Mahanaim Life Ministry - Dr Bruce Allen - 17/03/18

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hey we can do better than that come on Olivia that's better good morning goodness I'm gonna import some cool fresh air from home just for you guys this is nice and toasty at least you can say you're not gods frozen Chosin right well I thank you for having us here we had a great week with but the students that came for the school and so you know after that you yeah I was spending the day yesterday afternoon and this afternoon asking the Lord Lord what do you want to share today and he gave me a passage of Scripture actually he gave me a lot of them so he gave me a little bit of a choice but but I want to I want to share with you a process the Lord's been taking me through and discovering his sovereign plan for his people at the end of the age now this began quite a few years ago but it's accelerated in this hour and the foundation of what I'm going to share today is isaiah 46:9 and 10 and it's just paraphrased this way that the Lord declares the end from the beginning and so I started a journey of studying Scripture and finding the first mention or the first time anything is talked about in Scripture because that would be a beginning and so we're going to start with Luke chapter 1 today it is a beginning but it is a prophetic picture of what the Lord is doing and releasing right now in this generation and so we'll start with let me see we'll start with verse 5 Luke 1:5 there was in the days of Herod the king of Judea a certain priest named Zechariah of the priestly division of Abijah and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron and name was Elizabeth okay first thing I want you to recognize prophetically scripture says that you and I are called kings and priests unto God we have priestly duties we have kingly anointings we have function we have a destiny in this hour if you are born again you have a call of God on your life there's no way to get away from that and we have to put back into the proper perspective that fivefold ministry apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher is not the only ministry in the church every individual that has been born of God has a God destiny within them a godly purpose a godly anointing and we all have to discover what it is that the Lord has been speaking to us for years we have people come to us and say I don't know what my calling is and so I ask the Lord one day Lord how do you respond to somebody that's confused about what their calling is I mean I could give you scripture I could give you verse but that's not not what people were looking for so he showed me this one young lady came one time she said I I don't know what my calling is I don't know what my gift is said the Lord showed me some things in her life but I asked her a question what is the burden of your heart what is it you want to accomplish for God oh well I I love to sing I said we'll start there because God gives you the desires of your heart let me say that again and some of you have heard me say this when he births a desire in that's God giving it to you he's not a genie in a bottle that we can make wishes and have him give us anything we want that's not what that means but the Lord births within you godly desires and that she is calling you into that place and so she began by volunteering or asking if she could be part of the worship team from there she not only got involved in the worship team with a servant's heart very shortly the Lord was giving her inspiration she was writing music and songs and she was leading worship and then she was recording CDs what is it God has birthed in your heart you have a priestly ministry unto God now it says in verse 6 that both Elizabeth and Zacharias were righteous before God they were in right standing walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blamelessly amazing under the law that's amazing under grace that's God don't be snared with religious protocol passionately peace pursue relationship with God and they had no child now here's what the Lord began to show me not only are we to minister to God and minister to those the Lord places in our life but we are called to birth forth another generation and ministries to bring forth and create a heavenly legacy by imparting and equipping another generation Zacharias and Elizabeth now this is a prophetic picture of a natural function for some reason they were unable to see this accomplished in their life to see the promise of childbearing come to pass until they were well beyond the age of childbearing now in this hour there are many that have been given promises and callings and visions and dreams from God and this doesn't have to be genial are chronologically speaking of agent people this is anybody that's carried within their heart within their spirit a desire and a burden to do something for God and it just seems as if it has not come forth it's always been a hindrance an obstacle the wrong timing we could go through the litany of things that get in the way but the Lord is about to do something sovereign and supernatural we are a final generation you know us for so many years I remember in the 70s I got saved in the 70s right after Hal Lindsey wrote late great planet Earth and I would read that thing and it scared me to death I thought good heavens I'm only 14 I want to live a little before Jesus comes back now I could slap myself I wish they'd had come back but the truth is every generation thinks they know the timing and the hour and the moment and the second we all come with you I mean have you looked at the internet every year he's coming on this day well he's coming on this day well he's coming on this day what he's come I want to know what they say after he doesn't come on the days they keep saying he's gonna come not excuse me I missed it not on although they come up with another date to keep people in confusion stop looking at that stop looking up it doesn't matter he comes today tomorrow next year next it doesn't matter because you've only got today so you live today like this is it and you'll find fulfillment enjoy so I would read those things and I would get concerned in the Lord over the years taught me how to do what I just told you you live each day as if I'm coming today and then I won't catch you by surprise because you will be found doing what I've called you to do when I return so I said okay and so for many years I had a calling on my life and a longing and the desire to walk in it and I thought it would never come oh I got the pastor I was a youth pastor a worship leader associate pastor I did all those things that I wasn't really called to that was part of the school of the Spirit the Lord took me through but I was called to the nation's and so though I found a measure of satisfaction and fulfillment and what I was doing I was still dissatisfied because it wasn't what I was called to do am I making sense even in the natural workaday world I'm telling on myself mouth I've had many different types of jobs I was a systems analyst at Boeing I also did television production I worked in IT I worked on c-141 aircraft I could go on and on with all the jobs that I had and you know what they were fun until I mastered the skill and then I was bored to tears because it wasn't what I was called to I'm marveled I still marvel today at some people that have been in the same job for 30 40 years I'm like dear God in heaven how do they do that I know how they do that they're called to it until I began to walk in what the Lord had called me - I was like a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof never satisfied always looking for the fulfillment that comes from obedience to what he says this is the same place Zechariah and Elizabeth found themselves in and they had actually resigned themselves to it because in the natural it's it's pretty much over hope was lost and some of you are in this place right now but I want to encourage you God is about to do a new thing he's about to breathe life into those dreams those visions and that calling just because it didn't happen the way you thought God should do it for you doesn't mean the Lord didn't call you to that so they had no children because Elizabeth was barren and they both were now stricken in years or advanced in years I don't like that word stricken and it came to pass that while Zacharias performed the priests office before God in the order of his course according to the custom of the priests office his lot or his duty at this time was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord once in a lifetime would they get this opportunity just once he had waited many years and when the whole multitude of the people were praying outside at the time of the incense he had a visitation they don't our good friend Michael Van blamin was here teaching with us and he could tell for the next six weeks straight non-stop all day I'm not exaggerating he will tell you stories of the angelic visitation he has consist in his life all the time why is that so prevalent in his life because it's not because he's special well there's a measure of passion that he's engaged in but listen we are in a season of visitation it's not just for Michael it's not just for any one individual we have come to a time in the prophetic calendar of God that the Lord is visiting a generation just as he prophesied to the prophets of old he said to Joel he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh you might even hear donkeys prophesy don't be silly don't put God in a box he's pouring out his spirit in acts 1:11 he told that he was ascending to heaven and two men appeared in white and they said why are you guys looking up into heaven the same way he left he's coming again and you know for those 40 days before he ascended Jesus appeared to virtually 90% of the church and resurrected bodily form cousin Luke 2nd Corinthians said he peered upwards of 500 people at one time and in the same way he left he's coming again and so we see multitudes even millions of people around the earth today you can find testimonies everywhere who have been visited by Jesus and many of them are being saved especially in the Islamic world and in Buddhism and in Taoism I mean all over the world those who were actually hungry for God are having a visitation and then he goes on in Joel 2:28 saying this and upon my handmaidens in my servants that's us he's visiting the loss Jesus is appearing and he's also visiting the church we are in a season unparalleled in the history of mankind and it's assigned to you of the eminent return of Messiah when he says it's finished that's why I've been studying what Isaiah 46:10 says if you want to know the end or the begat the end look at the beginning because he declares the end from the beginning in seminary they teach you it's in hermeneutical practice to study scripture they give you 18 different ways but one way is the law of first-mentioned which is actually Isaiah 46:10 here we are God is showing us at the end of the age what we are to have expectation in our heart for and we can see it throughout Scripture am I making sense Amen or oh no so he has a visitation in verse 11 and there appeared to him a messenger an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense and when Zechariah saw him he was troubled and terror fell upon him now listen I've studied a lot in scripture about angelic visitation the only time somebody fell in terror was when the angel had just come from the very presence of the throne of God there was such a manifestation of that intense glory that surround the throne that people would fall down as death notice in acts 1:11 they didn't fall down his dead notice at the garden tomb when Mary and the other woman went there they didn't fall down his dead but here he has a visitation from an angel that's just come from the very presence of God and he's terrified there are some things that are going to drastically impact your life in this our visitation shouldn't be something you've just hope for it should be something you set your spiritual compass towards and expect because the Lord says this is what I am doing now and let me say this it's not about having a visitation from an angel it's about intimacy with Jesus a focus and a passion for him unlocks every door that has anything to do about him so zechariah saw him with his eyes wide open the angel said to him fear not Zechariah for your prayer is heard how long had they been praying till they got to the point where they actually said it's no use we're past the childbearing age at what point have you given up your dream your hope your purpose in God but the Lord saying don't fear don't don't be dismayed the Hope has been deferred for a season it's about the spring forth suddenly in your life now you're about to see in this year a breakthrough the Lord do something extraordinary in your life to release you into your promise and your destiny and everywhere we have been this year from South Africa to the United States to here to everywhere let me tell you the same expectancy has been in the hearts of people everywhere we go God is sovereign ly doing something in a heart saying get ready here it comes get ready here it comes so I want to encourage you don't dismay what you have been hoping for and praying for and longing for is about to spring forth suddenly in your life the angel said fear not for your prayer is heard your wife Elizabeth shall bear you a son you'll call his name John so not only is what God's saying in your life about to come forth but he hears speaking forth and releasing the character of that which comes forth the word name means character and authority so when this visitation angel came and said his name he said the character of that which is about to come forth will be John now you have to study what John means but I'll help you beloved of God what the Lord is about the birth in you in this hour is something God has desired to release through you and it's something he loves it's beloved of God you know when the Lord spoke to me years ago that this would be my wife my wife Reshma I'm gonna be honest at first I was a little upset because I wasn't looking for a wife I said God you set me up but then he said this and he said it very sternly and that's my daughter and I went what he's about to release is his child not your ministry not your desire not your calling it's his therefore you've got to keep the focus and the understanding you're called to steward what he's about to release in your life not take ownership of amen and you shall have joy and gladness and many will rejoice at this birth thing why for he shall be great in the sight of the Lord he shall drink neither wine nor strong drink he will be filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother's womb let me say this ministry is usually burst or those things were called into his usually burst and there's a process that it takes to get to that I will just say this are up and running at steam sometimes years sometimes you've got to put certain things in place but scripture tells us at the end of the age the Lord is going to do a quick work how much quicker then then that which God is about to release through you about the birth through your life comes out already filled with the Spirit of God are you hearing me I'm not talking about something that's going to take years for an anointing and a front I'm talking God's about to release something with power and authority it's gonna be supernatural from the beginning this is gonna be good and many of the children of Israel he turned to the Lord their God there's a Great Awakening about to come on the earth the Lord has been positioning you and preparing you for years I don't care if you're a hundred and five and you haven't started or you're five and you haven't started God's strength is sufficient and he who began the good work in you will complete it and so you have to separate yourself divorce yourself from the carnal mindset that says well I'm too old I'm too young I'm not strong enough I've gotta get away from every excuse you've always used throughout your life even to excuse why this hasn't happened yet because I'm telling you what's about to come forth is sovereign and supernatural and it's not based upon any work of flesh or any intellect of man it's God and what God does he does well and he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah this is it there is an Elijah generation we've been hearing this for years that's about to come forth on the earth just prior to the return of Messiah and the Lord is saying today he's birthing it now through you this Elijah anointing is released it would behoove everyone of us to go back and study the life of Elijah I'm telling you I was told for quite a few years that you know all the miracles of the Old Covenant God will never see those you'll never see those again because that was the Old Testament and now in the New Testament we got something different that's not accurate that is not accurate we're at a time where we're seeing miracles of the son standing still do you know that of time stopping these things are happening I don't understand the physics I don't even understand the spiritual logic I just know there are testimonies today of that very thing happening and this because it happens in one place and not everywhere at once that's not too hard for God he can do anything if you don't believe me look at your life amen there are extraordinary miracles taking place things we've never seen and never heard before I love this I love this story you know we travel so much we're always all around the world and often times fellowship is around a a meal table you know but there comes a time when you just get bored with eating well I do I don't know what everybody else I'd rather be doing something else and I'm hearing more and more testimonies of supernaturally people never having to eat again haven't done it for over 20 years I mean nothing there was a whole village in up in the mountains of Indonesia for the he's East Timur I think it was and so everything they had had to be brought in by truck had to be imported in the food wise and for a generation they had become used to the supply you know because of the supply line and one day a typhoon came and wiped out all the roads and all power now the power was used to help bring fresh clean water out of the wells and they were unable to get back up there for over two and a half months and they were dreading it they knew that we're gonna come up and find people sick and dead because there was no food in water they had lost their ability to live off the land like they had once done and so finally when they cleared the road and they came in they came into a thriving village and they were shocked they said wow what did you do store up food food doesn't keep in this humid weather how did you survive with no water and no food they said well we were concerned at first that somebody heard the voice of God say sit down every day at mealtime corporately and read the scripture and I will fill you so every day they sat down and read the word and God filled them a whole village I like that if he could give whining complaining gossiping murmuring backbiting people forty years in the wilderness manna every day how much more will he take care of those who love him passionately the spirit and power of Elijah is something far too seldom looked at I teach on it in the school but I've only taught a fraction of what God's shown me Elijah is an extraordinary person historically and in Scripture not too many like him not too many that go to heaven and the Lord said your ministry isn't done you're gonna come back at the end of the age and finish matter of fact he's the only one that I know of what a life look at just with that alone think about this if we're coming in the spirit and power of Elijah if that's what God is birthing in this generation and he's been to heaven for how many thousand years 4,000 4,500 years and then he gets to come back in minister what that say to us you have a right you have access to go and engage it and walk in the city of the king and come back and and administer we have access Jesus is the door he purchased this for each one of us how about Elijah's limousine chariot of fire you all have one you know it's been assigned to you you just most of you don't realize that the spirit and power of Elijah you know what I read things like this when God provokes me and challenges me it's not just oh that's a good message God is who I'm gonna start walking in this reshma and I practice I'm just crazy enough to believe God if he's provoking my spirit and challenging me it's because he wants me to do something not just go wow that's good Lord some years ago quite a few years ago now about four years after we got married we went back to Fiji to visit her family and our missionary friend that was there and we came into the her home and we said her name was opal Moore and we said it I don't know why I said oppa how's the weather here at this time she said it's really bad as non-stop rain we can't get anything done and I didn't even think it came out of my spirit I said well what are you doing about it she said what do you mean I said okay she doesn't understand Reshma and I grabbed hands and we said no more rain until we release you and it stopped cleared up and it was sunny the whole time we were there now that's not look at us that's see God challenges me this way do you have faith to believe that what you speak is reality and that must obey everything God created fits in the span of his hand and he gave you dominion over that you have authority over the wind than the waves you have authority over the environment but if you don't act upon it what's the point oh we can't go out today it's gonna rain we can't do that because it's too hot we will do something about it okay man I'm challenging pastor Jose right now start speaking cool air in this room no I'm serious now listen you get what you believe in what you speak if you can see that when you speak you release 75 degrees consistently in this room guess what you won't need air conditioning or fans it will happen you have that authority how do I know that because others are doing it too and the word says it clearly we limit God by our finite concept of what God can accomplish and do or who we are in Christ you are as he is first John 4:17 be as he is so are you in this world you have authority you've never even recognized or begun to use we do this all the time on the airplanes I've been very stressed from a couple of times see on the airplanes I usually can't sleep so I read three or four books I finished three or four books on these long flights and then that you know occasionally the pilot goes dinging everybody sit down and take your seats because we're gonna hit turbulence squawk and I was reading one day and also her and I just I had my headphones on - silence so you don't know how large you speak when you're here in the name of Jesus peace be still she went and everybody turned and looked but it instantly oh sorry but we practiced this all the time it and not once hear me not once has it ever failed not once because he's developed our faith in this and we wouldn't have our faith developed in this if you hadn't provoked us challenged us and we practiced you don't pre-cum proficient without practice what God is releasing now even though it's coming filled with the spirit and power you still have to do something with what God's releasing in your life there's nothing impossible so what we are about to see released what you have been holding on to God for four years and trusting and even losing hope because it's been deferred God's about to resurrect it and release it and it's going to precede the return of Jesus it's got everything he's doing something that's gonna point at Christ in this generation I'm just gonna say it even the faith news we have that in America I don't know about here they're gonna start reporting the miracles of God because they're gonna be so prevalent that they have no choice because what God is doing is he's making all of creation aware that he is God he is sovereign you have a choice you can come into this kingdom or you can stoutly resist and pay the price he loves the world enough and he's going to use you to model a lot of this and Zechariah said to the angel verse 18 how shall I know this from an old man and my wife is well advanced in years a man who has been a priest listen didn't it just say they were without reproach didn't the word just say blameless and yet now he has a visit sovereign visitation from an angel and he said what proof are you gonna give me that this is true well isn't this supernatural visitation proof enough was the last thing you had this no he's human it's just like us or were just like him so the angel said okay I'm gay bro I stand in the presence of God and I'm sent to speak to you and to show you these glad tidings you didn't believe me so he says this behold you shall be dumb mute unable to speak until the day that these things shall be performed because you believe not my words which shall be fulfilled in their season now that's a mercy that's not a judgement do you know that everything God does is because of his love he was helping Zechariah who could have spoken doubt and unbelief and thwarted the plan and purpose of God [Music] maybe it's time we began to pray Lord shut my mouth just saying because father too often Lord what comes out is unbelief and doubt a negative and judgment and condemnation and father I'm tired of that I repent of that I don't know how to overcome that so shut my mouth he told me years ago only speak when spoken through that's nice but it's pretty hard to do it's easy when you're under an anointing it's difficult in everyday life just ask my wife only speak when spoken through only do what I tell you to do that one's a little bit easier I have been focused on one particular scripture for about seven years now just 1 John 5:19 Jesus said of my own self I can do nothing Jesus said that I'm helpless I can't accomplish anything on my own I feel better now me neither God we really are brothers then he said I only do what I see my father doing oops it went from identification with who he is I can't do this alone - how did you get there but he said if I can do this you can do this so I can't identify with of my own self I can do nothing if I don't identify with I can see what the father's doing and do that also I have to agree with the whole not the part I might be good at the first part but the second part is mine also it's okay that you can do nothing that's why covenant was entered into with Jesus because your strength causes you to fail your weakness causes his strength to prevail did you hear me I I learned a long time ago that the Lord seldom if ever tells you to do something you can do because if you can do it there's no faith required he's always challenging you to do something you can't do that's beyond your ability so that you have no recourse but here Lord I can't do this hello he said good let me show you take this step take this step take this step member that old game twister you twist it you put this color and that come pretty soon you're in a pretzel shape and that's almost like following God just trust him take this step take this step pretty soon you're going God how does this accomplish what you want he says it doesn't but I'm having fun but he leads you and guides you step by step and so you go step by step and pretty soon you find that's the only way you want to live it's a place of rest it's a place of security it's a place of intimacy I remember the first time I ever saw Gabriel we were ministering in a town in Central Washington State had a gathering of about 40 people and all of a sudden in the room as I was standing up to minister we were waiting on the Lord I saw this glorious angel coming dressed I mean his garment was gold and he had a golden headband I'd never seen that before I did what God showed me to do did Jesus Christ come in the flesh and he smiled at me and said yes he did the problem is when he says that when he's just come from the presence of God you kind of kind of go you can't stand in that and he had a scroll in his hand and he was standing next to a friend of ours very prophetic lady and I said well sir well what are you here for he said tell her that I'm standing here and I have a message from God for her so I soon as I called her name Dara the power of God hid her I said Gabriel is standing next to you and she almost melted on the floor because she now she doesn't make displays I'm telling you that she doesn't I said put out your right hand she was sitting down there was a table there she did this and when he put it the scroll in her hand her hand caught I'm it was burning ah I said now what gay bro she have a read it she ate it and when that thing entered into her it was sweet and burning and fire all at the same time and she was out and God released into her a strategy for the next season of her life I'd never seen that before extraordinary changed my life and listen thank God she didn't question and doubt we didn't question and doubt this is an hour of visitation now since I'm doing this I mind you wanna hear one more I was ministering in a place called tum tum Washington it's on the top of a mountain is a retreat place and we were doing a week-long school up there and I had a good friend of ours that was coming that I didn't doctor Flo elders I didn't know what she was going to be teaching on she's a Native American and she's a revivalist event well when she comes the glory shows up so I didn't know what she was teaching on I found out later she's going to teach on ministering with angels so that first night during worship I'm seeing thousands of angels from all points of the compass coming and landing on that property and I'm looking at this and I went with Lord there's way too many to say that Jesus come in the detest every spirit and the Lord smiled and said no that's of me they're mine so thank God just they were greeting one another it was amazing and then all of a sudden something other appears something other landed and this was a massive being dark complected brown hair but I mean just like lightning and sparks coming off of it was I said dear God who's that he said that's Michael I said oh boy we're gonna have warfare shortly after that another majestic angel came and it was Gabriel and I said wow Proclamation warfare and Proclamation and it was fascinating to see these two Archangels greet each other because when they greet it wasn't joyful for of all you know frivolous old friends it was very solemn very dignified because they listen they're serious you can have fun and joke with some other angels you never joke with them and when they speak it's like thunders and lightnings go off well then I found out she's teaching on ministering with angels I went oh she taught all week on this that's why I know what God is doing now is extraordinary in this generation not just through this experience through the scripture that he began to show me what he's doing so at the end of the week she said now I've taught on ministering the Ministry of angels we do not command angels only God does but when the Lord speaks and he commands you to do something they are there with you she said the Lord told me we have 5 prayer points we're gonna begin to pray and we're just gonna pray in the spirit until we get a release of the Spirit now knowing dr. Ehlers I thought were gonna be here for another week she loves to pray so she said here it is let's pray we started praying in the spirit and the moment I opened my mouth the Lord gave me a different tongue the tongues of men and of angels I got an angelic tongue how do I know because all of a sudden a large group of angels came over to where I was because I'm speaking their language and in front of me was this map of this region and I began to say okay here's the stronghold of the enemy they have snares and traps here they have snares and traps here but here's the place of ingress and egress so we're going to ambush and we went through this whole thing like a platoon sergeant telling us platoon this is how we're going to take this position and when I said in their tongue okay let's go instantly dr. Ellis said okay we're released from this one here's the second prayer point five different languages five different times the Lord showed me how you and I ministered together with these angels they're here in the room they're here releasing this promise now the people verse 21 waited for Zechariah and they were marveling that he tarried so long in the temple usually it was pretty quick because the priests were terrified that they would die in that place if they did anything wrong that's why they had a cord tied to their leg because if they were not cleansed properly if they hadn't approached properly burned the incense for anything they did wrong they would die in the presence of God because God is holy so that now they're getting concerned he's not come out yet when should we pull on this thing I always laugh at that he's talking to Gabriel all sitacles leave excuse me so they're there wondering why is he carrying when he came out he couldn't speak not only because that was the mercy of God but you know oftentimes you will find when you have an encounter with God or his messengers you're so undone you can't speak there's no words to convey it you have to digest it a little bit and get you know go through it but he can't speak and they perceived they're pretty quick they perceived he had had a vision in the temple where he made signs to them and remained speechless and it came to pass let that echo in your spirit in this hour it came to pass it's coming to pass in your life now that as soon as the days of administration were accomplished he departed to his own house he didn't stop the ministry he was called to because the promise that he had been waiting for for so long was coming he was a steward and he diligently did what he was supposed to do well the promise was coming he didn't go home and sit on his blessed assurance to say okay I'm not going to do anything now until it happens no you keep on God brings it forth as he wants he had to wait nine months so he kept doing what the Lord had called him to do the same is true of you just because you get a prophetic word or a glimpse here's what I've been waiting for all these years is about to happen don't stop keep moving forward you will see the progression as this thing gets larger in you and larger to be birthed through you and so that when it comes forth you'll be ready pray into it rejoice over this promise give glory to God no more I wish it would happen I hope it's going to happen I waited so long for it to happen start rejoicing today because this is the year that God's going to release this after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived and hid herself for five months five was a good number in Scripture she stayed in grace she hid herself in grace for five months thus and after thus has the Lord dealt with me in the days where and he looked on me to take away my reproach now listen this is so important some of us have had that reproach in our life we have felt like we have failed I mean we've all felt at times Lord I've wasted so much time I never fulfilled or did what you called me to do I've made so many mistakes drop the ball so many times but God's gonna take away your reproach I see when he says at the end of the age he's going to redeem the time brother Neville has a profound message on this the redemption of what he's doing in your life every past failure that you've ever had God's going to change it as if it was a success so what you should have learned and reaped from a success is going to be redeemed and invested in you now that's a real good place for an amen God does all things well he does a complete work not a piece of a work you know we looked like we you know we dropped the ball here we've only done a part of it here I'm the same I've done the same thing you know we even questioned if I'd only known all of this back when I first got saved where would I be today and the Lord finally one day said in the same place because there's a time and a season the only thing I really wanted was more intimacy with God that's the only reason I looked back I said if I had just known you like this then I could have grown in intimacy but he said I could do more in a moment that you could have done in a lifetime spend time with me now I'll redeem it I'll redeem it I said yes sir the quick work God's going to do is what he's about to birth and release through you is going to bring the fulfillment and the redemption of every past failure so they're all success now I sit in the school this week I'll say it again you wouldn't be here if you hadn't been a failure because you learn through your mistakes don't let the brand to failure stick with you that's the condemnation of the devil we all fail well that's because we're taking steps forward just look at the newborns the babies don't come out of the womb with a Harvard education talking 14 languages running no there's a process they get up they fall down and the parent goes what's the matter with this kid no you're going come on you can do it all wasn't that exciting they took their first step God does the same with you it's for you so keep getting up and going keep getting and sometimes you fall down and you get an owie and you cry you don't stay down you get up because your parents love you say come on you can do it keep going it's okay the Lord does the same for you the only way you are a failure in the kingdom of God is if you stay down and you wallow in it and never try again but the moment you get up and keep going you just became a success that other said some of you free right there now not only listen not only did Zacharias and Elizabeth receive a prophetic promise at the end of the age there's another young lady had a visitation from Gabriel also and her name was married well Jesus isn't going to be born again know the metaphor is this sons and daughters are about to come forth I have to explain that to you because it doesn't make sense in our Western culture in Hebraic culture when they would have a birthing of a child unto us a child is born but there was a process before a son was given and it was a process from birth until they reached the time appointed of the Father where the father recognized maturity and then the father would take that child to the gate of the city where all of the business was transacted where the elders would sit and sit in judgment for anything that was going on and he would pronounce at the top of his voice today I adopt you as my son and joint heir and everybody would witness this one has now come of age that's the difference we're about to see it coming forth sons and daughters of the Most High God Jesus was the firstborn among many now we're about to see what creation has been crying out for mature sons and daughters to come forth the Lord just told me to provoke you with this here's a sign for you that we are now in this hour because when the two meet there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit when the elijah anointing and mature sons the daughter's anointing come together remember how the babies left in their womb Mary began to prophesy all social supernatural things took place watch and see what God's about to do to bear witness of this hour in your life don't be surprised when you walk in a room and people start getting fill of the Holy Ghost instantly that should be normal Christianity you're the carrier of something that's very contagious the spirit of life the Spirit of God the spirit of prophecy you're a carrier of that mist time we started infecting the world with this you can read the rest of this scripture you can go through look at the first look at beginnings the firsts in scripture you will get a picture in a revelation of what he's doing at the end of the age it's an amazing time you'll never understand revelation if you don't have a revelation of Genesis you'll never get it we can theorize and with our western tinted glasses go through how this is all going to play out but you know what if we don't understand context and culture we're gonna keep missing it Walid Shoebat you ever heard of him [Music] somebody asked him one time what did you think of how Lindsey's book the late great planet Earth he said that was the best fit Christian fiction book I'd ever read fiction why because it was Western colored glasses that had nothing to do with the culture of the time or the people of Israel and so he brought his intellect to define something that only comes by revelation we have to be careful of that in this hour we have to receive revelation by the spirit of the in God that's how it works it's a day of visitation I just sense this too you know there's other areas in our life we feel like maybe we fail I know the church in America I know the church over here when there were certain things being voted on in the Parliament or in the in the country about accepting perverse ways of life and things that are not godly how you would pray and you'd intercede and it seemed like you failed but you didn't fail because of the spark of light because of the spark of faith because of the spark of life that you portrayed God still has access and he can still do something and I'm telling you he's going to these things will be reversed and righteousness will once again take a preeminent position prepare your hearts for the greatest visitation and awakening the world's ever known you know we can lobby we can politicize we can speak we can write we can preach all we want and it might have bailed nothing or it might avail a little bit but when Jesus shows up it's over you're not gonna withstand the power and the presence of his person we're about to see this and witness this we have begun the final movement into the end of the age you know I remember I was in the military during what was coined Desert Storm the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and how we had 100 days to go in and reverse that and within 100 days we did that we should have gone all the way and finished it we didn't I have this sense in my heart I've been sensing this for a while we're on that final thrust that final movement to the conclusion to seeing this thing finished however long god depicts that to be that's up to him you have a place in the army of God you have a destiny in the kingdom of God you have a release and a birthing of the promise of God you're about to see this thing come to pass and I'm excited for us because I have some things in my heart I've been waiting a long time for and it's about to come to pass now amen I want to pray for you there is a strong spirit of prophecy in the room a strong spirit of the possible the possibility of God grab hold of this by faith right now father as they focus their heart and their attention upon you fan the flame of that passion and hope once again in their heart but take it past and beyond anything they have ever known before into the realm of I know this is true and I know it's for me right now because father this is what you're releasing no longer Lord will will be on the outside looking in no longer will we'll be in the back looking to the front but father you're about to release us into the fullness of the promise and the destiny of our life and I thank you your birthing this new thing in us I thank you it's the time and the season a breakthrough into the full promise of God and so I pray this release upon them father no more striving no more seeking no more trying but father doing walking in it and father I thank you for the rest that comes in knowing it's finished I thank you for that rest even this week lord I know you will begin to confirm your word in their lives as they see the impossible become possible in different areas of their lives I thank you father for breakthrough I thank you father for breakthrough now is the day now is the hour of the fulfillment of this promise thank you Father I have been shaking and stirring the nation's for many generations now I have prepared by pairing a people that would come forth at a specified time and season of my choosing that was written in the book of Destiny before the foundation of this Worth and now that hour has come and I have chosen you my people to carry forth into this season the fullness of the promise that I have released to the prophets of old and it shall come to pass in this day you have been chosen as a royal people a holy nation a peculiar nation you will show forth the praises of your God and you will see my hand stretched out and no longer shortened for I will accomplish in your day those things I have been speaking of for generations I am releasing the fullness of the storehouses of heaven upon this final generation that they will be equipped and ready for all that I am calling them to do you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and because of your willingness in the day of my power I shall begin to function in your life and move through your life in extraordinary ways I give you this promise those in your family that have been backslidden and stoutly resisted the truth of the light of the glory of God are about to be visited by my spirit for I have given you this promise when I said if you would accept me and be saved your household would be saved also and now you shall see it come to pass my word is truth my promise is sure my coming is near thank you Father bless your people Lord will expectancy put the grace of an expectancy in their hearts like they've never known Father faithful are you who called who also she'll do it amen okay let's give God a clap offering praise alone hallelujah there's a powerful prayer I hope everyone a bale of that prayer I tell you go home without prayer
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 19,563
Rating: 4.8639455 out of 5
Id: wYWO4Qt5mxc
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Length: 64min 44sec (3884 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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