The REAL Reason Vice Grip Garage Moved To TN (You might be surprised)

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welcome back to vice grip lodge we're sorry it's taking so long but we're finally going to answer the most commonly asked question ever forever ever in the history of vice grip garage which is why in the world would you move from minnesota wisconsin area to tennessee that's right so we've written down the top five reasons why we decided to move and some of them might not be what you would expect let's jump in [Music] are you vapor locking already we didn't even start we'll just it'll be a mirror oh there's my cup what's he doing up there i'm gonna have to put more film in the camera where you go where you going okay i didn't even say anything yeah he did so as you fellers and fellats probably already know we travel a tremendous amount for the vice grip garage channel and the reason for that is to meet you guys the fans and that's one of our favorite parts of every single event is sitting down before after or during just chatting about your projects and family and and whatever comes up recently a lot of the questions have changed to why have you moved i would say 99.37862 percent of the time i meet somebody that's the first question i ask why did you move like jessica was saying we put together five i mean there's really like 398 reasons but these are like the meat and potatoes of it with butter you know what i mean it's the five big ones i'm going to jump right in here these are kind of an order per se number five is the real reason you know we pulled up anchor and got out of there but we'll start with number one and a lot of you have figured this one out already is cost of living in minnesota wisconsin compared to tennessee as a night and day difference and other than our home as you guys know we had the shop in minnesota still and we had the shop in wisconsin but what you don't know is we also had a third shop that was full of cars for storage we also had a bunch of outdoor storage parking spots and spaces and and property rentals and things like that and that's what was needed to make the show happen it still is today but we'll explain how it's working today that maybe doesn't sound like a big deal for some of you but in addition to all those mortgages we had utilities so you have dumpsters and trash and power and propane and everything else as well as local taxes we were even paying stadium tax to a stadium that wasn't even in our town yeah right so and then also uh income tax there is no income tax in tennessee so when we sat down and penciled everything out to all of these different things that we were paying and of course our business insurances and everything else what did you discover we actually are saving money by living here like a tremendous amount of money so that that was huge absolutely huge for us not only to have everything kind of condensed into one area but for derrick to not be traveling and stuff as often to the shops which is a good segue to the next reason number two reason we'll cover which i'll let you go ahead and do that and that again is the shop location you know derek was driving an hour plus one way every day and we sat down and figured out that that averaged about 30 days a year that he would spend traveling and you figure time away from the family and everything else that that took away from it just it really wasn't worth it anymore so finding a house that had a shop on the property was just significant and it really is going to help out a lot it's starting to wear on a guy because i honestly do work seven days a week and some weeks or 80 hours some are 110 some weeks when we do events i get 15 hours of sleep a week so when you have a situation like we were in i'd be up and gone early i'd be back late i'd edit till 2 30 in the morning it got to the point where i wasn't really seeing my family yeah very much and that's very very very important to me so we wanted to make a change and kind of in summary of the cost of living and also shop location now we're spending tremendously less we have acreage to put our vehicles on and we have to shop on our property that you know i'm a little winded by the time i get there the guys can walk to the shop it's definitely nice being able to just take lunch out to them or you know call him quick run out and say it's time to eat dinner whatever and instead of another supper without dad home tonight or trying to figure out how to get supper out tim's we can all eat together and it was just so much and so we're just so grateful that we found this place and now derek is just right here and we're even finding that like in the evenings a lot of times um friday nights we used to always do what we call uh pizza party movie night with the kids when they were younger and then it started getting to the point where derek was always absent for that because he was still at work excuse me or out at the shop and so we're finding here now that he's he's watching those movies with us again so he's able to be around a lot more and still getting the same amount of work done maybe even more work because he's spending such a less amount of time with the driving back and forth now on shop location some of you might be thinking well yeah dummy why did you lease a shop all the way over in wisconsin well again that goes back to cost of living if you want to have a fun time google minneapolis commercial building for rent and your brain is just gonna sizzle i mean for what we had in wisconsin it was easily easily three to four thousand dollars a month plus triple net which is your portion of taxes and everything else and ti or tenant improvement and everything else you can't do that i mean another thing a lot of people don't realize is the first two years of youtube we lost we invested money we didn't make money we lost money i was pouring money into the channel buying cars and parts and fuel and travel and hotels and insurances and buildings and things like that so when we got that wisconsin shop we weren't in a position and we still aren't gonna do that that's crazy uh to have a commercial lease like that so next one i guess we'll call it number three or trace i don't know hub of motorsports so living way up yonder up by the canadian border up there there's some local car shows and stuff and we did participate in a lot of those yep almost every weekend some summers but there's no real big events other than the track and brainerd and stuff like that now out here we can get to the east coast we get down to florida alabama georgia we can go west coast i mean it's a lot faster and easier to get you know to arizona texas like i was saying all the states on the east side even midwest it saves us days a week in travel which for me is huge because i want to always bring the family with if i can so school schedules things of that nature we save on motels food fuel just because i think it's so much more centrally located that it's way easier to get everywhere and as you guys know most of the events that derek does is in florida so as when we were living in minnesota it was like a three-day drive for us to get down there every time and here it's one day drive so right so take a week just to do a one-day event and for me that's a huge loss of production six days sitting behind the wheel um so i think we've really been enjoying how quickly we can absolutely maneuver now i don't know so the number four reason um is basically our kids growing up you know absolutely nothing against people who grew up in the city but just the way that we were both raised we were both raised kind of in a country or farm setting and we always wanted that for our children to be able to experience all the things that we got to experience just running outside and playing with no worry being able to jump on your four-wheeler a dirt bike or whatever you might have and just go explore and that's like i said something we always wanted for the boys that we couldn't do in in minneapolis and so that was another huge thing for us and even before we decided to move to tennessee um we even kind of looked around in minnesota for properties that were more had some acreage on them and stuff to give them that kind of a lifestyle so fun watching them grow up and get to be more independent because they can make those decisions like bradley's shooting his rockets now every day we couldn't do that in town yep i remember first time we moved into our neighborhood i rode a snowmobile around my property and the police showed up it literally yeah so that's why we're like wow we're not used to this like we're used to being able to use your property as you want to use your property and we just started to find and again no offense to anybody that lives in minnesota it's difficult to do that when you're in neighborhoods with hoas and things like that there's some beautiful property in northern minnesota and southern minnesota that give you room but that leads us to the number five reason and ultimately the absolute biggest reason we moved and sometimes i tease people and i just blink at them they're like hey i'm from you know wisconsin dells how come you moved down to tennessee we're at an event see right now and i go how's the weather up there it's terrible three feet of snow 68 mile an hour wind can't go outside and i'm like it's 73 in tennessee and the grass is green yeah at amo next week when you work outdoors for a living as you guys know i'm dragging cars out of fields and swamps and tree rows and barns and sheds and i'm rolling around on the ground pretty much non-stop outside it's fairly important you have decent weather to do that absolutely now i'm not complaining about working outdoors you mean i've done it i've done it for years i grew up in it fellers but here's the thing what it boils down to is three to four months a year i can't produce content for you guys or more i would get more than that maybe yeah you can't even see the cars you can't work on them they're frozen to the ground it's hard enough getting them to start anyway but when it's negative 38 and you got snot froze to your beard it's a little bit more difficult that's why we ended up doing like snow blowers and snowmobiles and i mean i'm just thrashing away trying to get any sort of content out for fans and i think that was finally the winner that broke me like we we can move yeah yeah we wanted to and i think you guys saw that this winter we're still in winter technically in some places we haven't missed a friday we've had steady content out and that's always our goal is always put a smile on your folks face entertain you or you can sit down with your family or your kids and just enjoy some stuff and hopefully get you motivated and get out to the shop in the garage so we just decided you know we need to find better weather where we could do what we do best and have fun doing it right yeah and so many times we had traveled through tennessee for events and stuff and every single time we would come through here we were both just always like oh tennessee it's just so pretty and it's so nice and everybody you know who lives around here they're the sweetest people and we just always really liked it so you know we decided one day we wanted to be here and like he said it got to a point where there was nothing really holding us there we don't have really family there in minnesota or anything like that so there was nothing holding us back the last time we drove through here i think for power tour we drove through a couple of really really cute towns amazing costs you'd be so amazed at what you can get in tennessee versus minnesota it's mind-boggling and we've threw down some pins on a map and i think we live within a few miles in one of those towns actually so it worked out great but there you go folks end of day if you summarize everything together we made the move to tennessee so we can more cost efficiently and more productively and more often create you guys content on a yearly basis did i say that right i think so okay thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Lodge
Views: 2,162,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VGG, vise grip garage, vice grip garage, bts, behind the scenes, home, house, repair, cooking, show, why did vgg move, where is vgg from, vgg, vgl, vice grip lodge
Id: tqPVMjbbl6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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