The Rapture, Let’s Talk About It: Jimmy Evans Talks End Times and Your Important Role Now

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well his Bible prophecy really being fulfilled will the Rapture definitely happen and are we living in the last days Jimmy Evans joins the table to talk about the end times and what scripture actually reveals if you're enjoying table talk be sure to like comment subscribe remember to click that notification Bell to stay up to date on all of our latest posts [Music] [Applause] [Music] well the Rapture it is one of the most abated and talked about topics about the end times but what does the Bible say about it is it a real event when will it happen today with the help of our special guests we're going to look at these important questions to discover what we need to know what the Bible tells us about it but first join them you're on the table is Kendra Kelly Dean take me Jesus Take Me Jesus I am so ready I'm so excited even so come Lord Jesus yes come I'm just ready to see him it's like the more things happen around here and you start looking at this like oh wow we're getting close people we're getting there but it doesn't stop you from occupying and pressing forward you have to pull on yes and we have a purpose and a mission while we're occupying now more than ever our goal is to make Heaven bigger that's right because we have to keep pushing forward yes and de Havilland when we talk about this it doesn't mean that we're just sitting here pining away we we can talk about it and still move forward and absolutely and see Revival can engage the culture we can until he comes back we occupy until he comes so I'm thankful that we're on a show that talks about the end times yeah so we're going to talk about the end times today but don't think for one second right we are not pushing that we're out here changing things in society Anna Kendall yes we will subdue the Earth and I love Maranatha come Lord Jesus I love the word Maranatha I love that Susanna lamb hello I am excited I'm so happy to be here thank you you know you've probably been hearing about Jesus coming since you were a little girl if I was born yeah because you I'm waiting your parents are pastors yes I'm waiting I'm like Jesus come on I mean we do have things to get done though so I'm excited to do all that God has for us I want him to wait just a little bit longer we know I want him to do because there's still some things yeah that you have to do it yes yes Cindy Murdoch how are you I'm great and I I'm thinking about all this because it is the hope that we have and then he says he's coming for those that are watching and looking for his appearing so that is a hope we have in the midst of everything that's going on in this world today we have that hope we do have that hope well he is a trusted voice when it comes to topics about the end times he's one of our favorites at the table please welcome our dear friend Jimmy Evans [Music] [Applause] we always give you the most dramatic I'm just a dramatic kind of guy I believe that and you've written a new book look up look up and don't you I mean don't you agree that we can talk about this but we're not sitting around not occupying or pushing forward there there are Extremes in one extreme are the people that they hear the teaching about the Rapture about Jesus coming and they just check out and they're and it's just it's about them it's just about me wow and Jesus is going to come for me and so I really don't have any responsibilities the other is what Kendra was talking about that is we have a responsibility to take as many people with us as we can if you understand the Rapture is very encouraging but if you understand about the tribulation it's terrifying you just don't want anyone that you care about to be here during that period And so there'll be a lot of people get saved during the tribulation but it'll be hell on Earth you know and I just had a dear friend and a mentor of mine that actually lives in California very Godly woman and she heard us talking about this and she said now Joanie when you say that people could possibly be saved during the tribulation you do understand that there are people that are like okay well I'm good I'll just get saved in I'm like we have to talk about yeah if you're saying that you probably won't right be safe two judgments in Revelation 9 kill a third of mankind one judgment Revelation six kills a quarter of mankind and so it's horrific it says in Revelation 20 I Saw The Souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness of Jesus because they wouldn't worship they wouldn't take the mark they wouldn't worship the Antichrist these are the people that are left after the Rapture that's right these are people left and get saved okay and they will not take the mark they will not worship the Antichrist and they're beheaded and the interesting thing there are some people believe that the Antichrist is Muslim but beheading is the signature execution of Muslims it's still legal in some Muslim countries right and so it's interesting it's so terrifying that he's saying to you if you don't comply you just think this is a bad world today this is nothing compared to that right and so in that world if you don't comply if you don't get killed by one of the judgments which you probably will you're going to get your head cut off by the Antichrist it's terrifying so what we're trying to say is just make sure that you're ready to meet the Lord right now that's right because all you have to do is call on the name of the Lord and you'll be saved I mean just invite Jesus into your heart life right now to say Jesus I need you come in forgive me and it's done it really is that simple why would anybody right not be willing to accept the gift of free salvation that he paid on the cross of Calvary one of the greatest stories in the Bible is the story of when Jesus died on the cross there was the thief next to him on the cross and the thief the thief you know the the thief he was a thief and he was dying on the cross he wasn't a good guy right hadn't done very many good things in his life he said these Works Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom Jesus said today you'll be with me in Paradise yeah that's that's how long it takes a bad dude to get to heaven yeah all you have to do is receive Jesus he did all the hard stuff and and we don't realize that the holy spirit is actually speaking to people even people watching right now it's like your heart has never been opened before but it's open now and you realize there's like this god-shaped vacuum on the inside of you and you don't really know what's going on but it's the Holy Spirit that's on the Earth right now that's calling you to come home and how important is it to allow the Lord to come into your heart now yeah you know when I was growing up I was very wild very immoral very rebellious and I just and I I heard the gospel and I've been to church times but I remember thinking to myself if I do all these things it'll fill this emptiness on the inside of me and I would get drunk and party and all that kind of stuff and I would go to bed but I was always empty and I was just thinking I just did every single I checked every box today you know why am I feeling empty you should be full I should be the happiest person on Earth but I was empty and I remember the morning I was in after a horrible party a good party but a horrible party I was staying in my friend's bathroom and I remember saying these words to Jesus I'll serve you for the rest of my life and I'll never turn back and I said those words because how disappointed I was in sin you know I just send light to me that's the way I felt only good for a season right immediately my heart was filled that was 50 years ago Karen and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary in May in about six weeks I got saved a week before we got married I've been safe for 50 years wow it is as real to me today as it was 50 years ago he the the void that was in my life and I know good well that people all over the world right now are listening to this you're just you're not finding it in all the things that you're looking for because exactly like you said there is a jesus-shaped void on the inside of his money can't fill it sex can't fill it popularity can't fill it nothing can fill it only Jesus can fill it and he's free he comes as a free gift and you know Jimmy I think that void it gets bigger the more stuff of the world we try to put in it it doesn't get smaller it gets bigger and bigger until you let Jesus well and you know the Holy Spirit will be knocking on your heart's door you know when Jesus left he said experience that I go away that the comforter may come his presence is upon the Earth like we don't even realize how powerful his presence is on the Earth right but we cannot make people make that decision the Holy Spirit has to open your heart and many of you right now you're there yeah and so that's why I'm saying don't wait today choose to receive Jesus and I promise you your life will never be the same and he'll go with you until the end of the world which is about what we're getting ready to talk about okay why did you write look up well this is when Jesus in Luke 21 28 he was talking about the end times and he said there will be signs in the sun moon and stars and on the earth the stress of nations with perplexity this is what we see today there's no answers to the problems the Sea and the waves roaring men's Hearts failing them from Fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of the heavens will be shaken then they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great Glory now when you see these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads because your Redemption is Drawing Near Jesus doesn't want us to focus on the bad stuff he wants us to focus on his return Yes and so the return of Jesus is mentioned 329 times in the Bible the only Doctrine is the second most referred to Doctrine in the Bible the only Doctrine mentioned more in the Bible is salvation and so in the there are two 216 chapters in the New Testament in those 216 chapters the return of Jesus is mentioned 318 times which means one out of 30 verses in the New Testament mentions the return that's a big deal yes I mean you know and about 30 percent of the Bible's prophecy and so Jesus told us in John 14 he said I'm going away to my father's house to prepare a place for you and as surely as I leave I'll come back and get you so Jesus himself has promised he's coming back and he gave us the signs of the times everything that he said would happen for example men's Hearts failing them from Fear yes and the expectation of those things that are coming on the earth people are committing suicide people are dying all over the world it's because of stress you know especially since the pandemic anxiety fire and all-time high the stress of nations with perplexity I read an article this morning he was talking about the warnings that are being given from our defense department right now from threats from China Russia and North Korea very complex World situation Iran Israel all the things that are happening in the world so when Jesus said when you see these things begin to happen don't get down don't get depressed don't take a pill and go to bed look up and remember you're about to be redeemed and so our Focus that the reason I wrote the book this is a very encouraging book and so look up means what is going to happen when Jesus returns and it's so phenomenal that's why we should be focusing on oh I can hardly wait I don't get excited there are a lot of churches I've heard talk about the fact that they don't want to talk about this yeah right or they'll say you know I'm tired of hearing about you know the end times or the goal though I'm I'm thinking that um you know let's just stick over here with this part of scripture why is it important that we talk about the end times and again we're not going to be thrown into that category of oh we're just barely holding on I'm doing more than I've ever done in my life to win people to Jesus I'm doing more than I've ever done in my life to press forward that the kingdom of God and the light of God would Shine On The Darkness yeah so just because I'm talking about it doesn't mean that I'm not pressing forward or occupying Paul when he talked about the Rapture you know Lord himself will descend from heaven with the Shout with the boys from Archangel the trumpet of God the dead in Christ will rise first and we here alive and remain will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord and together in the air thus we shall always be with the Lord therefore Comfort one another with these words it's comforting yeah and one of the things that I get when I teach on the end times is comforting now you speaking on the end times to share people to death right and there are some people are really good at it I don't believe in that yeah I believe that the end times by the way 30 percent of the Bible is prophecy most of it's in time prophecy why did God give us so much information about it because these are the worst times in the history of the world there has never been a world this evil there has never been a world that's dangerous Jesus said unless those days have been cut short no flesh would have survived we right now have the ability to destroy ourselves and Vladimir Putin's over in Russia with thousands of nuclear warheads threatening to Nuke anyone who comes against him that China North Korea Iran we have this dangerous world and so when I step in and begin to teach on Prophecy people say to me all the time I'm so comforted I'm so comforted to hear what you're saying because rather than focusing on you know Armageddon I'm focusing on the return of the Lord and there's hope yeah you know some people say I don't believe God would send anybody hell or why would he well Free Will brings consequences uh no God doesn't send anybody to hell they send themselves by abusing Jesus and you have to ask yourself the question who would refuse Jesus see Jesus said God so I loved the world and gave His only begotten son to whoever believes in him should not perish but everlasting life in the next verses he says the light has come into the world and Men wouldn't come to the light because their deeds were evil and they didn't like the light and so the light has come into the world Jesus is all good Jesus is wonderful a free gift of God's grace and there are people it's hard to believe but the thief on the cross when Jesus died on the cross one thief on the next time he said Lord remember when you come in your kingdom the other guy said this guy deserves what he gets he's up here down on the cross he rejected him on the ground you know when you're on the cross you don't have much to lose go ahead and receive Jesus yes the guy rejected Jesus on the cross because everyone has a free will that's right but he made provision yes for us that's right he is the way the truth and the life no one coming to the father except by him he became the Supreme sacrifice that's right and you know this is something that I talk about and I teach you almost says as briefly as I can Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 talk about the fall of Satan God created an order of angelic beings and this was this was in eternity's past and Satan the third of the Angels rebelled against God no sin nature he had no sin nature had never had a bad day never had a bad daddy he made a choice with his free will to reject a perfect God in his presence then God came to Earth and created Adam and Eve by the way that first was called the Eden of God this was another Eden on the earth God created Adam and Eve perfect not a sin nature in the presence of God God lived with them in the Garden of Eden they in League with the devil rejected God rebelled against him the next Paradise that we go to in Revelation 20 and Revelation 21-22 describes it the next Paradise we go to is not going to be filled with a bunch of entitled brats that one day wake up and reject God in his presence it's going to be filled by people who received him and wanted him yes everyone in that heaven wanted Jesus so there is a hell and the hell is for people and by the way Matthew 25 the parable of sheep and ghosts tells us that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels God never propelled it was never meant for us never meant for us but when you join in League with the devil yeah you go where he goes there are only two Eternal destinations is Heaven and Hell there's not heaven kind of Heaven maybe heaven a little bit Heaven kind of hell you can't there's no Spectrum it's heaven or hell I used to think there was a middle ground yeah good good people I'm not perfect I'm going to go to heaven but I'm a good person I'm gonna go over here that's what I used to think but there's going to be hell okay well take us through the book and just teach for a moment if you would on look up well when the word redeem when Jesus says you know look up you know get your focus up here because your Redemption draws near the word redeem uh in some cases it means to pay a ransom like you're buying a person back that got stolen and he is Jesus is going to rant Jesus did a phenomenal thing on the cross and to the resurrection but it didn't finish we're still living in a sin-filled world with the devil you know on our back and so when Jesus comes he's going to redeem us Ransom us out of the situation but the word redeem also means to buy back so we don't understand what we lost in the fall so let me just mention some things we get back first thing we get back is perfect bodies hey I'm 69. don't talk to me about it he says God has promised us to these bodies well Adam and Eve had perfect bodies they had provisional immortality which means if they wouldn't have sinned they would be here right now and they wouldn't have Aces they were created to live forever they've created live forever God never designed this to suffer to die to have sickness or something like that imagine this perfect body and now talk about this in the book imagine standing the most frustrating thing about going to church and worshiping is getting tired you know and most worship is about 20 25 minutes long that's how much our lives can take yeah and uh I want to worship for a million years in his presence and never my voice get tired never get distracted my legs never get tired never have any sense your body will just do anything you want it to do but it will be a super unnatural body like Jesus Remember When Jesus rose again when he was resurrected he appeared in front of the disciples sit down and ate with them and disappeared yeah and when he was ascended from the Mount of Olives without a spacesuit he just went up down yeah that's the kind of body we will have okay it will in other words we can sit and drink and eat a lot of people think we're in heaven we're like ghosts it's a physical place when Jesus resurrected he said touch my touch me I'm not a ghost yeah and so we will have flesh but this flesh will be able to travel at the speed of thought navigate go play go around the the universe will be our playground it will be absolutely phenomenal so so some people that are watching right now you're handicapped you're in a wheelchair you're in a bed you have some kind of a physical problem that you've had for a long time maybe it's chronic maybe the doctor said you won't be healed the instant Jesus comes you're going to be eternally healed yes and you're going to get it that's a big those that know Jesus that doesn't no Jesus okay what else perfect Minds there'll never be any more mental disease mental illness wow uh confusion deception anything like that will have the mind of Christ perfect pleasure the word Eden means pleasure God created us in a place called pleasure wow and it says that there'll be no more sickness no more pain no more suffering but it says in his presence there is fullness of joy in his right hand there are Pleasures every morning forevermore but Heaven's going to be total pleasure perfect identity now we forgot who we are we got kicked out of the house a long time ago and we don't understand that we're the Bride of Jesus Christ or we are each internally the wife of Jesus God wants a family so badly he was willing to take thousands of years to do it and to send his son to die to redeem that family that rebelled against him so at the end of human history he gets a family well we get to live with God for all eternity as his wife we're the wife of Jesus we're also a Roman or Revelation chapter 1 says that Jesus has made us Kings and Priests unto his God we will rule we remember Adam and Eve were given dominion over the Earth God said fill it and Rule it and then they rebelled and lost their Authority we will rule and reign with Jesus for all of eternity we are the wife of Jesus we're the bride we will be the wife we're kings and we're priests and to our god in this book talks about understanding who you really are seeing when you don't know where you came from and you don't know where you're going it's kind of like you know what's it all about right we're not going to be bored in eternity there's just so much more like beyond what we can comprehend what eternity will be we don't want to sit around we want to do stuff and we will have an eternity of things to do as the wife of Jesus the wife of Jesus means this we own everything he owns we have his authority we can do anything under his authority that we want to do and so I talked in the book about the universe being our playground it says that God creates new heavens and a new Earth wouldn't it be incredible and this is just the way my mind works you know there'll be a new Earth with no sea now I think there'll be water beautiful water with no seed but wouldn't it be cool to be able to swim under the water for 50 years and never never have to breathe never there's no sharks or to explore the ocean yes you know you can't get hurt can't get injured yeah no ants no bad weather no mosquitoes no bad attitude no drama no drama everybody loves each other and gets long and the angels the Angels take care of everything and the nature of animals will be what God intended not like what we have now it's just so far this is what Jesus said to focus on so we get Authority back we get total Authority back gorilla rain we get to go home to heaven now Revelation 21 22 describes our home it's the New Jerusalem Jesus said in my father's house there are many mansions and he's talking about a wedding a Jewish wedding is the groom he came and betrothed himself to us we are legally his bride he went back to his father's house you know the average groom in the Jewish wedding would go back for about a year and prepare a Hupa for his bride and he would come back and get her he left his home came to the bride's home paid the bride price went back to his father's house prepared the place there and then came back now Jesus has been gone for 2000 years and Revelation 21-22 describes the New Jerusalem that says I saw like a bride adorned for her husband 1380 mile Cube It's 1 380 miles long wide and tall it's like a square like a square and it said had 12 foundations now there's two ways to take that there's either this city this huge City uh with 12 foundations or there's a huge City with 12 floors each 100 miles apart from each other wow so another and there's 12 gates uh there's people don't realize how big that is it's massive well you could put billions and billions of people yeah and Jesus Jesus the lamb is his flight God is in the center of it is thrown is in the center but there's a River of Life that runs through it the you know the Tree of Life Is But but the the streets are transparent glass so you see these shows on TV and I love watching these renovation shows and they have a 75 000 budget to read you know it's amazing what they did yeah yeah well Jesus isn't on a budget right he's not and when you walk into your residence it's in heaven you'll think to yourself This is my home this is where I belong for all of eternity you'll never move everything from floor to ceiling in that house will be the most magnificent Priceless wow thing you can possibly imagine and that's why Jesus said now listen when you say all this stuff going on down here don't think about that yeah you think about what you're about to get back we're about to go back home so we also have perfect intimacy with God now the number one uh this is my number one yeah the one the thing that I get most excited about First Corinthians 13 12. now we see in a mirror dimly but then face to face now I know in part but then I shall know as I am also known we've seen a mere demo now I want to see Jesus face yeah yeah I'm tired of not seeing Jesus yeah you know I'm tired of the invisible relationship and I'm thankful that he's with us his holy spirit's with us I'm thankful that he speaks to us I want to sing and I want to know him as I'm known see I know Jesus a little bit I've known him for 50 years I feel like I don't know him well enough but then we will sit face to face with Jesus and we will know him just as he knows us today that's phenomenal it is phenomenal that's what he Longs for yeah well someone said one time God desires our presence more than we desire his presence because he paid the life of his son to get back into our presence and so in Genesis chapters one and two God lived with Adam and Eve that's that was he desired see the Bible begins with God living with man in paradise and ends with God living with man in a paradise so God's desire has always been to be with us perfect intimacy with him uh perfect innocence so we lost our innocence yeah Adam and Eve were innocent and when they sinned you remember that the devil tempted him and they sinned and they were naked without shame they just didn't have any shame whatsoever it's hard for us to imagine that and then God found Adam and he said Adam was hiding from God he said what is this that you've done and he says I was afraid because I was naked and God said now who told you you were naked now God didn't need the answer oh yeah what God was saying is when you sinned you opened your spirit up to that devil and he whispered into your spirit that you're defective the thing I did in you that was good and healthy he told you it was defective your sexuality was defective and so Satan's been doing that ever since so we we know that we have a sin nature we know we've sinned we know we fall short of the glory of God and in some cases the devil tries to condemn us he's the accuser of the Brethren Revelation 12 says the accuser of the Brethren has been thrown down who accuses them day and night before God and so we have we lost our innocence yeah and and we all know what we do wrong we all have an idea that you know we've seen in false words Glory but when Jesus returns we won't have any comprehension of that for we will wake up and there will be no sense of sin there'll be no devil tempting us there'll be no devil trying to trip us up and we won't have a sin nature you'll never again have to think that was wrong oh wow every desire you have will be right think about that wow you will never again have a bad desire and so we'll be innocent for the first time in many many years and the last one is God directed knowledge that this is something we will have the mind of Christ but there's one thing when I talk about Redemption and getting back what we lost one of the things I don't talk about is knowledge because Adam and Eve didn't have a lot of knowledge this surprised a lot of people and you say well why didn't Adam Eve had a lot of knowledge well they had better they had God God's the father yeah God loves to Father his children and what God desired was for Adam and Eve to come to him every day and say daddy your father you know and he would go what do you mean yeah well what's that over there how do we do this over here and here we go let me tell you that's what God wanted but when they and by the way the temptation of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil was instant knowledge the devil said now you don't need this guy if you'll eat at this tree over here he'll be just like him knowing good and evil you'll have all the knowledge that you need if you'll eat that fruit over there so you don't need a relationship with a father to tell you things just get eat this fruit you'll have instant knowledge and so they traded the relationship with God so now when we get to heaven I know we'll have the mind of Christ we'll also be in the presence of our Dad wow and we'll be able to ask him any question he'll give us the answer that's so awesome and I hope you've been encouraged by it today we are out of time I want you to remember that the end times isn't something to be scared of if you are a Believer but I do want to encourage you to ask the Lord what role he wants you to fulfill in these days that we're living in because he has a specific role for you it is important that you're alive right now and on the earth so if you're watching today and you want the Lord to show you his purpose or maybe you haven't asked Jesus to be the Lord of your life and you'd like to I want you to feel free to call that toll-free number on the screen we have prayer partners that would love to pray with you today and I want to thank Jimmy for joining us at the table be sure to pick up a copy of his book look up awaiting the Rapture in our final Redemption will help answer a lot of the questions that so many of you have it's available now and for more from Jimmy you can visit him online at be sure to share your thoughts about today's program by leaving us a comment on Facebook Instagram Twitter or YouTube We love hearing how table talk is touching your life thank you so much for watching I'm excited about what's coming I'm really excited because God has given us the opportunity to live right now and I believe we are very soon to see Jesus again I look forward to that but until then I'm going to keep telling people about the Lord I want to tell you he loves you today no matter what you've done where you've been what you're going through he loves you and he's reaching out for you today so just call out in the name of Jesus right now he'll hear you I promise you that we'll see you next time bye bye for today
Channel: Daystar
Views: 268,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daystar, Joni Lamb, Daystar TV, Daystar Television, Daystar Television Network, Joni Table Talk, Full Episode, Jimmy Evans, End Times, Last Days, Rapture, Tribulation Period, Hope
Id: eGm2UlAi0lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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