The Queen - An Archetypal Perspective

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hi everybody i think this is going to be a bit of an unusual message for me yesterday i sat here to do an a uh a little message on my upcoming uh class which is on archetypes um your your contract personally and then with the archetypal events in the collective and how they affect you and in the middle of doing that the queen died queen elizabeth and it threw me such a curveball um that i had to stop the recording and and just i was glued to the news but as i listened to it i realized that that was exactly the type of event that i am talking about an event that happens in our world that impacts all of us because the archetype of the queen a particular archetype is so impactful that it makes its way into all of our lives it's interesting there are other countries that have queens there's queen nor of jordan and there's a queen of norway and thailand has a queen but if you said the queen everyone knows it's the queen of england and in my workshops when i did workshops on sacred contracts and i help people to identify archetypal patterns that they relate to in their lives that they feel have a governing influence many women would pick the queen and the queen that they associate that archetype with was the queen of england it was never the queen of jordan it was never the queen of norway it was never any other queen it was elizabeth she was iconic she embodied the queen archetype fully totally completely which is why this is an archetypal passage this is exactly the type of experience that the world is going to feel the impact of for quite some time because with her passing a shift in an archetypal pattern is going to happen there'll never be another queen like her ever we may have other queens but never a full embodied queen that took on the archetypal power as she did who was born royal embraced it as a young girl when she was coronated in 53 and then lived it so fully throughout every day of her life this second elizabethan reign as i'm sure it will be called the second elizabethan era saw a woman who was impeccable never gave an interview never revealed her feelings held to the parameters of that archetype so fully so impeccably and so and and then when you think of what will happen in england the currency has to change her photo has to come off the currency currency on the even on the post boxes and everything that has her initials on it generations have grown up and that's the only queen the only ruler they've ever known the only monarch they've ever known her absence is not just the absence of a person but the shift of a cosmic archetypal force how we feel this force as the years go by remains to be seen but it will be felt most certainly in the uk but i think also in the subtle ways that um people identify with archetypal patterns so often in my workshops people you know when they would choose the princess or the knight or whatever there was a real rupture when charles and diana broke up because they embodied the princess and knight archetype in a way that actually incarnated the archive archetype in front of our eyes and then dispelled its myth of a perfect romance and from that time it hasn't played out in our psyches in quite the same way in quite the same way as it did prior to that time so there was a shattering again of an archetypal myth and it may well be as i'll point out later in the class that part of the chaos of this era in which we're living is that there is archetypal transitions occurring in ways that are so subtle but so profound that we are coming to the end of certain archetypal dynamics royalty for example um we're coming to the end of the age of royalty coming to the end of the age of a monarchy in that same way and the world is shifting to a different archetypal patterning one that has holism at its core and one that has a consciousness of ecological needs at its core one that has a consciousness of the of the literally consciousness of other levels of life animals trees nature in a way that was not written into the script prior to now so there is a different which which has given rise to the archetypes of the animal whisperer for example and has [Music] given birth to archetypes like the networker and the environmentalist invite archetypes that before didn't really have a role in the common mind and the common soul and now these are becoming prominent replacing archetypal patterns that have served their use but are no longer essential to the next phase of human evolution we may well find ourselves looking at galactic archetypal patterns as we enter this age of um the galactic community that's a time for another discussion but for now i wanted to say that the absence of the queen archetype is something that even as you listen to how people are talking about her and what it means what her life meant and what england will be without her they're speaking in archetypal dynamics they're saying that she she will leave a great legacy a great all that she stood for every way that they speak about her is in incredible iconic terms and well deserved i might add i mean how many people ever would have a life like hers and that too happens when a person embodies an archetypal pattern so fully in a true destiny so i want to say you know god bless her and all that she has accomplished all that she stood for but i wanted to also point out that this is an archetypal passage of cosmic magnitude and to see it through that eye those eyes and um because these events are events we're all participating in in subtle and profound ways this this is truly a most rare time and and you know when archetypal dynamics shift it brings chaos it brings chaos before order because what do we replace things with what are the new magnetic patterns that we rely upon for stability what are the new myths and this is you know what i'll be talking about later but that there's always chaos that happens when an archetypal pattern is diminished in its potency the same thing is true in your personal life to give you an example when a parent who is used to the role of mother or father gets to that's what we now call the empty nest syndrome that archetype is no longer as animated in its fullest potential and parents often have to individuals have to scramble to engage another archetypal pattern in them to figure out well if i'm not a parent what am i what do i do now and that's what it's like to detach from an archetype that had been such a strong guiding force and engage in another pattern that becomes a governing force well i'm also creative or i also can do this or else because we so rely upon our patterns to govern our lives far more than you than we realize until it hap until the time comes when a high functioning force in our lives diminishes and then we have to engage and discover animate another force in us so this is quite a momentous time that we're living through anyway i i i hope you'll join me for my course i think it's very timely and i i do think that the study of your archetypes and how they influence the whole is about one of the most fascinating things i can offer this time and i thank you and truly blessings upon the soul of elizabeth ii she was magnificent bye everybody
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 27,691
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Id: rJ84oGSp66Y
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Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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