are listening I confess my need for you tonight Lord the tasks given to me is too large for me and so I beg you now to pour fresh oil on my head give me clarity of thought and precision of speech using me as an instrument in your hand then give all of us who are gathered tonight listening ears receptive hearts and by the power of your spirit responsive obedient lives help us tonight to leave better than we were when we came God if anything in us or around us would distract us would you rebuke it now and we might be focused on the scripture as it reveals Jesus Christ and we covered it together now that if anything good happens and we believe something good is going to happen no flesh will be celebrated and no humanity glorified other than the person of the Lord Jesus Christ you'll receive all the glory honor and praise and we thank you for these things in all things in Jesus name and the believers together said amen and amen well this is the day the Lord has made and we ought to be rejoicing and glad in it you've got praise our prisons tonight and honor to our Greek God and to Christ God's Son our Savior the Holy Spirit who is comforter and guide to your pasture what a warm and kind gentleman he is can we celebrate tonight that's a real estate barns michael abreu tonight what an awesome amazing woman of God we've heard tonight what a clear challenge wisdom and insight and anointing for us to continue to be transformed in this age and thank you to those who are instrumental in the hospitality that I've experienced tonight it's good for us to be here tonight we're here tonight not because we've been good and look it but because God has been faithful to look beyond our faults and zero in on the bull's eye our need thank you again pastor for the opportunity and the invitation to come and share with you during this season where we're praying for the Lord to send revival we can schedule service but only God can send revival I want you to join me quickly the night in an Testament small prophetic book it's called the book of Habakkuk the book of Habakkuk and there in chapter 3 of Habakkuk there is a word from the Lord for us tonight Habakkuk chapter 3 verses 17 18 and 19 Habakkuk chapter 3 verses 17 18 and 19 I'm reading tonight from the English standard version of the text it might read slightly different from the version that you hold in your hand but as long as it says Bible I think you're gonna be alright Habakkuk chapter 3 beginning at verse number 17 listening to the word of the Lord for us tonight though the fig tree should not blossom nor fruit be on the vines the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls yet I will rejoice in the Lord I will take joy in the God of my salvation God the Lord is my strength he makes my feet like the deers he makes me tread on my high places to the choirmaster with stringed instruments thank you for standing with me to read though the fig tree shall not blossom nor fruit be on the vines you may be seated the labor of the olive them may fail in the fields yield no meat or no food the flock may be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls yet I will Jois in the Lord will joy in the God of my salvation the Lord God is my strength you'll make my feet like old King James says Hinds feet he'll make me to walk upon mine high places tonight with the Lord's help and your prayerful participation I'd like to explain this text with this title in front of it a determination for dark days a determination for dark days it was in response to two tragedies that happen in a short span of time that the US government started a website that was initially called disaster gov it was later changed to ready.gov was after those two planes hit the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001 and after Hurricane Katrina in October of 2005 calls the levees keeping the water from New Orleans to break and flooding in the Lower Ninth Ward turned the city of New Orleans upside down and inside out that the US government decided it was a good idea to start a website initially called disaster gov that was later changed to ready.gov the point was simple brothers and sisters the US government wanted its citizens to be prepared to get ready for the potential and given the day in which we live the inevitability of either man or natural disasters they were very simple in their outline what does the prepared life look like they said initially it was for a person or a family to be informed to listen to the news to watch to watch the news to listen to the radio to be aware of that color-coded system terroristic threat to to watch weather patterns and weather predictions to know what might be coming your way be prepared but they also said that every family every person should should get a kit together flashlights and batteries water and non-perishable food items in case some disaster were to hit and you were to be in your home without power or refrigeration for a number of days they also said that every personal family should should should make a plan in case cellphone coverage goes down in case there's some separation and there is no no opportunity for communication you should have a meet a place for your children there there should be a place where everybody knows together or you need to have someplace to go out of town in case there is a mandatory evacuation they say that every person every family should be ready because disasters are potential and and in some ways inevitable everyone should be informed should to get a kid and everyone should make a plan that's what the government says ought to be the condition of our minds as it relates to possible natural and man-made disasters that might hit our streets our cities and our shores and I think friends that that if that that makes sense for us for our streets our cities and our shores then then it also makes sense for us to be prepared for the inevitable difficulties that will ultimately arise that may afflict our souls as well if it makes sense for you to expect that that something might happen at your house at your residence at your job that it also makes sense that you should be prepared because we do live in a fallen world around falling people and no matter how much you pray no matter how much you sing no matter how much you give there will be some days in your experience where you will have to be prepared for the inevitable disasters that might hit your soul and I'm in Bible country your jesus said in this life you shall have the tribulation that the writer David tells us if the Psalms many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers out of them all and please friend please ignore those false prophet prognosticators that say it's going to get better and brighter without any burdens and without any problems and without any pressures and without any issues the day that we live in is a day where it's dark and getting darker and it's up to the Saints tonight to prepare our hearts our minds and our souls so that we don't let what goes on in our situation determine what happens with our jubilation so that we don't let what's happening around us mess up what we know and believe within us we need to have a predetermined disposition for the dark days that are all around it that's what Habakkuk is writing about tonight he's writing about getting a prophetic preview of God's a tool of correction that's coming too to bring the people of Judah back to right standing and right worship of God the issue is they've gotten in promised places and they've enjoyed houses they didn't have to live in vineyards they didn't have to plan and just like Moses warned them against they have forgotten the god that gave them what they have and as a result the people of God aren't really acting like the people of God they're oppressing the poor everyone's looking out for him or herself those who are at the top of things economically and politically are not looking out for those at the bottom of society's ladder there they they're professing a right faith but they are presenting a perverted version of the right faith and Rebecca asks God God please send something do something to correct your people God says so Beckett I'm glad you asked for it what I'm going to do is I'm going to send the Babylonians they're going to come in three separate campaigns they're going to ransack Jerusalem overthrow your government they're going to burn down the walls and the temple and take the people captive now here's where Habakkuk II is y'all he's got a problem with his problem that's the people of God not acting right but then he's got a problem with God's a solution because God's solution does not fit into her Beckett's limited scope of how to bring a hole in his back to the national experience Elma I wonder are two or three of us in here now honest enough to say we've asked God to fix something but then we got discouraged and upset with God because how God chose to fix it is not how we wanted God to fix it so we wanted the son to get saved but we didn't want him to get arrested and go to jail in order to go back to his knees and we wanted God to heal our body but we don't want to have to exercise and go through the surgery to have a physical turnaround and we want God to save our marriage but we don't want to apologize we don't want to serve one another and we don't want to admit that we're at fault for some of the problems in the relationship we want God to fix our nation but we're unenthusiastic when it comes to community involvement and we're not in our schools and we don't show up to vote that says I've got the solution for you but you might not like it and Rebecca and God Habakkuk and God start having this teetering towering conversation about about God how can you use ungodly people to correct godly people but but but but God says I can use things outside of my will to bring you back to my will so that you can do my I wish you were here what I'm trying to tell you Habakkuk says Boekel says it's gonna get dark it's gonna be these Babylonians gonna come in they're gonna mess up everything in and around Jerusalem and the people of God are going to be in bondage she's a contemporary of Jeremiah who's going to tell us it's going to take a full 70 years from one temple being destroyed to the second temple being finished again from 586 BC to 516 BC and in it interesting God gives this word to a man named Habakkuk whose name means to embrace or to hold on so that in the midst of dark days God uses a man whose name means to hold on to give us what it looks like to have a positive disposition in the midst of negative circumstances how can i still be positive while God is allowing so much negativity around me here's how Habakkuk says what I decided to do is to take my attention off of the dark days and put my attention on my definer source because if I stop looking around and I look up I can still be positive though negativity has broken out all around me so so so so so what does that look like a Becca tell me what what's your disposition when things get difficult when when God is developing you through difficulty how how you gonna act about it he don't know the fig tree shall not blossom no fruit be on the vines though the labor of the olive will fail in the fields will yield no food though the flock may be cut off from the fold in there be no herd in the stalls wait a minute I see something here Rebecca what what am i I'm not gonna have a positive disposition in the midst of negative circumstances he says it starts for apana by first acknowledging your plight fig tree not blossoming no fruit on the vine the olive trees are failing the the fields where there's wheat there's no wheat in the field no flock and no heard no sheep and no go to hell Becket lives in an agricultural society in an agrarian society that is dependent on the produce of the land and the productivity of the flock in order to have their basic needs met and or to experience material prosperity he's saying that what God is allowing to happen is that the stuff I'm working on a working the the inference of the text and this is a poem friends it's a song that's why we have the poetic note at the end it's to the choirmaster with stringed instrument instruments it is a song he's saying in poetic terms friends um I'm doing my best I'm planting I'm plowing and I'm weeding but it ain't working I want to talk to through with you are you here because some of us come to church and always act like everything is always working but you you you you act like everything is always well and wonderful and good but God won't fix what you won't face God will not help you through what you won't be honest enough to admit is not working and the first step to true deliverance is acceptance and admittance of working in your life I wish you would hear what I'm trying to say and it's God sometimes you can put your rebuke away it's not always the devil that's stopping it from working it's not always your haters that are stopping it from working it's not always your enemies that are stopping it from working it's not always the white man that's stopping it from working some stuff in working because God is allowing the condition of your situation to be symptomatic of the condition of your soul and he wants you to see that what's going on around you is simply a result of what's going on within you and the Baroness you see is because of the Baroness that is in you but in a I'm doing what I can to make things work to to produce to have to have some sense of success I'm trying all I can try and it reminds us friends it reminds us brothers and sisters that it does not matter how good of a farmer you are if God doesn't sit rain ain't nothing gonna grow you're not where you are because you're such a good farmer if you got any produce in your life yes cuz God sends some rain on top of your field [Applause] hey hey hey hey acknowledge your plight acknowledge your plight because denial is not deliverance hear what I said denial is not deliverance pretending you're not hurt doesn't heal I wish you would hear what I'm trying to say tonight I'm trying I'm trying to get it across the best way I can I'm trying to say I'm trying to say um that that that it's time out for the fake facade phony hip-hip hallelujah every time we ask you how you're doing you say blessed and highly favored I don't feel like that all the time I need a church where I can come in and say yeah I love the Lord but some ain't working I'm I know I'm saved for some stuff just ain't working any that's not my mother and it's not my father but it's me Lord standing in the need [Applause] Figtree not blossoming no fruit on the vine labeled Olive may fail and these these several statements with these differing crops and these two animals are all just poetic repetitions of the same thing this ain't working this ain't working this ain't working this ain't working and this ain't working is he he acknowledges his plight not my middle boy help me with this my middle child rather help me with this I got Gabi who is who's my oldest in p/j and then Elijah is my baby boy my middle boy PJ Philip LeMond pointer jr. is a self-proclaimed genius many many years ago many years ago when he was much younger he's 14 now he's taller than me that's not some great feat but he was he's he's 14 freshman in high school when I was teaching him how to tie his shoes when one day he was he decided to run into the mud room of our house and tie his shoes without me so he went in and he got a knot in the shoe got a knot in his laces and he came and called me and said dad dad I can't I can't get it I can't get the knot out so I came and knelt down in front of my son and I started working on the knot and and and and he started working on the night and so I'm loosening and he's tightening and I'm tightening and he's loosening at the same time so eventually after a couple of seconds of this I took my hands off I stood up and I let him continue to work on the night and he looked up at me they're frustrated and said daddy I thought you'll all help me get the knot out I said son I can help you but you gotta take your hands off some of y'all are looking at barren fields and you still trying to fix it yourself and trying to be smart enough to fix it and think your experience is going to fix it and think your connections are going to fix it and think your acumen and education is going to fix it now a Beck excedrin the dark days come I've determined to just tell God I'm taking my hands off so you can put your hands on so you can get the knot out of my life is there anybody in Macedonia tonight that will say I need the all I need me fine I stretch victory that blossoming no food on the back slave of the I love me feel the fields will yield no food the flock has cut off from the fold and there is no herd in the stalls verse 18 yet I pass the bar as I try to teach the church I pastor st. mark a little rock how to shout all reading the Bible Ivana I want to see if I can run that one more time look at it again verse 17 the fig tree shall not blossom no fruit on the vine the labor of the olive is going to fail the fields will yield no food no wheat in the fields the flock is gonna be cut off from the fold and there's gonna be no herd in the stalls yet yeah yeah it's a it's a it's a contrasting conjunction that great it separates and connects at the same time it does not deny the truth that's on the front half of its statement but it puts a truth on the back half that gives balance and maybe even outweighs the truth that's on the front half yet however and but friends say if it's bad on the front end it can be good on the back end if it's dark on the front end it can be light on the back end if it's hard on the front end you got some help on the back end if you're trying on the front in this don't be some wiping of peers up on the back end yeah watch him say I will rejoice in the Lord because because my determination for dark days begins when I acknowledge my plight but it continues when I affirm my praise yet I will rejoice can we slow up this I will rejoice not I feel rejoice [Applause] it's not the same thing because some of us only rejoice when we feel rejoice and you wait on the choir to sing the right song you wait on an organ to kick in with the right notes you wait on somebody to grab you and rock you and roll you and push you and prime you and you need a hip hip hallelujah Squad give me a G give me an e give me an S but some of us don't need all that because God's character is so consistent that even when I don't feel rejoice will I will I will you shout every sunny yes I do I will you broke yes I am but I will you you sick yes he I am but but I will but didn't they leave yeah yeah laughing but that ain't got nothing to do with a well or not I'm gonna rejoice I will rejoice in the Lord I'm gonna affirm my praise I'm not gonna let my situation control my celebration or my jubilation no no no I will rejoice I like that word rejoice he goes on to say I will joy in God those two words sound real churchy to us but in Hebrew friends um they're they're actually action words I know I know they're people like the Google preachers why would why would preaching but but you can look it up it's true actually that word rejoice means to leap and the word joy means to spin around baby I said the word rejoice means to leap and the word joy means to spin around um can you see this wild hare prophet in a dusty field with dry trees and brown vines look at lack of food ain't no grapes on the vine ain't no figs on the tree ain't no olives on the tree his sheep look weak and sick his goats about to fall over and die here he is in the middle of the field of leaping and spinning I wish you would let her Becca talk to your soul tonight because some of us are waiting on things to turn around before we turn around we're we're waiting on things to blossom before we bless him we're waiting on God to do it before we give Him glory but God says I need to dry up your field to determine whether you love the blessing or whether you love the blesser I've got to stop your grapes from growing to see whether you love me or whether you love what I can do for you because when you love the Lord you don't need grapes and figs you don't need sheep and goats just the fact you got relationship with him yes enough to leave a powder but love to spit a powder but not to fight God go firm my praise I'm gonna firm not praise high we'll have a showers preaching preaching best bars in Dallas Texas still lived in DC at time pastoring in Virginia and um and it was unseasonable cold in Dallas so I got on a plane in Washington DC and they had the air conditioning all the way down on fries it was freezing cold on the airplane I landed in DFW Airport got off the plane the plane waiting from my bag at the baggage claim and they had the air on freeze it was freezing cold in the airport Church sent a gentleman to pick me up from the airport I got in the car he had it he had it freezing cold in the car they took me to Papa doles to have lunch with the pastor there I was in Papa doles trying to eat my catfish Opelousas but I couldn't even join because it was freezing cold in the restaurant got in the pastor's car he was taking me to the hotel to check in y'all he had it freezing cold in the car they dropped me off I took my bag I sprinted up stairs to my room I hit that button on the thermostat until the numbers stopped moving I needed some heat in my life cuz everywhere else it was cold not the thing was I wasn't in control of the thermostat on the airplane or in the airport or in the car or the restaurant or the other car but when I got where I was in control I turned the heat up to make myself comfortable I'm talking to somebody here cuz it gets cold outside again it gets cold on your job with folk backstabbing and sending snarky sneaky emails it gets cold in the world when they're still redlining our neighborhood said shooting down our young black boy said we've got a dysfunctional government and an ignorant president it gets cold sometimes in church folk you trying to speak to will speak back to you and you try to figure out what you've done to them you can't control the temperature on the outside but you got a thermostat on the inside where you can turn up the heat of your hallelujah to give yourself some warmth in the midst of a cold world and somebody tonight gonna turn up the heat of your praise and the heat of your Thanksgiving at the heat of your fake you got to warm your soul will rejoice I got to go I'm through now he say us I started pauna by by acknowledging my plight I don't claim as good when it's bad but but I move from that to affirm my praise I'm gonna leave and I'm go spin but but but bruh prophet habakkuk why in the world are you jumping and spinning in the dusty field let me tell you why last thing he tells us tonight is is the reason I'm doing this is because I've learned how to acclaim my provider I will rejoice in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation God the Lord of the Lord God is my strength and he's gonna make my feet like Hinds feet like deers feet I wanna I want to get happy but let me explain myself happy here is he says let me tell you about an I provide let me tell you what's making me jump and spin in a dusty field with no sheep and no goats why rock why I can shout over brown vine let me tell you what happened what happened was I put my attention on the Lord and then I remembered he's my salvation yeah now now here's here to his friends you and I hear salvation and we automatically run to the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ rightfully so as New Testament believers we are reminded of the selfless sacrifice of the sinless one who took sin on for us so that he could put his righteousness on us note that he lived the life we could not live and then died the death that we should have died and they whipped him and beat him and spat on him crowned him with thorns they led him out of the gates of Jerusalem to a hill called Calvary nailed his hands and spiked his feet hung him high dropped him lower and on that dark Friday friends he died a violent vicious vicarious death so that we could be forgiven for every sin and the sinfulness that resided within our souls Jesus then having fully paid the penalty for our sin that was buried according to the prophetic scriptures and early Sunday morning God verified that Friday worked by raising Jesus from the dead and Jesus said all power in heaven and earth is in my Hanna if you a New Testament believers saved and so enough saved then you don't need figs to shout when you got faith you can shout it you don't need grapes too shabby when you got grace you can shout you don't need sheep to shout when you got the Shepherd you can shout he says is my salvation wait wait Rebecca in his limited prophetic view is not in this text speaking of ultimate redemption he's talking about circumstantial restoration but he says salvation he means it in the way that the Old Testament writers generally minted in the concept of situational deliverance so the reason how shouting in my empty field is cuz it's empty now but it won't be empty forever and the reason I can shop with brown vines is because God is going to renew that restore that reinvigorate my vineyard and the grace that ain't growing the day I'm gonna grow again someday I wish I had a church to preach to now I got to get out of here but would you shake somebody's hand and say neighbor you oughta shout now over the literates that is coming change that is coming ways that will be made doors that will be opened help me somebody God is not concerning his promise and then he's my strength so I survive the season of shortage when I lean on the Lord to be my strength watch me cuz God teaches us that the figs weren't sustaining you in hell [Applause] don't miss that what is a resource can dry up and you be sustained because the source does not some of us are in here tonight and we are walking miracles because we've had stuff that should have stayed that to leave and yet here we are still in church and still giving God glory what happened when I was just about to give up give out and throw in the towel some fresh strength kick in out of nowhere and I'm not standing because I'm stronger understanding cause the Lord has been my strength if it had not been pull out Oh Masha [Applause] I got to go I got to go but he makes my feet like deer see what's the picture here Habakkuk the deer has a splint on his hoof it's a mountain-dwelling animal that that tries to graze at the foot of the hills and the mountains but it's sint catches the nostrils of its predators who then try to run it after the deer to devour it but but the deer doesn't beat the predator by running fast the deer beats the predator by climbing high it can go higher then the enemy can go we got to go but I need you to find you a quick neighbor here wait can I borrow your hand can I get you to shake somebody's hand can I get you to help them out tonight can you say neighbor when the enemy gets on your trail don't forget you've got equipment and will help you to climb higher then your enemy can go so that you don't need to cuss them like they've cost you but climb yeah climb higher and you don't have to stab them like they stab to you hi hey you don't have to do them like they did you climb higher do I have a witness here I got to leave your hair but when Satan is trying to devour your joy when the enemy is trying to take your peace in your prayer life climb higher in your study time I'm higher with your praise climb higher with your hallelujah I wish y'all knew these old hymns that used to sing the song that said I'm pressing on the upward way new heights I'm gaining every day still praying and as I found Lord plant my feet on a higher ground my ah [Music] on higher ground we got to leave here now but there's one more thing about the deers foot is that the split down the middle that helps it climb the high places but it also has another feature because the rocks are on the high ground can still be slick the rocks on the high ground can still be slippery and the deer can lose its footing but God put a little hook on the back of the hoof that when it slips from its grip the hook will catch it we got to leave here but I need your hand just one last time can I get you to turn one neighbor in the
Channel: MMBC1882
Views: 14,149
Rating: 4.7750001 out of 5
Keywords: MacedoniaMissionaryBaptistChurch, MMBC, PastorWillieCBarnes, Pastor, WillieCBarnes, PastorBarnes, CalvinTillman, RobertHenderson, KingofGlory, GospelConcert, Gospel, JesusChrist, Jesus, Lord, God, Christianity, Eatonville, VaughnLeon, Holy, Religion, Truth, Salvation, Word, HolySpirit, HolyGhost, 7LastSayings, Easter, Passover, RevJerroldSmith, A.R.M.Y.Conference, REVIVAL, 2019
Id: Vqw6Xz4OTdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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