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what is up guys i am headed over to the gym to meet christy she's already done one session today i did some morning cardio and we're gonna go we're gonna go head-to-head on a couple days ago's class workout as well as our ibex 60 workout so it's going to be a really quick sprint it's gonna be seven rounds of one rope prime 10 dumbbell snatch and a 100 meter run i'm not great at legless road climbs which is a spider spider in my truck i'm not great at legless road climbs and that's one of the things chris is probably best at so i'm gonna try to skew this thing in a way that gives me at least a chance to possibly beat her if it was regular rogue climbs i really like those and i'd probably give her a run for money but since it's not i've got to do what i can to kind of give myself an advantage so what we're going to do is we're both going to do these on runners and we have one assault runner we have one trueform runner the difference between those two trueform you've got to pull the belt a little bit more uh in general it's got a softer curve to it and it just seems to be a little bit of a heavier pull so she's going to have she's going to use the true form and have to probably work a little bit harder than i am i'm going to be on the assault runner which is kind of on the opposite end of the spectrum where you've got a it's a little bit touchier the belt seems to pull a little bit lighter and you've almost got to control your speed a little bit more where you can get going too fast a little bit too easy especially for 100 meter sprints i should have the advantage being on the assault runner and she should have to be work a little bit harder and probably be a little bit slower on that 100 meter sprint on the true form she is also going to be using the 50 pound dumbbell which is going to be the same weight that i'm using it only sets a 10 but i should definitely be moving that thing a lot easier and faster than she should it'll just be a matter if i can kind of hop up on the rope and keep the same cadence that she can on those but it should be good and i'm gonna see if i can give her a run for her money or if it just doesn't matter and she beats me all the time wow chad five starter started [Music] i'm [Music] the camera action like a movie [Music] hit the ground we in be the next meal cause you can't be caught if you don't stand still [Music] here we come [Music] in the shadows kept you lacking when you least expect it it's a passion so respect it get to check your windows and make sure your door's locked it's all fun and games until we find your spot [Music] i be that silver silver lining to the story if you thought that i would certainly [Music] gasoline in my veins peter fuel through my [Music] oh it's time [Music] just play the game right no one can follow oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] play your cards like the hand of a winner eat your breakfast but make room for dinner for you better success like a [Applause] [Music] winner you're gonna drink this check it out i got my crew i'll get you moving it's what i do the party's starting it's going down let me show you what it's all about check it out check yeah out [Music] super fun workout pat and i were back and forth i quickly realized the way he set the runners up gave me or gave him an unfair advantage because he was like i don't know five steps closer to the rope so i swear i'd get off the runner and i'd try to push the rope and he was like already on it and he wasn't off the runner yet he gave me a hard time at the end i'm just very competitive but it's awesome being able to do that with him because i'd never reached that level without him by my side and him just forcing me to use that heavier dumbbell so we could go head-to-head it was really fun you guys be the judge do you think it was an unfair advantage that his rope was closer to the runner or was it fair i will i vote unfair [Music] don't [Music] stopping me
Channel: Kristi Eramo
Views: 4,455
Rating: 4.9254661 out of 5
Id: 68NuY_VV2fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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