Confessions and The Voice of the Spirit

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morning world changers church world changes nation this is the day that the lord hath made rejoice rejoice rejoice and be glad in it because the lord is good i said the lord is good praise god i say the lord is good hallelujah he is good he is good he is good he is good all of the time declare that today that god is good something happens when you declare god is good so in the name of jesus today we're going to receive by faith the goodness of the lord we're going to do like david did i believe david said i would have he said i would have quit had i not believed to see the goodness of the lord that's what i'm talking about today don't some of you man quit is knocking on a lot of people's door and you can quit you have the uh right to make a decision to quit you can walk away from something you can quit you can you can quit you have that decision to make or you can believe to see god's goodness how many of you have been tempted to quit on a lot of stuff quit on yourself quit on your marriage quit on your dream quit on your vision quit on the objectives that you set it's something about quitting you just you won't ever get to you'll always be in this limbo wondering you know woulda coulda shoulda if that would have all that kind of stuff don't quit god is good don't quit some of you been thinking about well i'm just i might as well just i might as well just kill myself i mean and quit on life don't quit the reason why you don't quit is cause when you're in the process you don't get to see what's on the other side and man what a sad thing to know if you could have just made it through that that trail that tribulation that trouble something so much awesome was gonna be on the other side you know i was out this morning just looking up had my head all the way back just looking up to the sky and i said god there's so much i don't understand that's above me and uh i begin to think of the scripture about look to those things that are above and and what that means is you know i've got to begin to get in that word and seek those things that are above those things that are higher than what man understands those things that are higher than the norms and values of the society don't get stuck in the norms and values of society don't be conformed to this world but be transformed how by renewing your mind now that's how you're going to get through by renewing your mind so you can prove what is that good and that perfect will of god but don't you quit don't you quit do like david man i had to believe that i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living so some of you in the midst of just like where is the goodness where is the breakthrough where is it where is the light for some of you not not all of you i mean if that ain't you just go ahead and pray for the one you know who i'm talking about but i believe the way you get out of darkness the way you get out of the situation is you just say you know what god i'm just going to believe i'm going to see the goodness of the lord today i believe i receive the goodness of the lord today i believe i see i will see the goodness of the lord today and every time the thought of something crazy coming over your mind you just remind yourself well i got my faith out there i believe i'll see the goodness of the lord today hallelujah don't quit don't quit don't quit hallelujah i believe i receive the goodness of the lord today now somebody says well you're talking about don't quit i mean but what am i supposed to do well the voice of the spirit of god is going to tell you exactly what you need to do we're going to make a confession over that today about the voice of the spirit of god god will show you and instruct you on where you are to go and what you ought to do and a lot of times you know some of you just you mishandle the pressured situations in life you mishandle the trouble in the life the the challenges in your life the you know relational challenges in your life you mishandle that you you think just because you're having a challenge that means you might you got to quit and all [Music] that means okay now let me get a hold of everything i know everything i know about god and then somebody says well i did that well you don't know enough so that's when that's why you have the voice of the spirit to help you i've come in in contact with things i didn't know enough i need the holy ghost to speak to me i need the voice of the spirit to lead me i need the voice of the spirit to guide me i need the voice of the spirit and the holy ghost to equip me hard times and trouble and feeling bad and going through stuff that ain't that's not a sign to quit that's a sign to to pull it all together man and say listen you know let me grip my teeth and and gone through this thing uh because greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world and you take a deep breath and you say all right all right god let's do it let's do it and and you may feel stress over your body and cortisol releasing everywhere and and that don't mean you crumble you don't come you don't come from a a a group that crumbles we we come from uh from a lord that's victorious praise god and the fact of the matter is we already have the victory we just gotta we gotta take hold of it i take hold of that victory right now in the name of jesus and i will not quit and it drives the devil crazy when he throws everything that hell has to offer and you turn around and square off on him and said i ain't quitting greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world there's a way to escape this in the name of jesus christ that's what that word is for and that's what the holy spirit is for and uh like i tell you all the time i will not even pretend to think i know all of the situations that you're you've seen and what you've gone through and and all that stuff but i tell you what yay in all these things you are more than a conqueror through him that strengthens you you are more than a conqueror anything that you've gone through anything that you might be facing today any weight that may be on your shoulders and all these things you're more than a conqueror now you can't be a conqueror if you ain't got nothing to conquer and i'm telling you we are more than conquerors so you put your shoulders back hold your head up and go outside and look up and say my god is alive and he'll never leave me nor forsake me he'll be with me until the end of the earth the end of the world's way of doing things and so amen i just wanted to encourage you guys with that and we're going to make these confessions and we're going to speak to those mountains and i'm going to walk you through this thing and and by time we finish today in the name of jesus christ that devil ought to be he ought to have at least a foot and a half out the door you know things don't last always i mean everything on this planet has an expiration and i believe that your trouble also has an expiration and so i just believe god that your issues your challenges your troubles your reoccurring things you they there's an expiration date god is good god is on your side god it will never leave you nor forsake you god's not mad at you god hasn't turned his back on you let me put it like this god has not quit on you he will not quit on you don't you quit on him he will not quit on you don't you quit on him don't you quit on him don't you let because things then work out like you planned on them working out or they didn't go the way you wanted them to go don't you quit on him because he will never let me say it like we said in in in south georgia he ain't ever gonna quit on you and that means you don't ever quit on him it's almost like god i'm stuck on you and you stuck with me i ain't going nowhere come hell or high water i might be crawling on my knees trying to figure this thing out but i will not quit amen praise god hallelujah i don't know where you are some of you might not be able to shout but give the lord a shout this morning hallelujah praise god glory be to god hallelujah let's go ahead and get psalms 91 equipped and uh we'll move on from there say it out loud with me i declare that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i declare that i will find rest in the shadow of the almighty i declare that god is my refuge and my fortress i declare that you are my god and whom i trust and with great confidence in whom i will rely i declare that god will rescue me from every trap and protect me from every disease i declare that i am covered and protected by his outstretched arms i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection i declare that i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day i declare that i will not dread any disease that stalks in the darkness nor any disaster that strikes at midday i declare that because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me and no plague can come near my dwelling i declare that god has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me and my house i declare that god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling i will walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil from my path i declare that because of god's love for me i will call upon him he will answer me and set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from all my fears and he will honor me with his presence and his power i declare that he will reward me with a long life and he will show me his salvation so in the name of jesus i take possession of my covenant right to live long longevity in the name of jesus amen you are now psalms 91 equipped amen come on say it out loud with me i am the body of christ and satan hath no power over me i overcome evil with good did you hear that i overcome evil with good i am of god and have overcome satan for greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world i will fear no evil for thou art with me lord your word and your spirit they comfort me i am far from oppression and fear does not come near me no weapon formed against me shall prosper for my righteousness is of the lord but whatever i do will prosper for i'm like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water i'm delivered from the evils of this present world that's the will of god concerning me no evil will befall me neither shall any plague come near my dwelling for the lord has given his angels charge over me and they keep me in all my ways and in my pathway is life and there is no death i am a doer of the word of god and i'm blessed in all my deeds i am happy in those things which i do because i'm a doer of the word of god i take the shield of faith and quench every fiery dart that the wicked one brings against me christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law therefore i forbid any sickness or disease to come upon my body every disease germ every virus that touches my body dies instantly in the name of jesus every organ every tissue of my body functions in the perfection to which god created it to function and i forbid any malfunction in my body in the name of jesus i am an overcomer i overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony i am submitted to god and the devil flees from me because i resist him in the name of jesus the word of god is forever settled in heaven therefore i establish his word upon this earth and great is the peace of my children for they are taught of the lord hallelujah great is the peace of my children for they are taught of the lord amen i just thank god i send i send blessings out over your children right now in the name of jesus they will successfully complete the will of god for their life i don't care what it looked like they will successfully complete the will of god for their life i'm telling you i'm i'm a witness to that god will teach your children and they are taught of the lord now you know you talk about being taught of the lord sometimes god has stepped back and let some stuff teach you but god knows how to reel them in and to make the difference in their life amen come on let's speak to some mountains this morning let's speak to some mountains this morning and tell them to go you ready say out loud now i speak to every mountain of sickness fear anxiety discouragement stress depression oppression jealousy bad temperament anger tiredness laziness heaviness unbelief doubt addictions struggles hindrances unforgiveness poverty lack insufficiency hardness of heart spiritual blindness and spiritual deafness and i say be removed and cast into the sea in jesus name i expect the best day of my life spiritually emotionally relationally physically and materially today in jesus name i expect to prosper and to be in health even as my soul prospers in the mighty name of jesus glory to god the mountains are removed hallelujah the mountains are removed and they're cast into the sea in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah say this out loud there is no quit in me say it again there is no quit in me amen praise god now let me share this scripture with you uh matthew chapter 9 verse 27 through 30. uh it's a few here but this i think this will it'll it'll bless you uh verse 27 and when jesus departed hence two blind men followed him crying and saying thou son of david have mercy on us and when he was coming to the house the blind men came to him and jesus saith unto them believe ye that i am able to do this they said unto him yea lord he said then touch his wife says then touch he their eyes saying according to your faith be it done unto you and their eyes were opened according to their faith according to their faith now most people would think well according to his anointing or according to jesus's power he said according to their faith he said the same thing about the woman with the issue of blood now she he when she touched his the hem of his garment he said who touched me and uh he said to that woman he said uh he said according to your faith it was done unto you according to your faith and so here's what i'm saying do you believe that you'll see the goodness of the lord uh according to your faith according to your faith well release your faith out there i receive the goodness of the lord i receive the goodness of the lord and it is done unto you what according to your your faith and so uh let's make this confession out loud together over this say this out loud with me i confess that i am completely dependent upon the holy spirit now let me pause for a moment uh you got to learn how to listen to the voice of the spirit especially in days like today what is the holy spirit saying put put yourself in a position every day to take time to by faith listen to the voice of the holy spirit i can't tell you how important that is are you taking time [Music] to all purpose listen to the voice of the holy spirit lord what are you saying lord i uh i tune in to w-o-r-d word what are you saying lord take some time just to pause and say lord i'm open to hear what you say there's a ear in the center of your heart so you can hear him lord what are you saying the voice listening to the voice of the spirit listening to the voice of the spirit will cause you [Music] to reap great dividends i mean big big time results listening to the voice of the spirit somebody's well brother i don't know if i know how to do that just take some time every day get away from the clutter of the world step away somewhere and say lord speak to me see god's always speaking as the problem is we're not always listening or tuned in we got another frequency going on he's always speaking let's listen to him in that inner ear he's got something he wants to say to you that's going to lead great leader to great progress he's got something to say to you that's going to bring you to amazing places he's got something to show you that's going to be the answer to every situation oh the voice of the holy spirit a lot of people don't believe that you know you can hear him but we can listen to the voice of the holy spirit come on let's say this now i confess that i'm completely dependent upon the holy spirit just as jesus was constantly listening to the voice of the spirit waiting for that divine signal to act to heal to deliver or to cleanse someone who was sick i am also sensitive to the holy spirit's voice and wait for him to speak to my heart when he speaks i hear then i do exactly what he instructs me to do because i follow his voice i make few mistakes and i see great results i declare this by faith in jesus name amen so i agree with you that uh today you are going to hear the voice of the spirit and the voice of the spirit is going to cause you to have big time results big time results because you are hearing the voice of the spirit i told you ladies and gentlemen we are learning how to walk in the spirit we are not talking about just worldly things or carnal things but we are looking into you know spiritual things we are spiritual beings we have a physical body but it's time for us to grow in our understanding of righteousness and grow in our understanding of the spirit um well you know i believe that's all i had to share with you today i i i thank god for you uh i love you i appreciate you thank you for the time that you uh you give for me to to share these things with you you're the best have an amazing day uh i'll see you tomorrow from the pulpits wednesdays from the pulpit amazing message tomorrow you do not want to forget them or or not being
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 30,475
Rating: 4.9498272 out of 5
Id: uiToH-6iUqU
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Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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