Essential Teachings of Helena Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner

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Can I please have a cheeky summary?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/tobbitt 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 đź—«︎ replies
one of the things i would like to do is to focus on our time this time as evident of the the shift point in the halfway earth evolution of human evolution on earth in order to suggest that this is we're sort of straddling the fence between the first half and second half of evolution on earth in the first half by and large our primary task was to read the teleprompter follow the cue cards of nature within which the blueprints of the gods were embedded with the help of some parental sovereign leaders as a dreaming sleeping sub-sovereign group soul children of humanity this is all changing now and with our enthusiasm and hubris of the rationalistic enlightenment period which goes to sort of disparaging dispursingly called a revolution in a piss pot a revolution in a potty pen what you do about something almost nothing we started to presume or assume that with the full development of the intellect we had everything we needed to qualify ourselves for the first time as junior or incipient creator beings and consequently we are surrounded by the creations of the intellect the synthesis of nature as an intellectual second nature and it's rapidly becoming obvious that we need something more than the intellect to become creator beings uh it's we're more or less in the position of the rock star who trashed the hotel room after the concert it was a good idea at the time but now the bills come in and we have to add the spiritual training understanding the communication and participation in spiritual worlds in order to work as creator beings or co-creators with matter in esotericism in western esotericism the first half of the earth evolution is called the mars earth phase the second half is called the mercury phase so in the mars phase we have the descending arc of spirit entering matter sometimes called the fall and it it requires making space in matter for spirit and we have to use our elbows and knees fight for the space plant a flag at the top of the hill it requires the mars forces and passion and glue and so in the first half of human evolution we have hard wrought step-by-step solid ground to stand on institutions that back us up cultural integration and expectations that support us and now all that's evaporating all of that is going to the wind and the mercury phase is the alchemical phase everything that's been glued together in the first half of human evolution on the recovery ascent to the descent of spirit and matter in raising matter up to spirit we have to unglue everything that has been bound and glue and in this straddling offense position were in the midst of sort of stepping in a psycho-spiritual quicksand as regards matter there's very little we can rely on the nuclear family is almost gone disappearing there's what we expected to support us community wise culturally is evaporating a lot of what we call community is bureaucratic on and on paper and so we we don't have the full forces of the i the i am that i am for individuality and freedom and moving ahead and we've lost most of the old community that has supported us up until now and one of the signatures that is i feel very much a part of this experience as we're trying to redefine ourselves transform ourselves meet the challenges of the time is once every 130 years or 113 years variable there's a double eclipse of venus with the sun called a double transit of the sun uh it it serves it between the two it develops an eight-year plateau between the two eclipses and this eight-year plateau is a very germinal period for the initiatives in black and white magic that take the next century to unfold this this transit that's occurring now began in the summer of 2004 and it culminates in the summer of 2012. the great mayan 13 baktun calendar which is much touted these days uh began at about the time kali yuga began about 3100 bc even though as far as anthropology and archaeology is concerned there was no mayan culture existent at that time and it started on a double venus transit of the sun and it ends on a venus transit of the sun the mesoamerican culture timed and tuned all of their calendar culture cycle on venus the mistake the old neck the aztec all of them part of the downfall of the mesoamerican culture was connected with the decadent venus mysteries now what i'd like to do is go back to the last one as a point of reference which was 1874 to 1882 with an eight year span in between and what happened during that time period was more or less the genie got out of the bottle uh there was um you had levatsky coming over to new york and meeting alcott manfred schmidt rabont claims that she was directly they were both directly under the tutelage of christian rosencroits for three years and then starting a theosophical society now at the same time walt whitman or uh emerson yeah ralph aldo emerson his legacy had been picked up by bronson elcut and formed into the concord school of summer philosophy for 10 years and that was a tremendous renaissance influence which affected european philosophy across the sea uh mary baker eddie sent her initial manuscript to be proof read by bronson elcott to see what he thought about it what to my mind was going on during that period was that in the council of 869 in constantinople with the church spirit was banned in the 11th canon of that council they basically said you may have body and soul but spirit is to be a if you do use it it has to be theoretical abstract or metaphorical if you treat it as an autonomous real-time function you're out you cannot be in here it was technically over a debate argument with a character named photias and the church claimed he was trying to produce a dual soul but the issue is much larger behind that and that was the permanent separation of the eastern and western church from that from the point of that council the eastern church took spirit and guarded it developed it and in the western church it became a heresy and then shortly afterward you had as especially around the 12th 10th 12th century you had the tremendous emergence of dualism you you eliminated the trinity and you laughed into dualism the heaven and hell vertical dualism and you had to pay your tithe and cover your bets in the mutable soul realm that that was not guaranteed then after that vertical dualism caught between heaven and hell the scientific movement developed around the 14th century and they they slipped they said we're too smart for this stuff we're not going to fall for this but they created a horizontal dualism the cartesian split the inner phenomena the outer phenomena nothing in between the legacy of which we're still surrounded by today and then in this double venus transit of 1874 to 1882 one of the things that happened was wilhelm vunt of the leipzig school who established the first experimental psychology laboratory in the world declared in i think 1878 or 1879 right in the middle of that period the the human is a sophisticated animal shortly after dilemma tree in france it said the humanism is an exotic machine and pavlov had been writing letters to contemporaries saying this term soul this ambient unqualified term soul which is still lingering around the edges of science science makes a mess all over the lab table we've got to get rid of it we've got to clean up we've got to get focused here and vent was the one who actually did it and so he did to the soul what the council of 869 did to the spirit he said if you treat the soul as an autonomous real-time function you'll be out you are not progressive you are not in the scientific circle you won't be quoted or cited i and he said if you treat the soul it's not helpful but if you do it's got to be theoretic symbolic metaphoric and in actual science application only in biofeedback experiment blood rate heart rate that sort of thing and so that that's at the stage for the 20th century as far as the attack on the reduction in minimalization of the soul a lot of people if you talk to him today who are baptist or catholic or various forms of christian and even in other areas if you ask them what is the soul qualify it for me describe what constitutes soulness and especially what would be the distinction between soul and spirit you they are generally a loss for an answer now what i see happening during this 1872 1884 is 1874-1882 period is that the the the a-team came in to revive the spirit to reinstate the spirit in such a way that it could no longer be edited out or marginalized anymore steiner's whole effort was to establish a solid spiritual science that could be congruent complementary to any healthy clear clearly developed non-commercial natural science and so this was this was developing in the beginning of the in the 1830s you had the spiritualist movement and in a certain sense at arm's life i'd sort of say that's almost kindergarten and then you have levotsky theosophy and that's sort of taking it to high school we've got to be much more focused much more aware than just involving ourselves in phenomena or invoking phenomena and in a certain way steiner perhaps taking it the next step to college you know if we're gonna if we're really gonna understand and work with the spirit these are some of the things we need to we need to deal with so now one of the other things that was happening during that period is that it was the germination of commercial media a lot of these things that existed before that 1874 period but all the commercial breakthroughs came in that eight year period breakthroughs in newspaper telegraphy radio telephone television movies were imagined before radio but they were constructed afterward but in in the pivotal years right in the middle of that period where steiner said the that was the michael event where michael the archangel michael was advanced to a time spirit for all human culture it was the first electronic image was transmitted which i would consider the the birth point the german point for tv movies as today uh and what's what's happening now is all all of that stuff theosophy anthroposophy uh thoreau emerson uh there were many many renaissance events happening at that time it was sort of breaking open the whole arena that the un flowered fully in the 20th century um that has now everything that the media is in full nightshade bloom around us and during this period what the blackmagic white magic initiatives are concerned with is installing all the electro electromagnetic technological environment in the human being it's proliferated outwardly and now the the move is to put it in and the the human body chip implant is the docking platform for doing that and of course extending that proliferating that objective it becomes obvious that we're heading into a brave new world of sorts um and it's it's also what what i'm seeing is that there are there's sort of a flying wedge of talented souls coming in to reinstate the soul which was edited and marginalized out people like hillman uh with the union movement uh robert sardello uh vil uh willie bento has started an official accredited academy of psychosophy um but while they're doing that in the background the forces of opposition are attacking the body in the reductionist model if you want it simpler more efficient more accountable you just keep getting rid of things the appendix who needs that what's it for the tonsils take them out and uh it's it's getting to the point that the cyberspace manifesto of 1998 put it very succinctly they said the last obstacle to electronic nanosecond network freedom is the body and that's the the technological over emphasis i'm not recommending we go luddite or neo-amish it but the over-emphasis is eroding the the integration of the very foundations of incarnation in the body which needs to be built up one of the most damaging forces for the body and soul is an arrhythmic life one of the most health giving integrating forces is rhythmacy and that's we we've all experienced how far that has gone out the window in a comparative sense over dealing with our grandparents great-grandparents parents us our children emerging now are very exposed to the whirlwind of a rhythmic life what i would um what i would suggest is that in the current situation i can go back and forth a bit to elaborate this but in a certain sense using broad strokes the 20th century was the first public access to the tree of life mysteries in the human individual the personalized tree of life is the endocrine system the life forces the solar plexus the liquid flow movement uh which we don't have conscious control of by and large it's part of a habitual subconscious unconscious realm the personalized tree of life or tree of knowledge mysteries is what's called the astral body which is anchored in the brain and nerve system that that has to do with our self-consciousness our self-awareness our desired level that enhances the personality um and for the first time with the risen christ mysteries of the 20th century along with that came public access to the tree of life and we could rush in to the more or less abandoned temple and most people decided to have a beer party in the empty temple you know the folks are gone i've got a good idea this is a great space we've never been allowed in here so the social sciences started in the 20th century at the beginning of the 20th century sociology psychiatry psychology and their objective was to see what was under the hood so now we're going to take a little smaller piece of the cherry pie okay say yes okay now how many of you believe in spirits raise your hand okay how many of you don't believe in spirits raise your hand okay good so can my spirits talk to your spirits i need your verbal permission okay all right the games will now officially begin um we're here in this place because of madame blavatsky does everyone know who she is okay you're all clear so i'm preaching to the choir on that all right what i wanted to bring in was some other things that would give you a clear focus on on her and there are two approaches one is i'm interested in what they're saying and the other is i'm interested in them and when i read someone and i like what they're saying eventually i get interested in in them so this remarkable creature this madame blavatsky who apparently was a woman of very great genius was renowned according to steiner who did not meet her but met annie bessant later he said blavoski was renowned for her devotion to the truth now i know that she has been discredited a lot by people and i'm always suspicious of people who make their career out of discrediting other people steiner said something very interesting he said wherever there is criticism beneath there is hatred in other words if you can't be creative in what you say then something else is happening so we have a lot of debunkers now but we don't have many bunkers so i'm here to bunk blavatsky all right yeah go team so what did she do well let's find out what happened before because we are a living being and that means what we do is we respond people say how are you and we either say give them the plastic i'm fine leave me alone or we actually sit down and tell them my heart's breaking and i feel like crap okay so it's one or the other because we are responsive now blavatsky was no different she was a russian royal blood so she was very responsive what was she responding to when she came to america well the first thing she was responding to was spiritualism do you know what spiritualism was and is has everybody got a handle on that if you have raised your hand and if you want a little blurb by me raise your hand i'll blurb a little i studied spiritualism with the medium who was a certified reverend for about four months so the residing kingdoms of spiritualism are chesterfield and lilydale which are both spiritualist camps in america that still exist and still teach the old blue-haired ladies are very strict and they still get results now what was happening is that spiritualism was experiencing something from about eight for 1848 on with the fox sisters and what happened with the fox sisters up in new york is people would sit in the room and they'd talk to spirits and the spirits would talk back and they'd hear wrapping on the wall or in the fireplace or the lampshade would lift up and down or there would be noises or one would hear voices and there was basically a wholesale release of psychic phenomenon and it wasn't just happening in new york with the fox sisters it was happening all over north america but it was in pockets and people were trying to understand what is happening here so i want you to know it wasn't just in one area it was a national phenomenon yes i'm sure a portion of it was hysteria yes i'm sure a portion of it was wishful thinking but as usual a portion of it was also true now colonel alcott got interested in this spiritualism he wanted to know from a scientific point of view what was happening and so the only way they could evaluate this business of the spirit's moving objects this is the only way they could describe it spirits talking spirits moving objects what we call now psychic phenomena was to study the phenomenon so he became very interested in the various phenomenon and testing people is it real are they faking it because as you all know professional magicians can fake psychic phenomenon right we have that on television all the time we have people like james randy sponsored by the communist party and other people who specialize in debunking all spirituality and it's their career to do what debunk anything spiritual via debunking psychic phenomenon so i want you to know that some people have constructed their whole lives out of not bunking but debunking okay and wherever there's spirit wherever there's critical inquiry you've got to be very careful with discriminating critical inquiry because as long as it remains creative you're safe but the moment it veers into personal issues it becomes more or less an art of refined hatred so i want you to have this idea in mind there are a lot there are a lot of ways to skin a cat and we're going to try to skin this one as nice nice way as possible so alcott was looking at phenomenon levonski came in she met him and she said i am here to make you look at what's more important and he said what are you talking about and she said well you need to know that you don't have to be in touch with the dead to produce phenomenon and he said you mean that these are not deceased spirits moving things and she said yeah watch this and so blavatsky then began reproducing all of the phenomena of the spiritualists in front of alcott and people who would come to see her so blavatsky wasn't a woman who just sat in a chair and talked she could duplicate she could make things float in the air i think she had a cup of tea come across the kitchen and float in front of her and drank it and floated back in broad daylight so a lot of the phenomenon the spiritualists were doing were always was always done under dark conditions or semi-dark conditions this is why the skeptics got in and people started faking it blavatsky could do the same phenomenon as the spiritualists but she could do it in broad daylight moreover she was telling him that it wasn't who it wasn't the dead so naturally his question was what the hell is going on here and she said it's a long story but i've had some good teachers okay and this began the discharge of blavatsky's teaching he thought she was great it made sense to him and this place that we're sitting in now is largely a result of that come hell or high water or politics or disagreements the rocket was launched and it was good and it was good critical clear reasoning and it was a response to spiritualism but blavatsky did have a lot of these psychic powers that people today still wish they had so she had the power but she also had the learning but she was very clear that other people other beings were doing what with her talking to her she said i'm not the source of what i'm teaching i have teachers now there was a lot of talk about her teachers being fabricated because she said she received telepathic messages from her teachers cranston wrote a big book on blavatsky i've got a copy over there and only a hundred years after blavatsky's death has a lot of the evidence emerged of witnesses who met her and her teachers in india when she was on tour before she came to america so i'm letting you know that the physical evidence of everything that she said didn't actually appear until about a hundred years after her death are you good for that but i want you to know that it is there but they could didn't have access to it when she was active because she was an extremely private woman and she wasn't interested in trying to prove things to the public she was trying specifically to get the teaching of theosophy out you you understand so she was very much directed toward a bull's eye and what happened on the periphery she was trying not to be distracted so after she duplicated this phenomenon with alcott and other people she began to try to wean them off of exciting things i have to tell you this story there was a gathering in one of the salons and there was a skeptical woman in the room and someone asked madame blavatsky if she could reproduce the the banging and popping noises in the walls of the house and she said who wants to know and there was this lady in the back who raised her hand and she said i can reproduce this phenomenon and suddenly there was a loud bang and the woman's eyes got real big because blavatsky had popped one of the fillings in her teeth and she ran out and blavatsky burst out laughing and said something like well she wasn't expecting that was she so i want you to know the woman met the confrontation head-on so she made her impression and then she began her teaching now what was downloaded through her and the teachers she had been with in asia and russia and russia is particularly interesting because the russian orthodox church as brian mentioned they maintained within their theology a concept of the spirit that the catholics had done what got rid of so she was raised in that environment moreover when she was a child she went up to the mouth of the volga river with her family and visited one of the most remote communities of buddhists in the world and there's a whole russian community of buddhists at the mouth of the volga river they practiced pure buddhism and they had come over from mongolia oh i think 500 years before or something and so she was exposed to other religions as a as a child and she had resources she had a wealthy family so she traveled extensively so when she met her teachers in india and she met one of her indian teachers in england they said we have a job for you and they began to teach her and she did study in india up around cashmere in srinagar she had a house and in a lot of other places the evidence is pretty plain she was one of the few white women that traveled extensively throughout india and tibet besides alexandra david neal the french woman blavatsky dressed as a man she said most of the time and as i said later witnesses came forward having recalled seeing her there people who lived there so we know she really did it she got the learning plus she had the background plus she had the psychic ability you got the picture yep so she began writing and what she began writing seems to have been as though someone got the compiled teachings of asia and put a funnel to her head uh what was the text i told you it turned out to be a translation of the buddhist canon uh brian okay she translated one text with a dz design the stanzas of design you need to realize as a student of tibetan buddhism i'm familiar there are two sets of commentaries one is called the tangor and the other is called the kanger and apparently she had gotten hold of i think it's the kanger you have to realize this is hundreds of volumes and somehow she had managed to begin downloading this i mean just downloading it you can't possibly memorize 150 volumes and she said i'm not writing this it's just coming through me but it's good stuff and it's only been in i think since 1980 that someone actually took that text and matched it against the buddhist canon and said i'll be darned that's a really nice translation of of a portion of the classical tibetan buddhist canon no one had had the ability to translate it and they didn't have access to the manuscripts but there she was sitting at the table every night this stuff was just pouring out of her so what's interesting to me is how precise and accurate it was and how a scholar an academic recognized what it was so blavatsky became this terrific download of teachings and most of it she described as buddhism without the trappings but specifically tibetan buddhism without the trappings and this is important because the tibetans had much had access to a lot of wisdom that predated buddhism so when you say tibetan buddhism you're talking about something that takes in two streams you understand just say yeah okay good i want to be sure that your weight shuffle your feet and wiggle your shoulders now she's getting this material and downloading and everybody's saying where is this coming from we know it's right we can't the scholars wouldn't touch her and the ones that did were profoundly influenced and artists and writers and historians they all everyone who met her came away impressed and the ones who never met her would try to renounce her and talk behind her back i remember chesterton who was sort of the roman catholic defender of the faith in england and he's he's very funny and he's a great writer and he's a journalist he said blavatsky represented the worst of victorian womanhood and far-fetched eastern mysticism and he painted a really nasty picture of her you understand now he never met her had he met her he and had a little face contact he probably would have felt a little different because she was nothing like this caricature that people often had of her especially when you met her so other people met her and she changed their lives i could give you a list if you get cranston's book there must be a hundred chief people from that period of history who went and had personal interviews with her writers scientists you name it einstein kept isis unveiled on his desk so she touched every major field of knowledge is what i want you to know and anyone who took her seriously took her riding seriously and this all came in as a response to spiritualism and began to flow now they asked her and it's in your little book that you're going over here who's studying this right now yeah they asked her is this buddhism it's what you're teaching buddhism and she said no it's theosophy and they said why isn't it buddhism and she said because we're specific about the soul that reincarnates and you see in traditional buddhism there isn't one you have something that can be dissolved that is not permanent and in fundamental buddhism you don't have a soul you're an aggregate of forces that come together and then do what dissolve now when buddhism went into tibet they said wait a minute wait wait they said that may be but it's possible for you to make a soul so the tibetan idea is that you can construct what a soul but they don't follow the christians that you're born with one they say no you're not born with anything the soul is only developed in proportion to the amount of work you put into it but there is one it can be made now blavatsky said in theosophy there is a soul it does reincarnate over and over and that's what separated it from fundamentalist buddhism are you guys clear now but i want you to separate that again from tibetan buddhism which is taken in all sorts of other ancient teachings a lot of which you have in theosophy as blavatsky would say without the trappings so she said buddhism without the trappings right now here's something else very interesting in america prior to levotsky we had a guy named ralph waldo emerson anyone heard of him okay now he said what interested him was christianity without the trappings now what's interesting about emerson is his most condensed and profound writings that were written at the very end of his life were not published till what three years ago 2008 so you can get those now you can finally see what where emerson was at in america with this profound super condensed mystical christianity without the trappings so this was just released in 2008 no one got the papers out of the chest and translated them because they figured he was an old senile old man because the handwriting was a little difficult to read but a couple of guys said there's something there and they found it is published and emerson talked about christianity without the trappings and everything that emerson mentioned in its basic alphabet block form later appears on the scene with rudolph steiner so it popped over from america after emerson's death and whatever spirit that is of christianity without the trappings seemed to stand at the shoulder of rudolph steiner because he began to sound quite a bit like who emerson so there's two streams now buddhism without the trappings and christianity without the trappings and they met okay and they met when steiner joined the theosophical society he was interested blavatsky had passed away and steiner came into the society and he became the representative of all the theosophical lodges in germany so and there's a pic there's a photograph of annie bassantensteiner standing together and there's a note from annie bassam that says mr steiner represents something different from what we teach but he is a real friend and we are glad to have him with us and so she recognized his gift but also his what his difference okay so they so steiner headed the german section and there these things processed together and there was a disagreement and i'll tell you what the disagreement was over it was over two main things and i think they're both very fascinating because they're both worth exploring and one was the identity of the matreya you remember krishnamurti do you do you all know this story about christian amerity okay well just just to give you the cliff notes bisson and others in the theosophical society had discovered this young genius in india named krishnamurti who was later called krishnamurti okay and they said he is the return of christ now steiner who was coming in with christianity without the trappings he said i don't think so so the disagreement was over the identity of who krishnamurti so that was a big deal because steiner said from what i've researched christ doesn't need to come back again in the in the body and that's a whole nother very rich discussion about where is christ and what's he doing especially in light of where christianity is in history right now well steiner said he's here and he's unavoidable and the contest is to just pay attention to where he is and not be distracted this is the biggest battle we have as people in modern time is the battle of the mind and what we're deprived of through the mass media is the ability to concentrate to pay attention so steiner his first spiritual exercise to his students was an exercise of concentration he said this is this is going to get harder because technology is coming machinery is coming tv is coming media is coming propaganda's coming you're going to have to learn to concentrate because you are going to be just torn to shreds by all of the distractions you're going to be provided with does this make sense to you so this is where steiner was coming in now he also said this as he came in he said the release of all the information that madame blavatsky was given as it came into this time was the weapon to be used against scientific materialism everybody was turning to science for answers and they weren't believing in anything they wanted everything to be proven and what i say about modern science is it will prove to you everything but the meaning so if you look at something and you want to know what it means you will not get it from science you'll get what it's made of so what science normally does is it takes a burden that kills it and cuts it open and looks at it and tells you what's inside and that science do you understand it's a kind of uh thanatology you've got to kill something pin it down break it apart and look at it and that science so science has basically vacuumed the meaning out of everything and presented us with the shells okay i'll give you another example in one of c s lewis's books the children meet this very beautiful warm odd bright being that doesn't quite have a body and they have a talk with it and then the children leave and they ask someone else who was that and that they said oh you were talking to the son and the children said no the sun is just a ball of gas and they said no you don't understand that's what the sun is made of that's not what it is so this separation between science which is what things are made of and meaning which is what it is is one of the first battlegrounds of blavatsky's information from all of the ancient religions and philosophies she represented was to bring people back to the world of the spirit by reintroducing them to the ancient wisdom and she called it specifically ancient wisdom and i'm saying this because the tendency of the time was to get caught up in her activities or phenomenology you know miracles and she was trying to say look it's child's play don't get distracted by it you need to know the wisdom so she brought in all of this wisdom and dropped it off in her books and luckily she met annie bessant who was a suffragette revolutionary two-fisted amazon woman who wanted to get things done and she passed on the society to her because she knew annie bessant could what get it done but annie bessant did not have madame blavatsky's psychic gifts but she had some she had something that was probably equally important and that's some political savvy so she carried the organization anyway she discovered krishnamurti steiner said no it's not jesus it's not matreya he's not a bodhisattva i don't know if steiner ever said who he thought krishnamurt he was because as you all know krishnamurti stayed in the theosophical society for some time and then when he broke away he became one of the most famous teachers of the century so whoever he was he was somebody important you all follow me so my point is that whatever the theosophical society saw in him it was something good and it survived and he wrote incredible books and his lectures are on youtube you can actually just put them up and listen to krishnamurti they're extremely profound and krishnamurti was interested in one thing when he got toward the end of his life and he said that the human being has to have complete freedom inside themselves he said we're beyond the nurse made we're beyond the priest telling us now it's our turn each of us have to become a priest and priestess unto ourselves this was his big this was his big message and this frightened people because what does that do to the religious institutions yeah he didn't say he didn't you couldn't study them but he said they're not going to give you the the the answer to your heart's desire but they will give you the wisdom they'll give you wisdom they'll give you teachings but they won't give you the answer to the heart's desire am i making sense to you so i need you to realize how significant he is and how significant that discovery was and how that all came out of this stream so i want you to see this as a river these are rivers of teaching and you can go back at any point in the river and get tremendous treasure out of any branch and bring it up to the future because times have changed so you've got to update it and apply it am i making sense to you yeah okay so when they disagreed steiner bailed from the theosophical society in 1910 and in 1912 he started the anthroposophical society anthropos being the study of the human now theosophy continued so i want you to see that all the asian streams and everything that blavatsky put on the launch pad continue to influence art science and culture particularly in america and a lot of times behind the scenes so you find people like edison tesla westinghouse all of these famous scientists and inventors they were on the brink of psychic research and scientific research and nearly every one of them read blabotsky so you need to be aware of this her she has been so marginalized by the history books and yet she was a major figure in the 20th century and if you go back and look you'll see who she's influenced it is just incredible and people in countries all over the world in fact she influenced george russell who's another fantastic character in ireland who basically was the main fire of the irish literary renaissance with william butler yates and all the great irish poets and writers that sprouted in ireland they came out from russell who was basically following exercises and teachings from blavatsky and pouring them into old celtic legends and finding out the meanings of the celtic legends all over again and it wasn't just ireland that's one example blavoski returned to india one of the reasons that she's she went to india was she was there to re-awaken the indian interest in their own culture which the british had what yeah so i want you to see how significant she was and the stream continues it continues here continues now steiner's anthroposophical society when it sprouted and grew legs in germany suddenly biodynamic farming totally organic farming that's so devoted to the earth they talk to the elemental spirits biodynamic medicine where you treat the body the soul and the spirit it's just as comprehensive as ayurvedic medicine but it uses all of western science with it okay uh welida cosmetics all the natural organic cosmetic companies that appeared in switzerland appeared as a result of steiner's influence he started a whole new trend of architecture and waldorf schools there's about 800 around the world now and they teach the child believing the child already has a soul and so they already come in with something that has to be brought forward they do not treat the child as a pot to put a stick in they treat the child as a match you light on fire okay so it's a very different approach so all of these things came out of steiner and anthroposophy and it's moving simultaneously with this blossoming and all these tentacles from blavatsky's teachings going out into the arts and sciences in america and europe okay there's a little picture of where we were and now sit up straighten your chair and take a breath and look at this and realize that it's happening again now so you know if if teachers come forward and there's a lot of fascinating stuff with bruce lipton and dna and the teachings of abraham on vibrational awareness and getting people in emotional harmonic and the physicists are coming up with the theologians and it's getting more and more in contact there's getting to be more and more agreement again between eastern and western ideas and material science and spiritual ideas do you understand so this wave is hitting again so enjoy it but we have twice as much distraction because of media so the war for your body soul and spirit is largely between your ability to concentrate on what's important for you alone and what the forces outside want you to look at does this make sense to you that's essentially the next stage of black magic versus white magic is do you want a mind of your own or do you want someone else to run it this is where we are and i'm sure a lot some of you talk to people every day and you wonder where's their mind at can you speak about well i can talk to you as a traditionally trained muslim herbalist all modern medications as a rule cool the liver so if you want to put a block of ice in your liver you take a medication and what that does is it numbs you out and it prevents you from digesting the finer elements of the food and carrying them into the bloodstream to be distributed to the cells so what medications do in essence all medications is block the liver the egyptians thought the liver was the seat of the soul now the arabs they didn't believe that but they did say it was the final stomach so the stomach on this side digests the coarse elements the liver is digests the most refined elements of the food so when you pray over the food it's the liver that feels the vibration of the prayer so if you block it off by cooling it and letting it get gummed up you're not able to feel the subtle vibration of blessed food how do you like that is that good enough okay if one finds oneself depressed what can you do that's not gonna depress the liver yeah it's a question it's a question so she's asking me what the cure is for depression and you watch the news on tv and you really need a cure don't you some people go to go to the horror movies some people go to horror movies i'm interested in watching how much more horror there is on television because i'm thinking people really want to see heads come off and blood go everywhere and and the anticipation the nervous anxiety of a horror movie i'm thinking what is it what are they trying to do what are they trying to do to themselves look wherever there's a response there's a need so if someone needs to be scared to death it tells me that they're not feeling enough and then the other question is why are they not feeling enough something is they've lost the ability to feel so they've got to be shocked so what is what is happening in this picture yeah the media and everything well it's like the soul has a callus you shock shock shock and eventually the person is unshockable so you have to raise the level of the shock to impress them this is an odd time to live because you don't see much about good fathers and women are always fighting think about it the dominant theme for a woman these days is fighting fighting men fighting a job fighting stupidity of course the man is not not present or he's a dick or he's a fool that's pretty much the media presentation and heroes are only superheroes there's not a human hero so what's happened is the role of the father has been erased the mother is forced to be two and there's no hero present except one that's not possible just making sense to you so so how does it make you feel helpless now if a child is helpless they will run to you so if you're helpless who are you going to run to yeah so i encourage you to find out who that self is that you're going to run to there's one there but you're going to have to get the whatever that is you use on your feet to get the calluses off the feet you've got to get that on your soul and and polish things up a bit you will have to go in it's not out per se okay go ahead that's fine thanks thanks folks things of initiation uh initiation can sound quasi-romantic but in functional terms it involved life-and-death issues you failing initiation could in many instances forfeit your life you had to be you had to face the abyss without any props or with minimal crops um and at this time western science has dedicated a lot of its efforts to penetrating the nine layers of the inner earth now the biological womanhood has with our reproductive system in our uterus a nine-layered organism that is an antenna for the nine layers of the inner earth the nine layered embryo is also part of that picture those nine layers that he's talking about that are inside our planet are also inside us so the planet's a big tuning fork and you're a little tuning fork and you're both vibrating together so when you when he's talking about going into the nine layers of the inner earth he's talking about your subconscious what what freud called the subconscious parts of the psyche that are dark things about yourself you don't understand unpleasant manifestations okay so when you're saying nine layers uh one of the more recent models that may be of use is the ineogram do you know the enneagram nine components of the personality the nine masks in which you rotate from one to the next even if you don't know the engram you're familiar with the four element theory of the greeks earth fire water some people are earth some people are wind right so there's temperaments and you have to get to know your temperaments because you have your own cycles and you have your own proportion of elements and you see we're not taught this in school we're not taught we need to study ourselves we're taught to go out always right so now is to study you how many of you are there seven glands four brains at least so george russell said i am a multitude he didn't say i am legion so you have to decide which is legion and which is multitude so so with materialism we're penetrating into the interior of the earth and compressing the forces of gravity density so that they are much more non-locally distributed and the woman as the man penetrates the nine layers of the inner earth begins to be in tune with this with her womb operating as an antenna and this the materialism the gravity and the challenging forces of the nine layers which allegedly surround at the very core the very nucleus what goethe called the realm of the mothers which was the city of gold shambhala agarta what the alchemist called in the center of the earth was a gold dew a gold vapor which is the amniotic fluid for the earth becoming a new solar system and it as we enter these areas we begin to experience the forces of gravity density much more intensely as we're releasing them and it isn't that we aren't supposed to go there but we do have to develop the the upper levels that reflect that the lower levels reflect in order not to be overwhelmed and this this happened periodically uh carl carreney the union did a brilliant book on pan and the function of nightmare where he actually chronicled whole towns waking up simultaneously at two in the morning and running out screaming hysterically no bearings out of their houses at the same time in one village uh so these forces of depression are part and parcel of the isometrics the calisthenics that we'll have to work with in the process of public initiation now what i was characterizing as the period now from 2004 to 2012 in the first half there was sort of a planetary signature that that served as the gauntlet down the the challenge of the first four years was the neptune saturn opposition and right at the end of 2005 beginning of 2006 there was a saturn there was a mars jupiter opposition making a grand square for a period of time this four years it's uh the saturn uranus opposition five times and that started phasing in in the fall of 2008 when the world money market went down the teflon water slide and it goes five times there's two more this spring in this summer before it finishes up now you have to remember that the last time saturn opposed uranus was in 1966 sort of the center flash point for the revolutionary 60s at that time uranus was conjunct pluto opposed saturn now they're both square pluto and jupiter is coming in remember that when you have a square you have an ambush and like a corral it's a square it's a corral the energies get trapped in a box so they're forced to feel each other so when you've got this pluto square he's talking about pluto is a planet of talk to me death and transformation so now transformation is being forced that means it doesn't feel very good okay yeah yeah yeah and and it's right on time astrologically the health care plan is just the beginning you ain't seen nothing yet i hate to be the bearer of bizarre news but you've seen worse so this this square of pluto is about meeting the shadow and being forced to deal with it you want a little yoga trick to help you deal with the shadow yeah i can't tell you unless you ask okay the summer's coming so it's good is it the groundhog or jesus that sees his shadow it's neither one it's you it's you and when you come out of the tomb you see your own shadow so what the essenes and the therapeutic of egypt used to do you stand at sunrise and you look at a white wall it has to be whitewashed white white white the sun is on your back and you look at your shadow and you project with your extremely well developed concentration which you will have when you do this at your shadow yourself and you will gaze at this shadow as you at the back of the neck right where the hangman's noose goes right where the guillotine cuts and you will look at the back of the neck of the shadow until your eyes water and then you let yourself bring blink wash your eyes and do it how many times three christ is in the grave how many days okay so you do three blinks look at your shadow imagine it yourself and you will lure your nine layers of the inner earth out you will start to suspect things you will start to have emotions and i cannot tell you because each person is different but this is a wonderful yoga and you'll process it really fast because there's nothing more menacing than your shadow once you put yourself into it it's like a child running up the stairs at night because he knows something's behind him so after you do your three shadow gazes you look straight up at the sky and there'll be a flash from your retina and what will you see in the sky your shadow but where is it and is it big or small and it's not black it's reverse image now i'll tell you something else and i'll just give you a little hint on this if you're staring at your shadow well alan told me to do this it's supposed to do something no you have to trust yourself prove it to yourself it doesn't matter what i say i give you an exercise you just prove it you know it's not like that fake gold they found out fort knox is full of if it's real gold you test it so if i give you shadow exercise if you want to do it you test it when you're looking at the shadow you might see a color around the border okay that's the color of your aura you'll see it with your physical eyes not with your psychic eyes you'll see it with your optic nerve when you close your eyes you'll see a color also and the first color will be your guardian angel the second color it'll change will be the opposite again and that'll be your second guardian third guardian fourth guardian so your brain will possess these luminous images and it'll give you the colors that you need to work with in meditation i like that it's real simple and you don't need a master to do it just put it in your little do-it-yourself kit but you need a nice sunny day and you need a whitewashed wall to work with the shadow forces very very ancient exercise so work with that that is also helpful for processing depression but it's too it it's too severe for a depressive to do that exercise does it make sense to you it's too too severe so if you have a depressive or a suicidal what you do is you turn them around to face the sunrise and that's a 40-day protocol and they cannot do it on medication because it will block the harmonic frequency of the sun in the okay 40 days each day just watch the sunrise come up you don't have to stare at the sun although you might want to after a while and the endocrine system will the chemistry of the endocrine system will be completely changed if it's how many days 39 days how about 32 days i'm not i feel like smoking morning no pancakes calling my name 12th day no sorry 40. so you're really you've really got to fill it up you got to fill up your tank of optimism with the sun because it has the power to sustain the earth and it has the power to sustain you okay and artificial light will not do it as seductive as it is two things very seductive in modern life white sugar and artificial light computer light very beautiful right beautiful colors none of it real high digital television this big anything to keep you from looking at what and the sun it's all a distraction so between the sun and you you don't really need anything else except for your shadow but you got to be equipped for that go ahead so what um keeping the descended master distractor factor in mind i find it seems as seeming as such that particularly over the last four six or so years that during this public initiation period everyone is in principle experiencing what the disciples experienced during the three years with christ which isn't fun and which isn't pretty you add the strip to core in order to tune in to carry in some way possible the entire macrocosmic template within a human body and that as the etheric forces and the tree of life are loosened are opened up or being quickened energized in the whole or of the earth time is accelerating it's not a relative phenomenon you can actually get a good historical functional view of that in time wars by jeremy rifkin that we are functionally changing the tuning forks that we use to put ourselves in line with as far as time measurement and it a number of people have begun to experience living a number of lifetimes in one lifetime things get faster and faster and more interpenetrating more intense and it's never gonna slow down it's just gonna keep exponentially leap frogging and those of us who have who can orient or develop the stable state physics of the soul will be able to navigate those new energies and map them and in the process be able to emulate 40 more minutes the miracles of the masters and jesus as it were sure we will be able to enact the full ability of our higher self to begin to bring it in as creator beings or as co-creator beings those of us who do not cannot will not integrate the spirit with the stable state physics of the soul will go into conservation mode and in doing so will opt for security in other words if you can't deal with it you'll get a health care plan and in other words the need you will feel the need because of the pace of life you will feel the need to be taken care of but you have never felt it before does that make sense to you and those are that is real you're not imagining it okay you're fine that is how you're going to feel because of what he's describing the question for you is how do you choose to deal with it do you run to someone to help you or do you run to a government or an authority figure or do you do you go inward and try to find the solution inwardly there's two you see there's two different ways to do it and it's if you if you never grew up if you never were initiated and we have a nation of men who have never been initiated because there's no rights of passage in america it's not like brazil or some of these primitive countries where like africa where men are initiated we have a nation of adult children who have never faced death a lot of them have never been hungry a day in their life and you've got to realize these are the people who may be 60 on the outside and four on the inside and so they're going to start saying where'd the money go what happened somebody get me out of this help me i need a tit to suck see they want to be rescued they want to be mothered you understand it's because there was a there's a particular missing element in the society and that means that older people have to be initiated or they're going to stay children which is fine i mean if we believe in reincarnation it's all coming back around and again and again until we get it right anyway right but i'm just telling you that the stress you feel from what he's saying and from what you know is a real thing what's different is the way we cope with it
Channel: GBH Forum Network
Views: 1,636,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christianity (Religion), Buddhism (Religion), anthroposophy, creation, earth, esoteric christianity, evolution, goethe, human evolution, humanity, india, kashmir, mars, new age, Rudolf Steiner, Helena Blavatsky, Theosophical Society, Theosophical Society in Atlanta
Id: F7z2WrxgZVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 51sec (4851 seconds)
Published: Thu May 22 2014
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