Acceptable Liquids with Intermittent Fasting | Dr.Berg

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hey guys listen I want to talk about liquids intermittent fasting and ketosis I get a lot of questions on can I drink this during intermittent fasting when I'm supposed to be fasting is it gonna interfere with my fat-burning let's talk about that okay the first thing we're talk about is tea can you drink tea absolutely you can now tea and coffee do have caffeine obviously you can drink too much if you drink a small amount of tea it has some caffeine it's probably not going to be a problem at all but large amounts of caffeine can start stimulating insulin but small amounts don't seem to have an effect okay so tea is okay of course just get nationally decaffeinated that would be even better alright so coffee is coffee okay well let's talk about coffee again I think one in the morning would be great and I know some people get really upset because I you know they're used to drinking it all day long and I say I'm trying to take it away from them and I don't want to do that because of the addiction I mean the craving that they have but the point is that too much coffee can rev up the adrenals and activate cortisol which can then activate insulin okay so that's the problem because it's a stimulant and stimulates the adrenal now caffeine also stimulates adrenaline which actually does help fat burning by the way but I wouldn't drink coffee to lose weight alright so one in the morning I think is gonna be fine now as far as what to put in it is milk or cream gonna be a problem from just working with lots of people it's not really a problem if you do small amounts now let's talk about if you're adding the bulletproof which is the butter in there for some people they can do it other people it's almost as if they're taking a meal because they're consuming a good amount of butter in there so I mean if you want to use that as a meal I mean go for it but if we're trying to do in a minute fasting we're trying to fast and not add that much fat into even the time so you're not supposed to be eating because anything will trigger insulin to some degree like a meal now sugar can we want to put sugar in there absolutely not you can put sugar alcohol you can put xylitol or erythritol I don't know if I would want to put stevia in there because it that would be kind of a weird taste but a small amount a coffee is okay as long as you don't add sugar and you just do a small amount of cream and maybe a little butter with some people they can get away with it other people can't so I've had mixed reviews on that so now if you do a coffee bean extract there are certain phytonutrients in the coffee bean that are really beneficial for insulin resistance and that's probably why it helped some people lose weight but if they don't have insulin resistance it's not gonna happen lose weight again that's the coffee bean extract thing I don't want to get into that but as far as when you roast the coffee you kill all those phytonutrients okay because you're heating it way up so that's coffee try to do small amount all right water water is not going to be a problem you can drink water when you're on the ketogenic diet you are gonna lose some water so don't be afraid to drink it I just like to add electrolytes to it just because normally you're gonna lose some electrolytes not just potassium but salt to some people that all of a sudden feel very kind of fatigued during the ketosis diet or even intermittent fasting we plug in a little bit of salt and boom they just kind of perk right up so it could be either salt or potassium but of course don't do the tap water juice filtered water or I like unspoiled I like Pellegrino the best myself so I'll drink a good amount of that per every day or some other of spring water bottle water I love carbon and water myself carbonation does not interfere with either one of these at all now vitamin water usually comes with a lot of sugar don't do that okay then we have bone broth bone broth is actually a really good thing to consume even between your times that you're eating and the times of your fasting because you're getting a lot of electrolytes with not a lot of calories okay so I think this is totally fine to do and the electrolytes and the nutrition that would actually help overcome the ketogenic flu or any symptoms that you might have so this is okay this is okay diet soda no because aspartame will increase insulin so those artificial sweeteners will increase insulin but if you buy like a diet set of it is with stevia or xylitol or erythritol that's non GMO that would be fine so I'm gonna say no for diet sodas apple cider vinegar very okay apple cider vinegar will help regulate blood sugars it's great to help you if you have a fatty liver it's great for digestion making insulin more I'm sorry glucose more sensitive so the need for insulin goes down this is a real good good one alcohol just keep it below a six pack a night no I'm just kidding no alcohol there's certain types of alcohol that have low calories but still the alcohol will inhibit the liver function and completely knock you out of ketosis so don't consume alcohol alright coconut water no this is a no and this is a no because it has quite a bit of sugar yes it has electrolytes but it has a lot of sugar okay so I don't recommend it again if your metabolism is really fast you might be able to get away with it but I'm just telling you in general if any type of sugar or juice anything like that will raise the insulin now also you have unsweetened cranberry juice and if you put it water now I used to recommend that the problem is it would believe it or not knock some people out of fat-burning and I was surprised and then I took them off that and I have them just do the lemon and the outside living in her vinegar and water and it went right back in the fat burning so that's like a test that I found that works almond milk well almond will a milk usually you want to get it unsweetened and you can have some of that it's there's not a lot of sugar in that usually sometimes there are some that do have hidden sugars but as long as there's low sugars it's gonna be okay and I forgot to add milk well milk is something you probably would not want to add to this list because milk does have a bit of sugar but again a little bit of milk in your coffee would be okay get the grass-fed or organic all right thanks for watching hey thanks so much for watching press the subscribe button and I'm gonna hold on one second who is this oh no one second hey honey listen I'm right in the middle of filming here she wants to say hi okay I said hi I gotta go okay but so if you like the videos press subscribe and I will keep you updated with the future events
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 5,624,510
Rating: 4.9300504 out of 5
Keywords: liquids and intermittent fasting, liquids while fasting, drinks while fasting, fasting tips, fasting acceptable liquids, fasting liquids, what to drink while fasting, water while fasting, coffee while fasting, bulletproof coffee, liquids, fasting drinks, fasting drinks allowed, intermittent fasting dr berg, liquids and fasting dr berg, dr berg, eric berg, dr eric berg, what can you drink while intermittent fasting, how to do intermittent fasting, fasting diet
Id: 6aOGxhbe-Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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