Shavuot - from Sinai to the Upper Room

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today what I want to do is something a little bit different because it is a feast and we try to do things differently on the feast to give a little bit of a different experience a little bit different flavor for things like four trumpets and atonement we actually have a more traditional liturgical service which is really a beautiful thing too if you have an experience you may want to come for one of those and so today for this cog hot shop load for the feast of Shavuot I wanted to do a little bit to give you an understanding a little bit about some of the key events that have happened on Shavuot I mean we have two major key events that have happened on Shavuot and then what I thought would be really cool to do is you know what I think I'll wait me plain after I give you the intro so you'll understand why what I want to do make sense how's that you can see this is very professionally prepared and written down and organized can we talk can be casual together all right so chef load if you read the instructions on Shavuot in Leviticus 23 it's really completely about a harvest it's about a harvest and it's about bringing the firstfruits of that harvest and then counting down to the 50 days and then bringing the abundance etc of the harvest and so it's really about grains and harvesting but we do know that historically there's been a few things that have happened on Shavuot what is the first major event that we should all be thinking about that happened on Shavuot the Torah the giving of the commandments the Mount Sinai event I say by tradition because we don't have any documentation on this happen on shovel we can kind of work the dates out from when they left Egypt by the time they got there that we have an understanding that it was Shavuot when they received the commandments now what's the other major event that happened on schoville Oh Acts chapter 2 the pouring out of the ruach ha'qodesh in Acts chapter 2 and so I want to talk a little bit about those two events and connect those dots a little bit and I want to talk to you about it and show that there actually have some very important similarities between the two events that you maybe have not heard before maybe some of you've heard it before and that's okay and so you know when we go through Passover there's something called the four cups okay a lot of people use that as a tradition this thing called the four cups and the four cups comes out of Exodus chapter six remote chapter six and in verse six and seven okay X to the six and verses six and seven where it says say therefore to the children of Israel I am Yahweh and I shall bring you out from under your burdens so there's your cup number one I'm going to bring you out and shall deliver you from their from their enslaving so deliverance is the second cup and shall redeem you with an outstretched arm and great judgments is your third cup the cup of redemption and shall take you as my people and I shall be your Elohim there is what I call the cup of acceptance he says and I shall take you as my people and so what we have going on here is essentially a wedding we have a wedding going on between Israel and the Almighty taking place at Mount Sinai okay and so we have this idea of them coming and actually they went through a mikvah before the wedding didn't they they pass through the sea so it's symbolically they went through a mikvah before the wedding and then we get the Exodus chapter 19 as we go into the beginnings of these events and it says here beginning in verse five says and now if you diligently obey my voice and shall guard my covenant then you shall be my treasured possession above all peoples for all the earth is mine and you shall be to me a ring in a priest in the center part nation those are the words which were to speak to the children of Israel okay so in case anybody wants to know and anybody ever asks you or talks about this word covenant and I love when the churches talk about we're at such-and-such covenant church or we're a New Covenant Church or this covenant church or that covenant church I don't know that they understand what the Covenant is this is the short-form of the covenant this is some of the summary of the whole covenant if you diligently obey I will take you as my treasured possession that's the covenant it's not complicated doesn't have a lot of small print that's the Covenant and motion cam and tells everybody in verse seven and set before them all the words and all the people answered verse aids had all that Yahweh spoken we shall do and so Moses brought back the word to Yahweh and said okay they said yes now bear in mind these they said all that Yahweh has said we shall do now what did you always say if you diligently obey did he tell them what they had to obey and do yet no but they're agreeing in advance that's kind of the real key of the whole covenant thing is that we agree in advance why do we agree in event because we trust and believe in who were covenant me with we are so I would say I was gonna say blind in our faith but we're not blind we're completely wide-open I knowing who it is we're dealing with this is the creator of the universe we know who we're dealing with and if we can't trust him then what have we there's nothing to do and so if we're going to claim to be people of the children of the Living Elohim and trusting him and all of the things and hey there's nothing he can say that we wouldn't just say yes sir because we trust him and so there's their agreeing upfront and having that heard the covenant worded in other words the reading out of the Covenant they just know the Covenant requires obedience and that if them requires the father then to take them as their people okay so that's the covenant and so here we have this idea being spoken of here and so as we're reading through this he says look you're going to be to me a kingdom of priests and a set apart nation so yesterday L was and is to be a kingdom of priests well we might ask the question next which is well what is it the priests do one of the main functions of priests was to lead others into an understanding of Yahweh and to help them worship and serve Him in other words yes Royalle was and is to act as Yahweh's representatives to others ultimately by doing this the promised ramaa being a blessing to all nations would and will be fulfilled yes real was it is to be a nation among the nation serving as a perpetual witness and testimony to the one true elohim that's a powerful responsibility I mean that's a huge deal because I know a lot of people walk around like well you know we don't need a tower teacher or rabbi or this because we're all priests no not yet we are supposed to become ultimately a kingdom of priests we're not there yet he says he says look if you diligently obey says you shall be to me a reign of priests and a set apart nation but you know you can't be a priest unless you've been trained unless you know what you're doing to minister to others of course if yesterday all was going to be a kingdom that would have to be a king and Yahweh himself was going to be their king of course later on they were going to find out that they wanted a physical King and they would beg for one until they got Showell King Saul okay so yes Rael accepts this proposal so you have his marriage proposal happening on Shavuot happening on Shavuot now in a Jewish wedding to something called the ketubah I wouldn't say in Israelite weddings I don't know how back how far back the idea of is that wording of the ketubah goes but certainly in Jewish tradition is a thing called the ketubah ketubah is a marriage contract or covenant document the ketubah now I know we did this teaching recently on divorce remarriage and putting away and we talked about in the Hebrew it talks about the safe every tooth which would actually be the divorce document but we're talking about here now the wedding document thus a fig tree tooth is a divorce document here with romatic a tuba the ketubah and it's a legally binding agreement between the bride and the groom which governs their marriage it is always a written agreement the word ketubah comes from the hebrew word kitab or cote v' which means to write so when you're learning at Hebrew school you know when the first things we say is you know an e-coat a v' I write or or she write or he write here we go you know Kota vet and coat and all these things in Kosovo and we have all these Hebrew words where we're conjugating the verb you know and cote means to write and so a ketubah is a written document a written contract and the ketubah is read and signed during a traditional wedding ceremony so in this wedding ceremony in mount sinai what was the ketubah the torah it was written down on tablets and it was the wedding document it was the ketubah and what what is it that represents a legally binding marriage covenant contract between Yahweh and his bride Israel the Torah of course okay so by referring to the Torah a ketubah I am strongly suggesting that it is not merely a nice ethical system it's not just a list of do's and don'ts it functions as the sacred marriage covenant between Yahweh and his people which by the way should really concern those people out there that's saying the Torah was done away with so you're telling me you're doing away with your marriage covenant document how can you do that you can't be his people without the document that makes you his people because there's a covenant it's called the Torah it says he says let's see well just writing here my notes okay so as functions as a sacred document between Yahweh his people it outlines the way the marriage was to be lived out its stipulations are what makes this a happy and fruitful marriage its precepts describe how the marriage would function its word pictures tell what married life would be like its judgments describe how each of the partners would relates to each other for either party to violate this agreement is to violate the marriage itself the groom promised never to violate it because the groom is Yahweh and he has never broken it the bride yesterday all broke it quite regularly and when they did Yahweh's sent prophets to rebuke his unfaithful bride and help her to return back to the ketubah to the Torah we begin reading the ketubah with what are known as the ten words of the Ten Commandments the Ten Commandments are not should not and cannot be separated from the rest of the Torah they simply serve as a convenient summary of the rest of the Torah the rest of the Torah takes the 10 commandments and fleshes them out and expands them to their fullest understanding you know if you read Exodus 20 you'll find it Yahweh didn't just stop talking the people interrupted him does everybody you know when people talk about the 10 commandments and they want you know the Adventist Church is one of these groups that want to separate the Ten Commandments from all the rest of the commandments and there's a bunch of other groups out there now trying to do the same thing trying to say well those other Commandments were added because of sin and this and that you always stop talking only because the people interrupted after the tenth commandment after the tenth commandment it says in verse 18 you know for 76 you do not covet your neighbor's house or all these things about coveting it says in all the people who saw the thunders and lightnings etc and the people said the mostly you speak with us in here but not let Elohim speak with us they interrupted the flow here because then Yahweh starts speaking to Moses after this goes on and he always says okay well I'm just going to talk to you now but the people interrupted it so it's very important that we understand this okay so so contrary to what we've always been told and the images that we have from the movies like the Ten Commandments etc that say you know that says the Yahweh spoke to totemo say-so that mostly they look it says you know all the people heard it now the Jewish tradition is that this was full sensory they heard it they smelt it they felt it they tasted it and they saw it now could you imagine how overwhelming that would be could you imagine that maybe why the people like we're going to die because why else would they say look let all of them speak don't let them speak to us any more lest we die could you imagine how you might feel if I was talking to you and you could taste it see it hear it feel it I mean it wasn't just sound but there was colors and there were smells to it fragrances and you could literally feel it like full sensory sound could you imagine that you know also by Jewish tradition everyone heard in their own language so don't start telling me Yahweh was speaking in tongues but he was in the same way of Acts chapter 2 but most people have heard Acts chapter 2 explained completely incorrectly each one heard key word underlined exclamation point heard in their own language was the miracle speaking or hearing hearing so Yahweh speaking and each one's hearing in their own language guess what the same thing happens in Acts chapter 2 and we're going to go there in a little bit to show the parallels between these two books but I want you to see what's going on here so I want to give you a sort of standard way now this is from rabbinic sources but so you understand how the summary of what the Ten Commandments is all about but not just the Ten Commandments all the commandments the commandments lay out the duties towards Yahweh recognition of the sovereignty of Yahweh the unity and spirituality of Yahweh the uniqueness and sensitivities of Yahweh the special time to meet with Yahweh the Sabbath the holy days honoring the ones who stand in the place of Yahweh parents duties toward other people the sanctity of human life the sanctity of marriage the sanctity of property the sanctity of speaking the truth and the sanctity of other people's properties that's your Ten Commandments and so that's what we have right here now I want us to look back now and start comparing Acts chapter 2 with Exodus you know it says here in that verse 18 and all the people saw thunders and lightnings and the sound of the ram's horn of the mountain smoking and the people saw it and they trembled wow and then they started panicking about all this and they drew away let's go to Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 okay next chapter 2 in verse 1 it says when the day of the festival of weeks had come there all with one mind in one place and suddenly there came a sound from the heaven and a rushing of a mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire and settle on each one of them so let's stop right there the Hebrew word for thunders is hot coal oat which is from the root coal which means to call aloud so it's like a voice or a sound and the Hebrew word translated lightning is Lockheed and Lockheed has the meaning to shine as in a lamp or a flame you see Yahweh was trying to show these people that this is very much like what happened at Sinai it's like a second Sinai so when people in the new Christian churches are all trying to think that Acts chapter 2 was some unique event no it was Yahweh referring back to an already ancient event the most significant ancient event the giving of the commandments at Sinai so you have being translated into Greek and by an author trying to describe the fact that there was Rushing's of winds or thunderings and there was flames and lightnings just like in Acts I mean in Exodus chapter 20 and so this is perfect parallels going on there and you have to know that if there were people here first of all how many Gentiles were experiencing all of this zero this is only the Jewish community and the Jewish community would have most likely had some of them going wow this is like Sinai they would have been making some connections because of how they would have understood the exodus story and the giving of the commandment story the account okay so that we have that going on there then in verse 4 it says and they were all filled with the set-apart spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them to speak now that verse doesn't make everything clear as to what happened to what comes up next it says now they were in Jerusalem dwelling in new who team dedicated men from every nation under the heavens now there's the belief that the 70 nations in the 70 languages were represented at Sinai there's also the belief that a lot of that was going on right here in Jerusalem and so you have again a parallel going on here which is why as the mixed multitude came to Mount Sinai it would have been a very powerful advantage to speaking or having everyone here in their own language why would you want to hear in your own language because the odds of you getting it wrong are much less if your main language is English and I'm speaking to you in Spanish and let's say Spanish is one of your languages but it's not your primary language the odds of you getting what I'm saying wrong are much better if I say it in Spanish than in English that's your main language my father-in-law speaks Romanian as his main language when my wife wants to make sure he understands her she will switch from English to Romanian because sometimes who get the English wrong because it's not his main language that's not even a strong second language is a somewhat you know medium level language for him so Romanian would clearly be the way to make sure he understands what she say and so you have a mixed multitude here so what language would Yahweh say that they all could understand there wouldn't have been one they certainly wouldn't have been one because a lot of people that were leaving Egypt were not Egyptians there were people that happen to be living in Egypt or dwelling and even when all the plagues started happening they could have been anybody from anywhere because remember people had sojourn and gone to Egypt all the time for all kinds of reasons so to hear in your own language would be very powerful and very useful so now you have this group here being described in in Jerusalem in Acts chapter 2 it says from every nation under the heaven and when the sound came to be the crowd came together and were confused because everyone heard them speak in his own language they heard let's be like right now if say some of you have other languages I'm speaking English but you're hearing it in your language not like I'm speaking 16 different languages it's not a speaking miracle happening here it's a hearing miracle let's do some really interesting things that have come out of this they were confused because they heard and when they were all amazed and marveling they said to each other look are not those who speak galilaeans and how do we hear each one in our own language in which we were born Parthian x' and Medes etc late names a bunch of them he says that I mean how we are hearing all of this and then it says we hear them speaking in our own language and our own tongues the great deeds of Elohim and by the way the word tongues should never been put in your Bible it's a terrible mistranslation because it confuses everybody the Greek simply means language okay so let's just call it what it is because tongues confuses everything into what you see going on sometimes in the churches and what you see in paganism everywhere but glossolalia and everything else it's language and they're all hearing and understanding clearly and perfectly without need for translator in their own language now watch what happens here we've done this in another teaching but I think it'd be cool to do it here he says and they were all amazed and we're puzzled and saying to each other now notice what's happening they're saying to each other what does this mean and others others said they have been filled with sweet wine now the others who are mocking how many of you were told that they're mocking the people speaking in the languages come on how many of you were told that that's what they were doing they were mocking them that they're drunk they were saying that the people we're speaking the languages were drunk my my theory here is that's completely wrong they're mocking the people who are talking about the fact that they're hearing in their own language they think those people are drunk so that takes away that whole sort of charismatic Pentecostal acting kind of like you're drunk thing and thinking that's the right way to do is they're not saying that the ones who are speaking or drunk they're saying that the ones who claim to be hearing or drunk because the mockers didn't get the miracle the mockers didn't receive the miracle does that make sense what we understanding because they said that others much that they have been filled with sweet wine but keeping them stands up with the with the eleven lifted up as well I said look many of you who des and all those dwelling usual I am let this be known to all of you listen closely to my words okay this men are not drunk could you imagine is only the third hour but this is what was spoken by the Prophet Joel that people will hear there's going to be miracles I don't think that they were mocking the one speaking because if you heard in your own language why would you mock the people speaking because they were understanding it perfectly these people clearly didn't get what was going on so they were accusing those who are claiming the miracle of being drunk so hopefully that makes some sense for everyone okay so we're connecting up the dots here between Sinai and Acts chapter two so that's what I want to make sure that we did all right so now as we've done this we know that Messiah Yeshua said in Matthew five he said look I didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill he said not one jot or tittle would pass away from the law to law was fulfilled and we all should know that Yeshua did not fulfill everything that the law said had to happen he only fulfilled what he needed to do when he came in the flesh there's a whole lot more the Bible says it's still coming so all is not fulfilled when Joshua was up on the stake and he said it is finished he simply was saying what I came to do I finished there is no it he's saying to his father father what I came here to do it's finished I've accomplished what I came to do he didn't say everything was finished you know if I send my son to go clean his room and he's going to come out and tell me when it's done he's gonna say daddy it's done it's finished am I going to think that means everything in like our whole family's house whatever is finished or just maybe what I sent him to do if she were finished what he came to do and that's all and so we have Shavuot we have the giving of the commandments we have this outpouring on Acts chapter 2 which was to launch a ministry of teshuva ministry of returning to the Messiah and the truth and the Torah and the commandments a returning and coming back of the lost and scattered Israelites a search for the lost sheep of Israel Yeshua said I've not come except in other words there's no other reason I came but for the lost sheep of the house of Israel he has the beautiful thing no you don't have it like stamp to the tattoo on your forehead you're branded on you or something there's nothing that shows that you're actually Israel so the word has to go out to everybody and then the whomsoever wills get to come and so it doesn't matter if you're born Israel or not doesn't matter if your DNA is Israel not what matters is whether you choose to be Israel and we have a teaching on that called the identity of Israel past present and future a couple copies on the table over there it's online for free etc okay so this is what's going on here is that the nation had just come out of Egypt and they needed a very big you know a big situation a big to-do to launch them as a nation because they were supposed to go from Sinai where right into the land there was both a wander for 40 years this will go right from Sinai into the land doing the work of Yahweh what was the work of Yahweh to be his instrument of punishment to those that had brought on punishment because there were nations that were going to receive Yahweh's justice at the hands of Israel and to then eventually go into the land and be that shining light on a hill that everybody would be drawn to that's where they were going well guess what that was relaunched in Acts chapter 2 to reform the beginnings of that nation in that way because the nation of Israel that existed in the days of Yeshua was far from the way Yahweh had intended and so this is to try to rebirth and rebuild that and so you know what he did he gave them another dramatic start another dramatic start but we have to be careful that we don't fall into the rhetoric of well we have the Ruach now the spirit now they didn't have that because it wasn't given until Acts chapter 2 that is complete and utter nonsense never listen to such ridiculousness John chapter 1 makes it very clear let's go to John chapter 1 okay John chapter 1 makes it super clear we did this in the part one of the do you know the father of the son well cover it really clearly here he says look he says in the beginning was the word the Word was with Elohim the word was Elohim okay so we have that in John chapter one and verse and then we're told that in him was life and the life was the light of men and then we go for down further and it says he came to his own and his own did not receive him but as many as received him to them he gave authority to become the children of Elohim and those believing in his name now hold on a second which people is this word in verse 1 coming to in verse 11 that didn't receive him the Jews during the issue was time Yeshua hadn't been born yet he doesn't get born until verse 14 he doesn't put on the fleshly tent until verse 14 so it's talking about all of the created people that have been chosen to be worked with by the almighty between the creation in Chapter 1 of Genesis and issue of putting on the flesh there were those people during that period of time that first couple of thousand years okay you have a four thousand years of history those people he said he came to his own his own did not receive him who was his own everybody he made everybody we all his he came to his own and his own it he said however now see this is where scripture can really mess people up because people just take one verse says he came his own his own didn't receive him but he have to be the next verse it but wait a minute but there were some that did he said but as many as did receive him to their me gave authority to become the children of Elohim to those believing in his authority you got to worry about that name take that name out of there the Israelites never worried about a name they called them El Shaddai they called them out on I they called them Yahweh to VY out they called them all kinds of things he's talking here about authority he said those that believed in his authority now why would he say that well what was the whole wedding covenant about if you believe in my authority and agree to obey me I will take you as my people I will give you the authority be called the children the living only that's your covenant okay so it says here look those believing in my authority and then it says those who are born not a one so it's not about your DNA so don't let anybody out to try to make it sound like it's racist of something and it matters what bloodline you have so you don't need to go get swab like some people do to see if they got israelite blood and all this other nonsense it's it might be cute and fun to find out but it's irrelevant he says not of blood nor of the desire of the flesh in other words you can't just want it well I want to be so I get to be no it has nothing to do with what you want it says not desire to flesh a man but but of Elohim the desire of Elohim in other words those who sought the desire of Elohim those who wanted to do what Yahweh wanted we didn't want to do what they wanted he says those are the ones and then it says in verse 14 and that word became flesh and pitched his head among us this is chronological up to this point completely chronological and so let's remember that what we're talking about is the spirit did exist before that you know that it says that there was a guy named Joshua and another guy named Caleb and what did it say about them that they had a different spirit in them than was in the ten of the twelve they were the two had a different spirit in them they had the ruach ha'qodesh they had the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit did not all of a sudden just get point out because what if he believed it just got poured out in Acts chapter 2 then you fall into the Christian dispensationalist thing of saying we're special because we were born after that event and I want to tell you right now it doesn't matter one slightest tiny iota when you were born relative to that event if you were born before or after it is irrelevant what matters is that the event had to happen there's no advantage to being born after it or before it I mean do we all agree that Abraham Isaac and Jacob are getting into the kingdom of wait a minute but they don't have they didn't have the wrought they were born before the event you see how stupid that sounds okay it's just foolishness of course they get in so does Isaiah and Jeremiah and Ezekiel right Elijah and Elijah oh no but they weren't they didn't get the rule you know they were born before it's just just play this out and realize how foolish things sound and then you'll stop maybe saying it you know it or maybe tell people excuse me let me help you walk through this because you don't realize that what you're saying makes no sense okay so let's just realize all that now so I said all of that to kind of bring us together on understanding this is a critical day schoville it's a critical day and it's about our understanding the connection between our relationship with the Almighty and His commandments it's all about relationship there was a relationship that was going to be sent forth in Acts chapter 2 to kind of actually restore a relationship it's about leading people back to the renewing of the covenant of Jeremiah 31 okay and I shall make a renewed covenant well the people in Acts chapter 2 we're starting the Commission of going out to tell people hey it's time to come back to teshuva to return to make a leah to come back to the land so we can renew this covenant and that's what we're looking for now the renewed covenant has not happened yet we're in the process of it happening but if you read Jeremiah 31:31 by verse 34 or so it says and each one will not have to tell his neighbor no Yahweh because each one will already know has that happened yet so we're not there yet you know you got to read all the verses of the context of what's going on but so I read all of that and settled that because I want to lead into this next piece which is it's about the relationship and understanding how the commandments fit into the relationship if shua said if you love me keep my Commandments if you listen to the teaching on do you know the father and the son you'll understand that Yeshua was the one on Mount Sinai giving those Commandments so when he says if you love me keep my Commandments what is he talking about the Torah because what is the requirement of the Torah Deuteronomy 6 it says in verse 5 it says and you shall love Yahweh aurelion with all your heart with all your might with all your being you're going to love him and at the end of it it says you're going to guard and keep his Commandments everywhere it talks about love and we have a teaching called love an Torah that talks about obeying the commandments you know Deuteronomy 1012 we've talked about that over and over again it says this is it now Israel what does Yahweh one of you well I already tell the Nexus is 1900 bei me and I'll take you with my people so he tells Moses we'll tell them this fear me walk in all my ways okay so you have those things in that order actually when we just go to the verse Deuteronomy 1012 he says I want you to fear me I want you to walk in all my ways I want you to love me serve me with all your heart with all your being in guard my commandments you see how it always ties together love and guarding the commandments and so a lot of people want to talk about the love that poured out on Acts chapter 2 what it did but it was to try to get people to come back to keeping the commandments and to believe in the authority of Yeshua as the commandment giver and embrace their Messiah in the right way and so we've been doing a teaching series for the last a couple of weeks that's a continuation from a year or two ago of a series called the heart of the matter and I really believe the heart is the matter and I want us to really embrace that there was a man in the scriptures who it says as a man after Yahweh's own heart who was that daavid hemella okay that's a good way to refer to him dahveed the king Tavi Tamela and avi Tamela had a heart for Yahweh and the commandments like none other and we hear this phrase that he had a hard like on to Yahweh's and we maybe don't understand what with that what does that mean what does that look like and I believe that if we read psalm 119 that we'll get an idea what that looks like and the children are going to learn an awful lot about this Atsuko because the Rebbetzin is putting a teaching series together for that but one of the things we did a couple of years ago and I want to do that today is I want us to read psalm 119 and then we can talk about it and so for those who are listening on the teaching we're going to end the teaching here I'll just pray first and we're going to end the teaching but I'm going to have us to read psalm 119 together we're going to have readers come up on the 22 of you there's 22 eighth verse sections the psalm 119 is broken up according to the alphabet ok the Hebrew alphabet into the 22 letters of the alphabet versus East is why you have a hundred and seventy-six verses and that sum so now you know you can remember how many verses are in psalm 119 it's eight verses times 22 and so we're going to read that but let's just pray about this teaching part that we just did here at the intro first father we want to come before you now we want to truly ask you to help us to understand the connections between the relationship between Israel and you at Mount Sinai the relationship between the Apostles and Israel in you and Acts chapter 2 the relationship between Israel and you and the commandments and how the commandments relate to that relationship and father most importantly where we fit into it all help us to understand that we are to be Israel not the Israel necessarily it lives in a physical land that's been named Israel by the nations but to be the Israel of Scripture the Israel that is obedient in the Covenant at Mount Sinai the Covenant of those that said we will obey that all that Yahweh said we will do that Israel help us to be that Israel so that we might be given the authority to be called the children of the Living Elohim so father we come before you we love you so much we appreciate that you chose us from among all peoples to open our hearts and our minds and our ears and our eyes so that we could hear and see and receive and embrace what you would have for us your instructions that are there to bless us to keep us safe and to change us from what we are into what you are so father we come before you very humbly seeking your face and wanting only to be with you forever in the name of Yeshua we come and it is his name we pray Maine Maine you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 98,575
Rating: 4.8306999 out of 5
Keywords: messianic, torah observant, israel, from Sinai to the Upper Room, Shavuot (Holiday), siani, Mount Sinai (Mountain), ruach hakodesh, holy spirit, tongues, upper room, torah, pentecost, acts 2
Id: lJLBgldapTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2015
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