The Pauline Paradox - Part 1: Is the Majority Ever Wrong? - 119 Ministries

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[Music] hello and welcome to another teaching from 119 ministries our ministry believes that the whole bible is true and directly related to our lives today if you would like to know more about what we believe and teach please visit us at if you enjoy this video don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to our channel by hitting the button down below we hope that you enjoy studying and testing the following teaching this teaching series will question what many of us have been taught were the commandments god gave to israel temporary or are they still true instructions for us today hopefully you are eager to test such doctrine to the word of god because that is going to be the whole point of this teaching series there are five parts to this series part one is the majority ever wrong part two the paul you never knew part three why is paul so difficult to understand part four which law paul and part 5 reconciling the common contradictions as we proceed through this study take it slow and if needed pause it and examine the word because this teaching series focuses on the difficult verses of paul it may be useful to examine the 119 ministry's teachings for acts 10 and acts 15 before beginning the pauline paradox series let's begin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] are you satisfied with inconsistencies air or contradictions especially when it comes to our understanding of the bible if you answered yes then this teaching series is not likely going to be of any interest to you however if you are like most and interested in testing what you believe in your faith if you are really interested in digging into the word of god and only have a desire for believing and applying truth then this teaching series should be of value perhaps even life changing every bible teacher on the planet holds a some doctrinal error to some degree that is a simple fact any honest teacher should admit the possibility or even likelihood of being an error on some things we are fooling ourselves if we think that we have it all figured out or that anyone else has all of the answers but should we just throw up our hands in frustration and stop trying to understand his word better should we be okay with air in the end we will understand all things but should that cause us to refrain from trying to understand his word now the spirit that should be dwelling inside of all of us should always be motivating us to want to understand and apply the word of god it gives us the desire to dig into the word to learn it and then practice it in our lives when the bible says something is true it causes us to want to do what is true because of our faith for instance we believe that it is true that murder and stealing is wrong thus any believer who believes the word of god is right about those things will choose to not do those things likewise we also believe that being baptized and being honest is also true instructions found in the bible thus we practice those things because they are true they are part of the bible that we claim to have faith in we believe it is true so why would we not want to do what is true it is faith that produces salvation not anything that we do salvation is by faith not by works the same faith that leads to salvation also produces works thus works cannot and never will have any causal relationship with our salvational status but just because there is no causal relationship there is clearly a correlational effect our faith causes salvation and real faith is evidenced in our works we will explain this later in the teaching if it seems confusing at the moment the bible is very clear on this matter and we want to make sure that you understand that this teaching is teaching that very same thing there is no such thing as a works-based salvation we are baptized or strive to be honest because of our salvation because of our faith not for our salvation the same holds true for every commandment of god the very same reason we are baptized or don't murder someone is the very same reason why we would keep any commandment of god doing these things is evidence that we believe these things are true it is evidence that we believe that the bible is true it is evidence of our faith notice though that it is the evidence of our faith not the cause of it it is correlational not causal in other words if we commit and trust in something we will by default end up doing what we commit and trust in what you believe inwardly will be observable outwardly this is the stated purpose of the holy spirit it gives us that desire to learn that truth that we will end up practicing in many ways many today have an unsettling feeling in their spirit because they see many things established in the word of god as truth yet everyone around them teaches that it is no longer truth and not to practice that truth perhaps that should bother us to some extent it should make us wonder can something that god declared to be truth for his people become not truth later if some absolute truth can become something that is no longer truth was it really truth to begin with and was it really absolute these are legitimate questions and questions that everyone should be asking can instructions that are called freedom and scripture be something that god has to free us from later did god free us from freedom we realize that sounds rather absurd but believe it or not mainstream doctrine teaches that is what god did indeed do that same freedom is even called bondage he supposedly freed us from his already established freedom to give us some different type of freedom found only in christ somehow the freedom offered by the father and the freedom offered by the son are two different things and somehow contrary to one another is it even possible for this to make sense here's another question that is rather perplexing god declares his law to be perfect yet mainstream doctrine teaches that the law of god changed and thus has been made better so are we to understand that perfect can be made more perfect how can something already declared perfect be declared to be made even more perfect how can it be made better if these things do not concern you at all and you are comfortable subscribing to such doctrinal understanding then we will admit stopping this teaching now will save you some time because we are setting out to reconcile these things if you would like to reconcile them as well then this teaching should be of value your flesh will not like the solution to these questions but the word of god says the spirit dwelling inside of you will if you are even a little concerned about some of these contradictions then these are some of the things that we need to figure out everyone that has the holy spirit dwelling within them should always still be in the process of learning everyone is both a teacher and a student in some capacity the only thing we can do and certainly should do is continually test ourselves and others to the word of god we should love correcting ourselves and being corrected because in correction the worst thing that can happen is that we are humbled and understand the word of god better those are both two wonderful things god says that because he loves us he will correct us if you feel like the word of god used in this teaching is correcting you then consider yourself loved by god because that is what the word of god does and anyone who hates correction is foolish it is the wise who love correction proverbs 12 1 hating correction leads to our own destruction proverbs 15 9-10 yahweh detests the way of the wicked but he loves those who pursue righteousness stern discipline awaits anyone who leaves the path the one who hates correction will die some teach that we should not correct others but that simply makes no sense titus chapter 2 these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority let no man despise thee first timothy chapter 5 them that sin rebuke before all that others also may fear if you correct a wise man you should receive nothing more than love back a scoffer of the word of god hates correction and will hate us for it proverbs chapter 9 do not correct a scoffer lest he hate you rebuke a wise man and he will love you without the word of god we cannot expose air if we cannot expose air then we cannot remove air how much would we have to not like someone to not correct them in their air this teaching will be a little direct sometimes and often a little sharp as the word of god is presented but remember what truth does hebrews chapter 4 for the word of god is alive and active sharper than any double-edged sword it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit joints and moral it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart remember our heart is naturally deceitful it is often stated by those being corrected well god knows my heart well god does indeed know our heart and here's what he says jeremiah 17 the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure god wants to give us a new heart a different heart one that is after his commandments ezekiel 36 i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh and i will put my spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws this is the whole point of the new covenant to give us a desire to do the law to place the law on our heart not to change or abolish the law jeremiah 31 but this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days says yahweh i will put my law torah in their minds and write it on their hearts and i will be their god and they shall be my people god's instructions come from his own heart they are for us and to be in us changing out our heart for the heart of god this is why god is love and following all of god's instructions is defined as the act of love read all of psalm 119 it is the longest chapter in the whole bible but it is certainly worth the read it is obvious in reading psalm 119 that david allowed god to give him this heart transplant or read psalm 37 31 or psalm 40 verse 8. the law of god was evidently in david's heart god takes out our heart and gives us his heart it should be of no surprise then why david is said to be after the heart of god acts 13 after removing saul he made david their king god testified concerning him i have found david son of jesse a man after my own heart and he will do everything i want him to do we encourage you to listen what his spirit is telling you as you progress through this teaching and also encourage you to test this teaching series to his word so how is it that air happens is it possible that anything we personally believe could be an error how would we even know how would we know if we were an heir do we go by what most believe the majority do we go by what the smartest people believe surely they would have it all figured out for us how could so many smart people be wrong are smart people in large groups always going to be right do we go by what has historically been believed the longest is it even possible that god's people could have been an heir for such a long period of time do we need to go by what beliefs have sold the most books or has the largest ministry if it is popular does it make it more right in reality how we know we are an heir should be derived by what we place our faith in as the truth do we place our faith in a denominational creed as the source of truth do we place our faith in ongoing tradition as the source of truth do we place faith in our pastor or men to always give us truth or should we place our faith in the word of god that right there should be the right answer and we should already know that but how many times have we fallen into a position where we forget that the word of god is the source of all wisdom and truth it is the word of god that is the source of truth and exposes error the word of god can never fail us and can never be wrong but how can there be so many contradicting beliefs and perspectives under the same umbrella that we call faith supposedly derived by the same word of god where does all this confusion come from god is not the author of confusion first corinthians chapter 14 for god is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all the churches of the saints in reality the problem is us it is always us it has always been us if our faith is to be in the word of god then the air is always the result of us misplacing our faith because all air is against the word of god air can only come from us or from others it cannot come from the word of god that is how air happens and it is the only way air happens in fact our flesh natively has a predisposition to do this and to want to do this we can accidentally be an heir by inadvertently misplacing our faith in men tradition historical standards popular doctrine etc even when it is contrary to the word of god in fact god's word says that we do not need anyone to teach us all we need is ourselves and the spirit dwelling within us and the word of god first john chapter 2. as for you the anointing you have received from him remains in you and you do not need anyone to teach you but as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real not counterfeit just as it is taught you remain in him does that mean that teachers are not of value or that they should be avoided no of course not teachers can accelerate learning or the pointing out of air using the word of god as the foundation it is part of the great commission to teach all nations to obey everything our savior commanded that is mandated teaching we are required to teach we are required to disciple if we are not teaching obedience to his word then we are simply not doing the great commission the point is this we are required to even test our teachers to the word of god we are accountable to what we believe based on what the word of god teaches not to what others taught us to believe we are required to make sure that others are teaching us the word of god the problem is that not too much discipline is going on today and even worse when it is the students are not doing their part in testing what is being taught as the word of god and even when teachers are teaching the word of god there will still be some who refuse to listen proverbs chapter 5. you will say how i hated discipline how my heart spurned correction i would not obey my teachers or turn my ear to my instructors this teaching could be wrong you are required to test it in fact if this teaching is wrong and you know it then there is a responsibility on you to let us know using the word of god and correct us nobody should be okay with seeing a brother or sister living in air and even worse teaching that heir to others what love would that be correcting others is showing love we are literally hating our brothers if we are not rebuking them and we even bear their sin because of it sadly the adversary exploits our fleshy predispositions and uses it to divide god's people and to nullify the word of god the sad part is that the flesh likes air the flesh does not like correction that makes a job of a teacher all the more difficult because the only thing that overrides the flesh the carnal is the spirit if the teacher's audience does not have the spirit there is no ear to hear it is those after the spirit that obey the word of god those mostly driven by the flesh want less to do with the word and unless we test ourselves and others to the word of god then exposing and correcting that air is simply not possible unity is not possible and all of the blessings intended for us and walking in the fullness of his truth is not possible until we are all mature in speaking the truth in love unity will simply not happen so often we hear i think god is telling me or god spoke to me today or the spirit has been leading me etc but apparently when god writes it down then we often see a lot less listening going on that is why it is critical to define what truth is and to actually use it the only truth we have is the word of god thus when it comes to correcting ourselves there is only one way to accomplish this by auditing our beliefs against the word of god not against books people ministries denominational creeds or any other artificial head covering that we might place over ourselves we are to only have one head covering and that is our savior and lord jesus christ or yeshua in 1st century hebrew who is the word in the flesh who is the word of god and is the same word of god today yesterday and forever in reality yeshua is a walking bible whatever he did taught and practiced is the truth the same truth that is the same yesterday today and forever and just to be overly clear the word of god that is the same does mean unchanging something that is the same simply means that it did not change now we realize that we shouldn't have to emphasize that but remember some teach that the word of god has changed is it not a problem to say that something is to be the same yesterday today and forever has also changed if that is not a problem for you then once again this teaching will not be of any value to you however we suspect that most who are honest with themselves will not state that something that is to be the same has also changed the only thing that has changed is our doctrines about the word of god and we have a couple thousand years of history to prove it and in fact we should begin understanding the intent and purpose behind this teaching often enough we all fail to test ourselves and others to some degree not intentionally but we all hold on to some untested assumptions we all place more faith in others than we likely should either because of their position or some institutionalized piece of paper that says they have some type of degree we should realize that there is a reason why yahweh says that he is against the shepherds in the last days and holds them accountable at his return in the day of the lord the pure water and pastures have been muddied and trampled and as a result his sheep have been scattered too many are placing blind faith in the shepherds that yahweh says he is against in the last days if it were not so and we did not need restoration in the end then he would not have said it we have indeed been scattered and we do need restoration the reality is any untested assumptions are at risk of being an heir let's consider the situation of the first century in the first century there were about a couple dozen distinct denominations in the faith various positions on various things the dominant sects were the sadducees and the pharisees the pharisees had several denominations or schools under their umbrella the pharisees were the educated theologians of the day they were the men with all the answers they would have been the most respected and esteemed seminaries of the day they taught doctrine that was hundreds of years old passed down from generation to generation they were the teachers the leadership the esteemed academics the scholars their doctrine was supposedly tested by some of the most brilliant rabbinical minds for many generations even paul subscribed to the mainstream pharisee doctrine for a significant part of his life in general the first century mainstream pharisees were also the bible commentators and the bible college experts of their time all of that being said according to today's established theological standards we would expect that these pharisee experts to have some rather sound theology they should have been right but few were challenging their interpretations of the word of god they were beyond smart in fact the top rabbi that paul was training under gamaliel required that a student memorize word for word the whole torah the first five books of the bible how many of us have memorized much of anything they also had historical traditions and doctrines passed down from generation to generation from all the smart teachers in the past they often call this the oral law and many orthodox jews today refer to this as the talmud this was also memorized and practiced and this in fact is where they got into trouble they had all of the answers and they were the esteemed go-to teachers of the day and everyone knew it and they claimed the word of god is the truth and if there was a question about the word of god you would go to them but how did all of these things work out for them not so well the reality is that this is the pattern of god's people in the bible things start becoming a sea of religion and doctrines all too often we are taught that the pharisees kept and taught the law of god as written by moses that is what the pharisees taught and practiced right jesus again his hebrew name being yeshua made some interesting comments about the pharisees mark chapter 7 you have let go of the commands of god and are holding onto traditions of men and he said to them you have a fine way of setting aside the commands of god in order to observe your own traditions for moses said notice how yeshua points to moses honor your father and your mother and anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death but you say that if a man says to his father or mother whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is corbin that is a gift devoted to god then you no longer let him do anything for his father or mother thus you nullify the word of god by your tradition that you have handed down notice he's connecting moses to the word of god and you do many things like that here we have yeshua quoting moses saying that what moses wrote is the word of god and is the law of god and that the pharisees nullified it in their doctrine and traditions their educational system well-established theology and esteemed mainstream leadership was in serious heir they had the word of god yet in their traditions doctrines and practice they completely nullified the word of god there are a couple things worthy of noting here number one the mainstream pharisees were obviously very wrong in their doctrine this is an opinion that they are wrong yeshua clearly said so number two yeshua is teaching that nullifying what moses wrote is a very bad thing if yeshua did not consider it bad to nullify what moses wrote then yeshua would not have said that it was bad to nullify what moses wrote he does not say do not nullify moses now just to later say now it's okay to nullify moses that should make us wonder why did yeshua spend his whole ministry teaching and calling those in heir back to what moses wrote if what moses wrote was no longer going to be of value and be practiced as valid instruction from god if yeshua gave us and practice truth is that not also what he taught if yeshua teaches obedience to what moses wrote and he is our lord should we listen to him is what was considered wrong by yeshua in mark 7 nullifying moses now right is what was wrong before now right can wrong become right did isaiah not warn us of this isaiah 5 20 woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for better yeshua was constantly trying to teach the pharisees that they should practice the same word of god that they claim to have faith in the pharisees said with their mouth that what moses wrote was true and from god but in their practice and in their traditions they nullified it yeshua called that being a hypocrite mark chapter 7 verses 6 through 7. and he answered and said to them well did isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites as it is written this people honors me with their lips but their heart is far from me and in vain they worship me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men he was repeatedly trying to teach them that the same word of god that yeshua claimed to be in the flesh the same word of god that is the same today yesterday and forever is the same word of god that they should also practice the word of god simply does not change more often than not for many of them they simply refused to get it they had the bible in the flesh walking around and teaching them yet they refused to do only what moses wrote as truth and instead they focused on what they wanted to do not what god wanted them to do john chapter 7 verses 19 yeshua is saying this to the pharisees has not moses given you the law yet not one of you keeps the law is what moses wrote in our bible too do we keep it is what was right now wrong and was what was wrong now right do we do what moses wrote do we believe it to be truth do we believe it to be a means of loving god and others yeshua said that we should do what the pharisees and the teachers of the law teach which is what moses wrote what they taught out of the seed of moses but yeshua also said to not do what they practice because they practice their traditions and doctrines that are contrary to the words of moses they read from moses seat matthew 23 the teachers of the law and the pharisees sit in moses seat where they would read the torah so you must obey them and do everything they tell you when they're reading the torah the law of god but do not do what they do for they do not practice what they preach why do we not take yeshua seriously here why do many of us continue to not do what was read out of the seed of moses and do what the pharisees did which is nullify moses in our doctrines and traditions just as yeshua taught in mark 7 we should do the word of god not forsake or nullify it he even calls them hypocrites because they preach the law but they do not practice it some of the strongest words uttered by yeshua for those who nullify what moses wrote are reserved for those in matthew 23 yet we also nullify the same word of god in our doctrines and traditions the same word of god we claim to have faith in to believe in to commit to one of the worst things we can do is claim that we have faith in the word of god and practice and follow doctrines that are against the word of god yeshua said it was the same as lawlessness the same as being hypocrites do we claim to believe commit and trust in the word of god but not practice the word of god is leviticus 11 and 23 for example still the word of god of course it is matthew chapter 5 do not think that i came to abolish the law or the prophets i did not come to abolish but to fulfill for truly i say to you until heaven and earth pass away not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the law until all is accomplished whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same shall be called least in matthew chapter 5 yeshua spoke of those who did not know that they were teaching against the word of god they aired in ignorance they will simply be leased in the kingdom but what about those who teach against the word of god but should have known better what about those who preach and teach against the commandments of god and they simply refuse to hear the truth matthew chapter 7 not everyone who says to me lord lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father in heaven many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in your name cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name and then i will declare to them i never knew you depart for me you who practice lawlessness notice the pattern yet lawlessness is the pattern lawlessness in mark chapter 7 lawlessness in matthew 23 lawlessness in matthew chapter 5 lawlessness in john chapter 7 lawlessness in matthew 7. leading up to this point in matthew 7 yeshua spoke earlier about wolves matthew chapter 7 beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves you will know them by their fruits do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles even so every good tree bears good fruit but a battery bears bad fruit a good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a battery bear good fruit every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire therefore by their fruits you will know them did you know that scripture defines such terms for us trees are people trees are made from a seed the seed is the word of god trees produce fruit according to the instructions or the dna of that seed you can tell which seed is in a person the word of god or the adversary seed based on what type of fruit is being produced a word of god tree simply produces word of god fruit it is actually quite a simple concept but there is another term mentioned here wolves have you ever wondered what wolves are according to the scriptures and every symbolic mention of wolves in the bible is about those who teach against the law of god which is also against the word of god they are the bad trees that produce bad fruit but we did not need yeshua to tell us that all we have to do is read the instances of when wolves present themselves in scripture to see what wolves do to see the fruits of the wolves here is an example from the prophets about the last days entering into the day of the lord or the day of wrath ezekiel chapter 22 and the word of yahweh came to me son of man say to her you are a land that is not cleansed or reigned upon in the day of indignation wrath the conspiracy of her prophets in her midst is like a roaring lion tearing the prey they have devoured human lives they have taken treasure and precious things they have made many widows in her midst her priests have done violence to my law torah and have profaned my holy things they have made no distinction between the holy and the common neither have they taught the difference between the unclean and the clean and they have disregarded my sabbath so that i am profaned among them her princes and her midst are like wolves tearing the prey shedding blood destroying lives to get dishonest gain and their prophets have smeared whitewash for them seeing false visions and divoting lies for them saying thus says yahweh when yahweh has not spoken the wolves should have known better they are the leaders the shepherds in fact because of this god says that in the latter times he is against the shepherds and has to come back in the end to reign as the one true shepherd ezekiel 34 this is yahweh god behold i am against the shepherds and i will require my flock at their hand i will cause them to cease feeding the sheep and the shepherds shall feed themselves no more for i will deliver my flock from their mouths that they may no longer be food for them consider reading all of ezekiel 34 for the context about the day of the lord when he as david comes back to re-gather his sheep and reign in the land as it relates to the law of god there are many who are just simply deceived they have not progressed to the point where they should really know better they do not practice the whole word of god nor teach it because they are simply an heir and do not yet understand that according to yeshua and matthew chapter 5 those are they who will simply be least in the kingdom however there are also those who should know better but do not they have been exposed to the whole truth which is the word of god yet have rejected the word of god and the example that yeshua had in matthew chapter 7 verse 21 we find that this group genuinely believes that they have salvation but through their continued lawlessness they showed that they really did not have faith in the word of god jude chapter 1 for certain men have crept in unnoticed who long ago were marked out for this condemnation ungodly men who turned the grace of our god into lewdness and deny the only lord god and our lord jesus christ yeshua hamashiach we simply cannot reject the word of god in our practice but also claim to have faith and believe in it we must remember that christ is the word of god we cannot deny the word of god reject the word of god and claim to know and follow christ at the same time it is an oxymoron it is hypocritical christ is faithful to the word of god because he is the word of god if we deny him the word of god he has to deny us because the word of god says he must deny us he has to be faithful to the word second timothy chapter 2 if we deny him he also will deny us if we are faithless he remains faithful he cannot deny himself even if we deny the word of god deny what we have faith in christ maintains his faith in the word of god because he is the same word of god today yesterday and forever if we were to deny the word of god which is christ and christ did not deny us then christ would be guilty of also denying the word of god he would be denying himself having faith in the word of god faith in the messiah is the only thing that affords us our free gift of grace if we deny our faith in the word the grace goes along with it it is a package deal this does not mean that we make a mistake or sin we have fallen from the faith what this means is that we cannot keep sinning and keep living as if the word of god is not true and still claim that we believe the word of god is true hebrews chapter 10 for if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries anyone who has rejected moses law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses of how much worse punishment do you suppose will he be thought worthy who has trampled the son of god underfoot counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing and insulted the spirit of grace for we know him who said vengeance is mine i will repay says the lord and again the lord will judge his people it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living god we cannot claim faith with our mouth and deny the same faith in our actions james chapter 2 thus also faith by itself if it does not have works is dead verse 26 for as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also if there is one verse in all of the bible that should be taken more seriously it is matthew chapter 7 verse 21 not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven those that should have known better will someday find out the hard way in a very sad realization that the same one that they call lord the same one that they did many works for would claim to not know them they even knew the name they did works in his name yet he will claim to not know them he will accuse them of lawlessness exposing their demonstrated lack of faith in the word of god which is yeshua or jesus himself this is why paul said to test ourselves and our faith we cannot forget that the word of god is the messiah and the messiah is the word of god if we accept all of him then we accept all of the word of god as well it is a complete package and we cannot choose which parts of the messiah we like and want to know so we are to test everything according to that word is it possible that there is theology and error today absolutely the unfortunate reality is that yeshua claimed that the traditions and the doctrines of the pharisees was an heir for nullifying what moses wrote are there those today that are not applying what moses wrote what this series is going to attempt to show is that the traditions and doctrines of today are also an heir for nullifying what moses wrote in essence it is going to teach us or re-teach us what yeshua already taught us what we see is established as a biblical pattern is that mainstream doctrine and understanding keeps walking in air despite correction has anything changed with this pattern is there anything new under the sun yet here we are today many teach according to tradition and denominational doctrine that what moses wrote is no longer for god's people for example many would teach at leviticus 23 and leviticus 11 in the word of god has been nullified and is no longer true instruction for us sometimes we are hesitant in admitting we could be an heir after all how could so many people be wrong for so long well if you are protestant we have to realize that the whole protestant movement was birthed out of the realization that so many people were in extreme doctrinal heir for hundreds of years in fact any protestant is already admitting that nearly 1500 years of doctrine was seriously wrong that is the basic premise of the whole reformation that took place the reformation certainly removed much air we took one step one foot out of a rather corrupted religious system but now it is time to take out that other foot just as jude said before his warning in verse 4 i find it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints for certain men have crept and unnoticed who long ago were marked out for this condemnation ungodly men who turn the grace of our god into lewdness and deny our only lord god and our lord jesus christ yeshua the messiah just as jude said it is time to go back to the faith everyone practiced the gospel everyone in the bible had even israel at sinai hebrews chapter 4 for indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them those who rebelled at sinai but the word which they heard did not profit them not being mixed with faith and those who heard it but did we stop our auditing of doctrines and traditions too soon do we still have some baggage that we have been carrying around with us quite simply both the bible and history teach that men no matter how long it has been historically established no matter how smart people are no matter how many people believe in the same thing that they do their doctrine can be just as unbiblical as the pharisees and sadly just like the pharisees it can promote lawlessness the only way that we can know that we are not in the truth is when we test what we believe to the only established truth yeshua is truth what he practiced and taught was truth psalm 119 verse 142 your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and your law torah is truth that is what this teaching series is about there's a lot of doctrine out there that takes what yeshua practiced and taught as truth what psalm 119 142 says is truth it says that those instructions from god himself are no longer true instructions in other words the word of god that yeshua and every author of the bible practiced is not for us and done away with when the bible calls the law of god good holy truth the way light life freedom perfect and just you would think that god would still want us to have it as a way to live what kind of god would take away something so good from his people and what kind of people are we to claim that god did this and somehow that is a good thing when i first all began to realize all of this i was a member of a large baptist church when i began asking these kinds of questions i was quickly connected with the adult sunday school teacher i asked him several questions over several weeks and he was both quick and kind in his replies yet i was not satisfied with his answers he seemed to ignore or not understand what i was bringing to his attention he never fully answered any questions nor reconciled the conflicts and would quickly point me to some other verse usually paul citing busyness as his reason eventually he just referred me to a book the end of the law mosaic covenant in pauline theology by jason c meyer i have come to learn that that title nearly says it all it's basically all about paul there is no prophecy in the old testament that the law of god was going to ever change that presents a problem in light of amos chapter 3 verse 7. in fact god said to never add to it nor take away from it deuteronomy chapter 12 32 yeshua taught and practiced the law of god as written by moses so we cannot cite our lord for any change in the law in fact yeshua said that not one jot or tittle of the law would pass until heaven and earth have passed well peter said that we are still looking forward to that day and revelation 21 describes that day in detail it simply has not happened yet the first heaven and first earth are both still here so much for any jot or tittles of the law being removed so much for any teaching that says that there are instructions from god that we are not to do anymore you would think that not many would miss this in fact if yeshua did change anything about the law of god then according to deuteronomy 13 he is to be considered a false prophet deuteronomy 13 was the test used to determine if a teacher was true or false this is by god's own definition any teacher or prophet that teaches obedience to any other commandments in the torah the law of god or the torah has changed either by adding to it or by taking away from it he is considered a false prophet this is why the verse just before deuteronomy 13 says the following everything that i command you you shall be careful to do you shall not add to it or take away from it assuming that hebrews was written by paul which many believe there is really only acts 10 peter's vision and acts 15 that are used to support a belief that god changed his law for his people if you have not examined acts 10 and acts 15 as it relates to the law of god and still believe those chapters can be used to support deleting parts of what moses wrote as the word of god then we encourage you to study and test those chapters very carefully for a more in-depth study on acts chapters 10 and 15 on video and in writing please visit us at once those chapters are reconciled that only leaves us with paul's letters nearly every supposed proof text that god changed his law for his people is related to paul isn't that interesting even the title of book i was presented with basically esteems paul and his supposed theology as the core support for the end of the law perhaps it is just me but it is just a little odd that a book about paul is called the end of the law did we not note how many times yeshua preached against lawlessness during his whole ministry which he defined as being against what moses wrote hopefully the first part of this series has done several things it should be realized that the majority is not always right groups of god's people have been wrong about major things for hundreds of years before many times before if we have difficulty believing those things then we must remove the whole reformation and we might as well go back to being catholic everything should be tested to the word of god and that is our personal responsibility we would be crazy not to perhaps you are beginning to question your understanding of whether the law of god has been changed or abolished if you're not even open to that possibility and willing to test your faith and understanding to the word of god then this teaching series will continue to be of no value to you it should be again noted that nearly every defense of the law abolishing paradigm or doctrine is founded on paul's letters in the next teaching in this series we will introduce you to the paul you never knew we will even consult paul's friend peter and see what he has to say about paul's letters and removing parts of the law of god we will see what paul said when he was accused several times of not teaching what moses wrote and the record of acts we'll even begin examining some of paul's letters and determine if he really did teach against the law of god we hope that this teaching has blessed you and remember continue to test everything shalom [Music] it is because of you our generous supporters who make it possible to offer these high quality teachings completely free of charge if you feel led to support 119 ministries so that we can continue this effort please visit and click on the support 119 tab learn how you can partner with us to take the whole word of god to the [Music] nations you
Channel: 119Ministries
Views: 10,952
Rating: 4.8753247 out of 5
Keywords: 119Ministries, torah, bible, hebrew roots, apostle paul, paul, church, new testament, old testament, christianity, theology, pastor, teacher, mainstream christianity, God's Law, Yeshua, Jesus, YHWH, God, Doctrine, The Law of Moses, Messianic, Apostles, Gospels, Epistles, christendom, Judaism, 1st century, Early Christianity, believers, salvation, works, obedience
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 59sec (3119 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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