Signs of the End Times are 'Intensifying' as Anti-Semitism Soars

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joined Now by Pastor Jimmy Evans who's founder and president of end and Tipping Point Ministries Pastor Evans thanks so much for being here Dan good to be with you thank you you know I just want to have this conversation because anytime things heat up in the Middle East immediately people and Christians they start looking at end times theology they start trying to make sense of it all and everything that's unfolding and of course what happened on October 7th has everybody on high alert as it continues to unfold and we see all of the forces in that region sort of coming together so um and you write a lot about this with Tipping Point you're end this is obviously a subject that you're zeroing in on here so um why don't you just give me your first reactions on sort of the highlights of how we're making sense of everything that's unfolded in Israel uh in the past few months well I think the importance of Bible prophecy is it helps us to contextualize what's happening in the world um in beginning in 1948 when Israel became a nation that really was the beginning of the end times Israel has to exist for the end times to exist scripturally and so in 1948 when they were born again as a nation for the second time according to Isaiah 11 that began the end times clock and we're now 75 almost 76 years into that and so we're we're progressed and so Jesus said it would be like birth pains that when the end came there be birth pains and so we're seeing an intensity today Dan in those birth pains I've never seen before in my life you know there's been a lot happened to Israel in the last 76 years and in the world just end time signs but in Israel on October 7 this is an unprecedented level of anti-Semitism around the world you have school children in America talking about Israel obviously college campuses uh you know uh it's uh Ireland is is very anti-semitic you know Australia different countries around the world that you would think of as being kind of neutral people have taken sides like never before and most people are against Israel most people are pro Palestinian in my neighborhood here in the Dallas area right in my neighborhood there was a huge Pro Palestinian rally and they were waving Palestinian Flags probably around a hundred people there but more people were walking up all the time and they were shouting out Israel is you know an apartheid state you know genocide is happening with Hamas with in Gaza and so all of these anti-semitic slurs I've never seen in my adult life the level of hatred toward the Jews and the importance of that is Jesus said you will be hated by All Nations for my name's sake and the last scene of this age according to Zechariah 12 and Revelation 19 is the entire world is gathered against Israel and right now they're talking about imposing physically imposing a two-state solution on Israel which means they will not have a choice Israel will not be given the choice of whether they want a two-state solution it will be imposed on them by the world and what Benjamin Netanyahu and the cabinet now of Israel has said just in the last few days is they won't do it they will not recognize if the world tries to impose on them a two-state solution they won't recognize it so you're seeing all of a convergence you know any gener ation before us would have been able to say we're living in the end times they had an antichrist figure they had earthquakes they had famines you don't you're not in the end times because you have some signs you're in the end times because you have every sign and what we're seeing now is a convergence of signs of the end times with intensity and what's happening in Israel right now is an intensity Iran uh you know Hezbollah Hamas the United Nations has cided against Israel and for Hamas only 5% of the Arab world condemns October 7th the Palestinian Authority will not condemn October 7th in Hamas the majority of Palestinians today I'm not talking about in Gaza but the the majority of Palestinians in Israel want Hamas to lead them not the Palestinian Authority Hamas they're now rock stars in that Arab world and much of the world and so we're just seeing this intensity of anti-Semitism hatred toward the Jew use pressure on Israel literally to make a deal with the devil and literally to have to have imposed on them a two-state solution that gives East Jerusalem the West Bank the Gaza Strip to their enemies who want to destroy them see two-thirds of the Palestinians in the West Bank in Jerusalem want to eradicate the Jewish State they want to destroy the Jewish State also it's not just Tomas and so this is an an impossible situation for the Jews exactly the way the Bible said it would be so what I see Dan going on right now is just what the Bible is saying but the difference is it's very intense the labor pays are very intense I never set dates I don't know when Jesus is coming but one of the things that's going to come up in the future is an antichrist figure that this situation that's going on right now this impossible situation for the Jews at some point in time a man is going to step onto the scene the Antichrist and he's going to have the answers the answers that no other world leader has he's going to step on the scene and he's going to confirm a covenant with Israel for seven years that will supposedly be this wonderful deal for Israel that he ends up breaking and what I'm seeing today is we're living in that world I don't know when the Antichrist is coming I don't know when Jesus is coming I don't know any of those dates but all I know is the world that we're living in right now is incredibly intense the pressure is all on Israel the focus is all on Israel just the way the Bible said it would be yeah and and the you talk about the intensity and what's crazy with that is you know we've seen the anti-Semitism before in the past right this is it's not it's nothing new but given the level of violence and and destruction and Death on this attack you it it's just illogical for it to happen this quickly I you know I think there was maybe a day or two where people were sort of shocked and appalled and then that was it then all of a sudden the protest came out and now the the target has turned back on Israel even though they were the ones that clearly got attacked here so you know it's it's almost a logical when you watch a lot of the uh opposition to Israel this it's like they don't even know why they're doing it they're just out there saying yeah is it's Israel's fault and Hamas filmed this for the world to see and yet still somehow it it all turns around and like you said the blame's getting voiced upon Israel well it's satanic I went to the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC two weeks ago and I watched 45 minutes of the raw footage of and much of the footage now is Hamas it's them on their phones and their social media filming what they did before they showed us that film Dan they said we have edited out what they did to the babies we don't want you to see that but I watched 139 Israelis murdered in Cold Blood old men old women men women children and they were celebrating the entire time they were doing it they were laughing and praising Allah the entire time they were doing it and it it was horrific and I'm not going to describe it it was just too too graphic yeah but to say the the pastor sitting next to me when we were watching that footage he leaned over to me and said you have to be completely demon-possessed to be doing that and I agree see anti-Semitism is not an ideology because no one can articulate that ideology it is a spirit it is a demonic spirit it's just a spirit of hatred they can't tell you why they hate the Jews they just hate the Jews and let me say this the reason they hate the the Jews is because the Jews are proof that God exists the only nation on Earth that God ever started was the nation of Israel and the existence of Israel proves the existence of God and of course Satan hates God and he hates anything attached to God by the way as much as Israel's hated Believers are also hated around the world and the word of God is hated this is a satanic spirit and what we saw on October 7th was a new level of satanic activity and I'm not the kind of Pastor I don't see a demon behind every book I don't blame everything on the devil but sometimes something is so evil you just have to call it what it is and what's happening right now in the world is literally an antichrist spirit that is hates the church hates the word of God and hates the nation of Israel and right now Dan in many college campuses in America you know parents unknowingly are sending their children you know with good intention to universities Across America so they can learn to hate God hate America and hate Israel and we we see a level of anti-Semitism on college campus is Harvard University some of the leading universities in America have some of the worst anti-Semitism there and so it again it's illogical it doesn't make any sense that Hamas would do what they did on October 7th and the Jews would be blamed for it that's exactly what's happening talking to Pastor Jimmy Evans here he's the founder and president of end and Tipping Point Ministries talking about all things end times here in relation especially what we've seen happening uh in the Middle East so so folks can get their bearings a little bit Pastor can you just give me a little bit I know there's there's a couple of you know most Christians will know there's a couple different views that people can take on end times and how it's going to play out uh you premillennialism a millennialism post-millennial where where do you sort of fall in the Spectrum so people can kind of get their bearings on where you're coming from yeah I'm premillennial as I believe that Jesus Will physically turn physically return before the Millennium that he will physically Rule and Reign for a thousand years Revelation 20 uh is where we see the millennium in the Book of Revelation and 1,000 years is mentioned six times in there now the amillennial position believes that we're in the Millennium right now that the Millennium is just it's uh figurative it's not literal and that Jesus is ruling the world through the church right now and there won't be a physical Rapture a physical Millennium those kinds of things they allegorize prophecy they allegorize The Book of Revelation over half of the church today is on millennial and that's why they really don't preach on Bible phy because if you don't take it literally I'm a dispensational you know Viewpoint and that means I believe that it's literal I believe that prophecy is literal and so and even when it's figurative it's referring to something that's literal and so the post-millennial view is that the church is going to rise up that we're going to take over the world through the Millennium and then deliver the world uh to Jesus after we have victoriously overcome the world even though there's not a shred of scripture about anything like that uh Jesus said that when he came it would be like the days of Noah and lot and when you see the second coming like in Revelation chapter 19 where Jesus comes and throws the Antichrist and the false prophet alive into the Lake of Fire B byy Satan for a thousand years and all and everyone's gathered against Jerusalem that is not the church Victorious that is Jesus Victorious and so the church obviously is going to preach the gospel around the world and we're doing a lot of great things but 2 Thessalonians 2 says that he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way then the Lawless one will be revealed so my position is I believe that Jesus will return for the church before the tribulation he who now restrains is the holy spirit in the church that we will be raptured out before the tribulation then the Antichrist will be revealed there'll be a seven-year tribulation period of time and then the second coming will occur this is Zechariah 14 Revelation 19 where we physically return with Jesus that he physically rules and Reigns for a thousand years at the end of that Thousand Years Satan is loosed the world then revolts The Mortals that are on the earth revolt against Jesus and then he you know vanquishes them sets up the great white Throne judgment and then we enter into eternity with Jesus in a new Heaven and new earth that's my viewpoint because I I take the scriptures literally all right so when we're looking at what's happening now we talked a little bit about Israel let's touch on a couple of these other countries because uh you know people often will look and say okay well we've got Gog Magog what does that all mean which country are that so so how do you see the other countries that are that are actors in all of this and where they fit into scripture which which ones are the big ones that you want to point out well Dan they're all present and accounted for and Gog and Magog is unfolding right before our very eyes so they Gog and meog will be Russia uh then you have Persia which is Iran uh you have TOA gmer that is turkey modern day Turkey then you also have the Sudan uh and some Northern African nations Libya is specifically spefically mentioned Libya the Sudan Ethiopia is mentioned but that's present day Sudan so you have some Northern African nations but especially you have Russia Iran and turkey they're all aligned R all of these countries are aligned with Russia and with one another now Iran right now they're the bad actors they're the they're the ones that are the worst now and they are they have a Hypersonic missile that can reach Israel in 400 seconds that's 6.66 minutes and they are developing we all know that they're developing nuclear material to bomb Israel this last week Iran conducted exercises that they broadcast uh in preparing to bomb Israel's Air Force bases they're they're broadcasting this that they're preparing to do this but Israel has an existential threat in Iran because if Iran gets enough nuclear material now there's there are articles in the Jerusalem Post that say that Iran could be two to three weeks away from getting enough nuclear material for a bomb and so at some point in time Israel has this very difficult decision to make of do we preemptively strike Iran to keep them from bombing us or do we just sit back and wait for the day they bomb us one nuclear weapon Israel's no more Israel's about the size of New Jersey they they just one nuclear weapon wipes them off the map especially in a area like Tel and so Israel has this very difficult situation interestingly Dan in Jeremiah 49 it is prophesied that one day that there will be a catastrophic attack on ilam ilam is the southern part of Iran and the interesting thing is that's where they have a lot of their nuclear facilities and the rocket launchers and in Jeremiah 49 God says I'm going to strike the bow out of your hand in the height of your power and the devastation on Elam will be so bad that there'll be no more inhabitants there and there won't be a country in the world that someone from ilam hasn't fled to and so this has never been fulfilled and so if Israel strikes Iran or if the United States strikes Iran uh Iran they're they're they're they're provoking everything that's happening in the Middle East Hezbollah Hamas Islamic Jihad they're all being funded and supported by Iran the hoodies in Yemen Iran is the Puppet Master of the whole thing and so I I wonder and I don't know for sure but here Ezekiel 38:39 prophesies the Gog and Magog war and and God says I'm gonna put a hook in your jaw and I'm gonna drag you down to the mountains of Israel and I'm going to destroy you myself well a hook was an animal hook that they would use for like a donkey a donkey wouldn't go where he wanted to go so they would just take a hook and put it in the jaw this donkey and drag it around and God says you're not going to make this decision Russia Iran turkey you're not going to make this decision I'm gonna make this decision for you I'm GNA provoke you and see my my thing Dan is what would happen today if Israel bombed Iran you know I mean it you would just see you know everything break loose in the Middle East Russia Russia has warned America and Israel against us attacking Iran turkey is turned totally against Israel and Turkey has now called Israel um you know Nazis and threatened to declare war on them and send troops to Gaza so all of these nations that are in are in Ezekiel 3839 they're all present accounted for aligned and they're all against Israel and it wouldn't take much right now to cause there to be a massive war breakout you I mean you spend a lot of time on this and again I would encourage people to check out end if they want to hear more from Pastor Evans on this on this topic and you've spent you spent a lot of time researching it talking about it um what do you want Christians or what do you think Christians should be doing with all of this information right so we we we we see all this stuff unfolding we're kind of uh are aware what should we do with that information Dan I think that's the most important question right now Jesus said when you see these things begin to happen look up and lift up your head your Redemption is Drawing Near so again I want to say the purpose of Bible prophecy about 30% of the Bible's prophecy and most of that is end time prophecy one in every 30 verses in the New Testament refers to the return of Jesus and so why would God put so much information in the Bible about the times that we're living in well the answer is these are the most severe times in human history the times that we're living in right now and the times that the world is about to go into and he wants us to be encouraged if if without Bible prophecy these are terrifying times that we're living in right now Jesus said men's Hearts would fail them from fear and the expectation of the things that are coming on the earth that's exactly what's happening right now anxiety depression and suicide are epidemics around the world because of what's happening and so Jesus said when you see these things begin to happen look up because I'm just about to come Jesus Christ is about to return the best day of your life is the day that Jesus returns it's the day that we're we're redeemed we get everything back that Adam and Eve lost in the fall plus a lot more and and we spend eternity with Jesus that's what's about to happen I believe and so as we see all these things taking place right now and again going back to the birth pain issue you know as the birth pains get worse something's about to be born and what I believe is as we see the intensity of the birth pains increase Jesus is coming now we know that there's an antichrist coming but that's not our Focus the church we won't be here when the Antichrist comes he who now restrains will do so till he has taken out of the way then the Lawless one will be revealed so when we're raptured out then the then the tribulation Begins the Antichrist is revealed that's not my focus my focus now my focus also is on taking as many people with us to Heaven as we possibly can and preaching the gospel aggressively in the days that we have left but Believers should be encouraged if you're a Christian you you should be encouraged that you're not going to go through the tribulation you're not going to go through those last seven years Jesus is coming and you're going to spend eternity with him Jesus specifically said when you see these things begin to happen look look up lift up your head your perspective should be an eternal perspective not a temporal perspective all right Pastor Jimmy Evans appreciate your perspective today again end make sure you check that out for more Tipping Point Ministries Pastor thanks so much for spending some time here and breaking this all down for us we got to stay in touch and and uh keep keep going on this because obviously uh it it's not slowing down over there so there'll be plenty to talk about love being with you Dan thank you very much
Channel: CBN News
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Keywords: cbn, cbn news, christian news, christian tv, christian stories, faith, faith news, faith stories, inspirational stories, news today, today's headlines, quick news, quickstart podcast, us news, international news, cbn digital, end times, bible prophecy, middle east, Dan Andros, Faithwire,, Faithwire news, end times signs, genocide, world events, anti-semitism, end times theology, prophecy interpretation, israel unfolding, israel, hamas, israel history, escatology
Id: iksrmK0I9MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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