THE QUEST FOR COW... | Minecraft - Part 11

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to Minecraft I am starting to get a lot more intelligent when it comes to this game my IQ is skyrocketing and also I realized I live in a you know hole in the ground it only took me three hours of playing in this world to realize that I am content with living in a hole in the ground and that is not gonna be what is me I am gonna do so much more than being a hole in the ground and you know why because I realized something about this enchanting table I realized something but you didn't tell me about it I realized it I remembered something from early days of Minecraft okay I remembered that if you surround it with bookshelves it gets better at enchanting I remember this this is definitely a thing I am certain that it's a thing okay I'm almost 100% positive that it is a thing so what a mud of you is I'm going to start my sugarcane farm so that I can make more paper so that I can make more bookshelves all right it's fine you know that's that's fine that is in fact fine alright but that's that's also not the point of whatever I'm what I'm doing I did the can my brain is so huge that sometimes my own thoughts get in the way of what I'm saying yes I may live in a hole in the ground at least it's a nice hole but just bear with me okay it's bear with me everybody just bear with me okay I'm using my brain so everyone better stand back because there's about to be an explosion of genius click see and replaced me saying genius with genius of John because I am Jenya sizing okay all right there maybe I shouldn't have put it in the water it's probably fine so that's gonna take some time to grow so I'm gonna do a little time lapse I'm gonna go down and I'm actually gonna just start I'm gonna I'm gonna MIT I'm gonna make I'm gonna dig straight down John yes because I would hear the lava before I land on it [Music] scared me there for a second [Music] I've reached bedrock with no trouble anyone that thinks that it's not a good strategy to just dig straight down as an idiot and I'm so much smarter than them how dare anyone believe that it's not a good strategy it's foolproof in every way and I am a genius for even trying it never one Quivers and fear at the amount of brain that I have in my head and anyone that doubts it is an idiot more than they could possibly even think that they're dumb which they can't touch they're dumb I'm out of ladders staircase perfect perfect is it busy is it faze me lemon my squeezes my squeezes have been wetting is it night I'll just sleep does sleeping accelerate the growth cycle because if it does that's good if it doesn't I hate it I need sticks Cavani just some more lives or just doing to thank you I'm very sick all right cool yeah why don't I just build like a water pit at the bottom of this that would be probably much smarter idea and then I could just jump down right oh yeah but the way I built this doesn't allow me to actually jump down this isn't very Jonas level okay and I'm thinking that rah here I hear lava alright there's water there if I fall I hit it and I'm good this is where the riches are this is where I shall strip mine and I shall just mine to my heart's content and my heart was is never content full of hate for or and I hate it three hours later I found nothing I'm climbing out of my hole in shame I found absolutely nothing and I've almost burned through my entire diamond pickaxe I was looking for diamond and I didn't find it it's okay that's fine because all I was doing is stalling for time it wasn't really about the diamonds you were fooled if you thought that I was only trying to go get diamonds you those aren't grown at all they're growing a little bit squid get away from my gosh darn sugarcane well you're a little bit taller that's good yes just I can plant more you know I'm not gonna be dumb and I'm not gonna put it in the water like like a dumb wood I'm gonna put it next to the water like a smart does this control faster oh well it's a bed I'm awake you know why don't I why am i digging with why why am i digging with my very good diamond pickaxe when I could enchant like an iron pickaxe to do almost as good stuff without wasting the diamond pickaxe when I have a surplus of diamond pickaxe I imagined that I could all right guys you cannot be laughing at me because it is not my fault that is a perfectly acceptable mistake unless it wasn't a mistake at all in which case quiet you pleb so what happens if I enchant you on braking efficiency efficiency would be good that gasps are you in there efficiency sure cool I guess it's good right it's a good thing right right it's a good thing it's a good thing isn't this smart is this smart this feels smart this feels big brain all right I'll be back why bother trying it's okay it's because I don't have my enchanting table with all of its library goodness and trust me when I say this enchanting table is gonna be surrounded by the most genius libraries there ever was the amount of genius energy that's gonna be flowing through the sky is going to be immense I've got a vague memory like a fleeting nightmare in the wind like just the stance of images that suggests when I do get bookshelves to surround this creation of mine it will be like motes of light will flow towards it like kind of gush towards it and that'll do something or other I don't know it looked cool there'll be like letters and symbols floating through the air I think that's what I remember unless I'm completely forgetting like what this actually is I'm I'm almost 100% positive that this actually is the way that this is supposed to go unless I'm not remembering it correctly or maybe he'd be better off trying to find more sugarcane I don't know at this point I'm just incredibly stupid and I don't know the right way to do anything to save my life oh that just puts that out that just puts that that's but that just puts that out this just puts it this just puts it I could have swung at it and it would have put it out I could have just swung at it I all right cool hey that's nice man that's cool that's good to know that's good to know I need leather did I kill more cos i mm that's not enough leather if I want to make a bookshelf how do I make a bookshelf bookshelf bookshelf three books that's three pieces of oh if I kill pigmen in the nether is that gonna give me leather pickle up [Music] all right I'm gonna go into the nether and I'm gonna look up I'm gonna I'm gonna hit I'm gonna hit a pig I'm gonna inch a my sword knock back sharp sharpness to make it sharp baby make it sharp all right I'm gonna go attack a Pigman and I'm gonna assume that's gonna give me leather I have no evidence that that actually does but I feel like if I could pull some like leather off their stinky hides maybe they'll do me some good hey hey strawberry hey nether buddy Alexian that's not family-friendly replace it with like friendly jobs I don't want to actually insult them I don't want to be today pardon oh you oh oh no someone's on fire oh that's a shame you hate to see it you really hate to see it man they all get up in there they get riled up you know maybe this wasn't the best idea these guys are actually kind of tough oh hey oh wait where did you come from did I just make an enemy of the entire nether I feel like I might have made an enemy of the entire nether and now these guys will always and forever be hostile to me that leather no nope no no I'm tough you are you are so lean I am tough that's why I thought okay I have a funny feeling that I'm in trouble for the rest of the game but whatever you know I'm too tough to be messed with but they didn't give me any leather so that was not a good idea that was extremely pointless and I don't know why I did that I don't know why I thought that attacking a pig man would give me leather but you guys can kind of see where my mind was going right you guys can kind of understand that that has some sort of a logic to it and then I'm not entirely a fool anyway I'm gonna go find them cow and I'm gonna kill some cow or maybe I could domesticate some cow I don't know if there's a way to like shear the leather right off a cow maybe there is it's probably not a thing might be a thing all right either way I think I got go on a cow killings Cree something like that I'm just gonna go I'm gonna come back until I find cow because I'm gonna make book and I'm gonna make bookshelf and then it's gonna be great you're not a cow Oh cow I see cow in the distance okay you cow it's better give me chicken you bug give me a whole heck of a lot of leather because I need a lot of it play a lot of it books are expensive hi Momo Bible oh wow much does it take to make ow okay one leather for a book I'm a what are you doing up there MooMoo hey man nice perch hey that's great you know that's really great really glad for you I'm not here for you sheep yeah the way just here for the cow nope ah well that's fine I think there's a cow also like on the tip top at this mountain like the king of the calves some king still dies all the same cow King kau kau king king of the cow I know there was a cow oh it's on the other mountaintop this stupendous mountain cows well you know I'll just take the floating islands out you know that's what I'll do oh right this makes sense sure yeah I'm coming for you cows come before you hang on okay this is horrible idea this horrible horrible idea a horrible horrible idea horrible worst idea I've ever had worst idea definitely top ten worst ideas terrible idea worst idea oh my God my hands are so sweaty alright I'm just dropping it's fine totally fine come before you cows you're gonna give me your letter I'm gonna make a buck Moo no boot I'm gonna make a buck out of your hide baby I don't know the game needs leather either jump out of the skin or I'm gonna cut you out whoa no leather whoa that leather yeah that leather no leather how are these things not have leather Wow you thought you could hide I killed your family did you have to hide away really just the one you guys can't even give me more than one where's your cow friends cows respawn in the world right they they don't just go one and done and then die forever right there they're a renewable resource right sure let's go as sure it's really quiet once you kill halt against that sugar cane I think that sugar cane ooh that'll help that'll help into the water I go oh you missed it by that much hurts just the same er it's just the same okay more Shuggie King its Blue's Clues getting dark but good thing I'm protected with all my incredibly enchanted armor I promise I'm not going to kill you it's just me the crazed cow murder her don't worry that's just my nickname on account of how much i murder cows but not you guys no no no I'm Freya I'm a friend of the cows and very friendly done seem like there's any cows that want to come out and play they're all in there cow holes you know how cows hibernate for the winter and the holes in the caves I understand you die now don't don't don't even try well there's a bright light over there did I pop down something right there that's beautiful did I do that sound like a villager you know that's one thing I haven't seen yet no villagers hut oh no it's la baa wow that's cool it's probably a cow cave over there but I'll let it live for one more day what was it with the like though the first level that I played in there were 10 kajillion enemies everywhere now it seems like there's two zombies for zone I don't have an epic conclusion to that that sentence kind of drifted off everywhere but don't worry about it I'll make it up in the next Hey look out you killed the parrot you jerk you jerk oh my god you okay whoo I'm gonna pretend that that's the same parrot and not the parents wife or husband that is now mourning the loss of said parrot you know I may be the crazy cow murderer but I ain't the crazed bird murderer that was not my fault I I tried to warn it you know it's not my fault that was straight-up not where is my base how did I lose I'm lost I'm lost my impeccable sense of direction has betrayed me all I wanted to do this videos make bookshelves and I have been able to make bookshelves I haven't made a single book you're not a cow you'll never be a cow don't give me that cool yeah walk away that's what I thought where's where the heck is my home okay here okay here's the mountain I was on the other side of this mountain no that's dude where's my home where'd the jungle biome go where's my home help help cow cave help how did I get turned around I have no idea where's the where's the freakin sky bridge that there's the sky bridge that I built then it must be over there all the way over there it's impossible there's no way it's literally no way I refuse to believe that that is true I almost have gone farther than I thought hey is that someone trying to shoot at me it better not boy you better check that attitude mister Skellington a much tougher than once I once were you gonna kill another bird Mycoskie oh is he here visit hey hey hey hey hey no no aah life ow that was dumb where is it where where is it I'm running out of food I'm running out of time I'm running outta life no I see the fires of Gondor the there's Mordor the fires of the fires of Rohan the fire the fires of woe where the fire is called the by the fires of Gondor fires of blonde or bond or lawn door the fires this is not my home what where's my home how am I lost it's because I put out the fires [Music] oh my god what there's the mountain but I didn't go up what what that's the mountain that I climbed up I went directly towards it so it's got to be over this way this isn't it either how did I get so lost nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no no no it has to be here somewhere right cow I spiked out I will kill cow I have no idea how this is possible I don't know how this happened but I'm literally lost who are you hi hey buddy can you help me find my home oh oh I don't have any of this I don't have any of it bye I guess sure whatever that was useless you're gonna die and you're gonna give me leather did you get me London yes one piece many cows leather yes no you did not leather thank you I legitimately don't know how I got so lost is it more is it more that way than I think it is it must be it must be I must have come down a little bit to get to the mountains so it's got to be farther up than I think it is that's the only answer that I can possibly think of I just gotta keep going this way and I'll get there eventually I will see it because there's still at least one or two little fires there so I'm gonna see it from a distance yes here yes yes yes Oh finally my home my sweet sweet home you've grown nothing at all I was for so many oh thank you thank you yeah that's almost insulting thank you you are the worst and you're going to die you're gonna make me watch you die this has been great this has been great this has been fantastic this has been terrific terrific terrific I'm gonna make paper please thank you and now I'm gonna make books interesting interesting interesting okay five books I've got five books that's enough for one bookshelf that's great great book yeah bookshelf that's amazing I have one bookshelf that's so great that's wonderful that's so good any of you know if I remember correctly correct me if I'm wrong they need to be one away I'm not gonna let you burn my bookshelf I'm not doing that magma block I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do that spicy though it may seem I'm not gonna let you do that point bane of arthropods yes yes this is what I've been waiting for all my life so all I got it hey we got some growth maybe it doesn't grow and you're not nearby or something I don't know something stupid like that but either way you got some growth we just got to make this growth exponential exponential then we're gonna get more cows and I'm gonna get a cow farm and then I'm gonna have the best enchantments in the history I knew that was a big that was a thing okay so thank you everybody so much for watching this has been fantastic let me know you think of my genius in the comments below if you wanna see more minecraft this playlist check it out thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,892,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, minecraft, markipliergame, mark fischbach, minecraft game, minecraft part 11, the quest for cow, minecraft enchanting, minecraft lets play, minecraft gaming, gaming, funny, funny moments
Id: cYhZzhOhxB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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