The Process of Becoming by Bruce Allen

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revelation you know as we've traveled around the world we have seen in the last year-and-a-half couple years some astounding things that God has been doing and and it's been very interesting to me to take note of the character of the people that God is doing these things through and I pay attention to those things because you know in America we're given to this formulaic approach to the Word of God we want step one step two step three step four you know and tell us how to do all in my new show my new detail and and you know it gets a little bit laborious and tiring to try and define for people how to connect with God so that you can walk in the things of God and so I I just pay attention when I see men and women of God moving in the power of God what is it about them that seems to spark God to the point that he says I want to just bestow this grace gift on them and I've come up with a couple of things and you've heard me teach that one thing is it's the passion for God that's the most significant thing any individual can will have right now is a passion for God not for miracles signs and wonders not for visitation or revenue but a passion for him and in that there is much that God will begin to reveal to the one with a passionate heart there's other things that we have to look at too as I've watched I've seen that God has taken certain individuals and given them revelation and an understanding about a process that each believer must go through in order to become more like him and most people in most churches want to shun a process shun the the the aspect of we having to do something according to the Word of God to become more like Christ you know the word clearly teaches that we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling well there's that word work well I don't like it I thought it was all grace now you're making this of ministry oh no it's not works apart from God we can do nothing but there are things we have to do as believers that caused us to progress in our Christian experience that we become more like it and again the bottom line for me I'm finding some keys is passion for God we've got to have a passion for God which means we've got to have a passion for the Word of God the second thing is we must learn how to rest in God well what does that look like well you know Hebrews chapter 4 says there is now therefore arrest for the people of God and that rest is ceasing from our own works or I to make that even simpler we must learn how to be led of the Spirit of God not this program of religion was not to be led of the Spirit of God you know as we've shared before many places you know it doesn't matter where you go everybody says hold brother we are always led to the spirit and then you know you go into their services and it's the same program every week I'm not against a program if God initiates what I don't like is if the Spirit of God tries to intervene or interrupts it's like no we got a program see that's not being led of the Spirit we've got to learn to trust Abba Father we've got to learn to trust the leading of the Spirit so that we can move into our destiny and I want to tell you we're in a very very significant moment in the history of the world and in the church profoundly significant and we have a destiny to fulfill and God is doing extraordinary things in the earth I'm oh you know I I was like everybody else I used to wonder for years well how come he only does those type of miracles in third world countries and not over here well you know what one of the things I've seen is over there they have a childlike faith they do if you tell them God can create a limb where there is no limb they just believe you over here we have to dissect that now now you know the science of that is and you know my doctrine is and the church doesn't believe this and get out of your head get into your spirit stop being led of your understanding it'll get you not very far be led of the Spirit of God you know February we rest mine I and a couple other pastor friends we were in the Philippines at Subic Bay and outside and then pastors from Manila came down and we began to dialogue with them but and watch them in the conference you know the pastors were more exuberant and childlike in their approach to worship and God than the people were I mean we have the stage stoical approach you know here we've got to be dignified we're cool over there they're hilariously rejoicing before God they lead the people in worship they don't coach the people in worship and they're just they're enamored of everything that God has in there they they just approach everything they do in Christ in that way and they're walking in some extraordinary miracles and you know what they're not asking for miracles they just love Jesus they love God with all that's within them and it exudes out of them it just I mean you come in the zone and you get infected whoo because they love God and it's it's it's frightening in a good way because it blows out the the the preconceived ideas we got you know God does it God's not looking for your intellectual approach to him he's not looking for your astuteness in the scriptures he's just looking for a heart of passion you know don't be intimidated because somebody can quote scriptures I want to see somebody who can live scriptures big difference and they live the gospel let me tell you just one miracle we see over there just one yeah I'm going to tell this one you know in the Philippines there's most people don't get above five foot five five foot six maybe a lot of them are 5'4 and they had a meeting one night and the pastor said what is it you want Jesus to do for you and this man jumped up he said I want to grow two or three inches I'm too short and the pastor kind of went and the Lord said go ahead so he said how many of you want to grow 80 people stood up now he's in trouble he said okay father how are we doing this he said line him up on the wall measure him put their name on the line and then call him back so he did that took a few minutes when they all stood I back in the in expectation there's a key expectation he said now in the name of Jesus increase they all grew five inches immediately God can't do that well your God might not be able to do that they went back and measured every one of them see that's your Heavenly Father who delights in showing himself strong on behalf of those who love him well now there's a condition if you love him you'll keep his Commandments you believe him you'll trust him you'll follow him you'll do what he says in that same pastors church they've had over a hundred I think it's a hundred and fifty don't I don't want to misquote it but I believe it was 150 they said pacemakers dissolve and disappear over a course of a short period of time did they all die no they all got brand-new hearts God can do anything and you know again they're not asking for God we want miracles today because your word says they just say we love you Jesus whatever you want to do father that's the adventure do you know it is your father's delight to give you the kingdom he has more designed to Sirius to to bless you and release to you than you are to receive and you know it shows it shows when we continually seek signs wonders and miracles those are supposed to follow you you can't outrun them if you're loved in love with Jesus expect I'd like that you know bulldog nipping at your heels is you can't get away that's the way they live I can tell you miracle after miracle from this last year the things God did is just and the common denominator is a passion for Jesus and a willingness to be led of the Spirit no matter how foolish it looks how impossible to the natural they don't care so there's a process for us to grow up into him and I want to look at this process in 1st Kings chapter 17 it says Elijah the Tishbite of the inhabitants of Gilead said to Ahab as the Lord God of Israel lives before whom I stand there shall not be dune or rain these where was it there should not be do no rain these years except at my word so we know that Elijah was a prophet of God he was renowned in Israel and he's known to the enemies of Israel even that this is a prophet of God don't touch him don't do anything with him leave him alone and as a matter of fact he had so stirred up Israel the King Ahab and Jezebel his his head a Habs head had slaughtered all the prophets in Israel that they could find and established false prophets the Bailes prophets of bale and ash Torah in his place and he's the most wanted man in Israel because he's constantly causing problems and this is the first time in scripture you see a man of God stand up and say at my word there will be no doer rain so he's walking in tremendous power and anointing but he only does those things that the leading of the Spirit and therein lies a key we must be led of the Spirit you we're talking with this young lady but earlier something God gave me years ago only speak when spoken through only do what he tells you to do only go where he tells you to go and he will let you know what you need to know apart from that you're in the flesh it's really simple I'm astounded at Christians to say well I don't know what to do you know you read your Bible he tells you what to think and what not to think he tells you what to speak and what not to speak he tells you what to look upon and what not to look at but I mean it's all spelled out so minut you in detail how can we not know what God's saying because we over think a simple document that says this is how to do it Amen or oh no and so there's no doer rain and then the word of the Lord came to him saying so he spoke what God told him to do and after a period of time God speaks to him again and he says something now you how many of you know that God has a destiny in store for your life you have a purpose in a destiny you're not on planet Earth by accident hoops Jesus how did that one get by us know you're here with a purpose and a destiny and so God has a purpose and a destiny for Elijah he has one for you most of us have no idea no concept of what it is that God has in store for us we might have a glimpse in the glimmer we might have a step or two but believe me if God showed you the whole picture most of us had run in Terry code how are you kidding me Elijah's the same way God leads you step by step here are the revelation upon revelation here a little there a little if he doesn't very very rarely does he show us the whole picture otherwise it wouldn't take any faith and without faith it's impossible there's an impossibility without faith it's impossible to please God and so he tells Elijah he says in verse three get away from here and turn eastward and hide or camp out by the brook Kerith which flows into the Jordan so God gave them specific instruction for that period of his life he said I want you to go camp out by this brook careth and then he says something that's to absolutely contrary to everything he knows and understands I'm gonna have a Raven feed you and carry and bird I'm a good Hebrew I don't touch the unclean thing do you know that in our lives we have preconceived ideas we think we know what God means according to some scriptures and then we get established in what we think is truth and oftentimes it might be a facet of truth but not the whole truth never none of has the whole Council of God on any given subject or any scripture Pastor Mike and I have to have shared scriptures and God's giving them a facet of Revelation and I've got a different facet and another one's got a different facet God is so vast every one of us could have a different facet of Revelation on a same Scripture and it would all be truth so nobody has the whole Council of God in any one given thing and so he's obedient to what God says he moves forward towards this place called careth where he's going to camp out and he's going to be fed by these carrion Birds and I don't know about you but roadkill is not my favorite meal I mean what's the guy thinking Ravens gonna feed me oooh dead lizard dead rabbit hey who knows see that's when this thing gets in the way oh that can't be God I wouldn't just shut up go be quiet and so what's fascinating to me - is he doesn't argue he just goes say he had a measure of character and relationship with God that he just said yes sir and went that's cool he just went you know when God's told me to do certain things hey can I get a second opinion really I got a good friend Andre Ashby the Lord will tell him to do something he's a prophet and he says I ain't doing that God you get somebody else to do that he always ends up doing it but he's funny to watch but you but you know he's real be real with God you can't hide from God but the truth is he goes into camps by careth now this is what's interesting god knows his destiny he knows what's before elijah he knows what's coming ahead and only God does you know Elijah didn't even have what we have available to us today see Holy Spirit was given to you and I that he'll show you things to come my lied you didn't walk in that how come we don't avail ourselves of that oh my goodness what are we gonna do tomorrow ask Holy Spirit he'll show you turn off CNN communist news network and ask God he'll show you he'll show you make it a lifestyle and so he begins to pursue God careth means circumcision and cutting it speaks of a deeper work in the inward man because circumcision is not the outward to act but it's an inward act of the heart Roman says so Elijah for what I have in mind for your specced aney and your life we've got to do a deeper work of sanctification and so camp by careth and you stay there till that brook dries up see here's another thing Elijah prophesied his own deliverance from that place because he promised I knew do I know Dew or rain and so that Brook is going to dry up see you if you're not obedient to God you might be floor ting your future and your destiny if you're not doing what he tells you you might trip yourself up in the future because what you speak back here will affect you out here and so he stays there and the Raven feeds in morning and night delicacies and he drinks from the brook Cherith and God begins to do a deeper work of sanctification in his heart now I want you to see the process involved in Elisha who's already called anointed and appointed and used of God but he has a greater work than God wants to do not only in him but through him so when the brook dries up God speaks again and first aid it's interesting how that flies because bird 8 is the number of new beginnings so he's got a new beginning here says the word of the Lord came to him saying arise go to Zarephath which belongs decidin and dwell there now see that's different you're gonna camp it Caruth but you're gonna live at Zarephath now you got to pay attention to this this is important and he says see I have a widowed woman there who's gonna take care of you every need most of us would go to Ching Hall rich wealthy woman that's and he comes to Zarephath and he founds the most impoverished woman and the whole bunch and God said there she is what's up with dad but you know what he knows God is God he doesn't look at the natural he doesn't look at the circumstance or the condition of this Widow he just looks at God God could take the foolish things of the world and confound the wise and so he speaks to her he says woman what are you doing she says well why lie first he says give me a drink of water she does that and he says what are you doing well I'm gonna go gather the wood and make a final meal for my son and I because we've got nothing left and we're gonna eat it and then we're starved to death he said well make me some first do you know how out of character that is for manna God in Israel they take care of widows and orphans he said give me first now you gotta understand he's led to the Spirit of God I can't tell you how many times I've wrestled with the wrong spirit that says give me first you've never seen that in the church of course I know you haven't seen it in here because I know them what I'm telling you we've been all over the world and let's God on the man of God you should put honor me and give to me take a hike that's not the Word of God you should be servant of all not served by all I better leave that alone before I get started and so she does as this man of God says do you know for the first time in Scripture there - you see a work of supernatural provision there's no much wrapped up in that passage of Scripture she gave and it was given unto her she heeded the words of the prophets and she prospered he was obedient to the word of the Lord and saw a miracle of provision he'd never seen before other than a raven of course do you understand you grow into the full mantling that God has for your life but it's a progress of state vacation and character development and it comes through obedience to the Word of God and you won't walk in that level of obedience if he is not your magnificent obsession you've got to love him so that you trust him you can't it's hard to trust somebody you don't know that's why there's so much difficulty in the church with people struggling in faith they don't know their God I can't make it any simpler than that if you know him you trust him so much so you can say though you slay me yet will I praise You God that's the truth and you can tell where an individual not by for judgments sake but for the sake of being able to invest in their life you can tell where individuals are in their Christian walk by what comes out of their mouth just listen to what they say and you can identify what they need that's why it's best to keep your mouth shut covert ops do you understand and it's again it's not for judgments say it's so that you understand and know so he says give me first and she has supernatural provision not only that some time after that her son dies we see the very first act of supernatural resurrection why because Elijah was going through a process of moving towards a destiny he yet did not know but he submitted himself to the process of sanctification of his heart and his life so that he can accomplish and fulfill the destiny God had in store for him by the way Zarafa 'the means purie purifying refining and of fusing together with it speaks of moving from the flesh life to the self life The Book of Proverbs says that if you want to become gold gold is put tried in fire seven times hotter than that which is for silver God make me a vessel of Honor you better be careful what you ask in you got to count the cost and God didn't say you camp out there for a short time because the fire gets high he said you're gonna live there it's a lifelong commitment Paul said it this way I die daily that's where we gotta live I die daily father whatever you require that's my command whatever your heart's desire is father I will be obedient because the purposes of God far supersede the concepts and ideas that I have for my own life we were joking at lunch you know the one that the Trinity that used to sit on the throne on my heart was me myself and I the three stooges had to change that association for the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and that was after I got saved by the way don't look at me like I'm innocent I know what you talk about come on Zarafa and so whatever that season was he remained where God instructed I can look at my own life and see you know you get so impatient for what God's called you to do you you see oh he told me to do that and look come on let's go let's go yeah I gotta tell you know in the late 70s I worked at TBN in Southern California trying to do broadcasting with Paul and Jan and the crew there and one night after the show the Lord told me someday you'll be in front of the camera there's a young man and the mentality in the 70s was superstar but as I grew in Christ I not only forgot it but I shunned it I don't want anything to do with that because I know what's in man the flesh and what can happen if you get a little bit of attention you think you all that when you ain't none of that matter of fact the more you think you're all that the less you are and so this impart is part of that fulfillment of that revelation I thought it would be well you know in the next couple years no it's taken a few years because God said I'm not gonna let you fall so therefore I have to take you through a process of developing my character so that the mantle I place upon you doesn't destroy your life see you all have a purpose in destiny a calling a vision a desire and when you said okay god I want it you had no idea he was going to take you through this process you forgot it's like signing up I you swear to defend the Constitution of the United States I guess yeah I'm in the military I didn't sign up for this oh yes you did you just don't realize it if we don't wanted you to have anything we'd have issued it hello you're in the army of God you know the Lord told me some years ago he set up it would bless my heart more if people flatly refused rather than say yes sir and never followed through because one of those answers is honest be honest with God Lord I don't know that I can do that I don't have the strength I don't have the tenacity I don't have what it takes God will honor that good that's why I gave you covenant and I'll be all that you need rather than to say oh I can do that and crash and burn and then hide in shame and you know just avoid it because you don't want to be look be honest with God this process of becoming the sanctified life can be difficult but it's worth every moment there's nothing else in this world to live for then intimacy with God so verse chapter 18 it says it came to pass after many days the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year one of my favorite numbers 3 I talked about the third day 2nd Peter 3:8 a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day from the time of Jesus until the turn of the century we've completed two days two thousand years now we're early in the morning on the third day Resurrection Day so here Kate the word of the Lord came to Elijah oh by the way do you know that before the first appearing of Jesus somebody came in the spirit and the power of Elijah John the Baptist do you know before he returns again there will be a generation that walked in the spirit and the power of Elijah but first they're gonna be processed as a footnote here says that's a good place for an amen came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year saying go present yourself to Ahab are you kidding me I'm on the ten most wanted list and you want me to turn myself in can I get a second opinion no it's the word of the Lord you see it comes a time in our lives where we have to trust God in spite of the logic or the reasoning of man I turned myself in when persecution begins in the church to an extent we've not experienced in this nation and God tells you to step into the face of that go nanny nanny whatever he tells you you better be here in God but when you hear God do it the worst the world can do is threaten you with heaven tell you what there's no fear God's grace comes there's no fear and so he said if you do this I'm gonna send rain on the earth okay if I go present myself to the man that put me on the most-wanted list you're gonna send rain I need a strategy Lord no he didn't say that he just did it he lied you went and to present himself to Ahab there was a severe famine in Samaria you know he he was the one blamed for all of this he's blamed for the drought and the famine it's not just they had that's upset with him because the propaganda machine had kicked in and all of them are upset with Elijah and I mean I could just imagine I you know you put out this APB all-points bulletin if you see this guy tournament cuz this is the guy that's causing this and when we can get him well this thing will break peace prosperity and you know know so he went and did his God told him and they have had called Obadiah and the story is Obadiah wood had been sending all over the nations looking for Elijah and when he heard Elijah was someplace he sent somebody over there is he there and when they found out he wasn't he would be angry and he would impose a tariff or something on them said if you ever do that again I will kill you don't do that so Obadiah is on the way and here's a are Elijah and he recognizes them and he falls down is that you my lord Elijah he said that's me he said go tell a hab I'm here he what did I do to you and he expounds you know how he's how he's put all these people on a watch list because they've been falsely saying Elijah's here and now when I leave you're gonna disappear and vanish and what's gonna happen to me I'm a good guy I've hidden prophets he said I won't I won't disappear go tell they have as a matter of fact you tell they have this we're gonna have a showdown and I'm paraphrasing and so he tells they have you bring your prophets to Mount Carmel and we'll meet there and you call all the people together at Mount Carmel we're gonna have a showdown and we'll see whose God is really God boy look for that day I'll by the way that days upon us it's upon us I could tell you story after story of the showdown of false prophets against the true and how God is showing up and absolutely destroying the false and proving himself God so four hundred false prophets of bail four hundred and fifty false prophets of Astaroth eight hundred and fifty to one Elijah had a mote number because the Book of Psalms says want to put a thousand to flight he had a buffer room and to ten thousand you understand there's more than be with you than be with them you've got to walk like that you've got to walk like that well I've got to go to court you don't everybody's against me well have God before you who could stand against you well to just feel sorry for him you we got to believe our God so they call him he says here's how we're gonna do this he told all the people we're gonna prove that the God that answers by fire he is God so quit going back and forth between two opinions you're either gonna follow God or you're not of course everybody wants a great show a spectacle a spectacular event well okay that's a good saying man listen let's watch and see what happens you know they did that with Jesus they'd follow him around just to watch the next spectacular event they didn't have theater and entertainment back then so this was the best thing on the on the bill at that time let's watch this Mary well he's ruffling so there's gonna be a fight watch it I mean human nature is human nature doesn't matter what generation is it so he had them build an altar and the false prophets began to dance and cry out and cut themselves headbangers you think whale Bale worship is for that your generation only you know it's at prevalent today you look at some of the practices going on it's alive and well right now and nothing happened and he let him go till about 3:00 in the afternoon he says okay that's enough my turn clean that garbage off he put 12 stones good number 12 patriarchs travel parcels godly government speaks of establishing upon the Apostles in the prophets I could go on and on he dug a trench he put the wood he put the animal for the sacrifice and then he said let's make it hard for God get some water what was the rarest commodity in Israel at that time isn't that interesting so he took the rarest commodity there's probably people up there been there for hours watching this at a thirsty he said pour it on not once pour it on again and again and again till it was drenched then he stood back he said father I've only done this at your command Wow here's what's interesting about this fire you know the fire of God we we look at fire we look at flames and what does it look like yellow and maybe a little few different colors the fire of God is pure white I mean it's it's pure it's so intense it's not even the hardest flame we can get here would be like a bluish color but in heaven no it's it's pure white and it consumes anything that's not holy we keep singing Lord send your fire say get ready God just snuck up on you again that's a nice song and it consumed the offering it consumed the wood it consumed the stones it consumed the water and lapped up the earth that's the fire of God and then his real work began because now he had to take off the heads of 850 false prophets while God's merciful he would never do read your Bible well that's Old Testament brother that was lost no that's covenant and the renewed covenant does not negate or do away with that covenant it's an addendum to and the continuation of he's the same yesterday today and forever he's the same God and the God who answered my fire then is answering by fire now and he will consume the offering of the sacrifice by the way presents yourselves a living sacrifice holy and acceptable under God that's just your reasonable service what's above and beyond reasonable if that's just reasonable what's beyond that whoa and so we see a process but you know he wasn't finished after this he lied you went to the top of Mount Carmel not only did he come to Mount Carmel the place of God's glory that's what Mount Carmel means we're always crying out how do we watch your glory have you been to careth yet have you lived it Zarephath and then quit begging for glory until you enter into the process of sanctification and becoming more like him you have no business walking in the glory you're not ready it'll destroy you until you have an encounter with this all-consuming fire you'll never go to the top of the mountain glory the mountain of God's glory we have carnal Christians doing everything in their own strength and power to look like or act like or connect with the glory of God and the manifestation of the presence of God and it comes out false and multitudes follow it when when the real comes a lot of them say that's not God because it's not the way I've always seen it or done it it's a dangerous time but God is good so he took him up his servant and he sat down and put his head between his his legs that's a sign of worship and obeisance to God and he said tell me what you see in the servant went up and says well I nothing nothing no no I know God's voice go look again what do you see nothing no no go again most of us would say after two or three times well God's not in this I guess I missed the Lord keep going keep going you know if nothing for your else but your persistence God will go you know what they mean business they mean business let's pay attention but this half-hearted while I tried and it didn't work that grieves his heart that hurts they don't even care enough to give their very best because let me tell you something if it's that new iPad or you know that nice car or that fancy r8 homeboy well we'll go after it forever till we get it but when it's God didn't work come on the seventh time the man of God the servant of the man of God says well I see a cloud about the size of a man's head he's probably saying please give us something that running up the mountains getting old tiring and Elijah said that's it a cloud that size is the abundance of rain so you better understand God and you better know how he speaks that's why there's so much misinterpretation of dreams visions or even the word because well now I know what that but what does it mean no no he said that's it you go tell a happy you better get down from here cuz he's about to get washed away now you know that servant better have known his master to to go bring that message why cuz there's a cloud over here but you know even they have respected the man of God after Mount Carmel he said if he says that I'm out of here man sure I want to tell you something when you go through the process God's got for your life to bring you into the place of your destiny even the world will recognize that and go you know you better listen you better listen and we're in that season where the world's going to take note of the true men and women of God that walk with God and speak as an Oracle of God and recognize God is in you of a truth and say who you better listen to that one I'm reminded of a story of a pastor that was that was in prison in the Soviet Union he was in prison for 25 years for preaching the gospel and for 25 years they tortured this man trying to get him to renounce the Savior 25 years of endless torture and he hang hung on to God and finally he was so exhausted so overwhelmed he finally said god I can't handle anymore and they had placed him in a chair in a small room with with a light bulb and it was wet and damp and they wouldn't let him sleep make a every time he starts on off they go to knock him upside the head to wake him up so for 72 hours he's there and he's exhausted he's got no nothing left in him he's done and this captain of the guard comes in he's in his early 30s and he said I'm gonna make you renounce this Jesus today I know if you don't I'm gonna kill you I would have said please get me out of here but he you know what he just said father I don't have any strength left in me I don't know if I can hold out any more help and the Lord's whispered in his spirit tell him this and he said to that prison guard he said I have a word from the Lord for you and the man jeeringly said all this there is no God What did he say there is no God What did he say okay touch not my anointed and do my do his prophets no harm and the captain of the guy he just sneered and laughed on it she he picked up a baton and as he went to strike him he fell over dead with a massive heart attack a young man boom few minutes you know half an hour later and another guard came in sees this captain dead on the ground and looks at what did you do I didn't touch they carry him out the next guard comes in they go through the same process again he gives him the same word he drops over dead massive heart attack do you know it went around that prison don't touch that man his God will kill you from that day on they never tortured him again until he was finally released he became a very good dear friend of my father's he couldn't walk for years because they had brutally beaten his feet day in and day out so there was nothing left but he would not renounce Jesus you see you don't get to that place of passion for God like that and willing to suffer for God like that without knowing God like that and he'd gone through a process and it came the day my dad was with him and they were in a square in the downtown of this city and they put up a box and began to preach the gospel and he was terrified even though the wall had come down because they're gonna come and arrest you my father said it's okay they're not gonna arrest us and when they saw a 1,500 people come up and got saved they went and rented the biggest building in the city the former KGB headquarters became a church there's that footnote again I used to say Amen process is important in becoming so then Elijah leaves and he outruns a chariot when's the last time you did that see we've got to get a concept of God that he's the God of the possible we keep saying the impossible and I understand the the verbage there's nothing impossible with God but I just like to think with God all things are positive he could do anything God can't do anything and thereby because he's in me and I believe that I can do anything the only thing I need is God to tell me to do it I didn't arbitrarily go out and try my own thing I need God to tell me when he says I don't care what it looks like it'll happen it's done pastor in the Philippines passionate for Jesus was walking down the street one day going to what I don't know where he's going buddy they're always singing in their heart and talking with the Lord and whom there was a flash and he's in a different Street in a different part of the world and he looked across the street the traffic here's a man and a woman she's in a wheelchair and he's looking around and he crosses in the street and says excuse me what city is this I said well this is koala Lumpur Malaysia he goes oh you said ma'am how come he what happened to you anyway long story short he prays for her she gets instantly healed right there on the street in a Muslim nation they begin to rejoice and dance and sing and praise God they were Christian the man is so ecstatic and so happy he takes all the money he had in this pocket and hands it and puts it in his hand said brother thing he said no I don't want your money don't please please he said no I want to honor God and bless God take it boom he's back in Manila heading towards this place he was going okay thank you Lord you see this has become the norm for them over there they don't say God can I translate today now they're just worshiping God and God says because they love me because they're whole the whole point of their life is to worship me I can trust them and they're having these experiences all the time all the time I said we were over I said Lord can I move over here I just want to hang out with those folks just be around them more Scott than Todd you know if you feel you've got a calling to be a pastor you need to spend time with pastors if you believe you're to call to be an evangelist you need to hang out with evangelists if you think you're called to be a prophet you spend time with prophets that's how it works that's how it works well I call those people my tribe why because they just believe God and they're doing it they're just walking with Jesus story after story after story and I'm just like I want to move please we could tell you about Brazil the things that are happening in Brazil phenomenal Belgium they have things other than just chocolate God is doing astonishing things and the common thread is a passion for him that's the equalizer well brother they haven't been to Bible College they can't preach they could probably preach you under the table why because they love Jesus it's not about your pedigree it's about who you know literally it's about who you know intimacy I mean if if we if we put the standard that we have in the church for ministry up against Paul or Peter or none of them would have been in ministry Paul maybe Peter and the distance re uneducated ignorant bunch of folks ah but they've been with Jesus that's it you spend time with Jesus you spend time with Jesus make him your magnificent obsession see that's not the end of the process Jezebel comes against Elijah you know when we have our greatest victory sometimes we let down and say sure I take a break but the devil goes guts yeah sucker punch BAM she says what you did to my prophets about the same time no mo I'm gonna do to you he sent a messenger with that message and it said when he saw that what the piece of parchment no he formed a picture in his imagination he saw Jezebel taking his head it became his reality and he ran see what you meditate on becomes your reality if you're always take it off how am I gonna pay that bill that's your reality but if you're if you picture Jesus that's your reality if you see yourself always sore and sick that'll be your reality I've been prayed for by the best I've got the notches on my belt to prove it that's your reality enjoy but if the next time you need healing you see yourself as healed that will be your reality it's really simple you become what you behold so he runs off and hides under a tree and an angel says paraphrase mind you yo Elisha what you doing here get out of there let's go you got you got a destiny to fulfill he said I just want to sit here and die you mean that great prophet despaired of life yeah he's human don't don't put on this religious facade of Baal be real he said here eat this he had to come to him twice he lied yeah what are you doing here I just want to die here eat this and he went in the strength of that food for 40 days and 40 nights now that's an energy bar there angel food I'd like a little bit of that well we could have a diet thing going on man anyway and so where does he end up God says now look for your successor and he sees Elijah and you know that story but that's not the end of Elijah he still has a destiny to fulfill he got a ride home in a chariot of fire if he hadn't been obedient at careth he never would have seen the chariot of fire if he hadn't learned to live at the purifying refining and a fusing together with the fiery furnace he never would have seen the chariot of fire if he hadn't been obedient on Mount Carmel he'd never would have seen the chariot of fire oh he despaired of life he fell in away I mean for a season he I give up I quit forget it but God in His mercy said no son come on we've got more to do and so a chariot of fire took him home oh by the way that's not the last time you see him he was on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus on the seventh day that's the day we're in seventh day from Adam so you don't know the full extent of the destiny God has for your life but you need to and you're only going to discover it one step at a time one step of faith one step of obedience one step of I die daily you'll come into the fullness of your inheritance and your destiny and I'm telling you the time is so short I've been studying for the last two and a half years two years the book of revelation through Hebrew eyes amazing study we can look and I can bring out all sorts of statistics and facts that the New Testament was 90% a Hebrew document before it was ever Greek or Aramaic or fascinating fascinating do you know what it said of Noah in Genesis chapter 6 I'm not always going to strive my spirit will not always strive with man therefore his ears will be 120 we think I'm gonna believe God to live to be 120 dude have you ever seen a cent Aryan I'm thinking why do I want to be 120 you'll get that later look and I'm not pleased we can believe God for strength and vitality and to be a hundred I don't have a problem with that but if you understand the Hebrew he said my spirit will not always win de Kate or strive with man because of the wickedness I'm going to set a limit to what I'm willing to do for man a hundred and twenty Jubilee cycles 120 times 50 is 6000 years from the time of Adam until the turn of the century we've completed 6000 years we're right in transition to the conclusion of the matter the Book of Daniel Daniels 70 weeks good study we've got so much Western theology and that we don't even know what the Eastern understanding is but one of the things you can look at is Jubilee cycles 50 times 70 is 3500 - the 2500 from Daniel back to Adam is 6000 years we're right on it right but rope come on we're at the finish line we ought to embrace this word to say God whatever it takes there's so little time left and you said you do a quick work Lords but I'm in on the quick I don't want to have to struggle for years so father whatever it takes I'd rather have it torn off then a little bit at a time let's do it let's get it done you have a purpose and a destiny a manner oh no father I think you your word is true I thank you Most High that we can believe you because your word is beyond the understanding of man it comes by revelation only and father if we love you if we're passionate for you then Lord God you will open the eyes of our understanding to be able to behold and see wondrous things from this your word and we will know you even in a greater measure father I pray for that grace that's been taught of in this house to come upon these people that will enable them in this hour to make decisions that move them towards their destiny rather than towards apostasy because that's what's upon us at the end of the age bless them father in Jesus name hallelujah
Channel: Jesus IsLord
Views: 11,583
Rating: 4.7456646 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Holy, Third Day, Hebrew Language
Id: YNw6C33gG9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 9sec (3309 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2013
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