ASH SOLO level cap completed | Warframe

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[Music] hello [Music] everybody um all right yeah got that level watch it everyone boom boom boom wow hello everyone I'm mad at you why NOA it says Solo in the in the title I'm doing a solo level [Music] cap um but hello everyone are we all well are we all good I haven't done natural Sals have I not done NS actually I can't remember if I've done NS imagine I have oh wait just this is a sound test can you guys hear this it might be really loud I do apologize even me if you do yeah it's done pretty sure you guys should not here though he would embrace you with all her colors yes you would reject her eyes through monochromaticity damn bro poetically what you needo I have L okay I'm going to do them so well I don't think anyone else needs to do natur Soul so if you do then then hit me up just just just hit me up rather why is my FPS just dying hello game Vengeance Vengeance my voice seems off really what do you mean like like tone like the actual mic sounds different do do I what's what's wrong with me you update your drivers I don't know I don't think I did turn off a setting on my mic so if it sounds off like that the is deepal that oh no TJ's yeah oh gosh hello sci-fi oh wait SciFi we still have to we still have to D the uh limbo limbo explanation I've been all over the place the last few days bro I'm sorry I have an update to my Nvidia do you guys say Nvidia or Nvidia I said Nvidia Nidia [Music] [Music] n uh sounds like I cried a lot no no no I'm I'm fine I think I just might be getting nasy I'm not too sure that's a bit that's a bit odd I hear a screaming vocer only got one thing plugged this week what do you mean man is going to choose the wrong pronunciation by default I'm feeling slower you guys know I know why I don't have my praos H it appears we have a pro it appears we have a problem a problem chat we have a problem melee don't worry you guys are bullied that one out of me I I now say melee permanently Dash scad scadoodle bro so all of you enemies pleas I'm going to die I'm going to die I have no energy bro what is up with my FPS why is it like 40 hello please make it make sense can't wait to get my freaking PC upgrade and I have to wait a whole month no no no no no no no no please please please please please pleas stoping nonsense always the necrom bro why are they so strong oh there I'm being I'm being a Warf framer sorry you make slightly difficult content we start complaining you know it's just it's just it's we can't out of ourselves average Warframe one of my specs uh it's um 3 it's a pretty decent PC it's not bad by any means it's just my processor fall slightly short and I have a very shitty mother W uh if any South Africans are here e tech upgrade kits don't make the same mistake anyway um so yeah it's 370 TI ryzen 9 but it's a 3900 so it's a weird one it's not like that great but it's 32 GB of ddr4 R the upgrade kits aren't necessarily as it's just they get you with like one or two parts you know what I mean so they give you two great parts and they give you the recently wait on the B how now that the the song you've actually made me like think about it I do actually sound kind of Nas oh well you're going to deal with n Play What is the best thing against necrom honestly I don't even know that's a great question I don't know what's the best thing against those things cuz holy [ __ ] um they are so tanky and they do so much damage oh here comes another one oh qu got to know what's in that oh really you got to know what's in there huh what is going on what what's going on hi and it's a float edited the stream in a few days that's so true actually van caught me in 4k anyway um they're getting in they're getting in the head they're they're they're uh they're getting into the company go away go away go away no one wants you no one likes you bro why did they rip through so much overcard so quickly it's so unfair my little tenant ion something's going on with necit thanks Josh take them out we ain't got all day it's it's there at least tonight I'll be able to get a decent amp that's huge what is it why can I not hit a single enemy hello s after this run just remind me I need going to get my energy drink no particular reason you know please get your skill issue in your flament N I want to keep it for this level C I actually okay old Stokes aside I genuinely want to try um a deathless run how have I been I've been I've been all right I've been pretty good um just trying to wrap my head around everything and trying to balance um you know trying to make two videos at once but Warframe tius is like that's a mountain dude it's a mountain of a video so I I yeah we will see how that goes can we decide to weapons again no not this one it's not a pain stream it's just an attempt like I said I want to I want to make a a series where I will take certain frames or just any frame to level cap and make like a PO or the the the level cap experience of a certain frame like a series if people like if they do if they like the jeez I can't speak if they like it it does well I'll definitely do more because it's a nice break from you know the normal Warframe content just trying to find some ideas that and I don't think anyone's really done that like just it's not necessarily a build guide or anything it's it's more focused on just the memi highlights of streams are going to level cap and fail attempts or whatever anyone in here I want to know why are your titles always attempting because you can't get to level cap no it's because I just say in case I don't I definitely can do level cap but it's just in case you know it doesn't work out I wonder what on can you mind help if you can help me with level cap uh which level cap though if you're talking disruption realistically if there's anyone here that wants to learn level cap the best way to honestly learn is why can I not find out where to go um is the best way to learn is disruption this ruption is a little bit longer yes but it's it's four different opportunities for you to mess up um void get dude I get so freaking excited every time it's a Amber sh I don't care about anything I don't care about melee duplicate I don't care about any other thing I just want Amber shards they are the cure to everything in Warframe bro I do the next next can I speak my brain was trying to read next ncols with nebula NE is it nebulus Nexus sure vo oh one second I'll get back to nii honestly vo is just practice take a frame that's really hard to die like Revenant take Ash don't take Revenant I hate Revenant um take revenant if I'm joking just take revant or take Ash take Octavia get to level cap kind of just you know get the get the feeling of what it's like how to get their comfortably and then remove or not move to um see Sci-Fi I can I will even attempt uh a solo Lumber level C but I don't know about modist that's different gravy I mean we can do it together not together as in like you know we can attempt it together and like try our own solo runs that'd be quite fun modist what frame oh limbo scii wants to do a I don't know if you want to do solo SciFi but he wants to do a modist steel part level cap on void Cascade which I'll be honest I five that is different cravy that's like seasoning sauce gravy freaking everything that's that's speaking about that you actually just planted an idea in my head should I do an Octavia modess solo level cap attempt deathless bro if I pull that off if I pull off a solo mless deathless void Cascade run none of you chatting sh to me ever again I don't want to hear a single peep about me dying as Revenant I don't want to I don't want to hear anything nothing nothing absolutely nothing not a sound Octavia is cheating not when it comes to mless bro I'll be honest with you like I mean I okay here's here's here's the B here has a b right I'll do it I'll do a um I'll do a a solo I'll do the the Octavia if it's easy then I'll move on to limbo unmodded level C oh I didn't put on Pros again You Don't Own Me sorry song when said you don't control me it just reminded me of that song from G easy I'm not just a one of your many toys like popping up on on social media again now the song's stuck in my head thanks the song could you in St go modist Revenant oh [ __ ] I don't have enough parkour velocity I feel slow if you do a solo deathless Revenant level cap we'll start talking about it stop talking about it okay I could do that actually how would I do that next stream is that a deal CU bro just like hitting [ __ ] why are there so much voer voer vo Papa left some bad things behind that books one of them uh can ca do for um it depends because if you're talking about level cap I think he could believe it or not I think he could I truly believe with enough casting speed and a serious amount of energy sustain cover could go level C like you need to be able to do the casting animation of your two so fast that you need to survive a 0.5 second gate I think it could be done solo absolutely not I'm sorry like I would love I would I would love to say yes but but it's just it's just not possible as much as there's no no way as you can do it maybe you could let's just over guard you know it gets real tough later on when you when you hit like over 3K 2K even it starts to one enemy will rip rip to your 20K over God like it's absolutely nothing so basically you'd have to cost per hit you get hit once cost rely on rolling guard to keep you alive uh scii I'll check it out after the Stream oh sarin Vault Mirage level cap iable sarin okay in theory 95% of the 98% of the frames can go to level cap right they're in theory all doable it just depends on how much investment and how comfortable they are I think sarin and Vault could do it but that's pushing it Mirage ooh don't know about that one um SAR sar's they all gross Canon frames that's the problem wait what the harass Uber is there like a Discord server people advertise runs I think there is but I don't know what it's called oh I want to actually attempt zaku he's a frame that I actually enjoy but I don't know much about him and I never done a level cap of him them out the concept of kill them before they kill you doesn't really work yes for non invisible frames that concept for invisible frames works the best because they obviously don't see you um hello Striker okay I'll sorry zaku just just zaku how do I feel about hydroid prime hydroid is a stupid weapons platform right now like ridiculous how good he is I in terms of the damage output he does especially when adding research with his abilities I I'm so tempted to say s but he can be quite squishy when not played correctly yeah we not this is from my experience I might be very wrong I haven't played him much since the Rew I I put him like A+ a a tier because he's he's really good compared to where he was before um and also the simple fact you can apply corrosive plus extra corrosive damage put two green shards you got permanent armor stripping uh you have status Clans but I do not like the mechanics of title surge it is called title surge his third ability right I I hate the mechanics of it but if you get around that it's not it's not bad the best weapons to bring in vo with lowkey any any of your normal weapons you'd run he works with in in real you know the usual level cap weapons your inar weapons um things like that that applies to pretty much every frame if you think about it only a few frames with certain synergies and whatever will like you know you change out the weapon Ash fenmore is a good example but even then I still like to use ash focks now to be honest you're in grab and go sou for Ambush off please please please please what you got when you get back here guys I've been struggling to drink my protein shake is there anyone in the chat here that like has the same experience where you just struggle to drink your protein shake okay next time just like the taste it's like thick it makes me feel sick oh it's so bad makes feels so sick off the drink here what armor ship would you say is the best in the game entirely situational um but I would say it's between terrify th strike and foric strike m incarn is a very good gun oh melee cresendo oh hello give me one moment right yes apologies is there something you require come on Lloyd's been less C Li don't want to tell you your business oh TZ I I eat about three chicken breasts the day I eat chicken and rice and vegetables and I have a protein shake on top of it it brings me to a round L with breakfast and everything I think I'm hitting close to 150 to 160 G even a bit more depends what I eat of protein isn't it 2.1 times your your body weight that you should eat protein I'm like 90 kg now so I've dropped four kilg three three kilg sorry man's getting swall is I'm going to be that that that SW SW I need to call myself a swall frame nice SW Warframe player bro yes that is so true Maurice oh my word it tastes great the first time your first ever protein shake of anything you buy tastes great but then when you drink it after the second day you like yeah second day third day and after you had it like each day it's just I'm literally just struggling to drink this I'm trying my best bro hilin wait what hilin is probably like actually how much would warframes wear if they were you know it's a protein soda that tastes amazing I don't think in South Africa we have that I very much so doubt that South Africa has a protein way that's like protein soda I would drink that [ __ ] if it tastes good a couple of tons probably what flavor it's like uh chocolate biscuit or something I know I'm going to get another one it tastes like [ __ ] I'm 65 kg s trying to gain 75 bro liquid calories if you have a high metabolism liquid calories is the way take a protein shake put some oats in put some peanut butter banana yogurt blend that [ __ ] up pop back you'll get easy 1K calories and just liquid eat food good to go no considered helping with the pigments no I I don't just respectfully don't think I will because I've got too much of my play to worry about pigments bro is born con and worth it um I don't particular sorry my voice nice I don't particularly like the born con um wait do they really weigh like tons hello King I well in you in in in all fness when it comes to the whole clan thing right you can even go and find the clip from the beginning streams which I've taken down so you can't actually find it but I'm not going to go and try and find it I cuz when you guys asked me for a clan I said go for it but I can't manage it like I just I I I I don't have the time to build an entire Clan grind everything make videos edit full different things and just have a life I can't do it sorry I just yeah so I'm not saying that I'll never help or whatever if I ever land up doing things I will yeah you showing me a cover Bol show after this oh [ __ ] that's down that quick holy crap okay I've already maxed out all my mods bro or all the necessary ones I mean you take two protein shakes a day that's like 100 gr of protein and protein shakes that's pretty bad isn't it byebye sori where your luck bro eats about 2.5 to 3 G per kilogram of body weight holy crap I thought it was like 2.1 H David don't face away from me buling right now so it's TI okay let's keep going he you got that are reinfor the until them hands up tied I'm glad you enjoyed them dve but I'm confused why is the necrom blue is it zaku that's doing this singing Famous by Kanye for no reason I don't know how that song goes I wish I could I wish I knew hello shock oh let me take another swing of part check the things we do to our bodies just to look good eh so much bloody work put our bodies to pain and suffering just just so we can say hey look at my musas oh I am out of do you think a wh pillage build will be good enough to go yes definitely absolutely as much as I am on my anti- whis crusade uh yeah she's a perfect frame to go start Steel part not go wrong with whis bro is zaku just press one button and every single Freight around you guyses not what I was hoping for sad that we can't buy skins IRL rude very true I don't have a favorite Warframe I get asked this question a lot I I don't have a favorite uh I just play whatever I have a few favorites mag [Music] satr um Finly enough I enjoyed limbo but not my favorite people have been asking for this build what is the bul one second chat [Music] breast bre what the I said I said breast sorry best CR control uh that's a great question best crowd control honestly mag with her third augment her fourth ability her two pulling enemies in and a subsume disgusting low key not a single thing will touch you if you play his abilities right one of the best GL STS the 2023 beginners guides are the same for 2024 I actually need to go I need to go back and change the titles to 2024 which means I have to go back to like 50 plus videos yeah I'm going to so some of the videos I'm going to change is 2024 because it's the exact same thing but there are videos this year that I want to redo updated the guides for 2024 so I'm considering redoing the idolon guide because my word do I still get comments to this day saying this is not a beginnner guide this is very very difficult as an m 3 player I thought this was a beginner's guide whereas in the first 10 seconds of the video I go this is a guide that is meant for mid to late game players but no people see beginner and they read one thing one thing in one thing out that's it um bra great CR control too that's funny as [ __ ] uh are you going to take Zep to level cap eventually yes yeah I will definitely um what's another great crowd control I don't know not too sure anyway uh let me just go because never is away with me yes my musers are getting bigger what you need why why is that option still there to this day why why do I always mclick the freaking dialogue option sometimes it looks like Papa's vessel is sinking in like quicksand no I'll do a void gu level C disruption is too easy I hope you can control it hour y station I'm off to see the wizard the wonderful Wizard of us I think wz kind of ruined me she's my first friend everything else seems kind of mid compared realistically right okay okay check just just just chat chat don't don't pull out the the guns at me that's just a genuine question right genuine that I'm I'm raising the the the white flag of surrender here besides the assets that wisp has acquired besides the assets what is it about whis wisps kit that everyone seems to love like like what is it is it just because she's a frame that is it's quite simple you know you don't really die much at lower level not lower level but you know oh yeah lower level base content you just throw down three Moes and then everything you know you won't die cuz personally like if you want to play support Striker I'm okay I don't you know I don't too much on about it but you know like cine dude I'm telling you sat's a better support promise you just give it a try I don't know I don't know why I'm just I think I just don't like it when people play one thing in the game where there's so many options and they don't change you know what I mean they just sit rigid because someone told them one day hey play it's a really great frame yes of course functionally she works really well I'm not disputing that for a second sorry branded moment but like I don't know you have options bro warframe's a Sandbox game theoretically have fun God damn it don't play the same three frames all the time ever since I switched from playing like meta to just having fun oh dude warframe's been so much better for me I haven't felt the burnout that I used to feel I haven't been bored I actually enjoy loading up Warframe and just playing around with a random ass weapon building it or frame was spe designed to play onehanded no no of course I know whsp supports is especially RAW support is really good I'm not disputing that I'm not saying she's a bad frame I'm just saying it's like if I load up a public Lobby I can guarantee you there's going to be a COR whisp Revenant you get the odd few that are there but you know why you play no kova is just my runaround friend and also kov is one of my like favorite frames not necessarily cuz someone told me to play him or you know meta and I'm chasing met KN I've always liked cova's kit from the start his his third ability is one of my favorite abilities in the game Collective curse if that was his sub can't imagine how broken frames would be if if Collective curse was his subsume uh yes there's profit taker which in my opinion is a lot better less boring and it works out faster than index I think to some degree or you can mid Max index to be fair um profit tag is better cuz you earn Platinum while running credits however there is more setup yo I home RO Advance because I'm I want to aror sh I'm not playing melee I have a I have a melee B for clever actually I hate when the warden like wait who said you must assume Collective curse no ways yeah I I definitely think profit taker is worth it um besides like I said the critical Focus mod you farm is I think SS like 10 15 PL each and also you get radiant relics which you can then keep running I mean each are their own right that's how Warframe is designed no one's actually right one of those games whenever a game gives you more freedom than it should right there's no linear PA there's no this is one way how it should be played whenever a game does that you're going to get people in the community that just just think they know better you can't escape it you're going to have people arguing about this that I mean I've seen in Project zomboid I've seen it in Warframe I've seen it in uh where just where's another game that I could think of now but I've seen it but main the two ones that I'm basing off as Warframe and project ZB it's funny to see oh you're in grab and go can't wait to see what you got when you no is right but you can't be more wrong yeah of course definitely a framework but nothing about all okay next time Ash solo you guys are so boring you can do that with no sweat you talking voy Cascade or disruption cuz I'd beg to differ if it's void Cascade if it's disruption yeah it's very easy oh okay ra sh's not bad should be male H it's male advising people to do it it's bad advice K that's you guys are right right that that's why I do the the one disclaimer that relieves me all of eight remember I'm just the guideline you can pay the game how you want always works bro the client side sh can can be unreliable yeah that is true those defenses will see as easy easy see the importance of find a good team at level cap is so unlikely yeah unfortunately it's tough bro it's because it's a the majority of the player base doesn't want to go through all the work to go a level cap so to find the people that want to do it is very few I mean there's a few in the community but like I said to get people all on at the same time who are down to sit for an hour 15 minutes and grind it's not easy um but I just I just do solo level cast for fun know see you TZ um Wukong is really worth getting in star chart if you're new to the game absolutely and if you're doing steel parts maybe Bas steel parts and spy missions he's really good for that when you start getting to late game I I think personally just in my opinion there are better options out there but he's he's great for normal content not scaling and things like that just you know day-to-day missions wild Walker everywhere get 1,500 armor smack enemies with a stick a stick and have a twin that does a relatively decent amount of damage he's not a bad frame he's just not great there's better options once you start scaling Wukong and vo is dead I would never oh yeah pacity I got 1K what is wise way to spend it what M are you if you're a lowo player get your necessary mods get some prime frames get some you know things that you need former catalyst things like that no it's not important to reach level cap at all no no no no like I said there's no reason to go to level C there's absolutely no reason the only reason is okay I'd argue vus gate is a bit different if I'm Min maxing and I want to go to level cap for more arcanes then that's a different story cuz if you have a mod chance booster more thrax will spawn that's the only instance where I'd say going to level cap is worth your time outside of that I it's just a Pat in the back hey cool I went to level cap with this load out notice me please you know there just there's no real reason Mr 17 okay so you're not bad I get I'd say get some necessary mods that You' be needing get some prime frames you wanted and yeah save like 100 200 for some fashion cuz who doesn't want to do fashion you know 4K St in a level cap yeah yeah there's no need to literally no need to I only do it because I am at a point in Warframe where I couldn't like nothing really you know I don't need to grind anything yeah sure I can get to All 4 but I'm in no rush to do that and I like doing somewhat challenging content so putting myself at a disadvantage and going to level cap with either weird load out lots of weird frames it's fun it's fun to me pigments in the corner y I should probably try the go no it's not possible GL no throw it's not possible glaves Thrive with being thrown in explos explo explosion exploded I can't speed what's Happ okay one more swing of the proten check I'm almost done oh I'm glad you like it tendo one of my favorite actually my favorite bu Mor energize missions G nothing beats it it's too much fun do you think Rog graet everything in Warframe could work if mix with high difficulty like to be eh I don't know Warframe does need a better end game just a been a problem forever to me the one of the biggest issues with Warframe is the is the you trying to find a gap to bring people over into the end game in a fluid motion let me explain so one of the I mean this is just my experience I might be very wrong but if you guys agree with me let me know the the cycle of a Warframe uh player is you find Warframe you got holy crap this game's been around for so long there's so much content I don't even know what to do I feel overwhelmed okay let's start watching YouTube videos you go you watch YouTube videos you make a frame you look up the Wikipedia about 800 times a day on the smallest question you play play play play play because it's a new game with so much content you grind grind for like few hundred hours 300 whatever and then you go then you hit a St me it's like okay grinded so much now I'm kind of bored I'm burnt out you stop playing Warframe you disappear for 2 years 3 years 1 year 6 months whatever the time frame is you see a new update in Warframe and go oh here comes the itch Again download Warframe so Warframe always has that that hook on you in the sense and then you you grind grind grind grind and then rinse and repeat you take a break right it's exactly what happens cuz you get that itch you grind the [ __ ] out of the game you get burnt out you get bored you go disappear for a few months or year if de can figure out a way to incentivize incentiv incentivize orent incentivize that's the word sorry rain dead moment if they can find a way to incentivize end game like say like design a system where if a player's mr1 they're like holy crap I need to get higher Mr I need to get to this point because it's so profitable it's so worth my time getting to that point and they make the and and they and they make the the Gap the bridge more smoother to get to that point then I feel like the the retention of players and whatever is you know it's it's they keep more players in that way come on like do you understand where I'm coming from are we head out then oh we're done that just soles thank you nebulas for the runs so if D can figure out a way to sort out getting players to the end game quicker right while increasing the end game content making it extremely profitable the problem is is what is the it's like this is the attitude of most people who have hit the end game right I'm so my people that don't do level cap it's it's like why do I have to sit for 2 3 hours 4 hours in a level cap run what's the point it's a waste of my time there's no need to go to level cap I'm not I'm not saying that they must the end game content must be level cap but it's like there are a lot of things in Warframe when you get to a certain point where it's like d what's the point I don't need why must I sit for hours and grind there's only a select few who would actually enjoy that and want to put the time in but if they can just some I know it's a lot to ask it's not like you know easy to just say it's so easy to say I'll do this but Chan of them just easily implementing it is very difficult I don't know I think I think Warframe needs somewhat of a in in the future needs somewhat of a redesign of of the you know like uh the systems and and how it works I they are working on on the the early game content which is important um you can only do one thing at a time the early game is important but it's just you know I wish they even thinking about it de has no idea how to attain players it's I don't know it's a struggle it's like it's difficult I'd love to see Warframe with a redesign in game dude I think I think Warframe would be one of the biggest MMOs it's it is very big still it's very big game but I genuinely think if they can work on the retention and changing systems even if it's Band-Aid systems dude if you imagine you had void Cascade but five times and profitable so I'm just this is this is a bizarre example right imagine if every single node on the on the um oh sorry sector in the star chart uh imagine they had like node like void Cascade where it was super profitable worth it for what you get in that in the node so let's say Earth drops certain things that are super rare or what would be even cooler as an example is they have different types of game modes I love brainstorm it's my favorite thing ever obviously it's just wishful thinking so let's say damos drops uh certain mods uh like rare mods or certain parts for certain things they they implemented a game with one node in each of these areas damos Mars cver Fortress Aris whatever and it's a steel pass node that is you have to have unlocked everything right you have to make sure you've unlocked every single node in star chart and steel path and then you you have um this note that you grind it it's a completely different game mode it's not like an exterminate for example and in there as you start grinding and it's an endless game mode you get a chance to drop anything in everything that comes on the Node I'm calling this a node sorry the sector I'm going to say sector so let's say if there's a rare mod that comes from the cambon drift there's a Warframe part from assassination there is um another rare mod from here all these other nodes or different things you get it all in this one node by grinding it yeah it could get repetitive but it's diff you know it's so it's so difficult dude it's just this is just brainstorming ideas but but something as simple as a ban a like that high future Josh flows add is going crazy with his idea generation it's called passion bro I'm telling you like playing this game for 3,600 hours I've I've in in the grand scheme of things there's people that have played this game for even longer I've only played this game for almost two years technically I'm I'm new in the whole Warframe scene in terms of content CR has been around for way longer but genuinely just want to see Warframe it's weird um not weird sorry I'm just saying it's it's it's crazy that you know like gilded notes but exactly Tim that's actually not a bad idea like um guilded notes is actually a great way to describe it extreme end game those that requireed tons of prep and are rotating that's a great way to describe it you thanks man hello King I'm glad you enjoy it wh enjoy enough Ultra competitiveness is somewhat good for games like these I suppose this I just I feel like there's there's so much that de could do with the end game but I understand that their focus is somewhere else I know this is a big ask right but what if they just this is an Ideal World if they somehow made a team to just focus on end game how nice would that be we wouldn't get as frequent updates but there's someone at least we know okay they're actually working on end game and they're working on on beginners and they're working on the mid game as well to bridge the gap between early and late game you know that'd be great okay I'm yapping like I went to Yap for bro let's let's actually do what what you guys came for let's actually do what you guys came for oh my word this 252 of you hello All of You Beautiful People I hope you're all having a great day de is a small company how big is De actually on a serious note I I genuinely believe if they somehow could afford to get a team to focus on the end game I believe it would increase the retention cuz like I've said there's no there's no incentive to go to late game most people get to mr17 and go damn now what you know they they kind of they kind of just get to Mid game Mr 17 16 to 20 and it's there's there's a large amount of people that just burn and get bored they don't play there's only a select few is AAL the volumes low guys am I low to you guys I need to turn myself louder I've been watching you since I was m 3 that's crazy actually holy crap Dosh thank you for the 10 bro thank you for the 10 gifted I really appreciate it don't spoiling me I being spoiled D is crazy anyway yes thank you J is 100 yeah that's true that's true first stream as in first stream as in that you're joining welcome welcome I hope you enjoy this day you're about to watch some absolute Tomy okay now chat I am going to run my usual Ash setup I'm thinking should I go wait is a corpus please don't tell me it's Corpus please don't tell me it's Corpus [ __ ] I was yapping too much it went over to Corpus crap uh M I'm doing my little cap I don't care you want to try dual toxic Ash Run part of me wants to or part is like nah I love how you interact with chat thank you actually means a lot I try I try my best to read every message even if it means I die five times a second but it's fine I I I prefer being distracted in a game to engage with the chat it's more fun that way you know better no Josh you have been you have blessed me in yeah just you have bless me so much dude thank you genuinely you are a blessing thank you so much um forever grateful it makes me think if I take off vital oh no I'm only going to get gas no I'll take I'll take on viral for when I'm dealing with TRS Corpus should be good uh I'll do kuenle sorata speaking about sarata I want to actually get a decent I have a s but I need a a decent serata ribbon give me give me one second chat just just give me one second internal conflict what how about zedo uh as a primary primer yes all right boys I started drinking the energy drink this is where [ __ ] goes down I do apologize once the caffeine hits my system it's all from there hro it's very nice dude very very nice uh Arch Midian y yeah energ do have that effect Rover that is true pathis was M influence oh I've heard that that thing is kind of f it's it all reconstruction of the p is possible really I'll see you damn that's crazy first Blood consist of 99% true very true indeed boundary that's the wrong it's it's the mod section um brain serata I've only got 73k I need crit shs crit damage only two stats I want or initial combo crit chance crit damage initial combo no no no I want red crit I want to enjoy red crits damn it you I get it game please if you're listening to me I beg you prove shock wrong please please I beg I beg brother I'm on my knees oh s roll s r range heavy attack efficien experience animal do not eat that skin painted red with yellow details and it's a Flash and cornner true actually didn't think about that wow status duration wow minus crit damage I mean 100% crit damage is pretty huge but I want crit Sean crit damage just because why not brother you know what I mean bro please bless me please B no I wasn't focusing I clicked the wrong one I just did I just just just did I mean it's like it's a dead roll so I'm just going to keep rolling it oh that's a that's not bad that's uh I'll do I'll do crit down I'll do I'll do CR down it no yeah it's kind of bad but the Corpus killer isn't it 144% if I needed last roll en ay damn it's tough out here guess you're not using a ribon is your mod collection in order no it's not no I am not equipped to feel Envy hello Exile kind of stalling it change I was hoping it it would change to uh the grineer okay now I can run mad though which is kind of huge show us s real quick speaking about that I could in theory uh uh should I go M now that I think about it no I can't step on infant okay be right back chat you know what I'm actually going to run this in Solo every single time I've always forgotten to do that okay I got to disconnect my earphones for a second all right I'm ready let us begin gentlemen how many hours do I Edge a day what question is that do I have everything do I have to WR both yes yes how many EXO you running 107 yes the plan is to do a level cap run deathless wait there is one key ingredient we forgot gentlemen mhm mhm okay I see I see my heart says go park velocity but my heart says go casting speed because the fost I gr into invisible the quicker I don't die you do you guys get you guys catch my drift all right I am now truly ready let's do this caffeine flowing through my system boys okay let this all right death this Sol devil C let's go have triggered the deployment of possessed ex deployed all together they will cause inant void Cas I can Stagg theiry you to I have no energy I have no energyin look how fast I go invisible bro it's so quick vo Cascade steam void Cascade losing steam uh the next one should one here if that's the first one yep that was right loc I love Z's whisper in that regard cuz you can throw down your glaive and it can just spin around and constantly hit them from multiple hits the next one's going to spawn here no I think I could get away with Downs it's it's impossible that I don't get down cuz even on the lowy I mean you saw that even when I did the the lowkey death list any day now any day for something there just any incarnate form you know what I mean oh I realize this going to be a problem spent exer has been retired Hing drift what's cutting drift for it doesn't cutting driff give you par velocity wait is the next exer here pretty sure it is hey it I should be able to get that exer before look at that speed speed I am [Music] speed the fun fact if I take any damage from operator it procs uh Arcane agility AED ex it while you still can did I not get all yeah that's going to kill me 100% surprised that ex hasn't been taken over yet it should get taken soon the flashing red no it's not damn okay excent I don't want range I just want parkour velocity dude I'm obsessed oh gamble sorry my brain my my game just my monitor's flickering thank you for the 10 gift bro I'm get spoiled oh mice thank you so much gbo I appreciate it bro en supp M [ __ ] on the freaking uh what's nam I just want to do something real quick where's the switch to operator oh remove that no how do I remove it why does it why does it do that could do that oh no what did I just undo okay there you go all right en let me try now there we go perfect am i b you like f a TV Dude quite upsetting thank you so much gamb I really appreciate it what should I learn if I want to editing the oh what what should you learn um Premier Pro is what I use and honestly just the best thing to do is just watch I'm not even lying dude guides after guides after guides understand the basic tools once you understand the basic tools it it will come to you you can design your own presets you can buy presets from other people but it's important that you understand the basic tools though [Music] spent exer has been retired have you guys ever had blood orange I'm drinking an energy drink was blood orange flavor and it tastes really good it's about to aome sure oh wait hold up it's going to be the next room oh bro we ain't vampires is this a to P the same one into the bit yes it is the same one instantly launches a glaive and enhances it you want to enhance the glaive even further nuh backs Rox the dooodle I've come to take your home and now speak for yourself some of us all the time on that's perfect 330 M away wait 330 M away the order of exal spawns are very weird see what you make of this apparently the m is just too strong D it's just too strong okay bro the Invincible be careful we have no idea what it could manifest Tor it hello torment love the V thank you so much man appreciate it ex what is here oh oh I'm so GL chose m not be asked to deal with freaking nullifier bubbles how does Ash work again invisible throw down little shuriken that armor strips with the augment uh teleport and clones that do uhuh what the those projectiles were like oh I got to run a few hundred met he's got clones that do big boy damage how long does it take to get to level cap with a group on this game mode you're looking at hour 15 hour 10 solo but an hour 24 okay I need to figure out a way dude what are these spawns this is why is the order so weird please don't take it please don't make me run all that way a he took it oh bastard Purge it before makes contamination worse there's 4 seconds on that freaking thing ex perance to system full exer SP the void has manifested something a night hit me hit me [Music] me Aqua veloc is a bit too much there I don't think I killed that th did I kill it oh I did have I got around to watching theout yet no sadly not do you think Gia plus pillage can reach level cap no G is very squishy maybe with enough costing speed I don't know but there's going to become a point where you're literally just going to have to be spamming pillage maybe a corpus cap I I think about it down in EXC working on backups wait there's a TRX here just an ex to possession get it back hello Remy exer spent be mortgages a theor settlement of the prup bro I don't love parkour velocity that much it depends how you look at it right ex has I your game gas sliding oh that's funny why you so Speedy I'm dead dead about to fail my freaking deathless run uh I'm using parkour velocity which is very important especially for I'm doing a level cap with melees you see here's the thing that I've noticed when I've tried to do so I've used the deal equals a bit and I found that when you're melee you tend to actually die fight a lot especially when you're not able to cost abilities while locked in an animation of meleeing multiple times um so that's why glaes are the best when it comes to level C cuz it's a fast throw D and move on and you just kill the whole bunch of enemies what the so see that I just killed a whole bunch of enemies that was weird no no no no no no okay just get knocked down I just realized I'm going I'm going to I have your salary technically I'm going to level cap with this meter chat I'm going to level cap with this meter no one said anything else I blame you guys it's all your fault keep any Ro away from that ex until it discharges Cascade in the but enemy Bounty secured going to oh no I'm going have to run all their back me damage me damage me you makes contamination worse where's the where is the sto ah it's in the vault bro that ain't that ain't coming out know it's an ancient relic of the past must keep it safe I take it out for a spin it's it might break you know you don't you don't want to you don't mess up the legendary s do you you know what I mean has oh you going to make me oh it's only 13 5 m never mind hello monstero I'm getting like knocked around you what is going on here breakfast sorry it just it just came into my head and I had I had to say it you know sometimes you just get that itch every once once a year that that Meme pops into someone's head with the m of gaslighting ourselves nice that's a large group of enemies damage me damage me thank here give me that parkour velocity brother is it possible to do level cap with the Excalibur yes void Cascade not to my knowledge abilities get to cast faster you get a shuriken everyone gets a shuriken all of you get shurikens wait what what's giv you the par velocity uh Aron agility Aron Arcane agility and archon shards we down exer working on backups so because I'm an invisible frame it's not optimal to run a Arcane that procs on damage so if you hop into your operator get damage for like a second it procs Arcane agility so another plan so you'll see here now I have it proed on the top right [Applause] exer SP I'm at I'm at pretty good time 26 xiz in 21 minutes that's yeah not bad time put it that way for Sol you usually buy a wa mod chance form like bar daily mission uh you can't buy mod chance boosters you can only get them through circuit and Barrow uh I'm not using a m chance booster now for this one but usually I just wait for someone who has one and just keep running void uh void Cascade SP exer has reti yes easy legatus yes how do I get your tenno weapon uh you mean the operator Weapon It's just amps uh I don't want to spoil it for you if you don't have amps just follow the quest line we going to get the booster bro uh you can only get a mod chance booster through sties Aron hunts and circuit and bar yeah this week I got two Affinity boosters in my circuit Rewards like why I don't need Affinity yet I'm actually not one shot oh I see a large group of enemies you know what that means s p Judy pan definitely how do I get girls Mr Warframe flow easy trust me this is Elite advice when it comes to woman right just just you better you better buckle up put a seat belt on cuz this is this is going to blow you away right when you go out right make sure to do at least 10 20 push-ups before you go out and go and touch cross right then what you want to do is you want to walk up to a go okay listen care for this is where get very important right very very important going walk up to a goal get on all fours and just start barking bro just just bark promise you works every time trust me telling you boys write that down right that [Laughter] down wait that escalated quickly cop got caught the last time I did that no but you didn't do it right bro it's how you deliver it's how you deliver trust me all about how you do it you know what I mean I'm going try out of my go right now okay on a serious note though genuinely okay okay serious not serious not on a serious not I'm not I'm not the biggest Riz Master right I don't I'm not I'm not the Riz Lord 101 but but if I do have one or two drinks to me or if you're underage don't have drinks please anyone watching the chat if you're underage um ignore that part but in general the best genuinely one of the best things that has worked for me in the past I'm not saying I go up to every goal I see or whatever but just talk to them like a human being that always works don't go in with the mind you know of whatever like whatever your intentions are just go in talk to them like a human being best thing to do is ask questions people love talking about themselves ask a simple question whatever they answers you follow on from that and it it usually just works into a full-on conversation and then it will unfold it's the easiest way to talk ask them a couple questions lead the conversation on be genuinely interested and yeah which Focus using M cuz usually when you just talk to them normally they kind of get surprised not surprised but it's like okay you know um and then you just see where the conversation if it if it starts to you know you can see the there's some chemistry you do the the Casual Switcheroo of numbero and then and then you you're good to go bro you got you you got your foot in the door get it back don't try to get girls shooting at home people yeah exactly it really does work don't put them on a pedestal don't do all that Jaz just talk to them normally you know the exin down used to say interested is interesting honestly that's good advice what if you behave like a dog but meow at the end there's no hope for you I'm saying enem your that's not Alpha like of you bro Sol level cap is so much work so much micro ex Suge it contamination worse ex back the ex performance clear them out to get the system working full Ste you need to be an alpha bro you need to show that you're masculine bro trust me dude got to go to the gym get big get big musas she like youo so your call your Al please don't do that please don't do that I beg of you buy me a puppy and I'll love you forever Prett sure that's the way to any woman's heart or a kitten okay question kitten or puppy let's go now you sound like a Bo there we go I I don't I don't have fast it's quite slow oh I'm I'm void [Music] singing okay whoa I'm about to die I'm about to die I'm about to die I am perfectly calm and relax puppy puppies are cute right but he me out I love I love dogs make no mistake miniature D's best breed in the world don't don't don't don't even try and argue with me miniature D miniature long hair DS best breed in the world okay yo I'm like again a ball hair away from dying I am I am ex I'm walking on ice I am skating brother I'm actually doing okay chinella okay chinell are kind of cute I've seen the mes where the one like does like a puts up his fingers it's really cute really sweet dogs are superior to cats though it's so difficult cuz I love both it's hard for me to say they both have their pros and cons cats although a lot less maintenance they bury their own [ __ ] they clean themselves you just have to put sh out they might attack you every now and then for love but otherwise for the most part they just sleep hello B this a meal I'm like getting oh we just lost an exer to possession get it back Cascade intensify come on come onell is it UD yeah hello mean the always get you can hand yeah they just hold it it's so [Applause] cute yeah chinchillas are quite cute actually Ro sorry I I want to read your messages but I'm a little bit uh preoccupied and now we're looking at three shots per hit that's for conditional love that glaive spin The Spar spin that they have so so strong EXs just grab aasal Table Mountain and give it to it see monster thanks for CH bro is Ash sa a BC or D TI in my tier list I put him a I don't think he's s tier he a very capable frame um that difficult yeah I'd say a I wouldn't put him s because in theory he does need a little bit of a rework no no no has reti oh thank goodness I see you where do you think you're going Mister [Music] peekaboo CRA hold up sorry my wrists I don't know what I think it's from Jim I did back of biceps today and I worked forarms my wrists are killing me I need like two minute break boys oh watch your stream on f for couver ogis doing it for 2 hours did you get the combination wrong um hello Raven I'm going to wait hold up I asked a question thanks for the great advice to truple I don't know truple are you still watching the stream if you are did you say thanks to the great advice for The Barking or the actual advice damn we get advice on how to your gos while level capping that's that's true did we getting life advice uh yeah s the the might and con is very good okay people are saying Doggers more than cats puppies who here owns a long head or just a Das by any means you know you get dapple long head short head wirehead cats on domestic violence enjoy his conclusion been binging your stuff a lot I'm glad you enjoy it bro thanks should I do the div Paradox in one go or should I play it while playing the Warframe PA I play along I do circuit I definitely think do circuit don't Focus too much on dveri itself for now um maybe you could pick up some of the DI melees they're really decent but I think circuit is where circuit is the such a prime prime prime prime thing to do as as a early game player because you get free frames in quotation marks free that would otherwise take you really long to fall uh why not fair loocks I was going to use the fair loocks but i i i y I chose the miter because of the neutralizing Justice or which deletes the bubbles cuz when those start stacking up an overlapping if I don't have a way to instantly remove them I'll die cuz then I can't go invisible see you Striker enjoy man you own a Pomeranian what remember you can get banned for pausing not for long though I mean not for like short though make as just kill everything the MTH for Zero Energy also give God mode yes great um is your a177 um no it's the 147 watching you do these runs is insane to me knowing the tempo and movement needed I just started playing again a few weeks ago taking a year and a half wait did you say Tempo just just long shot do you play golf by any youh has Play Golf N Fire joins a fixed amount of HP I actually don't that's a great question I don't really know the mechanics of the NF fire drones but honestly it comes with practice with the the movement needed and everything uh okay one of the exercis is getting taken over to be honest I've done so many voy Cascade runs especially recently with making the guide and everything and my random surge of you know my obsession for vo Cascade has grown since Arcane dissolution you play golf nice me too so once you once you practice this game mode the cave is so broken from the 147 I love it what is the de best damage amplification helmet to me personally it's between raw and Z's whisper eclipse in an ideal world is great but it's too inconsistent istent it's it's way too inconsistent to be somewhat of a decent Dam it it's a massive damage oh you don't play golf okay cuz only I don't know i' I've only really heard the word Tempo when it comes to golf like form you know Tempo and nuh-uh oh crap yeah eclipse is going to get reworked I think we did like a voting on it I've just I'm just excited for the sticky Corners updates I'm actually going to scream without the S after that that is my favorite update by far oh crap see the thing is with Z right um it's the perfect thing to use with the MIT cuz when it goes into the bubble it just I'm I getting like I need to run 250 M damage me damage me damage me damage me any day now thank you okay did you guys see that it just went through him oh no they're busy taking X as the B I forgot how difficult solo is not difficult it's just there's so much micromanagement no no no no no no hey come here hey naughty naughty you think you can suck a soul and get back into your normal form nope oh what is going on why is there so many taxes just so many enemies yeah 147 is the OS that's correct honestly I I need I still need to change that on the freaking video uh the 147 is by far even though I said in the video the 177 is better 147 Takes the Cake by a mile yeah I'm going to grab that SP has retired this discovery might interest you now the exin field will bring the contamination level down what collection do you buy in Lloyd oh just the the uh thingy idle on one what down EX your backups hey what are you doing here but where did the other tracks go where is it [Laughter] thank you so much bro I appreciate it don't suck me you spam one week of Aran uh idon you didn't get a single energize that is just bad luck were you doing 6 by 3es or 5 by 3es four by 3es crap the flamethrower oh that's the 777 is in yeah inm's very good especially now with um the tener car update very good which is the most cringe glaive sorry sorry sorry I might thought a war in chat I swear I've gotten this excise like three times already get it back can't hit anything give me some in con form please thank you money [Music] money man a nightmare why did the message only come through now thank you Bron where's the text to speech did the text to speech not work is my Texas broken no no violence not anymore I got deleted wait did you guys did you guys uh we're all want to watch you play hold on and Paul wood was lantic we can make it happen someday wait why is the text to speech not working are you going to study a bit enjoy man thanks for Gen in this one oh wait I just died oh oh I didn't do my deathless run noin that's so depressing I so could do a deathless run oh [ __ ] I should probably get some Cascade Cascade oh crap oh crap will perance to system full Ste moneyyy oh crap we all want to watch you play hell di 2 and pal world with four there's the textas speech dude uh I think I'm having the the what's name thank you P for the donations I'm I can't armor STP ex leave for the Run oh no exes ex has reti why is there so many tracks all of a sudden ex SP this discovery might interest you but being horrified by pul is kind of hilarious but that game is a hook on me I swear someone needs to take it away from me it's so good totally not going to play it after the stream how do you die against we going to talk about how do I focus on M uh you select it under the focus schol for like a lens so you add a lens for matai it'll give you matai XP or convert some of your XP to M and then you can get XP for M and focus on that dude I I swear is out of control I like you no you bastard what how did you randomly just get did you just suck someone off in the corner this th's just what hell dude why why I don't get it that's why I hate NFI passion dud exer supressed it contamination worse should we just reset no ID hun is not useless now no not at all it's still decent I don't want to reset it's fine one death is okay if I die more than once we reset him the ex fi will bring the contamination level down I think if I do do it again it's going to be grenia down an exer working on backups spent exer has been retired what's the stratful s solo a necessity is parkour velocity because you're not going to be able to protect all of them right can I just thank you you're not going to be able to protect all the exz so getting to them as fast as possible is was going to save you see like I lost the one exal there exer there I can't you know undo that um so being fast getting to them as fast as possible isach your is running out I using four yellow shards actually two casting speed two parkour velocity okay honestly I think I can do this Solo solo that this if I use a different weapon also I was distracted by the donation don't care what you all say I was distracted by chat exed Purge it before it makes the contamination worse when is done make excuses this they do we just lost an exer to possession oh don't fall to the too busy winning are you a winner or are you a loser That's What Makes You Different brother crap I got knocked back SP exer has retired oh yes wieners wiener yeah any Daya for that AR shpping to kick through you know just just just any day enem your nuh-uh uh I just did Aron shs and I'm using AR and Agility oh dude you know what hey as an as a void Cascade Runner there's nothing more gorgeous than running into a room or into an exeler with with uh contamination wave and just grabing all the little portals with just one x one one RI wave contamination wave God what is the name of the freaking ability damn it I need a c it for any why am I getting stunned expressed it makes contamination worse any thank you yeah I was like over that not a fire bubble that Exar that'll this Cascade in the now just any reason as to why hey hold up wait a minute you should run a uh do off stream one the thing is though is when you guys say out of pocket things or add you know it adds to the the commentary you know what I mean ah nothing to see here not another death happening okay I kind of shot myself there so when when you guys add and say some out of pocket things just funny things it kind of adds to the the moments you know what I mean oh that's that's an ax bro yeah I'm getting I'm getting I am a slithery snake why are you so like in my face thank you what the hell give me just just just a little bit of incar form that's all I ask for now it's going to grab the bubble no ways no ways I'm just a beast better I'm stronger I am better I am just simply better I'm just simply the best oh come on I just grabed that exer what do you mean want to say out of pocket bit said okay not not not too bad it must be safe for work jsh I know you you can lose Cannon it's just like you know when you guys add you know what I mean if you want to get serious eyin or sink an alarm to day and night cycle yeah what I used to do when I was like practicing the 6x3 which still to this day I can't cuz you know giant skill issue is what it is um I would I would hop on do idolon hunt go off play another game for an hour and 40 minutes and just keep coming back oh that's a large group of enemies oh you don't get no more golf tips possible I'm guly now I'm a free man I can do what I want bro just just a little incarn just just just just something you know just just something I had to reload my MIT hasif any therea why is there so many no no I think it's a death here boys it's not a death I'm alive come on Roll brother roll I should actually move away from that and someone explain to you what's going on and why what's happening to the text to speech is it broken I need to check something hold up thank you Brandon By the way bro what's happening I don't understand I switch stre is like so broken besides I need a I need a little break I'll be honest my hands are killing me why do Google keep telling me that there's a new look coming to Google Chrome don't care what's happening brotion setting let's see this thing is it working oh yeah it's enabled that's very weird your life is now my property the stream started once maybe I'm not too sure all right get back to the Grind where are we going we're back we're rejuvenated we did a little pit stop ready oh no no we're not ready I take that back what I said hang on what are you doing perfect enemy bount any make make make sense I can't wait for that freaking freaking Corners update expressed it before it makes the contamination worse the exer performance clear them out to get the system working full Ste we down an exer on backups has reti misery contamination levels going in the WR dire H orange juice dude every time that portal is just like you can't catch me there we go there there we go look how many claves of flowing around that track it's 4:00 a.m. it's only like 7:00 p.m. by me uh crap crap crap oh dude I have shadows are you kidding me I didn't realized why is this Tres on my [ __ ] oh no no no no has any day now two to three business days just to get Con in form no you know what they need to work on is the crap is uh the crap is the thingies man the dude what is it brain work work compute please what do I pay you for I'm so dead I'm so alive absolutely exhilarating experience they need to fix the voids thing that's what I want to say uh in hooking on random corners and [ __ ] what I'm trying to say oh W will the contamination level [Laughter] my brain you're getting paid no why did I cross vo strike oh it just killed me it didn't kill me cuz you know why I'm a God I'm just bettering ex has reti look at that aim oh scream without yes where am I from uh South Africa as Josh is going to cue the uh the classic Josh responds to where I'm from the south side do you have any tips for doing void Cascade on a teeth um yes adopt the 2x two method it's like the way to go when it comes to void Cascade if you want to do a nice comfy little level cap without stressing at all two people on offense two people on the defense two people getting the new exz as fast as possible two people staying back and trying their best to keep the exz alive and also just pulling the ball back killing enemies in the bubble any any that's that's no we're good we're good no one stress everyone just relax don't panic s that was so bad that was really bad that was so bad oh [ __ ] another South African do you know what actually AR dead ass there's a lot of South Africans that play Warframe and also found my channel it's it's kind of funny cuz we all get so excited when we see each other you're also AFC dude I'm telling you there's so many like South Africans that watch the streams and and also just catch me on the videos it's funny little cult true DJ I know you're watching tell me that aim was good don't don't you dare don't you dare you from c town to two oh [ __ ] that's cool not known forus that's funny that's actually hilarious I do not need zor to increase my hit box that was pinpoint accuracy nothing less nothing more just just Kovac what you did you start playing Warframe uh I started in 2018 played 100 hours 300 hours sorry took a long ass break came back decided to do content on it in 20 I started YouTube 2022 me so I started just before that oh I'm definitely going to level capio boys there's no ways I'm failing this I'm just better better do some drive by Drive buys R damn R away from ex until it discharges that yeah when it comes to team play in vo it's honestly the 2 by two method and then literally just playing frames that can handle void Cascade one thing you need to remember void Cade is a very selfish game mode you have to be able to fend for yourself I mean you don't have to if you're not like Min maxing but it's really important to get a smooth run to be able to fend for yourself be able to kill Traxxas by yourself take them down by yourself cuz as a start to scale the the more you start to scale the harder they get to kill especially with overgard overgard is one of the biggest issues to take out later on in the game if you're not using Z if you are using Z I did not speak English there if you are using Z different story you can be a little bit more lenient so I need to actually do a marathon to get to this freaking exer luckily EX it was spawning here anyway the disappointed I am disappointed in you how else you supposed to say it Z how are you supposed to say it I say Z hold up I know why give me the stacks get out of your add and laugh my boys references strike D the amount of memes you're going to get me in trouble I love that Meme so much oh what the hell I just exer has been retired this Cascade is out of control I'm not expert but that seems like a large volume of enemies you've been playing for over an hour please don't forget to take a break no and yeah Octavia rev is perfect the perfect frames to play voy Cascade is Octavia rev Ash low Kei Believe It or Not uh what else after you kind of learned the game mode then you can go on playing other random frames can't go wrong with narrow dude free energy sustain all you need when you need to cast oh parkour velocity casting speed and narish or something like that to sustain your energy you're good to go with most frames [Music] so true I'm well I can hear the accent when I started to watch but never find a good uh wait never found a good to me oh yeah I'm fellow I'm I'm I'm local local Z brother my brain I actually had a brain fought reading that message I'll be very honest with you am I really that disgraceful for touching grass as a Warframe player Purge it before it makes the contamination worse spent exer has been retired our enem is your game oh it's malice oh my gosh where'd you go malice oh that was not malice that was this bloody thing over here oh dude I was actually [ __ ] myself I'm going to talk to the Future flow for a sec CP this thank you wait what do you mean what do you get for reaching level cap uh a pan on the back that's it genuinely um except for voy Cascade you get more thraxes which drop arcanes that you can solell for platinum only only game mode that's actually worth going to level cap with but other than that it's just a pan on the back there's no real reason to he's smarter than current flow that's mean um now the ex is purged any casualties you inflict within it will bring the contamination level down an your life an what an bro brain hello are you good hello low um and oh that's why Mystic you confused me you confuzzled my brain cuz you said and instead of an an hour and your life of your life gone bro I swear I'm just you're going to get me in trouble ex the vo has manifested something a nightmare I love having no energy yeah we're getting to the point now where if my MIT does not have stacks it's GG cuz that overgard getting juy real Ju see I need to touch more grass impossible I touch enough grass as is and I get scolded for it if I don't stream every single day actually no I do need to touch more grass you're right what's up I am using Z's whisper any day just just just some level of incarn oh oh oh yes no no oh wait no no there we go so now after like four to five business days now it works get it oh [ __ ] what am I do huh did I just kill that TR behind me without realizing I'll put astro turf under my desk and I'll say I touch Warframe players version of touching grass put astro turf under the desk put your feet on it violence no no violence naughty naughty please get away from me please please please I'm so sorry no why did I cost that oh no bro oh I'm dead dead I'm dead because of violence oh please please please please please please no I could definitely have done just one death screw you vience I should do a challenge that if I wins my energy goodness sakes oh no I'm so going to die your time is running out contamin no thank you [Music] yeah we're almost there boys just keep just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming keep swimming exed exer supressed no no there's no ways I die again there's just no great game love it backs enemy no ways I'm costing like this I went from a perfectly good run dying every [Music] second why am I dying casc intensify bro I know for a fact I can do death is if I really want to I don't know what's happening dude I'm just dying and no I'm not Shield gating enough that's my problem I just need to Shield gate bro I just need to Shield gate spent exer has been retired just just just just some level just whatever just ex possession that awkward moment when the the the void portals like as you shoot them they just like nuh-uh what do you think this is bro you know what I mean this Cascade is going out of control dude how I just walked away from her how is there more thoraxes I don't get it I wonder if I can go level cap so low I do have a Riven on the M yes attack will the ex performance to get the system working full Ste contamination bro I can't even sleep for like a second I'm tired grandpa has no no no no no no no please dude there's no way this losing my brain cells intensify honestly I don't get what's actually I do know what it is but I'm not focusing that's what it is running of course cherry on top bro okay torment is about to drag me again where is toor I have to go and get it I have to go and get it I have to go get it dud no energy nothing oh never mind take that back okay I made it oh hit it thank you I made it to level cap with four deaths though do I accept brother just an I was doing so well until the end I just messed up at the end infin what the where did that come from exin why is s versus GLA Prime s for Corpus uh glaive for grer level cap totally deathless run absolutely Godly down and ex I definitely feel like I can do a part of me wants to do another run now but aart me is like I'm quite tired doing two solar level caps in a row is quite draining I'm not going to lie to you I don't think I'm going to do another one nowc isach LS that was an hour and 32 minutes actually wasn't great got to bed bro no I can't go to bed I'm going to go work on The Power video no maybe do a stream tomorrow then I'm not really doing much tomorrow guys I'm not going to lie like solo level caps are tiring they're not bad but they they they're a lot of mental work but they're fun I like it it's actually work not work but insane it's like difficult it's fun when I die it's exciting I feel something I feel something I play level C solo and die so that I can feel something every Revenant player I should probably get to extraction let me grab these expp it's now leave the area while you still can never brother I leave when I want to I just realized I did not use I did not use my my Primal once I think I just did it briefly now I failed it I'm I'm I'm going to die I do beadling out oh no i c level cap that's going to be the one of the toughest level caps I've ever done if I had to do one I am scatterling out of here bro well look at least this is the first time I've done a an ash solo level cap yes it wasn't smooth it was only four deaths I say only like oh no it's not that bad it's bad purpose but hey I did a I did a solo Ash cap which is great I guess I mean now that I think about it the mag one was also four but mag is impressive though because she's not invisible do we Nar us no ways it's just it's just no ways and how how much how much stuff did I get game okay kind of made me panic as promised by the title exactly you know just casually promised um what so that's a lot of arcanes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I'm not going to count that but it's it's a decent amount of arcanes 28 steel Essence THX plasms roate LS sure I can show bols I'll show the buls for everything I'll probably turn this stream into another video I'll see good night thanks vinia Mystic um so this is the Z Bo that I running and I'm using these all cont shots parkour costing parkour costing and ability duration my around this although I will say that I I genuinely believe I can do a solo deathless prer run depends it's hard to say but I think I can Corpus is tougher Corpus is more annoying that way uh so that's the what's name and then I just ran this primer I don't know about blad storm and I just use this Sant this Sant indeed and okay also another thing I was using a smer I do feel like if I was running worm I might have saved myself cuz I did die from status effects there a few times if I go back I think I die from slash or electricity one of times twice not too sure believe it or not I've actually fallen in love with unaru now because unaru is quite strong if you get downed you can armor strip or strip the shields of your Corpus or grener enemies allowing you to get back up easier so that's the upside of of a no matai you're relying solely on just hopefully taking down the shields or whatever but parkour velocity is what makes me move so fast but he I'm I'm half happy I'm 50% happy I think one of the days I will re reattempt Ash um I'd like to do like a challenge for myself where if we so we do runs right now I got to I got to level C uh and if I die once I have to reset no matter how far I could be xiz 105 and I'd have to reset so this will probably be the longest stream so my pain is your enjoyment again um so yeah oh I forgot to tell you guys I went to do I went to a this is so Random by the way this is Story Time with Flo um I went to a comedy night last night and and who of you here have been to a comedy night before cuz I want to know if this is a universal experience or is it just the one I went to because I went to this comedy night right and is how angry so this is but this is IRL talking right now this is this just I chilling I I've never you know when you go to a place and like people are doing comedy or you've heard comedy and it's just people polite laugh you know what I mean and there was some jokes that was so bad I don't have to have a joke to myself nice if any of you ever Lear up going to comedy night it depends where or who you go and see but usually it's one of four things it's Daddy Issues it's racial jokes homophobic jokes and uh what's the last one trauma dumping um that's what my friend told me and then we went there and it was like nail on the head of what he said he was like it's going to be one of those four things you know they say jokes you just like oh like it's so bad bro I don't know I was it was a weird experience going to a comedy night sorry it's just random Story Time with FL you know irall experiences this time jokes it was so bad wasn't that funny I give it like a four out of 10 three out of 10 comedy shows are a luxury I don't know like this is like I'm not too sure it's difficult to say it's like people just you know going to a random restaurant and doing a comedy show I think quite whelming story L yeah I just want to tell you guys my experience I had to vent you know should I quit Warframe and do the things I've been waiting to do yes why go to a comedy show when I exist true that is a very true statement I went lost have I done call missions IES I think you know what I just want want to see something real quick ready to kick why I go to a comedy show when flow says he'll do a death as devil C I believe I can I know dude it's crazy how the streams used to get oh it's freaking grineer like just under 100 views whatever n we peeking we peaked at 200 90 the stream which is insane to me I want to test I want to test this weapon out oh no spitting out contaminations use your Void power to purge it oh that got their attention enemy for moving to your location that's not looking good boys that's not a level cap worthy Weapon It's a Pity it's so much fun though the enemy has triggered the release of a possessed exer and on 55k Subs I know it's such a cool weapon you just you can only wish you know what I mean okay that's not bad there it is exing to possession but it's one of those it's one of them ones you know the ones where um if you don't have all of the stacks up is GG it's just a fun weapon I'd use it for like base deal PA down ex backs it kills enemies relatively decently when it stacks off not bad I thought it'd be worse actually this thing with Catrine does numbers because of the status chance as soon as you can apply all the viral Stacks it actually does a pretty decent amount of uh Slash procs with hun it's not too bad no B Bono falls off after few th000 from my experience retired do garage level cap did they not see that did they jump or is that just a glitch oh well good test there's so many challenges I can do dude it's actually crazy with Waring Mele only level cap know if I I die once I have to reset taking each frame to level cap if you guys really if you guys start to like those types of videos the one where I made recently with limbo but for different frames whatever I I really hope you guys do enjoy them because they're actually quite fun to make for me um I really enjoy making them so if you you know like if you guys enjoy them I'd really appreciate if you guys comment on those videos and leave a like on them I hate asking I really do um cuz they they're help with the algorithm and they're not the usual Warframe content so I'm hoping a lot more people you know start enjoying those videos cuz then I'll do more of them get the olden ring devil C imagine so yeah I hope you guys H I'll run a Revenant solo deathless level cap run for void Cascade next stream fine I'll do it I'll do it orice keeps a tidy ship and is therefore reluctant to allow animals on board in or experience [Music] anims but I do want to start doing some Relic running cuz yeah I haven't done relics in Forever Revenant Redemption exactly cuz I don't want you guys to get bored of just watching me do level caps unless it's what you guys want if you guys want me to do level caps and it's more enjoyable for you then by all means I'll do it may I see your s D is this one not all streams need to be level caps true the rattle guts consist of steady slam rattle GS and splat uh it's not a crazy Weapon by any means it's just really fun and yeah that's just my experience what primary is would I recommend bcks fenm burst on and [Music] conon conve believe it or not TD no actually no I wouldn't say to toet falls off slightly [Music] um Lon inar Str inar fantasma believe it or not cedo works so so natur if you pair it with mag M turn con is just chef's kiss what [Music] else yeah it's pretty much it pretty much well put together new favorite Warframe content creator thanks man I appreciate it hello Shady and make Theus proud yeah com but you're going to have to get your Stacks up with Shady I'm Sor cuz we I got I'm ending the stream now belock is the best really it's like if I had to put any weapon or if I had to recommend uh any weapon you to do a really comfortable solo level crap or just not solo sorry just a a just comfortable Rex killer fock just rain King in my opinion latron Bolt these two this one is the the the th killer more focus on there but yeah guys I am off I am off I'm going to go and eat dinner it's 8:00 I'm hungry my stomach is grumbling and I am then going to work on the power world video so I'll catch you guys soon for another stream thank you so much for watching I might I might turn the stream into video I have to see I have to see anyway goodbye everyone I love you all thank you so much for the support I will see you guys soon
Channel: WarframeFlo
Views: 26,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe live, warframe whipsers in the wall, whispers in the wall, corvex warframe, warframe dev stream, warframe update, whispers in the wall warframe, Qorvex, warframe qorvex, Grimoire warframe, Whispers in the Walls Warframe
Id: GNb2uTMknjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 19sec (11179 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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