The REAL Reason Apple Cider Vinegar Works for Losing Weight - MUST WATCH!

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I’ve been following Dr Berg for some time now...all of his advice has been spot on!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/catclawdojo 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

His videos are great.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nzolo 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey Dr. Berg here in this video we're going to talk about apple cider vinegar what are the benefits what are the myths first of all here's the myth that episode of immigrant Eanes a lot of nutrients it really does not it doesn't have a lot of vitamin A it doesn't have a lot of vitamin C it doesn't have a lot of minerals what it does have is something even more important in fact the real reason why apple cider vinegar works for so many conditions has to do with this one thing it has called acetic acid that's an acid and then the reason why it works is and this might go against a lot of philosophies out there is that the body most bodies that I come I check in my office over many many years are way too alkaline now I know that goes against maybe what you have heard that everyone's chup acid but it's not true you really have to when you talk about pH you really have to understand that every part of your body has a different pH so if someone says oh yeah you're too acid well what pH you talking about the urine are you talking about the saliva the real true indicator of pH for a body should be in the blood but it's very difficult to test that because soon as you take the blood out of the body it alkalized it oxidizes and it can change the pH right away so you have to it's very expensive to determine that so you have to go by symptoms and so if you ever wanted to really now just look up in I don't know Google it all the conditions for two acid called acidosis and look up for the conditions of alkalosis and all those symptoms and you'll be able to see which ones you have and you can determine based on those two factors so what we're talking about is the blood pH here most people have a blood pH which is excessively alkaline and yes it's true that your blood should be slightly alkaline but in this situation it becomes even to Oakland okay and that's why outside of integral works so well because it changes if you change the pH of your body just a slightly just a slight bit you can create huge effects because the pH is so important in transporting minerals and allowing enzymes to work to stimulating the thyroid to increasing the table all these things so let's just take a deeper look at this one acid acetic acid the pH of acetic acid is very acidic it's 2.5 that's like almost like stomach acid pH it's way down there so it's really good for the stomach people take it for heartburn and by the way heartburn acid reflux indigestion that is a condition where your stomach is too alkaline and the valve on top does not close and I know people say it's too much acid no it's not fact that if you have acid reflux or heartburn just take some opposite of vinegar and see how much better you feel I mean you'll feel wonderful because the valve will start closing on the top and the stomach the acid won't start regurgitating up through that valve so it's good for GERD acid reflux indigestion okay and as you age especially over the age of 50 60 70 your pH and your stomach starts going lower I'm sorry it goes higher and higher higher so it becomes more and more alkaline so you need more acid as you age to be able to digest protein and absorb minerals because if your pH is too alkaline which most people have a problem with - too much alkaline they can't absorb calcium they can't absorb minerals like they used to so what happens especially with calcium is calcium starts building up in the soft tissues throughout the body so you have the soft tissue calcification I'm you see them people are getting older they're getting stiff they have arthritis bursitis they get calcium developing on the eyes as cataracts on the joints is arthritis on the nerves there's no Rytas on the kidney is kidney stones on the gallbladders golf stones and the teeth is tartar that could come from a pH problem it's a alkalosis the systemic alkalosis which is your whole body is too alkaline one of the things that I like to do as well as make sure they're taking the fats and vitamins to transport that calcium out like vitamin D and k2 but in this video we're going to talk about the pH piece of this thing now what causes this alkaline state it has to do with this in this book it's called Sybil encyclopedia of endocrinology volume for frank net or MD this is one of the main books that is used in medical schools and it's a great physiology book to help you get some of the facts and how the body works so right here if you look on the page that talks about high cortisol that's the stress hormone it talked it high stress high cortisol causes alkalosis it makes your body to alkyl Lin so unless you don't live on planet Earth you might not have this problem but most people I know live on planet Earth they have a lot of stress their bodies become too alkaline over time the worst thing you can do is start drinking alkaline waters now it's ok to drink water that's already alkaline but don't try to alkalize it to an eight or a nine or because you're gonna make your body worse and then you won't be able to absorb calcium and things like that so with the Drina over like stress in Kaikoura so you become too alkaline and you lose this little thing called H+ because if you ever taken calcium I'm sorry chemistry you'll notice that H H+ is an acid so in other words the adrenal causes you to lose acid through the urine and become too alkaline so here's how all the effects that stress can create an alkaline body which then blocks calcium so you have all this calcium that plugs up everything but it's unavailable to you so you start getting the twitch on the left eye you ever notice when people go get stress they have to start twitching you know what that you know what it is because it changes the pH and the person can't absorb calcium so then this is a calcium deficiency so you could take calcium but if the pH isn't right it won't work the best thing to do if you have that twitch is to drink outside of vinegar boom drop the pH to make more acidic the calcium gets mobilized and the twitch goes away cramping in the calf outside the vinegar is the best thing to mobilize the calcium and get rid of cramping your calf's nerve pain neuritis especially like migraine pain with arthritis that may be it a move from this joint to this joint to this joint oh my gosh give a little opposite of vinegar they are happy so so with stress you become too alkaline you lose acid and you lose potassium and the only reason I'm bringing up this potassium which is a little extra thing is that alkalyn bodies tend to have a potassium loss and then when you lose potassium you actually make the person more alkaline so they kind of work together you know people say well drink outside vinegar to increase your potassium that's not what's going to do it outside of vinegar will help increase your potassium because you'll stop losing the potassium and you'll you'll make the body more acidic and like it should be and so that will help the potassium and just think about look at this potassium deficiency high blood pressure constipation feeling of weakness fatigue irregular heartbeats you know when you hear these claims about app cider vinegar hearing all these different things high blood pressure constipation weakness irregular heartbeats it's because of the the retention of the potassium because the a chain reaction that occurs after getting the pH in the correct level people that drink a lot of protein drinks or they eat too much protein let's say to do the Atkins diet or they're doing this high-protein diet what happens there's the waste from that protein is called guanidine it's a chemical very very very very very alkaline okay and so that can cause twitching nerve pain and a lot of our thright as' okay even when you do like the ketosis diet and you're doing more protein you may feel stiff you might feel more arthritic drink some apple cider vinegar it flushes this thing out so nicely so apple cider vinegar is the antidote to the residue of high protein but too much protein for your liver and your body so it's a really good cleanser so this acid episode of vinegar helps absorb minerals helps mobilize calcium helps you digest protein better without the waste it helps the immune system and that's the last thing I want to talk about you've heard that people will take out like vitamin C for a cold right or for a virus infection it's not the vitamin C necessarily it's creating the big effect because most people aren't even taking about him is he they're taking vitamin C look-alike or a fake vitamin C it called ascorbic acid which is not really true vitamin C complex which I'll gano how people disagree on this video because they make you can make synthetic vitamin C from ascorbic acid and cornstarch first of all corn has no vitamin C corn starch has no vitamin C skorpa caster's nobody see how can you take two things that don't have vitamin c mix them together and make ascorbic acid and think that's vitamin c it's just it's fake the real benefit of vitamin C or ascorbic acid is the acid you'd be much better taking the acetic acid to help your immune system if you get a cold if you have a fever a viral infection start taking the upside of vinegar it's really really important so these are the true benefits of opposite of vinegar because it is Siddha Phi's an alkaline body so in the next section I'm just going to show you a little concoction that I make and I drink on a regular basis okay so let me show you how to make this this is in my book chapter 10 it's called the cranberry drink it should be called the opposite of vinegar drink very simple and you really should try this because it will help you lose weight if you drink one of these before you ate three times a day you would lose a lot more weight because it stimulates the thyroid and it acidifies the stomach the only thing that I would recommend if you if you have a very slow metabolism as you may want to omit the cranberry juice so you get the Bragg's upset of vinegar like this the best and simply teaspoon in some water actually do two to two spoons in the water before each meal and some people say don't consume water before a meal but whereas it which this is an acid drink so it's going to help stomach acids but check this out this is it it's my favorite lemon juice Italian volcano lemon juice so organic lemon juice and this stuff is magical it's wonderful you get it from the helpers' store it's grown on these these soils where are these the volcanic ash fertilized the soil so you just do a teaspoon of this lemon right here you don't have to use this lemon juice you can use other lemon juice you can use lemons I like that lemon juice because I'm spoiled cranberry juice make sure you read the back a label and it just comes from whole cranberries because some people get the one that has extra grape juice or apple juice you don't want that just do a teaspoon of this and basically this is your drink now I like to and this is just me you don't have to do this you can add some ginger and there's some ginger root that you can shred in there and it makes it a little spicy I basically have this ginger extract that you can get it's a liquid form it's like ginger juice and you put a little ginger it's real spicy there's a lot of great properties it's a very good tonic again if you can't stand the taste chances are you probably don't need it okay if you really need it you will crave it and it makes you feel better but I really want you to try this real simple drink this before you eat and watch how much better you feel okay so go ahead and do this and give me some comments below I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 12,979,498
Rating: 4.9049783 out of 5
Keywords: apple cider vinegar, weight loss, minerals, protein, thyroid, acidic, alkaline, Vinegar, apple cider, food, cooking, Dr. Berg, DrBerg, products, Kale Shake, New, Health, Weight Training (Hobby), Weight Gain (Symptom), Diet, sport, apple cider vinegar weight loss, apple cider vinegar benefits, apple cider vinegar uses, benefits of apple cider vinegar, health benefits of apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar health benefits, Eric Berg, Dr Eric
Id: XeHl5Y7m1xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2015
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