What is the spiritual meaning of going into the desert?

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um i would hi everybody you know how strange it is through the years to realize that your audiences in front of you are getting smaller and the ones you can't see are getting bigger that is very strange so hi to everybody who's not here and a bigger hug to everyone who's here no i don't mean yeah but i really do love being physically with people but the world's changing and part of what we're going to discuss today is the impact that's having on you in ways you don't know and how this changing theater of life that we're living in is um reaching into the structure of your very heart and soul and forming you and redirecting your life experiences because they have to be redirected so i thought i i wanted to oh where'd it go uh i would like to read something first that i think is one of those rich again this is something that judy introduced me to it's the i have long referred to the work of the dao as one of my own inner maps but this is lao tzu and the interpretation by ursula leguin which is something i was not familiar with until a few days ago and now i'm saturated in it and this is one of her interpretations the way she put a writing by lao tzu called returning to the root and her writing uh interpretation goes like this and i thought it was appropriate for where we're going on our sojourn into the desert be completely empty be perfectly serene the ten thousand things arise together in their arising is their return now they flower and flowering sink homeward returning to the root the return to the root is peace peace to accept what must be to know what endures in that knowledge is wisdom without it ruin disorder to know what endures is to be open-hearted magnanimous regal blessed following the tao the way that endures forever the body comes to its ending but there is nothing to fear i'm going to add her commentary it's very very very brief to those who will not admit mortality without a deity to validate it or spirituality of which man is not the measure that is yummy to those who will not admit mortality without a deity to validate it or spirituality of which man is not the measure that's a profound comment the firmness of lao tzu's mortality and the sweetness of his spiritual counsel must be incomprehensible or illegitimate or at the very least troubling okay that's yummy i'll put this on this side but it's so appropriate because the sojourns that we're going to take a look at have so much to do with taking people taking you all of you into uh understanding of what is a new desert what is a place that we are being that we are drawn into these days why whether you are directed or self-propelled or whether life calls you in what is the difference between an experience and a sojourn what is that what does that word mean why would i use that and not just call it um afternoons in the desert you know what is a sojourn what is the spiritual archetypal meaning of going into the desert the very beginning of the mystical charting the mystical life was with the quote desert fathers way back in the year 300 a.d those who went out to the desert jesus went out to the desert john the baptist was out of course there was only desert then it wasn't like they had real estate but but the idea that desert was mentioned as a place one goes to be in the desert it is a you know moses led his people through the desert let's face it there was no other place but desert in those days they lived in the desert however when you are dealing with scriptural language those things stand out to mean something different you can take it literally which it is but it's also meant metaphorically good said they had a good wander but they were wandering in the desert walkabouts are journeys in the bush which is a form of desert a sojourn in the heart is a walkabout in your emotional dimension you've gone for a walkabout you've been called into a walkabout so before we we even opened that door before we even opened that door i want to inflict upon you my artistry and i want to give you some visuals that i'll be referring to um because women because it's going to help it's going to help you it's going to help me position you but it's going to help you kind of get that we're not living in ordinary times anymore that we have moved on and that moving on is part very much part of why we we are compelled to spend so much time obsessed with ourselves we are obsessed with ourselves to the extent that we could call this an age of narcissism which is not an understatement it's a statement and and but we have to understand why that is what makes us creatures of the inner world whereas our elders were not this they were not they were not at all but we are so much so we can't get out we can't get out alive we simply cannot we can't stop thinking about ourselves there's nothing on the outside that interests us unless it gets us on the inside and that's a fact now it wasn't always like this but it is today and the fascinating thing is that we live in a world now in which most of the world you actually do live in is invisible the internet world the communication the idea world the world of your imagination the world of ideas where most people earn their living through the inner the idea with the transfer of information and the you communicate with people you we are addicted to a world we cannot see while residing in a world we can most of your relationships and the most intimate eighty percent of your most intimate relationships most intimate are with people you are physically nowhere near nowhere near and yet you cease to feel that distance because you are energetically constantly in union with them you are more intimate energetically than you have ever been physically and that's a fact and that's a fact so the truth is you have two worlds going simultaneously you have the world of the invisible which is actually where you dwell if one had to say to you which world you only get to choose one the world where your body is or the world where you're not where you non-physically dwell all of you would choose the non-physical because that's the one that's more real to you the one you cannot see cannot taste cannot hear cannot feel cannot see you have made the transition you are in the fourth dimension and you don't get it you actually don't get it you don't get it because your bank account's in the third dimension and that's the truth if you could figure out a way to transfer your bank account to the energetic world you'd be gone you would be good the only thing that anchors you here are finances finances security if you could figure out a way you could figure out a way to transfer that it's quite fascinating so what goes along with this believe it or not is the the types of emotional the emotional model that fits the new world this energetic we are re-scaffolding the type of emotional model we need to be in this different world because the previous emotional model the far more traditional one is not something we fit into anymore we don't fit there anymore it's too limiting it's too bound by time it's too constricted to too few relationships it's too suffocating in the way it allows emotions to be limited in their expanse we don't fit into those traditional models anymore the traditional model of marriage the traditional model of being monitoring our emotions around the needs of one primary person it doesn't work we are loath to admit that we are loathe to admit that and in all the generations after us it's going to be harder and harder and harder for that archetype it's an archetype to survive the world that is coming in spite of what one person may want no no no i can't bear to hear this it is not about what the needs of one person the collective shifts the archetype and the collective has voted and the archetype doesn't fit the evolutionary the sojourn so many people have taken into the desert of relationships are you with me here okay but there's much more that needs to be discussed here because relationships are not just about what two adults do whether they are married or in alternative partnerships or whatever is irrelevant it's also about how you relate to the planet how you relate to your friends how you relate in business all relationships come under the heading of what how you manage the content of your heart okay so here are the drawings i'd like to introduce to you how many of you have been with me before i'd see many familiar faces so let me do it the other way how many are you are new oh that's lovely okay i can't do this okay so the first drawing is one of imagination and that is a drawing of a building and i love this very simple drawing but it's very effective very effective and i use this in workshops because it makes a point and i love the point and that's that i want you to think of this building as you and that the thing about buildings is buildings never ever move and from the outside they always look the same but inside every single floor represents a different view of the world this building is surrounded by so depending on the floor that you are on in this building you will see a totally different world and you could live on the first floor of this building for 30 years of your life and never know that you live near an ocean because you have never been on a high enough floor to see that ocean so for all you know you are landlocked and then one day you managed to sneak up to the fifth floor only to realize oh my god i live near an ocean but because you are by all these all these other buildings you don't see you are incapa you you are blocked from the vision of all these other buildings and so you think that you just are living in this little tight space in a city instead of realizing you are three blocks from an ocean now as is typical of any building as you move up a floor every floor is more expensive you're going to pay more money to get a better view your neighbors change your view changes and as you move up what also changes is your relationship to the ground beneath your feet you cease to be able to touch this ground as well you don't hear the sounds anymore you can't smell the pollution in the air anymore you start craving the silence and the fresh air because the pollution doesn't hit you i remember but actually the the inspiration for this kind of using this kind of simple simple simple metaphor came from i want to visit a friend of mine who's a lawyer in new york and she has she actually does live in a penthouse in this funky old apartment building and i was i i went on the roof where they every little inch is like precious space and they put you know like they get these uh potted plants and and like every little thing is a little garden and everything and having lived on a farm for 10 years with 40 acres of land i know what a garden is but like this every little inch and you walk around these plants so don't touch my garden and anyway but i couldn't hear the sound of new york city which is a loud loud city it's a all the buildings are real real tall because you can't build out because it's an island so manhattan is long and narrow i'm sure many of you have been there so you know that the buildings are tall and tight so when someone's honking a horn it goes and the sound reverberates from one side of the street to the other so it's like being in a corridor of constant taxi noises and constant people taxi drivers who really do scream move that damn truck it's a constant cacao of noises and smells because there are no alleys in new york city i don't know if you have them in london either but they don't have them in new york so all the trash is in the streets okay which is picked up all the time but it is in the streets now in my town they'd never do that but in new york okay and it so it's done completely different so it's a very different time which which meant left an impression because when i was up in her home on the i don't remember what floor it was i couldn't hear a thing and i couldn't smell anything it was fresh here fresh air in new york city are you kidding me and i thought oh my god up here and i could see the hudson i could see the beautiful hudson river and i could see jersey and i could see and at night it was spectacular i could see the empire state building all lit up and i could it was so beautiful and i could see the george washington bridge and i could see the lights of jersey and i could see manhattan in its beauty and i love manhattan oh i love it and i could see the lights of broadway and i thought oh my god i love this town and which i do and i could but i could hear and i could all the all the negativity of manhattan was nowhere to be seen and i thought oh my god is it nice to be and i realized nobody down there would believe no wonder people pay so much to live so high and then the metaphor of it hit me no wonder people spiritually have worked so hard to become so conscious because what they do realize whatever happens in that journey of becoming so conscious to get that type of clarity that type of silence while seeing that type of beauty is worth the journey because if that's where you dwell as a result of getting all the baggage out of you on all the floors below that's worth the journey that's worth the journey because i knew that i could not afford that penthouse i hadn't worked out all my kinks and i couldn't afford to live there spiritually speaking not yet but it would be worth the journey and i made all of that it was a game changer for me that night do you understand i didn't want to live in her apartment literally but spiritually what i understood that night was a yes are you with me here okay so as i as i worked with that image for me i realized that every single uh level a person moves on is a really big challenge for us because when you when you move a level up it's going to challenge every part of you what you believe who you know how you are in relationships and all of that is managed by your heart not just your mind your heart is your mothership it's your mothership this is this is the this is your major battery and your your mind will your mind will you program your mind with all kinds of nonsense and you get away with it until your heart catches up with you and what a sojourn is is your heart catching up with you that's the best way i can put it when it's time for your heart to catch up with everything you've created that's nonsense you go on a soldier does that help you out it's it's the point at which in your life you come to a standstill because it's time to bring the rest of the pieces of your life into alignment with choices that you're making that don't coordinate with your heart i mean it's really this it's as simple as that it's like you can't get you can't get away anymore with things that you are saying that are simply not in harmony anymore it doesn't work and it may be that you don't even realize you don't even realize that what you're saying isn't right and you've got to be sent into the desert to kind of realize you've changed and you don't get it that you don't even get that you've changed or you don't get that you are living in a place where you are making choices based on what you think you should want versus who you really are versus who you really are or that you are being motivated by fear instead of what you really need so you're sent into into long periods of time alone not so you feel bad but so you find yourself and alone doesn't mean by yourself but it can mean alone in yourself so there's by yourself or those in yourself see what i'm saying it doesn't mean you necessarily wake up one morning and everyone says surprise we're leaving you but doesn't mean that you start you can start feeling very remote and for a lot of people because that feeling they're so needing to be attached to others they start panicking oh my god oh my god and they can tumble into despair when in fact if you understood those feelings and you knew how to navigate them you would stop calling it depression you would stop it and say i'm on a soldier and this is how i will handle it and if i was your spiritual director which is how i'm going to speak to you this for our next for our brief time that we have together i would say this is what you're going to go through this is how you're going to handle it and it's not going to scare you you're going to embrace it because it's a beautiful beautiful experience you're going to happen many times in your life and you are not going to hit a panic button because there's nothing to panic about when when a moment of change and power comes into your life do you have any questions about this comments anything anybody okay this is good what a quiet group yeah oh wait a minute because we're taping it i'm sorry to get you to hit a pause button but see how familiar i am with this now i've been reprimanded um i'm a bit embarrassed to ask um it's just us okay so with the flats i understand but right back at the start when you said that what's holding us in the third dimension and but we're really in the fourth is just finances i'm i'm a bit confused about that um well you won't be because i'm going to go over all of this again and slowly in slow motion but which brings me to the next one of my brilliant illustrations um because i'm gonna take you through the chakra system but from a different type of journey through them which is the journey of what what do you what do chakras need to stay healthy and vibrant never mind how you lose power how do you keep them fat and healthy um but the first your first level of first world that you live in is the world of the physical and in the first world i'm going to do this much slower so this is just you're just visiting so don't think i'm going to stay here right now but in your first world of power because you live in three worlds of power simultaneously the your first instincts you have instincts then you have a kind of inner intuition and then there's higher revelation so there's three levels of inner resources but gut instinct is driven by the need to physically survive that's the world we're all born into and that's the first world that determines how the heart works the heart works first and foremost when we're born and until we reprogram it on physical survival who's going to help me survive what do i need to do to survive survival your first mate is all about survival not higher guidance no where's my spiritual no is that guy going to make money you don't care about that survival rules and that's it and it's a madness because it's about putting a roof over your head eating clothes lots of them survival so you can have all kinds of spiritual experiences you can see an apparition you can see heaven move you could see someone part the red sea and say now do you believe there's a god now do you believe oh jeez i don't know um is there a bank account over there what about my pension it's not until that makes the leap that you'll go and that's what's true what's true do you get it now yes thank you yeah and this goes true with the heart too it's amazing that's that's it's just astonishing it's astonishing i've seen it even unto cancer even until it's just amazing it's amazing amazing the power stuff stuff things have over people yeah it seems like um there's been an increase in depression and anxiety at record rates throughout the world does this have something to do with what you were saying about the changing archetypes or what do you think is fueling this and how can we deal with it well the how can we that's a huge huge huge huge question but it's a brilliant one and it has everything to do with it so you've asked a question this is why i like this drawing i could answer it on the first floor which is yes things are changing and yes depression global depressions or i could take all of you up here and say i can give you an answer that is huge probably more accurate but it requires the participation of your imagination which one do you want i'm asking you all i'm asking for your response okay now if we go up there there's a condition and the condition is that this is how the floors work because the two-way street here the way the floors work in you in you now this is an introduction to you what makes personal development a challenge which is why moving up floors is so expensive for you is that with each floor you have to shed a part of your identity and everything about the world and your world and you here's a paradox the greatest gift you can give yourself is to become impersonal about your own personal life and no truer words were ever written impersonal and by that i mean that you realize i am a human being but there's nothing personal about being human and that's the way you start understanding your own nature all human beings are predators which means i have a predatorial instinct i am not an exception if i were to study the female body i would learn i would have discovered early on that as a female body i have a vagina that is not unique to my body all females that i would go into menstruation and then menopause which just happened okay no ha okay but it would be not unique i would not stand back and say oh my i am an exceptional female no no i would not go into high drama because something that happens to the female happened to me nothing is worse than to write yourself exceptions to the rule that's when you get yourself in trouble you are not an exception the moment you decide you are you're setting yourself up for really bad times that's why so many people are in madness they decided they are exceptions they are not part of madness is the decision that you are an exception and the insistence that you are that's number one i insist i'm extraordinary i insist upon it i insist i'm an exception to the rule really which one well that good things aren't i'm entitled to them really and exactly who was born to deliver all these good things unto you and that you should be an exception i don't understand how an illness can happen to me really really show me the papers that say your body shouldn't age because you're an exception to the rule that you have a human body that somehow or other is making the journey of life without aging show me the papers i want to see them exceptionalism is absolutely a seed for madness madness utter madness and we swallow it like kool-aid we name our kids sunshine meditation karma isn't my child exceptional no you're quite mad i'm gonna do you a favor and tell you you're mad and you are now raising a mad child because you're insisting that this child believe that it is exceptional to other children and that the rules of life the rules of life don't apply to it and then when the rules of life apply to it the child thinks something is wrong number one okay here's number two as i explain things to you the second good gift you can give yourself and i hope all of you out in the zone on the grid are paying close attention to this i would suggest that you take a break with all of us if you could do that because you don't want to miss what i'm saying who wants to miss what i say so really do you all right the more you can stop arguing and insisting that the world yield to the way you want it to be and detach from that like no no no god a god was born on december 25th i know it i know it i know it stop it there was no god born on december 25th holding a julian calendar stop it okay now one of these floors you have to stop it and you have to realize that's a nice story along with all the other nice stories but it's a story and on that floor is where you sit down and say that's a really nice story what's the truth behind it because it's a really nice story and stories like that don't last that long unless there's some kind of truth so now put the story aside i'm a big girl and tell me what the truth is i want to know the difference between illusion thank you buddha and truth what's the truth who was this man and what was he here for so i'm going to take the god out of the man let me talk about the man was he married yes why because he was a rabbi and everybody backed up you mean he really was jewish yes and all jewish men who were rabbis were married and here's part two his wife anointed his dead body prostitutes couldn't do that stray women couldn't do that fans of his couldn't do that she would have been stoned if you know jewish history you would know that only wives could touch the naked bodies of a man basic history basic history right in front of your eyes it's simple as that so it just collides with the idea of a god of a god however as you start shedding mythologies you start realizing this man was talking about laws what did jesus touch i'm here to teach laws it's in his own language laws are in the prayer of the our father laws laws you are to follow laws this is a universe coordinated by laws something you will i will deal with what did buddha say this is a universe coordinated by laws four noble truths laws they are consistent so now we say thank you teach me the laws and i don't need anything else these are high cosmic teachers that came to teach laws take charge of your consciousness they follow the laws every choice has a consequence it will attach to you forever forever now we keep going up and up and up with each floor we shed more and more about the way we thought the universe was and we become open not to the way i wanted to be because of a catholic background i'm out of the suit now i unzipped i'm not a catholic i'm not anything i simply am a soul that journeyed here and said show me the universe this is a place operated by laws laws not christian laws not buddhists laws that's it gravity has no religion cause and effect has no religion action reaction no religion no religion okay got it i want to study the laws when i add the sacred they become holy and now i learn how to heal now i got healing as soon as these laws become sacred i learned to pray they vibrate in my hand like holy water okay i'm with it as soon as i learn to activate the heart now i get the healing now i get it now is there madness at global level yes why because that information which is the ninth is now moving reshaping us why because we have shifted from living in a flat world here you are right in the center if i had asked you i was just talking with my wondrous friend penny about this at lunch if i had asked you where's your history which way is which way is your history point to your history what's your history where's your history what what where's your history tell me where your history is when you think history where is it do you behind how many you say behind you all right where's your future where okay forward how many you say forward up some of you say up okay so you say it's not in me it's in where's your history it's linear so most of you are have a linear relationship with your view with your life history is backwards futures forwards which means you live in a linear world but the truth is you live in a hologram you live in a hologram you entered the hologram officially when we split the atom in 1944 45 45 when when oppenheimer and his crew in los alamos entered the nuclear age we shifted into a world of the quantum world of quantum physics as i said to penny this is one of the most challenging things for me to communicate that that when oppenheimer and his crew shifted succeeded at infusion if if you if you think of the world in this hourglass in which everybody was living in a world in which they believed matter was reality and never thought about the world of energy which is the world of thought comes before form okay but never never even thought about that law never ever thought about it never created anything about that never thought that thought had anything to do with your health never gave attitude and reaction never never never never never in one second infusion and they see oh my god energy generates matter in one second this goes and for and the whole trajectory of humanity goes into the into the world of quant the quantum world and what that did was completely recalibrated our relationship to everything to the speed of time why because time is created in our minds in the speed at which we comprehend something this is a big deal this is a big deal from the time we entered that age all we've been doing is trying to catch up with the time warp we've been living in ever since then we've we even hire people to be time managers go find time we say things like god i i feel like i'm running out of time our whole language has been time bound everything is about time now how fast time is moving everything and one of the things and one of the madnesses in the meantime our society has what has supported that not in the meantime what has supported that is that we opened up our inner world the quantumness of our own nuclear interior and we decided we studied our inner self we accessed our whole vocabulary that we never had before we started talking about the psyche the soul we had a language to access our inner self asking questions we never ever ever had available to us we created this inner net i-n-n-e-r now the internet always existed but now because we were in a quantum world with different technology we are now creating technology that matches psyche and the soul speeding up the manner if i had said to you before before the nuclear age do you know that your thoughts reach a person in the speed of light just like that you would have thought i was nuts now because we are in the quantum world where everything is at the speed of light we now have created technology now if i said put a thought in this machine and hit send how about that your thought reached a person in the speed of light the only difference now is because you're a faithless heathen when it comes to your soul now that you have technology you get that you get that now you can hold the object because you can't hold your soul you could hold the object that is beginning to validate that we in fact live on a grid in which we are energetically connected to each other now in the meantime the soul emerges we start asking questions like you know i wonder for what reason i was born i wonder what i should be doing with my life in the old days when it was just survival the heart lived here was controlled by survival and the only thing we ever did was get married or stay single or fought wars had jobs that's what we did made money that's that was life that was like we shot our food cooked it on the stove went to sleep made babies that was life if you wanted to ask questions like i wonder the people that dealt with higher thought and the pursuit of knowledge were those who were the elite of society they were the um philosophers the the those those select intellectual aristocrats or they were the monks and the nuns but mainstream people that wasn't their business that wasn't their business and then two events then the events happened of believe it or not the dalai lama leaving tibet i want your attention up here so you could see world events from a totally different spectrum totally different you are unattached to any religion unattached to any events you're sitting on a cloud and you're watching heaven play a chess game with human events let's move this one here and this one here it's time for the way eastern thought to flood the western world western thought to flood the eastern it's time to open this third column this this way of thinking was pisces it's time to flood the fish and open aquarius in order to do that we have to have western thought go to the eastern world eastern to the west how shall we execute that well three things have to come together first israel israel was born in the 1940s right after that the nakamati and the dead sea scrolls are discovered perfect reshaping the myth of jesus because both those scriptures are just his teaching and then just his teaching there's no history it's brilliant they're just mystical texts the next the dalai lama we've got the east is exiled out of tibet nobody in the west had ever heard of the dalai lama nobody now he comes flooding out with all of his sacred teachings next we have john the 23rd opening up vatican ii flooding the church with the opening up permission to study the mystical doctrines of the catholic church everything's out everything's out a mass exodus of the catholic church and its sacred teachings everything's out like a massive that's when the soul and what happens in the 60s everybody starts saying i want a spiritual path i want a spiritual path i want a spiritual path that's when i want you to collectively think come on you're up here thinking wild wild thoughts as if the whole collective soul this huge door to the collective soul of humanity was like and the soul goes and imagine angels dumping vocabulary down so suddenly the collective soul says okay we got the word psyche we got the word so we've got this word and loading up the collective so that all of us suddenly had access to words like mystic this and we could use these words in everyday language which we never could do before reincarnation meditation animating our unconscious chakras with words that didn't even exist before in our being didn't even exist as soon as i give you a new word i give you a map one word i give you a map i give you a whole new being i give you a new power a word is power power power what if i said yes to a question you've been longing to ask me do you know what kind of power that is a yes can change your life words are power they're everything everything everything there is no word i'm not in love with because you a word changes your life am i ill no take that no and frame it am i gonna live yes take that yes and put it in gold right every word i give you one word and you can navigate through the sea of reality like a like a magic carpet what does reincarnation mean get on that word and write it well let me see i could just change my life with that and you float all these words come in what they did was they opened up the feminine principle that opened up spiritual experiences that opened up the wounded child let's go that opened up all of you that's why you're here and somewhere along the line that opened up all the mystical experiences that opened up the new mysticism that opened up all of this and somewhere along the line the journey of transformation began to feel rugged began to feel like this could change me into a real powerhouse or not and somewhere along the line guess who caught up with us the pharmaceutical the pharmaceutical agency now how did that happen well because somewhere along the line in every spiritual journey you're going to get hit with depression it's going to happen and on the tracker it's going to happen just as you're crossing through here to the heart it's going to happen it's going to happen because you realize i have to examine how i love who i love what i love if i love you're going to go on a sojourn it's going to happen it's got to happen and it will happen and most people aren't prepared for it so they'll start saying i feel so depressed you're not depressed if you came to me as a spiritual director i would say this is fabulous i've been expecting this depression it's been marked on your calendar see soon to go on sojourn soon to get depressed but if you weren't expecting it you will say oh my god i'm suffering and i'll say what's wrong with being depressed where are you in this shape what's wrong with you what's wrong is that you're complaining about something you need what do you mean i need this yes you do now let me help you go through this you just didn't realize you were going to go through this i did this is what it feels like you here here are the questions we're going to dwell on every week i want you to focus on this question not on yourself but on this question i want you to write out the answer you're going to get up every morning you're going to walk two miles you're going to come back you're going to do breathing you're going to eat this way this is what you're eating this is how you manage this because i'm your spiritual director and you will not budge from this you will eat this you will do this exercise you will walk this is how you will get through and if you don't i will be there i'll take your head i will put it in a toilet i will drag it out until you absolutely grab hold of yourself i will not hear any crying and no winning you will do what i say and that's it you'll get hold of yourself because that's what you have to do to beat this and you will beat it and that's how you get to but because that resource wasn't there drugs filled drugs filled as we were trying to make it over are you do you understand as we were as most people were trying to make it over what what filled the blank was illness indulgence up and the wounded child won the victim and the wounded child took over that's how it happened the long story to a short answer but you got to really appreciate it was it's a huge psychic field and because people are in that vortex and it's a psychic vortex getting them out because it's become a comfort zone getting a person out of that vortex is very very very difficult because being a wounded child or a victim or whatever gets a lot of support and it's one of the reasons why um and it's the strongest reason why the world's spinning on its on its dark orbit because it suits it suits nations to have their population drugged we don't fight back drug people don't fight back anyway how's that for an opening lecture i'm getting a red light which means it's a coffee break time but it's a nice time for coffee break when we come back however i would like um i'm to ask you a question about your own journey because late in the afternoon is a good time for a little bit of feedback so i would like to talk a little bit about you when we come back you know where we're going i'd like to know where you're going i'd like to know a little bit about you so when i get back i want to know a little bit about what makes you take a journey like this okay you
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 34,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v3kbZZ2THxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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