The Queen of Shields and the UNDYING TANK | Hildryn Prime builds

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good evening my good tenor uh don't ask let's just say that was because of last night's stream which I do want to quickly say a huge thank you for the amazing support I received on last night's stream thank you so much Elgin Prime the mother of Shields and uh the bottle cap opener someone said that on my stream last night and I literally can't get it out of my head anyways in this video we're going to go over her abilities briefly and then some builds as well let's get straight into it children's abilities her passive is quite literally just Shield gating windshields are depleted you gain invulnerability briefly for three seconds actually her first ability is bellfire which uses her exalted weapon the bellfire charger her second ability is the goated ability which is pillage trained enemy Shields and armor strips and remove status effects for you and your allies the third is Haven which creates a shield around your allies which damages nearby enemies it also replenishes your allies Shields faster and gives them more Shields her fourth ability is eager storm which is mid to be honest and this is my subsume slot you fly up you shoot the bellfire rockets at enemies that drop energy orbs every few seconds and when your Shields are depleted you will drop down and knock back all the enemies it's not that great because you can't use pillage while using this ability and you have to have bellfire activated before and that's the abilities quick and simple to the point the next thing I want to talk about is her augments which is blazing pillage it is a must have in my opinion what does augment does is when enemies are affected by Haven which is her third ability it applies a heat proc on them which is affected by ability strength and restores 50 Shields this is used to further regen Hilton's Shields especially when dealing with infested enemies because they lack armor and shields which means hilgen will struggle to survive without blazing pillage against those types of enemies and that's why it's best to not have 100 armor stripping on your pillage because sometimes you need to cast it twice to survive and regain your Shields plus you will have heatbox from blazing pillage which reduces the enemy's armor already plus pillage itself so you will pretty much have almost 100 armor strip anyway like the video my good tenor for the RNG Gods will bless you all Hills and Prime Parts in your farming Journey also comment down below your thoughts on Hilton and the prime axis I'd be interested to hear your thoughts alright let's get into the builds firstly the first four builds here the mods are the exact same I did get this build from a Community member on stream last night and all I did was just change the substooms here and there but however I tested it and to be honest it's a very balanced decent build and it performs very well in Steel part there's literally nothing to change about it it's important to note that duration affects pillage better than range all range does is just affect how far the ring will start for pillage which is useful in some cases but you also don't want to have too much duration because you want to call footage back quickly to regain your Shields with hilden efficiency doesn't matter with children because remember Elgin does not use any energy she uses her Shields to cast her abilities so her Shields are her survivability and also her energy adaptation for survivability as you have stated removal from pellets so the only thing you're gaining from Rolling guard is the three second vulnerability but you Shield gate with hilljin anyway redirection of course for more Shields so you can survive longer and cause more abilities blind rage transient fortitude blazing pillage is a must-have primed continuity umbral intensify and overextended for more Gloom range and range for Haven the aura is Growing Power for more strength orders can be flexible with whatever you want to choose with this bald you won't have the full effect of Gloom which is it's still okay 81 is a decent amount as a base but if you want the full effect then you can go and use malt ormited in your arcanes and that sorts out that problem Arcane barrier for that Shield instant recharge and Arcane agers for shield regen chance as well however you can use whatever you like with the arcanes it's super flexible great this is your Gloom Hilton it's pretty self-explanatory costs just three and then Get Growing Power cause Gloom cost pillage to armor strip and then cast your one and shoot everything or just shoot your weapons it doesn't matter well the Bale fire charger Prime will be Ryan Hornet strike galvanized diffusion fine fulmination for more AOE galvanized shot because you want to use a primer like the epitor lethal torrent this weapon does need more fire rate but I sacrificed fire rate for more flat damage here in this build Crystal precedence jolt and primed heated charge for a corrosive heat setup her exalted weapon is kinda trash to be very honest with you without armor stripping and if you prime it does a lot better so I would highly suggest using galvanized shot with an epitol primer and just priming enemies armor strip and then just use your battlefire charger and they will die quite easily this is however for steel path enemies and when you go into late game so star charm and base steel path it's pretty much okay it works there is one Downfall with the bellifier is that sometimes if you shoot an enemy and it doesn't die it will just eat them far away which is kind of annoying but this leads me on to my next Bowl old if you use something like in snare or nidus's lava you can group them up quite nicely armor strip and just shred them with the Bell fire this is the build here that we run like I said same mods just different subsumes the next build I want to talk about is the support hygen which if I might say is a very nice support build and if you play this your allies will love you that's all I'm saying you make use of the subsume voracious metastasis which as it states consumes energy to heal yourself and Grant matching energy to each Ally but remember Elgin uses Shields but with this build you drain 775 Shields from yourself and give 775 energy to your allies that's a lot of energy at once per cost and you may be worried about the 775 drain but remember you're spamming pillage with Haven and you have overshield so you should be chilling at about 4 000 Shields plus so you won't have to worry about basically just draining your life away with this build you supply Shields status from removal armor stripping and energy to your allies that's actually a very good support the next build is raw which is to buff your bell file this does work quite well and if you want to go on the offensive with hilden prime then this is the build for you for this board you can pretty much run Eclipse raw or Zaza's whisper self-explanatory there's not much more to say about it and that's the four steel path builds pretty simple just quickly for those who want a base build no still pass no helmets nothing this is something that you can maybe work towards as I know you won't have all of these mods but just try your best to substitute what you have available and work towards getting these mods and you will be good to go in the star chart just to briefly touch on the archon shards gildren really needs casting speed in my opinion fasting speed is a really good option for archon shards or if you really want to you can go full extra Shields with blue shots which will be quite funny now let's talk about hyojin Prime and what is she actually good for literally everything she is the mother of Shields and and tanking she's really difficult to kill there's a lot of damage and easily armor strips and let's be honest when you armorship everything it's it's a joke it's so easy to do big damage the only thing she will struggle against is Toxin but you have pillage to stay to remove so that's fine you will also struggle against little to no enemies as you need groups of enemies to armor strip and shield strips so you can regain your shield and survive better I have not tested her at level cap so I can't comment on that but she's pretty good for everything I really don't have much more to say about her she's a super fun tank to play but four is just not it personally just because you locks you in an animation but pillage bus Haven is amazing and I'm not a support player but that voracious metastasis build is actually insane if you have a trinity plus this build it's insane supporting and yeah guys that's children Prime I hope you guys enjoy her she's definitely worth the form comment down below your thoughts on her and I'll see you all in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: WarframeFlo
Views: 14,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hildryn prime, hildryn prime builds, hildryn warframe, warframe hildryn prime builds, hildryn prime guide, hildryn builds, hildryn steelpath builds, warframe hildryn steelpath builds, hildryn prime steelpath builds warframe, warframe, warframe 2023, warframe hildryn guides, warframe best steelpath build for hildryn, hildryn prime build, hildryn prime, hildryn warframe build
Id: Ik5haHwLhQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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