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good morning i'm really excited so today's video what we're gonna do is we're gonna track patrick's macros actually i'm gonna track whatever he eats so he's gonna go about his day before he's allowed to eat anything i'm gonna wait and measure everything and put it into my fitness pal and i'm really excited about this because i've been dying to know for years what he eats on a regular basis just kind of the breakdown what the carbs the fats the protein and obviously it works for him i mean it looks great but i'm just very curious to see if maybe he's lacking in one area and we can make some adjustments that might make him feel better or have more energy or change his body composition or who knows whatever it is so let's get started so i've never been able to bring myself to track my food weigh and measure it really in any way i've kind of gone off feel for everything and that's just the way that i've eaten so i try to pay attention to obviously eating good foods and making sure that i eat protein carbs and fat but as far as the portions for that or what i should maybe actually be eating i've never taken the time to actually measure that christie is really good about it she's always done it so instead of me even having to do it she's gonna follow me around today and figure out what i actually eat or what the proportions actually look like so what are we starting with uh starting with three eggs this would be a typical breakfast for me uh three eggs some spinach or some sort of green sometimes there's some carbs in there to normally coat them together scan the label three eggs we're at 15 grams of fat and 18 grams of protein i'll let you guys know the entire meal break down here in a second all right so this is a fairly average breakfast for me uh today i'm eating out eating before i work out uh if i do the vice verse of that i might add a little bit more carbs but more or less this is a pretty typical breakfast for me how many calories do you think you need to be honest i don't even really have a reference but i doubt that it's very many 300 wrong 482. that's better than i expected yeah it's actually not bad we also did include his coffee which we didn't show you guys but it was one tablespoon of heavy cream and half of a scoop of collagen so his breakdown for this meal 42 grams of carbs 16 of that came from the jelly a lot of the rest of it came from the spinach and the toast 21 grams of fat and 31 grams of protein so he's at about a 34 split on carbs 40 split on fat so he's a little heavier in fat and it's 26 split on protein so for patrick 31 grams of protein definitely seems a little bit low and along with the 40 grams of carbs but we'll kind of see how that pie chart shifts and changes throughout the day next meal will be a little bit bigger we'll show you what we got next so this is a really typical lunch for me i made it to the gym coach did a workout ate a protein shake or drank a protein shake after i was done and then ate an apple on the way home it is about one right now so this is my second real meal sometimes the ingredients will change for this depending on what we've got in the fridge but this kind of style like burrito is really common so sometimes it might be chicken instead of beef or it might be turkey sometimes it might be sweet potatoes instead of rice i'll mix that up a little bit but really common for me no this is a serving well that's going to take forever well how much are you going to use that's what i'm trying to teach you wait till you see how much ketchup you use on the night so one okay that was heaping so it's like two and a half three and a half all right we'll call it four i've also made this a little bit different than i normally do normally everything goes right into the pan just kind of eyeballing today went all into the plate chris wade and measured everything then back on the plate then into the burrito but it was also interesting to see it on the plate it's extremely interesting to see it on the plate i was waiting i'm like is this all you do and then you put it in the burrito and it's massive but yeah i think he hit on it we usually either buy 92 8 lean ground beef or 93 7 turkey so that that fat range kind of sits around the same amount whichever protein that we're buying and then if it's chicken it's just a little bit leaner so we know what is actually i know it's in that protein fat makeup he has no idea so it's going to be really fun to see at the end of the day where am i at now where's this what's this breakdown i'm sure you guys could guess this break this meal is significantly high in carbohydrates which is what you do want post-workout but in his post-workout it's very high in carbohydrates but in his post-workout shake he had about 20 grams of protein and 43 grams of carbs so he also does a scoop of formula one and a scoop of ignition just like i do well dive in it smells delicious on to the next meal guys i'll keep you posted see if my i just have a significant carb intake all day or if it's just kind of condensed into a lunchtime meal but i'm going to eat this we'll circle back if i can get any snacks or anything in between we'll let you guys know and we'll circle back to the next meal [Music] this is fun this was so fun alright so i've made it to the last meal of the day it is coming up on six o'clock um i have had a bar in the meantime so in between the last meal and dinner i did eat a first one bar which are freaking delicious and on average this isn't maybe exactly what i eat every single day obviously but for tonight it's going to be a shredded chicken sandwich with barbecue sauce and sriracha and some sliced potatoes which we'll cook in bulk as well as a salad so a lot of times we will cook things like chicken in bulk we made that in the insta pot and then we'll make a bunch of potatoes sometimes they're sweet potatoes sometimes they're rustic potatoes we'll make that in bulk and then for me a lot of times i'll just eat very similar foods but mix them in a different way so tonight's potatoes tomorrow might be rice it can vary a bit but this is basically what i eat on any given day and christy's got my numbers here yes but first before we do your numbers how much do you weigh on average uh i am about 190. okay so for protein you typically want about 0.8 to 1.2 of body weight at 190 the minimum protein amount patrick should be eating is 152 grams the maximum on the high side would be about 228 grams looking at his caloric breakdown before he had that bar and he doesn't always have that bar he just remembered to pack one today he was at 114 grams of protein with the bar he finished at 134 grams of protein i weigh about 130 to 132 pounds and i eat 140 grams of protein a day so i am currently eating more protein than he is from there the carbohydrates he finished at 381 grams of carbohydrates when i was training for the games i think i showed you guys a couple of those videos i was eating 440 to 460 grams of carbs a day so for somebody pat works hard like he did two workouts today he did some weight lifting um but sometimes he's drained and so what this tells me is like he is not eating enough and also fat like significantly i keep my fat rather low and he only ate 71 grams of fat and i sit right around 62 and he weighs about 50 more pounds than me so that is a big jump and he definitely needs at least another 20 to 25 grams of fat so i think what we learned by doing this is like he thinks he's making healthy meals he's doing a really good job his split was 56 carbohydrate 24 fat and 20 protein i would rather see that closer to like a 50 30 20 or even for him when you're not training quite the at the hours that maybe i'm training more like a 40 30 30. so bringing those carbs slightly down but definitely increasing the protein and the fat i think you'd see significant changes in his energy and probably strength body composition in all of the above so even though he eats super healthy i think it's it's very common like if you have no idea kind of what things look like a lot of us under eat we think we're eating more than we are and that kind of shuts our metabolism down it can also inhibit our sleep and it can also make us feel really crappy so i'm a huge advocate for making sure that you're eating throughout the day and that you're eating enough to support all of your mind your body all your functions your workouts and everything and that you're just living your best life because i know when i under eat i am hungry and moody yeah i think for me this is just interesting if i'm being honest i'm not going to be counting my food it's just not realistic for me but to see where i'm at is definitely kind of eye-opening there's though this is pretty average there's definitely days that i might not even drink a protein shake after i work out or i might not have a bar sometimes we're just out of them or something so even going without those would drop those numbers even lower and just to have the reference that my protein intake on a regular basis is so low is helpful so i think not just for me but for everybody doing a check-in like this where you maybe you count your food or your macros every now and again just to have a reference if you're kind of missing one way or the other is certainly a helpful reference so this is definitely an eye-opening experience for me it was great learning his total calories i forgot to mention were 2679 which is actually under what i'm eating when i'm training for the game so like i definitely if he's active which he is sometimes you do two a days he also coaches two plus hours a day he does lots of moving lots of walking um just making sure that you're you're fueling enough but like he said check in you don't need to count all the time it's just now he has an eyeball an eyeball he is an eyeball now he can kind of eyeball his plate and should be like oh i'd normally put this much chicken on i'm gonna put a little bit extra just to continue increasing protein levels yeah i would have guessed that i ate more protein because i like it to to be honest i would not have guessed that that would have been the thing that was under and i would have thought that my carbs are probably on the higher end because i definitely like those too but yeah this is a great learning experience hopefully this was beneficial for you guys and maybe gives you a little bit of a reference in whether you can either count macros or know somebody who can if it's not going to be a regular thing having that kind of that check-in every once in a while just to see if you're kind of skewed one way or the other can definitely be helpful so hopefully you guys enjoyed this and stay tuned because i'm going to show you guys what i eat on a regular basis throughout the day probably more features in our next video so make sure to like and subscribe [Music] me
Channel: Kristi Eramo
Views: 18,763
Rating: 4.98492 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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