Jimmy Evans: Understanding the Rapture | Praise on TBN

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but when god gives prophecy is for the sake of comforting believers and warning unbelievers and you can tell your response to prophecy by how you respond my response to prophecy is i'm comforted i want jesus to come today so and i tell people live like jesus isn't coming or plan like jesus isn't coming for a hundred years get married have kids invest live your life but live like he's coming today get ready for jesus today so i don't i'm not for hunkering down and just you know not living my life and you were telling a story about i think buying a house and you know yeah and your dad thought you don't buy his 1980s don't buy a house jesus is coming yeah buy a house have babies you know live your life but understand that jesus is coming and it's comforting it's comforting to know that at any moment he's going to come for us and take us and i have people that say well i want to graduate from college and i want to have babies and i want to get my degree and i want to i i totally understand that but can i just tell you when you jesus when you see jesus face you're not going to think can i go back and eat one more pizza right you know can i go back and get my my savings account you will never look back when you see the face of jesus so make a prognostication you're not seeing the end of the world by september october november of this year that's not happening in your well the the next major event that's going to happen in my opinion is the rapture of the church and when the rapture occurs there's seven more years left and i was talking about daniel 9 where gabriel came to daniel and told him about the 490 prophetic years well there are seven years left and gabriel said to daniel that the antichrist will make a covenant with israel for one week that's seven years okay in the middle of the week he'll commit the abomination of desolation the apostle paul talks about that in 2 thessalonians 2 he says that he sits as god in the temple of god proclaiming himself to be god revelation 13 says he speaks pompous words against the most high and against his sanctuary so there is going to be a rebuilt temple in israel okay and there's a lot of activity on the temple mount you guys know you're over there for the first time in 2000 years the jews are going to the temple every day and praying and they're not stopping them okay a group of them are going up and praying and they're trying to have services temple services on the temple mount there's going to be a rebuilt temple in the middle of that week that seven year period of time there's going to be a rapture and that rapture begins that seven year period of time and the antichrist the first three and a half years of the tribulation is the rise of the antichrist and the ministry of the two witnesses which i believe are enoch and elijah on the temple mount and they're preaching the gospel they're doing signs and wonders they're untouchable and the world absolutely hates them absolutely when they're when they're killed by the antichrist in revelation 11 the entire world celebrates and sends gifts to each other okay that begins the great tribulation which is the last three and a half years that jesus said unless those days would have been cut short no flesh would have survived so we have in my opinion the next thing that's going to happen is the rapture of the church and my encouragement to everybody well the two so if if you're listening to this i hope you're you will receive jesus as the lord of your life and get ready it's the most important decision you'll make in all of eternity the second thing is this if you love if you love people you don't want them to go through the tribulation and and i would encourage you to buy my book i'd encourage them to get on online find stuff on youtube or whatever they can but they need to understand these are serious times but the most serious thing is not covered 19 the most serious thing is the return of jesus is if you're not ready the 10 10 versions the bridegroom came at the midnight hour and the five wives were ready and they went in the five foolish they were locked out and they're on the outside now and when the rapture comes and you're playing around with god and you're waiting for tomorrow and all kind of stuff all of a sudden the rapture happens you're trapped in a world that makes this look like a sunschool party did you just dodge my question so um so i was like i'm trying i understand so you don't see in your timeline your personal timeline that the end of the world is september october or november of this year absolutely not okay so you dismiss that outright i do because of jesus description of the end times and the next thing that would have to happen would be the rapture yeah business as usual luke 17 where jesus describes that the business as usual he describes the rapture okay you know so the end of the world as it would you know be depicted in movies uh is after the church is gone that's right the the it's really there's no such thing as the end of the world that's the end of the age okay okay the there's a grace is an age and it stops and so we're in an age of grace right now grace means forgiveness it means a free gift and so right now it's a free gift we can all receive jesus and be forgiven of our sins even during the tribulation but not at the end of the tribulation when jesus returns at the end of the tribulation it says he come as a king full of fierceness and wrath and he will rule the nations with a rod of iron okay now think about this for just a minute this is this interesting uh we rule and reign with jesus for a thousand years and we have new bodies we're immortal during the during the thousand-year rule of christ there's the rapture there's the last seven years the tribulation there's the second coming and then jesus rules the earth with us for a thousand years but there are mortals on the earth and satan is bound for a thousand years satan didn't operate for a thousand years well these people that are on the earth are mortals and none of them get saved not one person gets saved during the entire millennium you say well why are they there okay think about this for just a minute first of all they all survived the tribulation there are people in the in revelation it says they sought death and they couldn't find it there are people that i believe are alive today that they are so rebellious toward god and they are so in your face against god god's going to say to them i'm not going to let you die during the tribulation i'm going to make you live under a thousand years my rule my goodness at the end of the thousand-year millennial rule of christ satan is unbound and he comes and it says to the gog and magog and he leads the entire world in rebellion and they come to the camp of the saints in the holy city this is where we live with jesus we're the saints they come to jerusalem to try to kill us and jesus and that's when jesus sets up the great what kills all them sets up the great white throne judgment but there will be people right now that are alive right now that their punishment is to live under the iron rod rule of jesus and us for 1 000 years and what that means is this i'm not asking you to do something i'm telling you what to do and if you don't do it there's going to be a consequence to be paid and there's no rebellion and so the age of grace ends at the return of the second coming of jesus there's a rapture there's the last seven years there's grace this is severe grace during that last seven years at the end of that no one ever gets saved again if you've done some really bad stuff join the club if you feel like you've done too much to be forgiven the devil tells all of us that god loves you you haven't done too much to be forgiven the blood of jesus is more powerful than any sin that you've ever committed however jesus is the only way to heaven is that he's the only he's the only way of salvation i want you to bow your heads with me and if you're ready to receive christ i want you to say these words say jesus i open my heart to you and i invite you to come in to be my lord and savior forgive me of my sins give me the gift of eternal life fill me with your holy spirit [Music] and give me the power to change and to live for you in jesus name amen it's a simple little prayer but it changed your eternity and you can know just through that prayer that now you've invited jesus into your heart you can take some next steps i know that there's a prayer line here that they can call and someone will pray with you and give you some next steps but congratulations
Channel: Praise on TBN
Views: 156,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: endtimes.com jimmy evans, jimmy evans end times, jimmy evans, tipping point, jimmy evans tipping point the end is near, end times, eschatology, tribulation, rapture, jimmy evans marriage today, jimmy evans sermons, jimmy evans 2020, jimmy evans this is not the end, jimmy evans tipping point 1, jimmy evans end times daystar, end times prophecy, the rapture, Praise TBN, Matt and Laurie Crouch, TBN, Praise Interview, Praise talkshow, P7R7A2I7S7E3, 7721473, EEJTKF123, 123TBN123, 8T2B6N, god
Id: WNgG48yNjgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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