Kingdom Culture Influence of Relationships Part 3 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message begin this session by talking a little bit about the environment that we live in I believe that some of you saw the article in the People magazine someone gave me a copy of it this past week about a woman who pretends to be a man who's pregnant I understand that that was on Oprah Winfrey Show recently where they showed this woman who had a sex change to become a man but she is pregnant and she got married to another woman but of course she couldn't get conceived from the other woman she needed a man but she pretend to be a man but she needed a man [Music] I'm not too concerned about car I'm concerned about that baby what a confused place to enter the world who do you call your daddy and who do you call your mother you can't call your mother daddy but your daddy who say he's your daddy is actually your mother we got some problems I would like to adopt that child to save that baby [Music] that's just a glimpse of the world we live in we are helpless we don't know what to do this matter of fact here's a thought to remember globalization makes us all interdependent so whatever happens in one country affects all countries right now the Olympics is ready to be held in China and the Olympic Games are supposed to be the games that bring the whole world together in human unity and harmony they try to put the flame out everywhere the flame goes because the world is so confused globalization another point governments are helpless I think we are finally agreeing with that even though we afraid to say it governments don't know what to do I got an email last night and I pulled it out this morning because we have a lot of those wonderful people here today in our audience this letter is dated April 12th that was yesterday and it says port-au-prince Haidee hades government fell last night when senators fired the prime minister after more than 16 of the 17 senators at a special session voted against the Prime Minister his name is Jacques edirol Alexis as an ally to president Rene the move by opposition senators was seen as a serious but not crushing blow to prevail that is the president whose 2006 election brought a clash with senators after the president of the country of nine million people most of whom are in less than $2 a week a day rather the stone-throwing crowd began battling UN peacekeepers and Haitian police in the south on April 2nd it enraged the soaring crowd and the unrest spread this week to the capital of port-au-prince bringing the sprawling and chaotic city to a halt as mobs took to the streets on Saturday the peacekeepers from the UN was shot to death near the main catholic cathedral downtown port-au-prince yesterday the circumstances of the shooting were unclear and the city appeared largely tranquil this morning three sri lankan peacemakers were killed many Haitians welcome the ouster of the prime minister I'm quoting now it is my turn said prevail when he was told by the journalists of the Senate vote shortly after he and the private session was completed the situation is difficult everywhere around the world everyone has to make a sacrifice he said on Saturday praval real reiterated that Haiti could not afford to cut taxes on food because it needed the revenue to pay for longer term it was unclear whether the price cut would satisfy protesters he cut the price of basic goods by three dollars across the board this result of global food prices and Haiti is trying to balance the international economy with their local economy that happened 24 hours ago it's not even in our news yet and this is from Reuters news one of our pastors there sent this to me this morning Haiti is in turmoil governments don't know what to do we have to deal with this as Kingdom people write this down economies are helpless whatever happens in one part of the world makes us a victim our gas prices in our country in the Bahamas is close to $5 can you imagine and we don't even hit the summer yet in America the average price is now $4 in some parts of Hawaii it's already 5 everyone's getting hit the economy's helpless educators are helpless do you know that for the first time in American history the passing grade of students coming out of high school is lower than most of the countries even third-world countries how can the wealthiest country in the world have school scores that are lower than third-world countries because education ain't working similar to the Bahamas we got problems in education systems are failing us and then we got media the media is a dangerous power because all the media does is report conditions it doesn't help them so they reinforce the bad news and then we have the fear of recession let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen the fear of recession is more powerful than recession itself because fear motivates action it's a matter of fact most of the times in history recession is not bad it's how people perceive it that makes it bad people stop spending people stop investing and it causes the economy to freeze this is the kind of world we live in we are victims of it the Bahamas imports over 85% of everything it consumes that means our umbilical cord is attached to other countries economies or whatever they eat we receive we're victims I'm saying this for a reason because we all are seeking new government we believe that if we can just get the right government it will fix everything when you study the political processes in countries and right now in North America every single eye is watching the process of obtaining a new government people are blaming the economic conditions on the government are they are they yes in other words when we have a problem we blame the government and what do we do then we conclude that if we can get a better government then it'll stop the problems so we really believe that government answers all things in the Bahamas in Jamaica in Trinidad they a change of governments this year as well the last six months in the Bahamas we also had a change of government everyone's changing government for the conditions ain't changing and yet we hope that the government will be the answer I mean if you agree that that's that's what we think right this is why America is wanting a new government this is why in Europe they change the government in England with a new Prime Minister yesterday Spain just bought in a new government hoping that there will be change it's amazing they brace a government do you know that all humans on earth believe that government is the answer to all their problems this is the truth as a matter of fact the Olympics conflict right now is based on the global perception of a government and they're hoping they can change that government's ideals and values with hope of them becoming more like the other country this is all government discussions it's everything is government and I read just now about Haiti Haiti's problem we think is government and say we can just get better government we have better countries hey by say government let me tell you something that's wonderful we all seek new government because the human condition is will be controlling who we are concerned about everyone is trying to find a new world so we figure if we can get a new government we can get a new world but that's true because we believe that you can change the people who lead us will be led to a different place then there those who believe that religion can solve the problem that's the second thing they hope to but religion has become the number one problem in the world so government and religion are both challenged trying to solve the problems in the world religion has become the foundation of terrorism the fighting that those are in the world most of the wars are religiously motivated because religion is as diabolically a problem as many of the government attempts to fix it so both double religions are the major issues in human relationships the world is experience right now would we call culture clash what's the culture clash that's when different cultures touch each other now remember culture is actually life a person's lifestyle a culture is the thing that people grew up in that's all they know and when that hits another culture you got to human experiences touching each other and there's a reaction this is what causes war this is why even in religious culture you have the Muslims and the Christians and the Hindus and the Buddhists in tension with each other religious cultural clash you get social cultural clash it's all based on globalization please write this down this point culture is stronger than politics culture is stronger than religion and this is why we have to understand culture all men believe that government is the answer that's why we spent so much money on Elections I heard the other day that presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton raised twenty-two million dollars in one month lord help us and barack rates forty million in one month that's a lot of money and you might lose government is that important to people the war in Iraq is now costing 1 billion per week all we need is 2 weeks and the Bahamas is debt-free they are spending more a week on a war than we have in our treasury government supposed to be the answer well I'm leading you somewhere everybody read the last statement with me together go all men believe government is the answer that's true that's why we keep changing them we keep hoping this would be better than the last one and this would be better than the last one things that get better than the last one and we keep changing what governments well here's a surprise I thought I'd give you the surprise God came up with a divine solution to man's problem on earth God figured out what's wrong with us and God however surprisingly he believes that the answer is also government gotcha why are humans 6.7 billion of us keep voting why are we fighting for governments why do we kill in the name of pursuit of good government God believes that government is the answer also to man's problems now this is strange but here's the difference Jesus came to earth to bring the answer to man's problems John 18 verse 36 Pilate was a governor he was a part of a government called Rome the Roman Empire and Pilate asked Jesus a political question Pilate said are you a king not a prophet not a priest are you a king that was a governmental question jesus answered Sean 18 verse 36 I quote My Kingdom is not of this world if it were My servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews but now my kingdom is from another place and I want you to notice something important he didn't say his kingdom was not on the planet he said it was from another place here's why I'm reading this to you the humans believe that government is the answer and God believes that government is the answer we prove in a minute but Jesus says my government is from another place that's important that means Earth doesn't need a government from Earth to solve its problems [Applause] let me ask you a logical question okay son logical question I am your teacher you are my student and I teach you everything I know question what do you know everything I taught you that's it in other words the student cannot rise above the teacher so if we keep producing the government from our own system the government cannot be better than we are this is why in order for God to solve Earth's problem he didn't come in to earth looking for someone to use as a leader he sent someone from another place into the planet so that your didn't produce him the places shall they remember anyhow that's why he couldn't be born of a man let me tell you why this can be good it's gonna be so good let me tell you why all of us like superheroes Batman especially Superman now all of us who grew up in the Western world we love Superman you know I really love Superman so money from Earth [Music] this is why we are attracted to Superman he is our desire for a messiah he came from another planet and his power comes alive when he's here sounds like someone I know and he's able to fly pickup trains stop the wind pick up bridges with his hands he's able to stop a truck at 100 miles per hour he saves people he doesn't hurt people and he always has enemies sounds like Jesus that's why we love him because he is from another place in the fullness of time God sent he didn't go to find he sent his son into the world and that son says he is a king and he bought a kingdom rate is down acts 1 verse 3 it says these words after his suffering he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive he appeared to them over a period of 40 days this is after the resurrection and he spoke to them about read it the kingdom of God Jesus talked for thirty three and a half years about government the last three and a half years of his life he only had one subject and it was about government the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom it was a government not a religion because he knew that man needed government what is the goal of kingdoms I have a picture of here I want you to take a look at that picture that's a picture of Caesar Caesar was a king it's a statue of season sorry a statue now when I went to Rome and visited Rome I was impressed by the history of Rome they took us to all of these old artifacts and the remnants of temples and we got to see all these statues them is a beautiful place but not enough history just history then nothing much with history and you could see the glory that was there it's not there anymore but he could see the remnants of it Rome was the most powerful country and kingdom in the world still is today because of the history I'm talking about well what are the goal what is the goal of kingdoms why do governments rule write this down the goal of kingdoms is to influence kingdoms are different from democracies democracies don't have as their major goal influence whenever a democracy attempts to exercise influence it is interpreted as occupation so people fight against it but kingdoms are different kingdoms exists to in ruins why because and write this down the greater the influence the greater the glory kingdoms get their glory from who they influence that's why Britain came all the way to the Caribbean and influenced the Bahamas Jamaica Barbados Trinidad Grenada Trinidad Guyana the Spanish Kingdom influenced Cuba Mexico Nicaragua Guatemala then they went down south they influenced Chile Argentina Colombia and then the Portuguese say they get left out we need some glory so they came and they influenced Brazil and they went to the Congo and then they went to Africa and everybody said grabbing up influence they influenced the British influence Ghana Nigeria Zimbabwe Malawi Botswana and then the French said the way get left out so they came to influence Haiti st. Martin ich Guadeloupe then they went to French Guiana and South America then they went down to to Africa and they influenced Ivory Coast kind of hua kingdoms exist to influence where God's kingdom is no different he's the first Kingdom God created the whole earth just to influence so the divine purpose and plan of God was to influence the earth with the culture of heaven that's how kingdoms and fluids write this down kingdoms expand their culture through colonization that's how kingdoms expand their culture now influence comes through culture you are not successful as a kingdom influence unless the place you influence acts looks eats dresses and drives like you in other words the evidence of colonization is culture please write that down in bold letters this is very important the evidence of colonization is one culture that means you can tell when a kingdom has been successful in influencing a place when its culture shows up in that territory the Bahamas is evidence that the British was effective we still wear suits in degrees we still drive on the left-hand side of the street we still drink tea more than coffee we still wear white wigs even though we black judges it's all culture that's evidence we still more mister know more about Henry 2:8 than we do about Shaka Zulu why culture so the evidence of successful colonization is culture here's my point if you live under the kingdom of God and you get married your marriage is not supposed to be like the other people's marriage quiet dear give you dating on both of you in the kingdom your dating life is supposed to be distinctly different from the other folks on your job who didn't you under different culture how sad do you know that the divorce rate in the church is equal to the divorce rate outside do you know that there are many people in church almost the same amount outside who are experiencing incest or relationships that means children being abused by their own parents same in the church do you know that we get past this in the church just like politicians in the government who are having immoral relationships same no no difference the pastor gave in court just like the politician my point is there's no difference in culture and one claimed to be under the kingdom of Jesus but it's not showing up as evidence in the behavior colonization this is why we got to talk about this colonization thing you know write this down the original purpose of god is important here what was God's original purpose here's a quote I want you to remember God's original purpose was please write this down in your Bible somewhere to influence the earth with the culture of heaven that's God's original purpose he wanted to manifest the influence of heavens culture on the earth through colonizing earth with the kingdom of heaven heaven is a country it's a kingdom kingdoms influence God made the earth to manifest heavens culture on earth so God wanted everything on earth to reflect heavens culture kingdoms manifests themselves through culture very important now you're ready to slow get the CD after the church service here's God's final solution it's a very dangerous term I'm using Hitler used it before but here's God's final solution gods find a solution to humanity's problem is still government yes let's read Isaiah 9 verse 6 God says here's my plan for man fallen man for unto you a child will be born and unto you a son will be given and he's coming with the government upon his shoulders I am sending a king with a government he says look at the next verse verse 7 it says of the increase of his government there will be no end that means the impact the influence of his government will have no boundaries he's planned influenced every single spot of planet Earth how does a government increase its influence by taking over culture when you go to every country in the Caribbean which were all colonies of different kingdoms when you enter those countries you can see the evidence of who was there because when a Kingdom government influences a territory the government manifests its presence in the coach of the people that's why we have to teach young coaches so much let me talk about relationships we have to get the foundation right first he says and he will reign over David's throne and over his kingdom he's coming with a kingdom and kingdoms have influence and influence is manifested in what culture this is very important how many of you meditate before you believe that a piece of rice is behavior we don't how many of you have to decide to drive on the left every time you get in the car you don't this is very important this is reported culture makes life natural when the foreigners come to visit us like the Americans they still trying to figure out how you could drive on the left hand side with your steering wheel on the left answer they can field with that am i right yeah America this how y'all do that well we don't even think about it come on you're saying Emma why because we grew up in it as the word culture means to grow into therefore it is second no first nature nature means glory nature from the word na tu are al it's natural to drive on the left I'm getting it something therefore if you come under the culture of heaven and your marriage comes under the culture of heaven your single life is under the culture of heaven your divorce life is under culture of heaven then there's some things that you ain't supposed to think about if you gotta sit down and figure out whether you should sleep with her you need to check your citizenship it shouldn't even be a thought I'm talking about singles only you know if you got a debate with yourself I mean you don't debate with yourself whether you should drive on the left let's see what should i drive on the left today let me see let me think about it I think I feel like driving on the right today you don't do that you just sit in that car you take off its first nature see culture makes life natural how about forgiveness is it natural somebody costs you on the job and you say no problem I'll bring you a sandwich when I go out do good to those who despitefully use you that's supposed to be natural but you got thing with that if I got thing with this something I get a piece of my mind mm-hmm yes sir she did I can get her back see you you need you ain't huh where's your citizenship Paul says our citizenship is in heaven in other words we came from another place your culture reveals your own down if you know United States they got Chinatown they got Haitian town they got Cuban town they got Italian town they got all these different towns and when you go to road towns everything's different but to them it's natural so you cannot go to Chinatown and order a hot dog they don't sell hot dogs in Chinatown that's not their culture let me ask the question can someone order some things from you that you don't sell now this is deep question now well you know but we already engage you know so we could have sex we already engage they they try to order hotdogs and you don't sell that in your culture you telling me no I mean you can't do that in this culture we don't sell that here no ring no ting [Applause] nowhere no bad clap now see we should never have to wonder what you're doing privately supposed to be natural that's why we need teaching Christianity is the only place where you can do anything you want to still sing in the choir no sorry breach there's no accountability write this down please very important it says he is coming God is sending his son the son is being given and it's coming at what a government right is down a government from another realm that's the key when we talk about culture governments create laws laws create culture so if you change the government you change the laws if you change the laws you create a new culture this is why the first thing God gave Moses when he began to create a new nation the first thing God gave him was law because when you produce law you create culture and God's laws went like this thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not cover their neighbor's goods thou shalt rest one day a week in other words God gave these laws to create a lifestyle because they came out of Egypt where those laws did not exist God was trying to create a new society you came from a divorced home and your parents parents was divorced or never married and then their parents parents parents was never married and now you stuck in your generation you got decision to make and you grew up in a culture where there was no contract and now you enter the kingdom of God and you got a tough fight because now you got a history that becomes heavier than the future and you try and live a new future and that way the history is pulling on you and then there are those moments of decisions where you gotta make those decisions well my my mother did it so I guess it's okay well my father did it so I guess is okay and you got history fighting the future this when you got to change governments you got to be governed by a different set of laws the kingdom of God has benefits but it also has obligations that you must keep please write this down when Adam was created by God God put him in the Garden of Eden the first thing God gave Adam was Dominion Dominion means Kingdom so what did Adam loss or lose when he fell please try this list down very important list first of all he did not lose a religion does not God never gave him a religion Adam lost first of all a royal family he lost a family and that's why we are always looking for family when Jesus came to earth he said by the way Jesus Christ was the first person in history who referred to God as father that's what made him get in trouble with the Pharisees and scribes the Jews were afraid to call God by a common name I'm in Christ game he start calling God father and that's why they wanted to kill him they said how dare you being a man man claim God is your father how give you so familiar with God at the end of this ministry before he left the earth he said now I go to my father and to your father he came to restore family we lost a family number to Adam lost a kingdom God gave out of my whole country he says this is your Dominion you rule earth with my government he gave Adam a complete country Adam lost the kingdom thirdly Adam lost a government he says have rulership over the earth he gave Adam government authority Adam lost government authority and then fourthly Adam lost the community he was carrying all of us in his loins so Adam lost an entire country and people so we lost we lost the community of heaven and finally Adam lost the society a society look at the word society carefully what do you see in that word social social has to do with relationships Adam lost a social environment in which we supposed to live now you will notice when Adam fell the society fell apart his social relationships went haywire Adam for example as soon as the thing fell apart Adam attacked his wife he blamed her for everything this woman you gave me and that is still happening today when that four hit the marriage was attacked he attacked his wife amazing gentleman listen to me the foundation of a nation is a society the foundation of a society is a community the foundation of a community is families the foundation of families is marriage the foundation of marriage is the male and female so let me get some help here can you help me can you stand right here please face that way I need some help can you come and stand right behind him please pass the pack okay can I have all the beautiful ladies come and stand right here please behind you just face that way quick man one man one way okay come my darling you stand right behind you praise the Lord yeah yeah I like you you you cute you all right I need one more can you stand behind her don't touch you just down behind I will kill you okay want you to remember this picture this is the nation what's the nation a collection of societies with society a collection of communities with the community a collection of families what's a family a collection of marriages what's the marriage that coming together of individuals so the foundation of the entire nation is the individual so if a nation has a divorce epidemic which the Bahamas does have which America does have which Canada does have Jamaica does have if we have an economic in marriages divorce rate is so high then you got to go and check what's happening in what the society that meant the society has certain cultural things that are happening that's causing people not to stay together you want to check what's happening society you got to go check let me see what's happening in the community and you find in the community people are cohabitating daven ain't getting married nobody's living together now they shacking up we call it and then because if the community is the problem future when I see what's happening in the family you come to find out you get one man with 25 children before six women in other words there's no more commitment to one family there's one guy with five houses so he said well the family's a problem then find out where marriage is the problem because people ain't getting married or they're getting married they still running around doing stuff so there's no commitment no no fidelity and then you realized well why's the fidelity because the individuals are no longer living according to integrity faithfulness longevity and commitment the changing partners like you change clothes individual that's what Adam lost I don't lost all of that put another way it started here and ended up there by one man sin came upon all men so the all men are sinners the whole nation are rebellious against God the way sin means rebellion they're so rebellious that you know this is a dumb mistakes week Oh Tommy you the disciples said to Jesus no the Pharisees said to Jesus Matthew 19 who is so sweet they said they said master can a man divorce a woman for any and every reason that was the question the question was could a man divorce for any reason in other words they were having an epidemic of divorce and they were listening his teaching they say oh you're such a deep teacher give us an answer for divorce his answer who wrote the bill of divorcement they said Moses he said you write with that because I don't number that bill I didn't write that that didn't come from our country this is very important otherwise he swiftly went to his country he said that came from earth that came from your order you're not a problem he says and why did Moses create that law from y'all realm because of your hardness of your heart a hard-headed man wrote a bill trying to solve our own problems then he said this now this is great question should a man in the nation divorce his wife for any and every reason that means everybody getting divorced in the nation Christ as well it was not so from the be getting he went back to the bottom he says you know when God started he first made them male and female even back to the one he said your problem is the individual is sick and if two sick individuals get married you got a sick marriage we produce a sick family produce a Sikh community which is a sick society but it's a sick nation and you trying to fix it video 6 solutions [Music] [Applause] in other words your culture is the problem the individuals are being cultured incorrectly some of you in this room right here you watch your father slap your mother you were four years old you saw him come in the room half drunk kicking cursing that's still in your mind and that's called culturing you're growing in this and all of a sudden you got a temptation to hit your wife you wonder I love her but why I got this temptation because the culture is so strong you saw your father sleeping around you even saw him yourself as a teenager come from school you saw me with a woman in the car and you remember you found that Dan you go I can't believe this and you go home are you afraid to tell your mama and you're struggling here you are you only 15 man you and get this stuff to deal with that it hurt you you you do together and it's culturing its culture its culturing you take that pain with you and then you get married you got the pain still but when your wife hurts you you go for relief and do what your father did its culture let me tell you why God sent you this church God sent you here so he could remodel you through me and by the way do you know scientifically proven and also in Scripture that a female gets her womanhood from her father favored by the Bible not from a mother that's why women are in crisis because they were never fathered by a real man so they keep choosing the wrong men because they don't know how real men look they believe that if he has on plans he's a man the father was supposed to teach them I remember Joseph wanting to marry Rachel that's the girl he didn't order the mother he had to go to the daddy and daddy checked him out and the daddy discovered the guy broke ha ha ha your women need to get this man let me tell you something by the end of the year when this season's over if you ain't married as a girl and a fellow will marry you bring him to me I got 7 crushes to ask him and he better get 6 right cuz you ain't no experiment you took pressures to be an experiment [Applause] this this is the image that God has of the world he sees the nation he sees the society and the community he sees them families he sees those marriages he said o single people and he goes oh I gotta go in and help them now who produces the government to rule this nation come here Lee come in I will show you when we get our rulers from please get him right from here it's level right here this way the babies come from right here those relationships supposed to be marriage some of any marriage is that he come some of them made it behind cars hotel rooms behind the school huh in the office in Miami or we coming home that's where they made so here's this baby brought up in this interesting environment whatever it was Annie he goes into the community to get his education we produce them into society with social values that we taught him and then he goes to the nation and now he turns around and he gonna run the whole thing [Music] now you got all kinds of situations going on here right or tomorrow them I mean next we gonna be good come back here son it's the baby coming baby it's time to get bye-bye mummy and daddy okay that's the baby now the daddy for example is a sweetheart so the little boy grew up with a daddy teach them how to have plenty experiences with different women okay oh the father is one what sexual and the kid only for any group with certain experiences since daddy and etc daddy tell him some things and in this little brain which comes as a blank slate he writes all this stuff on the guy's brain it's a throwback absurd okay and then this guy goes into the family in the community in society in the nation and now he's running the country with all that stuff and we say we want good government it's the powerful family so you hear that the head of a country rapes somebody commit some kind of moral act and you go really did you hear what do you think he came from he came from you the leader is no better than the followers that produce it so we got to change the whole culture of the followers so we can produce a new type of leader see my hope for teaching you for the next 12 months is that when you got kids they'll get what you are learning in this series not what you learn from your parents [Music] so we have a righteous crime Minister in 20 years who genuinely got the values of heaven in his life we got a righteous Senate figure people who got the right values from the kingdom of heaven whereby in the Senate and in the house we ain't got a debate rather we should have burglary tricycle a burglary burglary yeah right you know in other words all of us got the same values from heaven there's certain things we never discuss [Music] that's how powerful this entire system is that leader came from this system now if you want to change the nation you have to go like jesus said the father made them male and female you can take this kid all the way in the back here and start off with a new type of male that's why the men's ministry is so important because the first one God made was male see and it's amazing this baby comes from this male and female but the male is on the bottom so you have to start with the male the first one God never is the male if the male has problems the whole society will have problems so the whole nation will have problems and this is why Jesus Christ never chose a female as in a disciple he was fixing a problem the female came out of the male she didn't come from the soil so if you fix the soil the product is better so if we are going to fix the society so we can fix the nation we got to come all the way back to Jesus's analysis he said in the beginning garden start with marriage he started with the male and the female on whom God joins together he says let no or girlfriend old boyfriend or lawyer put asunder could it be that he's suggesting that some people God didn't put together you put yourself together some of you in this room are hurting with a history you went through a horrible marriage you couldn't believe you was dumped and rejected and abused you couldn't you can't you can't understand what's going on and God is saying I'm gonna help you listen to see I'm gonna help you I would help you understand first of all what happened why it happened and how to make sure it never happens again to you and your children's children we're gonna fix the culture so that a good nation becomes natural thank you very much for great wonderful leaders [Music] thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 30,143
Rating: 4.879365 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 24sec (3804 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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