The Prophetic Significance of Shavuot

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[Music] no I'm excited about this teaching I think this teaching is something that it's just so cool and I just got a lot of it this week and this thing's are coming back and forth but before we get too far into it you know I've it's so funny because so far this week already I've had multiple people coming to me saying you know what's your view on the calendar you know and here's the thing I just did my own teaching I updated our teaching on the calendar about three months ago if you want to know where we stand while we believe what we believe you can go to tour family org search the calendar and you'll find out where we stand why we stand where we stand okay my view on this calendar that count that's why I did the second updated teaching to answer many of the questions we had coming in our way so it's not just a general calendar view it's simply sowing why I struggle with this not declaring other calendars are wrong simply saying why I struggle with other calendars okay so and then showing why we believe in how it can be done this way or should be done this way so so if you don't know where I stand there you go okay that's that now that being said about the calendar today this moment you're about to hear a message on Shavuot a message that I am really excited about and in all of the things that I have done in the past of regarding in times or and stuff like this that's what we're talking about in times here I've made if you've watched any of my teachings in the past at all regarding in times you'll know that I make teachings that point to every single one of the MOA Deen not one being over the other I think every single Modine points to something with Yeshua period okay and I think every single Medine points to a plausible return of him which gives to me all the more of an excitement when those holy days come up where it can always be going this could be the day okay type of a thing okay that's what I do I get so excited so I'm not sing with as I as I'm making this presentation regarding Xiao Guo I know for many of us who are celebrating Shabbat this weekend I'm not saying this is the weekend or this is the one I'm simply saying this is reasons for us to be watching any shadow watch in the future okay so be mindful I I'm all about watching and looking but be cautious in putting how do I say this is the one though I think we should always be doing the have that mindset remember it's all of the holy days we should be looking at does that make sense hopefully that makes sense okay no moving on the titling title of this message is simply the prophetic significance of Shavuot Levi my son can you please stand and blow your little shofar hey man hallelujah and on that note let's pray father we praise you and we thank you I am so grateful for this opportunity to be with your people and I mean that with all my heart father I ask right now that you a minister through me father I know what I have is just some cool different thoughts and that's okay I just pray father that you will help me portray these thoughts the way you want them to be delivered and I'm not saying it's truth I'm not saying it's wrong or right or whatever I'm just simply saying these are some things I found I'm so excited to share them father I pray that people will receive this message that I believe you've given me with joy and Thanksgiving I pray father that help that you help me deliver it with accuracy with meaning with the joy that you have placed in my heart and father if it's not the right thing father this let it be all the more reason though for still to be digging all the more into your Holy Word in Yeshua's Holy Name and everyone agree by saying amen and a men okay as always like I've said I'm not here to convince you of anything I'm here to show you what I have found that's it I'm simply wanting to show you what I have found in my studies here recently and I find I think that's interesting enough to at least share them with you to let you ponder the same thoughts that's gone through my head maybe just maybe you can say well Steve you're wrong here but I like this because what about this isn't this next thing you know we all start getting together these new thoughts and coming together that's the body of Messiah working together because what I have found is too many times we think we get this thought father gave me this be cautious when saying that you know while the Lord told me those well how do you know did you hear the physical voice if you heard the physical voice good for you if I did I would projects what my pants okay so and he knows that he just last me it so he knows he can't do that to me okay and so but the thing is I think we're gonna use caution even if you're really passionate and you think you've heard the voice I don't we all thought we've heard the voice something sometime before and they wouldn't find out later on we found out we were wrong so did you really hear the voice okay so you be cautious with that know what that being said if you've watched any my endtime teachings as I said you know that I have supported all these different views of why we should look so this particular one I'm giving you today is not to say this one's right all the others are wrong I'm simply saying hey here's another one to look at gotcha are you with me so far everywhere I go I get asked my view of how in the world rolled can you go Steve from believing in a post-tribulation resurrection for 28 years of your life and now you're a pre-trip er what in the world is wrong with you dude I get that a lot and all I can say is yes I believe 28 years I believed in post-trip matter of fact I believe post-trib when post-trib wasn't cool okay I preached that now I have a teaching explaining my understanding with this it's cold get hurt get it ready pre-trib huh so that teaching is simply explains why I believe now in the pre-tribulation resurrect of the body of Messiah okay should say more so the bride of Messiah so if you're interested in knowing why I believe that the teaching is simply titled pre-trib it's written teaching will probably take you about 15 maybe 20 minutes to go through it okay I break it down verse by verse showing how again it's all one Testament not new and old or old new how you say it it's all one pointing to that I also have a teaching title the Church of Philadelphia kind of goes hand-in-hand with that but again pre-trib is the teaching but in a nutshell let me give you some pre few things here everyone says that we should be watching for the birth pains that Yeshua describes in Mark Osler Matthew 24 mark 13 Luke 21 we should be watching for the birth pain Steve okay I get it got it good however what do the prophets say about those birth pains real quick I'll just give you a quick little nutshell we can continue on Isaiah 26 says but your Dead will live their bodies will rise guess what he's talking about here folks that's the resurrection moving a little farther he says the earth will give birth to her dead confirming this is the resurrection there's no ifs ands or buts about it he's discussing the resurrection now that's Isaiah 26 let's go to Isaiah 66 Isaiah 66 says before she goes into labor she gives birth whoa what before she goes into the birth pains she gives birth next before the pains come upon her she delivers a son verse 8 who has ever heard of such a thing who has ever seen such things can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment yet no sooner is Zion and labor then she gives birth to her children the prophets say before the birth pains come the birth happens so all these things your shoe is talking about the birth pains what's he say Luke 21:36 be always on watch and pray that you may be able to escape all the these things do you think he was knowing or referring back to before she goes into labor she gives birth prey you're able to escape all these things because all these things are the birth pains I'll be going to him when we're detailing this in a second now in quick shortness that's why I change my view that's like I mean cliff notes of cliff notes of cliff notes of my understanding okay where I'm at today why I believe there is a pre-trib resurrection and not a post trip like I believe for 28 years of my life okay I know that challenges some people I'm not meaning to offend if you disagree with me I'm not offended at you okay I'm just simply sharing with you where I'm at today ask you tomorrow it may be a tad bit different no this presentation is simply reasons why I believe we should be open to watching Shavuot as a possible time of Yeshua return the time of that resurrection okay why Shavuot why should we be looking at Chavel what this is this giving you some general reasons of why the possibility of shoe return could be on a shovel we know Shavuot is all about a wedding it was the day when yahweh entered into the marriage coming with Israel at Mount Sinai amen amen now that being the case we just read Isaiah 26 which talks about the resurrection okay we read that already and Isaiah 24 25 and 26 if you've never read them I encourage you to read them all together lump together 24 25 and 26 they're all together they all fit Isaiah 24 is all about the great earthquake as a 25 continues and moves in and then 26 we've read about the resurrection okay that's all tied together they discussed the judgment and deliverance at the same time now as I mentioned Isaiah 24 about the earthquake now what I want to do here now though is look at chapter 25 alright in that day they shall surely I say they will say surely this is our God we trust it in him and he has saved us this is Yahweh we trusted in him let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation the earthquake has just happened they have been delivered and they're saying let us rejoice and be glad does that sound familiar to you well it should let's go to revelation revelation 19:6 then I heard what sounded like a great multitude like the roar of rushing waters and like peals of thunder shouting hallelujah for the Lord our God Almighty reigns let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory for the wedding of the lamb has come I don't know about you but I get excited as hearing that that's a parallel isaiah said the exact same thing word for word what are we seeing here word for word another funny thing is i think it twenty-four talked about the earthquake I said this is I get 25 I just read for you earlier I say yes I see a 25 this first this first revelation guess what happened in the previous chapter destruction of Babylon parallels we should be looking at context here shows that the wedding takes place the same time of the destruction of Babylon and I just mention Isaiah 25 and 24 are all connected together with 24 24 25 or 26 now something else I think we need to look at Isaiah 24 14 through 16 watch this are you with me I'm going to read for you this is verses 14 through 16 this is like in the myth these few verses are like just stuck in the middle of all the devastation of the great earthquake it's like he's discussing all this devastation that he goes it's pause oh by the way I'm hearing all this praise listen they raised their voices they shot for joy from the West they acclaim Yahweh's majesty verse 15 therefore in the east give glory to Yahweh exalt the name of Yahweh the God of Israel in the islands of the sea from the ends of the earth we hear singing glory to a righteous one but I said I waste away I waste away woe to me the treacherous betray with treachery the treacherous betray when we read this we hear all the singing and the praising we go well this is a good thing they're given a praise right that's a good thing but Isaiah says but I say no oh he yells treachery treason you say one thing you live another folks and remember this is he it's all about that 24 the destruction the global earthquake he hits pause and gives us this timing clue I believe what does he say I with all this now the question I want to say with what he's saying here what day of the week do people give Yahweh praise beyond reason but throughout the week will not walk in his ways Sunday just out of curiosity what day just Shive won't fall on whom I don't know okay let's move on to the next one here Yeshua said he would raise us up on the last day the last day john 6 39 and this is the will of him who sent me that I shall lose none of all that he has given me but raise them up on the what last day John 6:44 my father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life and I will raise him up on the what last day same chapter John 6:44 no one can come to me unless the father who has sent me draws him and I will raise him up on the what last day next verse same chapter verse 50 for whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day did you know the last day that Shavuot is the last day of the counting of the Omer hmm we're getting a lot two parallels going on here with this last day of Chavo Chavo correct let's continue on there are three harvests three harvests we all know this I'm preaching to the choir I realize but let's continue these are all of which the times when we are to appear before Yahweh there are three feasts we are to appear before Yahweh feast of unleavened bread Shavuot and what Sokoto that's the timeframe those are the timeframes also line up agriculturally with the harvests interestingly enough we see Paul and acts of two acts first Corinthians 15 discussing two resurrections to take place after the resurrection of Yeshua giving a total of how many resurrections three so we have three resurrections scripturally speaking we have three harvests that line up with three feasts first Corinthians 15:22 is everyone tired from eating or something okay all right it's okay they're concentrating thank you serve your soul deep or just good okay first Corinthians 15:22 for as in Adam all die so in Christ all will be made alive please please take note of this all will be made alive both righteous unrighteous every single individual will be resurrected okay question is when will you be resurrected first 23 Oh even talks about the win but each in his own turn Christ the firstfruits then when he comes those who belong to him then the end now no sir I got will come is scratched out it's because that is not in the Greek so it's not in the Greek let's remove it so I'm going to read that now at that not being in the Greek so maybe it may backtrack a little bit first 23 but each in his own turn Christ the firstfruits then when he comes those who belong to him then the end when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all Dominion Authority and power for he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet now verse 26 get this right now we're gonna come back to us a little later the last enemy to be destroyed is death as long as there's a dead body in the ground death is raining make sense that means death is raining over somebody's body okay that's why the resurrection heat ain't he takes control over all the last enemy to be destroyed is death no one more death this is lying in the ground all have been resurrected he is over all Lord of all makes sense so far so Paul is giving us a hint here I believe you say see what he's talking about well let me show you we all know Yeshua's the firstfruits we didn't discuss this we all know this at the spring harvest so is he telling us the other two resurrections will take place at the other two harvests I don't know let's consider Shavuot and the fall Mohideen are these the next two resurrections when he comes for his bride and at the end we need hands over the kingdom that's what I am going to present to you as something I truly consider as plausible we just read your show the firstfruits and we read where those who belong to him when he comes is the next resurrection and then everyone else everyone else will be raised at the last resurrection here's the thing Christ first roots those who belong to him the next one and that's called the blood resurrection man fact revelation chapter 20 verses 4 & 5 right in there since blessed is he who is in this resurrection church if you take a note to Revelation chapter 20 verses 4 & 5 you need to write that down and in verse 6 as well because it talks about that is the first resurrection after yuxuan alright then the question is who then is going to be raised the last it's everybody else all septa their first resurrection is for the bride of Messiah the bride they're the ones who are going to be resurrected mind you I'm talking to bride and Messiah through all of history not just today okay all history from China Adam to a day he comes that's going to be the bride who's gets resurrected so believers from back then to believers today they'll all go up in that first resurrection that means there will be people who will still be in the ground who lived back in those days who did not get resurrected if they were not a part of the body of Messiah the bride all right that means they will be resurrected with everybody at the end okay and then you've got also those who are going to live during the Millennium okay during the money of their own people who live and die if you that said if you die before the age of 100 to consider babe all right but what I mean they could die all right bottom line is the last resurrection is at the end of the millennium for all other people both believers in the millennium and unbelievers of all time so everyone else everyone else all gets resurrected at the end first Corinthians 15 we're going to go into where he now discusses the all the all of everything this is a few verse is a few it sucks like 20 verses later 30 verses later same chapter though first Corinthians 15 the whole chapter is talking about for the most part the resurrection okay so I'm just going to pick some verses out here to highlight where we're looking at starting at verse 51 listen I tell you a mystery we will not all sleep but we will all be changed showing what last of last resurrection is topic at hand at this point all everybody he's discussing the everyone now in the rest who were not in the first resurrection continuing look at verse 52 in a flash in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet fall holy days remember Yeshua was the firstfruits unleavened bread and now Paul is discussing the all and he just said at the last trumpet is he discussing the last one at the fall Madine i think so let's continue for the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed meaning everybody for the imperishable must clothe itself with the imperishable and the motile and the mortal with immortality remember verse 26 we read earlier the last many enemy to be destroyed as what death continuing on follow with me know it slow slow verse 54 when the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality this is so cool then the saying that is written will come true death has been swallowed up in victory where O death is your victory where O death is your sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to God he gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ he's saying this is where death is defeated there's no worsening of death why because death is conquered when does that take place at the very very last resurrection in the Millenium just before the time of the great my throne judgment this is what he is discussing he went from the first and now showing the last discussing the time frame at the time of trumpets death isn't destroyed at the first resurrection listen to me death isn't destroyed at the first of Direction why because there's still people in the ground death is still raining please get that let's understand that he's talking right here about the very last resurrection so if this is true Yeshua is the firstfruits okay so if trumpets is the last resurrection the day of atonement is a great right throne judgment and so code is when Yahweh comes down and dwells with this people how cool is this are you seeing the parallels now okay if this is true then that would suggest that Shavuot is indeed the time of the first resurrection of us coming if this mentality is correct there's basis of substantial understanding this could be right I'm not declaring it as such but I'm saying we can't ignore this next Shavuot there's a parallel with Shavuot and Matthew 24 there's a verse I have read multiple times over as you have as well and I've had my understanding I may be this don't maybe it means that well I think it means this now I'm really convinced to this well now today it's just this week I've got an understanding that I think we need to throw into the box as well to kind of mix it up and see if what's gonna happen alright but start off with Leviticus from the day after Sabbath the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering count off seven full weeks count off fifty days up to the date after the seventh Sabbath we all know this is Shavuot and then present and offering listen closely I got to highlight it there present an offering of new grain to Yahweh from wherever you live bring two loaves made of two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour baked with yeast so what do we see here first we see we are to bring new grain new grain freshly picked don't give me something from two weeks ago three weeks ago four weeks ago no I want it just fresh go get it right now bring it out of the field and bring it to me okay and then what else make the two loaves of bread leavened bread now look at the parallel I think Matthew 24 two men will be in the field what getting the new fresh grain out of the field maybe one will be taken the other left first forty one two women will be grinding with the hand mill possibly making the two loaves one will be taken the other left I've never seen this before and so I started looking at all of this together how these different possible time lines could be pointing us to shava won't now i declaring us such no I still have my I still look at second Passover like oh my gosh that's so crazy cool but I'm looking at this Jim thing we can't ignore these things these things have got in my my opinion substantial evidence that we've got to be willing to consider no I also believe the two loaves for what it's worth truly represent the two sticks coming together as one again he brings it together as one I think that's awesome sorry I get excited think about this stuff no but why the fire of second chapter of Acts cause second chapter of Acts the fire came down Holy Spirit fell down fire above their heads why was that what does this represent well my opinion I think the fire over their heads represented the fire that fell down on the mountain at the first wedding okay I really believe that with all my heart I think that's piecing hey guys don't forget this is what this is all about the wedding okay and what do we know the Holy Spirit is a deposit guaranteeing what does it come Oh what's to come it's the redemption of our bodies for the resurrection of the wedding next verse it says this Romans 8:23 not only so but we ourselves who have the firstfruits of the Spirit groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons what the redemption of our bodies Isaiah 26 the earth will give birth to her dead okay all that timeframe in Isaiah 25 when I say let us rejoice and be glad it's all that same timing the resurrection with the wedding so the wedding is at the time of the redemption quite possibly I believe there's evidence for us to be really open to this the Holy Spirit is the seal the Holy Spirit is our seal Ephesians 4 starting you know this and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for what the day of redemption the resurrection the redeeming of our bodies the wedding when is the sealing completed think about this I know it's an easy rhetoric when I ask the question forgive me they're already torkoal I'm not looking for answers okay this what do you think when is the sealing completed another verse we've all heard and read revelation 7:3 do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God this is something that people believe is like a one-time event this is something I believe is done throughout all of history okay and this is something I believe it'll be when the last person is sealed all hell begins to break loose all right now this is speaking specifically of the judgment we all know of as the sixth seal you can go to that in Revelation chapter 6 I'm not gonna go there right now for the sake of time but if you go to the sixth seal we know about the blood turning blood the moon turning blood red the earth shaking all this stuff and it says what happens it says all the generals all the kings although all these people okay what do they do they go into these caves and says hide us from the wrath of the lamb okay no a lot of times people will take this verse Revelation chapter 6 the sixth seal and say that's the end of the tribulation that's when it all breaks down no it's not say Steve are you talking about okay revelation 6 seal that's around at sector 6 I'm if I'm not mistaken I think it's around verse 12 you can look it up on your own forgive me but it says all these people who are going to hide themselves the kings the generals and all this stuff they're hiding themselves from who the lamb if we say that's the end of it all well then how can that be because these kings and generals are supposed to be the ones out at the end of Battle of Armageddon fighting him when he returns see the contradiction these people who are fighting him can't be here hiding this is the beginning of the tribulation time this is Isaiah 24 when all hell breaks loose remember I said I told you that we read the verse Isaiah a revelation it was 17 18 19 round the timeframe the wedding of the Lamb takes place just after the destruction of Babylon I see at 24 the destruction Babylon's destruction Isaiah I'm sorry revelation 6 is all about the opening destruction you know here's the thing we know the Antichrist is going to come set up his kingdom and stuff all this kind of stuff we know well here's the thing what better way for him to come in and usher his kingdom when the previous world Kingdom has now been destroyed he doesn't have to fight anything he's gonna walk right in and take control it's called create this will create the problem so you can present your solution are you with me for what it's worth I didn't bring this out last night we always talked about you know the beasts and stuff all these different things all the tin heads over the two heads check this out did you know the first beast that comes out of the waters means it means the nation's okay how many heads did he have horns 10 how many charter in the northern kingdom hmm interesting and when do we have the beast who comes out of the land okay makes makes all the people worship the first beast okay and bow down to this image well how many horns did he have - hmm 10 northern kingdom - southern kingdom how are they parallel remember the end times was about deceiving Yowies people he's already has the world deceived he doesn't care what the world is doing they're deceived it's about deception deceiving Yahweh's people I have a teaching simply titled the image of the beast now mark of the beast the image of the Beast if you haven't seen it you'll want to check it out and a freaked you out if you haven't seen it because I believe the image of the Beast will be the Ark of the Covenant listen Thessalonians chapter 2 it says he will set himself up in God's temple claiming to be what God okay now that I have another genie called the tenth it's not going to be a stone made temple it's going to be the tent of meeting okay he will set himself up in God's original tent of meeting the Ark of the Covenant will be set up why it's all about deception Zack made it quote earlier is about I can't quit her right now as soon as we must Charles Spurgeon but it's all about look deception is real close to the real thing you can recognize the false easily Yeshua says be careful that you are not deceived the very elect could be deceived if that were possible why isn't it not possible cuz I think all the elect will be with him at Mount Sinai okay but those who are left behind to and to suffer through this time of persecution of purifying it's gonna be that hard to figure it out are you with me now no I said all that was not in my notes forgive me so back to the fire what else does this fire represent quite frankly I believe its judgment revelation 17 16 the beast in the and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute they will bring her to ruin and leave her naked they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire fire all on the same day fire came down second chapter of Acts fire is what is given to us through the tribulation I'm looking at here that will be the fire coming down for the judgment now the interesting I find I want to bring down here is this when Moses okay with Moses forty days after he ascended the mountain okay he's up on the Mount and get all the instructions and stuff wedding is already taking place okay he goes up and then 40 days these people break into spiritual prostitution with the golden calf judgment fell those forty days later now check this out Yeshua okay forty Jubilees two thousand years after Yeshua has ascended the tribulation falls on the rebellious the fire the fire will come and it will not be a good time it'll cause the refinement of all those who did not purify themselves there's a pattern in judgment I'm closing out with this and then we'll go into some QA patterns of judgment first the law is given next people walk in the law next people rebelled from the law next yah we sent his prophets next the people rejected the prophets next Yahweh sends his judgment the people repent and we start all over again that is the history of man period now folks I'm telling you the truth this movement I call it a movement whatever you want to call it really kicked into gear right around the year 2009 2010 there's always been the remnant following along but 2009 2010 was the year it just went full throttle pedal to the metal it started moving like crazy the profits have now been preaching forth the word come back okay my concern is this the next step is judgement okay because people are rejecting the prophets are rejecting the word history has shown that's never a good recipe because that's when the judgment Falls now for what it's worth something else I didn't bring out last night then I'll go into Q&A I don't have my numbers here in front of me but if I'm not mistaken there's around 721 722 BC was when the northern kingdom was banished to Assyria okay now in Leviticus forgive me out have it in front of me but it says that if you continue and persist in your rebellion after I have judged you and you continue in that rebellion I will multiply your afflictions times 7 it said like two or three times she says it in the book of love it almost all I can law all the one chapter almost seven times now you go back to Ezekiel and it says that the northern kingdoms banishment would be for 390 years okay just write down the numbers you can you then you did your horde search I'm sorry I have the verses in front of me forgive me well you do 390 years multiply that time 7 it ends up being two thousand seven hundred and thirty years take that two thousand seven hundred and thirty years and add that on top of the 721 BC guess what time you come to 2010 the same time when Yahweh started pouring out his spirit and bringing his people back to the Torah these last nine years we have seen a revival and I call revival that's revival walking in his ways coming back to his ways you know I've heard I've been in the Pentecostal church all my life folks all I can tell you is revival is not how high you can jump in churches how straight you can walk on a sidewalk so the whole thing is this is revival coming back to his ways all right we're in the latter days and the judgment is just around because go to all the prophets they kept saying guys if you don't repent judgment is coming we all know the trip we're all waiting for the tribulation to start and folks if we don't purify ourselves we will be in the midst of it we will be in the midst and all of this I simply wanted to show you there were things regarding Shavuot that I think we can't ignore am I saying it's gonna happen this shovel it or next shuffle or whatever chef well how many guys say it's having a shower oh I'm giving you things why we should be considering this perspective are you with me let me close in prayer and then we'll do some Q&A well we love you we praise you and I am so thankful he was so thankful father for this time to be with your people again father I pray that right now that from this which I believe you've given me and we will take this ponder it dwell upon it think with your word open in front of us and say hey let's dig into this let us become more like you every day loving you and your people like never before in Yeshua's Holy Name and everyone agree by saying Amen and amen that being said hey man thank you hallelujah okay we have 10 minutes well 12 minutes or so for Q&A so is there and if you don't have any question that's cool but if you do I'm open for them right now sir who'd I believe the prostitute is you would take that one in slow can you hear me okay oh yes for them gotcha okay so you're asking me who do I think the prostitute is great question next no no I am currently and I've been bouncing around through different views and so I really do mean it whenever I say my view may change tomorrow I don't I'm not choking on that okay but right now where I'm at I believe the prostitute is America okay and let me know let me justify that because it's a really broad brush of an answer because I believe the prostitute basic Babylon okay I believe it is the the world system okay it's the world you can't get away from Babylon it's everywhere you go okay but America is where it's headed why do I say that this meaning of the head of Babylon is in America because it's the United Nations the United Nations has its finger on every single nation that it can okay it's in control so my thought current processes Babylon is the United Nations and it's centrally headquartered in New York I believe my thought is that when this global earthquake takes place because the verse I read for you it says all the night those nations who agree with Yahweh he gives him the permission to destroy her well folks I mean a lot of people hate America let's face facts okay and so when everything happened when that earthquake takes place I believe at that same moment of that earthquake which in which takes place milliseconds after the first resurrection in my opinion I believe all these nations will send all their nukes right to New York and it wipes out most of America and it wipes out the UN setting forth what now the head the anti-messiah can come forth and say look you know what let's start afresh and anew right here and I think that's gonna be headquarter right in the heart of Israel I think that's where I'll start that's my current mindset and I've had good thoughts come against me in different oh it's great I like that perspective but I struggle because of this and nobody was saying I'm fully on board with my current mindset I realized holes and different perspective to look at but that's kind of where I'm at today hopefully that helps your answer anyone else yes sir we got a mic it was these micro quake 90 minutes you said something about the kings and all powerful people gathering together yes that's uh that is revelation 6 okay that is a battle of Armageddon in Revelation 21 yes can you read for the verses so we can every time out loud talking to you Michael about so I walk in here now with the okay I think you know where you're going to your question is specifically with that verse again okay first understand Hosea chapter 2 says that after the Battle of Armageddon there will be no more Wars prophesied there will be no more war okay so the question is who is this Gog and Magog okay remember Gog and Magog are titles all right so just as much as you have you John says there are many antichrists okay there could be many dogs and magog's just the same all right the point is at the the Battle of Armageddon I think if you go Ezekiel 3839 it talks about the gog being what destroyed and buried okay many people say well that's gog and magog at the end of Revelation the problem we have with that is Hosea says after Armageddon there's no more battle and looking at the end of the millennium what happens with those who surround Jerusalem and God's people fire comes down and destroys them there's no battle they think there's gonna be a battle but he destroys and because if he allows the battle he's breaking the words of Hoshea Hosea that prophecy is now a false prophet it can't be done so there's no war and not only that fire comes down and consumes them God can't be buried then they're all consumed okay so we're talking two different gods and Magog taking place just so you have multiple anti messiahs you have multiple gods and may God's at play here so does that answer your question he thinks I hope so yeah okay uh-huh anyone else we have five minutes the old lady Oh telephone telephone no Wendy I'm not following your question I'm sorry Koko c89 oh that Jeep could be 3,000 oh are you okay get that close good time you know what is 2046 you said 26 21 26 okay I got you right 21:06 Yeah right well here's the thing I think we need to be cautious in pointing to years but for what it's worth with my current understanding of the Scriptures where I'm at today there is nothing that would forbid Yeshua's return happening this weekend okay I mean there's nothing in the scriptures that still has to be fulfilled for it to happen okay when we look at you know which I've heard people say well you if you count this many Jubilees folks there's nowhere in the scriptures we were told to count Jubilees thymio scripture says I gotta count Jubilees and I'll be with you that's why I think there's so much confusion on the Jubilees well this is the year of Jubilee that's the year of Jubilee we don't know I have her great and awesome support for so many views on what year the Jubilee is and I can say cool but I don't know because I listen to someone else another the next day and go wow did you see this Nick oh no no no I'm right no they're wrong I go okay whatever you know the thing is I think we should live our life every day for him whenever he comes he will come and I get the joy of looking at his mo edema when I said earlier I can show you reasons for every single medine of why we should be looking for his possible return and I truly get excited at every more deme thinkin what yeah that's what he wants in all of us to get excited about him his word his calming that the we purify ourselves for that very reason do we not hallelujah anyone else over here wrong so he had a question real quick I'm with you that's second Thessalonians chapter 2 and he goes into that around verses 5 through 10 ish right in that timeframe the thing is when you look at because I've wrote into that and I've studied it and the Greek something like crazy and I've been scratching my head all more and trying to figure out what is this talking about ok and I've come to the conclusion when I look at and have to break the Greek out with you maybe sometime we can do that actually I want to make a teaching on this guy had a friend bring us up to me we're breaking it down and this is where the believers were thinking oh my gosh it's already happened okay and then he's saying what no guys it hasn't happened yet look he's not saying because this happens first he sink because you're not seeing this it's not happened we take the mentality that this is verse verse is telling us that this has to happen quote first when we when you break the Greek down it's not what it's saying it's saying it you're not in it already he hasn't come why because you're not seeing him because after he comes you will see him but because you're not seeing him let it be known Yeshua hasn't come so I'm with you then there's lots of confusion on that and I'm gonna make a teaching on that explaining the misunderstanding of that Greek in that verse so hopefully helped you a little bit there you had a verse a question back here same question okay cool that is the one thing I've heard people bring to me like we got to see him and for what it's worth I've heard it said well we can just know it maybe he's revealed and we just don't know who he is well then that means he's not revealed because my opinion is if we're going to go of this mindset okay I believe that it's not just we've seen him know he will be revealed that's the one okay so if that mindset is correct and I'm not saying it's wrong but where I'm at it doesn't bear much weight for me at all for what I'm seeing and we along with that same line if we go back to Matthew 24 Yeshua said hey the just as it was the days of Noah caught everybody off guard his parasya will do the exact same and so therefore if you schewe if we're gonna see the same two Messiah who's everyone's gonna know and all the more you is one of the I forget which fellowship was in Revelation it says I will come on a day when you will not know well if we're all seeing the at the Messiah everyone's gonna say this is it so there's that I'm saying this element of first Thessalonians 2 trying to say the intima science and be revealed first it doesn't bear weight with me there's it doesn't go and gel with the rest of the verses wait okay he would be destroyed by the brightness of the company correct correct well think of it you got we're looking at the Greek the kid and I just guess us in my teaching Percy Armageddon in the parousia we look at the word coming okay thing is there's two words for coming in the Greek but we make it one in the English is parasya and err home i paris near paris IAM simply means presents parasya presence it's where he's with his bride her home i is a physical coming now mind you for the parasya there will be a physical coming but if you read all context when he talks about err home i that is the judgment from yeshua okay and that starts at armageddon thus he will destroy him at the armageddon timeframe which is at the end of the tribulation time and the parasya he comes for what his bride takes his bride to Mount Sinai not to heaven but to Mount Sinai just like he pulled him out of Egypt he takes his takes them out of Babylon takes him to Mount Sinai for what the marriage its exact same thing parallels again hopefully that helps yes sir oh Emily I think when you look at the trumpets specifically I believe the trumpets the first five trumpets are all wrapped up into one day and if you look at it the trumpets are simply the result of what's been taking place they're all up this happens now because of this this happens next and you can you know when we ever hear the thing funny thing people look it says you know this great fire fire hell's down and all the stuff we think it comes from there well you know folks what goes up must come down what happens with an earthquake if you've got a global earthquake every single one of your volcanoes are going to go berserk and it shoots miles into the air and what they're gonna do stay up there nope it comes right back down okay these makes that's right mm-hmm yeah well and let's not forget all that people say well Steve you know you don't you must not believe in the second Exodus no I believe in a second axis I can give you every single verse gymnast Jeremiah is 16 another verse that people do not even think about and that's in Isaiah 66 right around verses 20 through 25 is right in there he talked specifically about the second Exodus and that second Exodus what takes place it's after the everything's been defeated he says he sends his people out to get all those survivors and bring them back in the second exit as those who come back and that's does need for the second second Passover because they're on their long journey coming back in and then for those so the the singer Passover is for two reasons touching a dead body and for being on a long journey so everyone's about going up the survivors coming back in those who are in the land what I doing Ezekiel 3839 says they'll be cleaning the dead bodies for seven months so if if according to my thought Armageddon takes place in the last day of Sukkot I'm really convinced it will be that means you go seven months you you're we're cleaning dead bodies during first Passover we're all unclean well you now need the second pass over to celebrate at that time because why we can't do the first we're cleaning dead bodies it's all prophetic it's hiker wow I get excited about it sorry we had one more verse or more question then we got a Kelly because I think we're running late I had one right here real quick and oil if it's fast I have no idea next question no here's the thing I believe the two witnesses I really don't I've seen great perspectives that's their two individuals no it's the - it's the two northern southern kingdom I've seen it all okay and I any when every time I see them all these debates I go while they're alright you know yeah yeah I don't I mean they're gonna be here how it all plays out I don't know but enough to close out this thing thing here's the thing Yushu us said the tribulation will be cut short we know I think it's in Revelation 16 where it says that the angels were kept ready for what this very hour day month and year so that means there's a day our month day month and year at the end that cannot be cut off so what's that mean if it's cut short it's not cut off at the end it's cut off at the beginning when it says like the enemy is loosed he says he knows he has about a short time why because this whole front end has been cut off he's only got a short time and for what it's worth if you haven't heard my theory I'm if there's one theory I believe is right it's this that I have and I mean this with all my heart but that's the one theory that everyone laughs at the tribulation will be only five months long you're all going all I can tell you is this I have several teachings if you want to watch the teaching I just released a couple months ago second Passover in the coming storm I break some more in detail with it multiple of my in time teachings explains it if you want one that I really break it down and is tweaked a little bit since then but I break it down in detail it's the teaching declaring the end from the beginning watch that teaching and I'm telling you the truth I had people when I did that teaching that was at the conference Isaiah 46:10 I had people laughing at me at the beginning I had those I had several people come to me and apologize this you know what I'm sorry I laughed at you and what's what you presented I cannot believe how much you have got me thinking I'm telling you the truth folks we get this mindset well we've been brought up in church well but Steve that Bible says 1260 days time times half times four to two months I get it but Yeshua said it will be cut short now why is it cut sure because if it's not cut short no man would survive but for the sake of his elect the survivors you know why I gotta stop let's pray know what I'm not gonna pray leave I blow the shofar Amen you're dismissed thank you for being here [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Torah Family
Views: 14,324
Rating: 4.8737864 out of 5
Keywords: TorahFamily, Torah Family, YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah, Yeshuah, Yashuah, Jesus, Old Testament, New Testament, 119 Ministries, Test Everything, New 2 Torah, New2Torah, Steve Fletcher, Steve Moutria, Hebrew Roots, Hebrew, 2 house, Faith, Obedience, Heaven, Earth, Heaven and Earth, Pentecost, Shavuot, 2nd Chapter of Acts, Tim Henderson, Now You See TV, Nick Vaderlaan, Leeland Jones, Rob Skiba, Parable of the Vineyard, My House Ministries, Sandy Armstrong
Id: H7tup2T4Q0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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