Secrets Revealed: Castor Oil Life Transformation

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isn't it a sticky mess does it grow facial hair doesn't it get all over your clothes and sheets do you ingest it do you put it in your eyes do you use Caster packs these questions and more answer today hi there and welcome to my channel I'm Liz and recently I put up a video on my personal experience my personal testimony after using castor oil for 60 days I had never used it before in my life in any form I actually only just heard about it late in 2023 from Shay Whitney who also has a fashion channel so you never know who the Messenger will be I'm also a fashion Channel mostly but yeah I saw she had made a video on it and I was just compelled to try it did a little research on it and then had amazing results that I felt I needed to share that video actually got a lot of views so it seems like it is helping people and that was my intention I'm really happy about that I did want to mention I am not a doctor not a skincare professional just a 46-year-old lady sharing my journey with castor oil so that during that video I was a bit skeptical because I'm just skeptical in general there's so many marketing ployes and social media and all the things so I really need to see the proof in the pudding per se and and so now it has been a month later and I'm sold on the cter oil so again if you haven't seen that video I'll link it down below check it out also check the the comments under that video there's a lot of great testimony in there I learned a lot and really it is people sharing their experience they have no skin in the game like no reason to not share I think it really is people sharing to help others in that video I also also didn't really like push the exact brand I was using because it was really just me sharing my experience and I think it's not really a brand there are a few things to look out for even though that video got like over a million views I think like a 100 people used my link and I made like 30 bucks on the castor oil but that doesn't matter and I just wanted to get the word out and help people know about castor oil but today so that this video isn't super long I am going to just be going over the frequently asked questions I am going to divide it into these categories here so some of them will kind of overlap and reference each other so watch it all the way through I'm going to try to be quick but if you want me to go in depth with anything maybe my current concoction why I'm using it the pajamas I use the bedding I use and how that works with the castor oil because it is something that I am going to use for for the rest of my life so let's get into the most asked questions so what is castor oil castor oil is an oil extracted from the seed of the casor plant and what makes it so special is it is rich in rinic acid this is a mono unsaturated fatty acid and it comprises about 90% of the oil which gives the castor oil its remarkable properties and a couple questions I got were of warning what about the ryen there's risen in the Castor plant in the seed isn't that toxic rysen is a highly toxic protein found in the Castor plant from which the castor oil is derived however ryen is not present in the castor oil itself if it has been processed correctly during the oil extraction process process riceing remains in the mashed Castor beans the Castor meal and does not become part of the oil this separation is due to ryson's water solubility whereas castor oil is extracted without involving water this is important something we talk about later effectively preventing the toxin from contaminating the oil so properly processed castor oil is safe to use for a wide range of uses including medicinal cosmetic and even food grade uses why are people so interested in using castor oil I would say a lot of us are tired of pharmaceuticals pharmaceutical things one they're expensive a lot of times they're addictive and they have side effects so I think finding something that can cure a lot of ailments in life and especially as we're aging I think people are kind of Yearning For and of course this isn't something that's going to be pushed because there's really no money in it the castor oil is relatively affordable is available everywhere and it's not addictive it is something that's been around for generations for centuries even and I think that kind of longevity gives it a lot of weight and really with all the testimony out recently why not give it a try is it a sticky mess uh it I would say it's not as sticky as like honey but it does have a thick consistency I will say you can cut it with something a bit more runny like a hoba oil an Argan Oil even coconut oil even olive oil so an oil that you like just putting it mixing it with that is something that you can do even some people mix it in with their moisturizer do you drink it do you only apply it or both personally I have only applied it topically I have never once consumed even a teaspoon in my life I do not put it internally anywhere but I do use it all over do you use it only at night yes I have tried to use it in the day because I love it so much but because it is thicker and especially now in the cooler months this is when I'm starting to use it I am wearing sweaters wool coats cashmere sweaters and I don't really like the fing so what you wear it with which is something we can get into is I think important in making sure that you can use it long term okay and these next few questions kind of go together do you apply it to your face how do you apply it and do you apply it after your skin care yes I apply it after my skin care and I do apply it to my face I actually just pour it into my hand I do not have a dropper on my bottle pour a little bit into my hand and I really really just rub it on like a moisturizer all over my whole face and I didn't know this when I started doing it but have since learned it's basically a form of what they call slugging and it is a practice that a lot of the Skin Care people and makeup people use and basically it is a way to like lock in your skin care products and moisture so some people do this with Vaseline I saw a dermatologist who actually uses the The Butt Paste for baby diapers it's on her face and loves that so I was doing with castor oil I love the moisturizing properties and I do feel that it actually is intensifying my skincare products but also making them more tolerable which we can get into later dealing with Retina and things like that do you use castor oil packs yes kind of not regularly so I do apply it all over over my body pretty much every night almost I would say like 95 to 98% of the time if I'm at of town I actually did take it on vacation and applied it I stayed in Airbnb was just fine I have stayed at family members houses recently applied it just fine so I do do it mostly if you know I go out or something I might skip that day but I would say probably let's say 97% of the time since November I have applied it every single night so what I did is just purchased some organic cotton baby wash cloths white so I didn't want a color I didn't want any chemicals in there and I wanted something a little breathable so the washcloths work great I actually just kind of drizzle some on there and then Pat it and then just stick it like on my liver is really where I do the castor oil packs and I would say I don't do that regularly so I don't really have an issue so so it's not something I'm like going for but I would say if you have a specific ailment definitely I would suggest from everything I've read and testimony I've read I would say castor oil packs are very beneficial so you can do the ones that stay in place they actually I think they have a velcro I'll link some down below I'll also link below the washcloth that I purchased from Amazon because I don't mind it falling off I think you just need to wear it for like an hour and then if you fall asleep it falls off that's fine okay what brand do you use so the brand that I use is this reu Naturals and I think it was probably suggested to me it was the first bottle I bought and I love it because this is the only one I've used and I had such great results I don't have any allergic reaction to it you may so you have to listen to your own body I mean people can be allergic to anything there's people allergic to the Sun and even water so it's not going to work for 100% of the people I will say even in my other video I think only out of the thousands of comments I think only like three to five people maybe had an adverse reaction so it certainly could happen but really with everything that you use you you anything you use anything you ingest like you got to listen to your body you got to listen to your body so this is the brand that I use and you don't have to use this particular brand the things that I will say in my research that I have looked out for and I don't fall into whatever everyone's saying whatever is marketed like I read and then I make an educated guess on my own so you do want hexane free and it will be hexane free if it's cold pressed if you have researched oils at all cold pressed is the way when when you heat up anything it kind of kills a lot of the properties just in the heat heating process so I learned that a long time ago in olive oil and coconut oil so that is kind of something I always stick to in oils I don't think that they should be heated I think that that destroys a lot of the great properties in it so that is something important to me so those are almost synonymous if it is cold pressed it's going to be hexane free if it's hexane free it was cold pressed because there's only two ways to extract it from the seed the oil another thing the glass bottle now I am a big fan of glass I prefer glass I moved to mostly glass things a long time ago probably 15 or 20 years ago so that is just something I do I know nowadays they make a lot of food grade Plastics I am not naive enough to think that this was extracted and put in this right away I'm sure it was put in a big plastic vat and then package this way for resale so you kind of have to have some trust in the manufacturing process at some point I mean we you never really know what's going on so take that and do what you will I I don't think that the plastic is the worst if it's a food grade plastic I personally prefer glass but do your own research on that and then as added benefit I always do organic as well I always try to Bo buy organic I have looked at the Dark Side of organic and so I take that with a grain of salt as well I just kind of feel it's an added benefit but I have heard some farmers and things in those Industries have their own take on that so we can only do the best that we can in this manufacturing world I would say at least cold pressed be sure to get that and then if you can do organic go for that and then glass I would say would be the third most important thing okay another question I got is what is the mix that you use I will say in my first video I was putting aloe in my concoction but I had some chemists reach out and say don't do that because aloe is water soluble Sol soluble and it's not as stable so if you want to use the aloe put it on first and then the oil to lock it in do not put it in the concoction it needs to be all oils to remain stable another thing I will say is you do need to use it pretty quick so I am also going to link some different sizes below some different size bottles because I think you should use it in 30 days if you deal with natural products natural products natural food it goes bad fast it does not none of it lasts long it it it just can't do that so if you have a old bottle of castor oil and and it smells weird you should get rid of it like maybe you can use it maybe on your legs I wouldn't use it on my face or neck or anything like that because I do think it can go bad it can go rancid so before we get into my concoction I want I actually saved a little bit of my last bottle I am going to start writing the dates on my bottle when I open them because I did notice people were asking me does it smell and I'm like no it doesn't smell but I had two bottles open one upstairs one downstairs so I wasn't using it as fast and I did notice that it did get a slightly ranted smell like real slight I wouldn't say it's bad I I'm still going to use the rest of this but I think that you need to use it up pretty quickly like I would say within 30 days so this is a brand new bottle that I just opened yesterday and it it's always thick but it does thicken up the older it is and the smell does change so a new bottle they also have a little plastic kind of gasket because air is also going to break this down faster air and sunlight so you definitely want to you know keep this under your sink I don't have Windows that let in light in my bathroom so I just leave it on my countertop but you definitely want to make sure you have the lid on tight and don't expose it to sunlight and air the new bottle has a real light kind of woodsy smell I would say and when it gets old it's not bad not like something rotten but it's stronger it's it's different it's not as light and it's just not as light I would say so I don't think it's bad I don't think it's harmful but just from knowing natural products and how they do go bad I I don't know I just kind of equate this too like when I buy produce at the grocery store it will last like a week sometimes two weeks but if I buy it from Farmers Market it's like bad in 3 days so and even the stuff that I grow so I know that like natural stuff does doesn't last a long time so definitely get a bottle that you are going to use I would say within 30 days okay what is the mix you use so this is actually an old soap bottle that I cleaned out that I had and I really love it you can see that it's more runny too so this is easier to apply I'll link some of these below as well similar to this the top is plastic so the the tube going through there is plastic so if you don't want that you can just get a screw on lid like the bottle and pour it into your hand and again if you want to see how I apply that leave that in the comments below let me show you my current concoction so I use these baskets to organize my items so this is my basket of oils and I keep this under my sink so that I can pull it out to refill my concoction which I am doing once a month now so I had to stop using the aloe in the concoction but I am currently using rose hip oil H hoba oil I don't know why I can't say that I don't put the aloe vera gel in there but I do apply it sometimes I don't use it all the time because now it's an extra step but I do have that I do use it and the new items I added oh Argan Oil did I already say that and I do do Argan Oil I used to put vitamin E but I heard that argon oil is rich in vitamin E so I don't need to double up on that and then this is just a little bottle of it as well so my newest things I added is frankincense oil sandal wood oil and myrrh so I heard really great things about those and we can go through and talk more about why I chose them of course I'll link everything below and that is the current concoction unless I have a reason to change this is my concoction that I am currently using I also picked up these little funnels which which are great to easily get the castor oil into the bottle nice and neat how does it feel on I love it I'm like used to it now I've been using it a few months and I would say at first it was pretty sticky but I'm used to the feeling now I actually enjoy it and look forward to it it's like just a extra moisturizing event and I mean as I'm aging I really enjoy that now I have used it I'm I'm using it during the winter so we will see what the summer months bring and how that goes I don't know but I really like it and yeah I put it all over my I put the castor oil straight on my face and neck so no concoction on that but I do use Skin Care underneath and then the concoction I put everywhere else has the concoction brought added benefits I don't know yet I don't know yet just from my research of these oils it should aside from the benefits that I've already had I haven't I haven't noticed anything else yet but it has also only been 30 days so we will see what color is the oil so the oil is is a real light yellow I guess like a clean oil would be not as dark not like olive oil olive oil is a little more golden and then of course avocado oil is light green and coconut oil is clear I would say this is a very pale yellow and maybe it comes other colors but that kind of makes sense and that's what I've seen do you use regular castor oil or the Jamaican black castor oil I actually hadn't even heard of the Jamaican black castor oil until people commented in my comment section so then I looked into it and four reasons that I stated in the beginning I am not a fan of heating any Heating in the whole extraction process and the black castor beans are heated and then they also have to use water in the process and in my research not adding water keeps the Ryon out so for me I am not going to use it for those two reasons but that is based on the knowledge that I currently have you do your own research and do what is best for you for me I just use the regular castor oil do you use it on your hair but no I have not I currently do a coconut oil hair mask at least once a month sometimes twice I really should do it weekly but I don't and I've done that for quite some time and trying to repair my hair and I really like it so that is what I use also the coconut oil I had heard at one point is the only oil that can penetrate the hair shaft so I really like it I like the smell of it I don't really need a grow hair so I think that if you maybe have like hair thinning or something like that I have heard that it helps with that I'm not against using it I'll probably try it maybe incorporate it once a month but I have not done so personally myself yet does it get in your hair and make it all greasy no so I do put it all over my face I even put it on my ears and like behind like all this skin because that ages and I want to have that moisturized and have any help there that I can as well I usually put my hair up when I go to sleep I put it all on my face neck ears all that area and in the morning no I don't have an issue with greasy hair I don't have it I don't put so much that it's like running back into my hair so I I don't have that issue do you find that it clogs your pores not at all I probably quite the opposite I've had less skin ailments on my face since using it and that's why I do not want to rock the boat that is why I just use the castor oil and not any of the other items on my face I have had zero allergic reactions only wonderful improvements so I'm going to keep doing that plus I do use it as a last step in my skin care regimen so I feel that locks all of that in so I don't I don't have any issues with it at all and it does have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties so I think it's great to use on your face area of course if you have a reaction to it I'm actually allergic to tea tree oil I found that out the hard way so anyone can be allergic to anything you have to listen to your body and do what's best for you does it grow face hair this is a question I got a ton and and I have seen some ladies say yes for me no I have even had some of the ladies comment in my comment section on the last video that it helped grow their eyebrows not not these not these over plucked 90s eyebrows they have not not grown at all like anywhere I actually hardly ever have to pluck my eyebrows maybe once every 3 months my eyebrow hair just doesn't grow I over plucked in the '90s like a lot of us did and the pores the follicles are dead so I don't grow hair there where I did have the hair growth is in the eyelashes and it's great I love it like they are so much they're literally Twi at least twice as big as they used to be I have more I love it and as far as like peach fuzz or facial hair everywhere else I'm actually not a face shaver I I've never shaved my face I know a lot of ladies do that for makeup purposes or like exfoliating I'm not against it I hear lots of great things about it I just personally don't do that I haven't ever done that and I I don't have like I don't have like more hair growing any anywhere that it's not supposed to be so I've only had hair growth on my eye lashes and and again I put it on my entire face almost every single day for the last few months how do you use it in your routine I think I touched on this but I use it as a last step to lock everything in and I do go to sleep with it on my face on everywhere and I sleep that way how do you use it for detoxing I do not ingest it I have heard benefits of doing that I myself have never ingested it at all not even a teaspoon again I do put it all over my body on you know my skin and your skin is your largest organ and anything you put that much that often is going to sink into your bloodstream and things so I do think I get a benefit in that way I think maybe if you don't use it quite as often or you use it a little lighter a little more sparingly so do your research on that that is not something I personally do I have only applied it topically and I do do that everywhere and again almost every single night and I have had really good results with that so I do not ingest it have not ingested it I'm not against it I just personally haven't felt the need so I haven't done that does it improve your sleep yes I think so exactly what I can't pinpoint so there's a few I guess ideas that I have that could it could be one is anti-inflammatory so any like soreness or discomfort I think it's going to kind of relieve that which is relaxing when you have a pain you tense up you stress up and that causes other issues I think so I think that maybe it's relaxing in some way also since I do do it almost every single night I think that has kind of become a bedtime regimen which I already had a pretty good bedtime regimen but I I mean this really upped it it definitely is a relaxing process it's something I look forward to and then when you do something something the same every single night your body kind of knows okay we're like getting ready for sleep time so I think kind of all these things together help aid in sleep so I would say if you have trouble sleeping certainly try using it regularly how H how do you use it to improve your eyesight so if you watched my initial video I believe that it has improve my night vision again I am 46 of course my eyesight is just naturally going to get worse and I have seen Improvement which is really weird and so I personally have not put it in my eyeball I do put it and concentrate getting it around my eye area really really well it is an oil so it is going to move a little bit so I'm sure some probably seeps in there but I have not purposely put drops in my eye I will link a video I recently watched from a an eye doctor and again I was reading his comments there was a gentleman in the comment section who said he puts just one drop in each eye once a day for 3 days and he's been doing that like 10 or 20 years and he said he was 80 and he had no eye issues so that was quite a testament I personally have not put it in my eyes you have to do your own research I heard that it can you know be irritating or itchy but that should dissipate if I had a a severe eye issue I would absolutely do it I think it's better than the Alternatives out there and why not give it a try but again you have to do what's best for you what you feel and you know do your own research but I do not put it in my eyes I just put it on and again I think that some probably gets in there I don't like purposely try to get it in there but it has helped me and so I'm not exactly sure how that works all right hopefully I got all the questions if I missed any let me know I could do a part two if you want to know how I apply it see my concoction see anything else that I should expand on that you you know would want to know about then let me know in the comments below I would be happy to you know help in any way that I can get more information out there if you're enjoying this video please be sure to give it a like share it with a family member who you think May benefit from this I really think that it's kind of all up to us to get the word out this isn't something that's going to be widely studied in in meaningful T I think that's why a lot of the doctors are reluctant because they do rely on studies and several studies and math studies and there's no money in in pushing castor oil for any kind of pharmaceutical company or medical field because it's not addictive and it's not something that can be altered in a way to charge hundreds of dollars or anything so I am glad that it's actually kind of caught Ablaze on social media because I think it's helping a lot of people uh certainly helped me and I am happy to incorporate a natural thing into my everyday regimen so hopefully I answered all the questions if I missed anything if you want more information on anything if there's anything you did or didn't like about this video let me know I am newer to YouTube I haven't even been on here a year yet I'm getting close to my one year anniversary but I'm new I'm still learning just me sharing my two cents out here on the YouTube so I wanted to thank you so much for stopping in and spending some of your time with me I really do appreciate it I hope that you have a really great day and I hope to see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Stylish & Grateful - Fashion Over 40
Views: 220,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: castor oil, castor oil benefits, castor oil dr drey, castor oil eczema, castor oil eye packs, castor oil for eyelashes, castor oil for eyes, castor oil for face, castor oil for gut health, castor oil for skin, castor oil for sleep, castor oil heals, castor oil melasma, castor oil night blindness, castor oil over 40, castor oil over 50, castor oil over 60, castor oil review, castor oil stretch marks, shocking castor oil results after 60 days, castor oil faqs
Id: 5-heA11ULN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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