Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby - March Gladness

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[Music] this Thursday night I need everybody in the house to help me give God glory he's worthy of the glory he's worthy of the honor he's worthy of our praise will you help me glorify our great God these three that greatly to be praised from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised will you help to give it glory and that's heaven our church on a Thursday night hallelujah so God be the glory what a joy it is to be back in this place during this season of revival this March gladness experience I'll admit it to you tonight I was glad when they said unto me let's go into the house call Tabernacle a man I'm glad to be here tonight night thank God for this awesome privilege that has been afforded me to share on this Third Watch of March gladness 2019 to the eminent and esteemed pastor of this church my friend and beloved brother the Reverend dr. Charles E Goodman Julia will you help to celebrate your pastor my friend let's just say I'm so very honored that you would allow me to come and share during this very significant season in the church's life I know you know a lot of preachers in a lot of places but thank you for looking down in the hood of Houston Texas and allowed me to come and share during this time of revival yeah I'm into who that a man praise the Lord for the who and all the rats I mean all the people in the front of hood say man alright praise the Lord for the hood praise the Lord to all of the Reverend clergy who are in this place tonight god bless you my sisters and brothers who have the wonderful blessing and burden of preaching the Word of God I praise God for each one of you and to the leadership and the membership of the will of the tabernacle church I'm grateful to be here with you on this Thursday night thank God for this magnificent and majestic music ministry thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you thank you for sharing us into the presence of God on the wings of song we are blessed because of your inclusion in worship tonight there's a word from the Lord tonight if you have your Bibles I invite your attention to the New Testament gospel is recorded by the writer mark the New Testament gospel is recorded by the writer mark at chapter 5 the New Testament gospel is recorded by the writer mark at chapter 5 we'll begin our reading tonight at ver thirty four the New Testament gospel is recorded by the writer mark at chapter five and we'll begin our reading at verse 34 if you have that passage of Scripture say Amen if you don't say wait for me I'm waiting I heard you the New Testament Matthew Mark the second of the New Testament Gospels mark chapter five beginning with verse 34 I'm reading tonight from the New International Version of the Holy Word of God and this is what it says he meaning Jesus said to her daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering that's enough amen praise God for His Holy Word you may be seated in the presence of our good and gracious God jesus said to her daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering for the time that is ours and share together tonight I want to talk simply from the subject faith to fight on faith to fight on it was in June to be sure the first week of June of 2018 that this nation was forced to deal with the challenge the tragedy of death by suicide the first week of June 2018 we were thrust into the reality that two nationally prominent individuals decided to take their lives by suicide on Tuesday of that week designer Kate Spade took her life and then while we were still reeling from that reality on Friday of the same week CNN's Anthony Bourdain decided to do the same the nation was wrestling with grappling with the reality that these two individuals who see Bingley had it all going on these two individuals who seemed to be at the tops of their proverbial games decided that there was some pressure some weight some frustration some agitation with which they could not deal any longer from which they could get no swift release and as a consequence they chose to take their own lives these two individuals to whom many looked up these two individuals who were consistently in the public eye and everybody thought they were doing well these two individuals had some demons with which they wrestled some pressure from which they could get no swift release some weight on their shoulders that they could not shake and as a consequence they took their very lives and I thought tonight dr. Goodman that we might just wrestle with this for a little while because if the truth be told this same situation of death by suicide has the tendency to creep into the minds of even the Saints who occupy space in the sanctuary there's some persons in the room tonight who can testify that there have been some seasons in your life when you had demons with which you were wrestling you had pressure for which you could get no swift release you had some weight that you could not shake and although you love the Lord and although you have a Bible in your lap or app on your phone the truth of the matter is there have been some seasons you couldn't we deal with the pressure that weighs so heavily upon your shoulders and tonight somebody's sitting in church tonight you may not want to testify about it but I know very well that there are some who press their way to the Lord's house with regularity and they deal with suicidal ideations they deal with the reality that there's some circumstances that just try to beat them to their core and knock them around from which they can get no slip to release somebody in church tonight knows what it means to have life try to knock the life out of you somebody knows what it means to have to deal with the same thing every day all day somebody knows what it means to not want to get about the bed in the morning not want to open up the curtains not want to deal with the realities with which you have the deals somebody in church has once upon a time wanted to say stop this ride I want to get off somebody wanted to throw in the towel wave the white flag of surrender but I'm so glad you're here because the fact that you're here means you didn't give up you didn't throw in the towel that's some kind of way you found within yourself some intestinal fortitude to keep on fighting till you got to church one more time somebody said I had to keep fighting despite the pressure despite the weight here despite the demons from which I could get no swift release and tonight I'm glad you in this house cuz I need to reintroduce you or introduce you to a woman who knows what it means to have some pressure some weight some frustration some aggravation from which she can get no swift release you know her well if you've been in church for about three and a half days you've heard her story because she is one of those sisters who helped us to understand what it means to have some tenacity some temerity the even the audacity to keep on pressing when you feel like giving up oh yes Lord yes Lord I reintroduce you to her tonight she is unnamed yet not unnecessary she is a sister who knows what it means to have this what that that which drains you that which depletes you and that which has detached her by law from everything near and dear to her permit me to introduce or reintroduce you to a woman whose name we do not know she is a name yet not unnecessary because she teaches us how to press how to push how to persevere even when you feel like giving up here may I reintroduce you to her the church has long since given her a moniker that the Bible does not even label her with her with as a matter of fact we labeled her based upon what's wrong with her we have defined her by her deficiency the church has called her the woman with the issue of blood now Church family I've got a bit of a challenge with that because all too often in the church we label people if I wasn't wrong with them we define them by their deficiency we call them by what has characterized them in terms of deficiency you know how we do in the church that's the deacon with the drinking problem that's the sister who got pregnant before she got married that's the preacher who got caught dah-dah-dah-dah we have the tendency to label people by what's wrong with them but I wish I had Senate's well people in Chapel tonight who can testify don't label me just by what's wrong with me because there's a whole lot more to me than meets the eye don't you fool yourself I'm not just some person who ain't got the money I wish I had I'm not just some person who's single and not able to get to where I want to be I'm not just some person who is old and seemingly have no end and a way to keep on pressing I need sin as well people in here who know that you got some money inside of you that makes you get up in the morning and say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it can I find some faith Walker's in here can I find some warriors in this house tonight who can testify if there's more to me than meets the eye yes yes yes here she is she is my sister who's unnamed yet not unnecessary because she teaches us a lesson about how to have faith to fight on now I see already there are two or three people who may have just checked out on me because you think this message may not be for you I hear you're talking to me Rev I'm not in that situation I don't have pseudo suicidal thoughts and tendencies I don't have this issue of blood that this woman is talking about I hear you I know that your issue may not be suicide your issue may not be this sickness but good man I've been insurance long enough to know that everybody in church got some kind of issue dog don't you fool yourself don't you let your good looks fool you don't you let your education fool you don't you let your degree status fool you everybody in church got some kind of issue can I get three witnesses oh yeah yeah your issue may not be like my issue in my issue may not be yours but all of us got some issues we're dealing with somebody in here has an Occupational issue you hate going to that job you gotta go to tomorrow you get sick of walking up in there as a matter of fact while you're walking through the door you look Lord hold me don't let me go off on these people Lord don't let me lose my temper today somebody in here knows what it means to hell that's not your issue maybe your issue is a lack of an occupation issue you've been looking for a job for the last six months and a bit okay that's not your issue maybe your issue is a financial issue you don't have the money you wish you had you're trying to make your ends meet you really want them to overlap but you don't have the money to choke it that's not your issue maybe your issue is you're the only one in your family got money and everybody come to you to get the money that you have okay all of us got some kind of okay that's not your issue maybe your issue is a marital issue you don't want to go home tonight because you don't feel dealing with that person that's in your house every time the garage opens you're like oh Lord they here again every somebody in here okay that's not your issue oh maybe your issue is a lack of a marital issue you thought by now Jesus I sure would have been married by now I thought I was save a little oh oh that's nice okay maybe your issue is like my issue I got a political issue because every time I look at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue I'm like come on Jesus are you serious is that dude still up there every single day he lied he talkin crazy he's eco maniacal narcissistic xenophobic sexist and racist I'm sick of looking at CNN and watching him lie here alive they're alive everywhere alive 1600 got a lot yaii I owe all of us all of us have some kind of initiative tonight I thought I'd bring this sister to our consideration because this sister knows what it means to have an issue and still keep pressing keep persevere and keep pushing until she gets her issue resolved she has I submit tonight at faiths to fight on and tonight I need to raise somebody's faith no need to come to all these nights of March gladness and your faith not get raised don't make sense after hear or this preacher and your faith not get raised last time I checked your Bible faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and I need 10 or 12 people who say who grant her to leave March with more faith I need 10 or 12 people who can testify I may not have had it in February but after all for these preachers get finished I'm gonna walk by faith and not by sight I'm gonna believe God for great things I'm gonna trust God to do the miraculous the impossible the amazing in my life she is she is Judge family this sister a name yet not unnecessary he teaches us how to have faith to fight on I submit tonight Church family here that if you and I go have faith to fight on we have to have faith watch this despite public perception that will help me preach tonight I said we gotta have faith despite public perception I mentioned to you in passing during that little introductory mess the part of the message that this woman is drained she is depleted she is detached watch this by law from everything that is near and dear to her hear me again church family she's drained she is depleted she is detached by law from everything that is near and dear to her but she heard that there was a man named Jesus who was able to do amazing things and she said if I can just get to him I know something's gonna happen and now church family you got to understand when Mark chapter 5 opens it opens with a brother who is sitting in a cemetery in a place called Ghaderi he is naked screaming and hollering her cutting himself with rocks he is out of control out of his mind and the Bible says that Jesus the matchless Lamb of God meets him where he is aren't you glad that you don't always have to make your way to church but Jesus knows how to show up right where you are and reach you with mercy and do for you and what you cannot do for yourself and he meets that man in the cemetery asks him what is your name that man says my name is legion for we are many hold up mister Jesus I got a whole lot of stuff going on with me I got a whole bunch of issues but your Bible says that when Jesus finishes with him he is closed and in his right mind Oh child of God don't miss it because I ancestor that elders used to say that this Jesus that we love and serve and he's our heart fixer and a mind regulator anybody in here have I had him regulate your mind hey anybody ever had him put you back in your right mind anybody ever had your mind playing tricks on you but when you hooked up with that man Jesus he began to change your mind and fix you everywhere you heard your Bible says when Jesus finishes dealing with this brother he gets into a boat crosses the water and when he gets out of the water after there's a multitude of people who waiting to greet him and when they greet him they throng him they encircle him they're excited to see this man Jesus they've heard what he's able to do they watched him do mighty miracles in the past and they believe he's gonna do something else again here they all are this multitude of people surrounding the Lord Jesus Christ don't miss it a crowd of brothers and sisters meeting to see Jesus once again here they all are crowding Jesus it's as if everybody in Tabernacle wanted to show up just to see that man named Jesus and there they are this crowd of people who waiting to see Jesus and in the midst of that crowd comes a big baller shot caller by the name of Jay Irish Jay iris is a synagogue ruler he is a man of ability and nobility here's a man of means with men and women under his authority he says jump and they say how high he says move and everybody gets to move in he is a man with authority but this man has an issue his issue is he got a 12 year old baby girl back at the house who is sick and lay at the point of death and his ability and nobility can do nothing to help her his means nor the men and women under his authority he can do anything to help her and so he comes to that man named Jesus and your Bible says he lays himself prospect before Jesus and he says Jesus I need you to come to my house lay your hand on my daughter so she may be healed and live you mister let me give it to you again I said he comes to Jesus this big baller shot caller this man of ability and nobility this man with means and men and women under his authority he comes to Jesus because sometimes your money can't get you out of your mess sometimes your authority can't get you out of your situation and somebody in here know that there's a man named Jesus who's still able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think and the Bible says he comes to Jesus lays prostrate at his feet and when he does he says Jesus I need you to come to my house and lay your hands on my daughter so she may be healed and live by contextual implication preachers her we can deduce that Jesus says all right let's go because the next verse says everybody let's start walking toward the house and there they go toward the house they're making their way toward the house and you can see the anticipation the expectation in their eyes and everybody's excited because Jesus is about to hook our sister SCPs he's about to do another one of those Jesus things he's about to make away I don't know wait he's about to heal this little baby girl they're about to see it and for themselves can't you hear them in that crowd as they make their way to the irises house gonna talk Jesus go Jesus coach do it she says work it out Jesus and break away she's lied know that there's somebody who's ever had some expectation or anticipation and you just believe that God was gonna work it out and because you believed you walk differently because you believe you talk differently because you believe you had differently I need some believers in this house tonight who said I don't care what's going on I don't care how bad it looks I know that there's a man named Jesus thank you Lord Jesus and so they're on their way to the home of juniors everybody's on their way they're making their way today irises house the whole crowd is going and why are they're going while they're processing while they're making their way today Irish this house here comes this unnamed yet not unnecessary woman and she presses her way through the crowd and the Bible says she touches the hem of His garment and as soon as she touches his garment the bible says immediately but bludsoe steps immediately she felt that she was better in her body and now Jesus stops and when Jesus stops everybody stops because if Jesus stops ain't no need to keep going we want to see her what Jesus is about to do when Jesus stops everybody stops and now Jesus has to deal with an unnamed getting that unnecessary woman he wants to know who touch me come on and help me bridge you know this man who touched me now church family this blesses me because you need to understand by now sister friend is drained she's depleted and she's detached by law from everything that's near and dear to her let me stay there for a minute and she's detached by law from everything near NBC ain't supposed to be there sister friend has an incessant blood flow a hemorrhage from which she can get no relief and she as a consequence of her incessant hemorrhage is not supposed to be in the populace of the community Levitical law from the Old Testament says that this woman cannot be around everybody else that she is supposed to be ostracized colonized she is the pariah of society here but this sister said I don't care what anybody thinks about where I'm supposed to be right now I need something from that man named Jesus that nobody else can provide and no matter what it takes I will press my way through this crowd so that by the time this is all over I will reach out and touch him and get what I need from the Lord and let me see if I can unpack that church family you want to know why so many people come to Marge gladness and show up on Sunday for fire services it's not because they care about what you think about them it's not because they're trying to be seen by you as a matter of fact somebody came tonight with a whole bunch of issues and you may know there issue you may know what's wrong with them but tonight they don't care what anybody else thinks that's why they keep Holland that's why they keep clapping that's why they keep jumping up sitting down coupled up and sitting down because they don't care about public perception tonight they need something from that man named Jesus and they've decided to reach out and touch it is there anybody in this building tonight who says hey studing but nobody else is thinking tonight I came tonight not to see what you were wearing and not to see if I could network with you I need something from Jesus that nobody else can provide not the government I submit tonight that most church folk need at least two deliverances [Applause] we first of all need to get delivered from sin and then we need to get delivered from the Saints [Applause] because some of us in here have been so concerned about willing that they go say something a little bit addition well then I they go road they ask Allah keep on shopping up listen you ain't got time to be worried about what your Pugh partner is thinking if you need something from the Lord that nobody else can provide you better open your mouth and lift up your hands run around this church do whatever you need to do to reach out and touch I need 10 or 12 people in Hills excuse me about things you I'm just trying to touch him I apologize if I'm getting in your way and you can't see the preacher look that's why we got the screens I'm just trying to talk to you oh I got a ways to go meet medieval at point three watch this he says she says listen I gotta touch him and the Bible says that she wishes he reaches out to touch him in a space she's not supposed to be she needs to get something from the Lord only problem is not just a perception issue she stands in jeopardy of being persecuted she's breaking the law she's not the lived-in Urkel law says she can't be here she's breaking a law but she got what I call a Rosa Parks period ain't going nowhere I'm gonna sit right here till I get what I need yes yes yes yes yes yes yes she got one of them fannie lou hamer spirits I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired and you got to deal with it or get over and I don't care what you do but I'm not leaving here until I get what I need from the Lord where are my sisters in here tonight who know how to stage your city and where my sisters in here it's women's it was this minute where the sisters in here who say I'm coming to get what I need some the Lord and even though persecution is a possibility so is healing and the question is are you more afraid of the persecution or more needful of the healing is there anybody in here who says you wanted to do whatever you need to do but before I leave here tonight I'll go get what I need some of the Lord everyone here we go all right what's it say why sex she says I got faith pride on just fight public perception but watch this I submit tonight preaches that she also has faith to fight on despite persistent pain despite person says somebody say persistent I think I may have told you this woman is is dealing with an incessant blood flow a hemorrhage that will not stop every single day of her life she is dealing with this as a matter of fact your Bible says she's been dealing with this for 12 years every day of her life she is dealing with the pain that is associated with an incessant ever flowing hemorrhage of blood she has to deal with this and this my brothers and sisters causes her to be drained depleted but time we get some sex she's it may see they can't you see her weary weekend worn-out body that she's now bent over she's doing her best to press to where she can get some power from that man named Jesus here she is she is now drained depleted detached my love for everything near and dear to her but she she heard that was a man named Jesus who could do for her what she could not do for herself and in spite of her persistent pain she pressed her way to touch that man named Jesus and I submit the night church family that we cannot overlook her pain the matter of fact I submit she's dealing with persistent physical pain somebody in here tonight knows what physical pain that won't go away feels like somebody in the church tonight knows what it means to have some pain in your body that not go away for 12 years she's dealing with persistent physical pain every morning she wakes up and the pain is there every night she goes to sleep and the pain is still there all day long she's walking through the marketplace and the pain is still there she's dealing with pain that will not go she can't take no pill and everything's all right this is nothing she can just sleep off this is persistent pain blood is being drained from her body and it doesn't take a biologist in the room to know that life is in the blood she's being depleted she's being drained she's being dehydrated of everything that should keep her alive but this my friends is the miracle of the text for me the America the text is not just as she gets healed at the end America the text is she's been dealing with this for 12 years and she's still pressing you just mister shout cute I was a good spot right there to say hey man if you didn't say Amen he said look to me he said just fine I said that this woman has been dealing with this for 12 years and and life is in the blood she should have been dead here what if she made it to you two or three that would have been something to rejoice about but sister friend is at year 12 and she's still pressing you know why I get happy every time I come to church because every time I come to church I look at these pews I know there's somebody who should have been could've been what been gone a long time ago but you kept all present and you kept all perseverance you kept on pushing and the miracle to me is you still stand it is there anybody in this building tonight who said man you don't know half the stuff I've been through if you do my whole story you wouldn't believe I'm still in my right mind if you do my whole story you wouldn't believe I still come to church but I'm still standing I'm still alive and I'm still pressing and that by itself is a miracle I'm in pain but I'm here I got some trouble but I'm here I got some issues but I'm here I wish you'd look towards somebody and say thank god you're here you don't know how much you may bless somebody because you don't know what that sister that brother is going through I wish you look back at it without me messing thank god you're here she did him a persistent physical payment I submit tonight she's also dealing with sue persistent financial pain you read the story if you did and if you did you read that she has gone from Doctor to doctor and the Bible says she spent all she had she never got better she only got worse Tegan yo you miss T cuz if you had misses you feel sorry for this sister because Bible says that she has gone from Doctor to doctor in these 12 years she spent all she had she never got any better she only got worse she went through the people who were supposed to make her better they didn't make her better they only got me she only got worse and gave her a bill and now she broke okay and I see that that doesn't mean the same thing to something forget Tabernacle as it may mean to some of us from the hood cuz if you shown up from the hood you just may have the tendency to know what it feels like to be broke now I know everybody in church is not gonna testify about this cuz you don't want your partner to ever think that anything was ever wrong with your life you always been wonderful everybody's always been able to say look at you hey you always been on top of the line in the starter class okay but for the rest of us who know what it means to be broke I need you to testify to your partner broke ain't no fun broke ain't no fun no when you can't decide whether to pay the rent or get your man's broke ain't no fun when you don't know if you can feed your children to keep the light on broke ain't no fun I need two or three people who know that every now and then the e on the gas hand stands for everlasting because God just keeps you going and you know you can't do nothing about somebody in here ought to thank God that in spite of being broke he kept you going he kept you moving she's dealing with persistent physical pain she's dealing with this persistent financial pain but may I suggest she's likewise dealing but these were persistent personal pain don't miss this she's dealing with persistent personal pain church family this is the only woman in all of recorded Scripture who has ever had to deal with this hear me she's the only woman in all the 66 books of your Bible who has ever had to deal with this kind of pain this is personal pain this is a pain that no one else can share with her this is a pain she has to go through all by herself King nobody walk up to her and say I know how you feel l know how she feels this here is personal have you ever had that experience that circumstance that you had to go through in the crucible of isolation in the crucible of individualism sometimes some stuff you have to go through and Kay nobody go through it with you nobody share the load with you there's some seasons in life where personal pain takes over you and you have to wonder God are you really on my side God where does this thing go in God I know that many are the afflictions of the righteous but you said you deliver us out of them all where are you going to deliver because this and there are some seasons when we deal with our personal pain and some of our pseudo spiritual people walk up to us and say baby I know how you've know you know you tell me that don't you tell me that don't you tell me that it's gonna be all right it ain't been alright for 12 years they've been already just just pray about I've been praying for 12 years don't you give me all them little pseudo spiritual quips I need something that's gonna sustain me this is personal she's dealing with a personal issue somebody in here tonight knows how that feels some brother tonight knows what it means to have something you can't tell anybody else about god help me tonight somebody knows what it feels like to have a child that just will not do right and that child has been burned in your heart for so long and is personal you may have been through a similar situation but don't tell me you've been through this situation because this here is personal but I like the text to the text says despite her persistent physical pain and her persistent financial pain her persistent personal pain watch this mark says she thought to herself if I can just touch the hem of His garment I'll be made whole yeah I see the church people that hit you already is helping me preach she said said the Bible says in mark mark chapter 5 she thought to herself if I can just touch the hem of His garment I'll be made holding I like Mark's Gospel because I really do but I really appreciate Matthew's Gospel Matthew Mark and Luke tell this story but Matthew tells it a different way Matthew says she said to herself if okay okay you mister uh mark said she thought to herself Matthew says she said to herself and there is a unique difference between thinking something and saying something that she said it to herself and I know that somebody said no you're okay saying you crazy but you talk to yourself here may I submit sin to you you ain't crazy when you talk to yourself here you crazy when you say the wrong thing back to yourself sometimes you got to talk to yourself because sometimes your only self yourself will listen to is there anybody in here who knows sometimes you want to talk yourself off the ledge have you got to be your own life coach sometime you got to tell yourself get yourself together sometime you got to tell yourself I will survive i will prosper i will make it come up greater is he who's in me he who's in the world for a night but joy comes in the morning can do things to yourself Bible says David encouraged himself in the Lord you better pack yourself on the back and tell yourself this too shall pass can't tell your self greater is He that's in me but he that's in the world here tell yourself I no weapon formed against me shall prosper she said to herself I'm done if I can just touch the hem of His garment I'll be made whole so she reached out in a place she wasn't supposed to be here she reached out doing something she wasn't supposed to do she is ceremonially unclean if she touches anybody else she runs the risk of making them ceremonially unclean she can be stoned to death she could be absolutely taken out for being where she is but she said to herself if I can touch the hem of His garment I'll be made whole so she pressed her way touch the hem of the garment of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible says Jesus stopped and said come on and help me preach Oh touched me I like it who who touched me and here come these disciples it come need to know it all fell asleep aim of Jesus do you know you can't be asking who touched you are these people in tabernacle you can't be asked here who touched you everybody pushing up against you she said no no no no no and then somebody just brushed up against me didn't nobody just incidentally will accidentally come up against me somebody trusts me with the intentionality somebody showed up to touch me somebody came through the doors to touch me somebody said I ain't going back home can I touch him anybody in here who said I got some intentionality behind this so she identified herself that wasn't me told them the whole story and now here's where the story gets real good for me because she had faith to fight on this fight public perception you and I have to have faith to fight on this fight persistent pain can I close when I tell you that you and I have to have faith to fight on watch this until the divine praises your perseverance I'm getting happy all by myself I said that you have to have pain to fight on until the divine praises your persevere she touches him he says who touched me she tells him the whole story and watch what he says verse 34 daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering man you missed us 1 s 2 s 3 S 4 okay that's my seven that's number completion I believe when I got he says daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering that's only still about 75% of the room I got a preacher said everybody gets it ain't got nothing to do to the mom or them when I get on that plane Jesus look at this intentional substa and said daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be free from your suffering Oh Oh child of God can I tell you how good this is this is so good because this is the only time in all of recorded scripture that Jesus ever called any woman daughter yeah now what is that's why that's so important cause because it's important because you must understand he's headed today irises house and J iris is one of them entitled church people he's a man of ability and nobility he's a man of means and men and women under his authority but Jesus stops to deal with this unnamed yet not a necessary woman because he wants everybody to know there are no big eyes and little use in the kingdom it doesn't matter what your title is hid that matter what your position is Jesus said I'm coming that they all might have life and have it more abundantly can I find ten or twelve people in here who can testify I may not being a Clinton the club or the crew but I'm included you may not know my name but I'm included you may not think I'm anybody but he said daughter and he says son he says I'm included whosoever will daughter your faith has healed you now go in peace and be freed from your suffering I love this development because what he does now is give to her more than she ever bargained for right now you gotta remember she came expecting one thing but she left with more than what she have anticipated she came to get a physical healing she came to make this blood so satisfaction stopped and that's East and now Jesus says your faith has healed you that word healed is so so in the Greek it is the word whole in your in your King James Version it is the word that literally means I'm giving you a comprehensive healing I'm not just gonna heal you physically I will heal you spiritually and emotionally and psychologically every where you hurt I will put some salve on that thing everywhere you hurt I won't be your balm in killing it is there anybody in this building tonight who can testify there been some seasons in your life when you ask God for one thing and he loves you so much and he gave you that and so much more come on put me in flak but I need ten or twelve people in here who can help me close this message and testify you want to know why I praise him the way I do you want to know why I celebrate him the way I do you want to know why I love him the way I do cuz every time I turn around he keeps on making away from me and he's always doing more than I bargained for I need to tell people who know what that really means that's called favor that's when you get what you know you don't deserve and is there anybody that's having a culture tonight and look back over your life and begin to testify he gave me more favor than I ever deserved as a matter of fact I'm a walking talking living breathing testimony that God will put save all your life I'm in this church tonight because the favor of the Lord is all over me so please excuse me also with me for saving me so healing me completing me for favoring me so for the next few seconds can you take a mental break I look back over your life ahead and see how he brought you through the and see how he made away see how he opened some doors and see how he closed some doors see how he put the right people in your life and see I took some Joker's out your life and for the next few seconds and can you face God if you've got enough faith [Music] so somebody throw your hands up throw your head back and begin to fake the Lord that he allowed you to keep on fighting Oh my site site site site bitrates makes a fake [Applause] where are the Warriors the Warriors meow career though [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on a walk I'm your spirit somebody who needs something to get better your life I wish you fight for it fight for it you're a warrior [Music] [Music] city of blessing I see you present a senior persevering I see you persevering hear the word of the Lord Donna your faith has healed you son your faith has made you whole [Music] [Music] [Applause] but I thank you that in this room tonight there are warriors some that felt defeated some it felt as if all hope was gone but we heard tonight and we can keep on pressing that we've got to keep on pushing we must persevere until you begin to praise that perseverance and say child of God I'm glad to know that after all these years you can still believe I can do the impossible after this extended protracted challenge with which you've been faced you still believe that my grace is sufficient despite the persecution despite the perceptions of others despite all the pain you had to endure you kept pressing tonight God we say thank you that you see our faith and that you honor our faith and in the name of Lord Jesus will you increase our faith so we will trust you for everything and doubt you for absolutely nothing we thank you tonight that you are still a rewarder of those who diligently seek that's why we came tonight to seek your face and thank you that when we sit your face you grant us your favor in the name of the Lord Jesus I pray that you will show to your people that you're still able to turn situations around how to do you show to your people that you still have power over our adversity please to us that you're still able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or benefit show us afresh [Applause] that you have power to heal to deliver and to set free and we promise that we will give you the glory that is due unto your name we promise that we will magnify you and glorify you will tell everybody about you let the world know that if it had not been for the Lord who was on our side we wouldn't be here in this place so we give you praise tonight we give you glory we give you honor bless the tabernacle church will you please bless our pastor dr. Goodman bless the people of God worship in this house and may your will ever be done in our lives in the strong name of Jesus who is the Christ the Son of the Living God we pray with Thanksgiving if you believe that God's gonna turn some things around will you celebrate him on a Thursday night at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Augusta Joe will you celebrate this guy for who nothing shall be called impossible in the name of the Lord Jesus
Channel: Tabernacle Baptist Church Augusta
Views: 100,145
Rating: 4.8201146 out of 5
Id: VbVnOK2TvM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 12sec (3372 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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