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[Music] so we're at Metro Fitness for baseline fitness we want to compare the handheld body fat measurement that we did the other day to the bod pod we're just gonna be a lot more accurate we have not had our coffee how you feelin that's rough thanks for having coffee first should be a fun experience Mercedes who we get that would be half that would cut in half on the other day that's crazy sixteen or seventeen it was like 14 I think you'll be in rv9 this may be it's gonna be really interesting to see and just compare the difference it was kind of we didn't enjoy not drinking our coffee and fasting to come inside it's gonna be fun to see him and we'll do a comparison yeah as we've been watching our food and what we eat and just see you know how that changes or what happens and as training shifts and changes as well see if I make it to five - probably not it's you'll be it's not that's wrong yeah here we find the big I feel like a masters nut front makes it it makes the room look huge okay cool [Music] the two other people could probably help uh I just I haven't we didn't drink coffee this morning or eat so are Bettina different so we both have our coffee and our yetis in the car ready to go put it on the scale again or just I have one more set okay yeah I'm females yeah is that uncommon yes but you have to understand too about what body composition is I mean dissection is like the the only accurate you know fully accurate measure um I think she would be she'll be I would say many people of 10 yeah because we did one of the handheld once and she was 18 the handheld that's interesting because it's the opposite for me the handheld tells me I'm about eight percent above her I'm sorry eight percent below where I really am and the one from the feet tells me I'm about 6 percent above where I really am men 13 to 21 and 23 to 30 is considered good health that's where most men and women should strive to the to maintain to be in great shape the guys don't want to say it's more like 18 to 20 if you're 18 to 20 that's that's somebody who is eating right exercising consistently they usually tell me I feel like women it's more the 23 or 30 that's good if I see a lot more women at 23 than men at 13 okay today you're at 9.8 lean weights 1 7 2 1.1 that's everything that's possible have a really good reference that's how you start when you're weighing masses but you know what it depends on the person yeah that's true in my brain do I know what it is 5.2 percent body fat 6.9 pounds of fat 120 4.5 pounds of lean mass total weight 131 point four I'm surprised I thought it's a good way to look at the man huh I've been really hungry I've been I'm like I've been tracking macros and maybe just making sure I'm eating enough because of what we do but I've been noticing like waking up at night because I'm really hungry and I really wanted to come in and get this done and start to play with because I told him I don't think when people do the calculations they give me a certain amount of food based off of something but I guess starving and I keep telling him like I said from the kids on you then I get I end up not recovering or crashing but they did it off of I think like 12% body fat so we just got our bathtub measurements and I am actually shocked so I came in here thinking I'd probably be maybe 15 or 16 percent just based off of the 18.5% for the handheld one that I did the other day and it was actually a deviation of 13.3% so for me that was just really interesting the handheld one just sends an electrical current through your body as fast as it can where this one's actually kind of compressing and giving you that lean mass so I think it's just make sure that you're always you know getting I don't want to say second opinions but always doing different things always continuing to learn and learn how the measurement is whatever you used or how things are attract because I was I'm just really surprised I kind of feel like I'm at a loss of words but it's good to know it's a good baseline I'm not trying to gain I'm not trying to change I just wanted to know where I stood and then I'm gonna try to stay consistent with my nutrition counting my macros I'm probably gonna eat a little bit more food and then come back in and there two or three months about twelve weeks and test it out and see you know if there's any changes but I definitely think for energy purposes for a female also just having a little bit higher fat or a little bit more would be to get good lean mass is also going to be dependent on your frame some of us carry more lean laughs and can carry more lean mass than others it's also just kind of how we're built a little bit of our genetic so I hope you guys found this interesting I found it super interesting and now I'm gonna either go get some coffee I'm gonna go get some food I'm gonna probably train I don't know we'll just see what it leads me next but that's all for now so we just got our body fat done and now we decided to work out we feel much better because we have got some coffee in our system and some food so I've had some time to kind of process and decide what I want to do today and I actually want to do a home workout so I'm gonna take you guys through like a lighter day of just sweating and moving and getting prepped and ready for tomorrow so just today is more of an active recovery light day so I'm gonna start actually with my SCAP jacks I haven't showed you guys that yet but I'm gonna go through SCAP Jack activation just to keep my shoulders healthy and make sure that I'm strengthening all of my rotator cuff muscles because we put a lot of stress and strain on our shoulders in CrossFit so we want to make sure that we keep them strong and we keep them healthy all right so I don't have the full set but I have three of the bands so if it calls for a color I don't have I just kind of make do with it but I have this hung right in front of my face because I even if I do it every day I still can't remember what I'm supposed to do what being I'm supposed to use in how many reps I've got enough other things to think about so I start it tells you if the band should be at your eye level or if it tells you if your band should be at knee level so I'm actually gonna start with eye level I go through two rounds of everything at eye level before I switch it to me level it doesn't say that anywhere it's just what I like to do so I'm gonna start with a crossover row it's gonna be an H so depending if you are a novice or your competitor the H could be your yellow the H could be a red or if you're in a leak the H could be blue I am gonna use the red for my age so I'm gonna set back you wanna make sure you cross the bands from here soft been in my knees make sure my mid lines engaged and I'm just gonna think about rowing just like I would on the Rings so I'm driving my elbows back squeezing my shoulder together I'm gonna hit five to eight reps alright so for today's workout I was gonna use my skier but I need to get new batteries so I'm gonna switch it up so I'm gonna do like a 15 minute amrap of a 35 calorie reloj nice and smooth into 15 taters I'm gonna rest about five minutes and then I'm gonna do a 15 minute amrap of it was supposed to be 35 calories key I guess I'll do 35 calorie assault bike in 15 burpees so mainly machine and driven folk machine focused today just to flush this to sweat just to move and make everything feel really good [Music] I don't really care imma be a billionaire [Music] [Music] it was a really good day doing the whole body fat and the bod pod super interesting just you know I had no idea kind of what to expect some glad I did that will definitely be test that in the future I think Pat really enjoyed that as well and then finishing the day with a nice at-home workout that's why I love having a home gym I can just come down here it's like my little special space and I absolutely love it I can come up with all sorts of combinations and still get a great sweat and get a great workout and not necessarily have to be at the gym so it's good to switch it up constantly varied and fitness constantly varied in your nutrition stay with us we've got some exciting stuff coming up make sure to like subscribe if you want to see more workouts like what I did today check out our links in the bio we've got a strength program a core program and we also offer a 60-minute program and exactly what I'm doing have a good day [Music] [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Kristi Eramo
Views: 41,747
Rating: 4.9368834 out of 5
Keywords: crossfit, kristi eramo, crossfire female, female athlete, crossfire games athlete, fitness, crossfithealthy, health
Id: RyoN_K_LmBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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