Daniel 9:20-27, The Seventy Weeks

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turn in your Bibles to Daniel chapter 9 I literally thought I'm gonna have to break this down into two weeks and then I thought you know what it's impossible to tell you everything about this passage so my goal isn't to tell you everything about the passage but to tell you enough so that you can begin to search for yourself all of the implications of this passage I'm in Title II at the seventy weeks it's Daniel chapter 9 verses 20 through 27 it is perhaps the most awesome prophecy in terms of specificity that's in all of the Bible Daniel chapter 9 verses 20 through 27 as we look at the future let's pray Heavenly Father you've ordained the times and the seasons you created the heavens and the earth you put human beings on this planet Lord there was a terrible situation sin entered this world in all of human history revolves around the coming of our Messiah Lord each and every human being has been damaged by sin and each person is in desperate need of a savior and so Heavenly Father I pray that it wouldn't just simply be curiosity that would be satisfied about the future Lord I pray that each and every person would experience a satisfaction of knowing that their sins have been forgiven and that they've been reconciled to you by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and by your Holy Spirit so lord I pray that you would stir up our hearts Lord I pray that there would be a renewed enthusiasm for all that you've done and all that you will do in our lives through Jesus Christ our Lord amen Daniel chapter 9 beginning in verse 20 now while I was speaking praying confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my god yes while I was speaking in prayer the man Gabriel whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning caused to fly swiftly reached me about the time of the evening offering and he informed me and talked with me and said Oh Daniel I have now come forth to give you skill to understand at the beginning of your supplications the command went out then I have come to tell you for you are greatly beloved therefore consider the matter and understand the vision seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy are literally in the Hebrew language a most holy place in verse 25 it says know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in trouble sometimes and after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary the end of it will be with a flood until the end of the war desolations are determined then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate even until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate in this passage the angel Gabriel appears to Daniel and he brings a message the Lord is going to reveal his predictive timeline for Jerusalem and for the Jewish people this new prophecy not only provides an astonishing answer to the prayer that Daniel is just prayed that is will you forgive and restore Israel will you make a way for the whole world to experience forgiveness of sin and reconciliation to God the Lord reveals his plan for the future through an angel for Daniel for his people for the world it's going to include six elements to the plan and the plan is going to be fulfilled over a 490 year period and there's the rub for some these 77 are an unknowable bank of years used as a literary device to describe the unfolding future others take the 77s quite literally for some this passage of scripture like it's New Testament counterpart the book of Revelation seems like a hopeless prophetic swamp full of murky meaning impossible to know for others it's a prophetic oasis a refreshing source of water a well that's been placed in the desert a guide to God's people so that they could understand their salvation and their future by the way that's when I take the pro of prophetic Oasis to me this isn't a murky swamp devoid of meaning the prophecy is an answer to prayer and it's a key to understanding the future so our friend Daniel remember has spent time in prayer his prayer was prompted by the study of Jeremiah's prophecy in God's promises we've already looked at that the Lord through Jeremiah said you're going back you will go home Daniel was concerned about God's people Daniel was concerned about God's holy city Jerusalem he was concerned about God's plans and God's purposes he knew that the Lord promised the return the city's restoration the temples rebuilding Daniels prayer of intercession includes a willingness to abandon sin and embrace God's plan for the future and so think about it he is there he is wondering will God hear my prayer will he hear my plea will God's people receive forgiveness will the nation ever be redeemed from sin will righteousness ever dwell on this planet and it would appear that God's divided his plan into three time periods one time period will incorporate a seven and sevens or 49 years one time period will incorporate that seven plus a sixty-two seven 434 for a total of 483 years one of those time periods will incorporate yet one more seven it's my understanding that two of those time periods have passed one remains outstanding let's look look at verse 20 now while I was speaking and praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and presenting my supplications before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my god the holy mountain is Zion the holy mountain is Zion on the sides of the north this is Mount Moriah this is the holy mount this is the place that God set aside this is the place where Isaac where Abraham offers Isaac this is the place where Solomon's Temple was built this is the place that was set aside by God to represent sacrifice for sin while he's praying it says yes while I was speaking in prayer the man Gabriel whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly reached me about the time of the evening offering first of all I want to bring two things to your attention the prophets prayer in verse 20 the angels appearance in verse 21 we've spent a great deal of time looking at the prophets prayer in verses 3 through 19 we just need to add a couple more things for just a few moments you'll note that Daniel finishes his prayer and as he's finishing this prayer God is at that very moment answering the prayer Stephen our Miller and his commentary on Daniel he he basically points out that sinlessness is not a condition for answered prayer remember he's speaking praying confessing his sin speaking praying confessing his sin and so if you've ever wondered can God even hear my prayer because my heart is so dark and my circumstance is so bad right away we received that insight daniel is confessing his sin in the sin of his people now remember Daniels character is almost unequalled of any Old Testament biography and even Daniel cannot say like it says in proverbs 20 verse 9 I have kept my heart pure I am clean and without sin he hasn't kept his heart pure he wasn't completely clean and without sin there's none righteous no not one we've all sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God and because we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God that's not a reason to neglect prayer but to pursue prayer and to pursue intercessory prayer how can we suggest that we have no need to confess our sin when that's exactly what we have need of now I want you to remember as he's praying the angel Gabriel appears and so you should ask well why is he called a man then because he apparently takes the form and the appearance of a human being Daniel notes that he is the same man that Daniel saw at the beginning of the vision when did that happen for those of you who've been following along that's when we studied Daniel chapter 8 verses 15 and 16 he sees this person in that vision and were also left with the impression that this isn't simply a vision but this is the actual appearance of an angelic creature this is the supernatural manifestation of a being who has come from the very presence of God and it would seem that Gabriel was tasked by God with this specific function that expression being caused to fly swiftly is really problematic it's a hard thing in the Hebrew language the Hebrew expression is mu up B up it can be translated in a couple of different ways it could be translated about flying swiftly but it could be translated in my extreme weariness or in my fatigue or in my exhaustion or something similar to that the idea that Gabriel comes swiftly to bring the message seems to fit the context but so does Daniels utter exhaustion after prolonged prayer and specific fasting it's the time of the evening sacrifice this would have been about 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon and of course it's Daniel's prayer persistence over a period of time he has since his youth prayed at about nine o'clock in the morning prayed at about prayed at about three o'clock this isn't something that's unusual but there is something unusual about this particular prayer and of course there is no evening sacrifice because the temple in Jerusalem is gone it has been destroyed it is annihilated it doesn't exist except in God's plan and God's purpose in God's heart Daniel ISM Babylon but his heart never left Jerusalem he's forced to spend his years a captive but his heart has been made captive by the God of Israel and so in verse 22 we see the Angels announcement and he informed me and talked with me and said Oh Daniel I've now come forth to give you skill to understand at the beginning of your supplications that's petitions the command went out and I've come to tell you for you are greatly beloved therefore consider the matter and understand the vision the angel informs that's a very specific Hebrew word it means to instruct it means to provide specific instructions to give skill or insight sykov understand binned and so here the Hebrew expression is almost repetitive it's almost redundant it's the idea of I'm here to give you insight and understanding now I want you to think about that for just a moment when the angel is saying I want to give you insight and understanding it isn't I want to confuse you and make you hopelessly confused about what may or may not happen that's not what's happening there's specific instruction and it would seem the moment that Daniel began to pray the answer was given by the Lord for Gabriel the implication being the moment that you bowed your head or your heart the moment you raised your hand at the moment the words left your mouth I was instructed by the king of heaven to respond to your prayers now this is so very interesting to me this isn't a heavenly text message this isn't I'm going to like you it on your good book page the Lord sees Daniels fervent and sincere prayer he sees his humility he sees his commitment how do we know that verse 3 he's fasting the angels use of the personal pronoun in the Hebrew language is significant and emphatic in verse 22 and in verse 23 what I mean by that is I was sent I'm going I'm the one who's responding the implication is the angel leaves the presence of God and is really there why is that important for you and me this isn't simply a vision the angels really there the angel is visible tangible so when we read about Gabriel's future appearances to Zechariah the father of John the Baptist in Luke chapter 1 verse 19 and Mary announcing the birth of Jesus in Luke chapter 1 verses 26 and 27 again to Zechariah we're left with the impression he's really there with Mary he's really there with Daniel he's really there in that single statement also is a revelation of inestimable value the angel says again reinforcing the idea that he's really there you are greatly beloved other translations say you are highly esteemed that the Hebrew word is Homme adult it's plural com abduct means something or someone that is highly desired it means counted precious now again you have to dig a little bit deeper and think about what you're reading in that single statement we understand something Daniel is human Daniel is extraordinary but he must like all human beings wonder what God really thinks what God really feels what God really thinks about him haven't you haven't you ever prayed and as you prayed have you ever got thought to yourself Lord what what do you really think about me are you there do you really care about me now this is so very interesting to me for so many reasons because that word come with dogs is elsewhere used in the Old Testament in the book of Ezra chapter 8 verse 27 as a description of gold it's used in Genesis chapter 27 verse 15 where Eleazar is trying to bring a bride back for his servant and master and it's used to describe the precious robes and costly garments that's given to the future bride the angel tells Daniel that in God's eyes he is God's precious treasure and we should be able to see something if not ourself that you're not just simply an instrument of use your life doesn't simply consist in what other people can get from you you are not simply a toy or a tool or a weapon there is something about you that goes beyond your instrumentality that is what you can do but it goes and reaches further and deeper into what you intrinsically are and in our culture in society they would have you believe that you're just simply an instrument either for good or for evil for help or no help at all but that's not what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches that you're made in the image of God the Bible teaches that you are created by God in the image of God and that you have a precious value and a precious word now again in this statement we now can understand a little bit better what the angel says when he says consider the matter understand the vision pause why would the angel say that if it can't be done pause think about it think about it hard for some of you when I continue this passage your confusion is going to grow greater and greater for some of you it's going to become clearer and clearer I have thought long and hard and prayed long and hard how I can make this not more confusing but more clear look what it says the Angels prophecy in verse twenty four seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy there are several moving parts to this prophecy in short were given the focus of the period and the feature of the period the Lord is going to confirm the scripture he is going to consecrate the sanctuary so at the very moment the first statement seventy weeks are determined for your people in your holy city what are these what are the seventy weeks we first have to remember the number seven and its significance the word weeks translates the Hebrew word Shaboom or shabd weaned you can pronounce it with a kind of a hard to be or or hard v but it's juggling it means a collection of seven it's a seven we understand that God creates the world in six days and rests on the sha-booyah the seventh day the number seven signifies completion rest and so we use the word dozen to describe a unit of 12 if I said I have a dozen you would say a dozen what do you have a dozen donuts do you have a dozen eggs do you have a dozen cars it's a unit of 12 and so here the phrase means a unit of a seven and so when he says seventy weeks that's the same word shabooey 77s are determined for your people the word determined translates a hebrew word hot talk which is an accounting term it means to reckon it can mean to count it can mean to count out and so it has a kind of a mathematical meaning so it is to reckon or to count or to count out so there are several questions we have to ask who or what is the object or the force of this prophecy the angel tells us the prophecy is directed to your people the Jews the Jewish people he's not speaking to the Babylonian nations or the surrounding nations or the Gentile nations this is instruction that has as its primary focus the Jewish people and when he says your holy city he's not talking about New Orleans which is my holy city even though the people from there are called Saints you may be from another city Boston or Los Angeles Philadelphia or New York Dallas or Detroit this is for the holy city and there's only one holy city there's only one city that's been separated by God to accomplish the plans and purposes of God this is the City of Jerusalem and so the angel didn't reveals that a certain measure of time has been set aside for Daniel and his people and that City the angel uses specific language to spell out everything that that plan includes it would seem that what the angel is saying is that God has a calendar and he has a clock and on that calendar and clock he is set aside 490 years to do everything that he plans to do to accomplish everything that he hopes to do and he gives six things number one to finish the transgression number two to make an end of sins number three to make reconciliation for iniquity number four to bring in everlasting righteousness number five to seal up vision and prophecy and number six to anoint the most holy literally it says place to set aside this place each and every one of those things has a cosmic significance and because each and every one of them has a cosmic significance I toyed with the idea of giving you a fairly in-depth look at each one but I can't do that I can only briefly touch on each of them because some of these things have already been partially fulfilled all of them will be fully fulfilled over the 490 year period which finds its consummation in verse 27 and so what does the angel mean when he prophesized to finish the transgression to make an end of sin to make reconciliation for iniquity is this angel telling Daniel and his people and that city that simply 490 years are still left of punishment or is there 490 years of judgment and punishment for the people to learn to stay away from sin to experience cleansing from guilt to set the stage for the golden era of the Messiah I think it means way more than that I think it's a specific reference to specific events - in particular the first is the cross of Calvary where Jesus comes and he dies on the cross for sin and the second is the second coming of Jesus Christ in majesty and glory and so we're gonna come to those things to finish the transgression to make an end of sin to make reconciliation for iniquity and a very real sense when Jesus comes all of these things are unfolding and taking place Jesus is going to do this cosmically but he's also going to do it specifically and individually just like God has set aside 490 years to deal with the Jewish people and to deal with the city of Jerusalem he's set aside a certain amount of time for you I don't know what that time period is I don't know how many sevens you have this year I will enter into my ninth seven I shouldn't say enter in I should say complete by ninety seven can you imagine if someone said to you sixty-three years has been appointed unto you you have won seven and then another seven and another seven and another seven and another seven and another seven each and every one of you is appointed a measure of time and a measure of faith God has appointed for some of you few years most of you more years the Bible says some of us might get threescore and ten and that means 60 plus ten by reason of strength and if you've lived a day past 70 it's gravy train for you it is gravy train but God has set aside a time for these people and for us and in verse 25 it says know therefore and understand it doesn't say don't know try and figure it out but it's a hopeless mass he says know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until mushiya not Eve until the Messiah who is the Prince there shall be seven Shewell there'll be seven sevens and sixty-two sevens the street will be built again and the wall not the president's wall not the wall on our southern border this this is not a prophetic implication that we should build the wall it's a political issue I'm not getting into the political issue what I'm saying is this is not a prophecy concerning Daniel Trump this is a prophecy concerning the Jewish people and the Jewish even in trouble sometimes two princes are mentioned Messiah the Prince verse 25 the prince who is to come verse 26 it's important that in your mind you go okay there's two princes who are being talked about are they the same prince are they an identical figure are they two different people I'm going to suggest to you that there are two different people at two different times where might we find the command to restore and build Jerusalem after Persia conquered Babylon various rulers issued different decrees the first decree was issued by Cyrus with a view towards rebuilding the temple and didn't focus on rebuilding the city in 538 BC another by artaxerxes the first - Ezra in 458 bc tasks ezra and said ezra go back to jerusalem investigate the people evaluate what's going on see whether or not they're being obedient to the revelation that's been given to your people God's Word God's law so the issue at that point was to safeguard the Jewish religion and not the rebuilding of the city there's only one passage in all of the scripture that speaks of rebuilding the wall and rebuilding the city it's found in Nehemiah chapter 2 in Nehemiah chapter 2 it gives us the date in Nehemiah chapter 2 verse 1 Nehemiah writes that it was in the 20th year of king artaxerxes it was in the date of Nisan and it doesn't give us the date it doesn't say if it was day number 1 or day number 2 or day number 3 it just says Nisan and then it says in the twentieth year of artaxerxes now what year do you suppose that might be it happens to be 445 BC what year was Daniels vision in Chapter 8 and then again in chapter 9 the first year of Darius the son of as awareness that's Daniel chapter 9 verse 1 if de rious is another name or title for Cyrus that would place the year at 539 BC why is that important because the countdown for the clock to start ticking is not going to start ticking until the decree is made so as Daniel is getting this vision and then he gets the visitation by the angel the clock that time period that's been set aside for Daniel's people and for the city has yet to start ticking because that clock doesn't start ticking until some 80 years in the future Gabriel speaks of seven walked Shavuot weeks of years followed by 62 weeks of years for a total of 69 weeks of years and so in verse 26 it says and after 62 weeks Messiah shall be can't or ought cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city in the sanctuary the end of it shall be with a flood until the end of the war desolations are determined so the angel describes two of the three time periods the first a seven that's seven weeks that's 49 years the next is sixty-two weeks what happens at the end of those sixty-two weeks Messiah is cut off there are two important historical events that are the first is the death of the Messiah Messiah shall be the Hebrew Expressionists can't walk it means severed Edward Pusey wrote quote the word never means anything but excision death directly inflicted by God or a violent death at the hands of men it's never used to describe mere death it isn't used to describe natural death but something that is sudden and unexpected John Phillips writes quote from the signing of the decree to the cutting off of the Messiah it was to be 483 years seven plus sixty-two weeks 69 times seven 483 years John Philips writes in the most succinct manner quote probably the most convincing attempt to calculate the countdown from the signing of the decree to the death of Christ is that of Sir Robert Anderson I happen to have an old copy of his book Daniel when the critics den Sir Robert Anderson when he calculated this particular event and presented it to the Royal Society he was knighted by the Queen of England he wrote he put the edict for rebuilding the city as the first day of Nisan from that date to the Messiah the prince was 69 times seven years that's 483 years the Hebrews used to 360 day calendar there's a lunar calendar it was in Babylon a lunar calendar Egypt a lunar calendar and so it's 360 days times 483 is 173,880 days today's fast forward into the future 173,880 days brings you to the 10th of Nisan in the 18th year of Tiberius the day when the Lord makes his public triumphant entry into Jerusalem and presents himself to the nation as Messiah Najeeb the date of 10 Nisan 18 Tiberias reckoned by the Jet Propulsion lab comes to April 632 ad quote this is by my friend Ron Rhodes the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to proclaim himself as Israel's Messiah was 483 years to the day it was exactly 173,880 days from the declaration that was given in nehemiah chapter 2 but it was probably just a coincidence I'm glad you laugh I'm glad you laugh because the absurdity of that kind of specificity it's almost unimaginable part of the point that you have to receive from this passage is that God is specific down to the tiniest detail about the first coming of Jesus and so we have every reason to believe that it's going to be certain and specific down to the tiniest detail of the final week the outstanding week there's one more week left the angel warns of a prince who's going to come but he also warns of a people the people of that Prince who's going to destroy the city of Jerusalem the sanctuary the temple will be destroyed by Titus and the spazie on the 10th and the 12th Roman legions they will come at exactly from 66 down to 70 and guess what on the 9th of of Tisch Bob the temple will be destroyed and the war is catastrophic and the desolations were determined and the Jews and the Jewish people were going to experience persistent hardship unbelievable pain in [Music] unbelievable persecution unbelievable suffering from month to month and year to year and decade after decade and then the angels warning in verse 27 then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one Shibui but in the middle of that week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate even until the consummation or the end which is determined it is poured out desolate in this single sentence is a summary of this outstanding 7 but it should bring to your mind a couple of things well I don't get it I don't understand how is it possible that the clock can start and stop the reason why it can start and stop is because God's plan and purpose starts and stops God is going to cause the temple to be rebuilt the people are going to return the Messiah is going to come the temple is going to be destroyed and in verse 27 in this single verse is the entire book of Revelation so you're probably wondering how is he going to teach that I can't teach the entire book of Revelation in the 8 minutes that I have left there's one period that God has set aside to finish the transgression what does that mean to put down the rebellion once and for all who's in rebellion all humanity is in rebellion against God the Bible says even while we were enemies God sent Jesus to die for us there is a rebellion in the human heart that insists on having its own way that plots a path to self-sufficiency and purity and dignity and they attempt to do it apart from God but it is impossible because you're made by God to have fellowship with God to have friendship and fellowship with him there's an outstanding 7 the Bible speaks of this 7 as the time of Jacob's sorrow where does it say that again remember Daniel was reading the Prophet Jeremiah and Jeremiah wrote in chapter 30 verses 7 8 & 9 alas in all history when has there ever been a time of Terror such as that which is coming that coming day it is a time of trouble for my people Jacob such as there has never been before - God will rescue them for on that day says the Lord Almighty I will break the yoke from their neck and snap their chains and foreigners shall no longer be their masters for they shall serve the Lord their God and David their King whom I will raise up for them the Lord when did the Jewish people ever snap the chain when did they ever end the bondage when was it that foreigners no longer have rule over the Jewish people when has it taken place that David their King has been enthroned on the throne in which he deserves to rule and reign it's never happened not yet there's an outstanding seven-day angel warns of another Prince this Prince is different from the Messiah this is a false Prince and a false messiah he confirms a covenant that means an agreement he creates a strong treaty during this shed wha a seven at the half mark at the three and a half year mark at the time times and half a time he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering was it at the three and a half year period that the temple was destroyed no it was actually at the fourth year when Titus and vez Bayesian destroyed the Jewish temple did sacrifice an offering cease yes it did did Titus and vez Bayesian enter the temple and proclaim themselves to be God and demand that the Jewish people worship them no that didn't happen this means that there's an outstanding seven there's an outstanding seven in the book of Revelation there are seven churches there are seven seals there are seven trumpets there are seven thunders there are seven plagues that take place over a seven what's gonna happen my friend Ron Rhodes and his wonderful resource 40 days through Daniel provides this exciting sneak peek into Israel's future when I was coming to this particular point I thought maybe I should do one more but I'm not going to I'm just gonna give you the peek imagine you're at the movies and I'm just giving you a sneak peek at this book that finds itself at the end of the Bible Ron Rhodes writes number one Israel's apostasy will end at the second coming of Yeshua Jesus the Messiah when she repents of her rejection of Jesus as the divine Messiah number 2 Israel's sin will be removed now being having trusted Jesus as their Savior he cites Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 23 Romans chapter 11 verses 20 through 27 as it talks about and has Paul talks about that the branch has been broken off but it's only for a season and number three as Israel repents of her rejection of her Messiah at the second coming the atonement that the Messiah wrought at the cross will provide salvation for the Jews this is the gospel the gospel is that it's that sacrifice that's found provided salvation for you number four Christ will bring about perfect righteousness in his covenant people during this Millennial Kingdom the Bible describes a time when the Messiah comes he's the son of David he sits on the throne that has always belonged to him God gave a promise to David he said to you and to your seed they will sit on the throne is it literally gonna come true I think so number five all the Covenant promises to Israel in the Old Testament will be sealed what does that mean fully realized in the Millennial Kingdom and remember in verse 24 to seal up vision and prophecy what does that mean it literally I believe means that an unsealed prophecy is an unfulfilled prophecy so prophecy takes two forms that which has been fulfilled and that which remains unfulfilled and number six the most holy place this most holy place in the Millennial Kingdom will be consecrated how do we know that's the vision of Ezekiel that's the unfolding vision of Ezekiel in Ezekiel chapter 41 chapter 42 chapter 43 chapter 44 chapter 45 chapter 46 so if I had 60 seconds to teach you the entire book of Revelation and all five chapters in Ezekiel that I just outlined I would do it you're gonna have to do it I don't recommend reading the book of Revelation until you've read the 65 books that precede it but I do recommend that you read the book of Revelation if you really really really want to know about what's going to happen in the one outstanding seven that remains for the Christian Jesus comes he ends the transgression he is the satisfying solution to the problem of sin that's what Christians really believe Christians believe that Yeshua Jesus is God's Messiah Christians believe that this son of David is the promised Messiah who was spoken of in the book of Genesis and Deuteronomy who was predicted in Micah and who was outlined in this book of Daniel that he comes he lives the perfect life he dies as the satisfaction for sin he rises from the dead to prove to all that he's God's Messiah and according to the Bible he rises he goes to heaven he's seated at the right hand of the Father but he will come again he will come again because God's dealing with the Jew remains unfinished God has outstanding business the Jewish people with the Jewish city and God has unfinished business with some of you some of you been running and hiding some of you've been crying and wondering some of you been praying and preparing some of you have been tasked with this sense of urgency as you wonder what it is that God wants from you I don't know everything about everything but I do know this he wants each and every person to turn from their sin he wants each and every person to receive Jesus as their Savior to embrace him as their Messiah to experience the washing and cleansing and reconciliation but he will one day provide for God's people in God's city but we have to stop Heavenly Father I pray for these men and women I pray that you've stirred up things inside their heart Lord I pray that each and every person wants to know wait a minute I need to read the book of Revelation wait a minute I want to find out what it says in Ezekiel chapter 41 through 46 Lord I pray that there would be a divine discontentment that would stir up in the hearts of the people as they not just want to know but need to know how it's going to unfold how it will end and so Lord again I pray for each and every person who's listening to my voice if you believe that you have your Center and you want forgiveness of sin if you believe that Jesus is God's Messiah if you believe that he came and that he died on the cross and he rose from the dead that he's alive and he can change your heart that you can receive him as your Messiah and that you can walk into the future that's been planned for you from before the beginning of time and Heavenly Father we pray that our curiosity [Music] wouldn't just simply be satisfied that we would want to know more and more and more about your plans and your purposes for our life in Jesus name Amen let's stand [Music]
Channel: Calvary South Denver
Views: 7,541
Rating: 4.5102043 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Gino Geraci, Christianity, Bible Study, The book of Daniel, Bible Prophecy, 70 weeks of Daniel
Id: l3XYzlL7IyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 56sec (3476 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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