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[Music] good morning guys we're going to be doing today a day in the life of eating with me um we've done this in the past in the past it was on rest day or active recovery day so i wasn't doing a whole lot so today it's games training and um you'll be going to see how much i eat and have to really kind of force down during this time when i'm actually you know training and in high demand of a lot of energy in my body so um before my morning session we're going to be i'm having oats okay so i have roughly around one cup of oats i'll have a banana i'll have some blueberries roughly around 40 grams and then i'll also sweeten it up with some honey and this is just a nice little little breakfast first breakfast to get me ready for my morning session i definitely grew up knowing that breakfast was well my dad used to say breakfast is the most important meal of the day here so breakfast was and is an essential part of my diet and something that you know if i want to have a really solid day i need to get a really good breakfast in so here is breakfast number one i'll actually have another breakfast after my morning session just because we're doing so many different sessions i'm trying to eat throughout the day and making sure that i'm i'm having the right amount of energy to fuel the body this is something that i love to eat before i feel satisfied i feel like i have the right amount of energy before my session well i said my you had a day in the life of shaney looks a little different than an athlete um i'm doing this uh three days of cleansing no that's not true i'm just trying this experiment of like uh having celery juice as my first meal in replacement of coffee this is only day two now of it do i feel anything different no i think i've been let down by the internet but i'll keep you posted anyway sometimes i experiment and if i find good value in it or if i find it like a benefit in it yeah i would i would then pass that on to tearing and see if she takes it up [Music] [Music] all right so just got back from my morning session now i'm gonna be cooking up my breakfast number two um this is probably one of my favorite breakfasts so it's going to be bagels with avocado i'm going to have some eggs sometimes i have some bacon with it turkey bacon normal bacon whatever really and then i'll have that on one side of the bagel and then on the other side i've been having and really loving the whole peanut butter and jam particularly blackberry jam on the other side so um it's good quite a few quite high uh fats but personally i really like having more of a higher fats diet than um your typical really high carb diet um but i also am getting a whole whole bunch of carbohydrates and protein in this as well well so um i figured that if i have two full bag well sorry a bagel and i have eggs on both um you know i'm i'm actually ending and not feeling satisfied so that little bit of sweetness with like peanut butter and the um jam gives me that satisfaction at the end of my meal and i know i'm eating healthy and getting everything that i need in my meal as well alrighty so this is my number two breakfast um and then this is going to do me over until i have a break in between some of my sessions today so i woke up at about 7 30 this morning i had a coffee no i didn't have a coffee yeah i didn't have coffee this morning but anyways woke up 7 30 then i've had a meal so far so i have my oats my banana with some berries i've done a morning session i've come home and i'm also now having my second meal of the day i've also drinken about one and a half of these water bottles here this is about a litre and a half i would say and it's already 12 o'clock so doing good [Music] [Music] so i've just got done with my uh lifting session and throughout the lifting session i had two of the fuel for fires so um just because they're already easily broken down and it's kind of like baby food it's super easy to digest so i will have this throughout my training sessions if i'm feeling a little bit hungry um even if i'm not feeling too hungry i just make sure that i'm having like two of these and uh you know it just gives me that little bit of extra energy so that i never get to a point where i am feeling depleted i always want to stay on top of that so i've had two of them throughout my training session oh sorry throughout my strength piece now we're gonna have some chill time and i'm going to be having some rice okay and then um james actually got me onto this and it's like a um there's a variety of different flavors but this one is more of like a kidney bean carrot um basically kind of like a sauce um and it has some really good proteins and carbohydrates in them so i'm going to have that and some rice i'm going to have um a protein shake i will have probably one to two of them a day so around this time i'll have one of them because it's super satisfying and beautiful with like nice cold water um and then i'll have that while i'm eating my meal which is mostly made up of carbs then i'll also have this after my training session once i'm completely done and i wanted to point out throughout the day um you know i'm drinking a lot a lot of water and so i want to make sure that i do just drink clean water um especially like when i first wake up i don't really like to drink anything but like either water or coffee um and so i will add these bcaa in my drink and i'll sip on this throughout the whole training session so um i've probably filled my water up maybe three times oh well no probably i've just filled it up for the third time so that means that from this morning i've had um one and a half liters plus two more of them so um you know i'm constantly constantly drinking and making sure that as i'm sweating i'm still putting the same amount of fluids back into my body plus more so that i'm not getting dehydrated by the end of the day so we just got home um i've had a shower and we're just about to have dinner we did a lot of training today um tonight i'm going to be having salmon and um i don't have cement every single night i change up my proteins throughout the week so i make sure that i have some red meats i'll have you know white meat so your chicken or your turkey i'll also sometimes have fish i think fish is super important in the diet and changing that up is really crucial to making sure that you're actually hitting um just different nutrients and also allowing the body to really absorb the benefits from each kind of protein we got gonna have and add some beetroot i've also got some leftover rice and vegetables that we've baked in the oven the night before and that's going to allow me to have a nice variety i've got my greens as well and i'm having a lot more protein in my meal tonight compared to what i've been eating throughout the day which was predominantly more carbohydrates just to have that energy throughout the day all right so that literally took me like five minutes if that just to sear the salmon and to heat up the vegetables and the rice um when we did the vegetables last night it was you know just 15 minutes in the oven just to bake them and we season them with pepper and salt super simple really healthy and just enough for me to feel very satisfied and make sure that i'm filling the body so after the whole day and just tracking everything that i've eaten throughout you know before my training session throughout the day throughout training itself and then obviously dinner um tonight i'll sit down with a cup of tea and also just a slice of the oat bar that i've done in another episode that i cooked it's like a super satisfying little dessert or or a snack if you will but roughly i had about 2 000 just over 2 900 worth of calories and that has allowed me to have the right amount of energy feel really really good and also you know allow the body to to get fueled as as best as it possibly can um and then tonight also i will make sure that i have my greens and my reds um these are supplements that i take on a daily basis either in the morning uh sometimes during the day if i've forgotten in the morning or even at night it'll be two scoops of my greens and a scoop of my reds i just mix that sometimes with orange juice tastes really nice but some sometimes just with normal water i'll have that and then i'll have my tablets so i have my fish oil tablets and i also have some multivitamins some zinc tablets as well just to keep the immune levels up and also making sure that i'm dialing in the right supplements that my body needs because of the amount of energy that i'm putting my body through and the amount of strain so if you have any questions regarding my nutrition and what i eat during the day of a typical games training cycle please comment below we'd love to hear what you think everyone's got an opinion so um you know we welcome it all good and bad so uh don't forget to like and subscribe if you don't like it just double tap um and we'll see you the next one oh yeah yeah let's do this let me offer my condolences you don't know just how i'm doing the silence within no one for talking fluent talking to him
Channel: Tia-Clair Toomey & Shane Orr
Views: 595,792
Rating: 4.9352927 out of 5
Keywords: crossfit
Id: tpS7ClrmOKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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