I was deaf for years, then i could hear everything!

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I was born deaf but for a week now I've been able to hear everything and one I thought was a blessing maybe a bit of a curse too when I was born my mom and dad were expecting a perfect son the ultrasound all came out right I had all my fingers all limbs perfect little face I was going to be their normal beloved child and first everything seemed to be all right my parents were so happy they received me into their lives with open arms that was until they began taking me to the doctor's appointments all newborns have to go through one of them is called the newborn hearing screening I was just eight weeks old cute and small my mom said I was a quiet and calm baby my mom was expecting the test to come out perfectly I completely failed the first test and since the doctor explained it could be due to a series of factors a follow-up hearing screen was ordered i again failed my mom now truly concerned took me to an audiologist for a full consultation it was then that she was informed that I was deaf and that though they could search for treatment it was unlikely I would ever hear I wouldn't know it till a few weeks ago but this broke my parents hearts they wanted me to be normal and perfect and they had just discovered I was deaf they were mad frustrated and scared all at the same time they asked themselves what kind of future I would have you see my dad and mom aren't the most open-minded people in the world they are very prejudiced people with disabilities can lead normal lives even great ones they didn't see it that way they felt I was faulty and that I would have a hard time adjusting to life especially when I grew up they distanced themselves from me at an early age perhaps in their frustration and confusion I knew what they did was wrong and that they should have been supportive and understanding at first they did try all sorts of treatments they wanted so badly to have what they considered to be a normal child I was subjected to a few painful procedures and others that were simply annoying but nothing worked they kept taking me to specialist after specialist hoping to get a second third and fourth opinion some doctors gave them false hopes and they'd pay a lot of money for what was supposed to be the solution to my problem big surprise nothing worked I was deaf and they eventually gave up trying to fix me I hate that they thought that there was something to fix like I was broken I was just a kid who wanted to have fun and be loved by their parents like any other child but they didn't offer me the best childhood to be honest I grew up feeling really isolated found myself alone most of the time my parents refused to send me to a special school so I had to go to a normal one I spent most of my day in special ed classes and I learned sign language there of course I could talk but I needed to find a way of understanding others and it was easier than trying to read lips which was really complicated mom and dad struggled to learn it as well and they only knew the basics so we mostly communicated through very general gestures and lots of pointing at stuff I wished my parents made more of an effort to understand me and be there for me they always told me they were so busy it was really hard I wanted to have a conversation with them and it was almost impossible because they couldn't reply properly they lost their patience so easily and gave up trying and that only frustrated me and them our relationship was really strained for a long while and honestly it was their fault but somehow I felt it was mine I felt guilty for not being their perfect son when I was a kid I'd spend a lot of time wishing I could be normal I hate that way of thinking now who dictates what is and isn't normal why was being deaf such a big deal to them I was a great son so why couldn't my parents just see that I spent most of my time in my bedroom reading or painting trying to find a creative outlet for my frustrations I got really good at it too but my folks didn't seem to notice mom and dad usually worked late and left me under the care of babysitters some were very kind and understanding others seemed annoyed by my condition and tried to ignore me when I gestured at them or spoke it wasn't the easiest of childhoods sure I always had a roof over my head and food on the table but a child needs more than just food and shelter I needed my parents love and support and they weren't there for me my parents would eventually come to understand how wrong they had been and how messed up what they did to me was but in order for them to learn this lesson something extraordinary had to happen something that would change my life forever completely unexpectedly you must remember my terrible home life but the situation at school wasn't any better either I hardly had any friends at all and felt alone all the time I didn't know it back then but the students at my school were annoyed by my voice they said awful things about me behind my back and laughed at my condition because I never heard how words were pronounced I spoke the best I could I thought I was doing a good job but I would soon find out that others didn't think so they mocked the way I said certain words and the tone I used like I had any way of changing it honestly I was a lonely kid I tried to fit in but no matter how much I tried other students ignored me they didn't pay me much attention or so I thought I was sure they ignored me and just didn't want to hang out with me because I was different but when I turned around and couldn't see them they would mock me right behind my back they knew I couldn't hear them so they could laugh and yell all kinds of nasty insults without me even realizing what was going on it became a cruel game they played I wasn't invited to parties and everyone tried to avoid being my partner in group assignments they told the teacher it was too hard to work with me I felt so lonely and blue I ended up signing up for after class art programs and at least I got some distraction during those hours my art teacher really supported me and I got even better at drawing I decided I was going to grow up to become an artist if I did it would matter if I could hear or not only if I could paint and that was really good at it I even got an award on one of my paintings in high school I had no idea that my life was about to change soon one night a few weeks ago I had a surprising dream it was unlike anything I ever experienced before I could actually hear everything around in this dream the birds chirping the dogs barking people talking in the street it was incredible when I woke up I was sure that it had all been just a dream but then how could it be that I heard when I never before could so I sat up on my bed and tried to listen and to my surprise I could actually understand everything around me even the tick-tock of my clock I couldn't understand how this was happening but I was so happy it was the best day of my life or so I thought I ran downstairs ready to tell my mom and dad all about this miracle but then I heard them talking in the kitchen about me they were worried about what would happen to me after they were gone how I would deal with life with my disability dad said I was useless this way that I would never be able to get a good job and support myself I was heartbroken so instead of walking into the kitchen I went back to my room and changed into my school uniform I didn't want to speak to my parents I didn't want to give them any kind of nice surprises they didn't deserve it at all I was so mad at them I actually thought about running away when I slammed the door as I left my home I could hear it loud and clear it was so strange I was actually startled by a loud sound when I got to school it got even worse I could finally listen to what my classmates were saying about me they called me all kinds of nasty insults like a complete loser and other cruel nicknames I locked myself in the toilet and covered my ears to enjoy the silence for a while needing some peace and quiet it was all so overwhelming I couldn't understand how this miracle had happened but now I didn't know if it was a bad or a good thing I wanted so badly to tell someone about what was happening but I decided against it I first wanted to know what everyone really thought about me what they said behind my back turns out only my art teacher had nice things to say about me and much to my surprise there was a girl in my class that actually thought I was cute finally though I had enough I needed to confront my parents and let them know I knew what they really thought about me how neglectful they had acted all through my childhood I told them everything how I could suddenly hear how I had been listening to everything they said about me for weeks I explained how much it hurt me and how wrong the way they acted was for the first time in my life we had a real heart-to-heart conversation they really listened to me and they really poured their hearts out to me it was an incredible moment my mom felt so guilty and my dad couldn't believe he had been so blind they understood the way I felt and told me they were blessed to have me as their son mom insisted on taking me to a doctor to try and discover how it was possible I had so suddenly recovered my hearing they ran all kinds of tests and I saw a series of specialists but no one could explain how it had happened it was a miracle my mom said honestly I don't really need to know the reason why all I care about is that I now finally have a good relationship with my dad and mom and I get to discover a whole new world now that I can hear thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe and check out the other videos on the channel
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 1,759,780
Rating: 4.700479 out of 5
Keywords: animation, story, short story, story time animated, my story time animated, animated story, real life stories, animated life stories, share my story, actually happened, short stories, true stories, animation short film, short animation, animation channel, actually happen stories, animated short films, dory story
Id: scBoRf0Nkvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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