Shavuot: The Launching Point

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[Music] [Music] all right so today because it's Shavuot I I really wanted to do something shava or related I didn't want to do the sort of mainstream thing where you're getting the you know you get the Easter teaching and you get the Christmas teaching and you get the you know with the every year you hear the same thing every year every year every year and so I didn't want to have it be that way like but the holy days where you gonna get the trumpets teaching in the atonement teaching and the Shavuot teaching but still I feel like we need to do something because it's shava whoa something that kind of addresses the day okay of course I had an idea and I thought Julie about it then I realized wait a minute I went back to the archive and realized I did that teaching already like to chef what's ago this idea that came in my head and I said okay so that's not what I want to do so I but I just felt really pressed and so I kept leaning towards doing a teaching I thought would be close like a follow the pattern then I realized that I'd already done everything on that teaching so I want to I want to kind of walk through something and I think there would be a great exercise I think it's really important because sometimes I think we get so verse focused and we're reading verses and reading verses that we're missing the application part or the the kind of checking the pulse of where we are in the walking apart and all those kind of things and the mindset of what we'll see when we go through this I think it'll be a really enjoyable exercise at least I'm hoping it won't be okay and so what I want to talk about here with Shavuot and now let's remember what Shavuot is Shavuot is two things as far as historically two main events you have the receiving of the Torah at Mount Sinai and you have the launching of the the assembly at Acts chapter two in the upper room so to speak okay so those are your two big events and we've talked about in the past you know I have a teaching call from Sinai to the Upper Room and we talk about the comparisons and those kind of things we're not going to do that today and so you can go back and listen to that we're going to try in the future and I already did this before Passover but we're gonna try to do in the future is to accumulate the teachings that are related to a particular feast and make a little playlist of them prior to a feast and put them up on the youtube so you can find them so you can know what teachings you listen to before shaf whoa or before or trumpets or Atonement he's gonna take the ones from the years past and have them in a playlist okay so we know that Shavuot really commemorates these two major events and really both major events has a lot of things in similar it was the similarities between them in terms of the idea that they were life-changing in similar ways okay so I wanna I want to kind of go through a bunch of things I want to just gonna get I'm gonna read through this real quickly to give you an idea then we're gonna break it down so when we look at each of the places each of the events the Sinai event and the Upper Room we'll call them that's how I'll label them for today Sinai in the Upper Room okay so Sinai was the receiving of the Torah and upper room was the receiving of the Ruach we'll call it that okay both places had a certain amount of changing of authority structure can we agree all right they were coming out of Egypt under an authority structure and also those that were in Jerusalem and those that were in Israel at the time of Yeshua when we get to Acts chapter 2 they were also coming into a new Authority structure because you have the Pharisees and the Sadducees and all this other stuff that was established and now this new thing was being established you have this changing of authority structure and what I want to talk about is the mindset of the people in both situations from the point of view and I'm gonna just kind of read these through as bullet points quickly and then we're gonna go back and address each one so for example I want to talk about well let's let me rephrase this I want to talk about their thoughts but I also want you to think about your thoughts because guess what you also are having a same type of your similar or same type of journey you're coming out of some bondage you're coming out of structures you're coming into a new knowledge and coming under new structure the things that are happening so I want us to think about and address what they were likely going through and see ourselves in that does it make sense all right so when we're talking about the Sinai event you know what were their thoughts about where they were coming from same thing with the Upper Room you know they're coming from so well how did they feel and how do you feel about where you're coming from because that's a big part of the problem as you're coming out of something how do you feel about what you're coming out of because some of you miss some of it some of you have bitterness and anger towards some of it some of you I mean wide spectrum of emotions about where you're came where you came from and some of you haven't fully come from yet either you still kind of have a little piece of you still hanging back there before I'm back where you were before but there's a wide spectrum of emotions and feelings attached to all this so what's what are your thoughts and emotions about where you came from what do you think it was we'll talk about this specifically with the people in Sinai you know coming out of the bondage of slavery of Egypt what do you think it was with the basically mostly Jewish community coming to this beginning launch of the assembly with the Apostles you know from where they came from what about their thoughts about the journey you know they didn't get the Sinai first they went through a journey they had to leave out of Egypt they had to see what was that what was done there what was done in both places before the upper room and before Sinai signs wonders miracles how did that affect their thoughts how do they feel about these things as because I mean here they are going into this unknown journey to some degree what about their thoughts about where they were going I mean they really didn't know to some degree where they were going and how would that affect their thoughts and their approach and their excitement about maybe their fears about where they're going where we going anyway how about their thoughts about how they were gonna get there and who was gonna lead that journey you know that Moses wasn't always look there's like oh we're so glad Moses is leading us he's our man they didn't feel that way about the Apostles either or some of the time or yushua what about the thoughts about how your lives or their lives are about to change because some of you when you came into this and some of you were brand new and you're just coming into now you're starting to experience some things that you said whoa I didn't know that was gonna happen I didn't realize it was gonna change my life this March I didn't realize was going to affect all of these areas of my life okay what about the thoughts about what life was now going to be like because a lot of you still are still wondering I wonder what life's really gonna be like as this is going through and when we get ultimately to where we're supposed to be in the terms of Sinai we're going to talk about their thoughts about the Torah because now they're coming out of Egypt that are actually going to get instructed directly by the creator of all things of course when you look at the upper room they have an opportunity to see how they're now having their thoughts about Torah in the context of the Messiah having come because they had Torah but also we have the context in Reverse the context of Messiah because now a lot of you are coming out of a Messiah place and now you haven't I understand Messiah in the context of Torah they didn't have that problem they all had tour to begin with but most of you came from a Messiah plays that was Tallis and now you have this context change that's gonna affect the way you think and your approaches and stuff okay both groups had to deal with their their the whole issue of the new Authority structure and you could see in the examples in both that it went absolutely smooth no issues at all oh we're in the Book of Numbers now we're gonna see all kinds of fun okay all right I mean because there's there's just smooth sailing Moses just said things follow me everybody just listen it was great right okay Paul didn't have any problems with the guys in his groups they just did everything the way he had left them to do and all right no issues okay and then I want to talk about that within that authority structure the way people understood their roles because we kind of touched on a little bit by saying how there was a little rebellion of this and that but understanding your roles with inside the structure because see in Egypt they knew what their roles were go make bricks okay or go cut the straw for the bricks or whatever it was but what is your role in a more quote unquote free structure well you have freedom within a structure both groups have that problem understanding their roles within structure and so what I want to talk about the end of all of this is the process going forward which I believe is this we are here and they were there to receive right they came to syenite to receive what the Torah they were brought out of Egypt to receive a certain thing a certain thing on the phrase that a certain type of freedom they were gonna receive freedom and not freedom from all masters but freedom from one master to a different master alright we know the verses talk about that your slaves to whom you serve whether sin to death or Torah righteousness on to life and that kind of thing so we were not putting off all masters coming out of Egypt nor were they doing all of that in the Upper Room situation but they were coming under a different authority structure and so people are coming to receive they wanted to receive the ruoff they wanted to receive the Torah they wanted to receive different things in these places which we're all about I need I want all about receiving which is great because guess what you were created to be a receptacle for what he had you he wanted to give he had this idea of what he wanted to give to a a world a universe to people and he created you to receive all that we have versus saints his good pleasure to give you all kinds of wonderful things however the receiving wasn't supposed to end there okay it was supposed to then be something you could take change you and apply in your life you could use it in your life they needed the Torah to do what they would have what would they expect to do what or apply it right there was to be applied in their life what about the Ruach was supposed to be applied in your life so you got an upper room Torah at Sinai the same the same thing you were expected to apply it to your life and then it was supposed to do what transform you through the application can we great right so you now you're receiving you're applying and now you're transforming and what you're transforming into hopefully is into him right into the image of the son and then we're supposed to do what share with other people so I'm gonna go and wrap this up after we go through it we're gonna go now back and break this thing down piece by piece but as we do so I want us to understand that ultimately there's a process going forward and that is receive because some of you yours you're like sponges right now you are just soaking it all up this is all new to you and you're focused mostly in the receive mode some of you have done a lot of receiving already and you're struggling with some of the apply mode and some of you because applying it is causing you problems and issues because of whatever and we're going to talk about what those might be like here you're struggling in the transformation mode because you're still trying to stay you while you're applying and you're not becoming him you know Philippians 2:5 there I quoted a verse for you Philippians 2:5 oh I'll probably quote lots more you know let this mind be in you we're supposed to have his mind what well when you receive and you apply you transform you get his mind it's part of that process and then ultimately we share this with others it becomes a blessing that goes forward and so let's start by looking at the sinai event and then we'll look at the Upper Room event what what can you imagine and by the way I want you to also think of yourself in these pictures right what would you imagine and I think we did this in a teaching at Passover last year imagining what it was like coming out of Egypt I want you to imagine wait now what it would be like arriving at Sinai and you're sitting there and you've got 40 days to think about stuff because Moses disappears on you but do you see they're going okay we're here now you probably also were thinking all along this little journey was only a short journey a couple of weeks to get you to Sinai I think it was about fifty days or so okay okay but we get to Sinai alright and the getting to the receiving of the Torah of course when you think about that journey and it was a shorter journey that because I was here waiting for Moses to come down with the commandments he's got this time to think about wow I was just in Egypt we were slaves now we were generationally slaves so we kind of understood this life this is our life and a lot of you have grown up generationally with that or whatever your life was and now you come into this so when you come into this all of a sudden life is very different and you are no longer just everybody else you used to grow up with live would spend your life with work within everything else see as your as a slave living amongst other slaves guess what everybody's a slave you're a slave it's all whatever but now you're different and you found a path out of that now some of you may have experienced this in your own lives because you grew up in an area of poverty or some other thing that was abusive or or disconnected as dysfunctional and you ended up being or somebody you know and there being the one to step out of that generally speaking does everybody celebrate that when they see you doing that or do they try to attack you and drag you back down into the muck okay so here they were and they were as a huge group they came out of all that they witnessed the signs and wonders and all those kind of things another sitting at Sinai and they're not really sure what they're receiving now think of it like the ask seek knock stuff that you're supposed to do we talked about that in the in the journey video where it talks about everybody's journey begins the same way that he disturbs your peace and when the peace is disturbed you start to seek and get and asking knock after answers for that you want to figure out what it is that message that you're missing or that's not right or whatever it is but you don't know what that's gonna look like yet do you well it's kind of where they are in Sinai and the Upper Room they got excited about an opportunity Yeshua had come through the Apostles testimony had given a lot of people an excitement about an opportunity and now that we're going to have to walk this live this to do something but it was not really clear what that was gonna look like yet I'm sorry can you just try to imagine their mindset and probably some of you say oh I could imagine that real while I'm sitting here right now that same mindset because I really don't understand all this stuff I just know that it seems like it's the answers to all these things I've been looking for but the more I started understanding it the more it's a little scary because it's gonna really put a big giant bull's eye on me and I'm gonna stand out in front of all my family and friends and I'm gonna maybe rather kind of go backwards a little bit back to where it was comfortable even though it was not necessarily joyful but we can't really comfort we can get really comfortable in our suffering you can really it's amazing the things in the conditions we can actually tolerate and find comfortable it's incredible and so we have to be careful with all that I'll be aware of that mindset and the danger of that mindset and so here they're sitting there at Sinai and Moses comes down and he says well actually he always speaks and he said now we got a real Authority now bear in mind these are people that have grown up with idols all around them and those idols never said a word now the Creator is speaking now you can probably understand why they said Moses if we got to hear any more we're gonna die this is too powerful for us this is too overwhelming for us you talked to us I mean we can't hear directly from him I think there's other things that we're going on there as well but just to give that peace of it and so now this is a structure that's being imposed and it's not just Moses claiming anything and the plagues obviously happened in Egypt and then the pillar of cloud led them and the pillar of fire led them but still now Moses came down he's got these tablets and that voice is endorsing Moses and yet still they rebelled and still they give him grief still things happen it's unbelievable it's really unbelievable but then it's very believable because we do it we've got the book we've got the accounts we have the signs and wonders in you by the way do you not have the signs and wonders in your own life right and so you have seen what he's done you've seen the things that he he is doing and that's the same thing before the upper room and the same thing before Sinai and even then the bigger things that happened right at those moments right we have all the thunderings and lightnings in both situations you can go back to the teaching that does the comparison between Sinai in the upper room and so what were these people thinking that's a good name for teaching by the way what are you thinking okay they're thoughts about where they come from I'm sure that they had very clear thought as they were leaving and some of you the same thing you had very clear thoughts as you were leaving the church or leaving where you were from not understanding how everybody was going to react to what you did also not realizing some of the other choices you would now have to make an adjustment because guess what all of a sudden you didn't realize that your boss and work and Saturday was now going to be a problem and you may have a career change that you don't want to make because you like your job or because you just are afraid to change because some of you have jobs you hate and have whined enough about it and now he's give you a reason to get a new job and now you're all upset because the unknown is scarier than the known and that's a big part of the thought process that they were going through is the fear of the unknown we always prefer the known even if the known is awful that make any sense but we do you know I heard somebody one of the motivational speakers was talking about some guy was quoted how they were there was something in ancient times where they would take somebody that was basically going to have the death penalty and they could say look you could either have the death penalty here or you can you can have whatever's behind that door you can go through that door well what's behind the door not telling you do you know that almost always they took the death penalty and through the door was freedom because somebody then asked by the way what was behind the door freedom they thought it maybe they were thinking it's torture maybe they're gonna have to go be tortured for the rest of their life and working some mines or pits somewhere or whatever other thing and they would just rather die but that fear of the unknown isn't that incredible people might you might be surprising you might think of yourself we are so susceptible to choosing a known awful over a possible better situation but it's unknown well what if it's worse what if it's no good what if I don't find a job what if what if what if what if it works why are you doing this if you don't have that what if it works actually you should be a lot stronger that should be a total belief that it works but at the cyanide point they're at the point of what if it works what it doesn't work and some of you still have a little of that going on okay can you believe that was what their mindset was at Sinai even some of them in the upper room what if this is a big deal that I'm doing and it turns out I'm making a mistake and you ever have those thoughts as you started coming into this of course you did this is an unknown and some of you've been burned enough before I made enough big deals that you know you've already wore everybody out making all those choices and yeah after I've counseled with some of you and you've said things like rabbi I can't do another one of these things ever turned out to be no good I need to make the right choice this time and I said this I said the same thing I always say which is are you gonna let that disempower you completely lose you're afraid you already know you don't want to be where you were and you've already done the research to know that this looks like what you need to go so go cuz I'll but always uses phrases like to taste of so come in and taste of it but don't be so afraid to taste it you know it's funny with little children right you go to say come on I want you to taste this Lord all of a sudden their mouth shuts like a vault you know by the way you notice they never do that with ice cream I was sitting with my family at a Rita's I scream or something like that and somebody was in there with their little baby and I heard them say something like oh this could be this is exciting to take pictures this is this is someone this is my kids first ice cream and a kid opened right up for it how do they know do they open up for their first broccoli no but there was no hesitation the ice cream comes over the kids like this it was lunging at it he's never tried it ever how does he know but I've always told my children it's okay if you don't like something but you never know you may find something you really love that you wouldn't have found out if you didn't try it my son loves spicy hot stuff if he had never tried it he didn't ever know some people don't you don't know until you try so it's the idea of being getting over that fear of that unknown right so here they are they're sitting there they got this fear of the unknown now they have mixed emotions about where they came from because remember there was the leaks oh they must have some really delicious leaks I don't know because they wanted to go back for those leaks I mean they could have packed some up with them or something I don't know what the problem was but the leaks the leaks all right so but that only was when life started getting challenging when they thought okay getting back to their mindset some of them thought and some of you think or had the thought that oh when I make this change it's all gonna be wonderful now isn't that what they were thinking and when it turned out it wasn't so wonderful they were like oh did you bring us out here to kill us in the desert and they're all whining and complaining even though the creator of all things just annihilated like the greatest city on the planet at that time and brought them out of it pass them through water dry but no that's not enough but what's your similar experience that's that you're acting like it's not enough because some of you were thinking like the matrix I think I ate the wrong pill here I didn't want to know the truth I didn't want to see just how far this goes down the rabbit hole but you said you did he told everybody you did I can't tell you how many people have said oh no I just want the truth we'll put that to the test if you want but are you willing are you ready are you able but see that's what not everybody was okay not everybody was so what were their thoughts the same thing with the upper room you know this this thing was creating a lot of stir thousands of people following this guy Yeshua there were these twelve main people that seemed to be around him there was this big gathering for Shavuot and then there's this you know Peter gets up and starts giving this big speech and things are going on real impressively and people got to be thinking about I don't know do we get involved with us or not I mean we kind of were involved with it but the guy died and not everybody saw him resurrected and so does that mean it's over now but these guys are telling us he's resurrected and he's sitting at the right hand and all this other stuff well it's kind of strange and hard to believe stuff for some people okay see you know you and I all of us are looking at this 2,000 years later where there's denominations and billions of people that believe in this man who was resurrected was that the case at Chuvalo this was a brand-new thing that only a few people knew about and as it was sharing it not everybody said ho of course he is right you know and so I'm just saying think about the difference now of course we have an advantage because we can see that this is something that didn't just die out because it was just a story or whatever because there's been a lot of legends do you notice that most of the most if not all mythologies have all disappeared because people come to realize they were just but they were okay but this has held on and it's not only holding on it's thriving because it's true but they didn't know that they were dealing with another okay do I believe these guys or not and now they're talking about a whole different mindset on things and do I want to be a part of that and by the way we already know how thrilled the establishment is Sadducees Pharisees and the rest of those guys are just loving these guys looking to jail them kill them and everything else and by the way that guy show who's got an army huh little hit squad coming around looking for them all not an army but you know he was really after Moll I don't want to get on that guy's list okay so what was that mindset like when you compare for yourself how about their thoughts about where they're going because you know a lot of people have asked me well where's this going where are we going what's just looking like not like where's this going in terms of ultimately into the kingdom because I think all of us embrace that we're all on some path hopefully that leads ultimately into the kingdom but what's a journey look like with each other and now CMT oh I formed to give a possibility of what that could look like what it could look like the journey between here and there a structure to allow that to flourish to encourage it to nurture it etc that doesn't make it the one and only right way to do things we're just putting it out there as sort of an example this could work or at least hopefully it's working better than whatever we had before because we had before we all know hadn't been working this is our attempt at doing something that matches the scriptural model that hopefully works okay so I know that all of us have had these thoughts that but where are we going are we all going into community this has been a big question over the last two three years or we've got to start moving near each other and actually a lot of you have already done that are we actually starting to get the sense that we're supposed to be a family in a body you know what started out as a few people on a Friday night at this guy's house all right now ends up being 3040 people every week because people are coming not because it's a party because they love each other the body is starting to become a family they're starting to fall in love with each other it's not just church you go to on Sunday or on Sabbath if your congregation was from a Jewish point of view and then we show up at a holy day but this is now something that's forming into a body into a community but could they see that here now there's a bunch of individual families that what they had in common in the Sinai event was their suffering and that bonded them together but now we're not under the suffering anymore now what's gonna hold us together do we need to be held together by threats and Lutton and and fear and suffering and bondage oh we're gonna be held together by love joy and all of that good stuff that comes from family coming together and by the way all of you have families it's not always joyful so when we say oh we need to be one big family yeah you haven't seen mine that's what somebody will say to me oh yeah I don't want that I said you need to treat each other like family somebody to go he'll know now what I grew up with oh did I say that out loud okay but some of you have that experience like no I don't want family the way I've got generationally cursed we want family the way it's supposed to be the way scripture has always described it you've always had they going I've not had seen that I don't know what that looks like I write some of you I know a lot of you struggle with the whole older brother thing issue as our older brother well maybe your older brother was the worst thing in your whole life oh we need to pray to our Heavenly Father father nobody on this planet was more scared of than father father abused me sexually mistreated me and all those others the father's the last thing you're looking for how do you get that change in your mindset oh we need to have structure are you kidding me all the worst things in my life would be because I've been in structure that's the mindset that these people were in so are you a lot of people dealing with these same issues and so Shavuot is supposed to be about a breakthrough and a moving forward this is a momentous moment a momentous moment I guess it's okay all right this is this this huge thing it's huge okay sorry having a trump moment all right it's huge it's it's really important that we understand that Sinai and the Upper Room we're supposed to be these major launching points and so this in your life is supposed to be an experience where you are rehearsing and thinking through the launch where did you come from where are you going what's it supposed to look like what's my part in it because I promise you they all had these same thoughts we read about and we think I was so simple of this or that and yeah there was a few bad eggs and they rebelled now there was a lot of discontent I'm sure because when something is not clear and established under Authority there's always going to be questions and discontent and problems and issues which is why you schewe has to come and he's coming with a rod of iron I need to bring one of those up here so I haven't to show you right of iron okay it doesn't say he's coming with a tickle feather it doesn't say he's coming to just you know coddle everybody he's coming with a rod of iron why because there's going to be a need to smack a couple of heads and wake people up because they're not ready for coming under authority oh but roba you know I've been loosening it well first of all the person say this would never call me rabbi okay so uh Steve you know this whole structure thing is wrong in bed and I read a scripture that we're just all taught by the Ruach and none of us needs a leader anymore we're all kings and priests by the way that's not the way I read this now we are destined to be a kingdom of priests and the priests did what served so we're gonna be a kingdom of servants and so let's get that whole self sovereignty and I'm gonna be all in authority over my own self and everything else that that's your biggest problem anyway I can't blame you for having the issues cuz I know you've been abused misused mistreated and neglected and everything else that leadership has ever done but can we agree that at Sinai or at least by the time they got there and going forward there was now imposed a structure we see this right now in the Book of Numbers right they said do with the census and you have heads of thousands your heads a hundred you have all this stuff happening as they're getting ready for army getting ready for the war because that's what it says all those of age to go to army go to be part of the army go to war it's unbelievable but yet instead of being hopeful and optimistic and looking for a good structure we just decide well it's been done so badly for so long we don't want it so no wait it goes further because you don't want it we're gonna find justification that it's actually wrong and we're not supposed to have it that's the leaps we make but Moses is bringing structure so were the Apostles look a lot of people like to talk about well I think we should be like the first century Church and you know we need to have like a very first century model well are you ready to take everything sell it all and lay all of that at my feet or whoever the leadership is you understand that's what they did they took and they put it on they gave it to the Apostles the Apostles distributed as needed are we ready for that are you ready for that level of authority structure and that level of service if you're in the authority structure and the responsibility for that see we don't know what we asked for sometimes okay so we talked about that they were wondering about where they were going and I don't mean just where they were going like to promise them well what's this gonna look like are we just now free from Egypt then we could just go off and I'm sure a lot of people did I mean it without that they were out there and especially after they pass through the water and they weren't being chased anymore you know by the armies of course they knew they still were dealing with the surrounding i'ts everywhere all right so they it wasn't necessarily that's safe to just run out and do whatever and that's why mostly I'm guessing is why mostly they stayed together but it really wasn't anybody had to force them to stay together but what is this gonna look like Oh Nathan and avi ramen I was gonna say Moses core off they go you got ads on a racket here with your brother yeah who put you in charge uh well you know even Aaron and Miriam had that problem yeah well we were all hope there we were all there in Egypt in there with the soldier and Yahweh's said well excuse me this is different I put him in charge so this always remember the Melchizedek ian is higher than the Levitical because Moses was the Melchizedek in Aaron was Levitical the one priesthood has the higher authority over the other matter of fact that's why you see Moses mikvah and anoint Aaron and his sons who anoints Moses nobody he was anointed and picked from above you don't see anybody putting him in the water and doing all these things individually he was the top of that chain he was the leadership Authority so continuing here so we're talking about now their thoughts about how their lives were going to change see a lot of us are so zealous we just start running and we really don't think about how much this is going to affect your life and how it's going to cause you to change I mean they were in a very solid routine as slaves even the ones in Israel during Yeshua's time and when he had you know when we get to Acts chapter 2 and the Apostles there they all had lives jobs lives friends and things that were kind of just chugging along and everybody kind of knew the routine and everybody expected the same things from each other whatever you know when we read yesterday the one who said well good teacher what do I need to do to have eternal life and he said well you you know blah blah blah inventor he said we need to sell everything and follow me oh that's gonna change my life are you and we see that we talked this good talk don't we are you ready to give up your tent your attachments we talked about that yesterday of course those who are watching this teaching of what was yesterday are are you saved part seven okay so then you know we're teaching to go get are you ready to give up your attachments are you willing to give up all those things that are holding you back as you're attached to them when he says I want you to let go of your attachments and follow me have you really thought about you know it says who builds a house and doesn't count the cost first see we just start running ahead and get all zealous and excited by the way you do that also with the sideline peripheral pet doctrine things not understanding that you just zoom in ahead we need to slow down prayerfully consider and come under Authority and chant and check what we're doing with authority get somebody to counsel and say that might not be wise or that's not safe or hey you're missing this which is why you're running that way we need to be going this way there's some disconnect that you didn't see all right all of you know what this is like cuz you've all had mentoring situations or you parented a child or when you were a child your parents youth they saw stuff you didn't see anybody have that experience right you walk you wanted to go running this way but you didn't realize it was a big pit right over there somewhere that you didn't see and so it's good to have somebody and of course if you started running and you said you didn't go get the advice or you went and got advice and ignored it guess what you ended up in the pit every right and that's when the authority structure goes when are you gonna listen just trying to help you I can't tell you how many people call me and they still go into the pits look as they won't listen so what's life going to be are you willing to find Authority and submit to it are you willing to start walking this out and change your life and compliance with his authority talk about Authority are you gonna come under the confident the Covenant is an authority structure I talked you listen that's what he says and listen is the Shema to hearing and doing don't just gather information you're going to apply it are we ready to do that they they were just barely starting to understand this at Sinai they were like okay we're all good about this leaving Egypt thing we weren't so good about it when we saw the soldiers behind us in the chariots but once they all died in the water okay we're good again but wait a minute my stomach's rumbling we're not good again okay I'm thirsty oh we're not good again it's wine wine complaint complaint by the way here all you guys doing it which makes you Israelites by the way good job you come by it genetically and honestly I actually had some of the Torah portions when I used to do the Torah portion cycle as a teaching series I think I subtitled one of them wine wine complaint complaint by the way do you understand that the griping whining and complaining is is a it's a bombing okay because it shows what a lack of faith I like a trust lack of Emunah why are you whining either he causes or he allows if he causes and allows everything then there's nothing to complain about he allowed it because you were supposed to learn something out of it or whatever or he caused it because you were supposed to learn something out of it or whatever so it's not whining about it it came from him it's a gift well I want to return the gift no returns there's no return department with the Otway that's it there's no you don't get in line like a Walmart and cutter returns okay doesn't work that way so I want you to spend some time over the next couple of days whatever time you can spend thinking about what you were thinking about in other words what were you thinking about coming into this where are your thoughts now are you really understanding where this is going what's expected of you and how this is going to impact your life because a lot of you have made decisions in your lives that you didn't realize we're gonna impact your lives the way they did give you an example some of you have been married and have been divorced and have children and some of you might know if I'm talking about you I'm not talking about you okay I'll give you an example and you may then take that situation and think okay I understood what I was doing and it's now good and I've got my children and I'm divorced in this custody issues other stuff but now all of a sudden guess what you want to move but you can't because you got married once and you had children once and you got divorced once and that person has rights now and now you're living with the consequence of something that maybe you hadn't thought through enough when you started it all the way in the back in the beginning and this is the hard thing about life we make decisions and we don't always think I'm through well enough or get counseled well enough or whatever it is and then we end up with consequences we don't like the consequences nobody does but that's part of the lessons that should be telling you let me not do this again in the future let me get counsel and get wisdom and make better decisions so I don't have to deal with the consequences of the foolishness that can get me into trouble and we're all capable of big foolishness and do it on a very regular basis but I'm just giving you like an example of that you you were thinking about oh I want to marry this I love this person everything else but maybe you didn't really get to know them as good as you should've and then you get married and even though it's not going so great but you don't want to get divorced or maybe you heard the church teach you that you can't get divorced if you're not sure what that's all about listen to the teaching I did on divorce your marriage and putting away so you know the real truth about what that's all about but then and you finally do get divorced but at this point now you got three or four kids and now there's custody issues and because once married always married you're never getting rid of that person let's just disappear on you they're still gonna be in your life and in the children's lives or whatever so some people think of all gonna get divorce it's gonna fix everything well they're not gone after that okay not usually and then after you're dealing with that stuff now we may want to make a decisions you can't and you want to do something and you can't because you've already made that bed and you're still lying in it and so sometimes you trap yourself so this is all about things that you can avoid through wisdom structure guidance mentoring disciple not that it's perfect but I promise you you'll probably avoid 90 plus percent of it okay would that be worth it if you could avoid 90% or more of the then why not give that a try because a lot of you still aren't doing that you're not giving it a try okay so what about their thoughts about okay this is for those you that are new okay cuz I already talked a little bit what life was now going to be like what about their thoughts about the Torah what were your thoughts coming into this about the Torah some of you came in because you found the Sabbath or maybe you came in because you found the holy days but you didn't really find the whole ramification I understand what Torah observance really is it's a lifestyle change okay it's not I never said this before I think it's probably this might come across good it's not a diet Vijender see what I'm saying in other words you those of you that want to lose some weight or something you want to go on a diet diet is a short-term thing that gets a short-term result and then you're back where you started or worse this is supposed to be a lifestyle change of who you are so if you really want to change your health physical whatever you change the lifestyle of your eating habits and you're working out you know you're moving your body habits well guess what Torah was a lifestyle not just something to do or do some of whatever for a short period of time it's a deciding that this is now who I am I am covenant 'add but to covenant total change of life you can't stay who you were the whole relationship is different and so I wonder if they didn't write it on my notes I should've put there what were they thinking about this idea of covenant thing did they understand it do you understand it because all these few wants oh well well you know I went to First Baptist covenant this or I want to find put covenant the name of their churches it doesn't it's like Christianese again it's like a term that no longer means what it really meant it is probably the most impactful important word of all of this he wants you to be in covenant with him everything else is here is explaining what that looks like okay everything else in your scriptures is explained how that works how you get into that covenant what it means when you're there what's expected of you what you can expect of him everything in this book is about covenant what that looks like but what were your thoughts about these things some of you have thoughts were oh I didn't realize this but we're really supposed to be on Saturday oh I know I didn't realize about Christmas and Easter so I need to keep feasts but that didn't that wasn't everything was it it was just the beginning of scratching that little surface you know some of the people were that way in the Acts chapter two in the upper room they were Torah observant but you know what they weren't they weren't walking in the fullness of the intent so their Torah observance imagery just like your thoughts about Turin look if you came out of the church your thoughts about Torah very negative burdensome terrible under that law blah blah blah right okay well here the Jewish community have very positive thoughts about Torah but it was limited to the mechanical and Yeshua came to do what give us the fullness of what was intended so that we could walk in both spirit and truth the way I described that the truth was the mechanical the spirit was the fullness of what it was it the spirit of it so he made it much more clear and also much more difficult or challenging to really not commit adultery not commit murder not to steal nah he said this is what it really means to do that the fullness because a lot of us would like to lawyer up or act like we're lawyers and start to nitpick and go well I'm not actually breaking this command because it literally says this and I didn't literally do that and you sua says uh-uh-uh you wanted to you thought about it you did this you do that you are breaking it it's not just the mechanics okay so some of you work at jobs and you are not actually taking anything from the job taking it home and stealing it but just sitting there on your phone during working hours I'm Marco Polo or Facebook or whatever and you're stealing your boss is time isn't that still stealing okay so I'm just saying is the fullness not just the literal so the the the upper room people the New Testament that that Acts chapter two group that was being launched now had to think about an address well now what does it look like when he expects us to walk this out fully it's a big change in how they saw Torah now they started out seeing it different than maybe the people did coming out of you know the churches and stuff like you guys are dealing with of course the cyanide people had had a couple of hundred years of slavery and they were already disconnected didn't have it formally taught to them so they were keeping some things or other things not maybe before slavery but in the slavery do you think they were allowed to do anything how many feasts did you think you had to keep it as a slave oh I'm sorry I can't come in to make breaks it's Shabbat it's not getting whipped you know do Shabbat here go make a brick okay so this whole tour change is a big change all right this whole tour chains a big change and so we need to really understand that Sinai and you both are dealing with trying to really embrace that this is coming directly from one who invented created and made everything it's not just man-made stuff not just some guy up here teaching you about it it's not just because it's in a book but that this came believe you don't have to believe it but you claim to believe it we're gonna be sitting here but are you actually going to believe it that this came from the one who made you not optional it's a direct instruction it's an imperative he's expects you as his creation to obey and follow his word but do we actually feel like and we're and then embrace it and submit to it as coming from the creator of everything or do we do it more casually than that because that's what they struggle with almost immediately after Sinai is it understanding that's what like oh no no no you teach us Moses because after all if you teach us we could just claim that well he's just a guy I came directly from Yahweh speaking it directly to them why they couldn't deny it I don't know Moses well we didn't know we could trust you what if you were just making up your own stuff that's the way they felt about Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel and all those guys well we got to listen to you oh you speak for Yahweh okay let's see but then the fruit board out I warned you and looked everything went boom shoulda listened okay so these are all things we struggle with isn't that true I mean these are things that we're all dealing with still because here we are Chava what we're gonna be going on a journey two trumpets it's a long journey okay we've got a long way to September there's lots opportunities to kind of get those disconnects going and we're excited I know about trumpets and atonement and so coach Foucault because those are the fall feasts they're the ones that haven't been fulfilled yet they're the ones we're looking forward to but we're not going to get there if we don't get this figured out because this is the launching point shuffle oats that launching point okay they were brought out of that's Passover crock I might so brought out of then we get to it's the launching point we're receiving we're getting all the stuff we're receiving now we got to figure out between now and trumpets because if you don't apply what you received you're not getting two trumpets okay the event that's coming you're Scheuer returns you're not going to be changed in that twinkling and be that one that's gonna hear those words and be embraced as part of that first resurrection if you didn't apply what you learned at Sinai in the Upper Room in your life does it make sense to everyone especially if you were listening to the once saved always saved are you safe teaching this shows that that doesn't work see if you were once saved always saved I of course you're making it all the way through they got a harp waiting for me and I soft cloud foolishness so one of the things that now needs to be addressed as they're coming through this whole process and they were addressing a sign a dressing of the upper room is okay so there's a there's a new authority structure here because after all those who were enslaved had the slave masters and those who are in the upper room were under the authority of the Sadducees or Pharisees or whatever group they were under and now this is new thing this Messianic believing tour observing group and so they're now a new opportunity to change authorities and structures and so not only do you need to choose the structure you're under but you're now gonna have to understand your role your position your role in that structure so everybody not everybody a lot of people out there are getting the idea that well everybody's our own teacher and everybody's a leader and everybody's what structure have you ever seen anywhere in scripture or anywhere else where that works we have people that say well we don't believe in vertical leadership then why you believe in the Bible there's the Creator okay shishu calls him the father the father is one leader above all everything's under his authority then there's a son and the son says that my father is great and I and everything I do is what he tells me to do when I speak I'm completely submitted under that authority so there's no sharing authority there I get so much attacks when I said help people that your shoe and the father are not equal because there's all stuck in that Trinitarian nonsense I don't know how you win that argument with them because if you don't believe your shoe is on mouth saying the father is greater than I I don't know what to do with you if you can't believe I mean it's not one of those ambiguous verses he goes my father is greater than I how do you get equal out of that see I remember this in school right there was the equal sign and a little triangle thing greater than less than you was on the arrow points I'd the father's on the open side ok yushua less than the greater than one called the father okay no equal sign in there are they of the same stuff yes are they are they now eternal yes were they before time and all that yes but that's not talking about the authority structure but see but we don't want to talk about Authority structure because it's been awful blah blah blah blah and yes it has but it's coming and it exists everywhere in Scripture and don't tell me well you know whelp all set up elders in these congregations and they all sat around and saying kumbaya made decisions together really then why were they sending him letters every five minutes cuz they don't know what to do cuz who was really in charge in Ephesus or in Philippi in Galatia Paul can we agree now they had authority within that structure and they helped to run the day-to-day operations that when he was traveling but this still was a vertical structure by the way when James said hey Paul get you you know what over here to Jerusalem what did he do he got up and he went because he was under that authority structure don't tell me the ones in structure you look at acts 15 everybody's talking than James stands up anybody argue after that any comments after that they were done right he said this is what we're going to do everybody else shut up and said okay this is what we're gonna do he was in charge but what is what is our role in these things your role is not the person next to yous role it's not the person everybody has their own role in everything you got to figure out what yours is and one of the biggest things it's a negative thing that'll get you in big trouble with that this book says is usurping what is usurping you stepping into somebody else's role it's not yours don't step into somebody else's role look I've had this experience with both my in-laws and my parents cause that's what I'm picking on anybody okay I'm standing right there or my wife is that it right there my children were doing something they should not be doing and one of us was about to go handle and they start handling it and I looked them in the eye say excuse me my child not yours I'm your child you want to do something with me that's fine that one's mine okay you don't get to usurp I'm standing now if I'm not in the room and you feel like you need to do something because there's nothing dangerous or whatever and there's no authority but if I'm there and I see you people do this people online the livestream teachers are in the room teachers are doing things oh boy you guys do this a lot on the Facebook page and you need to stop it because no you're forcing me to do as I answer people's questions I have to shut the comments off because what you people will do is someone asks a question you all want to jump in there with yours brilliant answers they're not asking you they want to know what the leadership's position is on something so unless your leadership stop doing that oh well you just whatever just listening to you look you can whine and complaining just whatever you want I understand that that sounds like karate and Dathan and Havel and all those guys because you're not liking your position because what does Couric's whole thing well you know I don't like that I just have to pack up the stuff I don't actually get to pack it up Aaron and his sons pack it up I just get to carry it I mean that's what he's whining about even like his job I don't care what my job is that he gives me as long as he gave it to me I want the job but embrace your job because you're trying to do mine that means you're not doing yours and somebody's missing out on something that they needed you to do selfish because if you're doing your job somebody will benefit from that because you have a role to stop trying to do mine or somebody else's and see that's the funniest thing and you know what we have a pinned post at the top of the Facebook page and everybody's supposed to read it first and it says that you're not to jump in and just do all these type of things you know what they'll be like well you're just trying to control everything yes I am in this group which I have Authority and responsibility to Shepard if you want to go and talk about everything under the Sun there's 400,000 other groups to do that in and everybody in mqi is welcome to go in those groups too and some of you do have all the fun you want in those groups but in this group oh by the way all of you that are on the mty Facebook group the group the one where you people pose not the page where you have to like it but the one where you are in the group if you send the link to somebody else's teachings it's not getting posted if you send teachings that you've done or other people that it's not getting posted this is an M toi group oh well you just don't have you know yes this group is getting what this group is supposed to get from this group I'm not saying ever that you can't get information about all this other stuff from other places I've never told you you can't go listen to anybody else but there's an expectation that if I let something get posted that everybody will assume I've already looked at it if Eddie didn't agree with it can we understand that won't you over think that if you saw it and stuff started getting posted and thinks and posted a link and stuff because see I can only block the initial post I couldn't block the comments unless I shut him off completely so what happened is somebody would say something I'd answer it it could post it and then somebody would post a teaching from somewhere else in the comment and what if you're wrong do you understand the role of a teacher and all the responsibility to take on stuff with all that do you think about that I think about that I know rabbi Tom thinks about that okay when he teaches he thinks about I Baba please don't let me be wrong when I open my mouth because I'm gonna be responsible but some of you boy your mouth is running before you even start thinking and you're typing as fast as you can because you're so brilliant after all you've been doing this for two minutes all I would do in this five years good you're a fifth grader look don't be offended and don't be insulted just listen okay listen all right I've been walking I was baptized in February of 2000 no what was ninety I don't remember to hear now eighty seven sorry okay good my ears right 87 okay that's 31 years all right I was baptized now when I say it's baptized as baptized into a Torah observant messianic understanding I've been teaching this since 98 or so 1999 right after I got married started with Bible study ends up with the congregation so that's already going on 20 years almost did that make me right nope does it make me mean I know everything no but it means I probably have a better shot than the person was doing this for five years or for three years and it's and it's struggling and you know remember I have not been in a mainstream understanding or mainstream behavior life style etc ever so if you were in that you know that stuff's so hard to get out of your system and you're not you have no idea how much is still filtering through and people don't like it when I tell them timeout hold on that's the Christianity talking like what are you talking about that's the Christianity that you haven't let go of yet okay and I saw people that come in and there and they go on the website they put on the Facebook page where they want to post and they're talking about you know well you know my friend over at bubbly is a believer a believer what does that mean while they there mainstream church that doesn't make him a believer okay do we believe in what the Covenant but we believe in Yeshua as the Torah do we believe in that's a believer okay just believing Messiah exists as the Christians do doesn't make you a believer whatever that turned me is another true Christian each term you can't use because gay music doesn't mean anything right because people say to me well you know my friend so-and-so is a believer oh really what concrete you two go to well they're there they're messing there there's a mess across the pentecostal they're Baptist they're Lutheran they are believers in a not completely right system okay let's be careful of what we've used and what the terms we do because if you're still attached that doesn't mean to stuff but to where you came from you're going to struggle can we understand that this is really important and so let's kind of start to wrap this up here and Sinai and at the Upper Room the big question is this if you were there what are you going to do with what you received okay so you were both really theoretically when you come into knowledge you can say I was at Sinai I was at the Upper Room I'm going through both experiences so what are you gonna do with that what are you gonna do with the Sinai experience in the receiving of Torah straight from the Creator what are you gonna do with the receiving of a full understanding of Messiah and the fullness of the intent of the Torah and understanding his role in all of this what are you gonna do with that because that's what it's really about that's the whole point of this message maybe we'll call it Chavo what do you do is this I don't know well come up with something buddy what are you gonna do with all this it's great that you're receiving okay you receive now what now what because I see this in everything we do you know I don't want trying to pick on but it's a great example you know we have a potluck everybody wants to receive that everybody brings it's just our mindset we want to receive what about bringing what about giving what about serving what about esteeming others above yourselves what are you going to do with what you receive that's the key that's what he's watching everything in this book I think it's about him saying okay here it is I said sit there watching see what you do with it what are you gonna do with it you've been given instruction for life Moses says his life and death right instruction for life and you've been given the understanding of the Messiah and his role and how he provides salvation what are you gonna do with it that's really the big question what are you gonna do with this I think what we need to do is receive apply transform and give okay I want you to receive it yes but then you got to apply it and then you've got to allow it to transform you you have to allow it to transform it has if it doesn't change you it's just still mechanics even if you're doing it in the fullness of the intensity it's still not enough if it doesn't change you remember we've talked about this often you could do all this stuff perfectly and still be a rude obnoxious jerk that nobody wants to be around you can you keep the Sabbath keep the Feast never commit adultery never murder never steal even the fullness of the intent right not giving wasting time of your boss on the phone you could do all of these things and still be a lousy rotten person nobody wants to be around because your attitude is so awful it hasn't transformed you into that Giver the willing to server the willing to sacrifice for others esteeming others above yourselves you haven't changed the loving joyful the fruit of the Spirit by the way there's no commandment that says you must have that it's they're listed Paul says this is what it looks like but you're not instructed to say that you have to have it but if you're not transforming it to his image you're not going to have it and then we got to give we want to share that with us how do you share with us walk it out be that light that shines that's giving right there it doesn't mean go and knock on the doors and say hey I got a this with you or you need to know something no let them see your light shining let your light shine so before men so that they can see your Heavenly Father who has given you the stuff that you receive that you're applying and has changed you and then when they talk to you and ask you what's up with you cuz I don't know about you when I started coming into this in 1986 eighty eighty seven when I first started coming into this twenty three twenty four years old my friends didn't know what happened to me because my language changed because growing up in college age you know into early 20s in New York City every sentence had a bomb in it there wasn't a sentence that didn't have an expletive in it somewhere and when I came into this that all disappeared and they thought what are you on what happened to you you know they thought something weird happened to me I got abducted by aliens or something because it was so different some of you have similar experiences because your family's going what what happened to you see that what they need to see is that what happened to you brings blessing that the things that you used to struggle with are now healing and being restored so they could see the fruit in your life you know we've got a couple of people right now who are now coming into this with us because they've seen the fruit of me working with their parents in other words they saw how the parents were before in sort of a more Christian messianic sort of Hebrews Christian sort of form but coming into this with counsel with submission to Authority where both parents are not working with me their children are now willing to look at this because they said whatever you're doing is working we want to see what you're doing we want to understand it let the light the fruit shine out because they're going to see that you're different but they want to see that different is good that's what you must show them but if you're a tour terrorist and you're whacking and beating up everybody they're not seeing this is good if you're arguing about your calendar if you're arguing about the nature of the shape of the earth if you're arguing about the nature the Godhead of your whatever dumb thing you're arguing about and by the way it's not that the thing is done but arguing about is is dumb Paul tells you that in Titus 3:9 there's another verse okay that's for Baba give you another verse okay says to argue about Torah is i'm profitable and useless don't argue about this stuff walk it out if you're right let people see it walked out let them see the benefit two fruit the blessing of it I mean was this useful it was good I'm glad let's pray IV no monkey no our father our King Father we come before you and we are at for all of us at a moment of reviewing and for some of us is very new our understanding what it would be like to be sitting at Sinai and at the upper room and examining the changes in our lives and our thoughts that are we're going through because of these experiences these two tremendous experiences the receiving of your word of your instruction the Torah and the understanding of Messiah in the context of the Torah and understanding what he really did for us and is doing for us is coming to do father help us to take and receive all from both of these experiences and to apply correctly in our lives the things that you would have us to do so that it can transform us and so we can understand how to be fitting fit perfectly into the structure and understand and embrace our roles in the structure what's called the body the structure that you call the body and then we would stay in our roles and not usurp anybody else's and father that we would then take all this and give to others by set letting our light shine and letting that bless them beyond words we could use beyond tracks we could hand how beyond any of that stuff let them see what it looks like to be a child of the Living Elohim walking out these things as you intended so father we thank you we ask encouragement and strength as we go through all these things that you would be with us holding our hands and encouraging us all along the journey knowing fully that if we have a Mona strength belief courage trust in everything you do that all will be as you say will be so father we thank you praise you and give you all glory and honor for all of this in the name of Yeshua Messiah main the main [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 9,745
Rating: 4.9238095 out of 5
Keywords: mtoi, messianic torah observant israel, steve berkson, shavuot, pentecost, the launching point, sinai, upper room
Id: bZW3Q-hQTiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 6sec (4326 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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