The ULTIMATE Guide to Void cascade! The most profitable Gamemode in Warframe 2024

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ah yes void Cascade this little game mode over here in the Zaron is by far the best designed game mode in Warframe besides all the 101 bugs mechanically it is the perfect example of a good endgame game mode in Warframe de if you're watching this please please please add more game modes like void Cascade I beg of you now you may be wondering why well it's extremely profitable you can make tons of platinum from this game mode because of these guys right here these thoraxes drop good arcanes which you can sell for platinum or you can dissolve them for phosphor for the new Arcane dissolution mechanic from Lloyd void Cascade is the best Arcane Farm in Warframe provided you have a mod chance booster and you're doing it in steel path it's super fast-paced and difficult so test your skills plus it's a really fast scaling game mode it usually takes about an hour 15 to an hour 20 minutes to scale to level cap which means it's a great option to stress test test your build and push load outs to the maximum without taking so much time from you so saddle up you smiley tenos this video is going to be sick with information to follow along with me carefully just a disclaimer for this video so you know what to expect this guide is for a game mode that is leaning towards endgame players void Cascade is a very tough game mode it's not easy and it does require some Hefty investment so this is not a beginner's guide by any means this isn't a two former setup you're going to have to invest into your builds in order to do this comfortably and scale this game mode is best done with a mod chance booster and instill path as well as scaling it to level cap because the amount of thraxes that spawn scales with the level you can do it without a modance booster in steel PA but it won't be as profitable it's still good nonetheless so please keep this in mind when watching this video let's start from the beginning and walk you through everything when you unlock the Zaron after the new War Quest you will get access to the tuille comment as a node which is void Cascade this game mode is either invaded by grineer or Corpus this rotates every 2 hours or so for the entire Zaron this game mode can be done in star chart however I would highly recommend holding off on doing this game mode until you reach steel path the reason for this is because the thraxes have a chance of dropping these aranes and they are affected by mod chance boosters steel path already gives you 100% mod drop chance so it's best to run this in steel pass ideally with a mod chance booster a mod chance booster is incredibly important for this Farm yes it is rare but we have many more ways of getting a mod chance booster with daily sorties circuit and archon hunts the way voy Cascade works is as follows when you load in it will tell you to purge an exeler these big ass bubbles are called exal liers your job is to take over these excers so you have control over it when you walk into the bubble it will kick you out of your Warframe and force you into your operator you will see these little void p portals that link to the exal lier in the middle you need to break these void portals by either shooting it with your amp void slinging through them or using your operat abilities to break them you just need to hit them once once all the portals are broken you will see the exz will say void manifestation and then you'll see the little thrx hanging over it break the exeler by shooting it with your amp and then the thrax will pop out now thraxes in void Cascade are a bit tricky they have overgard you have to burn through the overguard and then their hedp and once you've killed them they will then transform into their ghost form which you now have to kill with your amp having a good amp is vital for this game mode you will have noticed by now the game mode has started and there is this bar below your mini map on the left now exal liers will spawn every 30 seconds or so you then just have to keep rinse and repeating the method I showed you earlier for taking over the exal liers however as you start grabbing more exal liers Theus will spawn on the side while it's busy decaying to try and take over these exal if you are distracted or in another room thraxis will attempt to take over the exal liers you have taken control of and then you'll have to retake them so your job is to take over the exz prevent them from being stolen from the thraxes so that they can Decay when you take control of exz the bubble will turn orange meaning it's yours now whenever you kill an enemy inside that 20 M bubble you will see it will start charging the bar on the top right your goal is to make sure this bar does not go red and stay is orange the bar will decrease or increase depending on how many excers have spawned and how many you have in control for example let's say you have one in control and one just spawned the bar will stay still if you grab the second one meaning you have two in control then there are no more and you will increase the bar keeping it full let's say you have zero in control and one or two spawn it will start decreasing and the rate will depend on how many excers have spawned and ones that you're not in control of so voy casc comes down to micromanaging your existing exz you have control of keeping them safe and getting new ones as fast as possible when the exz Decay you have completed it and more will spawn four excers decayed counts as one round you need 107 exz Decay to reach level cap in every voy ccate til set the exz will spawn in set locations in three rooms so as you begin to play the mission more and more play the different tile set you will start to learn all these spawn locations allowing you to anticipate the spawn and get there faster for the first two rounds it will only be two rooms and then after rounds three it will spawn in the third room that's the game mode simplified keep grabbing the exes as fast as possible to prevent them from getting stolen wait for them to Decay rinse and repeat now before I go into amps builds strategies and so on in order for you to understand the game mode and know what to build for you need to understand the thraxes and their mechanics it's very important as this links into amps and weapons Etc so let's talk about thraxes and everything about them there are two types of thraxes THX centurions the ones with size and then the THX legatus which is the ones that hold guns THX centurions are the only ones that will take over exal so these are the ones that you must worry about the most trxas have overgard overgard is quite the tough one to deal with but the best way to get rid of trax's overgard especially when scaling is armor stripping armor stripping in voy Cascade is number one priority unless you are focusing on a pure slash and viral setup I'd highly advise you to have armor stripping remember this with armor stripping you will be able to easily shred thraxes you can armor strip through frames abilities if the frame you're using does not have armor stripping while then there's the helmet that comes in very handy terrify pillage Arrow strike and Ash of shuriken personally I'm a little bit wary around terrify and pillage as they require a significant amount of strength investment or energy cost to cost although I do like terfy because of the CC so I tend to build around terfy and its insane energy cost I know Ash isn't the easiest frame to farm but if you build can spare subsuming shuriken and then adding the Orman in it's a perfect armor strip in my opinion terfy is also my goto if you have enough energy regen if not th strike is also a very good option in terms of energy cost plus the lower amount of strength required to full armor stroke alternatively the focus school inaru has costic strike which is the perfect option for armor stripping for the longest time I ran voy Cascade and thought you only had to run matai but I was very wrong which I will go over in a second overgard is also weak to void damage which is why Z's whisper is a popular choice in void Cascade for a helmet option status effects that you apply to thrax's carry over to the spectral form this means you must never never use cold in void Cascade cold will slow down the thraxes significantly when they chance form into the ghost form like seriously they take two to three business days to transform with Max C procs so please never use an Epi primer or a weapon or frame that does cold your teammates will hate you because of the status effects carrying over this means that Viral will allow your amp to do more damage to the ghost form this is very important to note for those of you who don't have a very good amp or are building towards a good amp and would like to get into void Cascade without serious investment so keep this in mind if you're trying to farm one just make sure to apply the viral procs before you kill them as you cannot apply status effects once they are in the ghost form it's important to note that hitting head shot on thx's ghost form will give you more damage as the ghost form follow the usual head shot mechanic in this game to make this easier when you kill a raxs they will spin when turning around into the ghost form but they will always end up the way they were facing before they were killed this way you can memorize where they were facing and stand the right way and wait for them to transform and time it and instantly get a head shot when you kill the tracks and they transform into the ghost form they will then just kind of linger around or they will proceed to bolt in a particular direction which you will then have to chase after them but this is the important part after a little while or sometimes really short or sometimes really long it's very random after they have transformed into the ghost they will attempt to go back to their original form and they do this by locking on to an enemy and they will proceed to suck that enemy and then they will go back into their original form so this means that you cannot just kill the tra and leave the ghost form running around it will return back to its normal form and proceed to steal the exiler again but when they are stuck in that animation where they are sapping the enemy's life away your amp damage to them goes up significantly so if you're not running let's say matai or you're not running a good amp this is a good time to kill them in that window although be careful with this as this depends on how fast the th will lock onto the Target and switch back sometimes it's fast sometimes it's very slow so you don't want to wait waste time and just you know run off one Trax so my suggestion is deal with nearby enemies while you keep an eye on the Trax and then as it starts to transform run back kill it and move on you can usually hear a specific sound they make when they are transforming you get two types of traes ones with guns and ones with size which I mentioned earlier the ones with size have two abilities the hispar lunge which by the way is incredibly deadly this has on many occasions killed me even while having a shield I don't know if this is a glitch or if it's intended but it has happened to me many times before and then the side thxs will also become immune to damage lift themselves up Dash a few times towards you and then do a whirlwind attack which really hurts the other tracks with the gun will split into multiple ghost forms shooting out beams that also do Insane amounts of damage to you and also apply magnetic thraxes also apply magnetic when they normal attack you so keep this in mind when building your frame if your setup can spare an arc nullifier so you don't lose energy it's a very good quality of life option using the ability silence actually nullifies the thres and stops them from using their abilities making it a lot easier to kill them as they can only normal melee attack you a Community member of mine Hassan mentioned this to me and honestly it's one of my favorite helmet slots to use in void Cascade another very important thing for thoraxes is if you are running last gasp you can shoot the ghost form of the thraxus to instantly come back to life this is something to look out for in case you have been down with all of this in mind regarding thraxes and their mechanics this leads us onto one of the most important parts of void Cascade amps amps are incredibly vital in this game mode if you can't kill the tracks well you'll simply fail so let's talk about these bad boys here is the unfortunate part of voy Cascade if you are wanting to do this efficiently and effectively you're going to need to grind for tuna and little duck standing I know it's pain I'm sorry but this is the time to get that random 3 and motivation you've been searching for these past few months it's okay the two best amps you can use are the 177 and the 777 if you are running a budget I'd recommend running the 123 until you either get the 177 or the 777 this does not mean you can't run any other combination this is my personal recommendation this is what has worked for me to be honest I haven't tested out other combos much so there may be other combos out there that I don't know and are better the 123 worked up until 2K comfortably with only one Arcane as long as you apply viral before killing the thoraxes you'll be able to do enough damage in the ghost form with your amp so when it comes to amps grind enko and little duck and get the parts that I mentioned this leads me onto your loadouts for your operator and amps in order for you to get a second slot for your ampar canes you need to be rank five in Zaron I know it it's it's a lot you can buy an amparan adapter from cavalera so again more grinding but it's very important for void Cascade this this does not mean to say that you need to have it it just helps a lot if you're planning on not doing level cap runs and just want to do smaller endurance runs then you can get away with just one Arcane the two best amp arcanes to use are guess what farmed from void Cascade I know ironic Eternal Onslaught and eternal eradicate Eternal eradicate first in my opinion when you get the amp Arcane adapter use eternal Onslaught now here is the thing you can go two ways with this one save up the plat and buy a rank five from someone two you wait Farm up void Cascade or you rank up zyon and buy the arcanes from cavalera your choice here this is if you're wanting to reach devel cap or just do endurance runs if you want to run on a budget a rank three or so will be fine but I would highly recommend focusing on getting these two arcanes Max Rank and equipped with your amp it will make a huge difference for the operator arcanes mag's lockdown is super helpful for cing nearby enemies while you are dealing with a thr unfortunately it no longer tethers the ghost form they changed it rip de please bring it back the other one is either Magus repair or Magus Elevate whichever one tickles your fancy you get Magus lock down and repair from little duck and Elevate from enco that's amps and arcanes sorted now this leads me on to focus schools there are two main ones that we can run Maday and unaru for the longest time I thought you only needed to run Maday but no no it's not true madarai is extremely good but unaru is perfect if you need to armor strip enemies and don't want to have armor stripping on your frames inaru gives you the flexibility to focus on maybe some more damage subsumes on your frames like Zara or roar or any other subsume or frame you want to use for M ey focus on getting contamination wave and void strike these two abilities will help you kill the ghost forms faster and contamination wave is a very good option to clear the portals when taking over exal void strike is particularly good when you find yourself surrounded by multiple traes that you've managed to kill and now you're stuck with five plus ghosts just chilling around you you can quickly cast void strike and then you can either normal or alternate fire your amp depending on your combination of course your way bounds are important too if you have formed up enough Focus for inaru you want to focus on costic strike inaru whisp will allow us to kill the Traxxas more comfortably and then magnetic flare if you are running against Corpus enemies if you're a later game player and you've grinded a lot of focus trees getting last gasp works very well for your way bounds the rule of thumb is if you have armor stripping on your frame run madarai if you don't have armor stripping on your frame and you need armor stripping run unaru that pretty much concludes thraxes amps arcanes and focus schools I know it's a lot of prep but guess what there is way more we're going to go over all my weapons frames load out suggestions and so on and then we will talk about strategies as well as some tips and tricks void Cascade is a selfish game mode if you're playing in a group it's important that you can fend for yourself otherwise you going down or dying can actually mess up the game or get you close to messing up because as you start to scale the game mode more thoraxes will spawn it's very important every player can kill a thrax comfortably this is in a team setting that is min maxing if you're a casual then it's fine of course you can mess up a few times it's not the end of the world if you don't land up going to level cap the point is using frames that are tanky or have many forms of damage mitigation is crucial when playing void Cascade the number one defense is invisibility invisibility is by far the best defense in void Cascade sure you can die every now and then and get caught in the crossfire but Shield gating will fix that for you no problem the three frames I like to use that have invisibility is Ash Octavia and Loki Ash is very comfortable with his invisibility he has his first ability with the augment seeking shuriken to armor strip and you can sub assum Z's whisper on him and because of this well every single load out will work his kit is perfect for void Cascade this is the build that I usually run for him remember just just so you know for all the builds that I show in this video you don't have to follow exactly change the build to what you have available and to the play style that you like I also run a raw build if you want to focus on more slash damage which pairs well with his passive for Octavia I only rarely run one setup this is the build that I ran for the solo void Cascade devel cap run I did Octavia works really well as she has invisibility and you can place down your Mallet in the middle of the exz and allow enemies to focus on Mallet walking towards it killing themselves in the bubble which allows you to passively keep up your bar it's really nice as you can be halfway across the map and still gain the bar you don't need Shen this is just a nice option if you want you can run something else like th strike now Loki Loki was the first frame I ever did a solo deathless level cap run for void Cascade he is by far the most comfortable frame I have ever played at level cap I love the setup for endurance runs subsume silence over his one use Safeguard switch will allow you to be invulnerable every time you switch with an enemy then use irradiating disarm to confuse enemies you want to Stack a lot of duration so that you can stay invisible longer and stack all the duration of Loki's other ability with this set up you are silencing thraxes so they can't use their abilities and eximus units staying invisible for over seconds staying invulnerable because you have 8 seconds to recard switch teleport and you have irradiating disarm removing all ranged weapons from making enemies melee each other and completely ignore you you basically don't get hit with the setup if you are feeling confident or you're in a team you can realistically play most frames and just resort to Shield gating to keep you alive some suggestions that I like to play are Catrine no home and setup but we run two green shards to stack up our corrosive Stacks to 14 which equals full armor Strip This is my favorite Catrine setup she does start to struggle a little bit as you start scaling but she can go to level cap as long as you are quick to Shield get of course Revenant Prime is the go-to if you want to level cap comfortably one of my favorite frames to play is mag I run this setup often I really enjoy mag because of the massive AOE armor strip and just the sheer amount of CC and damage this Frame can do counter pulse is an amazing CC augment for Cascade and then we subsume nourish over your one to sustain your energy more G is also really fun although he starts to struggle a bit when you go over 3K I really want to say cover he's an amazing frame but his overgard also starts to fall off as you scale but if you're not going for level cap and just doing endurance runs for a bit then covera and Gus is really fun to play there are many other frames of course I'm just letting you know a few frames and setups I have run in the past I tend to go for a more offensive and selfish play style in voy Cascade as I find it helps to scale it a lot faster before I go into the weapon suggestions and builds I want to get everything regarding frames out of the way so when it comes to arcanes generally Arcane energize is very nice for energy sustain but something like nourish and equilibrium will work really well Arcane nullifier is very good if you are struggling to sustain your energy because the thraxes keep applying magnetic on you depending on your build if you can run Arcane agility it is insanely good the parkour velocity we will go over why parkour velocity is so good in a second a really powerful CC Arcane is Arcane eruption if you feel like you're dying a lot Arcane eruption is a great crowd control Arcane now let's go over archon shards archon shards are dependent on the frame however the two best stats especially for voy Cascade is casting speed and parkour velocity parkour velocity is absolutely vital it took me so long to realize this and this is because voy Cascade makes you run back and forth for hundreds of meters and there are times where you may be worth focusing and you have to race back 400 plus M because you have three or four exz that are not in your control and you don't have much time until the bar Runs Out parkour velocity has saved me so much in recent runs par velocity shards are really something to consider just like I mentioned earlier Arcane agility is also really good for that extra 60% parkour velocity then if you're not focusing on melee the praos with the ride Evolutions is also a really nice stat stick for movement one of the biggest problems in void Cascade is how often you get knocked down this is a huge issue and I know everyone does not have Prime show footed so you have three options one run frames that have knockdown immunity like gaus rev and so on or use inaru with poise which is a very good option because you don't have to sacrifice mods three sacrifice mods running shooted and either Constitution or power drift it depends on what your building is and if you can afford sacrificing two mods this is something to keep in mind when preparing it's also worth noting that nourish is a very good subsume for energy sustain which I mentioned earlier and Gloom is an excellent choice as it no longer slows down the thraxes in the ghost form but beware it will only slow the thraxas after the overguard breaks okay that that's a lot I know but all these little things will help you in your runs when building your frame of choice now let's finally move on to weapons there are a lot so stay with me for primaries nothing beats the good old fell and fenmore the fell is my most used level cap weapon for obvious reasons here is the build and Evolutions here the fanall build is as follows then we move on to the new incar weapons the first one being the turet although it does slightly fall off with very high levels but still a good endurance weapon bur on in Caron is one of my favorit I love using this weapon it's it's too satisfying to use the latch on inar is another option you can also run gviz scope if you want more red crits one of my new favorite weapons the MIT inar is also very deadly against rexes the Str inar is particularly good for grener enemies and with the insane state of chance then it gets very strong when dealing against Corpus when you go flat toxin the convectrix with Ash fighting against grineer is honestly deadly if you're running the raw buol the fagee is also very good when built right and if you can maintain your Stacks it will Elite thraxes even at level cap the only thing is being able to keep your Stacks up against high level enemies fantasma Prime is also really good for endurance runs but you need ammo sustain mods and armor stripping the cedo is not a bad budget option but you need to have your Stacks up to do good damage it can also be used as a primary primer if you're running a secondary that is using Gun Co the NAT Rook is also a good budget option especially when running it with mag and her bubbles that's quite a few Primary Weapons I know but there are more these are just ones that I have run previously a very important note when it comes to void Cascade is make sure you're running primary dexterity because there are times where you won't be killing normal enemies every second so running something like mercus won't work because you keep losing your Stacks dexterity allows you to have more time while you are moving in between points allowing you to keep Stacks longer all right let's move on to secondaries now 99% of the time I just run a primer and run galvanized ape on my primary please do not use epit as a primer in voas skate it applies cold and it will slow down the thraxes by a lot the primer I use is the cver newcore with a magnetic progenitor if you're wanting to run damage weapons the latum is still one of the best weapons to use for void Cascade the Prisma angstrom incarn shreds everything it's really satisfying The Lex incarn also shreds the only downside is the low amount of ammo in the incarn form and arguably one of the strongest weapons in Warframe at the moment the Dual toxic assist that's secondaries out of the way but personally secondaries are primers for me now melees personally glaes are King for void Cascade when pairing your primary or secondary with dexterity arcanes getting those melee kills is super easy with glaves so glaive Prime for grineer and sorata for Corpus at the release of this video glaves are bugged at the moment when paired with a secondary which really sucks hopefully de will fix this soon but until they do you can consider using something else that you enjoy or running the Dual eor the praos I mentioned earlier the inom is also a very good option and the legendary dual eor which I just mentioned are insanely strong at the moment right now my favorite melee with melee influence but I have a strong feeling this will get nerfed so change up the build if it does get nerfed to the ground otherwise the actual weapon and build will work fine it's just melee influence that makes it utterly broken these are just a few melee suggestions otherwise use whatever melee you like and think will do well against enemies now that concludes weapons I now want to go over companion options there are a couple of companions you can now run especially after the companion rework the worm Prime has become my new favorite to help a States cleanse the Nautilus works very well with pulling enemies in death Cube Prime for energy generator a smeer if you want more Loot and the OG best companion the Panza for viral spreading these are all the companions that I usually run I mainly go for worm these days but choose whichever one works for you for all the Sentinels that I run I run the hrom with some deconstruct and gas this helps a lot with equilibrium allowing you to get way more health or drops allowing equilibrium to proc way more often okay so I have dumped a lot of Builds on you this is so you can choose whatever works for you depending on what you have available and how far you are in the game but I want to show you loadouts that I gen ually run just so that you can get an idea the first Ash Loadout I run is this one here with the fenal bear in mind the weapons are completely flexible my Catrine Loadout the Rev Loadout I have run except we can't run glaes anymore so I'm using the Dual eor my lowkey setup my Octavia setup and my gas load out as you can see I use a primer there is a spider right next to me as you can see I use a primer in all of my setups again this is all flexible now that is all the builds and setups out of the way let's finally go into strategies as well as some tips and tricks when it comes to playing in teams there is a particular strategy which is well known for void Cascade and that is the 2x two strategy two people on the offense taking over exz as fast as possible while two people sit back and defend the exes G has made a video on voy Cascade recently so go and check his video out there are quite a few similarities and strategies that we share I will put a link in the description below this strategy is really good if you have a pre-made team or if you are in a public Lobby and each of you agree on a role the offensive players will grab the exz as fast as possible the defending two will take control of the room when the next room of EX elizer starts spawning the offensive players will rush to the next room while the defensive players stay back if everyone holds up and doesn't fall short on their roles then you will scale void Cascade very very fast and easily this is a very important strategy if you are in a team if everyone is rushing new exes it messes up everything because the previous rooms will get taken over and will catch up to you they won't decay in time meaning the mission will be a lot slower offensive players will play something with invis or are super tanky and then they will be the ones that are focusing on speed so it's a good idea if you want to be offensive to run parkour velocity but it doesn't hurt for everyone to have parkour velocity in case you mess up and need to run back a few hundred MERS quickly it's important that every teammate can kill thx's easily because what happens is as the game mode starts to scale thers start stacking up and before you know it there are literally 10 thers in one room and it's trust me it's very stressful trying to tackle that many thraxes at once so to keep it manageable the second you see a thrx kill it otherwise with playing in a team you can get creative with your own team comps and certain frames from past experience team comps that I found work really well together are two ashes and two Octavius another one I have played is Revenant Ash Octavia and mag the Buffs you get from revs mesma charges Octavia and mag C seeing everything is just amazing if I had to think of Team comps just off the top of my head Ash Loki Revenant and something like Catrine would be absolutely amazing Catrine is an amazing support provider she gets a little help for surviving later on as 90% damage reduction doesn't take you far when an enemy does a few hundred, damage to you in one hit now if you are a solo player well my good tenner you're venturing into dangerous territory Here solo void Cascade endurance runs are different gravy of difficult as you're trying to do everyone's job yourself I have done many attempts failed with quite a few frames and only have completed a couple of solo runs Octavia and Loki were my two solo runs that I completed however you don't need to go to level cap you can go however far you can handle and just leave so use whatever setup you want and adjust to your play style just a little tip try and focus on getting the exz as fast as possible when they spawn Parco velocity is your best friend here please especially as a solo player you'll be needing to move between rooms really fast to deal with all the traes so that's the strategies out of the way let's go over the factions like I mentioned earli on in this video Zaron is invaded by either grineer or Corpus enemies for grineer enemies there is one in particular which you will need to watch out for the cver traran these guys are pain the Chuck dudes throw a spear in the ground and the bubble will expand to a certain size if you run into this bubble it will kick you out of your frame and into your operator the way to deal with this is as follows either use your operator abilities to break it void sling into the spear which is my favorite method because sometimes it kind of glitches and hides in the little nooks and crannies so you can't reach it void thing will usually fix this issue for you honestly when you see this bubble side quest that and focus on it like get rid of it as fast as possible that's pretty much the only grener enemies to look out for besides the annoying eximus units which you should be no stranger to by now generally my setups and builds focus on the usual viral slash or corrosive Heat against grineer targets then for Corpus well we all know which enemy nullifies they are a big problem in void Cascade a corpus level cap is significantly harder than a grineer level cap in voy Cascade most people actually just wait for grineer and I'll be honest it is easier than Corpus when it com comes to nullifiers honestly the only setup i r run if I go into a corpus run is the MIT in conon with the MIT augment neutralizing Justice it's just perfect for this for Corpus in general I only rarely run the M now and the sarata or the Dual eor and then primer of course for thraxes personally that's the best load out you can run against Corpus enemies because nullifiers are pain and in general fighting against Shield is a lot more difficult unless you're running flat toxin so of course for Corpus enemies you want to build for toxin that concludes factions and what to watch out for let's go over some general tips and tricks I've already covered so much in this guide there isn't much that I haven't already said the main thing is to stay ahead of the exal liers make sure that you can kill the fraes with ease I know void Cascade is a lot of prep it's not a game where that you can go in with barely anything it does not mean to say that you can't run a budget or can't run budget setups you absolutely can but you will need to do some grind in so that you can work towards a simple setup or load out that will allow you to scale for endurance runs if you are down and enter last gasp remember to kill the tra ghost forms if there's one floating around for an instant revive don't use cold parkour velocity is literally the best thing it will change how your run plays drastically invisibility is the best defense this game mode is really buggy it's a lot better than before there are still a few bugs that creep through for the most part the best way to fix them is to full die and then revive have no one revive you and just full die the elevator bug is really annoying and has not been fixed when you try to extract while waiting for your teammates enemies and thoraxes can still damage you effectively killing you in the elevator but the elevator stops you from shooting or casting ability the best fix for this is to just sit outside the elevator allowing you to cast abilities and deal damage to enemies and wait for your teammates once they all nearby the elevator you can then all run in and extract as soon as everyone is there there is one tile set which has a massive room which is very nice because you get about five ex elizer spawns in one room it's more stressful but allows you to scale faster a very important tip if you ever find yourself in a pinch where the bar is really close to being depleted and you don't have much time it's best to just grab the exz as fast as possible take control of them ignore the thraxes and your goal is to get the exal liers under your control first so the bar will slow down or slowly replenish and then you can go back and deal with the units or thres and so on sometimes if for example you only have one exeler under your control and there's literally four and the bar is depleting super fast grab the first one if there's a whole bunch of enemies inside the bubble kill all those enemies so that it starts increasing the bar and then it gives you a little bit more time to get all the other exes but in all honesty that is pretty much everything with void Cascade as you practice this game mode you will get super comfortable and more efficient with it this has been a lot I know I'm glad you made it to the end if you did make it to the end if you could leave a like on this video it took me really long to make and it goes a long way for me thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing and a huge thank you to all of our channel members for supporting me thank you so much you forever have my gratitude I will see you all in the next [Music] one oh
Channel: WarframeFlo
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Keywords: void cascade, warframe, warframe gameplay, warframe void cascade guide, void cascade warframe, void cascade steel path, void cascade warframe guide, warframe void cascade level cap solo, how to do void cascade warframe, how to do void cascade 2024, warframe void cascade 2024, warframe void cascade guide farm, best arcane farm, warframe best arcane farm, void cascade builds, void cascade farm
Id: alVWghrX5Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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