MLM Presents - Dr Bruce Allen - a Glimpse intoThe School of Translation

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focus on it and yield to the process what I'm gonna share today is some of what Michael has been sharing but this is where the rubber meets the road if you will this is how you begin to engage in a manner that you've really not done before if you have this will help you to increase in that and I want to talk to you about the sanctified imagination now a lot of people in the church are terrified or fearful of this subject because they think it's new-age or mystical or I mean they come up with all sorts of taboos about addressing something that is profoundly simple and found all throughout Scripture and we seem to toss out the baby with the bathwater with anything that has been usurped by the forces of darkness and we equate that from that point on to darkness rather than doing our own research in Scripture to discover what God has to say about certain subjects and so we're gonna start on this and this is really where it like I said the rubber meets the road the first thing you need to know is the sanctified imagination is the bridge that you build so that you can engage the realm of the Spirit it's the bridge between the natural realm and the realm of the Spirit and I'll define that more as we go along 2nd Corinthians 4:17 says for our light affliction which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we do not look at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are in eternal so on the face of it the surface I mean that seems so not even make any sense how do you look on something that's not seen how can you see thing that is not seen basically what is being shared here is that you have a capacity as a born-again believer to have your spiritual eyes activated to the extent you can see the eternal realm not just the natural realm that is the only way you can learn to see so here's the statement I want you to understand in order to perceive and walk in and open heaven you have to have a visual capacity I am convinced after my years of walking with God some years before with no vision no sight and many years after with vision and sight that spiritual blindness is really more incapacitating than natural blindness you are a human being but you're a spiritual being first you're created in the image of God who is light who is a spirit and because you were born into that family through the regeneration and the renewal of the blood of Jesus you have a capacity in the realm of the Spirit to hear tasty it touch see smell and go there's even more in the realm of the spirit actually but we neglect our spiritual senses because of a religion and tradition that says you can't you won't and you shouldn't but scripture is very clear if we just go back to a basic foundation of what Jesus said number one of my own self I can do nothing number two I only do what I see the father doing number three what I do you can do now you just meditate on those scriptures alone for a few days a few weeks if we're capable of doing what Jesus does didn't say what I did he said what I do that's continual present tense that means at this very moment whatever he's doing you have access and you can do it that's profound I love that because it provokes and challenges me in all over the world there are testimonies of Jesus stepping out of that eternal realm into the natural realm and visiting people and talking with them face-to-face and multitudes of millions of people are being saved through an encounter with Jesus he said what I do you can do I like that not only can we therefore believe God by faith to be able to step any place on this planet instantaneously supernaturally because in order to do that you must step out of the tithe the realm of time and space into the eternal realm and back into the realm of time and space we'll get into more that later that's what Jesus does but you have access to the realm of heaven because what he does you can do scripture teaches us that we are seated together with him in heavenly places right now do you believe it if you believe that then we must change the way we comport ourselves belief is good but belief without action is dead and we're not going to introduce theories to you we're going to give you foundational scriptures that if you begin to exercise the gift of God that's within you what's the gift of God in you well he gave you a measure of faith he gave us the earnest or the downpayment which is holy spirit who embodied in Holy Spirit are all the gifts of the Spirit he's given you wisdom and favor with both God away look we could look at all the promises he's invested that in you but until we learn to stir this up and begin to walk in this then its theory to us and it's not reality to us that's why we have practice sessions and you know in every school we've had there are people that actually engage and are passionate about this and go after it and there are those that are just biding their time that's good yeah that's nice yep that's look up it's gonna be done unto you according to your faith not our faith not your pastors faith about your spouse not your children it'll be done unto you according to your faith so we can come along and we can invest in you time and we can invest in you that which God has given us but if you don't take hold of it and begin to exercise and practice you're wasting your time so I pray listen hear what I'm saying I pray for a crisis in your life that causes you no recourse but to turn to God with all your heart that's harsh that's the truth I showed you the process yesterday in Scripture we need to be desperate for God I just got a report today from our last school that one of the ladies there is operating with a familiar spirit you know we can't tell you enough that you do not you do not seek angels for instruction and direction you seek Jesus and invariably in every school we get people that don't hear and still do what they're doing they're deceived and chasing angels of light this lady is thick into this foolishness having heard a week of don't follow angels don't test every spirit don't follow angels test every spirit they don't hear so let me say it again don't pursue angels test every spirit every single time you have an encounter follow Jesus be students of the word and understand what the word says so the devil can't steal from you what belongs to us astral projection that's of the devil you better reacquaint yourself with Scripture because Ezekiel was taken out of the top of his head that's what he said God snatched me up from the lock of my head and took me in the spirit into the temple that's what New Age is called astral projection whoo that's the devil dear God the devil didn't invent anything why are we so afraid of stepping into that realm because the devil might be there let's kick him out let's take back what belongs to the children of God so we're to look at things that are not seeing how do we do that you know in John 3:3 Jesus said to Nicodemus who came to him at night unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God what he's saying is Nicodemus all these questions of the answered if you're born again you're going to be able to see the kingdom of God how much simpler can that be religion says posture relationship says come on in you know when the veil was rent the Holy of Holies you now have access into the presence of the Father that's what Jesus did when he died and that veil was rent that was a prophetic picture of the veil of flesh that has kept you in bondage to the natural realm has now been removed you now have access once again into the very presence of the father brother no man could see God and live while you better tell Abraham Moses Amos Elijah listen your misconstruing a misunderstanding what scripture says matter of fact jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father here's what I'm trying to say be a student of Scripture not a student of the doctrines of men test everything that's ever taught take it back to the word I don't care what we're teaching in here you take it back to the word and you measure it against the Word of God not just because we're teaching it you take it to Scripture Amen or oh no so if you're born again you have the ability to see the problem is we always spiritual eyes these things you know the word see in Greek and Aramaic it's it's profound it means see to gauge that with wide-open eyes very simple this is how simple Scripture is you know the old adage cath kiss keep it simple st. what the Lord teaches is simple if you walk in faith that's why a child will lead them religion makes something that's simple difficult in the West we have been inculcated and taught to reason things out to figure things out to intellectually approach anything we do because that's the way we taught in schools that's what we do in business that's what we do every day of our life we've got to figure it out so most people if they can't figure God out that can't be God you'll never figure got out his ways are not your ways his thoughts are not your thoughts as high as the heavens is above the earth or his ways above our ways all you can do is just say Lord teach me I want to hang out with you because more is caught than taught but it's spending time with Jesus you can see the kingdom of heaven now there are times in scripture talks about eyes being restrained or are obscured so that they didn't recognize who they were talking to Luke 24 16 is one of those their eyes were restrained so they didn't know him this is on Resurrection Day two of the disciples on Resurrection morning are going on a journey towards a destination destination is important for your life the destination for them was Emmaus he maius to be hot from sunrise to sunset or consistent passion I told you were early in the morning on the third day the Lord is looking for a people of consistent passion and the only way to get there is to begin and if you don't have an ounce of passion in your heart for Jesus and I know that can't be you you wouldn't be here but if you have a problem with that ask because the truth is you don't have a passion for Jesus that he didn't give you it's a grace it's not something you woke up one day and said I think I'll get passionate for Jesus that's a gift of God recognize the hand of God at work in your life because faithful is he will called you he's gonna do it that's awesome I'm comforted by that fact alone because if he's doing this in me he's pulling me towards something he's gonna do the work this is what's baffling to me about our good God he doesn't think he gives you the passion he leads you and guides you he gives you the provision he moves through you by his Spirit II it confirms his word and guess who gets the reward he does it all and you get the reward I don't know how much easier this can get well we need 12 steps 14 steps 4 I remember one time we were at a dinner my dad and I were doing a conference in a beautiful lake resort town and we're having dinner with some friends and this lady was sitting there and she said I'm so excited I I just came I've discovered a manual on 40 was I think was 47 steps to being delivered from Masonic Lodge or whatever that stuff was I said oh that's fascinating I said they just have one question and I'm being genuine because that's not my area of ministry 47 steps I said where in Scripture does it tell you you need 47 steps she just exploded I went I just quietly said I guess it doesn't work too well does it see we have to come up with all of these protocols for something Jesus made so simple be still and come out but we want 47 steps on be still and come out right I'm stepping on toes we're learning to dance it's a good thing ballroom or bar n gait whatever you want listen we make things so difficult that are so easy this is so easy as a matter of fact a friend of ours a pastor friend used to be into the drug scene before he got saved once he got saved there was all sorts of chaos and mayhem in his home because he was in everything dark there was but he said you know their son is demonized now he's brand new he's a Methodist got saved but he's in that stream that doesn't know how to do we'll deal with it and his son is demonized and in manifesting and they're going oh my god what do we do what do we do and this little that a little daughter came in three years old and looked at her brother and went and the demon came out amen brother that's a good one that's powerful lord help me wake them up okay lunch was good so Jesus can restrain their eyes here's two disciples on their journey to Emmaus two is the number of witness it means pay attention this is important so they're going to Emmaus one of their names is Cleophus which means called of God how many of you are called to God early in the morning on the third day I better see every hand otherwise we're gonna have a salvation message if you're born again you're called of God so God says on the third day head towards Emmaus consistent passion the moment they begin their journey guess what Jesus comes alongside he says what are you talking about this is how we do God what don't you know don't you aren't you aware what just happened well yeah I'm a little bit familiar with what just happened and beginning at Moses and all the prophets Jesus expound to them everything in the scripture concerning himself you want to know Jesus move towards consistent passion he will come alongside and reveal himself to you in ways you never even imagined you see we've always quoted this eye has not seen ear has not heard neither has it entered to the heart of man what God has prepared for those that love them some day in the sweet by and by no that's here and now on this earth quit putting everything off to there because you know what you're already in the kingdom it's yours now hallelu you're hold on but it says their eyes were restrained they didn't recognize Jesus how could you have just spent three and a half years with Jesus and you don't recognize him how is that possible well if you read that passage in Luke 24 it says they were hoping that he was the one in the Messiah they recognized his prophetic mantle they didn't recognize his sonic mantle so they had a religious box and this is where Jesus fit and if he didn't fit that box he couldn't be anything else and that's where we boxed God in all the time we have doctrines theologies in on and on and on you can't put God in a box your whole journey in Christ from the moment you get saved is working out your salvation that means breaking out of boxes that your intellect that your mind that your culture that your church that your family all these boxes that try and keep God in you got to break out of them for the rest of your life because the moment you allow one back in you ever see those old that the Russian dolls with the doll in a doll that's what he's like I recognized a long time ago I break out of one box and you think all finally another box that's the goodness of God and the only way to break out of boxes is brokenness now that doesn't have to be as as difficult as Jacob or Mount Horeb or do you understand Paul who glories in tribulation and testator I used to fadi Paul you got hit by too many rocks if you enjoy this what is the matter with you but you know why Paul said that one day I got the revelation because I had been going through seasons of brokenness and my spirit in me was going oh this is good and my flesh is gone are you out of your mind shut up but I I recognized two voices for the first time in my life within me my flesh my spirit my flesh hated it my spirit exalted in it why because it was being put of the flesh was being put under and I came into a place of intimacy with Jesus through every season of brokenness it increased and increased and increased till I got to the place where I glory in tribulation tests and trials why because every time that faces me I get to know him more so there's no fear in that there's only joy and that joy becomes your strength because you know he's working out all things together for your good not for your defeat God never expects you to be defeated he's given you everything you need for life and godliness life and victory so any test that comes through the front door your life he's gone I've invested in you the answer apply it apply it apply it Oh what do we do we're blinded by our boxes but he kept walking with them and expounding to them you know when they finally got to Emmaus he tested them he acted as if he's gonna keep walking and it says they compelled him saying no don't go and that word compelled in the Greek is to I mean it's a passionate word to Force to compel with a burning fervency no don't go he said oh okay and he went in and he broke bread with him and when he blessed it their eyes were opened see God invests the word in you he is the word and you build that this that I mean you keep feeding on the word you keep putting the Word of God into your heart and into your life and there's times it's a discipline because the revelation doesn't flow but you keep building that into you and one day God goes bless and all of a sudden there's an explosion of Revelation and you know him and then he vanished from their sight Luke 24 31 their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished from their sight you have the capacity within you to see that has been neglected because of you name it and the greatest enemy to the reality of the realm of the Spirit and who you are is your intellect that reasons away why I can't why I haven't why I won't that's why you have a solution for that too that he gave you casting down imaginations bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ I shared with you a little bit of her testimony about do you see like he did you here do you know but I will because now I know it's mine from Scripture she didn't take that just because I said it she heard the scripture she went back to the word she invested time and discovered for herself the truth and she said now I know it's mine she gets some profound Lord that's not fair you know I have to study for hours for a message she sleeps God gives it to her at night my ceiling is her floor Luke 24 45 it says he opened their understanding that they might comprehend their scriptures that's the only way you're gonna receive revelation that's why when you pick up the Bible every single time you pick up the word say Holy Spirit teach me you're the one that's gonna lead me and guide me into some of the truth thank you all the truth why do we settle for some or none he said he'd lead you and guide you into all the truth it's all yours all you have to do is apply yourself well that sounds like a religious work no that's a relationship you don't look at somebody across the room and go ah we're best friends and never met them but we're best friends no you got to apply yourself hi I'm Julio who are you you spend time together you speak you talk of course do you understand there's effort involved make Jesus your magnet make him your best friend I've asked this every other school I'll ask it here too I don't want to see a show of hands because I don't believe you yet how many of you invited Jesus to come to school with you see if you have a best friend don't you invite them to go with you wherever you go you're gonna go do something of course you do we don't even think in that terminology of Jesus and yet he wants to be your best friend you invite Jesus everywhere you go you will start having an adventure you can't even believe it's a blast he's fun it has a great sense of humor look at the person next to you I'll prove it so their eyes were opened they knew him and acts 9 9 this is after Paul had his Damascus Road experience see he went through the school of the Spirit he did very quickly very quickly remember the process I told about Abram and Abraham and they had to go through a character change and then Jacob at Jabbok and we could go through many more Moses and on and on and on but here's Saul who becomes Paul saw the big puffed up one - Paul the little one within a matter of three years a quick word god that's a prophetic picture to us that are now at the end of the age especially that God's gonna do a quick work see a lot of what I'm teaching you here took me years to learn to discover because I plotted through this he told me I was a forerunner I don't like forerunner it's a lot of work I'd rather snag on - somebody's coattails and be pulled through like everybody else but it doesn't work that way for me so I've gone through this for years but the good news is again my ceiling is your floor it's not gonna take you years we are at the end of the age and God's accelerating things and he's doing a quick work here's what coven it is if you are willing God is your Abel if you make the choice he makes the change you can't change look what trying has got you so far but yielding yielding to God will give you benefits dividends you don't even know so Paul or Saul was three days without sight this is early in the morning on the 3rd we're coming to the place of eyes open you know that the first thing that happened early in the morning on the third day was visitation of angels what the garden tomb was law that had guard and seal so the angels come there's an earthquake it's the third day visitation of angels is normal that's what he does on the third day you don't have to look for it you just chase Jesus because look at the ladies were there to chase find Jesus not angels they happen to run into some angels and they went where's Jesus are you hearing me that lady we just came from the school she's channeling a demon familiar spirit angel of light she goes to the angel for instruction and direction not to Jesus she's deceived you don't pursue the angelic you pursue Jesus and John 1:51 Jesus said hereafter from this point on you will see the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man or the body of Christ just because you're part of the body this is going to be normal as some of you have had an angelic interaction and you don't even recognize it because they came unaware it's our birthright to see it is our birthright to see now so how do we see how does this start and Matthew excuse me John 1:51 no I just did that in the book of Matthew Jesus expounded this very clearly he said I say unto you that whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart that doesn't just have to be after if you look at anything and meditate on it and lust after it it's reality Jesus considered your imagination reality you are judged for what you think on do you know every one of you has a with you you have guardian angels you have warring angels but the most important one as far as I'm concerned is that scribe angel that writes down everything you think everything you say and everything you do and it's recorded in the book of remembrance of your life everything that ought to give you pause the good news is you have an eraser called the blood of Jesus use it I said give me a bucket Lord I'm gonna drop that book in that bucket there with you everywhere you go remember Elijah when he saw that what became his reality what he saw in his imagination that was his reality and it changed the course of his life he fled Moses arm excuse me Abram sand stars he kept it in front of him when he saw that it became as reality this is so basic yet says so mystified people in the church for years because if you start talking imagination that's new-age well then stop imagining you're in the New Age that's where that kind of logic carries you the fact is God gave you an imagination that's the creative part of you why did he give it to you so he can go oh I got you know because you're created like he is one day I was ministering somewhere I don't remember where the church was you ever remember the old VHF you could slow the video down it goes dude then you hit reverse that's what happened with everything around me everything's what and I'm holding on to the pulpit girl what is going on and then it went back and it picked up speed faster and faster and I saw all of time just rolling up and then oh it right into the mouth of God I saw the big explosion when God said light B I saw go right back into his mouth dropped into his heart went up into his imagination then it reversed I saw this imagination figure out how he was gonna release creation and what it was gonna look like it dropped into his heart because he meditated on this God didn't just do it instead he meditated on it and when he meditated on and out of the abundance of his heart he spoke the word came for Yeshua and went Oh like B it was an explosion there was a big bang and it came all the way back up right to the moment I was in and he said the same creative ability that created all of space and time is in each one of my people watch out what you're speaking matter of fact he came up with a little ditty after that only speak once spoken through only do what he tells you to do only go where he tells you to go and he will let you know what you need to know don't be so involved in other people's business that you're not hearing God for your own life follow him and if he gives you something for somebody else then you can be spoken through a mineral known so Jesus considered imagination as reality in Ephesians 1:17 through 19 it says that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you see this is a gift given the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us where to believe according to the working of his mighty power what are the eyes of our understanding he's talking about understanding like nolle he's not talking just about understanding like knowledge and truth or thinking there are eyes associated with knowledge and thinking but the eyes of your understanding or something totally different job 31:1 says this I have made a covenant with my eyes why then should I look upon a young woman and lust why do you look at different things in covet or desire or lust or judge so you make a covenant what not your natural eyes otherwise you need to be blind he's talking about your spiritual eyes or the eyes of your imagination you make a covenant that you're not going to allow what in comes in throughout the day to take root begin to be meditated on now that's the eyes of your imagination and then it drops into you and it sets the course and direction of your life you make a covenant with your spiritual eyes I'm not going to look at that and I'm watching my dad for years I love my dad he's missionary evangelist but I mean my mother likes watching things in the evening on TV and there are certain things that my mother loves ballroom dancing and my dad kind of likes watching that - you know Dancing with the Stars whatever it's called I won't I won't sit there for that there's nothing but flesh being shown but my dad will just turn away because he's not gonna look at that and he's 82 he's so dogmatic if you will in his desire to please God and not the flesh he's not even gonna look at that stuff when reshma first came to America from Fiji I was shocked that she came number one but I was shocked because we left the airport in the airplane I mean in the car you know in America here - you have these billboards with all the pictures and advertisements right why we passed by this billboard as she went oh I went oh I lived in that society become so hardened so inundated with those type of input that type of input it didn't even faze me it was like lot who vexed his righteous spirit just dwelling among a perverted people like he didn't solid I mean good more I didn't even see it and I went oh my god help me I said I turned her I said you know from now on you're gonna be my litmus test if you won't look at it I'm not gonna look at it amen we don't even realize how hardened we are that's normal to us that's normal to us it shouldn't be normal to us but that's the culture we're in the amplifi said that I have made a covenant or agreement with I have I eyes make a covenant with your eyes today casting down imaginations and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ or the word what you see can and does affect what you think and what you can what you think will affect your life that's why Jesus said think on these things whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are lovely sir everything's are just if there be any virtue any praise think on these things he's given us the answer the blueprint is right in your hands called the Bible you've heard that acronym basic instructions before leaving Earth Bible why is it then we're confused so what do I do well pick up the manual to look because we're in a warfare and the warfare is not out there it's right here matter of fact some years ago on Rosh Hashanah for the last 18 years I've had a visitation on Rosh Hashanah and the Lord shows me what he's releasing to the church for the following year that's Rosh Hashanah is the Hebrew New Year usually September October each year so one time Jesus stood in front of me he was we were ministering in Perth II had a Centurions helmet in his hand I saw him holding it I've been spent 10 years in the military I know what that meant just immediately because the last piece of equipment you put on before you enter the field of conflict was your helmet you've got everything else ready now you put your helmet on and you go and I said Lord we're not ready and he looked at me sternly and he said I have already given you everything you need for life and victory now go enforce it he didn't say go win a battle he said go and force a victory that's already been won because when he died on the cross he said it's complete it's finished in the Aramaic you know what he said I've fulfilled my core so I've reached the goal bride come forth he gave us access back into a level of intimacy that the veil of flesh had kept us from entering into a matter of fact you know that curtain that was torn from top to bottom was 18 inches thick 60 feet high 30 feet wide and embroidered on the front were two cherubim with flaming swords where's the other place you heard about that they kept you from the Garden of Eden paradise or where God walks you're getting a lot of feedback echo so guess what when he said I've completed my course I fulfilled the gold bride come forth Heavenly Father went ooh said you have access now back in to paradise to the garden of God basically he was saying I've missed you kids come on back that's the veil that was removed that's why you now have access freely that's why Paul said you can now come boldly before the throne of grace that's not posturing if you do a study in the original language of Aramaic a Greek that means you can come on in you have access where religion says you cannot go Matthew 12:36 says I say to you that for every idle word now this is interesting in the Greek for every idle Raymon men may speak in other words the revelation God's give God gives to you don't make it of no value don't make it just an idle conversation booth know for every idle Rhema that men may speak they will give an account of it in the day of judgment do you treasure the revelation God gives you or not for by your words now that Greek word is logos or thoughts by your thoughts you will be justified and by your thoughts you will be condemned hmm reshma loves a video that's on the online about this guy's teaching on the difference between a man's brain and a woman's brain and the woman's brain has all sorts of wires and this is all over the place the man's brain is these little boxes that you take out one at a time don't touch any other box and one of them is the nothing box what are you doing nothing that might be a safe box cuz you're gonna give a counting over your thoughts you should see her do that though it's even funnier she has fun with that now there are two basic Greek words that deal with the word mind in scripture in Matthew 20 22 37 it says jesus said to him you shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart with all of your soul and with all of your mind that word is dyin Oya that word means imagination your to love God with all of your imagination the new dictionary theology volume 3 says when the greek word da Noya is used in relationship to the heart it always means the man nation vines dictionary says die neue is a faculty renewed by the Holy Spirit called the imagination how do you love God with all of your imagination because you keep your mind fixed on him all day long two good books most of you probably heard of these practicing the presence of God by brother Lawrence that's the scripture in action and Frank Lubbock letters from a modern day mystic same principles one well I think fifteen sixteen hundred dollar and one at the turn of the 20th century same principles how much of our thought life during the day can we focus on Jesus let's start with maybe one second within a minute or ten seconds within a minute and they began to develop this over years to keep their mind fixed on God thinking about him you know what hat works for me because of the things the Lord has taught me especially during worship before I get up to minister now in a school I know what I'm gonna usually bring I know the foundation he delivers it differently every time but you know what during worship is when I say father what are you saying to this church what is it you want to me communicate because I don't study the scripture to come up with a message I used to do that that's what I was taught but you don't do that I study the Word of God because I want to know the author it's a love letter from heaven to you I always get to pick up where as a kid growing up I love the old war movies you know John Wayne and you know Jimmy's do all these guys and they made it glamorous until you get me Harmon you go John Wayne you're a liar man this is scary but I remember the movies where that the sergeant you know was plotting through World War two and all these battles and foxholes and one day at night he's in his foxhole and he's got this old cigarette hanging out of his mouth and he's filthy and he takes out of his pocket this battered and torn filthy excuse me old letter from his sweetheart back home and he's read this thing so many times it's dog in Warren and about to fall apart and that's the picture I get of the word of God that's my my love letter from the one I love so I read the word to know him not to give a message because you know what when it's life to me it can be life through me otherwise you're gonna get what's normal good book report a little bit of research into the historical you know cultural background good book report I don't know about you I'm tired of book reports I want to hear about your relationship with God and how vital it is that's why Michaels story so captivates you that's life because it's reality to him and he can release that reality to you Amen or oh no so you study the scripture to know him that's what is for so you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your imagination I was in you know I told you I got saved at 14 and I was I had a scheme in my life that was generational the scheme was this rejection betrayal and abandonment on my father's side my dad was his mother never accepted him he could never measure up he would never did enough to be it and you know what he did he was the best at everything he did but it still wasn't enough he had professional hockey contracts he had scholarships to Texas A&M for basketball and baseball he was successful it doesn't matter what he did he never measured up so he was always trying to my mother's side she was totally rejected by her mother so the scheme was rejection and betrayal and most of the way that that that is dealt with in an individual they either have to take control so they can allow a Jezebel at spirit in or they're so fearful of man they don't want to look foolish in front of people and be embarrassed you know and so they put up a facade in a wall I'm all alive I couldn't speak in front of that I was terrified of rejection that's what the fear of men is scheme operating in your life having been through it it's very evident to me if you've never been delivered to that it's not very evident and so I knew I had a call of God on my life and I was just my mother's German so I used this jokingly I was just German enough pigheaded enough that I would face my fears I used to be as a kid terrified of the dark and they would always make me take the garbage out at night and one day I was 8 years old and I just said this is stupid so I took the garbage out and I stayed out for 4 hours never was afraid of the dark again that's a grace God put in me I would face these things so when I went to Bible College I had a friend of mine working his way through Bible College he was the security guard at night he would walk the campus and make sure all the doors are locked and then the chapel that said 500 you know and all these things and I said hey can you let me in the chapel at night he said what for I said well I want to practice you know preaching and I don't know how I did it I convinced him and he said don't turn on the lights or I'll get in trouble I said I won't turn on lights there was enough light coming from the lights outside so I would go in there and go up to the front and set my Bible down and I said ok announcements for next week and then we're gonna receive an offering now we're gonna preach the word and I preach to empty seats but I would see people in all those seats you know and this went on for a couple months and then finally a friend of mine heard I was doing this and he was you know a music major and he came oh he could play that keyboard and sing and he said well can I come and do worship say well yeah we could use worship in our service and I love to sing too so he'd come and we'd do some worship and I'd do the whole thing again we'd have church just he and I in the packed house of empty seats about six months into this thing got up and doing the same thing and I looked and that was filled with angels now at first I'm going I'm imagining this good uh I didn't know better of course I was no I wasn't I was seeing something because I had practiced imagining I'll show you how there's work so I started preaching and I've got to tell you something I got more amens that night I know they're not from Australia I kept practicing visuals seeing these things imagining these things and I you know when I finished Bible College and I I got to go back home to Seattle and my dad was info gospel businessman he said well he was one of the leaders he said you want to get up and give the vision tonight and I'm like a ok I would say yes I was terrified no I don't want to but I'm gonna do it he said you got five minutes okay it was the longest five minutes of my life but I kept doing this cuz he kept giving he kept doing that to me next time you got ten minutes ten minutes how I'm gonna do I'll say the words really slow I said I don't know what to say just read the vision okay and he kept encouraging me he didn't know what else to do but encouraged me that's why I love doing that with others and I just kept going and going pretty soon I gained a measure of confidence that I could even though I'm scared to death I'm gonna get up and do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it and you know what I had a measure of comfort but I was never comfortable because I still had the fear of man afterwards you go was that okay how did that sound was it good oh yeah that was a good message my dad on the other hand was well you could have done this in this in this better am i mmm but I appreciated the honesty I did one day this issue in my life was dealt with and you know what after that I don't care what you think I love you but I don't care because I have an audience of one that's the only person I have to please and so I'm free to be the quirky person that I am without a care in the world because I'm not afraid of the opinions of man anymore the process began when I began to see I honored God with my imagination because he said this is your destiny and I said ok and I started putting that into practice we spoken in front of thousands and thousands we spoken in front of a handful that's even harder than thousands you know that God's good now there's another word Greek your word that's used dial o GZ mo that means the logical reasoning mind in Luke chapter 1 verse 29 when Gabriel came to visit Mary and he gave a greeting to her she said and when she saw him she was troubled at his saying and cast about in her logical reasoning mind her mind what manner of salutation this should be what are you saying this isn't making sense to me but you know what it's okay to have illogical reasoning mind God gave it to you too but if it's not sanctified it's dangerous if your imagination is not sanctified it's dangerous it'll get you in trouble and the problem is in the churches today because we've never addressed this issue people can be sitting there in the pew and somewhere else thinking all sorts of not good things to be thinking because we've never disciplined and sanctified the gift that God gave us why do I say gift because the sanctified imagination becomes the bridge between seeing just in the natural realm and being able to engage in the realm of the Spirit Paul used to reason acts 18 for he reasoned with his logical reasoning mind the dialogue Izumo in the synagogue every sabbath and per se persuaded the jews in the greek now again ephesians the eyes of your understanding being enlightened the eyes of your day annoy your imagination enlightened is the Greek word for teens oh so your imagination is creating fatigues of photographs pictures we could say it this way that the eyes well let me see I want to read it correctly that the eyes of your imagination might receive pictures of the kingdom of heaven so that you might know your destiny the Hebrew word is yet sir it's the same as fatigue so it means to properly frame a picture we do this anyway if you've ever read a book you're framing pictures in your I've had people come up to me say I don't have an imagination I read stuff and there's nothing now I believe you how is that possible I've never had dreams I don't have imaginations I said okay let me gather some folks will raise you from the dead they don't understand is what it is they just don't understand I'm a king light of this but they don't understand we all think in pictures believe it or not rare instance rare that somebody thinks in words you know what's fun just is on the site the the scripture says that we will speak in the tongues of men and of angels I've heard some an angelic dialects you know one of them is numeric I've never found one that was silent yet but I'll figure that out numeric language that was like what but it makes sense doesn't it how do you think your computers are okay tough crowd like you said Mike tough crowd now I'm just having fun because I know this is new to you and I want to lighten it a little bit now there's a connection between that part of the mind that deals with images and pictures dreams in the heart to doubt with the heart means to doubt with your imagination remember Elijah when Jezebel sent the messenger and he saw that and he ran because that imagination became the impetus of his reality he saw himself losing his head do you know what when I when I really began to understand this and discover this when people would come up for prayer I would begin to dialogue first off when somebody comes up with a need for prayer the first person I got what does it need from the Lord they give me a good symptom what they think the problem is but it's a symptom I'm asking the Lord father what are you saying for instance this guy comes up and his chin is black and blue and he says oh I'm in such pain would you pray what's happened oh I hit my shin and it's just I don't know it's broken it hurts he's telling me the symptom I saying father what's the problem here it's not a shin problem it's an anger problem he kicked at his dog and missed and hit the table it's that simple we're always dealing with symptoms and then when the symptoms recur and recur and recur we can't figure out why no ask God what's going on friend of mine has gone to be with the Lord now he used to talk he used this parable that he had come up with he said in San Antonio Texas sometimes there would be this brother Islam this actually happened his brothers lawn there happened to be a leak somewhere but and so the was always wet you don't have that in Texas so he said this brother would gather all the intercessors and they pray and say Lord dry the grass and it would dry up in that state it was back soaking wet and this went on time after time after time as one day a prophet came by and he said brother we don't know what's happening we pray it God heals it and then it comes right back so the Prophet goes Lord what are you saying ah pipe it be healed and the pipe was healed and there's no more water leakage it's the same picture we're always going chasing symptoms oh you dialog with the Lord father what are you saying and whatever anybody brings up so I always ask people based upon what this message of imagination if they can't see themselves healed get them to the place where they can see because if you coming up hoping to be healed and you still see yourself well at least I got my meds and I I can go back to the doctor tomorrow if it doesn't work what are you seeing there's no faith in that this is the way we've been taught but the truth is if you can get them to see themselves either it surprises me we've done this all over the world I'll ask people how you gonna know you're healed well there'll be no more pain I said I agree and then they keep tired I said no no no move that part of your body that was in pain there's no pain because they saw themselves this is how I know I'm healed if there's no pain I'm healed I said I agree instantly healed well you didn't pray in the name of Jesus no I did what Jesus said that's the character of Jesus you do what he tells you to do that's christ-like character we've watched it all over the world so the heart makes contact with the realm of the spirit and the mouth releases the power of that realm it should it should most of the questions has been concerned with the logical reasoning mind the dial oh geez mo we've gotta figure it out rather than the imagination we should be seeing the kingdom of God not just talking about it the eyes of our imagination should be and must be enlightened so let me say this this is a paraphrase but it's accurate the bridge between the soul and the spirit is the bridge of a sanctified imagination because Jesus considered imagination reality some years ago most of you have heard of Neville Neville Johnson he told a story once and since then now that we become friends I've spent time and interrogated him more I've asked questions but he had a friend of his in the 70s would come to his church and his friend told him this story once and he said some years ago in the 60s Walter Beutler he was a Bible College teacher a pastor in Somers he'd do mission trips and itinerate travel and the Lord came to him and spoke to his heart one day and said would you just spend time with me as a friend nobody wants to be my friend they just come to me for what they can get with requests or intercessions or wants or needs but nobody just wants to spend time with me as a friend he was so convicted by that he said oh yes Lord then he realized that his the hours of all every day was booked but he's not gonna let God down because he gave his word so he set his alarm clock every night for 10 minutes to 2:00 in the morning he'd get up cold water on his face go make a cup of tea sit down in his den and he crossed from him there was another chair and he would frame a picture his imagination of Jesus sitting there and he just began a dialogue Lord how was your day you know what when you have a dialogue it's usually two ways right that was an easy question yeah it is so what most Christians do is they go to God and go burn out of here and the Lord's going and they say how come he never talks to me well I say this with love shut up so he can conversation is two-way so if you're gonna ask God a question be still until he responds and it might be a day a week a month or a year who cares his ways are not our ways this timing is not our timing just enjoy the process because even though you've asked him a question and he's sitting there and he doesn't answer for a while you still have that fellowship of his presence so he got to the point where this became the favorite time of his of this whole day was that two to three o'clock in the morning and I mean the Lord began to speak with him and they begin to have develop a relationship of friendship till one day a year later he got up made his tea sat down and all of a sudden he heard the back gate open and closed he thought that was strange at 2:00 in the morning then the back door opened and closed footsteps came down the hall and in watch Jesus and sat down across from him and Jesus said to him because you were willing to be my friend and because you put this spiritual principle to practice which he didn't even know was a spiritual principle until that moment from this day on your eyesight has been unlocked and open and you're gonna see me everywhere you go face to face from that day on for the rest of his life he saw Jesus clearly everywhere he went what was that now I heard this story I went that's the one I've been looking for I know Michael said he was looking for something naturally that's the one I wanted so you know what you sit down and you frame a picture of Jesus what helped me it was i say i love you lord i love you lord and i'd ask him a question and i stopped and i you know in that dead space so my my attentions fixed there i just keep saying i love you lord in my heart so that my mind's not wandering somebody says well what does jesus look like he looks just like jesus one lady said well is he you see chinese i said absolutely of course he is part of the body chinese look here's the thing it doesn't matter what you start with you're the one framing the picture don't go intellectual why he's got to have brown air and he's gotta have this and you gotta stop it already you're putting a principle into practice as you build the bridge guess what clarity comes because what you focus on you will connect with and connection activates and now your eyes are open you go ah that's what you look like somebody said ah i some with green eyes this is that right i said absolutely well what did you see blue eyes i knew i got no when you see Jesus guess what everything about him speaks if he comes with really blue eyes what's he talking about heavenly in the prophetic if he comes with green eyes what she's talking about that's life pay attention in your visions write down what you see because it all speaks and don't think well I didn't see what they saw it's wrong but you just made it wrong God communicates with you uniquely it'll be within the bounds of Scripture but you have your own language with God just like I do remember Bob Jones squarely Bob Jones wonderful man but he had a unique language with God if you would walk up to Bob Jones and he knew God would speak to you let me say that person is called the fivefold ministry he'd go like this my thumbs twitching you're an apostle my index fingers twitching Europe evangelist pastor T people go my sister one day heard that she said what is that new age I said no that's hillbilly what do you mean I said that's a valid language he has with God the way he presents it now makes it whether you know you can receive it or not who cares of your finger twitches you don't have to tell people how you hear you just say this is what I heard the Lord say that way you don't put them off one person came into a meetings at all I see auras oh no that's frequency of light they could look at somebody say this is going on with them and it's in Scripture by the way I'm not gonna get into that today learn how God speaks through you but make sure you back it up with Scripture so you're not fooling us the Word of God is the foundation not your experience amen so I began to practice this I would love I mean this is a devil started doing that in the 70s he's done that for years I said you know what he did in his church when they first got this revelation he took an hour a day for everybody that was on his staff and he had a a move of God going on the Jesus Movement at a time so he had I don't know a dozen pastors and different staff but every day for one hour they had to practice that close your eyes see Jesus and spend time with him develop this relationship I said what have happened to those people he said the ones I've been in contact with this is still the way they comport them this is how they walk with God they see him all the time one hour a day that some of you going to an hour it I don't have an hour you have an hour for the other things you want you know if you're passionate about something you're gonna make time for it so if you have an hour or not that's between you and God but I'm telling you I already know people that have a passion for some thing are gonna make time so I started practicing I started practicing you know the only thing I've been told up to then is just press in same as Michael shared with you press him what's press in I know what it meant in football I had a friend of mine Fred Weikart quarterly Naito Post Falls Idaho and he used to minister with Larry Randolph and Bob Jones and Paul Kane and Bobby Connor and all these guys and they'd all stay at his house when they came to that area and he said one day he's I'm staying at the house and he's making coffee says you know when they all come here they like to sit in that chair I said why he said they said it's a thin place said can I sit there he said yep I said what do I have to do press in i sat down close my eyes what did I see gray but I kept saying i love you lord I love you Jesus I got into rest see I wasn't striving I just sat there with expectations said I just love you Jesus so the heart attitude was whether I see anything or not it did I love you Lord this went on and on for 45 minutes or so and all of a sudden I started seeing this and I saw light through this grain and then boom and there was paradise and I jumped out of that chair I don't wet whoa he was back in making coffee he goes yep I went this amazing Fred's a man of many words yep so I'm gonna sit down again he just nodded goes yep i sat down quicker this time I've never had an experience like that that wasn't focusing my imagination that was focusing my intent do you understand the difference I was looking I had an intention I had an expectation I wasn't framing a picture at that point I was I had an expectation and I persevered till God did something what Walter beautyrx taught was property frame a picture and build this bridge so we're giving you two ways on how to engage the realm of how to develop a seeing capacity the thing is is when you sit and you see you also go I stepped into paradise but was were you in the body or out of the body yep you know what we make too much of that I did well it can't be real if it's not you know physical I'm not a physical being I have a tent called a body but I'm a spirit man I'm a spiritual individual I've created in His image you want to know what I really look like I'm light so are you you look like you but you're a being of light and if you understand the four covenants that garment of light is not stained with sin that's washed every day in the blood your light so you can look at your neighbors say you light up my life so I kept practicing nine months brought us to a new year we're doing a conference in Seattle my dad myself Andre Ashby and you know Andres in it he's a good brother he's an interesting friend if you haven't some of you know Andre Ashby I'll go on YouTube he sings prophetically it'll just bless you no end I mean he'll be up with the worship team in them to see instead of prophesying in words he prophesized in song and he's trained for Broadway he can say now so this flow comes but he sits on the front and all of a sudden he's jerking and I'm like wow there goes Andre again I mean the Spirit of God is moving but here's somebody told me after he said I was looking at the platform and behind you I saw a purple orb okay and he said then it was next to you okay except when I was up there standing at the pulpit I had just opened my Bible to another scripture I was gonna say Seth when I saw movement in the corner of my eye and there stood Jesus with the purple robe immediately I was forming the thought did Jesus Christ come in the flesh and he went like this and showed me the nail prints then he turned to me and he smiled and I just kinda went [Music] it became my reality I saw for the first time that day clearly with my eyes wide open hasn't changed I'm telling you the principles were giving you if you apply them they were I'd like to say I did it every single day I'd be a liar because you know what I forgot I could busy about other things and I didn't go what's the matter with you well I just say well Father forgive me and I get down and do it again it took me years to learn how to be so unorganized and just let this thing go wherever I wanted I'm gonna give myself a little bit of room to bring it back into subjection so I didn't get upset or let condemnation come I just rested in him and he did it anyway why because he's he wants you to see him more than you want to see him he wants you to have this type of relationship with him more than you can imagine that's what you were created for amen thank you Joshua 1:8 I'll give you a break in a minute maybe this book of the law take that is that a sign Wow was that on the platform oh it was on here okay Joshua 1:8 this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth in other words don't speak yet but you shall meditate or imagine there in day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein if you keep your mouth shut and you imagine and observe then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success amen that's an accurate reading of that Scripture you meditate in other words the word becomes reality to you you see it as something that is active in your life and then when you observe it like that your way is made successful jesus said again john 5:19 of my own self I can do nothing you're in good company just admit it Lord I can't do this do you know what that's called worship remember the Canaanite woman came to Jesus crying out for her demonized daughter and he ignored her and finally it says she fell to her knees and worshiped him saying lord help that was worship because she recognized apart from Jesus nothing would ever happen she couldn't do this true worship is heart not mouth worship him 1st Timothy 4 12 through 15 he says Lord let no man despise your youth but be an example of the believers in Word in conversation in love and spirit and faith and impurities until I come give attendance to reading to exhortation into doctrine neglect not the gift that it was in you which was given you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery meditate imagine these things how many of you know you have a destiny how many of you received a prophetic word about where you're going what God's gonna have you do how do you meditate on that you see yourself doing what God says you're called to do because when you do that you're worshiping God you're honoring him and when you do that you're able then to give yourself wholly to it and you're profiting appears to all am i making sense so why did God give you an imagination to use it the bridge between the soul and the spirit is the bridge of a sanctified imagination you're building a bridge it doesn't matter if it's accurate it's just the bridge because once you get that bridge built and your cross the line activation comes and you see clearly hallelu your hold on Hebrews eleven twenty seven says that by faith Moses forsook Egypt the world not fairing the wrath of the king for he endured as seeing him who is invisible how did he do it with his eyes closed I can go on and on Isaiah 26:3 you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind whose imagination is fixed on you or stayed on you because he trusts you do you get that if your imagination is fixed on Christ on the Lord it shows your trust or your faith in him looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith Hebrews 12:2 all throughout Scripture I only got another 40 pages of notes on this imagine yourself taking a break go ahead 15 minutes
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
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Length: 82min 11sec (4931 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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