Caroline Myss - Understanding Your Own Power - Part 1

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hi welcome and welcome to everybody who's watching us from all over the world that's amazing huh okay i always start as you know with a prayer and welcome to spike um you're the first dog to attend a workshop okay lord today my prayer is i breathe with all living creatures i dwell in the mystical truth that i share the breath of creation with all sentient beings i'm beginning to comprehend the rules of co-creation little by little i observe that each choice i make sets divine light into motion or darkness i'm not alone in this universe even though sometimes i feel that i am my thoughts and emotions belong to everyone and somehow in some way the energy of all beings passed through me like wind through a cheesecloth we all share this earth and participate in creation in every moment and in every event nothing could be more preposterous than to believe any of us is separate safe immune from all acts of creation or destruction what is in one is in the whole i wonder lord why we are repelled by that sacred truth why do we not want to be one with all things if i could see clearly lord i would see that my energy is everywhere i have left millions of tiny particles of my energy like cosmic crumbs in every country city town and home that i have visited not to mention every street i have ever walked upon the same is true for everyone else we are all blending together a great cosmic weave of power no wonder the great mystics finally surrendered to you lord they wanted you to take charge of this immense power of creation that is set into motion with every breath we take today lord i breathe with all creation and i will dwell in the truth that i am one with all life and all life with me amen okay well i want to start this evening by saying uh by telling you that this is a big deal for me to teach this workshop i am launching with you my new book the holy language so this is a big deal for me and i'm still in the midst of writing this book but it's it has been years in the creating of this it has cooked in me for a very very long time so this evening i want to kind of give you the texture from once it has come because it is for me um the launch of a biospiritual ecological theology it is for me the presentation of what i believe is the emerging theology a new way that god is presenting itself to us through us around us and in a sense as i discuss this with all humility i think that dare i say a lot of the events in the world can be discussed through why and how the myths of the familiar world the myths of god the myths of religion that our that are getting dismantled and all the consequences the threads and dominoes that are falling because those myths have come to an end and the trajectory of what is trying to emerge within us and around us can be tracked to this this new breath of god that is trying to emerge and will eventually emerge so let me say that i think it's an incredible privilege to be alive now that we are living what i think is the most momentous turning point in the history of civilization in the history of civilization and that it is for me every day is a day of looking at the at where are we now on this incredible turning point that i am alive and even this morning when i was talking with i mean i was a breakfast table with very close friends beth one of them and she reminded me that i had said and i do you know you know how you play that game like if you could live at any other time when would that be and the popular zones are when jesus was alive or ancient egypt i can give you all the popular zones but for me i would go into the future i would want to see how people wrote about this time now because it is the truth that people don't realize what they are living there when then when people lived in the renaissance did they know it was the renaissance did they know when they were living at a time that gathered together michelangelo christopher rend uh da vinci uh shakespeare all at the same time all at the same time thomas talas all the greats that were gathered at the same time did they know i think we're living a renaissance i mean look at this the the black plague is over and we are living in light again did they have any idea but it wasn't until a century or two past that they looked back and realized as they looked at the library of knowledge that was born during those centuries and how different it was from the types of knowledge the way they were thinking the evolutionary leaps of thought that had come to pass in that time this is that type of time it is so momentous what is happening now what is happening within you and around you and around every single species of our planet what is happening within every molecule within every single breath nothing will be the same on our planet even dec even year by year the speed of change and and what we are we what we are observing so i know many of you i see some long and lovely familiar faces here and some of you have i believe not been with me before who's not been with me before okay so i'm going to introduce you to a i believe me you're going to be relieved to find out i have very few drawings that i use because i am so not an artist but the few that i have the very few that i have will come in useful okay we're going to use blue because i need you to stretch the tapestry of your imagination and um i i always present this image of a building which will come in handy and it will come in handy in your own life and um curiously for me and i i find it real curious when i think about how my own life's journey has led me to what i teach today and that's that i never thought that i would do the book that i'm teaching or the work that i am going to teach today or that i would ever write anything on prayer or that i would become a spokesman for what's happening in the invisible world as if i cared less about what's happening in anybody's spirituality and now that's all i care about and i think it's really a a rotten trick that that's how my life turned out but anyway it did and and really you know what i mean like i could have done other things but look what i'm stuck with anyway but the way it unfolded for me was not through the theological track that started my studies so many years ago it was as a medical intuitive because as i did more and more readings and as the years went by one question led to another and i became really intrigued with how we worked what put us together you know as someone who was obsessed with studies as i was and then i went into theology and i went into theology because i was driven to learn how to think because after i had finished college and i knew that i could write but i didn't know how to think and i was aware that i couldn't think well meaning by that that the parameters of my thinking were held intact by my tribe and i had to get out of that i realized i was traditional conventional and i needed help to not think the way my family did or the way i needed to break free so that i could discern the difference between the influence of my tribe and what was truth and i i had i knew i had two choices i could study philosophy or i could study theology that those were the two tracks for me that would break me out of thinking and i could tell if i got defensive i was defending a lie anytime i got defensive i knew that i was protecting an illusion any time anytime i got defensive in my thinking i knew that i was protecting something that i wanted to be true because i knew it wasn't and so i needed some way to be able to break out of being held prisoner by thoughts that i knew were not true and i it made me crazy i felt like i was imprisoned so what was if this wasn't the truth what was and i figured i needed an escort to that level of consciousness because i couldn't get there by myself and that's why i studied theology and and specifically mystical because the mystics and i'm i'm going into this because we're going into this and this is holy language and i went into the mystical path because i was intrigued intrigued fascinated with how come certain people had these profound experiences and other people didn't what was it they experienced what was it how come certain people could and i remember when i was in college and my college is a convent and some of those nuns dwelled in holiness and it wasn't fraudulent they were holy and i remember that one one morning looking at that nun and she was looking at this tree and she was alive with grace and i said good morning sister and she looked at me she said good morning and she was radiating and i said how are you she said god's in his heavens and all's right with the world and i thought and then i realized i envied it i realized where do you live where do you dwell what is that what is that all's right with the world what is that what do you know that i don't where are you right what do you believe what right get over here right okay when i got into mystical theology it was obvious to me that those people were not crazy that in fact people who think they're crazy are crazy but more than that they're afraid they're afraid they're afraid of something that is absolutely extraordinary and that red that defined the rest of my life it just did it just turned my life upside down okay so when i got into when i got into medical intuition which the point i want to make about that is i really loved the study of mysticism i still do i adore it so i don't know if i can explain this shock when i started to do medical intuitive readings which happened by accident by accident i never heard of medical intuition i never heard of chakras nothing so when readings started which happened by accident someone said lisa is not well i was editing a manuscript i said she has leukemia and went back into the men okay when that happened and then i began to do readings and then sensing the energy system and these inner senses opened up i thought where who where did this design come from how come with all the studies i did nobody told me about the consciousness of the soul nobody said told me the soul had seven chakras nobody said that we were as organized energetically as we were physically in our an anatomical system nobody told me that nobody told me where did this bank account of knowledge come from how how is it that i was never told any of this when i studied so hard to know the truth okay shakaru so yeah shakaru so i nose dived into this not because i wanted to be a medical intuitive i had no interest in it but i wanted to know the truth what is this design this was like la la land who put us together how is it that a a thought could affect and how much and what is this power and and what's going on here and what does this mean for the nature of god what how does this restructure theology for me and and are there still saints and i i can't everything was on the table everything i was like a stranger in a strange land again but it was a marvelous strange land because i thought is this what we're like and what this was doing for me was leveling a theological playing field because what our bio spiritual design did was take all the myths of religion catholicism [Music] islam judy all of which i'd saturated myself in and said throw them out i am now dealing with something universal because when i do a reading on you one of the things that does not come up is what religion you are what comes up are the superstitions you have but your bio spiritual soul is no different than anybody else's so i was beginning to take a look at the fact that the universe is not a prejudice system we are but god isn't and i thought i prefer this i prefer the level of truth that is now operating at a level i had not witnessed before which is the laws of life the laws of life have absolutely no prejudice to them absolutely no discrimination the laws of life and silence science and nature and then one day i realized that's the nature of god that's it right there that's the nature of god so how i have come to the place that i've come to has actually been through this long trajectory that's taken a 35-year journey of trying to figure out us and our relationship to the power we have in our soul and creation and and etc etc and from that i i've i believe what's happening in this moment is that we are sharing this profound journey of shedding the anthropomorphic designs of god and emerging into a universal understanding of the nature of god as law as law and order as a system of consistency as the laws of our bio spiritual creation ecology which matches the laws of nature of which we are a part and the laws of creation that this is the universal structure and it is that biospiritual ecology that will balance ultimately the ecology of our planet and also it is that position that allows us to approach and accept the idea that we are not alone in this universe that all the laws of god then make sense as we get off this universe and that what's happening now is our idea of god being earth-centric looking like us following the democratic laws marrying like us fathering a child like us that these mythologies have served us but serve us no more and so the deeper mystical nature of god of the nature of god is what's getting revealed and it's getting revealed through our holistic health through our energy nature through our energetic anatomy through our whole understanding that we create our reality and that it is and where we are right now is that we are in a particularly vulnerable zone because we are between mythologies we don't have the myths we fit into but we don't have any myths to go to okay so i'll say a lot more about that in a minute but we've tossed out the very vocabulary we need to make this journey ergo holy language and without holy language now go into that in great detail in the days to come we have lost our way inside of ourselves because that is the navigating tool of the mystics and without that i think there's been a dramatic increase in madness depression anxiety the inability to heal that a lot of the inner torment that people go through and suffering is the result that the very vocabulary of the soul was tossed out with religion and that and holy language is as powerful as the mystic said it was and that's what this workshop's about got it so here's my first drawing you lucky people be glad it's not an art class okay you know one thing i tell you little by little these insights kind of poured in and somewhere right i don't know five who knows who cares years ago i was sitting with someone and i'm someone the way things work with me is that [Music] i will accumulate perceptions and then i get a and all the perceptions make sense and they come together with one of those downloads that organize all the perceptions into one clear o bingo and years ago i did a book why people don't heal and that actually was a portal into a whole universe for me because in in addressing that question it that was just the beginning of my looking deeply into our issue of forgiveness and healing and power and how we manage a whole level of consciousness which is our inability to want to be empowered even though we keep saying we do and all that we struggle with on this journey of saying we want to be empowered we want to be conscious but the constant back and forth of that saboteur which is also part of holy language and one day i realized as this person was talking about i tried this to heal i tried that i tried this i tried that and i realized you don't have the vocabulary to heal you simply don't have the vocabulary you'll never get out because your vocabulary is inadequate you can't get out and it was a matter of vocabulary that the words this person were had were simply so in in um they lacked the kind of power they had they lacked inspiration they lacked the kind of soothing grace none of the vocabulary this person had was capable of generating grace astonishing so we have to talk about that like how do you talk to yourself and what words and by choice this person couldn't go near words that generated grace amazing okay makes you think what words am i using right okay so i know a lot of you are familiar but for those who are not i i talk to people now to use this image that you are a building and once you're born a lot of your structures already in place a lot of your structure is already determined once you're born so once the building's built all your movement then is inside the building all your movement is about going up the floors you can't move the structure once it's built you can't move the empire state building you can't move the houses of parliament so once the building's built you can move inside so when you think about your life once you're born you can't undo what your influence i can't undo the fact that i was born american that's a given factor i can't undo a whole lot and so your first floor your first floor is essentially the factor that if you go into a first floor of a building and you look out the window what you're going to see is the basics of your life and the most limited view from from that building you're going to see the ground the street you're going to get the flower smells from the trash and if you stay on the first floor of your building and you try to resolve your problems you're not going to get very far but it's still a reality for you and when when you live on the first floor of your building you will think that you're the only one on the block okay and you you will get the idea that you you it it's your block and you call the shots on your block and and that's just the way it is and no foreigner should be on your block and that the size of your world is is the size of that block and as long as you you maintain control as long as things are peaceful on your black white you don't have to deal with any of the other problems in the world because there is no other problems you're on that block and that's it and you start believing illusions that what goes on in the rest of the world doesn't apply to you because your world is that block and so there are certain illusions that actually become truth for you they function like truth they smell like truth they taste like truth because so far as you're concerned that is the truth while you're in that first floor of that building how many of you are in your first floor yeah okay yeah all right okay you know here's the thing whether or not you admit it to me doesn't make a damn bit of difference because i'm not the one that's paying the price for it i just got to tell you but if you want your own life to change or if you're dealing with an illness or if there's anything going on in your life don't play games with yourself i will tell you that healing is ruthless honesty ruthless i'm telling you to the bone so it's between you and yourself but at the end of the day you cannot lie to yourself and get away with it what teresa of avila would say is every lie is a reptile and if you won't face it during the day it'll come visit you at night and reptiles see better at night than you so be mindful of that okay now here's the thing as we go through um this workshop we're going to go up and we'll talk about views from the the upper levels but it is in your soul and it is in your nature to want to explore your building it's just in your nature which is why you're compelled to ask questions like i wonder what the purpose of my life is and i know you have all perhaps thought or asked that question have you not who has never wondered that who has absolutely never wondered that at all okay so it is fair to say that you have all in some way thought i wonder what the purpose of my life is fair enough okay well i will tell you this you know in prior to the generations of whom we are apart that question was considered a prayer not a question it was a prayer and you would have been in a monastery and you would have asked permission to say to ask that question because if i would be your abbess i would say are you ready to ask that prayer to say that prayer because as your abbas i would know you're opening up then a profound deep journey now and i would know that you would it would be inevitable that the dark night of the soul was going to come it would be inevitable because that is holy language what you're saying is take away everything that's an illusion so my soul's purpose could come take away you know but the way people ask it today it's like can i have a more glamorous job because they don't get what this is because they don't understand holy language or the power of it at all but your soul's compelled to make this journey to seek deeper and deeper and deeper and with every floor you go up if you just for fun go up a tall building and look out the window of every floor at the very same thing and you see the very how the views change how the views change and imagine that you're looking at your own life and that with every level you see a different vantage point of your own life of your own life and nothing has changed on the outside you've changed you've changed your position but when you change your position everything on the outside changes and that's the great truth that you learn if i get higher everything changes on my outside i'm the one that has to get higher but what you're also going to learn as this weekend goes by is that like buying in a condo building every floor up is more expensive it's more expensive it's going to cost you more money and that nobody down here is interested in your views up here that as you go up higher in your viewpoint as you see the world bigger and you get a wider lens on how you understand everything people that don't have that wider lens are not interested in your wider lens they don't live there you're not interested in their wider lens by the way remind yourself that and i'm not interested in your wider lens by the way i want my lens just this big until you don't until there's something about your lens that no longer serves you so you have to remind yourself i'm no different than anybody else but as soon as this lens doesn't work i need to get a higher lens it takes a and every single lens what happens is as you get higher the way you've understood your world to that point all the players change everything changes everything and it's it's as different as saying on this world on this floor i believed the world was flat only up here i saw that it was round and now i have to throw out all my flat world maps and everybody down here still believes the world's flat and i can't convince them it's round and they still believe they fall off the edge of the earth and blah blah blah and i just can't make any sense with them anymore so i can't talk to them anymore it drives me crazy so you start realizing that you used to believe the world was flat too and that if you break through that perception it's going to be very difficult to hang out with flat worlders it's going to be very difficult to hang out with flatlanders and one of the one of the common writings of mystics is that they would say like francis of assisi or theresa or any of the mystics they would say this is a very painful journey this is very painful lord help me this is very very painful and when you're when when i was a baby catholic and looking at that you know it's very the your inclination is to think that somehow heaven was torturing them and that's how they got to be saints they were going to get fried or tortured or and and like who wants to go anywhere near that and that's an association we still have that going anywhere near the spiritual anything ends up with a broke bank account and torture and boils and and just just the most awful stuff and so why would anybody you know but what they actually meant was this and that's that the more i understand the harder it is the more i know the more i get how really beautiful and conscious this universe is the harder it is for me to live among the unconscious that's what they meant the more i realized that the trees actually understand me and that they breathe together and that they actually do feel a saw going through them the more it it is unbearable for me to hear them getting chopped down it is unbearable i don't know where to go when i hear the saws going through the trees that's what francis meant he says i can't bear it i can't bear the sound of it i can i know that they are hurting and it i can't i can't bear it this is what he meant so when we talk about this business of becoming conscious it is a journey of how conscious of how much it it really is about how much do i actually really want to know how much do i want to know okay now but this is what's happening so i want to point present and for the rest of the evening before we shut down just a broader picture we we can think that we have choice that now you know i don't want to do this but we don't there are certain decisions that have been made and you have to look at the nature of nature and the nature of evolution and that's you know i i have referred so many times to the significance of entering the nuclear age and i think that if i lectured on it to the day that i leave this planet i will never be able to communicate how incredibly significant that event is in our lives when we entered the nuclear age and to think how we don't think about it blows me away blows me away but when we entered the nuclear age i think that in the second that we cracked into energy consciousness energy became real it became conscious it became the new power zone whereas the second before it wasn't power for anybody the moment nuclear power the atomic age became real was the second that the second that we slipped into the next reality the next reality and from that moment on everything that we had been taught for millennia was wrong but nobody announced that okay from the second we slipped in in the invisible world imagine that a signal went out that said we have to jump start human evolution we have to put it on a quantum leap now because humanity has just entered the energy era and human beings have got to develop their energetic senses so they can manage the energetic power they've just unlocked that's exactly what happened and so if you look back from the 40s 50s 60s 70s if you look at our history from that point on we became obsessed possessed and driven by the world behind our eye instead of the world in front of our eye inner space became the place we wanted to examine we started to change our vocabulary and became obsessed with our inner sensitivities our inner senses our intuition psychic development all of our energetic nature our therapeutic uh progressions we became absolutely obsessed with self-discovery self-empower we started to talk about power self-empowerment we took the word self that prior to this era went with ish selfish you're selfish to look at yourself and then we stuck it as a preface self-empowerment self so a hybrid was created that we call the inner self more than the ego but less than the soul so it's a type of inner vessel that we created to discover our inner being our inner nature nobody ever talked about the inner self ever prior to this age but we have an inner self and your inner self is your new best friend you consult with your inner self all the time but i assure you your parents didn't i assure you they did not but your inner self tells you i need my own space i need space your inner self is the deal breaker in all your relationships your inner self will break up your marriage break up your relationships or determine whether or not you have one your inner self this hybrid has more authority over you it is your intimate other more than you possibly can imagine it is an archetypal companion that is this hybrid that we have created in this time to navigate the world behind our eye and to give birth to create the hologram that we now live in so we all have this inner self so we talk about i wonder what my purpose and in life is the it is the inner self you are asking you're asking what am i going to do with this power in me that doesn't quite fit the ordinary world where where do i want to put your and here's your operative word power you're interested in your power now power is your new word nobody talked that way before so we we are rapidly changing the vocabulary on how we measure ourselves how we see ourselves we now say things like i have to take my power back nobody ever spoke that way before so now we speak in terms of our invisible selves as though that's normal we've just evolved that way and nobody ever says do you see that we're revolving now and talking about invisible parts of ourselves and fragments and our psychic free radicals and nobody has ever said do you realize how much we've changed do you realize do you realize nobody's ever said by the way where are all your invisible parts did you bring them all here have you any idea how many places you are other than here you have no idea how many dimensions you're in other than here you haven't a clue but to even have that conversation strikes you as being totally normal so you've become multi-dimensional and you have never even said looked in the mirror and said do you realize you're multi-dimensional now well let's just go to sleep you have not even a clue you have not even a clue it seems normal to you it seems like the new normal but you you don't even get the size of this evolutionary leap and what it means and what it means or do we have the vocabulary that's adequate to navigate the energetic world that actually is the realm of the mystics because in in shifting gears when you ask question like for what reason have i been born in the monastery i would say okay you are asking to plunge deeply take me down deep lord and show me the reason you gave me life that is the prayer take me down deep take me down deep and my response to you would be i've got to find you a spiritual director you cannot go unescorted into your soul you cannot do this journey unescorted because this is a journey of truth it is not a journey of occupation your ordinary ego wants attention and we're going to just beat the hell out of that part of you or god will but the real journey of finding for what reason you were given life is a journey of stripping away everything that is in the language of buddha a distraction and that's like getting your teeth pulled that's like because you you you don't you we cling to our distractions we're hoarders when it comes to distractions we're hoarders you can't even throw out your old clothes much less your distractions so they get yanked from us and that is what happens when we say what am i doing here well you weren't doing such a good job of it you thought you were here to collect things and to get attention and to think and and because you thought you were special well we're just going to fix that right up right up we're going to fix that really good we're going to find out that everything you thought was not the truth but now we're going to organize that so the first stage is the stage of finding out everything that you that drove you to ask and gave you so much pain we're going to pull away from you only you're not in a monastery whereas it used to happen with support monastically you're out on your own without holy language without realizing what a mystical experience is without the support system and without being able to understand am i in a spiritual crisis or am i going insane oh my so it's a good thing you're here so i'm going to let you ask some questions in our last few minutes together what do you got for me yes oh wait that's good good to see you and that's the same cheer you had last year i think yes so my question discharge my question was this journey going up the levels my impression is that it's most often a painful journey something negative has to happen to push you off it's why why is painful negative well okay i i see now that the pain isn't negative but when you're on the first floor you're not going to move to the second floor out of choice like you know i mean that's my experience that essentially like um the roof caves in or something has to happen for you to wake up like the wake-up call is often unpleasant at the time but when you've kind of completed the cycle and you look back and then it kind of makes sense so i'm just wondering like is that kind of how your experience is well i mean people don't just kind of generally don't change yeah unless something makes them change as a rule think about well just look at your own life do you change no you don't because you're comfortable so you just no no don't say you because you're not talking about me no i say i you know and and you you know it's here are the two words we change by wisdom or woe those are our two options we either changed by wisdom or woe why does it take some people just why does it take me why does it take me no that was not the question the question is because i'm observing now okay i noticed that people change when like something goes wrong or something changes and then other people like get lots of wake-up calls but they still don't change right so is that just you know here's an interesting here's something we're going to go into a little bit more deeply with this building it's the the significance of the building and i obviously did not communicate that clearly tonight is not that every is that eventually the lower levels contain is the way the way we structure our consciousness is that in the lower level we see everything as right or wrong good or bad left or right because painful or not painful or not painful or not um because what what we are what we are trying what we do all the time all the time is that we have to organize power we have to organize creation and power those we're always doing that we're always trying to figure out how to organize what is getting created and what we are experiencing it what we are experiencing and we're always trying to control the speed of an experience and how it's going to come to an outcome if if i if i don't say this correctly catch me and the and our mechanism is to judge it and and pre outrun the outcome get to the finish line before the experience so that in the midst of an experience we will say this is a bad experience or this is a good experience and what we use because down here we use our five senses as the measure to give us the feedback as to whether this is a good experience or not a good experience bad experience it's hurting my physical hand bad experience bad experience because it's hurting my physical hand and and yet what if it if i put my hand on something and it's burning it's a good experience because it's telling me don't put your body on there okay but what we do is we try to organize the speed of power the impact we are always trying to control the unknown from happening to us by deciding how to manage the speed of the polarities of the yin and the yang by saying this is good that is bad this is we're always trying to do this so we decide that's good this is bad you have to tell me if this is wrong or if this is right this whereas as you go up like in the perception of buddha buddha says give that up and just say it's just experience how are you responding to the experience give up this judgment even even in in the old testament yahweh says stop judging you don't know what you're looking at because judgment here here you are what a judgment does is it takes your perception and it anchors you into what the taoist would say a spectacle i've decided that spectacle is good bad positive or negative and i've made the decision based on how i believe that event will affect me not you not you not you even though it's happening to all of us but i've decided the event only about me and only in the way it affects me and therefore i've decided it's a bad event because it's it's going to i don't like the way it feels you may love the way it feels you may love the way but because i don't like the way it feels i've decided it's bad so in this first world we use the scale of bad good right wrong depending on how something serves us in order to control it in order to parameter it in order to give it to put it in a box to control its impact because we're so afraid of letting something just flow through us and i don't know if it was good or bad it just let it be and it's also because if we say this is bad or good it tells us how to respond to it if i if i'm constantly judging people well i think you're a good person i think you're maybe a good person you i'm not sure about that as i judge people then i automatically know how to respond i don't have to think about it if i think you're a good person maybe you are you i don't know you i don't know in judging it automatically determines how i respond to you and i'm not held accountable i can let my accountability off the hook because i can blame my judgments on what the tribe taught me this is a big thing to understand you get this here i'm that yeah because i i'm basing my judgments of you on what the tribe taught me that that that blondes don't have more fun okay but but you see what i mean if i if i stay in the slower world and this is a benefit of being unconscious i go into unconscious gear and i base my judgments on what i was taught not the truth not on who you are as a person but just that all blondes do this and all brunettes do that and i'm supposed to avoid all blondes and blah blah blah blah and and then i'm free to go and i'm not responsible for that judgment because that my tribe taught me and therefore i'm off the hook and my soul can't be held accountable how do you become more conscious how come that mic isn't working okay okay how do you become more conscious what has to happen to move you up a floor well one of the things that happens is your world falls apart so that was my original question for some people their world falls apart and they still don't move up a floor yeah but but it will keep falling apart right until they move up yeah and and now it's not until they move up it is that when their world falls apart and they begin to say how do i get out of this what do i do and it's when they they finally realize is it me is it something i'm doing is it something i'm doing and in the first floor because of the first floor mentality they will always look out the window and blame another person always everybody in the first floor blames someone else that's and and this is one of the big words on the first floor and that's what i call the language i told you earlier people who don't heal one of their words is blame if you have the word blame or that tendency you're not getting out of anything at all and so long as you hear the blaming pattern in someone they they don't have the power to get out so will they get there in their own time how do you actually and you know inevitably but who knows why but you can't pull them like you can't you can't change that for them can you no because it's it's it's tied to so many things and and the fact is some people like being angry and they like being manipulative and they like being and they like the effect their toxicity has on you so one of the best things you can do is to don't talk them out of it let them choke on their poison and you have to change your way you have to change your way you can't change them but you can't you can say i'm sorry i'm not putting up with your petulant nonsense anymore i'm not putting up with it not giving no not putting up with it anymore so you know someone wants to have a temper tantrum let him have it but i'm not you know you have to you have to be willing to let a relationship end and that's it anyone else yes [Music] no no no i love the way people hold the microphone and go and i have to say hello as if it's an art object yeah go ahead darling um i think it's been going on for a little while now that i'm left with this what does god look like i mean who am i praying i pray i pray all the time yeah and it didn't matter before because i could visualize whatever i wanted a bit of light or a little bit of light don't you love that a little bit of light but then i remember last time i was here and we went through all the myths of what do we think god looks like is it the man up in the sky and since then i've noticed that i've accumulated a whole team of people i pray to archangels you know spirit guides animal guides but god somehow is not as clear because i need to visualize some i i don't know if that's making sense to you sure it is sure it is so i i i guess you know what [Laughter] um well do you you know i i you're gonna be so disappointed um i don't have a like a daddy i just do don't do the off planet anything um i i have to say i have a really intimate sense of god ridiculously intimate um i for some unknown reason even to me even to me um i actually feel like i'm always walking through god i i can't explain it i i i it's simply i know it's it it's as if really for me god is in all things in a never and i know it sounds very impersonal but i've crossed some kind of crazy rubicon without effort and it's like it's ev it that force is everywhere and in everything and in every tree and in everything it's everywhere and in everything and it makes it it's just a huge god place so the idea that god has to look like some i'm pa i okay that's way in the back mirror i i left that one in the dirt um the idea for me the universe is so intimate that i know that everything we breathe is heard is said that you can't sneeze and not and and that you don't understand it is too bad it's too bad because that is the way it is and that every prayer prayer is the way this universe is made intimate and every prayer is heard every single thing we do is is watched and observed and paid attention to not one act of kindness goes without being checked and noticed and not one act of cruelty but then someone can say well how can this happen i don't know ask the human being who did it ask the human being who did it don't ask god ask the human being because there's endless endless endless endless teachings that say stop being you know if you if we follow the spiritual teachings and we're kinder and forgiving we wouldn't produce human beings like we do we're the ones that constantly screw it up and if you think there's a god that's going to come down here and say that's it i'm just going to clean up your mess that's not the way it is i that's it i i go to the airport and i see people who are so small-minded petty that they they can't wait to get in line to get on a filthy airplane and and this is how we evolved oh i got to be first on a filthy airplane it's not going to get off the ground with everybody in it and this is how he evolved people and i'm like oh man i love watching this so thank you actually thank you i can let go now because i do i i i you know god's in every coincidence and everything feels that yeah but it was very hard for me to let go of the vision of something yeah yeah yeah what i don't do is i never say oh there's god in the sunshine and then oh you i don't i'm not a poet i'm a very practical girl and i'll always you know when i see people when i see people in the street that need help i say a prayer immediately and i absolutely know they're going to get help i don't pass homeless people without giving something i always think you could be an angel in disguise and i am not going to get my rear end kicked for not being charitable it ain't going to happen i absolutely believe angels are on the earth walking amongst us and they're always in rags and um that's just the way it is yeah absolutely they're on assignment but i'll tell you what you can't stand on the stage and conjure up michael for entertainment absolutely not what a bunch of junk that was because and hasn't that come home to roast well because and now i always say it was hypocrisy my question to you is when will your book be published why why is that why is this not working okay is that closer to my mouth maybe okay right um when when will your book be published um i'll be i'll be turning in the manuscript later this this year from the summer and then it'll be out later hopefully at christmas great thank you yeah yeah hi hi i'm very happy to be here i i noticed when i joined the facebook group and looking around that it's only women here i'm assuming oh i'm assuming that you didn't just advertise this workshop to females so no yeah and and i i i've been personally involved in in a metoo situation so i've been examining what's happened from a political standpoint and had just actually recently read a book by jermaine greer called on rape she ends the book well her thesis well her thesis is that two-thirds of sex is actually non-consensual even in relationships oh my god and and she that's pretty bold i know it is it's a very tiny book with very little research and she is an academic but her um she ends the book by saying that we're never going to solve this issue until men stop hating women now the reason i bring this up is i noticed how it just seems to me women seem to be a lot more interested in spirituality and god in the in the new movement that that is on and i've been to a lot of deepak chopra workshops and yeah there are men there but there's generally more women than men most of them always well and and you know but going on to what jermaine greer has said um it started me thinking and wondering if if really what's happening now is really a women's thing i i don't know i'm just throwing this out because i mean let me help you out okay um one one of the major major myths about god and about spirituality is that going anywhere near your spiritual nature anywhere near it what it does do is it it the the journey to god is a journey to truth and it and it it makes you more aware of the other now our economic model is dependent upon your capacity to not be aware of the other to and you count on your man being able to make a tough economic decision the last thing you want your man to be is someone who can't bring home the bacon you don't wish that was the case what but you don't want your man at a place like this that's why there aren't men here because that's the last place a woman wants her husband is at a place that sensitizes him to not be a warrior and that's the truth okay it's a very interesting way to look at it it's also the truth and as soon as women admit and own that they're not turned down by bad ass warriors abuse will balance it out too okay this isn't just about men hating women it's about women wanting men who are bad ass warriors and liking it so that's not a fair assessment at all i didn't say i believed it i just yeah okay what a no tendon i like this one better so thank you for being here thank all of you in the in in joining us out there and i i think we're going to have a good time so when you go to sleep tonight when you go to sleep tonight i love what theresa does okay oh by the way that's avila for short my girl okay so i want you to close your eyes when you go to sleep i want you to picture the stars and i want you to imagine the angels coming for you and you say take me take me to the realm with you and heal me take me up among the stars repair my soul repair my heart fill me with grace and return me to my body in the morning amen
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 64,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CqrvlOr5nhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 11sec (4571 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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